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Amazon OpenSearch Service는 AWS Cloud에서 OpenSearch 클러스터를 손쉽게 배포, 운영, 확장할 수 있도록 도와주는 관리형 서비스입니다. OpenSearch는 완전한 오픈소스 기반 검색과 분석 엔진으로 로그 분석, 실시간 애플리케이션 모니터링 및 클릭스트림 분석 등의 사례에서 사용됩니다.
이 통합을 활성화해 Datadog에서 모든 OpenSearch Service 커스텀 태그를 확인하세여요. 이 통합은 Amazon AWS OpenSearch Service를 위한 것으로 Amazon AWS 외부에서 호스팅된 독립실행형 Elasticsearch 인스턴스가 아닙니다(해당 경우, 대신 Elasticsearch 통합을 사용해 주세요.)
참고: 이 통합이 완전히 활성화되려면 ’es:ListTags’, ’es:ListDomainNames’ 및 ’es:DescribeElasticsearchDomains’ 권한이 필요합니다.
아직 설정하지 않은 경우 먼저 Amazon Web Services 통합을 설정하세요.
Metric Collection
탭 아래에서 ES
가 활성화되어 있는지 확인하세요.로그를 S3 버킷이나 CloudWatch로 전송하도록 Amazon OpenSearch Service를 구성합니다.
참고: S3 버킷에 로그할 경우 _대상 접두사_로 amazon_elasticsearch
를 설정해야 합니다.
아직 설정하지 않은 경우 Datadog Forwarder Lambda 함수를 설정하세요.
Lambda 함수가 설치되면 AWS 콘솔에서 Amazon Elasticsearch 로그가 포함된 S3 버킷 또는 CloudWatch 로그 그룹에 트리거를 수동으로 추가합니다.
aws.es.2xx (count) | The number of requests to a domain with the HTTP response code 2xx. Shown as request |
aws.es.2xx.average (gauge) | The average number of requests to a domain with the HTTP response code 2xx. Shown as request |
aws.es.3xx (count) | The number of requests to a domain with the HTTP response code 3xx. Shown as request |
aws.es.3xx.average (gauge) | The average number of requests to a domain with the HTTP response code 3xx. Shown as request |
aws.es.4xx (count) | The number of requests to a domain with the HTTP response code 4xx. Shown as request |
aws.es.4xx.average (gauge) | The average number of requests to a domain with the HTTP response code 4xx. Shown as request |
aws.es.5xx (count) | The number of requests to a domain with the HTTP response code 5xx. Shown as request |
aws.es.5xx.average (gauge) | The average number of requests to a domain with the HTTP response code 5xx. Shown as request |
aws.es.alerting_degraded (gauge) | Indicates whether the ES alerting service is degraded. A value of 0 means 'No'. A value of 1 means 'Yes'. |
aws.es.alerting_index_exists (gauge) | A value of 1 means the .opendistro-alerting-config index exists. This will be 0 until you use the alerting feature for the first time. |
aws.es.alerting_index_statusgreen (gauge) | The health of the index. A value of 1 means green. A value of 0 means that the index either doesn't exist or isn't green. |
aws.es.alerting_index_statusred (gauge) | The health of the index. A value of 1 means red. A value of 0 means that the index either doesn't exist or isn't red. |
aws.es.alerting_index_statusyellow (gauge) | The health of the index. A value of 1 means yellow. A value of 0 means that the index either doesn't exist or isn't yellow. |
aws.es.alerting_nodes_not_on_schedule (gauge) | A value of 1 means some jobs are not running on schedule. |
aws.es.alerting_nodes_on_schedule (gauge) | A value of 1 means that all alerting jobs are running on schedule (or that no alerting jobs exist). |
aws.es.alerting_scheduled_job_enabled (gauge) | A value of 1 means that the opendistro.scheduled_jobs.enabled cluster setting is true. A value of 0 means it is false, and scheduled jobs are disabled. |
aws.es.anomaly_detection_failure_count (count) | The number of failed requests to detect anomalies. Shown as error |
aws.es.anomaly_detection_plugin_unhealthy (gauge) | A value of 1 means that the anomaly detection plugin is not functioning properly. |
aws.es.anomaly_detection_request_count (count) | The number of requests to detect anomalies. Shown as request |
aws.es.anomaly_detectors_index_status_index_exists (gauge) | A value of 1 means that the .opendistro-anomaly-detectors index exists. Until you use the anomaly detection feature for the first time, this value remains 0. |
aws.es.anomaly_detectors_index_statusred (gauge) | A value of 1 means that the .opendistro-anomaly-detectors index is red. Until you use the anomaly detection feature for the first time, this value remains 0. |
aws.es.anomaly_results_index_status_index_exists (gauge) | A value of 1 means the index that the .opendistro-anomaly-results alias points to exists. Until you use the anomaly detection feature for the first time, this value remains 0. |
aws.es.anomaly_results_index_statusred (gauge) | A value of 1 means the index that the .opendistro-anomaly-results alias points to is red. Until you use the anomaly detection feature for the first time, this value remains 0. |
aws.es.automated_snapshot_failure (gauge) | The number of failed automated snapshots for the cluster. Shown as error |
aws.es.automated_snapshot_failure.maximum (gauge) | The maximum number of failed automated snapshots for the cluster. Shown as error |
aws.es.automated_snapshot_failure.minimum (gauge) | The minimum number of failed automated snapshots for the cluster. Shown as error |
aws.es.cluster_index_writes_blocked (gauge) | Indicates whether your cluster is accepting or blocking incoming write requests. A value of 0 means that the cluster is accepting requests. A value of 1 means that it is blocking requests. |
aws.es.cluster_statusgreen (gauge) | Indicates whether all index shards are allocated to nodes in the cluster. |
aws.es.cluster_statusgreen.maximum (gauge) | Indicates maximum of index shards allocated to nodes in the cluster. |
aws.es.cluster_statusgreen.minimum (gauge) | Indicates minimum of index shards allocated to nodes in the cluster. |
aws.es.cluster_statusred (gauge) | Indicates whether both primary and replica shards of at least one index are not allocated to nodes in a cluster. |
aws.es.cluster_statusred.maximum (gauge) | Indicates maximum of whether both primary and replica shards of at least one index are not allocated to nodes in a cluster. |
aws.es.cluster_statusred.minimum (gauge) | Indicates minimum of whether both primary and replica shards of at least one index are not allocated to nodes in a cluster. |
aws.es.cluster_statusyellow (gauge) | Indicates whether replica shards are not allocated to nodes in a cluster. |
aws.es.cluster_statusyellow.maximum (gauge) | Indicates the maximum of whether replica shards are not allocated to nodes in a cluster. |
aws.es.cluster_statusyellow.minimum (gauge) | Indicates the minimum of whether replica shards are not allocated to nodes in a cluster. |
aws.es.cluster_used_space (gauge) | The total used space, in MiB, for the cluster. Shown as mebibyte |
aws.es.cluster_used_space.maximum (gauge) | The maximum used space, in MiB, for the cluster. Shown as mebibyte |
aws.es.cluster_used_space.minimum (gauge) | The minimum used space, in MiB, for the cluster. Shown as mebibyte |
aws.es.cpucredit_balance (gauge) | The remaining CPU credits available for data nodes in the cluster. |
aws.es.cpuutilization (gauge) | The average percentage of CPU resources used across all nodes in the cluster. Shown as percent |
aws.es.cpuutilization.maximum (gauge) | The maximum percentage of CPU resources used by any node in the cluster. Shown as percent |
aws.es.cpuutilization.minimum (gauge) | The minimum percentage of CPU resources used by any node in the cluster. Shown as percent |
aws.es.cross_cluster_inbound_requests (count) | Destination domain metric. Number of incoming connection requests received from the source domain. Shown as request |
aws.es.cross_cluster_outbound_connections (gauge) | Source domain metric. Number of connected nodes. If this number drops to 0, then the connection is unhealthy. |
aws.es.cross_cluster_outbound_requests (count) | Source domain metric. Number of search requests sent to the destionation domain. Shown as request |
aws.es.deleted_documents (gauge) | The total number of documents marked for deletion across all indices in the cluster. Shown as document |
aws.es.deleted_documents.maximum (gauge) | The maximum number of documents marked for deletion across all indices in the cluster. Shown as document |
aws.es.deleted_documents.minimum (gauge) | The minimum number of documents marked for deletion across all indices in the cluster. Shown as document |
aws.es.disk_queue_depth (gauge) | The average number of pending input and output (I/O) requests for an EBS volume. across all nodes in the cluster Shown as request |
aws.es.disk_queue_depth.maximum (gauge) | The maximum number for any node in the cluster of pending input and output (I/O) requests for an EBS volume. Shown as request |
aws.es.disk_queue_depth.minimum (gauge) | The minimum number for any node in the cluster of pending input and output (I/O) requests for an EBS volume. Shown as request |
aws.es.elasticsearch_requests (count) | The number of requests made to the Elasticsearch cluster. Shown as request |
aws.es.elasticsearch_requests.average (gauge) | The average number of requests made to the Elasticsearch cluster. Shown as request |
aws.es.free_storage_space (gauge) | The average free space, in megabytes, across all the data nodes in a cluster. Shown as mebibyte |
aws.es.free_storage_space.maximum (gauge) | The free space, in megabytes, for the single data node with the most available free space in a cluster. Shown as mebibyte |
aws.es.free_storage_space.minimum (gauge) | The free space, in megabytes, for the single data node with the least available free space in a cluster. Shown as mebibyte |
aws.es.free_storage_space.sum (gauge) | The free space, in megabytes, for all data nodes in the cluster. Shown as mebibyte |
aws.es.hot_storage_space_utilization (gauge) | The total amount of hot storage space that the cluster is using. Shown as mebibyte |
aws.es.hot_to_warm_migration_queue_size (gauge) | The number of indices currently migrating from hot to warm storage. |
aws.es.indexing_latency (gauge) | The average time, in milliseconds, that it takes a shard to complete an indexing operation. Shown as millisecond |
aws.es.indexing_rate (count) | The number of indexing operations per minute. Shown as operation |
aws.es.invalid_host_header_requests (count) | The number of HTTP requests made to the Elasticsearch cluster that included an invalid (or missing) host header. Shown as request |
aws.es.invalid_host_header_requests.average (gauge) | The average number of HTTP requests made to the Elasticsearch cluster that included an invalid (or missing) host header. Shown as request |
aws.es.jvmgcold_collection_count (gauge) | The number of times that 'old generation' garbage collection has run. In a cluster with sufficient resources, this number should remain small and grow infrequently. Shown as garbage collection |
aws.es.jvmgcold_collection_time (gauge) | The amount of time, in milliseconds, that the cluster has spent performing 'old generation' garbage collection. Shown as millisecond |
aws.es.jvmgcyoung_collection_count (gauge) | The number of times that 'young generation' garbage collection has run. A large, ever-growing number of runs is a normal part of cluster operations. Shown as garbage collection |
aws.es.jvmgcyoung_collection_time (gauge) | The amount of time, in milliseconds, that the cluster has spent performing 'young generation' garbage collection. Shown as millisecond |
aws.es.jvmmemory_pressure (gauge) | The average percentage of the Java heap used for all data nodes in the cluster. Shown as percent |
aws.es.jvmmemory_pressure.maximum (gauge) | The maximum percentage of the Java heap used by any data node in the cluster. Shown as percent |
aws.es.jvmmemory_pressure.minimum (gauge) | The minimum percentage of the Java heap used by any data node in the cluster. Shown as percent |
aws.es.kibana_healthy_nodes (gauge) | A health check for Kibana. A value of 1 indicates normal behavior. A value of 0 indicates that Kibana is inaccessible. |
aws.es.kmskey_error (gauge) | A value of 1 indicates that the KMS customer master key used to encrypt data at rest has been disabled. Only available for domains that encrypt data at rest. |
aws.es.kmskey_inaccessible (gauge) | A value of 1 indicates that the KMS customer master key used to encrypt data at rest has been deleted or revoked its grants to Amazon ES. Only available for domains that encrypt data at rest. |
aws.es.master_cpucredit_balance (gauge) | The remaining CPU credits available for dedicated master nodes in the cluster. |
aws.es.master_cpuutilization (gauge) | The maximum percentage of CPU resources used by the dedicated master nodes. Shown as percent |
aws.es.master_free_storage_space (gauge) | This metric is not relevant and can be ignored. The service does not use master nodes as data nodes. Shown as mebibyte |
aws.es.master_jvmmemory_pressure (gauge) | The maximum percentage of the Java heap used for all dedicated master nodes in the cluster. Shown as percent |
aws.es.master_reachable_from_node (gauge) | A health check for MasterNotDiscovered exceptions. A value of 1 indicates normal behavior. A value of 0 indicates that /_cluster/health/ is failing. |
aws.es.master_sys_memory_utilization (gauge) | The percentage of the instance's memory that is in use. Shown as percent |
aws.es.models_checkpoint_index_status_index_exists (gauge) | A value of 1 means that the .opendistro-anomaly-checkpoints index exists. Until you use the anomaly detection feature for the first time, this value remains 0. |
aws.es.models_checkpoint_index_statusred (gauge) | A value of 1 means that the .opendistro-anomaly-checkpoints index is red. Until you use the anomaly detection feature for the first time, this value remains 0. |
aws.es.nodes (gauge) | The number of nodes in the Amazon ES cluster. Shown as node |
aws.es.nodes.maximum (gauge) | The maximum number of nodes in the Amazon ES cluster. Shown as node |
aws.es.nodes.minimum (gauge) | The minimum number of nodes in the Amazon ES cluster. Shown as node |
aws.es.open_search_dashboards_healthy_nodes (gauge) | A health check for OpenSearch Dashboards. A value of 1 indicates normal behavior. A value of 0 indicates that Dashboards nodes are inaccessible. |
aws.es.open_search_requests (count) | The number of requests made to the OpenSearch cluster. Shown as request |
aws.es.open_search_requests.average (gauge) | The average number of requests made to the OpenSearch cluster. Shown as request |
aws.es.read_iops (gauge) | The number of input and output (I/O) operations per second for read operations on EBS volumes. Shown as operation |
aws.es.read_iops.maximum (gauge) | The maximum number for any node of input and output (I/O) operations per second for read operations on EBS volumes. Shown as operation |
aws.es.read_iops.minimum (gauge) | The minimum number for any node of input and output (I/O) operations per second for read operations on EBS volumes. Shown as operation |
aws.es.read_latency (gauge) | The latency, in seconds, for read operations on EBS volumes. Shown as second |
aws.es.read_latency.maximum (gauge) | The maximum latency for any node, in seconds, for read operations on EBS volumes. Shown as second |
aws.es.read_latency.minimum (gauge) | The minimum latency for any node, in seconds, for read operations on EBS volumes. Shown as second |
aws.es.read_throughput (gauge) | The throughput, in bytes per second, for read operations on EBS volumes. Shown as byte |
aws.es.read_throughput.maximum (gauge) | The maximum throughput for any node, in bytes per second, for read operations on EBS volumes. Shown as byte |
aws.es.read_throughput.minimum (gauge) | The minimum throughput for any node, in bytes per second, for read operations on EBS volumes. Shown as byte |
aws.es.search_latency (gauge) | The average time, in milliseconds, that it takes a shard to complete a search operation. Shown as millisecond |
aws.es.search_rate (count) | The total number of search requests per minute for all shards on a node. Shown as request |
aws.es.searchable_documents (gauge) | The total number of searchable documents across all indices in the cluster. Shown as document |
aws.es.searchable_documents.maximum (gauge) | The maximum number of searchable documents across all indices in the cluster. Shown as document |
aws.es.searchable_documents.minimum (gauge) | The minimum number of searchable documents across all indices in the cluster. Shown as document |
aws.es.sqldefault_cursor_request_count (count) | The number of pagination requests to the opendistro/sql API. Shown as request |
aws.es.sqlfailed_request_count_by_cus_err (count) | The number of requests to the opendistro/sql API that failed due to a client issue. Shown as request |
aws.es.sqlfailed_request_count_by_sys_err (count) | The number of requests to the opendistro/sql API that failed due to a server problem or feature limitation. Shown as request |
aws.es.sqlrequest_count (count) | The number of requests to the opendistro/sql API. Shown as request |
aws.es.sqlunhealthy (gauge) | A value of 1 indicates that, in response to certain requests, the SQL plugin is returning 5xx response codes or passing invalid query DSL to Elasticsearch. |
aws.es.sys_memory_utilization (gauge) | The percentage of the instance's memory that is in use. Shown as percent |
aws.es.sys_memory_utilization.maximum (gauge) | The maximum percentage of the instance's memory that is in use. Shown as percent |
aws.es.sys_memory_utilization.minimum (gauge) | The minimum percentage of the instance's memory that is in use. Shown as percent |
aws.es.threadpool_bulk_queue (count) | The number of queued tasks in the bulk thread pool. Shown as task |
aws.es.threadpool_bulk_rejected (count) | The number of rejected tasks in the bulk thread pool. Shown as task |
aws.es.threadpool_bulk_threads (gauge) | The size of the bulk thread pool. |
aws.es.threadpool_forcemerge_queue (count) | The number of queued tasks in the force merge thread pool. Shown as task |
aws.es.threadpool_forcemerge_rejected (count) | The number of rejected tasks in the force merge thread pool. Shown as task |
aws.es.threadpool_forcemerge_threads (gauge) | The size of the force merge thread pool. |
aws.es.threadpool_index_queue (count) | The number of queued tasks in the index thread pool. Shown as task |
aws.es.threadpool_index_rejected (count) | The number of rejected tasks in the index thread pool. Shown as task |
aws.es.threadpool_index_threads (gauge) | The size of the index thread pool. |
aws.es.threadpool_merge_queue (count) | The number of queued tasks in the merge thread pool. Shown as task |
aws.es.threadpool_merge_rejected (count) | The number of rejected tasks in the merge thread pool. Shown as task |
aws.es.threadpool_merge_threads (gauge) | The size of the merge thread pool. |
aws.es.threadpool_search_queue (count) | The number of queued tasks in the search thread pool. Shown as task |
aws.es.threadpool_search_rejected (count) | The number of rejected tasks in the search thread pool. Shown as task |
aws.es.threadpool_search_threads (gauge) | The size of the search thread pool. |
aws.es.threadpool_write_queue (count) | The number of queued tasks in the write thread pool. Shown as task |
aws.es.threadpool_write_rejected (count) | The number of rejected tasks in the write thread pool. Shown as task |
aws.es.threadpool_write_threads (gauge) | The size of the write thread pool. |
aws.es.warm_cpuutilization (gauge) | The percentage of CPU usage for UltraWarm nodes in the cluster. Shown as percent |
aws.es.warm_free_storage_space (gauge) | The amount of free warm storage space in MiB. Shown as mebibyte |
aws.es.warm_jvmmemory_pressure (gauge) | The maximum percentage of the Java heap used for the UltraWarm nodes. Shown as percent |
aws.es.warm_search_latency (gauge) | The average time, in milliseconds, that it takes a shard on an UltraWarm node to complete a search operation. Shown as millisecond |
aws.es.warm_search_rate (count) | The total number of search requests per minute for all shards on an UltraWarm node. Shown as request |
aws.es.warm_searchable_documents (gauge) | The total number of searchable documents across all warm indices in the cluster. Shown as document |
aws.es.warm_storage_space_utilization (gauge) | The total amount of warm storage space that the cluster is using. Shown as mebibyte |
aws.es.warm_sys_memory_utilization (gauge) | The percentage of the warm node's memory that is in use. Shown as percent |
aws.es.warm_to_hot_migration_queue_size (gauge) | The number of indices currently migrating from warm to hot storage. |
aws.es.write_iops (gauge) | The number of input and output (I/O) operations per second for write operations on EBS volumes. Shown as operation |
aws.es.write_iops.maximum (gauge) | The maximum number for any node of input and output (I/O) operations per second for write operations on EBS volumes. Shown as operation |
aws.es.write_iops.minimum (gauge) | The minimum number for any node of input and output (I/O) operations per second for write operations on EBS volumes. Shown as operation |
aws.es.write_latency (gauge) | The latency, in seconds, for write operations on EBS volumes. Shown as second |
aws.es.write_latency.maximum (gauge) | The maximum latency for any node, in seconds, for write operations on EBS volumes. Shown as second |
aws.es.write_latency.minimum (gauge) | The minimum latency for any node, in seconds, for write operations on EBS volumes. Shown as second |
aws.es.write_throughput (gauge) | The throughput, in bytes per second, for write operations on EBS volumes. Shown as byte |
aws.es.write_throughput.maximum (gauge) | The maximum throughput for any node, in bytes per second, for write operations on EBS volumes. Shown as byte |
aws.es.write_throughput.minimum (gauge) | The minimum throughput for any node, in bytes per second, for write operations on EBS volumes. Shown as byte |
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Amazon OpenSearch Service 통합에는 서비스 점검이 포함되어 있지 않습니다.
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