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Provider name: properties.configuration
Description: Non versioned Container App configuration properties.

  • active_revisions_mode
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: activeRevisionsMode
    Description: ActiveRevisionsMode controls how active revisions are handled for the Container app:Multiple: multiple revisions can be active.Single: Only one revision can be active at a time. Revision weights can not be used in this mode. If no value if provided, this is the default.
  • dapr
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: dapr
    Description: Dapr configuration for the Container App.
    • app_id
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: appId
      Description: Dapr application identifier
    • app_port
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: appPort
      Description: Tells Dapr which port your application is listening on
    • app_protocol
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: appProtocol
      Description: Tells Dapr which protocol your application is using. Valid options are http and grpc. Default is http
    • enable_api_logging
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: enableApiLogging
      Description: Enables API logging for the Dapr sidecar
    • enabled
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: enabled
      Description: Boolean indicating if the Dapr side car is enabled
    • http_max_request_size
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: httpMaxRequestSize
      Description: Increasing max size of request body http and grpc servers parameter in MB to handle uploading of big files. Default is 4 MB.
    • http_read_buffer_size
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: httpReadBufferSize
      Description: Dapr max size of http header read buffer in KB to handle when sending multi-KB headers. Default is 65KB.
    • log_level
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: logLevel
      Description: Sets the log level for the Dapr sidecar. Allowed values are debug, info, warn, error. Default is info.
  • ingress
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: ingress
    Description: Ingress configurations.
    • allow_insecure
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: allowInsecure
      Description: Bool indicating if HTTP connections to is allowed. If set to false HTTP connections are automatically redirected to HTTPS connections
    • client_certificate_mode
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: clientCertificateMode
      Description: Client certificate mode for mTLS authentication. Ignore indicates server drops client certificate on forwarding. Accept indicates server forwards client certificate but does not require a client certificate. Require indicates server requires a client certificate.
    • cors_policy
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: corsPolicy
      Description: CORS policy for container app
      • allow_credentials
        Type: BOOLEAN
        Provider name: allowCredentials
        Description: Specifies whether the resource allows credentials
      • allowed_headers
        Provider name: allowedHeaders
        Description: Specifies the content for the access-control-allow-headers header
      • allowed_methods
        Provider name: allowedMethods
        Description: Specifies the content for the access-control-allow-methods header
      • allowed_origins
        Provider name: allowedOrigins
        Description: Specifies the content for the access-control-allow-origins header
      • expose_headers
        Provider name: exposeHeaders
        Description: Specifies the content for the access-control-expose-headers header
      • max_age
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: maxAge
        Description: Specifies the content for the access-control-max-age header
    • custom_domains
      Provider name: customDomains
      Description: custom domain bindings for Container Apps’ hostnames.
      • binding_type
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: bindingType
        Description: Custom Domain binding type.
      • certificate_id
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: certificateId
        Description: Resource Id of the Certificate to be bound to this hostname. Must exist in the Managed Environment.
      • name
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: name
        Description: Hostname.
    • exposed_port
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: exposedPort
      Description: Exposed Port in containers for TCP traffic from ingress
    • external
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: external
      Description: Bool indicating if app exposes an external http endpoint
    • fqdn
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: fqdn
      Description: Hostname.
    • ip_security_restrictions
      Provider name: ipSecurityRestrictions
      Description: Rules to restrict incoming IP address.
      • action
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: action
        Description: Allow or Deny rules to determine for incoming IP. Note: Rules can only consist of ALL Allow or ALL Deny
      • description
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: description
        Description: Describe the IP restriction rule that is being sent to the container-app. This is an optional field.
      • ip_address_range
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: ipAddressRange
        Description: CIDR notation to match incoming IP address
      • name
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: name
        Description: Name for the IP restriction rule.
    • sticky_sessions
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: stickySessions
      Description: Sticky Sessions for Single Revision Mode
      • affinity
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: affinity
        Description: Sticky Session Affinity
    • target_port
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: targetPort
      Description: Target Port in containers for traffic from ingress
    • traffic
      Provider name: traffic
      Description: Traffic weights for app’s revisions
      • label
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: label
        Description: Associates a traffic label with a revision
      • latest_revision
        Type: BOOLEAN
        Provider name: latestRevision
        Description: Indicates that the traffic weight belongs to a latest stable revision
      • revision_name
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: revisionName
        Description: Name of a revision
      • weight
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: weight
        Description: Traffic weight assigned to a revision
    • transport
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: transport
      Description: Ingress transport protocol
  • max_inactive_revisions
    Type: INT32
    Provider name: maxInactiveRevisions
    Description: Optional. Max inactive revisions a Container App can have.
  • registries
    Provider name: registries
    Description: Collection of private container registry credentials for containers used by the Container app
    • identity
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: identity
      Description: A Managed Identity to use to authenticate with Azure Container Registry. For user-assigned identities, use the full user-assigned identity Resource ID. For system-assigned identities, use ‘system’
    • password_secret_ref
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: passwordSecretRef
      Description: The name of the Secret that contains the registry login password
    • server
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: server
      Description: Container Registry Server
    • username
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: username
      Description: Container Registry Username
  • service
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: service
    Description: Container App to be a dev Container App Service
    • type
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: type
      Description: Dev ContainerApp service type


Provider name: properties.customDomainVerificationId
Description: Id used to verify domain name ownership


Provider name: properties.environmentId
Description: Resource ID of environment.


Provider name: properties.eventStreamEndpoint
Description: The endpoint of the eventstream of the container app.


Provider name: extendedLocation

  • name
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: name
    Description: The name of the extended location.
  • type
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: type
    Description: The type of the extended location.


Provider name: id
Description: Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}


Provider name: identity
Description: managed identities for the Container App to interact with other Azure services without maintaining any secrets or credentials in code.

  • principal_id
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: principalId
    Description: The service principal ID of the system assigned identity. This property will only be provided for a system assigned identity.
  • tenant_id
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: tenantId
    Description: The tenant ID of the system assigned identity. This property will only be provided for a system assigned identity.
  • type
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: type


Provider name: properties.latestReadyRevisionName
Description: Name of the latest ready revision of the Container App.


Provider name: properties.latestRevisionFqdn
Description: Fully Qualified Domain Name of the latest revision of the Container App.


Provider name: properties.latestRevisionName
Description: Name of the latest revision of the Container App.


Provider name: location
Description: The geo-location where the resource lives


Provider name: managedBy
Description: The fully qualified resource ID of the resource that manages this resource. Indicates if this resource is managed by another Azure resource. If this is present, complete mode deployment will not delete the resource if it is removed from the template since it is managed by another resource.


Provider name: properties.managedEnvironmentId
Description: Deprecated. Resource ID of the Container App’s environment.


Provider name: name
Description: The name of the resource


Provider name: properties.outboundIpAddresses
Description: Outbound IP Addresses for container app.


Provider name: properties.provisioningState
Description: Provisioning state of the Container App.








Provider name: systemData
Description: Azure Resource Manager metadata containing createdBy and modifiedBy information.

  • created_at
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: createdAt
    Description: The timestamp of resource creation (UTC).
  • created_by
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: createdBy
    Description: The identity that created the resource.
  • created_by_type
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: createdByType
    Description: The type of identity that created the resource.
  • last_modified_at
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: lastModifiedAt
    Description: The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC)
  • last_modified_by
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: lastModifiedBy
    Description: The identity that last modified the resource.
  • last_modified_by_type
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: lastModifiedByType
    Description: The type of identity that last modified the resource.




Provider name: properties.template
Description: Container App versioned application definition.

  • containers
    Provider name: containers
    Description: List of container definitions for the Container App.
    • args
      Provider name: args
      Description: Container start command arguments.
    • command
      Provider name: command
      Description: Container start command.
    • image
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: image
      Description: Container image tag.
    • name
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: name
      Description: Custom container name.
    • probes
      Provider name: probes
      Description: List of probes for the container.
      • failure_threshold
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: failureThreshold
        Description: Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. Defaults to 3. Minimum value is 1. Maximum value is 10.
      • http_get
        Type: STRUCT
        Provider name: httpGet
        Description: HTTPGet specifies the http request to perform.
        • host
          Type: STRING
          Provider name: host
          Description: Host name to connect to, defaults to the pod IP. You probably want to set “Host” in httpHeaders instead.
        • http_headers
          Provider name: httpHeaders
          Description: Custom headers to set in the request. HTTP allows repeated headers.
          • name
            Type: STRING
            Provider name: name
            Description: The header field name
          • value
            Type: STRING
            Provider name: value
            Description: The header field value
        • path
          Type: STRING
          Provider name: path
          Description: Path to access on the HTTP server.
        • port
          Type: INT32
          Provider name: port
          Description: Name or number of the port to access on the container. Number must be in the range 1 to 65535. Name must be an IANA_SVC_NAME.
        • scheme
          Type: STRING
          Provider name: scheme
          Description: Scheme to use for connecting to the host. Defaults to HTTP.
      • initial_delay_seconds
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: initialDelaySeconds
        Description: Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. Minimum value is 1. Maximum value is 60.
      • period_seconds
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: periodSeconds
        Description: How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Default to 10 seconds. Minimum value is 1. Maximum value is 240.
      • success_threshold
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: successThreshold
        Description: Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. Defaults to 1. Must be 1 for liveness and startup. Minimum value is 1. Maximum value is 10.
      • tcp_socket
        Type: STRUCT
        Provider name: tcpSocket
        Description: TCPSocket specifies an action involving a TCP port. TCP hooks not yet supported.
        • host
          Type: STRING
          Provider name: host
          Description: Optional: Host name to connect to, defaults to the pod IP.
        • port
          Type: INT32
          Provider name: port
          Description: Number or name of the port to access on the container. Number must be in the range 1 to 65535. Name must be an IANA_SVC_NAME.
      • termination_grace_period_seconds
        Type: INT64
        Provider name: terminationGracePeriodSeconds
        Description: Optional duration in seconds the pod needs to terminate gracefully upon probe failure. The grace period is the duration in seconds after the processes running in the pod are sent a termination signal and the time when the processes are forcibly halted with a kill signal. Set this value longer than the expected cleanup time for your process. If this value is nil, the pod’s terminationGracePeriodSeconds will be used. Otherwise, this value overrides the value provided by the pod spec. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates stop immediately via the kill signal (no opportunity to shut down). This is an alpha field and requires enabling ProbeTerminationGracePeriod feature gate. Maximum value is 3600 seconds (1 hour)
      • timeout_seconds
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: timeoutSeconds
        Description: Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1. Maximum value is 240.
      • type
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: type
        Description: The type of probe.
    • resources
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: resources
      Description: Container resource requirements.
      • cpu
        Type: DOUBLE
        Provider name: cpu
        Description: Required CPU in cores, e.g. 0.5
      • ephemeral_storage
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: ephemeralStorage
        Description: Ephemeral Storage, e.g. “1Gi”
      • memory
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: memory
        Description: Required memory, e.g. “250Mb”
    • volume_mounts
      Provider name: volumeMounts
      Description: Container volume mounts.
      • mount_path
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: mountPath
        Description: Path within the container at which the volume should be mounted.Must not contain ‘:’.
      • sub_path
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: subPath
        Description: Path within the volume from which the container’s volume should be mounted. Defaults to "" (volume’s root).
      • volume_name
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: volumeName
        Description: This must match the Name of a Volume.
  • init_containers
    Provider name: initContainers
    Description: List of specialized containers that run before app containers.
    • args
      Provider name: args
      Description: Container start command arguments.
    • command
      Provider name: command
      Description: Container start command.
    • image
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: image
      Description: Container image tag.
    • name
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: name
      Description: Custom container name.
    • resources
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: resources
      Description: Container resource requirements.
      • cpu
        Type: DOUBLE
        Provider name: cpu
        Description: Required CPU in cores, e.g. 0.5
      • ephemeral_storage
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: ephemeralStorage
        Description: Ephemeral Storage, e.g. “1Gi”
      • memory
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: memory
        Description: Required memory, e.g. “250Mb”
    • volume_mounts
      Provider name: volumeMounts
      Description: Container volume mounts.
      • mount_path
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: mountPath
        Description: Path within the container at which the volume should be mounted.Must not contain ‘:’.
      • sub_path
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: subPath
        Description: Path within the volume from which the container’s volume should be mounted. Defaults to "" (volume’s root).
      • volume_name
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: volumeName
        Description: This must match the Name of a Volume.
  • revision_suffix
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: revisionSuffix
    Description: User friendly suffix that is appended to the revision name
  • scale
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: scale
    Description: Scaling properties for the Container App.
    • max_replicas
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: maxReplicas
      Description: Optional. Maximum number of container replicas. Defaults to 10 if not set.
    • min_replicas
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: minReplicas
      Description: Optional. Minimum number of container replicas.
    • rules
      Provider name: rules
      Description: Scaling rules.
      • azure_queue
        Type: STRUCT
        Provider name: azureQueue
        Description: Azure Queue based scaling.
        • auth
          Provider name: auth
          Description: Authentication secrets for the queue scale rule.
          • secret_ref
            Type: STRING
            Provider name: secretRef
            Description: Name of the secret from which to pull the auth params.
          • trigger_parameter
            Type: STRING
            Provider name: triggerParameter
            Description: Trigger Parameter that uses the secret
        • queue_length
          Type: INT32
          Provider name: queueLength
          Description: Queue length.
        • queue_name
          Type: STRING
          Provider name: queueName
          Description: Queue name.
      • custom
        Type: STRUCT
        Provider name: custom
        Description: Custom scale rule.
        • auth
          Provider name: auth
          Description: Authentication secrets for the custom scale rule.
          • secret_ref
            Type: STRING
            Provider name: secretRef
            Description: Name of the secret from which to pull the auth params.
          • trigger_parameter
            Type: STRING
            Provider name: triggerParameter
            Description: Trigger Parameter that uses the secret
        • type
          Type: STRING
          Provider name: type
          Description: Type of the custom scale ruleeg: azure-servicebus, redis etc.
      • http
        Type: STRUCT
        Provider name: http
        Description: HTTP requests based scaling.
        • auth
          Provider name: auth
          Description: Authentication secrets for the custom scale rule.
          • secret_ref
            Type: STRING
            Provider name: secretRef
            Description: Name of the secret from which to pull the auth params.
          • trigger_parameter
            Type: STRING
            Provider name: triggerParameter
            Description: Trigger Parameter that uses the secret
      • name
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: name
        Description: Scale Rule Name
      • tcp
        Type: STRUCT
        Provider name: tcp
        Description: Tcp requests based scaling.
        • auth
          Provider name: auth
          Description: Authentication secrets for the tcp scale rule.
          • secret_ref
            Type: STRING
            Provider name: secretRef
            Description: Name of the secret from which to pull the auth params.
          • trigger_parameter
            Type: STRING
            Provider name: triggerParameter
            Description: Trigger Parameter that uses the secret
  • service_binds
    Provider name: serviceBinds
    Description: List of container app services bound to the app
    • name
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: name
      Description: Name of the service bind
    • service_id
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: serviceId
      Description: Resource id of the target service
  • termination_grace_period_seconds
    Type: INT64
    Provider name: terminationGracePeriodSeconds
    Description: Optional duration in seconds the Container App Instance needs to terminate gracefully. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates stop immediately via the kill signal (no opportunity to shut down). If this value is nil, the default grace period will be used instead. Set this value longer than the expected cleanup time for your process. Defaults to 30 seconds.
  • volumes
    Provider name: volumes
    Description: List of volume definitions for the Container App.
    • mount_options
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: mountOptions
      Description: Mount options used while mounting the AzureFile. Must be a comma-separated string.
    • name
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: name
      Description: Volume name.
    • secrets
      Provider name: secrets
      Description: List of secrets to be added in volume. If no secrets are provided, all secrets in collection will be added to volume.
      • path
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: path
        Description: Path to project secret to. If no path is provided, path defaults to name of secret listed in secretRef.
      • secret_ref
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: secretRef
        Description: Name of the Container App secret from which to pull the secret value.
    • storage_name
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: storageName
      Description: Name of storage resource. No need to provide for EmptyDir and Secret.
    • storage_type
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: storageType
      Description: Storage type for the volume. If not provided, use EmptyDir.


Provider name: type
Description: The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts”


Provider name: properties.workloadProfileName
Description: Workload profile name to pin for container app execution.