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Supported OS
네트워크 점검에서는 호스트 운영 시스템에서 TCP/IP 통계를 수집합니다.
호스트에서 실행되는 Agent에 대해 이 검사를 설치하고 구성하려면 아래 지침을 따르세요.
네트워크 점검은 Datadog Agent 패키지에 포함되어 있으므로 서버에 다른 것을 설치할 필요가 없습니다.
이 통합으로 메트릭을 수집하려면 호스트에 conntrack 모듈이 활성화되어 있는지 확인해야 합니다. 활성화되어 있지 않은 경우에는 다음을 실행하세요.
sudo modprobe nf_conntrack
sudo modprobe nf_conntrack_ipv4
sudo modprobe nf_conntrack_ipv6
참고: 에이전트 이미지에 conntrack 바이너리 설치가 필요할 수 있습니다.
기본적으로 에이전트에서 네트워크 점검이 활성화되어 있으나, 직접 구성을 확인하고 싶을 경우에는 에이전트 구성 디렉터리 루트에 있는 conf.d/
폴더에서 network.d/conf.yaml
파일을 편집할 수 있습니다. 사용할 수 있는 구성 옵션 전체를 보려면 network.d/conf.yaml 샘플을 참고하세요.
변경된 구성을 적용하려면 에이전트 다시 시작하세요.
액세스 권한이 있는 conntrack을 실행해야 가져올 수 있는 메트릭이 일부 있을 수 있습니다.
Linux: 이 작업을 진행하려면 다음 sudoers를 구성하세요.
dd-agent ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/conntrack -S
Kubernetes v1.11 이하, 또는 Kubernetes v1.11+ 이상에서 host
네트워킹 모드를 사용하는 경우에 기본적으로 Conntrack 메트릭을 사용할 수 있습니다.
AWS ENA 메트릭을 수집하는 방법:
collect_aws_ena_metrics: true
를 사용해 network
점검을 업데이트하여 AWS ENA 메트릭을 활성화합니다.host
네트워크 모드를 사용하고 NET_ADMIN
기능을 추가합니다.Datadog Helm 차트 배포를 하려면 다음으로 차트 값을 업데이트합니다.
# Enable AWS ENA metrics collection for network check
network.yaml: |-
- collect_aws_ena_metrics: true
# Have agent containers use host network with NET_ADMIN capability
useHostNetwork: true
DaemonSet를 사용해 수동으로 에이전트를 배포한 경우, datadog
DaemonSet 패치를 적용합니다.
dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet
hostNetwork: true
- name: agent
- containerPort: 8125
hostPort: 8125
name: dogstatsdport
protocol: UDP
참고: hostNetwork: true
의 경우 모든 컨테이너에 적용되기 때문에 DaemonSet의 다른 컨테이너에 hostPort: 8125
를 추가해야 할 수 있습니다.
에이전트의 status
하위 명령을 실행하고 Checks 섹션 아래에서 network
를 찾습니다.
system.net.aws.ec2.bw_in_allowance_exceeded (gauge) | The number of packets shaped because the inbound aggregate bandwidth exceeded the maximum for the instance. Shown as packet |
system.net.aws.ec2.bw_out_allowance_exceeded (gauge) | The number of packets shaped because the outbound aggregate bandwidth exceeded the maximum for the instance. Shown as packet |
system.net.aws.ec2.conntrack_allowance_available (gauge) | The number of tracked connections that can be established before hitting the Connections Tracked allowance. Shown as connection |
system.net.aws.ec2.conntrack_allowance_exceeded (gauge) | The number of packets shaped because connection tracking exceeded the maximum for the instance and new connections could not be established. Shown as packet |
system.net.aws.ec2.linklocal_allowance_exceeded (gauge) | The number of packets shaped because the PPS of the traffic to local proxy services exceeded the maximum for the network interface. Shown as packet |
system.net.aws.ec2.pps_allowance_exceeded (gauge) | The number of packets shaped because the bidirectional PPS exceeded the maximum for the instance. Shown as packet |
system.net.iface.mtu (gauge) | The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of the network interface (Linux only). Shown as unit |
system.net.iface.tx_queue_len (gauge) | The length of the transmit queue of the network interface (Linux only). Shown as unit |
system.net.iface.num_tx_queues (gauge) | The number of transmit queue of a network interface (Linux only). Shown as unit |
system.net.iface.num_rx_queues (gauge) | The number of receive queue of a network interface (Linux only). Shown as unit |
system.net.bytes_rcvd (gauge) | The number of bytes received on a device per second. Shown as byte |
system.net.bytes_sent (gauge) | The number of bytes sent from a device per second. Shown as byte |
system.net.conntrack.acct (gauge) | Boolean to enable connection tracking flow accounting. 64-bit byte and packet counters per flow are added. Shown as unit |
system.net.conntrack.buckets (gauge) | Size of the hash table. Shown as unit |
system.net.conntrack.checksum (gauge) | Boolean to verify checksum of incoming packets. Shown as unit |
system.net.conntrack.count (gauge) | The number of connections present in the conntrack table. Shown as connection |
system.net.conntrack.drop (count) | The number of drop in the conntrack table. Shown as unit |
system.net.conntrack.early_drop (count) | The number of early drop in the conntrack table. Shown as unit |
system.net.conntrack.error (count) | The number of error in the conntrack table. Shown as unit |
system.net.conntrack.events (count) | Boolean to enable the connection tracking code will provide userspace with connection tracking events via ctnetlink. Shown as unit |
system.net.conntrack.events_retry_timeout (gauge) | Shown as unit |
system.net.conntrack.expect_max (gauge) | Maximum size of expectation table. Shown as unit |
system.net.conntrack.found (count) | The number of currently allocated flow entries. Shown as unit |
system.net.conntrack.generic_timeout (gauge) | Default for generic timeout. This refers to layer 4 unknown/unsupported protocols. Shown as unit |
system.net.conntrack.helper (gauge) | Boolean to enable automatic conntrack helper assignment. Shown as unit |
system.net.conntrack.icmp_timeout (gauge) | Default for ICMP timeout. Shown as second |
system.net.conntrack.ignore (count) | The number of ignored in the conntrack table. Shown as unit |
system.net.conntrack.invalid (count) | The number of invalid in the conntrack table. Shown as unit |
system.net.conntrack.insert (count) | The number of insertion in the conntrack table. Shown as unit |
system.net.conntrack.insert_failed (count) | The number of failed insertion in the conntrack table. Shown as unit |
system.net.conntrack.log_invalid (gauge) | Log invalid packets of a type specified by value. Shown as unit |
system.net.conntrack.max (gauge) | Conntrack table max capacity. Shown as connection |
system.net.conntrack.search_restart (count) | Shown as unit |
system.net.conntrack.tcp_be_liberal (gauge) | Boolean to mark only out of window RST segments as INVALID. Shown as unit |
system.net.conntrack.tcp_loose (gauge) | Boolean to enable picking up already established connections. Shown as unit |
system.net.conntrack.tcp_max_retrans (gauge) | Maximum number of packets that can be retransmitted without received an (acceptable) ACK from the destination. Shown as packet |
system.net.conntrack.tcp_timeout_close (gauge) | Shown as second |
system.net.conntrack.tcp_timeout_close_wait (gauge) | Shown as second |
system.net.conntrack.tcp_timeout_established (gauge) | Shown as second |
system.net.conntrack.tcp_timeout_fin_wait (gauge) | Shown as second |
system.net.conntrack.tcp_timeout_last_ack (gauge) | Shown as second |
system.net.conntrack.tcp_timeout_max_retrans (gauge) | Shown as second |
system.net.conntrack.tcp_timeout_syn_recv (gauge) | Shown as second |
system.net.conntrack.tcp_timeout_syn_sent (gauge) | Shown as second |
system.net.conntrack.tcp_timeout_time_wait (gauge) | Shown as second |
system.net.conntrack.tcp_timeout_unacknowledged (gauge) | Shown as second |
system.net.conntrack.tcp_timeout (gauge) | Shown as second |
system.net.conntrack.tcp_timeout_stream (gauge) | Shown as second |
system.net.conntrack.timestamp (gauge) | Boolean to enable connection tracking flow timestamping. Shown as unit |
system.net.packets_in.count (gauge) | The number of packets of data received by the interface. Shown as packet |
system.net.packets_in.drop (gauge) | The number of packet receive drops detected by the device driver. This metric is only available on Linux or Windows. Shown as packet |
system.net.packets_in.error (gauge) | The number of packet receive errors detected by the device driver. Shown as error |
system.net.packets_out.count (gauge) | The number of packets of data transmitted by the interface. Shown as packet |
system.net.packets_out.drop (gauge) | The number of packet transmit drops detected by the device driver. This metric is only available on Linux or Windows. Shown as packet |
system.net.packets_out.error (gauge) | The number of packet transmit errors detected by the device driver. Shown as error |
system.net.ip.in_receives (gauge) | Number of received IP datagrams (including dropped datagrams) (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.in_receives.count (count) | Number of received IP datagrams (including dropped datagrams) (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.in_header_errors (gauge) | Number of received IP datagrams discarded because of IP header errors (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.in_header_errors.count (count) | Number of received IP datagrams discarded because of IP header errors (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.in_addr_errors (gauge) | Number of received IP datagrams discarded because of an invalid IP address (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.in_addr_errors.count (count) | Number of received IP datagrams discarded because of an invalid IP address (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.in_unknown_protos (gauge) | Number of received IP datagrams discarded because of an unknown IP proto (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.in_unknown_protos.count (count) | Number of received IP datagrams discarded because of an unknown IP proto (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.in_discards (gauge) | Number of received IP datagrams which were valid but discarded due to buffer issue (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.in_discards.count (count) | Number of received IP datagrams which were valid but discarded due to buffer issue (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.in_delivers (gauge) | Number of received IP datagrams delivered to IP user-protocols (including ICMP) (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.in_delivers.count (count) | Number of received IP datagrams delivered to IP user-protocols (including ICMP) (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.out_requests (gauge) | Number of output IP datagrams (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.out_requests.count (count) | Number of output IP datagrams (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.out_discards (gauge) | Number of output IP datagrams which were valid but discarded due to buffer issue (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.out_discards.count (count) | Number of output IP datagrams which were valid but discarded due to buffer issue (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.out_no_routes (gauge) | Number of output IP datagrams discarded because no route was found (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.out_no_routes.count (count) | Number of output IP datagrams discarded because no route was found (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.forwarded_datagrams (gauge) | Number of IP datagrams forwarded (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.forwarded_datagrams.count (count) | Number of IP datagrams forwarded (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.reassembly_timeouts (gauge) | Number of IP timeouts triggered during reassembly (Linux only). Shown as timeout |
system.net.ip.reassembly_timeouts.count (count) | Number of IP timeouts triggered during reassembly (Linux only). Shown as timeout |
system.net.ip.reassembly_requests (gauge) | Number of IP fragments received that needed to be reassembled (Linux only). |
system.net.ip.reassembly_requests.count (count) | Number of IP fragments received that needed to be reassembled (Linux only). |
system.net.ip.reassembly_oks (gauge) | Number of IP datagrams successfully reassembled (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.reassembly_oks.count (count) | Number of IP datagrams successfully reassembled (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.reassembly_fails (gauge) | Number of failures during IP reassembly (Linux only). |
system.net.ip.reassembly_fails.count (count) | Number of failures during IP reassembly (Linux only). |
system.net.ip.reassembly_overlaps (gauge) | Number of input IP fragments overlapping during reassembly (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.reassembly_overlaps.count (count) | Number of input IP fragments overlapping during reassembly (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.fragmentation_oks (gauge) | Number of output IP datagrams that were successfully fragmented (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.fragmentation_oks.count (count) | Number of output IP datagrams that were successfully fragmented (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.fragmentation_fails (gauge) | Number of output IP datagrams discarded because they couldn't be fragmented (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.fragmentation_fails.count (count) | Number of output IP datagrams discarded because they couldn't be fragmented (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.fragmentation_creates (gauge) | Number of output IP fragments generated as a result of IP fragmentation (Linux only). |
system.net.ip.fragmentation_creates.count (count) | Number of output IP fragments generated as a result of IP fragmentation (Linux only). |
system.net.ip.in_no_routes (gauge) | Number of input IP datagrams discarded because no route was found (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.in_no_routes.count (count) | Number of input IP datagrams discarded because no route was found (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.in_truncated_pkts (gauge) | Number of input IP datagrams whose actual size is smaller than the Total Length field in the IPv4 header (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.in_truncated_pkts.count (count) | Number of input IP datagrams whose actual size is smaller than the Total Length field in the IPv4 header (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.in_csum_errors (gauge) | Number of input IP datagrams with incorrect checksum (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.ip.in_csum_errors.count (count) | Number of input IP datagrams with incorrect checksum (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.tcp.active_opens (gauge) | Number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-SENT state from the CLOSED state (Linux or Windows only). Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp.active_opens.count (count) | Number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-SENT state from the CLOSED state (Linux or Windows only). Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp.passive_opens (gauge) | Number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-RCVD state from the LISTEN state (Linux or Windows only). Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp.passive_opens.count (count) | Number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-RCVD state from the LISTEN state (Linux or Windows only). Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp.attempt_fails (gauge) | The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the SYN-SENT state or the SYN-RCVD state plus the number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD state (Linux or Windows only). Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp.attempt_fails.count (count) | The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the SYN-SENT state or the SYN-RCVD state plus the number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD state (Linux or Windows only). Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp.established_resets (gauge) | The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state (Linux or Windows only). Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp.established_resets.count (count) | The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state (Linux or Windows only). Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp.current_established (gauge) | The number of TCP connections for which the current state is either ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-WAIT (Linux or Windows only). Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp.connections (gauge) | The number of TCP connections in all states except listening connections. Shown as segment |
system.net.tcp.in_errors (gauge) | The total number of segments received in error (e.g. bad TCP checksums) (Linux or Windows only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp.in_errors.count (count) | The total number of segments received in error (e.g. bad TCP checksums) (Linux or Windows only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp.out_resets (gauge) | The number of TCP segments sent containing the RST flag (Linux or Windows only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp.out_resets.count (count) | The number of TCP segments sent containing the RST flag (Linux or Windows only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp.in_csum_errors (gauge) | The number of TCP segments received with a bad TCP checksum (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp.in_csum_errors.count (count) | The number of TCP segments received with a bad TCP checksum (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp.failed_retransmits (gauge) | Number of TCP packets that failed to be retransmitted (Linux only) Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp.failed_retransmits.count (count) | Number of TCP packets that failed to be retransmitted (Linux only) Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp.in_segs (gauge) | The number of TCP segments received (Linux, Solaris, or Windows only). Shown as segment |
system.net.tcp.in_segs.count (count) | Total number of received TCP segments (Linux, Solaris, or Windows only). Shown as segment |
system.net.tcp.out_segs (gauge) | The number of TCP segments transmitted (Linux, Solaris, or Windows only). Shown as segment |
system.net.tcp.out_segs.count (count) | Total number of transmitted TCP segments (Linux, Solaris, or Windows only). Shown as segment |
system.net.tcp.rcv_packs (gauge) | The number of TCP packets received (BSD only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp.retrans_packs (gauge) | The number of TCP packets retransmitted (BSD only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp.retrans_segs (gauge) | The number of TCP segments retransmitted (Linux, Solaris, or Windows only). Shown as segment |
system.net.tcp.retrans_segs.count (count) | Total number of retransmitted TCP segments (Linux, Solaris, or Windows only). Shown as segment |
system.net.tcp.sent_packs (gauge) | The number of TCP packets transmitted (BSD only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp.listen_overflows (gauge) | The number of times connections have overflowed the accept buffer (Linux only). Available since Agent v5.14.0. |
system.net.tcp.listen_overflows.count (count) | Total number of times connections have overflowed the accept buffer (Linux only). |
system.net.tcp.listen_drops (gauge) | The number of times connections have dropped out of listen (Linux only). Available since Agent v5.14.0. |
system.net.tcp.listen_drops.count (count) | Total number of times connections have dropped out of listen (Linux only). |
system.net.tcp.backlog_drops (gauge) | The number of packets dropped because there wasn't room in the TCP backlog (Linux only). Available since Agent v5.14.0. Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp.backlog_drops.count (count) | Total number of packets dropped because there wasn't room in the TCP backlog (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp.prune_called (gauge) | The number of times TCP prune was called (Linux only). |
system.net.tcp.prune_called.count (count) | Total number of times TCP prune was called (Linux only). |
system.net.tcp.prune_rcv_drops (gauge) | The number of received packets dropped after an unsuccessful prune (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp.prune_rcv_drops.count (count) | Total number of received packets dropped after an unsuccessful prune (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp.prune_ofo_called (gauge) | The number of times the out-of-order queues were pruned (Linux only). |
system.net.tcp.prune_ofo_called.count (count) | Total number of times the out-of-order queues were pruned (Linux only). |
system.net.tcp.paws_connection_drops (gauge) | The number of SYN-ACK packets dropped by PAWS (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp.paws_connection_drops.count (count) | Total number of SYN-ACK packets dropped by PAWS (Linux only). |
system.net.tcp.paws_established_drops (gauge) | The number of packets dropped by PAWS in an established connection (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp.paws_established_drops.count (count) | Total number of packets dropped by PAWS in an established connection (Linux only). |
system.net.tcp.syn_cookies_sent (gauge) | The number of SYN cookie packets sent (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp.syn_cookies_sent.count (count) | Total number of SYN cookie packets sent (Linux only). |
system.net.tcp.syn_cookies_recv (gauge) | The number of SYN cookie packets received (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp.syn_cookies_recv.count (count) | Total number of SYN cookie packets received (Linux only). |
system.net.tcp.syn_cookies_failed (gauge) | The number of failed SYN cookie packets received (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp.syn_cookies_failed.count (count) | Total number of failed SYN cookie packets received (Linux only). |
system.net.tcp.abort_on_timeout (gauge) | The number of sockets closed due to timeout (maximum retransmission reached or tcp keepalive timeout) (Linux only). |
system.net.tcp.abort_on_timeout.count (count) | Total number of sockets closed due to timeout (maximum retransmission reached or tcp keepalive timeout) (Linux only). |
system.net.tcp.syn_retrans (gauge) | The number of SYN packets retransmitted (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp.syn_retrans.count (count) | Total number of SYN packets retransmitted (Linux only). |
system.net.tcp.from_zero_window (gauge) | The number of sockets exiting a zero window state (Linux only). |
system.net.tcp.from_zero_window.count (count) | Total number of sockets exiting a zero window state (Linux only). |
system.net.tcp.to_zero_window (gauge) | The number of sockets entering a zero window state (Linux only). |
system.net.tcp.to_zero_window.count (count) | Total number of sockets entering a zero window state (Linux only). |
system.net.tcp.tw_reused (gauge) | The number of time wait sockets reused (Linux only). |
system.net.tcp.tw_reused.count (count) | Total number of time wait sockets reused (Linux only). |
system.net.ip.reverse_path_filter (gauge) | The number of martian packets dropped by the reverse path filter (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.ip.reverse_path_filter.count (count) | Total number of martian packets dropped by the reverse path filter (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp.recv_q.95percentile (gauge) | The 95th percentile of the size of the TCP receive queue. Shown as byte |
system.net.tcp.recv_q.avg (gauge) | The average TCP receive queue size. Shown as byte |
system.net.tcp.recv_q.count (rate) | The rate of connections. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp.recv_q.max (gauge) | The maximum TCP receive queue size. Shown as byte |
system.net.tcp.recv_q.median (gauge) | The median TCP receive queue size. Shown as byte |
system.net.tcp.send_q.95percentile (gauge) | The 95th percentile of the size of the TCP send queue. Shown as byte |
system.net.tcp.send_q.avg (gauge) | The average TCP send queue size. Shown as byte |
system.net.tcp.send_q.count (rate) | The rate of connections. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp.send_q.max (gauge) | The maximum TCP send queue size. Shown as byte |
system.net.tcp.send_q.median (gauge) | The median TCP send queue size. Shown as byte |
system.net.tcp4.close (gauge) | The number of closed TCP IPv4 connections. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp4.close_wait (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv4 connections waiting for termination. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp4.closing (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv4 closing connections. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp4.estab (gauge) | The number of open TCP IPv4 connections. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp4.established (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv4 established connections. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp4.fin_wait_1 (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv4 connections waiting for a connection termination request or an ack of a connection termination request sent previously. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp4.fin_wait_2 (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv4 connections waiting for a connection termination request. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp4.listen (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv4 listening connections. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp4.listening (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv4 listening connections. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp4.opening (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv4 opening connections. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp4.syn_recv (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv4 connections waiting for confirming connection request. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp4.syn_sent (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv4 connections waiting for matching connection request. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp4.time_wait (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv4 closed connections waiting for delayed packets. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp4.unconn (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv4 connections in unconnected state. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp4.active_opens (gauge) | Number of times TCP IPv4 connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-SENT state from the CLOSED state (Windows only). Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp4.active_opens.count (count) | Number of times TCP IPv4 connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-SENT state from the CLOSED state (Windows only). Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp4.connections (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv4 connections connections in all states except listening connections (Windows only). Shown as segment |
system.net.tcp4.passive_opens (gauge) | Number of times TCP IPv4 connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-RCVD state from the LISTEN state (Windows only). Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp4.passive_opens.count (count) | Number of times TCP IPv4 connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-RCVD state from the LISTEN state (Windows only). Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp4.attempt_fails (gauge) | The number of times TCP IPv4 connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the SYN-SENT state or the SYN-RCVD state plus the number of times TCP IPv4 connections have made a direct transition to the LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD state (Windows only). Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp4.attempt_fails.count (count) | The number of times TCP IPv4 connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the SYN-SENT state or the SYN-RCVD state plus the number of times TCP IPv4 connections have made a direct transition to the LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD state (Windows only). Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp4.established_resets (gauge) | The number of times TCP IPv4 connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state (Windows only). Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp4.established_resets.count (count) | The number of times TCP IPv4 connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state (Windows only). Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp4.current_established (gauge) | The number of currently established TCP IPv4 connections (Windows only). Shown as segment |
system.net.tcp4.in_errors (gauge) | The total number of segments received in error (e.g. bad TCP IPv4 checksums) (Windows only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp4.in_errors.count (count) | The total number of segments received in error (e.g. bad TCP IPv4 checksums) (Windows only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp4.out_resets (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv4 segments sent containing the RST flag (Windows only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp4.out_resets.count (count) | The number of TCP IPv4 segments sent containing the RST flag (Windows only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp4.in_segs (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv4 segments received (Windows only). Shown as segment |
system.net.tcp4.in_segs.count (count) | Total number of received TCP IPv4 segments (Windows only). Shown as segment |
system.net.tcp4.out_segs (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv4 segments transmitted (Windows only). Shown as segment |
system.net.tcp4.out_segs.count (count) | Total number of transmitted TCP IPv4 segments (Windows only). Shown as segment |
system.net.tcp4.retrans_segs (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv4 segments retransmitted (Windows only). Shown as segment |
system.net.tcp4.retrans_segs.count (count) | Total number of retransmitted TCP IPv4 segments (Windows only). Shown as segment |
system.net.tcp6.close (gauge) | The number of closed TCP IPv6 connections. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp6.close_wait (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv6 connections waiting for termination. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp6.closing (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv6 closing connections. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp6.estab (gauge) | The number of open TCP IPv6 connections. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp6.established (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv6 established connections. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp6.fin_wait_1 (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv6 connections waiting for a connection termination request or an ack of a connection termination request sent previously. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp6.fin_wait_2 (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv6 connections waiting for a connection termination request. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp6.listen (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv6 listening connections. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp6.listening (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv6 listening connections. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp6.opening (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv6 opening connections. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp6.syn_recv (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv6 connections waiting for confirming connection request. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp6.syn_sent (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv6 connections waiting for matching connection request. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp6.time_wait (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv6 closed connections waiting for delayed packets. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp6.unconn (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv6 connections in unconnected state. Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp6.active_opens (gauge) | Number of times TCP IPv6 connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-SENT state from the CLOSED state (Windows only). Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp6.active_opens.count (count) | Number of times TCP IPv6 connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-SENT state from the CLOSED state (Windows only). Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp6.connections (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv6 connections connections in all states except listening connections (Windows only). Shown as segment |
system.net.tcp6.passive_opens (gauge) | Number of times TCP IPv6 connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-RCVD state from the LISTEN state (Windows only). Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp6.passive_opens.count (count) | Number of times TCP IPv6 connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-RCVD state from the LISTEN state (Windows only). Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp6.attempt_fails (gauge) | The number of times TCP IPv6 connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the SYN-SENT state or the SYN-RCVD state plus the number of times TCP IPv6 connections have made a direct transition to the LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD state (Windows only). Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp6.attempt_fails.count (count) | The number of times TCP IPv6 connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the SYN-SENT state or the SYN-RCVD state plus the number of times TCP IPv6 connections have made a direct transition to the LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD state (Windows only). Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp6.established_resets (gauge) | The number of times TCP IPv6 connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state (Windows only). Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp6.established_resets.count (count) | The number of times TCP IPv6 connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state (Windows only). Shown as connection |
system.net.tcp6.current_established (gauge) | The number of currently established TCP IPv6 connections (Windows only). Shown as segment |
system.net.tcp6.in_errors (gauge) | The total number of segments received in error (e.g. bad TCP IPv6 checksums) (Windows only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp6.in_errors.count (count) | The total number of segments received in error (e.g. bad TCP IPv6 checksums) (Windows only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp6.out_resets (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv6 segments sent containing the RST flag (Windows only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp6.out_resets.count (count) | The number of TCP IPv6 segments sent containing the RST flag (Windows only). Shown as packet |
system.net.tcp6.in_segs (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv6 segments received (Windows only). Shown as segment |
system.net.tcp6.in_segs.count (count) | Total number of received TCP IPv6 segments (Windows only). Shown as segment |
system.net.tcp6.out_segs (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv6 segments transmitted (Windows only). Shown as segment |
system.net.tcp6.out_segs.count (count) | Total number of transmitted TCP IPv6 segments (Windows only). Shown as segment |
system.net.tcp6.retrans_segs (gauge) | The number of TCP IPv6 segments retransmitted (Windows only). Shown as segment |
system.net.tcp6.retrans_segs.count (count) | Total number of retransmitted TCP IPv6 segments (Windows only). Shown as segment |
system.net.udp.in_datagrams (gauge) | The rate of UDP datagrams delivered to UDP users (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.udp.in_datagrams.count (count) | Total number of UDP datagrams delivered to UDP users (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.udp.in_errors (gauge) | The rate of received UDP datagrams that could not be delivered for reasons other than the lack of an application at the destination port (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.udp.in_errors.count (count) | Total number of received UDP datagrams that could not be delivered for reasons other than the lack of an application at the destination port (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.udp.no_ports (gauge) | The rate of received UDP datagrams for which there was no application at the destination port (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.udp.no_ports.count (count) | Total number of received UDP datagrams for which there was no application at the destination port (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.udp.out_datagrams (gauge) | The rate of UDP datagrams sent from this entity (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.udp.out_datagrams.count (count) | Total number of UDP datagrams sent from this entity (Linux only). Shown as datagram |
system.net.udp.rcv_buf_errors (gauge) | The rate of UDP datagrams lost because there was no room in the receive buffer (Linux only). Shown as error |
system.net.udp.rcv_buf_errors.count (count) | Total number of UDP datagrams lost because there was no room in the receive buffer (Linux only). Shown as error |
system.net.udp.snd_buf_errors (gauge) | The rate of UDP datagrams lost because there was no room in the send buffer (Linux only). Shown as error |
system.net.udp.snd_buf_errors.count (count) | Total number of UDP datagrams lost because there was no room in the send buffer (Linux only). Shown as error |
system.net.udp.in_csum_errors (gauge) | The rate of UDP datagrams that failed checksum verification (Linux only). Shown as error |
system.net.udp.in_csum_errors.count (count) | Total number of UDP datagrams that failed checksum verification (Linux only). Shown as error |
system.net.udp4.connections (gauge) | The number of UDP IPv4 sockets currently opened. Shown as connection |
system.net.udp6.connections (gauge) | The number of UDP IPv6 sockets currently opened. Shown as connection |
system.net.ena.queue.rx_cnt (count) | The number of packets received by a queue (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.ena.queue.rx_bytes (count) | The number of bytes received by a queue (Linux only). Shown as byte |
system.net.ena.queue.rx_bad_csum (count) | The number of packets received by a queue with an incorrect checksum (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.ena.queue.rx_good_csum (count) | The number of packets received by a queue with an correct checksum (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.ena.queue.rx_csum_good (count) | The number packets received by a queue with a good checksum (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.ena.queue.rx_csum_unchecked (count) | The number packets received by a queue with an unchecked checksum (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.ena.queue.rx_rx_copybreak_pkt (count) | The number of packets received by a queue copied to the skb header due to being smaller than the copybreak threshold (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.ena.queue.rx_refil_partial (count) | The number of times a queue had partially allocated rx buffers (Linux only). Shown as time |
system.net.ena.queue.rx_page_alloc_fail (count) | The number of page allocation failures (Linux only). Shown as error |
system.net.ena.queue.rx_skb_alloc_fail (count) | The number of socket buffer allocation failures (Linux only). Shown as error |
system.net.ena.queue.rx_dma_mapping_err (count) | The number of dma mapping errors for a rx queue (Linux only). Shown as error |
system.net.ena.queue.rx_bad_desc_num (count) | The number of times received too many descriptors (Linux only). Shown as time |
system.net.ena.queue.rx_bad_req_id (count) | The number of times a request id was invalid on a receive queue (Linux only). Shown as time |
system.net.ena.queue.rx_empty_rx_ring (count) | The number time the rx ring was empty for a queue (Linux only). Shown as time |
system.net.ena.queue.rx_xdp_aborted (count) | The number XPD packets tagged as XDP_ABORTED (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.ena.queue.rx_xdp_drop (count) | The number of XDP packets tagged as XDP_DROP (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.ena.queue.rx_xdp_pass (count) | The number of XDP packets tagged as XDP_PASS (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.ena.queue.rx_xdp_tx (count) | The number of XDP packets tagged as XDP_TX (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.ena.queue.rx_xdp_invalid (count) | The number of XDP packets tagged as XDP_INVALID (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.ena.queue.rx_xdp_redirect (count) | The number of XDP packets tagged as XDP_REDIRECT (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.ena.queue.tx_cnt (count) | The number of packets sent by a queue (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.ena.queue.tx_bytes (count) | The number of bytes sent by a queue (Linux only). Shown as byte |
system.net.ena.queue.tx_dma_mapping_err (count) | The number of dma mapping errors for a tx queue (Linux only). Shown as error |
system.net.ena.queue.tx_bad_req_id (count) | The number of times a request id was invalid on a transmit queue (Linux only). Shown as time |
system.net.ena.queue.tx_queue_stop (count) | The number of times a transmit queue was full and stopped (Linux only). Shown as time |
system.net.ena.queue.tx_queue_wakeup (count) | The number of times a transmit queue was resumed after being stopped (Linux only). Shown as time |
system.net.ena.queue.tx_linearize (count) | The number of times skb was linearized on a transmit queue (Linux only). Shown as time |
system.net.ena.queue.tx_linearize_failed (count) | The number of skb linearization failed on a transmit queue (Linux only). Shown as time |
system.net.ena.queue.tx_doorbells (count) | The number of submission queue doorbells written on a transmit queue (Linux only). Shown as event |
system.net.ena.queue.tx_prepare_ctx_err (count) | The number of times prepare tx failed on a transmit queue (Linux only). Shown as error |
system.net.ena.queue.tx_llq_buffer_copy (count) | The number of times a skb header was copied with Low Latency Queue (Linux only). Shown as time |
system.net.ena.queue.tx_missed_tx (count) | The number of packets that timeouted in the transmit queue (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.ena.queue.tx_unmask_interrupt (count) | The number of times interrupt was unmasked in a transmit queue (Linux only). Shown as time |
system.net.ena.queue.tx_napi_comp (count) | The number of times napi_complete was called on a queue Shown as time |
system.net.ena.queue.tx_tx_poll (count) | The number of times the napi handler was scheduled for a queue (Linux only). Shown as time |
system.net.ena.tx_timeout (count) | The number of transmit timeouts (Linux only). Shown as timeout |
system.net.ena.suspend (count) | The number of times the device was suspended (Linux only). Shown as time |
system.net.ena.resume (count) | The number of times the device was resumed (Linux only). Shown as time |
system.net.ena.wd_expired (count) | The number of times watchdog keep-alive event expired (Linux only). Shown as time |
system.net.virtio_net.queue.rx_drops (count) | The number of packets dropped on a receive queue (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.virtio_net.queue.rx_kicks (count) | The number of kicks sent to the hypervisor for a receive queue (Linux only). Shown as event |
system.net.virtio_net.queue.rx_packets (count) | The number of packets received by a queue (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.virtio_net.queue.rx_bytes (count) | The number of bytes received by a queue (Linux only). Shown as byte |
system.net.virtio_net.queue.rx_xdp_drops (count) | The number of XDP packets tagged as XDP_DROP in a receive queue (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.virtio_net.queue.rx_xdp_redirects (count) | The number of XDP packets tagged as XDP_REDIRECT in a receive queue (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.virtio_net.queue.rx_xdp_tx (count) | The number of XDP packets tagged as XDP_TX in a receive queue (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.virtio_net.queue.tx_kicks (count) | The number of kicks sent to the hypervisor for a transmit queue (Linux only). Shown as event |
system.net.virtio_net.queue.tx_packets (count) | The number of packets sent by a transmit queue (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.virtio_net.queue.tx_bytes (count) | The number of bytes sent by a transmit queue (Linux only). Shown as byte |
system.net.virtio_net.queue.tx_xdp_tx (count) | The number of XDP packets tagged as XDP_TX in a transmit queue (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.virtio_net.queue.tx_xdp_tx_drops (count) | The number of XDP packets tagged as XDP_DROP in a transmit queue (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.hv_netvsc.queue.rx_bytes (count) | The number of bytes received by a queue (Linux only). Shown as byte |
system.net.hv_netvsc.queue.rx_packets (count) | The number of packets received by a queue (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.hv_netvsc.queue.rx_xdp_drop (count) | The number of XDP packets tagged as XDP_DROP in a receive queue (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.hv_netvsc.queue.tx_bytes (count) | The number of bytes sent by a queue (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.hv_netvsc.queue.tx_packets (count) | The number of packets sent by a queue (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.hv_netvsc.cpu.rx_packets (count) | The number of received packets processed by a cpu (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.hv_netvsc.cpu.vf_rx_packets (count) | The number of received packets processed by a cpu using virtual function (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.hv_netvsc.cpu.rx_bytes (count) | The number of received bytes processed by a cpu (Linux only). Shown as byte |
system.net.hv_netvsc.cpu.vf_rx_bytes (count) | The number of received packets processed by a cpu using virtual function (Linux only). Shown as byte |
system.net.hv_netvsc.cpu.tx_packets (count) | The number of sent packets processed by a cpu (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.hv_netvsc.cpu.vf_tx_packets (count) | The number of sent packets processed by a cpu using virtual function (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.hv_netvsc.cpu.tx_bytes (count) | The number of sent bytes processed by a cpu (Linux only). Shown as byte |
system.net.hv_netvsc.cpu.vf_tx_bytes (count) | The number of sent packets processed by a cpu using virtual function (Linux only). Shown as byte |
system.net.hv_netvsc.tx_scattered (count) | The number of transmits exceeding the max page count. This will trigger a socket buffer linearization to try to reduce the number of necessary pages (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.hv_netvsc.tx_no_memory (count) | The number of failed transmit due to allocation error (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.hv_netvsc.tx_no_space (count) | The number of failed transmit due to a full ring buffer (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.hv_netvsc.tx_too_big (count) | The number of dropped transmits due to exceeding the max page count even after socket buffer linearization (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.hv_netvsc.tx_busy (count) | The number of failed transmits due to busy queue (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.hv_netvsc.tx_send_full (count) | The number of time a send buffer was full (Linux only). Shown as error |
system.net.hv_netvsc.rx_comp_busy (count) | The number of completion requests that failed (Linux only). Shown as error |
system.net.hv_netvsc.rx_no_memory (count) | The number of failed receive due to allocation error (Linux only). Shown as error |
system.net.hv_netvsc.stop_queue (count) | The number of times a queue was stopped (Linux only). Shown as time |
system.net.hv_netvsc.wake_queue (count) | The number of times a queue was woken up (Linux only). Shown as time |
system.net.gve.queue.rx_posted_desc (count) | The number of descriptors posted on a receive queue (Linux only). Shown as time |
system.net.gve.queue.rx_completed_desc (count) | The number of descriptors completed on a receive queue (Linux only). Shown as time |
system.net.gve.queue.rx_bytes (count) | The number of bytes sent by a receveive queue (Linux only). Shown as byte |
system.net.gve.queue.rx_dropped_pkt (count) | The number of packets dropped because of descriptor errors (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.gve.queue.rx_copybreak_pkt (count) | The number of packets copied to the socket buffer header because they are smaller than the copybreak threshold (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.gve.queue.rx_copied_pkt (count) | The number of packets copied (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.gve.queue.rx_queue_drop_cnt (count) | The number of packets dropped. Stats from NIC (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.gve.queue.rx_no_buffers_posted (count) | The number of times there's no available buffer for posting descriptor. Stats from NIC (Linux only). Shown as time |
system.net.gve.queue.rx_drops_packet_over_mru (count) | The number of packets dropped because it exceeds the Maximum Receive Unit. Stats from NIC (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.gve.queue.rx_drops_invalid_checksum (count) | The number of packets dropped because due to invalid checksum. Stats from NIC (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.gve.queue.tx_posted_desc (count) | The number of descriptors posted on a transmit queue (Linux only). Shown as time |
system.net.gve.queue.tx_completed_desc (count) | The number of descriptors completed on a transmit queue (Linux only). Shown as time |
system.net.gve.queue.tx_bytes (count) | The number of bytes sent by a transmit queue (Linux only). Shown as byte |
system.net.gve.queue.tx_wake (count) | The number of time the transmit queue was woken up (Linux only). Shown as time |
system.net.gve.queue.tx_stop (count) | The number of time the transmit queue was stopped (Linux only). Shown as time |
system.net.gve.queue.tx_event_counter (count) | The number of event for this transmit queue (Linux only). Shown as event |
system.net.gve.queue.tx_dma_mapping_error (count) | The number of Direct Memory Access mapping errors for a transmit queue (Linux only). Shown as error |
system.net.gve.tx_timeouts (count) | The number of times a transmit queue has timeouted (Linux only). Shown as time |
system.net.gve.rx_skb_alloc_fail (count) | The number of socket buffer allocation failures for a receive queue (Linux only). Shown as error |
system.net.gve.rx_buf_alloc_fail (count) | The number of buffer allocation failures for a receive queue (Linux only). Shown as error |
system.net.gve.rx_desc_err_dropped_pkt (count) | The number of packets dropped due to descriptor error (Linux only). Shown as packet |
system.net.gve.page_alloc_fail (count) | The number of page allocation errors (Linux only). Shown as error |
system.net.gve.dma_mapping_error (count) | The number of Direct Memory Access mapping errors (Linux only). Shown as error |
참고: system.net.conntrack
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