Amazon S3

Monitor S3 metrics and optimize storage costs at the prefix level with Storage Monitoring (Preview).


“Amazon S3는 가용성과 확장성이 뛰어난 클라우드 스토리지 서비스입니다.”

이 통합을 활성화하여 Datadog에서 모든 S3 메트릭을 확인하세요.

참고: 이 통합이 완전히 활성화되려면 ‘s3:GetBucketTagging’ 권한이 필요합니다.

참고: S3 요청 메트릭은 버킷 자체에서 활성화되어야 합니다. AWS 설명서를 참조하세요.



아직 설정하지 않은 경우 먼저 Amazon Web Services 통합을 설정하세요.

메트릭 수집

  1. AWS 통합 페이지Metric Collection 탭에서 S3가 활성화되어 있는지 확인하세요.
  2. Datadog - Amazon S3 통합을 설치합니다.

로그 수집

S3 액세스 로그 활성화

  1. S3 버킷으로 이동합니다.
  2. Properties를 클릭합니다.
  3. Services Access Logging 섹션으로 이동해 Edit을 클릭합니다.
  4. Enable를 선택합니다.
  5. 로그를 전송할 S3 버킷을 선택합니다.

더 자세한 정보는 Amazon S3 서버 액세스 로깅 활성화를 참고하세요

Datadog로 로그 전송

  1. 아직 설정하지 않았다면 AWS 계정에서 Datadog Forwarder Lambda 함수를 설정하세요.

  2. Lambda 함수가 설치되면 S3 액세스 로그를 수집하는 데는 두 가지 방법이 있습니다.

    • 자동: Datadog가 일련의 권한을 가지고 액세스할 수 있도록 하면 S3 로그가 자동으로 관리됩니다. Datadog Forwarder Lambda 함수에서 자동 로그 수집을 설정하는 방법에 대한 자세한 정보는 자동으로 트리거 설정을 참조하세요.
    • 수동: AWS 콘솔에서 S3 액세스 로그가 포함된 S3 버킷에 트리거를 추가합니다. 수동 설치 단계를 참조하세요.

수동 설치 단계

  1. 아직 설정하지 않았다면 AWS 계정에서 Datadog Forwarder Lambda 함수를 설정하세요.
  2. 설정한 후에는 Datadog Forwarder Lambda 함수로 이동하세요. Function Overview 섹션에서 Add Trigger를 클릭합니다.
  3. 트리거 설정에 대해 S3 트리거를 선택합니다.
  4. S3 로그를 포함하는 S3 버킷을 선택합니다.
  5. 이벤트 유형을 All object create events로 남겨둡니다.
  6. Add를 클릭해 Lambda에 트리거를 추가합니다.

로그 탐색기로 이동해 로그를 살펴보기 시작합니다.

AWS 서비스 로그 수집에 대한 자세한 내용은 , Datadog 람다 함수에 포함된 AWS 서비스 로그 전송]를 참조하세요.

수집한 데이터


The total number of HTTP 4xx server error status code requests made to a bucket
The total number of HTTP 5xx server error status code requests made to a bucket
The total number of HTTP requests made to a bucket, regardless of type.
The amount of data in bytes stored in a bucket in the Standard storage class, Standard - Infrequent Access (Standard_IA) storage class, or the Reduced Redundancy Storage (RRS) class.
Shown as byte
The total number bytes downloaded from the bucket.
Shown as byte
The total number of bytes of objects pending replication
Shown as byte
The total number bytes uploaded to the bucket.
Shown as byte
The number of HTTP DELETE requests made for objects in a bucket. This also includes Delete Multiple Objects requests.
The average per-request time from the complete request being received by a bucket to when the response starts to be returned.
Shown as millisecond
The maximum per-request time from the complete request being received by a bucket to when the response starts to be returned.
Shown as millisecond
The minimum per-request time from the complete request being received by a bucket to when the response starts to be returned.
Shown as millisecond
The 50 percentile per-request time from the complete request being received by a bucket to when the response starts to be returned.
Shown as millisecond
The 90 percentile per-request time from the complete request being received by a bucket to when the response starts to be returned.
Shown as millisecond
The 95 percentile per-request time from the complete request being received by a bucket to when the response starts to be returned.
Shown as millisecond
The 99 percentile per-request time from the complete request being received by a bucket to when the response starts to be returned.
Shown as millisecond
The 99.99 percentile per-request time from the complete request being received by a bucket to when the response starts to be returned.
Shown as millisecond
The number of HTTP GET requests made for objects in a bucket. This doesn't include list operations.
The number of HTTP HEAD requests made to a bucket.
The number of HTTP requests that list the contents of a bucket.
The total number of objects stored in a bucket for all storage classes except for the GLACIER storage class.
The average number of operations that failed to replicate for a given replication rule
Shown as operation
The total number of replication operations
Shown as operation
The total number of operations that failed to replicate for a given replication rule
Shown as operation
The number of operations pending replication
Shown as operation
The number of HTTP POST requests made to a bucket.
The number of HTTP PUT requests made for objects in a bucket.
The maximum number of seconds by which the replication destination Region is behind the source Region
Shown as second
The average elapsed per-request time from the first byte received to the last byte sent to a bucket
Shown as millisecond
The maximum elapsed per-request time from the first byte received to the last byte sent to a bucket
Shown as millisecond
The minimum elapsed per-request time from the first byte received to the last byte sent to a bucket
Shown as millisecond
The 50 percentile elapsed per-request time from the first byte received to the last byte sent to a bucket
Shown as millisecond
The 90 percentile elapsed per-request time from the first byte received to the last byte sent to a bucket
Shown as millisecond
The 95 percentile elapsed per-request time from the first byte received to the last byte sent to a bucket
Shown as millisecond
The 90 percentile elapsed per-request time from the first byte received to the last byte sent to a bucket
Shown as millisecond
The 99.99 percentile elapsed per-request time from the first byte received to the last byte sent to a bucket
Shown as millisecond


Amazon S3 통합에는 이벤트가 포함되지 않습니다.

서비스 점검

Amazon S3 통합에는 서비스 점검이 포함되지 않습니다.


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