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Azure VM 개요 대시보드
Azure VM 상태 모니터링 템플릿
Azure Virtual Machine에는 온디맨드 규모 조정을 할 수 있는 기능이 있어 가상화된 환경을 유연하게 운영할 수 있습니다.
Azure VM 메트릭을 얻으면 다음을 할 수 있습니다.
아직 설정하지 않은 경우, Microsoft Azure 통합을 먼저 설정하세요.
ARM 배포 가상 머신의 경우에는 Diagnostics를 켜고 수집할 VM 메트릭을 선택해야 합니다. 지침을 보려면 Diagnostics 활성화를 참고하세요.
Datadog에는 Azure 리소스 상태 API에 있는 상태에 기반하여 셧다운되거나 종료된 Azure VM과 관련한 모니터링을 선제적으로 해제하는 기능이 있습니다. 이때 수동으로 종료되었는지, 혹은 Azure의 자동 규모 조정으로 인해 종료되었는지는 관계가 없습니다. Azure VM 종료를 미리 예측하여 모니터링을 해제함으로써 불필요한 알림을 예방할 수 있습니다.
자동으로 해제된 가상 머신 목록은 Manage Downtime 페이지에서 Show automatically muted hosts를 활성화하여 사용할 수 있습니다. 자동 해제를 사용하려면 Azure 통합을 설치해야 합니다.
셧다운되거나 종료된 Azure VM의 모니터링을 해제하려면 Azure 통합 타이틀에서 Azure automuting 상자에 체크하세요.
자동으로 해제할 수 있는 메트릭 모니터를 생성하려면 host
태그에 기반해 태그해야 합니다. 모니터 중인 그룹에 host
태그가 없는 메트릭 모니터는 자동으로 해제되지 않습니다.
참고: Datadog 에이전트를 실행하지 않는 경우에는 Azure VM의 host
태그는 GUID입니다. 알림 응답에서 메시지 템플릿 변수 {{host.name_tag}}
를 사용해 파악하기 쉬운 이름을 포함하세요.
메트릭은 사용 종료되었으며 새 Datadog 조직에는 이 메트릭이 채워지지 않습니다. 기존 사용자의 경우 2023년 6월 1일에 이 메트릭 사용이 종료되었습니다.문의 사항이 있을 경우 Datadog 지원팀에 연락하세요.
azure.vm.available_memory_bytes_preview (gauge) | Amount of physical memory, in bytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use in the Virtual Machine Shown as byte |
azure.vm.cpu_credits_consumed (count) | Total number of credits consumed by the Virtual Machine. Only available on B-series burstable VMs |
azure.vm.cpu_credits_remaining (count) | Total number of credits available to burst. Only available on B-series burstable VMs |
azure.vm.data_disk_bandwidth_consumed_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of data disk bandwidth consumed per minute. Only available on VM series that support premium storage Shown as percent |
azure.vm.data_disk_iops_consumed_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of data disk I/Os consumed per minute. Only available on VM series that support premium storage Shown as percent |
azure.vm.data_disk_latency_preview (gauge) | Average time to complete each IO during monitoring period for Data Disk. Values are in milliseconds Shown as millisecond |
azure.vm.data_disk_max_burst_bandwidth (count) | Maximum bytes per second throughput Data Disk can achieve with bursting |
azure.vm.data_disk_max_burst_iops (count) | Maximum IOPS Data Disk can achieve with bursting |
azure.vm.data_disk_queue_depth (count) | Data Disk Queue Depth(or Queue Length) |
azure.vm.data_disk_read_bytes_sec (count) | Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period Shown as byte |
azure.vm.data_disk_read_bytes_sec.max (count) | Maximum Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period (Max Aggregated) Shown as byte |
azure.vm.data_disk_read_operations_sec (count) | Read IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period Shown as operation |
azure.vm.data_disk_target_bandwidth (count) | Baseline bytes per second throughput Data Disk can achieve without bursting |
azure.vm.data_disk_target_iops (count) | Baseline IOPS Data Disk can achieve without bursting |
azure.vm.data_disk_used_burst_bps_credits_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of Data Disk burst bandwidth credits used so far Shown as percent |
azure.vm.data_disk_used_burst_io_credits_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of Data Disk burst I/O credits used so far Shown as percent |
azure.vm.data_disk_write_bytes_sec (count) | Bytes/Sec written to a single disk during monitoring period Shown as byte |
azure.vm.data_disk_write_operations_sec (count) | Write IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period Shown as operation |
azure.vm.disk_read_bytes (count) | Bytes read from disk during monitoring period Shown as byte |
azure.vm.disk_read_operations_sec (count) | Disk Read IOPS Shown as operation |
azure.vm.disk_write_bytes (count) | Bytes written to disk during monitoring period Shown as byte |
azure.vm.disk_write_operations_sec (count) | Disk Write IOPS Shown as operation |
azure.vm.inbound_flows (count) | Inbound Flows are number of current flows in the inbound direction (traffic going into the VM) Shown as item |
azure.vm.inbound_flows_maximum_creation_rate (count) | The maximum creation rate of inbound flows (traffic going into the VM) Shown as item |
azure.vm.network_in (gauge) | The number of billable bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic) (Deprecated) Shown as byte |
azure.vm.network_in_total (gauge) | The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic) Shown as byte |
azure.vm.network_out (gauge) | The number of billable bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic) (Deprecated) Shown as byte |
azure.vm.network_out_total (gauge) | The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic) Shown as byte |
azure.vm.os_disk_bandwidth_consumed_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of operating system disk bandwidth consumed per minute. Only available on VM series that support premium storage Shown as percent |
azure.vm.os_disk_iops_consumed_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of operating system disk I/Os consumed per minute. Only available on VM series that support premium storage Shown as percent |
azure.vm.os_disk_latency_preview (gauge) | Average time to complete each IO during monitoring period for OS Disk. Values are in milliseconds Shown as millisecond |
azure.vm.os_disk_max_burst_bandwidth (count) | Maximum bytes per second throughput OS Disk can achieve with bursting |
azure.vm.os_disk_max_burst_iops (count) | Maximum IOPS OS Disk can achieve with bursting |
azure.vm.os_disk_queue_depth (count) | OS Disk Queue Depth(or Queue Length) |
azure.vm.os_disk_read_bytes_sec (count) | Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk Shown as byte |
azure.vm.os_disk_read_operations_sec (count) | Read IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk Shown as operation |
azure.vm.os_disk_target_bandwidth (count) | Baseline bytes per second throughput OS Disk can achieve without bursting |
azure.vm.os_disk_target_iops (count) | Baseline IOPS OS Disk can achieve without bursting |
azure.vm.os_disk_used_burst_bps_credits_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of OS Disk burst bandwidth credits used so far Shown as percent |
azure.vm.os_disk_used_burst_io_credits_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of OS Disk burst I/O credits used so far Shown as percent |
azure.vm.os_disk_write_bytes_sec (count) | Bytes/Sec written to a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk Shown as byte |
azure.vm.outbound_flows (count) | Outbound Flows are number of current flows in the outbound direction (traffic going out of the VM) Shown as item |
azure.vm.outbound_flows_maximum_creation_rate (count) | The maximum creation rate of outbound flows (traffic going out of the VM) Shown as item |
azure.vm.percentage_cpu (gauge) | The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s) Shown as percent |
azure.vm.premium_data_disk_cache_read_hit (gauge) | Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit Shown as percent |
azure.vm.premium_data_disk_cache_read_miss (gauge) | Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss Shown as percent |
azure.vm.premium_os_disk_cache_read_hit (gauge) | Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit Shown as percent |
azure.vm.premium_os_disk_cache_read_miss (gauge) | Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss Shown as percent |
azure.vm.temp_disk_latency_preview (gauge) | Average time to complete each IO during monitoring period for Temp Disk. Values are in milliseconds Shown as millisecond |
azure.vm.temp_disk_queue_depth (count) | Temp Disk Queue Depth(or Queue Length) |
azure.vm.temp_disk_read_bytes_sec (count) | Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period for Temp Disk Shown as byte |
azure.vm.temp_disk_read_operations_sec (count) | Read IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period for Temp Disk Shown as operation |
azure.vm.temp_disk_write_bytes_sec (count) | Bytes/Sec written to a single disk during monitoring period for Temp Disk Shown as byte |
azure.vm.temp_disk_write_operations_sec (count) | Write IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period for Temp Disk Shown as operation |
azure.vm.vm_cached_bandwidth_consumed_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of cached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM. Only available on VM series that support premium storage Shown as percent |
azure.vm.vm_cached_iops_consumed_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of cached disk IOPS consumed by the VM. Only available on VM series that support premium storage Shown as percent |
azure.vm.vm_cached_used_burst_bps_credits_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of Cached Burst BPS Credits used by the VM Shown as percent |
azure.vm.vm_cached_used_burst_io_credits_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of Cached Burst IO Credits used by the VM Shown as percent |
azure.vm.vm_uncached_used_burst_bps_credits_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of Uncached Burst BPS Credits used by the VM Shown as percent |
azure.vm.vm_uncached_used_burst_io_credits_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of Uncached Burst IO Credits used by the VM Shown as percent |
azure.vm.vm_uncached_bandwidth_consumed_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of uncached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM. Only available on VM series that support premium storage Shown as percent |
azure.vm.vm_uncached_iops_consumed_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of uncached disk IOPS consumed by the VM. Only available on VM series that support premium storage Shown as percent |
azure.vm.vm_availability_metric_preview (count) | Percentage of uncached disk IOPS consumed by the VM. Only available on VM series that support premium storage |
Azure Virtual Machine 통합에는 이벤트가 포함되어 있지 않습니다.
Azure Virtual Machine 통합에는 서비스 점검이 포함되어 있지 않습니다.
도움이 필요하신가요? Datadog 지원팀에 문의하세요.
Azure VM 개요 대시보드
Azure VM 상태 모니터링 템플릿