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Google Cloud 로드밸런싱으로 단일 또는 여러 지역에 로드 밸런싱 컴퓨팅 리소스를 분산하여 고가용성 요구 사항을 충족할 수 있습니다. 아울러 단일 애니캐스트(Anycast) IP 뒤에 리소스를 배치하고, 지능형 자동 확장 기능(Autoscaling)으로 리소스를 늘리거나 줄일 수 있습니다.
Datadog Google Cloud Platform 통합을 사용하여 Google Cloud 로드밸런싱에서 메트릭을 수집합니다.
아직 설치하지 않았다면 먼저 Google 클라우드 플랫폼 통합을 설정합니다. 그 외 다른 설치가 필요하지 않습니다.
Google Cloud HTTP Loadbalancer 로그는 Google Cloud Logging으로 수집하여 클라우드 Pub/Sub 토픽을 통해 데이터 플로우 작업으로 전송됩니다. 아직 설정하지 않았다면 Datadog 데이터 플로우 템플릿으로 로깅을 설정하세요.
해당 작업이 완료되면 Google Cloud Logging에서 Google Cloud HTTP Loadbalancer 로그를 다음 Pub/Sub 주제로 내보냅니다.
gcp.loadbalancing.https.backend_latencies.avg (gauge) | Average latency of request sent by the proxy to backend until proxy receives last byte of response from backend. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.backend_latencies.p95 (gauge) | 95th percentile of latency of request sent by the proxy to backend until proxy receives last byte of response from backend. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.backend_latencies.p99 (gauge) | 99th percentile of latency of request sent by the proxy to backend until proxy receives last byte of response from backend. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.backend_latencies.samplecount (count) | Sample count of latency of request sent by the proxy to backend until proxy receives last byte of response from backend. Shown as sample |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.backend_latencies.sumsqdev (gauge) | Sum of squared deviation for latency of request sent by the proxy to backend until proxy receives last byte of response from backend. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.backend_request_bytes_count (count) | The number of bytes sent as requests from external HTTP(S) load balancer to backends. Shown as byte |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.backend_request_count (count) | The number of requests served by backends of HTTP(S) load balancer. Shown as request |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.backend_response_bytes_count (count) | The number of bytes sent as responses from backends (or cache) to HTTP(S) load balancer. Shown as byte |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.external.regional.backend_latencies.avg (count) | The average of a distribution of the latency calculated from when the request was sent by the proxy to the backend until the proxy received from the backend the last byte of response. For Service Extensions, this value represents the sum of latencies of each ProcessingRequest and ProcessingResponse pair between the load balancer and the extension backend.Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.external.regional.backend_latencies.samplecount (count) | The sample count for a distribution of the latency calculated from when the request was sent by the proxy to the backend until the proxy received from the backend the last byte of response. For Service Extensions, this value represents the sum of latencies of each ProcessingRequest and ProcessingResponse pair between the load balancer and the extension backend.Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.external.regional.backend_latencies.sumsqdev (count) | The sum of squared deviation for a distribution of the latency calculated from when the request was sent by the proxy to the backend until the proxy received from the backend the last byte of response. For Service Extensions, this value represents the sum of latencies of each ProcessingRequest and ProcessingResponse pair between the load balancer and the extension backend.Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.external.regional.backend_request_bytes_count (count) | The number of bytes sent as requests from Regional External HTTP(S) load balancer to backends. For Service Extensions, this value represents the total number of bytes sent from the load balancer to the extension backend. Shown as byte |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.external.regional.backend_request_count (count) | The number of requests served by backends of Regional External HTTP(S) load balancer. For Service Extensions, this value represents the total number of gRPC streams between the load balancer to the extension backend. |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.external.regional.backend_response_bytes_count (count) | The number of bytes sent as response from backends to Regional External HTTP(S) load balancer. For Service Extensions, this value represents the total number of bytes received by the load balancer from the extension backend. Shown as byte |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.external.regional.request_bytes_count (count) | The number of bytes sent as requests from clients to HTTP(S) load balancer. Shown as byte |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.external.regional.request_count (count) | The number of requests served by HTTP(S) load balancer. |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.external.regional.response_bytes_count (count) | The number of bytes sent as responses from HTTP(S) load balancer to clients. Shown as byte |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.external.regional.total_latencies.avg (count) | The average of a distribution of the latency calculated from when the request was received by the proxy until the proxy got ACK from client on last response byte. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.external.regional.total_latencies.samplecount (count) | The sample count for a distribution of the latency calculated from when the request was received by the proxy until the proxy got ACK from client on last response byte. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.external.regional.total_latencies.sumsqdev (count) | The sum of squared deviation for a distribution of the latency calculated from when the request was received by the proxy until the proxy got ACK from client on last response byte. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.frontend_tcp_rtt.avg (gauge) | Average RTT for each connection between client and proxy. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.frontend_tcp_rtt.p95 (gauge) | 95th percentile of RTT for each connection between client and proxy. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.frontend_tcp_rtt.p99 (gauge) | 99th percentile RTT for each connection between client and proxy. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.frontend_tcp_rtt.samplecount (count) | Sample count of RTT for each connection between client and proxy. Shown as sample |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.frontend_tcp_rtt.sumsqdev (gauge) | Sum of squared deviation of RTT for each connection between client and proxy. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.internal.backend_latencies.avg (gauge) | Average of latency calculated from request sent by proxy to the backend until proxy received last byte of response from backend. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.internal.backend_latencies.p95 (gauge) | 95th percentile of latency calculated from request sent by proxy to the backend until proxy received last byte of response from backend. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.internal.backend_latencies.p99 (gauge) | 99th percentile of latency calculated from request sent by proxy to the backend until proxy received last byte of response from backend. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.internal.backend_latencies.samplecount (count) | Sample count of latency calculated from request sent by proxy to the backend until proxy received last byte of response from backend. Shown as sample |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.internal.backend_latencies.sumsqdev (gauge) | Sum of squared deviation of latency calculated from request sent by proxy to the backend until proxy received last byte of response from backend. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.internal.backend_request_bytes_count (count) | The number of bytes sent as requests from Internal HTTP(S) load balancer to backends. For Service Extensions, this value represents the total number of bytes sent from the load balancer to the extension backend. Shown as byte |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.internal.backend_request_count (count) | The number of requests served by backends of Internal HTTP(S) load balancer. For Service Extensions, this value represents the number of gRPC streams between the load balancer and the extension backend. |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.internal.backend_response_bytes_count (count) | The number of bytes sent as response from backends to Internal HTTP(S) load balancer. For Service Extensions, this value represents the total number of bytes received by the load balancer from the extension backend. Shown as byte |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.internal.request_bytes_count (count) | The number of bytes sent as requests from clients to HTTP(S) load balancer. Shown as byte |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.internal.request_count (count) | The number of requests served by HTTP(S) load balancer. Shown as request |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.internal.response_bytes_count (count) | The number of bytes sent as responses from HTTP(S) load balancer to clients. Shown as byte |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.internal.total_latencies.avg (gauge) | Average of the latency calculated from when request received by proxy until the proxy sees ACK from client on last response byte. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.internal.total_latencies.p95 (gauge) | 95th percentile of the latency calculated from when request received by proxy until the proxy sees ACK from client on last response byte. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.internal.total_latencies.p99 (gauge) | 99th percentile of the latency calculated from when request received by proxy until the proxy sees ACK from client on last response byte. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.internal.total_latencies.samplecount (count) | Sample count of the latency calculated from when request received by proxy until the proxy sees ACK from client on last response byte. Shown as sample |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.internal.total_latencies.sumsqdev (gauge) | Sum of squared deviation of the latency calculated from when request received by proxy until the proxy sees ACK from client on last response byte. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.request_bytes_count (count) | Bytes sent as requests from clients to L7 load balancer. Shown as byte |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.request_count (count) | Number of requests served by L7 load balancer. Shown as request |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.response_bytes_count (count) | Bytes sent as responses from L7 load balancer to clients. Shown as byte |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.total_latencies.avg (gauge) | Average latency calculated from request received by proxy until proxy sees ACK from client on last response byte. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.total_latencies.p95 (gauge) | 95th percentile of latency calculated from request received by proxy until proxy sees ACK from client on last response byte. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.total_latencies.p99 (gauge) | 99th percentile of latency calculated from request received by proxy until proxy sees ACK from client on last response byte. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.total_latencies.samplecount (count) | Sample count of latency calculated from request received by proxy until proxy sees ACK from client on last response byte. Shown as sample |
gcp.loadbalancing.https.total_latencies.sumsqdev (gauge) | Sum of squared deviation of latency calculated from request received by proxy until proxy sees ACK from client on last response byte. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.l3.external.egress_bytes_count (count) | The number of bytes sent from NetLB backend to client of the flow. For TCP flows it's counting bytes on application stream only. Shown as byte |
gcp.loadbalancing.l3.external.egress_packets_count (count) | The number of packets sent from NetLB backend to client of the flow. Shown as packet |
gcp.loadbalancing.l3.external.ingress_bytes_count (count) | The number of bytes sent from client to NetLB backend. For TCP flows it's counting bytes on application stream only. Shown as byte |
gcp.loadbalancing.l3.external.ingress_packets_count (count) | The number of packets sent from client to NetLB backend. Shown as packet |
gcp.loadbalancing.l3.external.rtt_latencies.avg (gauge) | Average RTT measured over TCP connections for NetLB flows. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.l3.external.rtt_latencies.p95 (gauge) | 95th percentile of RTT measured over TCP connections for NetLB flows. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.l3.external.rtt_latencies.p99 (gauge) | 99th percentile of RTT measured over TCP connections for NetLB flows. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.l3.external.rtt_latencies.samplecount (count) | Sample count of RTT measured over TCP connections for NetLB flows. Shown as sample |
gcp.loadbalancing.l3.external.rtt_latencies.sumsqdev (gauge) | Sum of squared deviation for RTT measured over TCP connections for NetLB flows. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.l3.internal.egress_bytes_count (count) | The number of bytes sent from ILB backend to client (for TCP flows it's counting bytes on application stream only). Shown as byte |
gcp.loadbalancing.l3.internal.egress_packets_count (count) | The number of packets sent from ILB backend to client of the flow. Shown as packet |
gcp.loadbalancing.l3.internal.ingress_bytes_count (count) | The number of bytes sent from client to ILB backend (for TCP flows it's counting bytes on application stream only). Shown as byte |
gcp.loadbalancing.l3.internal.ingress_packets_count (count) | The number of packets sent from client to ILB backend. Shown as packet |
gcp.loadbalancing.l3.internal.rtt_latencies.avg (gauge) | Average RTT measured over TCP connections for ILB flows. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.l3.internal.rtt_latencies.p95 (gauge) | 95th percentile of RTT measured over TCP connections for ILB flows. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.l3.internal.rtt_latencies.p99 (gauge) | 99th percentile of RTT measured over TCP connections for ILB flows. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.l3.internal.rtt_latencies.samplecount (count) | Sample count for RTT latencies. Shown as sample |
gcp.loadbalancing.l3.internal.rtt_latencies.sumsqdev (gauge) | Sum of squared deviation for RTT latencies. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.l4_proxy.egress_bytes_count (count) | Number of bytes sent from VM to client using proxy. Shown as byte |
gcp.loadbalancing.l4_proxy.ingress_bytes_count (count) | Number of bytes sent from client to VM using proxy. Shown as byte |
gcp.loadbalancing.l4_proxy.tcp.closed_connections_count (count) | Number of connections that were terminated over TCP proxy or SSL proxy load balancer. |
gcp.loadbalancing.l4_proxy.tcp.new_connections_count (count) | Number of connections that were openend over TCP proxy or SSL proxy load balancer. |
gcp.loadbalancing.subnet.proxy_only.addresses (gauge) | The current number of proxy-only addresses by state. |
gcp.loadbalancing.tcp_ssl_proxy.closed_connections (count) | Number of connections that were terminated over TCP/SSL proxy. Shown as connection |
gcp.loadbalancing.tcp_ssl_proxy.egress_bytes_count (count) | Number of bytes sent from VM to client using proxy. Shown as byte |
gcp.loadbalancing.tcp_ssl_proxy.frontend_tcp_rtt.avg (gauge) | Average smoothed RTT measured by the proxy's TCP stack. Each minute application layer bytes pass from proxy to client. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.tcp_ssl_proxy.frontend_tcp_rtt.p95 (gauge) | 95th percentile of smoothed RTT measured by the proxy's TCP stack. Each minute application layer bytes pass from proxy to client. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.tcp_ssl_proxy.frontend_tcp_rtt.p99 (gauge) | 99th percentile of smoothed RTT measured by the proxy's TCP stack. Each minute application layer bytes pass from proxy to client. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.tcp_ssl_proxy.frontend_tcp_rtt.samplecount (count) | Sample count of smoothed RTT measured by the proxy's TCP stack. Each minute application layer bytes pass from proxy to client. Shown as sample |
gcp.loadbalancing.tcp_ssl_proxy.frontend_tcp_rtt.sumsqdev (gauge) | Sum of squared deviation of smoothed RTT measured by the proxy's TCP stack. Each minute application layer bytes pass from proxy to client. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.loadbalancing.tcp_ssl_proxy.ingress_bytes_count (count) | Number of bytes sent from client to VM using proxy. Shown as byte |
gcp.loadbalancing.tcp_ssl_proxy.new_connections (count) | Number of connections that were created over TCP/SSL proxy. Shown as connection |
gcp.loadbalancing.tcp_ssl_proxy.open_connections (count) | Current number of outstanding connections through the TCP/SSL proxy. Shown as connection |
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