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Google Cloud Dataproc은 빠르고 사용하기 쉬운 완전관리형 클라우드 서비스로, 더욱 간단하고 비용 효율적인 방식으로 Apache Spark 및 Apache Hadoop 클러스터를 실행할 수 있습니다.
Datadog Google Cloud Platform 통합을 사용하여 Google Cloud Dataproc에서 메트릭을 수집합니다.
아직 설치하지 않았다면 먼저 Google 클라우드 플랫폼 통합을 설정합니다. 그 외 다른 설치가 필요하지 않습니다.
Google Cloud Dataproc 로그는 Google Cloud Logging으로 수집하여 클라우드 Pub/Sub 토픽을 통해 데이터 플로우 작업으로 전송됩니다. 아직 설정하지 않았다면 Datadog 데이터 플로우 템플릿으로 로깅을 설정하세요.
해당 작업이 완료되면 Google Cloud Logging에서 Google Cloud Dataproc 로그를 다음 Pub/Sub 주제로 내보냅니다.
gcp.dataproc.batch.spark.executors (gauge) | Indicates the number of Batch Spark executors. Shown as worker |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.capacity_deviation (gauge) | Difference between the expected node count in the cluster and the actual active YARN node managers. |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.hdfs.datanodes (gauge) | Indicates the number of HDFS DataNodes that are running inside a cluster. Shown as node |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.hdfs.storage_capacity (gauge) | Indicates capacity of HDFS system running on a cluster in GB. Shown as gibibyte |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.hdfs.storage_utilization (gauge) | The percentage of HDFS storage currently used. Shown as percent |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.hdfs.unhealthy_blocks (gauge) | Indicates the number of unhealthy blocks inside the cluster. Shown as block |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.job.completion_time.avg (gauge) | The time jobs took to complete from the time the user submits a job to the time Dataproc reports it is completed. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.job.completion_time.samplecount (count) | Sample count for cluster job completion time. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.job.completion_time.sumsqdev (gauge) | Sum of squared deviation for cluster job completion time. Shown as second |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.job.duration.avg (gauge) | The time jobs have spent in a given state. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.job.duration.samplecount (count) | Sample count for cluster job duration. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.job.duration.sumsqdev (gauge) | Sum of squared deviation for cluster job duration. Shown as second |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.job.failed_count (count) | Indicates the number of jobs that have failed on a cluster. Shown as job |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.job.running_count (gauge) | Indicates the number of jobs that are running on a cluster. Shown as job |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.job.submitted_count (count) | Indicates the number of jobs that have been submitted to a cluster. Shown as job |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.mig_instances.failed_count (count) | Indicates the number of instance failures for a managed instance group. |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.nodes.expected (gauge) | Indicates the number of nodes that are expected in a cluster. Shown as node |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.nodes.failed_count (count) | Indicates the number of nodes that have failed in a cluster. Shown as node |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.nodes.recovered_count (count) | Indicates the number of nodes that are detected as failed and have been successfully removed from cluster. Shown as node |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.nodes.running (gauge) | Indicates the number of nodes in running state. Shown as node |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.operation.completion_time.avg (gauge) | The time operations took to complete from the time the user submits an operation to the time Dataproc reports it is completed. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.operation.completion_time.samplecount (count) | Sample count for cluster operation completion time. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.operation.completion_time.sumsqdev (gauge) | Sum of squared deviation for cluster operation completion time. Shown as second |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.operation.duration.avg (gauge) | The time operations have spent in a given state. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.operation.duration.samplecount (count) | Sample count for cluster operation duration. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.operation.duration.sumsqdev (gauge) | Sum of squared deviation for cluster operation duration. Shown as second |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.operation.failed_count (count) | Indicates the number of operations that have failed on a cluster. Shown as operation |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.operation.running_count (gauge) | Indicates the number of operations that are running on a cluster. Shown as operation |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.operation.submitted_count (count) | Indicates the number of operations that have been submitted to a cluster. Shown as operation |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.yarn.allocated_memory_percentage (gauge) | The percentage of YARN memory is allocated. Shown as percent |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.yarn.apps (gauge) | Indicates the number of active YARN applications. |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.yarn.containers (gauge) | Indicates the number of YARN containers. Shown as container |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.yarn.memory_size (gauge) | Indicates the YARN memory size in GB. Shown as gibibyte |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.yarn.nodemanagers (gauge) | Indicates the number of YARN NodeManagers running inside cluster. |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.yarn.pending_memory_size (gauge) | The current memory request, in GB, that is pending to be fulfilled by the scheduler. Shown as gibibyte |
gcp.dataproc.cluster.yarn.virtual_cores (gauge) | Indicates the number of virtual cores in YARN. Shown as core |
gcp.dataproc.job.state (gauge) | Indicates whether job is currently in a particular state or not. |
gcp.dataproc.job.yarn.memory_seconds (gauge) | Indicates the Memory Seconds consumed by the job_id job per yarn application_id . |
gcp.dataproc.job.yarn.vcore_seconds (gauge) | Indicates the VCore Seconds consumed by the job_id job per yarn application_id . |
gcp.dataproc.node.problem_count (count) | Total number of times a specific type of problem has occurred. |
gcp.dataproc.node.yarn.nodemanager.health (gauge) | YARN NodeManager health state. |
gcp.dataproc.session.spark.executors (gauge) | Indicates the number of Session Spark executors. Shown as worker |
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