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incident.io - Incidents Overview 1
incident.io - Incidents Overview 2
incident.io - Incidents Overview 3
incident.io helps companies declare, collaborate, communicate around, and learn from events that disturb their normal course of business-from critical infrastructure being down, to data breaches and security incidents. It is a service that helps teams manage incidents and outages effectively. It typically provides features like incident reporting, tracking, and resolution workflows.
Integrate your incident.io account with Datadog to gain insights into incident-related activities.
Follow the instructions below to configure this integration for incident.io incident events through a Webhook.
Configure the Datadog endpoint to forward events of incident.io incidents as logs to Datadog. For more details, see the incident.io webhooks documentation.
The incident.io integration ingests the following logs:
incident.io does not include any metrics.
incident.io does not include any service checks.
incident.io does not include any events.
Need help? Contact Datadog support.
incident.io - Incidents Overview 1
incident.io - Incidents Overview 2
incident.io - Incidents Overview 3