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Firebase는 고품질 앱을 빠르게 개발하고, 사용자 기반을 늘리고, 더 많은 수익을 창출할 수 있도록 도와드리는 모바일 플랫폼입니다.
Google Firebase 메트릭을 수집하면 다음을 할 수 있습니다.
아직 설정하지 않았다면, 먼저 Google Cloud Platform 통합을 설정하세요. 그 외 다른 설치 단계는 없습니다.
Google Firebase 로그는 Google Cloud Logging으로 수집하여 클라우드 Pub/Sub 토픽을 통해 데이터 플로우 작업으로 전송됩니다. 아직 설정하지 않았다면 Datadog 데이터 플로우 템플릿으로 로깅을 설정하세요.
해당 작업이 완료되면 Google Cloud Logging에서 Google Firebase 로그를 다음 Pub/Sub 주제로 내보냅니다.
gcp.firebaseappcheck.resources.verification_count (count) | Verifications performed by an integrating service for a target resource. |
gcp.firebaseappcheck.services.verification_count (count) | Verifications performed by an integrating service. |
gcp.firebaseauth.phone_auth.phone_verification_count (count) | Detailed count of phone verification. |
gcp.firebasedatabase.io.database_load (gauge) | Percentage of I/O database load grouped by type. Shown as percent |
gcp.firebasedatabase.io.persisted_bytes_count (count) | Bytes of data persisted to disk. Shown as byte |
gcp.firebasedatabase.io.sent_responses_count (count) | Number of responses sent or broadcasted to clients. Shown as byte |
gcp.firebasedatabase.io.utilization (gauge) | Percentage of I/O utilization. Shown as percent |
gcp.firebasedatabase.network.active_connections (gauge) | Number of outstanding connections. Shown as connection |
gcp.firebasedatabase.network.api_hits_count (count) | The number of hits against your database grouped by type. |
gcp.firebasedatabase.network.broadcast_load (gauge) | Utilization of the time it takes to prepare and send broadcasts to clients. |
gcp.firebasedatabase.network.disabled_for_overages (gauge) | Indicates if the Firebase database has been disabled for network overages. |
gcp.firebasedatabase.network.https_requests_count (count) | Number of HTTPS requests received. |
gcp.firebasedatabase.network.monthly_sent (gauge) | The total outgoing bytes sent aggregated and reset monthly. Shown as byte |
gcp.firebasedatabase.network.monthly_sent_limit (gauge) | The monthly network limit for the Firebase database. Shown as byte |
gcp.firebasedatabase.network.sent_bytes_count (count) | Outgoing bandwidth usage for Firebase database. Shown as byte |
gcp.firebasedatabase.network.sent_payload_and_protocol_bytes_count (count) | The outgoing bandwidth usage without encryption overhead. Shown as byte |
gcp.firebasedatabase.network.sent_payload_bytes_count (count) | The outgoing bandwidth usage without encryption nor protocol. Shown as byte |
gcp.firebasedatabase.rules.evaluation_count (count) | The number of Firebase Realtime Database Security Rule evaluations performed. |
gcp.firebasedatabase.storage.disabled_for_overages (gauge) | Indicates if the Firebase database has been disabled for storage overages. |
gcp.firebasedatabase.storage.limit (gauge) | The storage limit for the Firebase database. Shown as byte |
gcp.firebasedatabase.storage.total_bytes (gauge) | Total size of the Firebase database storage. Shown as byte |
gcp.firebasedataconnect.connector.datasource_latencies.avg (count) | The average the latency of the data sources queried by the pre-defined operation executed by the connector. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.firebasedataconnect.connector.datasource_latencies.samplecount (count) | The sample count for the latency of the data sources queried by the pre-defined operation executed by the connector. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.firebasedataconnect.connector.datasource_latencies.sumsqdev (count) | The sum of squared deviation for the latency of the data sources queried by the pre-defined operation executed by the connector. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.firebasedataconnect.connector.datasource_request_bytes_count (count) | The number of bytes sent to the data source queried by the pre-defined operation executed by the connector. Shown as byte |
gcp.firebasedataconnect.connector.datasource_response_bytes_count (count) | The number of bytes returned by the data source queried by the pre-defined operation executed by the connector. Shown as byte |
gcp.firebasedataconnect.connector.network.sent_bytes_count (count) | The number of bytes transferred out by the connector. Shown as byte |
gcp.firebasedataconnect.connector.operation_count (count) | The number of pre-defined operations executed by the connector. |
gcp.firebasedataconnect.connector.operation_latencies.avg (count) | The average the latency of the pre-defined operations executed by the connector. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.firebasedataconnect.connector.operation_latencies.samplecount (count) | The sample count for the latency of the pre-defined operations executed by the connector. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.firebasedataconnect.connector.operation_latencies.sumsqdev (count) | The sum of squared deviation for the latency of the pre-defined operations executed by the connector. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.firebasedataconnect.service.datasource_latencies.avg (count) | The average the latency of the data sources queried by arbitrary, admin operations executed directly on the service. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.firebasedataconnect.service.datasource_latencies.samplecount (count) | The sample count for the latency of the data sources queried by arbitrary, admin operations executed directly on the service. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.firebasedataconnect.service.datasource_latencies.sumsqdev (count) | The sum of squared deviation for the latency of the data sources queried by arbitrary, admin operations executed directly on the service. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.firebasedataconnect.service.datasource_request_bytes_count (count) | The number of bytes sent to the data source queried by arbitrary, admin operations executed directly on the service. Shown as byte |
gcp.firebasedataconnect.service.datasource_response_bytes_count (count) | The number of bytes returned by the data sources queried by arbitrary, admin operations executed directly on the service. Shown as byte |
gcp.firebasedataconnect.service.network.sent_bytes_count (count) | The number of bytes transferred out by arbitrary, admin operations executed directly on the service. Shown as byte |
gcp.firebasedataconnect.service.operation_count (count) | The number of arbitrary, admin operations executed directly on the service. |
gcp.firebasedataconnect.service.operation_latencies.avg (count) | The average the latency of arbitrary, admin operations executed directly on the service. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.firebasedataconnect.service.operation_latencies.samplecount (count) | The sample count for the latency of arbitrary, admin operations executed directly on the service. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.firebasedataconnect.service.operation_latencies.sumsqdev (count) | The sum of squared deviation for the latency of arbitrary, admin operations executed directly on the service. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.firebaseextensions.extension.version.active_instances (gauge) | The number of active instances of the published extension version. |
gcp.firebasehosting.network.monthly_sent (gauge) | The total outgoing bytes sent, aggregated and reset monthly. Shown as byte |
gcp.firebasehosting.network.monthly_sent_limit (gauge) | The monthly network limit for Firebase Hosting. Shown as byte |
gcp.firebasehosting.network.sent_bytes_count (count) | The outgoing bandwidth usage for Firebase Hosting. Shown as byte |
gcp.firebasehosting.storage.limit (gauge) | The storage limit for Firebase Hosting. Shown as byte |
gcp.firebasehosting.storage.total_bytes (gauge) | The size of the Firebase Hosting storage. Shown as byte |
gcp.firebasestorage.rules.evaluation_count (count) | The number of Cloud Storage for Firebase Security Rules evaluations performed in response to write or read requests. |
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