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MongoDB Atlas 개요 대시보드
MongoDB Atlas Vector 검색 개요 대시보드
계산된 메트릭을 Datadog로 푸시할 수 있습니다.
통합에는 즉시 사용 가능한 모니터와 전용 대시보드가 포함되어 있어 Atlas 상태 및 성능 메트릭을 확인할 수 있습니다. 처리량 메트릭을 모니터링하고 시간 경과에 따른 읽기/쓰기 작업의 평균 지연 시간을 추적하고 현재 연결 수가 최대 한도에 가까워지면 알려주는 모니터를 생성할 수 있습니다.
MongoDB Atlas Vector 검색 메트릭을 사용하면 Atlas Vector 검색을 사용하여 고성능의 차세대 AI 애플리케이션을 색인, 검색 및 구축할 수 있습니다.
참고: MongoDB Atlas는 M10+ 클러스터에서만 사용할 수 있습니다.
Atlas 포털에 로그인하여 MongoDB Atlas 통합을 설치할 수 있습니다.
mongodb.atlas.connections.current (gauge) | Number of current connections Shown as connection |
mongodb.atlas.cursors.totalopen (gauge) | Total number of open cursors Shown as cursor |
mongodb.atlas.dbStats.avg_object_size (gauge) | Average size of each document. This is the dataSize divided by the number of documents Shown as byte |
mongodb.atlas.dbstats.collections (gauge) | Number of collections in the database Shown as table |
mongodb.atlas.dbstats.data_size (gauge) | Total size of the uncompressed data held in the database |
mongodb.atlas.dbstats.file_size (gauge) | Total size of the data files on disk allocated for the database |
mongodb.atlas.dbstats.index_size (gauge) | Sum of the disk space allocated to all indexes in the database including free index space |
mongodb.atlas.dbstats.indexes (gauge) | Total number of indexes across all collections in the database Shown as index |
mongodb.atlas.dbstats.num_extents (gauge) | Number of contiguous blocks of space in a data file allocated for a collection or index |
mongodb.atlas.dbstats.objects (gauge) | Number of objects (specifically documents) in the database across all collections Shown as object |
mongodb.atlas.dbstats.storage_size (gauge) | Sum of the disk space allocated to all collections in the database for document storage including free space |
mongodb.atlas.dbstats.views (gauge) | Number of views in the database Shown as object |
mongodb.atlas.global.lock.current.queue.reads (gauge) | The number of operations queued waiting for a read lock Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.global.lock.current.queue.total (gauge) | The number of operations queued waiting for any lock Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.global.lock.current.queue.writes (gauge) | The number of operations queued waiting for a write lock Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.latencyStats.read.sum (rate) | Latency for total read requests |
mongodb.atlas.latencyStats.read.count (rate) | Number of operations performed on the collection since startup for read requests |
mongodb.atlas.latencyStats.read.p50 (rate) | Number of operations on the 50th percentile in the latency histogram for read requests |
mongodb.atlas.latencyStats.read.p95 (rate) | Number of operations on the 95th percentile in the latency histogram for read requests |
mongodb.atlas.latencyStats.read.p99 (rate) | Number of operations on the 99th percentile in the latency histogram for read requests |
mongodb.atlas.latencyStats.write.sum (rate) | Latency for total write requests |
mongodb.atlas.latencyStats.write.count (rate) | Number of operations performed on the collection since startup for write requests |
mongodb.atlas.latencyStats.write.p50 (rate) | Number of operations on the 50th percentile in the latency histogram for write requests |
mongodb.atlas.latencyStats.write.p95 (rate) | Number of operations on the 95th percentile in the latency histogram for write requests |
mongodb.atlas.latencyStats.write.p99 (rate) | Number of operations on the 99th percentile in the latency histogram for write requests |
mongodb.atlas.latencyStats.commands.sum (rate) | Latency for total database command requests |
mongodb.atlas.latencyStats.commands.count (rate) | Number of operations performed on the collection since startup for database command requests |
mongodb.atlas.latencyStats.commands.p50 (rate) | Number of operations on the 50th percentile in the latency histogram for database command requests |
mongodb.atlas.latencyStats.commands.p95 (rate) | Number of operations on the 95th percentile in the latency histogram for database command requests |
mongodb.atlas.latencyStats.commands.p99 (rate) | Number of operations on the 99th percentile in the latency histogram for database command requests |
mongodb.atlas.latencyStats.total.sum (rate) | Latency for total all database transactions |
mongodb.atlas.latencyStats.total.count (rate) | Number of operations performed on the collection since startup for all database transactions |
mongodb.atlas.latencyStats.total.p50 (rate) | Number of operations on the 50th percentile in the latency histogram for all database transactions |
mongodb.atlas.latencyStats.total.p95 (rate) | Number of operations on the 95th percentile in the latency histogram for all database transactions |
mongodb.atlas.latencyStats.total.p99 (rate) | Number of operations on the 99th percentile in the latency histogram for all database transactions |
mongodb.atlas.mem.resident (gauge) | Resident memory consumed by the MongoDB process on server Shown as mebibyte |
mongodb.atlas.mem.virtual (gauge) | Virtual memory consumed by the MongoDB process on server Shown as mebibyte |
mongodb.atlas.metrics.document.deleted (rate) | Documents deleted Shown as document |
mongodb.atlas.metrics.document.inserted (rate) | Documents inserted Shown as document |
mongodb.atlas.metrics.document.returned (rate) | Documents returned Shown as document |
mongodb.atlas.metrics.document.updated (rate) | Documents updated Shown as document |
mongodb.atlas.metrics.queryexecutor.scannedobjectsperreturned (gauge) | Ratio measuring efficiency of queries on MongoDB Shown as object |
mongodb.atlas.metrics.queryexecutor.scannedperreturned (gauge) | The ratio between the number of index items scanned and the number of documents returned by queries Shown as scan |
mongodb.atlas.network.bytes.in (rate) | The average rate of physical (after any wire compression) bytes sent to this database server per second Shown as byte |
mongodb.atlas.network.bytes.out (rate) | The average rate of physical (after any wire compression) bytes sent from this database server per second Shown as byte |
mongodb.atlas.network.num.requests (rate) | The average rate of requests sent to this database server per second Shown as request |
mongodb.atlas.opcounters.command (rate) | Command operations Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.opcounters.delete (rate) | Delete operations Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.opcounters.getmore (rate) | Getmore operations Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.opcounters.insert (rate) | Insert operations Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.opcounters.query (rate) | Query operations Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.opcounters.update (rate) | Update operations Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.opcountersrepl.command (rate) | Command replication operations Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.opcountersrepl.delete (rate) | Delete replication operations Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.opcountersrepl.insert (rate) | Insert replication operations Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.opcountersrepl.update (rate) | Update replication operations Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.oplatencies.commands.avg (gauge) | Command operations average latency Shown as millisecond |
mongodb.atlas.oplatencies.reads.avg (gauge) | Read operations average latency Shown as millisecond |
mongodb.atlas.oplatencies.writes.avg (gauge) | Write operations average latency Shown as millisecond |
mongodb.atlas.replset.oplograte (gauge) | Oplog churn Shown as gibibyte |
mongodb.atlas.replset.replicationlag (gauge) | The amount of time in seconds that updates to the secondary delay behind updates to the primary Shown as second |
mongodb.atlas.replstatus.health (gauge) | A number that indicates if the member is up (1) or down (0) Shown as object |
mongodb.atlas.replstatus.state (gauge) | An integer between 0 and 10 that represents the replica state of the current member Shown as object |
mongodb.atlas.search.index.stats.commands.getmore (rate) | Number of getmore commands run on all Atlas Search queries Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.search.index.stats.deletes (rate) | Number of documents or fields that Atlas Search deleted Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.search.index.stats.index.fields (gauge) | Number of unique fields present in the Atlas Search index Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.search.index.stats.index.size (gauge) | Size of all indexes on disk Shown as byte |
mongodb.atlas.search.index.stats.inserts (rate) | Number of documents or fields that Atlas Search inserted Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.search.index.stats.max.replication.lag (gauge) | Approximate number of milliseconds that Atlas Search is behind in replicating changes from the oplog of mongod Shown as millisecond |
mongodb.atlas.search.index.stats.queries.error (rate) | Number of queries for which Atlas Search is unable to return a response Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.search.index.stats.queries.success (rate) | Number of queries for which Atlas Search successfully returned a response Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.search.index.stats.queries.total (rate) | Number of queries submitted to Atlas Search Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.search.index.stats.updates (rate) | Number of documents or fields that Atlas Search updated Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.search.jvm.current.memory (gauge) | Amount of memory that the JVM heap used Shown as mebibyte |
mongodb.atlas.search.jvm.max.memory (gauge) | Total available memory in the JVM heap Shown as mebibyte |
mongodb.atlas.stats.totaldatasize (gauge) | Total data size across all databases Shown as byte |
mongodb.atlas.stats.totalindexsize (gauge) | Sum total size in bytes of the index data across all databases Shown as byte |
mongodb.atlas.stats.totalstoragesize (gauge) | Total storage space across all databases Shown as byte |
mongodb.atlas.system.cpu.max.norm.guest (gauge) | Max normalized guest CPU usage for mongodb processes Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.cpu.max.norm.iowait (gauge) | Max normalized iowait CPU utilization across various processes for a server Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.cpu.max.norm.irq (gauge) | Max normalized irq CPU utilization across various processes for a server Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.cpu.max.norm.kernel (gauge) | Max normalized CPU kernel space utilization across various processes for a server Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.cpu.max.norm.nice (gauge) | Max normalized nice CPU utilization across various processes for a server Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.cpu.max.norm.softirq (gauge) | Max normalized softirq CPU utilization across various processes for a server Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.cpu.max.norm.steal (gauge) | Max normalized stolen CPU utilization across various processes for a server Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.cpu.max.norm.user (gauge) | Max normalized CPU user space utilization across various processes for a server Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.cpu.mongoprocess.max.norm.childrenkernel (gauge) | Max normalized CPU children kernel space for mongodb processes Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.cpu.mongoprocess.max.norm.childrenuser (gauge) | Max normalized CPU children user space for mongodb processes Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.cpu.mongoprocess.max.norm.kernel (gauge) | Max normalized CPU kernel space for mongodb processes Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.cpu.mongoprocess.max.norm.user (gauge) | Max normalized CPU user space for mongodb processes Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.cpu.mongoprocess.norm.childrenkernel (gauge) | Normalized CPU children kernel space for mongodb processes Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.cpu.mongoprocess.norm.childrenuser (gauge) | Normalized CPU children user space for mongodb processes Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.cpu.mongoprocess.norm.kernel (gauge) | Normalized CPU kernel space for mongodb processes Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.cpu.mongoprocess.norm.user (gauge) | Normalized CPU user space for mongodb processes Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.cpu.norm.guest (gauge) | Normalized guest CPU usage for mongodb processes Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.cpu.norm.iowait (gauge) | Normalized iowait CPU utilization across various processes for a server Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.cpu.norm.irq (gauge) | Normalized irq CPU utilization across various processes for a server Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.cpu.norm.kernel (gauge) | Normalized CPU kernel space utilization across various processes for a server Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.cpu.norm.nice (gauge) | Normalized nice CPU utilization across various processes for a server Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.cpu.norm.softirq (gauge) | Normalized softirq CPU utilization across various processes for a server Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.cpu.norm.steal (gauge) | Normalized stolen CPU utilization across various processes for a server Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.cpu.norm.user (gauge) | Normalized CPU user space utilization across various processes for a server Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.disk.iops.percentutilization (gauge) | Percentage of time during which requests are being issued to and serviced by the disk partition. Includes requests from all processes not just MongoDB processes Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.disk.iops.reads (rate) | Read throughput of I/O operations for the disk partition Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.system.disk.iops.total (rate) | Total throughput of I/O operations for the disk partition Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.system.disk.iops.writes (rate) | Write throughput of I/O operations for the disk partition Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.system.disk.latency.reads (rate) | The read latency in milliseconds of the disk partition used by MongoDB Shown as millisecond |
mongodb.atlas.system.disk.latency.writes (rate) | The write latency in milliseconds of the disk partition used by MongoDB Shown as millisecond |
mongodb.atlas.system.disk.max.iops.percentutilization (gauge) | The maximum Disk Utilization Percent value over the time period specified by the metric granularity Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.disk.max.iops.reads (rate) | Max read throughput of I/O operations for the disk partition Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.system.disk.max.iops.total (rate) | Max total throughput of I/O operations for the disk partition Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.system.disk.max.iops.writes (rate) | Max write throughput of I/O operations for the disk partition Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.system.disk.max.latency.reads (gauge) | The maximum Disk Read Latency value over the time period specified by the metric granularity Shown as millisecond |
mongodb.atlas.system.disk.max.latency.writes (gauge) | The maximum Disk Write Latency value over the time period specified by the metric granularity Shown as millisecond |
mongodb.atlas.system.disk.max.queuedepth (gauge) | Max length of the queue of requests issued to the disk partition Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.system.disk.max.space.free (gauge) | Max free disk space on the disk partition Shown as byte |
mongodb.atlas.system.disk.max.space.percentfree (gauge) | Max percentage of free disk space on the disk partition Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.disk.max.space.percentused (gauge) | Max percentage of used disk space on the disk partition Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.disk.max.space.used (gauge) | Max used disk space on the disk partition Shown as byte |
mongodb.atlas.system.disk.queuedepth (gauge) | Average length of the queue of requests issued to the disk partition Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.system.disk.space.free (gauge) | Free disk space on the disk partition Shown as byte |
mongodb.atlas.system.disk.space.percentfree (gauge) | Percentage of free disk space on the disk partition Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.disk.space.percentused (gauge) | Percentage of used disk space on the disk partition Shown as percent |
mongodb.atlas.system.disk.space.used (gauge) | Used disk space on the disk partition Shown as byte |
mongodb.atlas.system.memory.available (gauge) | Physical memory available in bytes Shown as byte |
mongodb.atlas.system.memory.max.available (gauge) | Maximum physical memory available in bytes Shown as byte |
mongodb.atlas.system.memory.max.used (gauge) | Maximum physical memory used in bytes Shown as byte |
mongodb.atlas.system.memory.used (gauge) | Physical memory used in bytes Shown as byte |
mongodb.atlas.system.network.bytes.in (rate) | The average rate of physical bytes received per second Shown as byte |
mongodb.atlas.system.network.bytes.out (rate) | The average rate of physical bytes transmitted per second Shown as byte |
mongodb.atlas.system.network.max.bytes.in (gauge) | The maximum Network Bytes In value over the time period specified by the metric granularity Shown as byte |
mongodb.atlas.system.network.max.bytes.out (gauge) | The maximum Network Bytes Out value over the time period specified by the metric granularity Shown as byte |
mongodb.atlas.wiredtiger.cache.bytes_currently_in_cache (gauge) | Number of bytes currently in the WiredTiger cache Shown as byte |
mongodb.atlas.wiredtiger.cache.bytes_read_into_cache (rate) | Average rate of bytes per second read into WiredTiger's cache Shown as byte |
mongodb.atlas.wiredtiger.cache.bytes_written_from_cache (rate) | Average rate of bytes per second written from WiredTiger's cache Shown as byte |
mongodb.atlas.wiredtiger.cache.tracked_dirty_bytes_in_cache (gauge) | Number of tracked dirty bytes currently in the WiredTiger cache Shown as byte |
mongodb.atlas.wiredtiger.concurrenttransactions.read.available (gauge) | Number of available read operations allowed into the storage engine Shown as operation |
mongodb.atlas.wiredtiger.concurrenttransactions.write.available (gauge) | Number of available write operations allowed into the storage engine Shown as operation |
MongoDB Atlas는 Datadog에 이벤트로 알림을 푸시할 수 있습니다.
MongoDB Atlas 통합에는 서비스 점검이 포함되어 있지 않습니다.
도움이 필요하세요? Datadog 지원팀에 문의하세요.
기타 유용한 문서, 링크 및 기사:
MongoDB Atlas 개요 대시보드
MongoDB Atlas Vector 검색 개요 대시보드