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Supported OS
이 점검은 Datadog Agent를 통해 Confluent Platform 및 Kafka 컴포넌트를 모니터링합니다.
이 통합은 다음 컴포넌트에 대한 JMX 메트릭을 수집합니다.
Confluent Platform 점검은 Datadog Agent 패키지에 포함되어 있습니다. Confluent Platform 컴포넌트 서버에는 추가 설치가 필요하지 않습니다.
참고: 이 점검은 JMX를 사용하여 메트릭을 수집합니다. Agent가 jmxfetch를 실행하려면 각 노드에 JVM이 필요합니다. Oracle에서 제공하는 JVM 사용을 권장합니다.
Confluent Platform 성능 데이터를 수집하려면 Agent 설정 디렉터리 루트의 conf.d/
폴더에서 confluent_platform.d/conf.yaml
파일을 편집합니다. 사용 가능한 모든 설정 옵션은 샘플 confluent_platform.d/conf.yaml을 참조하세요.
각 컴포넌트에 대해 JMX 메트릭을 수집하려면 별도의 인스턴스를 생성해야 합니다. 수집된 기본 메트릭 목록은 다음 예와 같이 metrics.yaml
파일에 나타납니다.
- host: localhost
port: 8686
name: broker_instance
user: username
password: password
- host: localhost
port: 8687
name: schema_registry_instance
- host: localhost
port: 8688
name: rest_proxy_instance
에이전트 버전 > 6.0에서 사용 가능
Datadog 에이전트에서는 로그 수집이 기본적으로 비활성화되어 있습니다. datadog.yaml
파일에서 활성화해야 합니다.
logs_enabled: true
Confluent Platform 컴포넌트 로그 수집을 시작하려면 confluent_platform.d/conf.yaml
파일에 다음 구성 블록을 추가합니다.
- type: file
source: confluent_platform
service: <SERVICE_NAME>
- type: multi_line
name: new_log_start_with_date
pattern: \[\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}
및 service
파라미터 값을 변경하고 환경에 맞게 구성합니다. 사용 가능한 모든 구성 옵션은 샘플 confluent_platform.d/conf.yaml을 참조하세요.
컨테이너화된 환경의 경우 JMX를 통한 자동탐지 가이드를 참조하세요.
Agent의 상태 하위 명령을 실행하고 JMXFetch에서 confluent_platform
을 찾습니다.
Initialized checks
instance_name : confluent_platform-localhost-31006
message :
metric_count : 26
service_check_count : 0
status : OK
confluent.kafka.cluster.partition.under_min_isr (gauge) | Number of partitions whose in-sync replicas count is less than minIsr. These partitions will be unavailable to producers who use acks=all. |
confluent.kafka.connect.connect_metrics.failed_authentication_rate (gauge) | Failed authentication rate |
confluent.kafka.connect.connect_metrics.failed_authentication_total (gauge) | failed authentication total |
confluent.kafka.connect.connect_metrics.incoming_byte_rate (gauge) | Incoming byte rate Shown as byte |
confluent.kafka.connect.connect_metrics.outgoing_byte_rate (gauge) | Outgoing byte_rate Shown as byte |
confluent.kafka.connect.connect_metrics.successful_authentication_rate (gauge) | Successful authentication rate |
confluent.kafka.connect.connect_metrics.successful_authentication_total (gauge) | successful authentication total |
confluent.kafka.connect.connector_metrics.status (gauge) | Status of connector |
confluent.kafka.connect.connector_task.batch_size_avg (gauge) | The average size of the batches processed by the connector. |
confluent.kafka.connect.connector_task.batch_size_max (gauge) | The maximum size of the batches processed by the connector. |
confluent.kafka.connect.connector_task.offset_commit_avg_time_ms (gauge) | The average time in milliseconds taken by this task to commit offsets. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.connect.connector_task.offset_commit_failure_percentage (gauge) | The average percentage of this task's offset commit attempts that failed. Shown as percent |
confluent.kafka.connect.connector_task.offset_commit_max_time_ms (gauge) | The maximum time in milliseconds taken by this task to commit offsets. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.connect.connector_task.offset_commit_success_percentage (gauge) | The average percentage of this task's offset commit attempts that succeeded. Shown as percent |
confluent.kafka.connect.connector_task.pause_ratio (gauge) | The fraction of time this task has spent in the pause state. Shown as fraction |
confluent.kafka.connect.connector_task.running_ratio (gauge) | The fraction of time this task has spent in the running state. Shown as fraction |
confluent.kafka.connect.sink_task.offset_commit_completion_rate (gauge) | The average per-second number of offset commit completions that were completed successfully. Shown as commit |
confluent.kafka.connect.sink_task.offset_commit_completion_total (gauge) | The total number of offset commit completions that were completed successfully. Shown as commit |
confluent.kafka.connect.sink_task.offset_commit_seq_no (gauge) | The current sequence number for offset commits. |
confluent.kafka.connect.sink_task.offset_commit_skip_rate (gauge) | The average per-second number of offset commit completions that were received too late and skipped/ignored. Shown as commit |
confluent.kafka.connect.sink_task.offset_commit_skip_total (gauge) | The total number of offset commit completions that were received too late and skipped/ignored. Shown as commit |
confluent.kafka.connect.sink_task.partition_count (gauge) | The number of topic partitions assigned to this task belonging to the named sink connector in this worker. |
confluent.kafka.connect.sink_task.put_batch_avg_time_ms (gauge) | The average time taken by this task to put a batch of sinks records. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.connect.sink_task.put_batch_max_time_ms (gauge) | The maximum time taken by this task to put a batch of sinks records. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.connect.sink_task.sink_record_active_count (gauge) | The number of records that have been read from Kafka but not yet completely committed/flushed/acknowledged by the sink task. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.connect.sink_task.sink_record_active_count_avg (gauge) | The average number of records that have been read from Kafka but not yet completely committed/flushed/acknowledged by the sink task. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.connect.sink_task.sink_record_active_count_max (gauge) | The maximum number of records that have been read from Kafka but not yet completely committed/flushed/acknowledged by the sink task. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.connect.sink_task.sink_record_lag_max (gauge) | The maximum lag in terms of number of records that the sink task is behind the consumer's position for any topic partitions. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.connect.sink_task.sink_record_read_rate (gauge) | The average per-second number of records read from Kafka for this task belonging to the named sink connector in this worker. This is before transformations are applied. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.connect.sink_task.sink_record_read_total (gauge) | The total number of records read from Kafka by this task belonging to the named sink connector in this worker, since the task was last restarted. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.connect.sink_task.sink_record_send_rate (gauge) | The average per-second number of records output from the transformations and sent/put to this task belonging to the named sink connector in this worker. This is after transformations are applied and excludes any records filtered out by the transformations. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.connect.sink_task.sink_record_send_total (gauge) | The total number of records output from the transformations and sent/put to this task belonging to the named sink connector in this worker, since the task was last restarted. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.connect.source_task.poll_batch_avg_time_ms (gauge) | The average time in milliseconds taken by this task to poll for a batch of source records. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.connect.source_task.poll_batch_max_time_ms (gauge) | The maximum time in milliseconds taken by this task to poll for a batch of source records. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.connect.source_task.source_record_active_count (gauge) | The number of records that have been produced by this task but not yet completely written to Kafka. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.connect.source_task.source_record_active_count_avg (gauge) | The average number of records that have been produced by this task but not yet completely written to Kafka. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.connect.source_task.source_record_active_count_max (gauge) | The maximum number of records that have been produced by this task but not yet completely written to Kafka. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.connect.source_task.source_record_poll_rate (gauge) | The average per-second number of records produced/polled (before transformation) by this task belonging to the named source connector in this worker. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.connect.source_task.source_record_poll_total (gauge) | The total number of records produced/polled (before transformation) by this task belonging to the named source connector in this worker. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.connect.source_task.source_record_write_rate (gauge) | The average per-second number of records output from the transformations and written to Kafka for this task belonging to the named source connector in this worker. This is after transformations are applied and excludes any records filtered out by the transformations. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.connect.source_task.source_record_write_total (gauge) | The number of records output from the transformations and written to Kafka for this task belonging to the named source connector in this worker, since the task was last restarted. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.connect.task_error.deadletterqueue_produce_failures (gauge) | The number of failed writes to the dead letter queue. |
confluent.kafka.connect.task_error.deadletterqueue_produce_requests (gauge) | The number of attempted writes to the dead letter queue. |
confluent.kafka.connect.task_error.last_error_timestamp (gauge) | The epoch timestamp when this task last encountered an error in millisecond. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.connect.task_error.total_errors_logged (gauge) | The number of errors that were logged. Shown as error |
confluent.kafka.connect.task_error.total_record_errors (gauge) | The number of record processing errors in this task. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.connect.task_error.total_record_failures (gauge) | The number of record processing failures in this task. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.connect.task_error.total_records_skipped (gauge) | The number of records skipped due to errors. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.connect.task_error.total_retries (gauge) | The number of operations retried. Shown as operation |
confluent.kafka.connect.worker.connector_count (gauge) | The number of connectors run in this worker. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.connect.worker.connector_destroyed_task_count (gauge) | The number of destroyed tasks of the connector on the worker. Shown as task |
confluent.kafka.connect.worker.connector_failed_task_count (gauge) | The number of failed tasks of the connector on the worker. Shown as task |
confluent.kafka.connect.worker.connector_paused_task_count (gauge) | The number of paused tasks of the connector on the worker. Shown as task |
confluent.kafka.connect.worker.connector_running_task_count (gauge) | The number of running tasks of the connector on the worker. Shown as task |
confluent.kafka.connect.worker.connector_startup_attempts_total (gauge) | The total number of connector startups that this worker has attempted. |
confluent.kafka.connect.worker.connector_startup_failure_percentage (gauge) | The average percentage of this worker's connectors starts that failed. Shown as percent |
confluent.kafka.connect.worker.connector_startup_failure_total (gauge) | The total number of connector starts that failed. |
confluent.kafka.connect.worker.connector_startup_success_percentage (gauge) | The average percentage of this worker's connectors starts that succeeded. Shown as percent |
confluent.kafka.connect.worker.connector_startup_success_total (gauge) | The total number of connector starts that succeeded. |
confluent.kafka.connect.worker.connector_total_task_count (gauge) | The number of tasks of the connector on the worker. Shown as task |
confluent.kafka.connect.worker.connector_unassigned_task_count (gauge) | The number of unassigned tasks of the connector on the worker. Shown as task |
confluent.kafka.connect.worker.task_count (gauge) | The number of tasks run in this worker. Shown as task |
confluent.kafka.connect.worker.task_startup_attempts_total (gauge) | The total number of task startups that this worker has attempted. |
confluent.kafka.connect.worker.task_startup_failure_percentage (gauge) | The average percentage of this worker's tasks starts that failed. Shown as percent |
confluent.kafka.connect.worker.task_startup_failure_total (gauge) | The total number of task starts that failed. |
confluent.kafka.connect.worker.task_startup_success_percentage (gauge) | The average percentage of this worker's tasks starts that succeeded. Shown as percent |
confluent.kafka.connect.worker.task_startup_success_total (gauge) | The total number of task starts that succeeded. |
confluent.kafka.connect.worker_rebalance.completed_rebalances_total (gauge) | The total number of rebalances completed by this worker. |
confluent.kafka.connect.worker_rebalance.epoch (gauge) | The epoch or generation number of this worker. |
confluent.kafka.connect.worker_rebalance.rebalance_avg_time_ms (gauge) | The average time in milliseconds spent by this worker to rebalance. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.connect.worker_rebalance.rebalance_max_time_ms (gauge) | The maximum time in milliseconds spent by this worker to rebalance. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.connect.worker_rebalance.rebalancing (gauge) | Whether this worker is currently rebalancing. |
confluent.kafka.connect.worker_rebalance.time_since_last_rebalance_ms (gauge) | The time in milliseconds since this worker completed the most recent rebalance. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.consumer.bytes_consumed_rate (gauge) | Indicates throughput of Replicator reading events from origin cluster. Shown as byte |
confluent.kafka.consumer.connection_count (gauge) | The current number of active connections on the consumer. Shown as connection |
confluent.kafka.consumer.fetch.bytes_consumed_rate (gauge) | The average number of bytes consumed per second. Shown as byte |
confluent.kafka.consumer.fetch.fetch_latency_avg (gauge) | The average time taken for a fetch request. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.consumer.fetch.fetch_latency_max (gauge) | The max time taken for a fetch request. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.consumer.fetch.fetch_rate (gauge) | The number of fetch requests per second. Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.consumer.fetch.fetch_size_avg (gauge) | The average number of bytes fetched per fetch request. Shown as byte |
confluent.kafka.consumer.fetch.fetch_size_max (gauge) | The maximum number of bytes fetched per fetch request. Shown as byte |
confluent.kafka.consumer.fetch.fetch_throttle_time_avg (gauge) | The average throttle time in ms. When quotas are enabled, the broker may delay fetch requests in order to throttle a consumer which has exceeded its limit. This metric indicates how throttling time has been added to fetch requests on average. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.consumer.fetch.fetch_throttle_time_max (gauge) | The maximum throttle time in ms. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.consumer.fetch.records_consumed_rate (gauge) | The average number of records consumed per second. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.consumer.fetch.records_lag_max (gauge) | The maximum lag in terms of number of records for any partition in this window. An increasing value over time is your best indication that the consumer group is not keeping up with the producers. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.consumer.fetch.records_per_request_avg (gauge) | The average number of records in each request. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.consumer.fetch_rate (gauge) | The number of fetches per second. Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.consumer.fetch_size_avg (gauge) | The average number of bytes fetched per request Shown as byte |
confluent.kafka.consumer.fetch_size_max (gauge) | The maximum number of bytes fetched per request. Shown as byte |
confluent.kafka.consumer.fetch_throttle_time_avg (gauge) | Fetch requests may be throttled to meet quotas configured on the origin cluster. If this average is non-zero, it indicates that the origin brokers are slowing the consumer down and the quotas configuration should be reviewed. For more information on quotas see Enforcing Client Quotas Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.consumer.fetch_throttle_time_max (gauge) | Fetch requests may be throttled to meet quotas configured on the origin cluster. If this maximum is non-zero, it indicates that the origin brokers are slowing the consumer down and the quotas configuration should be reviewed. For more information on quotas see Enforcing Client Quotas Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.consumer.fetch_topic.bytes_consumed_rate (gauge) | The average number of bytes consumed per second for a specific topic. Shown as byte |
confluent.kafka.consumer.fetch_topic.fetch_size_avg (gauge) | The average number of bytes fetched per request for a specific topic. Shown as byte |
confluent.kafka.consumer.fetch_topic.fetch_size_max (gauge) | The maximum number of bytes fetched per request for a specific topic. Shown as byte |
confluent.kafka.consumer.fetch_topic.records_consumed_rate (gauge) | The average number of records consumed per second for a specific topic. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.consumer.fetch_topic.records_per_request_avg (gauge) | The average number of records in each request for a specific topic. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.consumer.group.assigned_partitions (gauge) | The number of partitions currently assigned to this consumer. Shown as unit |
confluent.kafka.consumer.group.commit_latency_avg (gauge) | The average time taken for a commit request. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.consumer.group.commit_latency_max (gauge) | The max time taken for a commit request. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.consumer.group.commit_rate (gauge) | The number of commit calls per second Shown as commit |
confluent.kafka.consumer.group.heartbeat_rate (gauge) | The average number of heartbeats per second. Shown as operation |
confluent.kafka.consumer.group.heartbeat_response_time_max (gauge) | The max time taken to receive a response to a heartbeat request. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.consumer.group.join_rate (gauge) | The number of group joins per second. Group joining is the first phase of the rebalance protocol. A large value indicates that the consumer group is unstable and will likely be coupled with increased lag. Shown as operation |
confluent.kafka.consumer.group.join_time_avg (gauge) | The average time taken for a group rejoin. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.consumer.group.join_time_max (gauge) | The max time taken for a group rejoin. This value should not get much higher than the configured session timeout for the consumer. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.consumer.group.last_heartbeat_seconds_ago (gauge) | The number of seconds since the last controller heartbeat. Shown as second |
confluent.kafka.consumer.group.sync_rate (gauge) | The number of group syncs per second. Group synchronization is the second and last phase of the rebalance protocol. Shown as operation |
confluent.kafka.consumer.group.sync_time_avg (gauge) | The average time taken for a group sync. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.consumer.group.sync_time_max (gauge) | The max time taken for a group sync. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.consumer.io_ratio (gauge) | The fraction of time the consumer I/O thread spent doing I/O Shown as fraction |
confluent.kafka.consumer.io_wait_ratio (gauge) | The fraction of time the consumer I/O thread spent waiting Shown as fraction |
confluent.kafka.consumer.network_io_rate (gauge) | The number of network operations (reads or writes) on all consumer connections per second Shown as connection |
confluent.kafka.consumer.records_lag_max (gauge) | The maximum lag in terms of number of records for any partition. An increasing value over time indicates that Replicator is not keeping up with the rate at which events are written to the origin cluster. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.consumer.request_latency_avg (gauge) | The average consumer request latency in ms Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.consumer.request_rate (gauge) | The number of requests sent per second by a consumer Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.consumer.response_rate (gauge) | The number of responses received per second by a consumer Shown as response |
confluent.kafka.controller.active_controller_count (gauge) | Number of active controllers in the cluster. Alert if the aggregated sum across all brokers in the cluster is anything other than 1 because there should be exactly one controller per cluster. |
confluent.kafka.controller.global_partition_count (gauge) | global partition count |
confluent.kafka.controller.global_topic_count (gauge) | global topic count |
confluent.kafka.controller.global_under_min_isr_partition_count (gauge) | under min isr count |
confluent.kafka.controller.leader_election_rate_and_time_ms.avg (gauge) | Leader election rate avg. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.controller.leader_election_rate_and_time_ms.rate (gauge) | Leader election rate. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.controller.offline_partitions_count (gauge) | Number of partitions that don't have an active leader and are hence not writable or readable. Alert if value is greater than 0. |
confluent.kafka.controller.preferred_replica_imbalance_count (gauge) | Preferred Replica Imbalance Count |
confluent.kafka.controller.unclean_leader_elections_per_sec.avg (gauge) | Unclean leader election rate avg. Shown as unit |
confluent.kafka.controller.unclean_leader_elections_per_sec.rate (gauge) | Unclean leader election rate. Shown as unit |
confluent.kafka.log.log_flush_rate_and_time_ms.avg (gauge) | Log flush rate avg. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.log.log_flush_rate_and_time_ms.rate (gauge) | Log flush rate. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.log.size (gauge) | log size per topic Shown as byte |
confluent.kafka.network.request.local_time_ms.50percentile (gauge) | Time the request is processed at the leader (50percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.local_time_ms.75percentile (gauge) | Time the request is processed at the leader (75percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.local_time_ms.95percentile (gauge) | Time the request is processed at the leader (95percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.local_time_ms.98percentile (gauge) | Time the request is processed at the leader (98percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.local_time_ms.999percentile (gauge) | Time the request is processed at the leader (999percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.local_time_ms.99percentile (gauge) | Time the request is processed at the leader (99percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.local_time_ms.avg (gauge) | Time the request is processed at the leader (avg). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.local_time_ms.rate (gauge) | Time the request is processed at the leader (rate). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.remote_time_ms.50percentile (gauge) | Time the request waits for the follower. This is non-zero for produce requests when acks=all (50percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.remote_time_ms.75percentile (gauge) | Time the request waits for the follower. This is non-zero for produce requests when acks=all (75percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.remote_time_ms.95percentile (gauge) | Time the request waits for the follower. This is non-zero for produce requests when acks=all (95percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.remote_time_ms.98percentile (gauge) | Time the request waits for the follower. This is non-zero for produce requests when acks=all (98percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.remote_time_ms.999percentile (gauge) | Time the request waits for the follower. This is non-zero for produce requests when acks=all (999percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.remote_time_ms.99percentile (gauge) | Time the request waits for the follower. This is non-zero for produce requests when acks=all (99percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.remote_time_ms.avg (gauge) | Time the request waits for the follower. This is non-zero for produce requests when acks=all (avg). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.remote_time_ms.rate (gauge) | Time the request waits for the follower. This is non-zero for produce requests when acks=all (rate). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.request_queue_time_ms.50percentile (gauge) | Time the request waits in the request queue (50percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.request_queue_time_ms.75percentile (gauge) | Time the request waits in the request queue (75percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.request_queue_time_ms.95percentile (gauge) | Time the request waits in the request queue (95percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.request_queue_time_ms.98percentile (gauge) | Time the request waits in the request queue (98percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.request_queue_time_ms.999percentile (gauge) | Time the request waits in the request queue (999percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.request_queue_time_ms.99percentile (gauge) | Time the request waits in the request queue (99percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.request_queue_time_ms.avg (gauge) | Time the request waits in the request queue (avg). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.request_queue_time_ms.rate (gauge) | Time the request waits in the request queue (rate). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.requests_per_sec.rate (gauge) | Request rate. Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.network.request.response_queue_time_ms.50percentile (gauge) | Time the request waits in the response queue (50percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.response_queue_time_ms.75percentile (gauge) | Time the request waits in the response queue (75percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.response_queue_time_ms.95percentile (gauge) | Time the request waits in the response queue (95percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.response_queue_time_ms.98percentile (gauge) | Time the request waits in the response queue (98percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.response_queue_time_ms.999percentile (gauge) | Time the request waits in the response queue (999percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.response_queue_time_ms.99percentile (gauge) | Time the request waits in the response queue (99percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.response_queue_time_ms.avg (gauge) | Time the request waits in the response queue (avg). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.response_queue_time_ms.rate (gauge) | Time the request waits in the response queue (rate). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.response_send_time_ms.50percentile (gauge) | Time to send the response (50percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.response_send_time_ms.75percentile (gauge) | Time to send the response (75percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.response_send_time_ms.95percentile (gauge) | Time to send the response (95percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.response_send_time_ms.98percentile (gauge) | Time to send the response (98percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.response_send_time_ms.999percentile (gauge) | Time to send the response (999percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.response_send_time_ms.99percentile (gauge) | Time to send the response (99percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.response_send_time_ms.avg (gauge) | Time to send the response (avg). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.response_send_time_ms.rate (gauge) | Time to send the response (rate). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.total_time_ms.50percentile (gauge) | Total time in ms to serve the specified request (50percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.total_time_ms.75percentile (gauge) | Total time in ms to serve the specified request (75percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.total_time_ms.95percentile (gauge) | Total time in ms to serve the specified request (95percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.total_time_ms.98percentile (gauge) | Total time in ms to serve the specified request (98percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.total_time_ms.999percentile (gauge) | Total time in ms to serve the specified request (999percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.total_time_ms.99percentile (gauge) | Total time in ms to serve the specified request (99percentile). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.total_time_ms.avg (gauge) | Total time in ms to serve the specified request (avg). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request.total_time_ms.rate (gauge) | Total time in ms to serve the specified request (rate). Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.network.request_channel.request_queue_size (gauge) | Size of the request queue. A congested request queue will not be able to process incoming or outgoing requests |
confluent.kafka.network.socket_server.network_processor_avg_idle_percent (gauge) | Average fraction of time the network processor threads are idle Shown as fraction |
confluent.kafka.producer.batch_size_avg (gauge) | The average number of bytes sent per partition per-request. Shown as byte |
confluent.kafka.producer.batch_size_max (gauge) | The max number of bytes sent per partition per-request. Shown as byte |
confluent.kafka.producer.bufferpool_wait_time_total (gauge) | The total time an appender waits for space allocation. Shown as nanosecond |
confluent.kafka.producer.connection_close_rate (gauge) | Connections closed per second in the window. Shown as connection |
confluent.kafka.producer.connection_count (gauge) | The current number of active connections on the producer. Shown as connection |
confluent.kafka.producer.connection_creation_rate (gauge) | New connections established per second in the window. Shown as connection |
confluent.kafka.producer.incoming_byte_rate (gauge) | The average number of incoming bytes received per second from all servers. Shown as byte |
confluent.kafka.producer.io_ratio (gauge) | The fraction of time the producer I/O thread spent doing I/O Shown as fraction |
confluent.kafka.producer.io_time_ns_avg (gauge) | The average length of time for I/O per select call in nanoseconds. Shown as nanosecond |
confluent.kafka.producer.io_wait_ratio (gauge) | The fraction of time the producer I/O thread spent waiting Shown as fraction |
confluent.kafka.producer.io_wait_time_ns_avg (gauge) | The average length of time the I/O thread spent waiting for a socket ready for reads or writes in nanoseconds. Shown as nanosecond |
confluent.kafka.producer.network_io_rate (gauge) | The number of network operations (reads or writes) on all producer connections per second Shown as operation |
confluent.kafka.producer.node.incoming_byte_rate (gauge) | The average number of bytes received per second from the broker. Shown as byte |
confluent.kafka.producer.node.outgoing_byte_rate (gauge) | The average number of bytes sent per second to the broker. Shown as byte |
confluent.kafka.producer.node.request_rate (gauge) | The average number of requests sent per second to the broker. Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.producer.node.request_size_avg (gauge) | The average size of all requests in the window for a broker. Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.producer.node.request_size_max (gauge) | The maximum size of any request sent in the window for a broker. Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.producer.node.response_rate (gauge) | The average number of responses received per second from the broker. Shown as response |
confluent.kafka.producer.outgoing_byte_rate (gauge) | The number of outgoing bytes sent to all servers per second Shown as byte |
confluent.kafka.producer.produce_throttle_time_avg (gauge) | The average time in ms a request was throttled by a broker Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.producer.produce_throttle_time_max (gauge) | The maximum time in ms a request was throttled by a broker Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.producer.record_error_rate (gauge) | The average per-second number of record sends that resulted in errors Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.producer.record_retry_rate (gauge) | The average per-second number of retried record sends Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.producer.request_latency_avg (gauge) | The average producer request latency in ms Shown as millisecond |
confluent.kafka.producer.request_rate (gauge) | The number of requests sent per second by a producer Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.producer.response_rate (gauge) | The number of responses received per second by the consumer Shown as response |
confluent.kafka.producer.select_rate (gauge) | Number of times the I/O layer checked for new I/O to perform per second. |
confluent.kafka.producer.topic.byte_rate (gauge) | The average number of bytes sent per second for a topic. Shown as byte |
confluent.kafka.producer.topic.compression_rate (gauge) | The average compression rate of record batches for a topic. |
confluent.kafka.producer.topic.record_error_rate (gauge) | The average per-second number of record sends that resulted in errors for a topic. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.producer.topic.record_retry_rate (gauge) | The average per-second number of retried record sends for a topic. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.producer.topic.record_send_rate (gauge) | The average number of records sent per second for a topic. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.producer.waiting_threads (gauge) | The number of user threads blocked waiting for buffer memory to enqueue their records Shown as thread |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.brokers.list.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed brokers list HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.consumer.assign_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer assign v2 HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.consumer.assignment_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer assignment v2 HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.consumer.commit.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer commit HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.consumer.commit_offsets_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer commit offsets v2 HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.consumer.committed_offsets_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer committed offsets v2 HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.consumer.create.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer create HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.consumer.create_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer create v2 HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.consumer.delete.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer delete HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.consumer.delete_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer delete v2 HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.consumer.records.read_avro_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer records read avro v2 HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.consumer.records.read_binary_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer records read binary v2 HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.consumer.records.read_json_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer records read json v2 HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.consumer.records.read_jsonschema_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer topic read json HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.consumer.records.read_protobuf_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer topic read json HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.consumer.seek_to_beginning_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer seek to beginning v2 HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.consumer.seek_to_end_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer seek to end v2 HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.consumer.seek_to_offset_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer seek to offset v2 HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.consumer.subscribe_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer subscribe v2 HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.consumer.subscription_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer subscription v2 HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.consumer.topic.read_avro.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer topic read avro HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.consumer.topic.read_binary.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer topic read binary HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.consumer.topic.read_json.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer topic read json HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.consumer.unsubscribe_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer unsubscribe v2 HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.partition.consume_avro.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partition consume avro HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.partition.consume_binary.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partition consume binary HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.partition.consume_json.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partition consume json HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.partition.get.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partition get HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.partition.get_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partition get v2 HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.partition.produce_avro.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partition produce avro HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.partition.produce_avro_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partition produce avro v2 HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.partition.produce_binary.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partition produce binary HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.partition.produce_binary_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partition produce binary v2 HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.partition.produce_json.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partition produce json HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.partition.produce_json_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partition produce json v2 HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.partition.produce_jsonschema_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partition produce json v2 HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.partition.produce_protobuf_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partition produce json v2 HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.partitions.list.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partitions list HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.partitions.list_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partitions list v2 HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.root.get.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed root get HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.root.get_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed root get HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.root.post.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed root post HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.root.post_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed root post HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.topic.get.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed topic get HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.topic.get_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed topic get HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.topic.produce_avro.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed topic produce avro HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.topic.produce_binary.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed topic produce binary HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.topic.produce_json.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed topic produce json HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.topics.list.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed topics list HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jersey.topics.list_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed topics list HTTP requests Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.rest.jetty.connections_active (gauge) | Total number of active TCP connections (REST). Shown as connection |
confluent.kafka.rest.jetty.connections_closed_rate (gauge) | The average rate per second of closed TCP connections (REST). Shown as connection |
confluent.kafka.rest.jetty.connections_opened_rate (gauge) | The average rate per second of opened TCP connections (REST). Shown as connection |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.avro_schemas_created (gauge) | schemas created avro |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.avro_schemas_deleted (gauge) | schemas deleted avro |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.brokers.list.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed brokers list operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.brokers.list_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed brokers list operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.consumer.assign_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer assign v2 operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.consumer.assignment_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer assignment v2 operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.consumer.commit.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer commit operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.consumer.commit_offsets_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer commit offsets v2 operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.consumer.committed_offsets_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer committed offsets v2 operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.consumer.create.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer create operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.consumer.create_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer create v2 operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.consumer.delete.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer delete operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.consumer.delete_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer delete v2 operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.consumer.records.read_avro_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer records read avro v2 operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.consumer.records.read_binary_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer records read binary v2 operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.consumer.records.read_json_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer records read json v2 operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.consumer.seek_to_beginning_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer seek to beginning v2 operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.consumer.seek_to_end_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer seek to end v2 operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.consumer.seek_to_offset_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer seek to offset v2 operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.consumer.subscribe_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer subscribe v2 operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.consumer.subscription_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer subscription v2 operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.consumer.topic.read_avro.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer topic read avro operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.consumer.topic.read_binary.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer topic read binary operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.consumer.topic.read_json.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer topic read json operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.consumer.unsubscribe_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed consumer unsubscribe v2 operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.partition.consume_avro.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partition consume avro operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.partition.consume_binary.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partition consume binary operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.partition.consume_json.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partition consume json operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.partition.get.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partition get operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.partition.get_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partition get v2 operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.partition.produce_avro.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partition produce avro operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.partition.produce_avro_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partition produce avro v2 operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.partition.produce_binary.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partition produce binary operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.partition.produce_binary_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partition produce binary v2 operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.partition.produce_json.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partition produce json operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.partition.produce_json_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partition produce json v2 operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.partitions.list.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partitions list operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.partitions.list_v2.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed partitions list v2 operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.root.get.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed root get operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.root.post.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed root post operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.topic.get.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed topic get operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.topic.produce_avro.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed topic produce avro operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.topic.produce_binary.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed topic produce binary operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.topic.produce_json.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed topic produce json operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jersey.topics.list.request_error_rate (gauge) | The average rate of failed topics list operations Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jetty.connections_active (gauge) | Total number of active TCP connections (Schema registry). Shown as connection |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jetty.connections_closed_rate (gauge) | The average rate per second of closed TCP connections (Schema registry). Shown as connection |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.jetty.connections_opened_rate (gauge) | The average rate per second of opened TCP connections (Schema registry). Shown as connection |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.json_schemas_created (gauge) | schemas created json |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.json_schemas_deleted (gauge) | schemas deleted json |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.master_slave_role.master_slave_role (gauge) | The current role of this Schema Registry instance. A value of 1 indicates this instance is the primary, 0 indicates it is a secondary. |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.protobuf_schemas_created (gauge) | schemas protobuf avro |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.protobuf_schemas_deleted (gauge) | schemas deleted protobuf |
confluent.kafka.schema.registry.registered_count (gauge) | schemas registered |
confluent.kafka.server.broker_topic_metrics.bytes_in_per_sec (gauge) | Total bytes in per topic Shown as byte |
confluent.kafka.server.broker_topic_metrics.bytes_out_per_sec (gauge) | Total bytes out per topic Shown as byte |
confluent.kafka.server.broker_topic_metrics.fetch_message_conversions_per_sec (gauge) | Total messages converted at production per topic Shown as message |
confluent.kafka.server.broker_topic_metrics.messages_in_per_sec (gauge) | Total messages in per topic Shown as message |
confluent.kafka.server.broker_topic_metrics.messages_out_per_sec (gauge) | Total messages out per topic Shown as message |
confluent.kafka.server.broker_topic_metrics.produce_message_conversions_per_sec (gauge) | Total messages converted at production per topic Shown as message |
confluent.kafka.server.delayed_operation_purgatory.purgatory_size (gauge) | Number of requests waiting in the fetch purgatory. This is high if consumers use a large value for fetch.wait.max.ms. Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.server.fetcher_lag.consumer_lag (gauge) | Lag in number of messages per follower replica. This is useful to know if the replica is slow or has stopped replicating from the leader. Shown as message |
confluent.kafka.server.produce.delay_queue_size (gauge) | Number of producer clients currently being throttled. The value can be any number greater than or equal to 0. |
confluent.kafka.server.replica_fetcher_manager.max_lag (gauge) | Maximum lag in messages between the follower and leader replicas. This is controlled by the replica.lag.max.messages config.Shown as message |
confluent.kafka.server.replica_manager.isr_expands_per_sec.rate (gauge) | Rate at which the pool of in-sync replicas (ISRs) expands. Shown as unit |
confluent.kafka.server.replica_manager.isr_shrinks_per_sec.rate (gauge) | Rate at which the pool of in-sync replicas (ISRs) shrinks. Shown as unit |
confluent.kafka.server.replica_manager.leader_count (gauge) | Number of leaders on this broker. This should be mostly even across all brokers. If not, set auto.leader.rebalance.enable to true on all brokers in the cluster. |
confluent.kafka.server.replica_manager.partition_count (gauge) | Number of partitions on this broker. This should be mostly even across all brokers. |
confluent.kafka.server.replica_manager.under_min_isr_partition_count (gauge) | Number of partitions whose in-sync replicas count is less than minIsr. |
confluent.kafka.server.replica_manager.under_replicated_partitions (gauge) | Number of under-replicated partitions (ISR < all replicas). |
confluent.kafka.server.request_handler_pool.avg_idle_percent (gauge) | Average fraction of time the request handler threads are idle. Values are between 0 (all resources are used) and 1 (all resources are available) Shown as fraction |
confluent.kafka.server.request_handler_pool.avg_idle_percent.rate (gauge) | Number of nanoseconds where the request handler threads were idle during the last second. Values are between 0 (all resources are used) and 10^9 (all resources are available) Shown as fraction |
confluent.kafka.server.session.zoo_keeper_auth_failures_per_sec.rate (gauge) | An attempt to connect to the ensemble failed because the client has not provided correct credentials. |
confluent.kafka.server.session.zoo_keeper_disconnects_per_sec.rate (gauge) | ZooKeeper client is currently disconnected from the ensemble. The client lost its previous connection to a server and it is currently trying to reconnect. The session is not necessarily expired. Shown as unit |
confluent.kafka.server.session.zoo_keeper_expires_per_sec.rate (gauge) | The ZooKeeper session has expired. When a session expires, we can have leader changes and even a new controller. Shown as unit |
confluent.kafka.server.session.zoo_keeper_read_only_connects_per_sec.rate (gauge) | The server the client is connected to is currently LOOKING, which means that it is neither FOLLOWING nor LEADING. Shown as unit |
confluent.kafka.server.session.zoo_keeper_request_latency_ms (gauge) | Client request latency Shown as unit |
confluent.kafka.server.session.zoo_keeper_sasl_authentications_per_sec.rate (gauge) | Client has successfully authenticated. Shown as unit |
confluent.kafka.server.session.zoo_keeper_sync_connects_per_sec.rate (gauge) | ZooKeeper client is connected to the ensemble and ready to execute operations. Shown as unit |
confluent.kafka.server.topic.bytes_in_per_sec.rate (gauge) | Aggregate incoming byte rate. Shown as byte |
confluent.kafka.server.topic.bytes_out_per_sec.rate (gauge) | Aggregate outgoing byte rate. Shown as byte |
confluent.kafka.server.topic.bytes_rejected_per_sec.rate (gauge) | Aggregate rejected byte rate. Shown as byte |
confluent.kafka.server.topic.failed_fetch_requests_per_sec.rate (gauge) | Fetch request rate for requests that failed. Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.server.topic.failed_produce_requests_per_sec.rate (gauge) | Produce request rate for requests that failed. Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.server.topic.messages_in_per_sec.rate (gauge) | Aggregate incoming message rate. Shown as message |
confluent.kafka.server.topic.total_fetch_requests_per_sec.rate (gauge) | Fetch request rate. Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.server.topic.total_produce_requests_per_sec.rate (gauge) | Produce request rate. Shown as request |
confluent.kafka.streams.processor_node.forward_rate (gauge) | The average rate of records being forwarded downstream, from source nodes only, per second. This metric can be used to understand how fast the library is consuming from source topics. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.streams.processor_node.forward_total (gauge) | The total number of records being forwarded downstream, from source nodes only. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.streams.processor_node.process_latency_avg (gauge) | The average execution time in ns, for the respective operation. Shown as nanosecond |
confluent.kafka.streams.processor_node.process_rate (gauge) | The average number of respective operations per second. Shown as operation |
confluent.kafka.streams.processor_node.process_total (gauge) | The total number of respective operations. Shown as operation |
confluent.kafka.streams.processor_node.suppression_emit_rate (gauge) | The rate at which records that have been emitted downstream from suppression operation nodes. Compare with the process-rate metric to determine how many updates are being suppressed. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.streams.processor_node.suppression_emit_total (gauge) | The total number of records that have been emitted downstream from suppression operation nodes. Compare with the process-total metric to determine how many updates are being suppressed. Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.streams.stream.commit_latency_avg (gauge) | The average value of commit-latency. Shown as nanosecond |
confluent.kafka.streams.stream.commit_latency_max (gauge) | The maximum value of commit-latency. Shown as nanosecond |
confluent.kafka.streams.stream.commit_rate (gauge) | The average per-second number of commit calls Shown as commit |
confluent.kafka.streams.stream.commit_total (gauge) | The total number of commit calls Shown as commit |
confluent.kafka.streams.stream.poll_latency_avg (gauge) | The average value of poll-latency. Shown as nanosecond |
confluent.kafka.streams.stream.poll_latency_max (gauge) | The maximum value of poll-latency. Shown as nanosecond |
confluent.kafka.streams.stream.poll_rate (gauge) | The average per-second number of poll calls Shown as unit |
confluent.kafka.streams.stream.poll_total (gauge) | The total number of poll calls Shown as unit |
confluent.kafka.streams.stream.process_latency_avg (gauge) | The average value of process-latency. Shown as nanosecond |
confluent.kafka.streams.stream.process_latency_max (gauge) | The maximum value of process-latency. Shown as nanosecond |
confluent.kafka.streams.stream.process_rate (gauge) | The average per-second number of process calls Shown as unit |
confluent.kafka.streams.stream.process_total (gauge) | The total number of process calls Shown as unit |
confluent.kafka.streams.stream.punctuate_latency_avg (gauge) | The average value of punctuate-latency. Shown as nanosecond |
confluent.kafka.streams.stream.punctuate_latency_max (gauge) | The maximum value of punctuate-latency. Shown as nanosecond |
confluent.kafka.streams.stream.punctuate_rate (gauge) | The average per-second number of punctuate calls Shown as unit |
confluent.kafka.streams.stream.punctuate_total (gauge) | The total number of punctuate calls Shown as unit |
confluent.kafka.streams.stream.skipped_records_rate (gauge) | The average per-second number of skipped records Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.streams.stream.skipped_records_total (gauge) | The total number of skipped records Shown as record |
confluent.kafka.streams.stream.task_closed_rate (gauge) | The average per-second number of closed tasks Shown as task |
confluent.kafka.streams.stream.task_closed_total (gauge) | The total number of closed tasks Shown as task |
confluent.kafka.streams.stream.task_created_rate (gauge) | The average per-second number of newly created tasks Shown as task |
confluent.kafka.streams.stream.task_created_total (gauge) | The total number of newly created tasks Shown as task |
confluent.kafka.streams.task.commit_latency_avg (gauge) | The average value of task commit-latency. Shown as nanosecond |
confluent.kafka.streams.task.commit_rate (gauge) | The average per-second number of commit calls over all tasks Shown as unit |
confluent.kafka.streams.task.record_lateness_avg (gauge) | The average value of record-lateness. Shown as millisecond |
confluent.ksql.consumer_metrics.consumer_messages_per_sec (gauge) | consumermessagesper_sec |
confluent.ksql.consumer_metrics.consumer_total_bytes (gauge) | consumertotalbytes |
confluent.ksql.consumer_metrics.consumer_total_messages (gauge) | consumertotalmessages |
confluent.ksql.ksql_rocksdb_aggregates.block_cache_pinned_usage_max (gauge) | blockcachepinnedusagemax Shown as byte |
confluent.ksql.ksql_rocksdb_aggregates.block_cache_pinned_usage_total (gauge) | blockcachepinnedusagetotal Shown as byte |
confluent.ksql.ksql_rocksdb_aggregates.block_cache_usage_max (gauge) | block cache usage Shown as byte |
confluent.ksql.ksql_rocksdb_aggregates.block_cache_usage_total (gauge) | blockcacheusage_total Shown as byte |
confluent.ksql.ksql_rocksdb_aggregates.compaction_pending_total (gauge) | compactionpendingtotal |
confluent.ksql.ksql_rocksdb_aggregates.cur_size_active_mem_table_total (gauge) | cursizeactivememtable_total Shown as byte |
confluent.ksql.ksql_rocksdb_aggregates.cur_size_all_mem_tables_total (gauge) | size all mem tables Shown as byte |
confluent.ksql.ksql_rocksdb_aggregates.estimate_num_keys_total (gauge) | estimatenumkeys_total |
confluent.ksql.ksql_rocksdb_aggregates.estimate_pending_compaction_bytes_total (gauge) | estimatependingcompactionbytestotal |
confluent.ksql.ksql_rocksdb_aggregates.estimate_table_readers_mem_total (gauge) | estimatetablereadersmemtotal Shown as byte |
confluent.ksql.ksql_rocksdb_aggregates.live_sst_files_size_total (gauge) | livesstfilessizetotal Shown as byte |
confluent.ksql.ksql_rocksdb_aggregates.mem_table_flush_pending_total (gauge) | memtableflushpendingtotal Shown as byte |
confluent.ksql.ksql_rocksdb_aggregates.num_deletes_active_mem_table_total (gauge) | numdeletesactivememtable_total |
confluent.ksql.ksql_rocksdb_aggregates.num_deletes_imm_mem_tables_total (gauge) | delete all mem tables |
confluent.ksql.ksql_rocksdb_aggregates.num_entries_active_mem_table_total (gauge) | entries all mem tables |
confluent.ksql.ksql_rocksdb_aggregates.num_entries_imm_mem_tables_total (gauge) | numentriesimmmemtables_total Shown as byte |
confluent.ksql.ksql_rocksdb_aggregates.num_immutable_mem_table_total (gauge) | immutable mem table total |
confluent.ksql.ksql_rocksdb_aggregates.num_running_compactions_total (gauge) | numrunningcompactions |
confluent.ksql.ksql_rocksdb_aggregates.num_running_flushes_total (gauge) | running flushes total |
confluent.ksql.ksql_rocksdb_aggregates.total_sst_files_size_total (gauge) | totalsstfilessizetotal Shown as byte |
confluent.ksql.producer_metrics.messages_per_sec (gauge) | messagespersec |
confluent.ksql.producer_metrics.total_messages (gauge) | total messages |
confluent.ksql.pull_query_metrics.pull_query_requests_error_rate (gauge) | pullqueryrequestserrorrate |
confluent.ksql.pull_query_metrics.pull_query_requests_error_total (gauge) | pullqueryrequestserrortotal |
confluent.ksql.pull_query_metrics.pull_query_requests_latency_distribution_50 (gauge) | pullqueryrequestslatencydistribution_50 |
confluent.ksql.pull_query_metrics.pull_query_requests_latency_distribution_75 (gauge) | pullqueryrequestslatencydistribution_75 |
confluent.ksql.pull_query_metrics.pull_query_requests_latency_distribution_90 (gauge) | pullqueryrequestslatencydistribution_90 |
confluent.ksql.pull_query_metrics.pull_query_requests_latency_distribution_99 (gauge) | pullqueryrequestslatencydistribution_99 |
confluent.ksql.pull_query_metrics.pull_query_requests_latency_latency_avg (gauge) | pullqueryrequestslatencylatency_avg |
confluent.ksql.pull_query_metrics.pull_query_requests_latency_latency_max (gauge) | pullqueryrequestslatencylatency_max |
confluent.ksql.pull_query_metrics.pull_query_requests_latency_latency_min (gauge) | pullqueryrequestslatencylatency_min |
confluent.ksql.pull_query_metrics.pull_query_requests_local (gauge) | pullqueryrequests_local |
confluent.ksql.pull_query_metrics.pull_query_requests_local_rate (gauge) | pullqueryrequestslocalrate |
confluent.ksql.pull_query_metrics.pull_query_requests_rate (gauge) | pullqueryrequests_rate |
confluent.ksql.pull_query_metrics.pull_query_requests_remote (gauge) | pullqueryrequests_remote |
confluent.ksql.pull_query_metrics.pull_query_requests_remote_rate (gauge) | pullqueryrequestsremoterate |
confluent.ksql.pull_query_metrics.pull_query_requests_total (gauge) | pullqueryrequests_total |
confluent.ksql.query_stats.bytes_consumed_total (gauge) | Number of bytes consumed across all queries. Shown as byte |
confluent.ksql.query_stats.created_queries (gauge) | CREATED_queries Shown as message |
confluent.ksql.query_stats.error_queries (gauge) | Shown as message |
confluent.ksql.query_stats.error_rate (gauge) | Number of messages that have been consumed but not processed across all queries. Shown as message |
confluent.ksql.query_stats.messages_consumed_avg (gauge) | Average number of messages consumed by a query per second. Shown as message |
confluent.ksql.query_stats.messages_consumed_max (gauge) | Number of messages consumed per second for the query with the most messages consumed per second. Shown as message |
confluent.ksql.query_stats.messages_consumed_min (gauge) | Number of messages consumed per second for the query with the fewest messages consumed per second. Shown as message |
confluent.ksql.query_stats.messages_consumed_per_sec (gauge) | Number of messages consumed per second across all queries. Shown as message |
confluent.ksql.query_stats.messages_consumed_total (gauge) | Number of messages consumed across all queries. Shown as message |
confluent.ksql.query_stats.messages_produced_per_sec (gauge) | Number of messages produced per second across all queries. Shown as message |
confluent.ksql.query_stats.not_running_queries (gauge) | NOTRUNNINGqueries Shown as message |
confluent.ksql.query_stats.num_active_queries (gauge) | Number of queries that are actively processing messages. Shown as message |
confluent.ksql.query_stats.num_idle_queries (gauge) | Number of queries with no messages available to process. Shown as message |
confluent.ksql.query_stats.num_persistent_queries (gauge) | Number of persistent queries that are currently executing. Shown as query |
confluent.ksql.query_stats.pending_shutdown_queries (gauge) | PENDINGSHUTDOWNqueries Shown as message |
confluent.ksql.query_stats.rebalancing_queries (gauge) | REBALANCING_queries Shown as message |
confluent.ksql.query_stats.running_queries (gauge) | RUNNING_queries Shown as message |
confluent.replicator.task.topic_partition_latency (gauge) | The average time between message production to the source cluster and message production to the destination cluster. |
confluent.replicator.task.topic_partition_message_lag (gauge) | The number of messages that were produced to the origin cluster, but have not yet arrived to the destination cluster. Shown as message |
confluent.replicator.task.topic_partition_throughput (gauge) | The number of messages replicated per second from the source to destination cluster. Shown as message |
Confluent Platform 점검에는 이벤트가 포함되지 않습니다.
if the Agent is unable to connect to and collect metrics from the monitored Confluent Platform component instance, WARNING
if no metrics are collected, and OK
Statuses: ok, critical, warning
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