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Type: INT32
Provider name: activeServicesCount
Description: The number of services that are running on the cluster in an ACTIVE state. You can view these services with PListServices.


Provider name: attachments
Description: The resources attached to a cluster. When using a capacity provider with a cluster, the capacity provider and associated resources are returned as cluster attachments.

  • details
    Provider name: details
    Description: Details of the attachment. For elastic network interfaces, this includes the network interface ID, the MAC address, the subnet ID, and the private IPv4 address. For Service Connect services, this includes portName, clientAliases, discoveryName, and ingressPortOverride. For Elastic Block Storage, this includes roleArn, deleteOnTermination, volumeName, volumeId, and statusReason (only when the attachment fails to create or attach).
    • name
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: name
      Description: The name of the key-value pair. For environment variables, this is the name of the environment variable.
    • value
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: value
      Description: The value of the key-value pair. For environment variables, this is the value of the environment variable.
  • id
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: id
    Description: The unique identifier for the attachment.
  • status
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: status
    Description: The status of the attachment. Valid values are PRECREATED, CREATED, ATTACHING, ATTACHED, DETACHING, DETACHED, DELETED, and FAILED.
  • type
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: type
    Description: The type of the attachment, such as ElasticNetworkInterface, Service Connect, and AmazonElasticBlockStorage.


Provider name: attachmentsStatus
Description: The status of the capacity providers associated with the cluster. The following are the states that are returned.

The available capacity providers for the cluster are updating.
The capacity providers have successfully updated.
The capacity provider updates failed.


Provider name: capacityProviders
Description: The capacity providers associated with the cluster.


Provider name: clusterArn
Description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the cluster. For more information about the ARN format, see Amazon Resource Name (ARN) in the Amazon ECS Developer Guide.


Provider name: clusterName
Description: A user-generated string that you use to identify your cluster.


Provider name: configuration
Description: The execute command configuration for the cluster.

  • execute_command_configuration
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: executeCommandConfiguration
    Description: The details of the execute command configuration.
    • kms_key_id
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: kmsKeyId
      Description: Specify an Key Management Service key ID to encrypt the data between the local client and the container.
    • log_configuration
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: logConfiguration
      Description: The log configuration for the results of the execute command actions. The logs can be sent to CloudWatch Logs or an Amazon S3 bucket. When logging=OVERRIDE is specified, a logConfiguration must be provided.
      • cloud_watch_encryption_enabled
        Type: BOOLEAN
        Provider name: cloudWatchEncryptionEnabled
        Description: Determines whether to use encryption on the CloudWatch logs. If not specified, encryption will be off.
      • cloud_watch_log_group_name
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: cloudWatchLogGroupName
        Description: The name of the CloudWatch log group to send logs to. The CloudWatch log group must already be created.
      • s3_bucket_name
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: s3BucketName
        Description: The name of the S3 bucket to send logs to. The S3 bucket must already be created.
      • s3_encryption_enabled
        Type: BOOLEAN
        Provider name: s3EncryptionEnabled
        Description: Determines whether to use encryption on the S3 logs. If not specified, encryption is not used.
      • s3_key_prefix
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: s3KeyPrefix
        Description: An optional folder in the S3 bucket to place logs in.
    • logging
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: logging
      Description: The log setting to use for redirecting logs for your execute command results. The following log settings are available.
      • NONE: The execute command session is not logged.
      • DEFAULT: The awslogs configuration in the task definition is used. If no logging parameter is specified, it defaults to this value. If no awslogs log driver is configured in the task definition, the output won’t be logged.
      • OVERRIDE: Specify the logging details as a part of logConfiguration. If the OVERRIDE logging option is specified, the logConfiguration is required.
  • managed_storage_configuration
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: managedStorageConfiguration
    Description: The details of the managed storage configuration.
    • fargate_ephemeral_storage_kms_key_id
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: fargateEphemeralStorageKmsKeyId
      Description: Specify the Key Management Service key ID for the Fargate ephemeral storage.
    • kms_key_id
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: kmsKeyId
      Description: Specify a Key Management Service key ID to encrypt the managed storage.


Provider name: defaultCapacityProviderStrategy
Description: The default capacity provider strategy for the cluster. When services or tasks are run in the cluster with no launch type or capacity provider strategy specified, the default capacity provider strategy is used.

  • base
    Type: INT32
    Provider name: base
    Description: The base value designates how many tasks, at a minimum, to run on the specified capacity provider. Only one capacity provider in a capacity provider strategy can have a base defined. If no value is specified, the default value of 0 is used.
  • capacity_provider
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: capacityProvider
    Description: The short name of the capacity provider.
  • weight
    Type: INT32
    Provider name: weight
    Description: The weight value designates the relative percentage of the total number of tasks launched that should use the specified capacity provider. The weight value is taken into consideration after the base value, if defined, is satisfied. If no weight value is specified, the default value of 0 is used. When multiple capacity providers are specified within a capacity provider strategy, at least one of the capacity providers must have a weight value greater than zero and any capacity providers with a weight of 0 can’t be used to place tasks. If you specify multiple capacity providers in a strategy that all have a weight of 0, any RunTask or CreateService actions using the capacity provider strategy will fail. An example scenario for using weights is defining a strategy that contains two capacity providers and both have a weight of 1, then when the base is satisfied, the tasks will be split evenly across the two capacity providers. Using that same logic, if you specify a weight of 1 for capacityProviderA and a weight of 4 for capacityProviderB, then for every one task that’s run using capacityProviderA, four tasks would use capacityProviderB.


Type: INT32
Provider name: pendingTasksCount
Description: The number of tasks in the cluster that are in the PENDING state.


Type: INT32
Provider name: registeredContainerInstancesCount
Description: The number of container instances registered into the cluster. This includes container instances in both ACTIVE and DRAINING status.


Type: INT32
Provider name: runningTasksCount
Description: The number of tasks in the cluster that are in the RUNNING state.


Provider name: serviceConnectDefaults
Description: Use this parameter to set a default Service Connect namespace. After you set a default Service Connect namespace, any new services with Service Connect turned on that are created in the cluster are added as client services in the namespace. This setting only applies to new services that set the enabled parameter to true in the ServiceConnectConfiguration. You can set the namespace of each service individually in the ServiceConnectConfiguration to override this default parameter. Tasks that run in a namespace can use short names to connect to services in the namespace. Tasks can connect to services across all of the clusters in the namespace. Tasks connect through a managed proxy container that collects logs and metrics for increased visibility. Only the tasks that Amazon ECS services create are supported with Service Connect. For more information, see Service Connect in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.

  • namespace
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: namespace
    Description: The namespace name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Cloud Map namespace. When you create a service and don’t specify a Service Connect configuration, this namespace is used.


Provider name: settings
Description: The settings for the cluster. This parameter indicates whether CloudWatch Container Insights is on or off for a cluster.

  • name
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: name
    Description: The name of the cluster setting. The value is containerInsights .
  • value
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: value
    Description: The value to set for the cluster setting. The supported values are enhanced, enabled, and disabled. To use Container Insights with enhanced observability, set the containerInsights account setting to enhanced. To use Container Insights, set the containerInsights account setting to enabled. If a cluster value is specified, it will override the containerInsights value set with PutAccountSetting or PutAccountSettingDefault.


Provider name: statistics
Description: Additional information about your clusters that are separated by launch type. They include the following:

  • runningEC2TasksCount
  • RunningFargateTasksCount
  • pendingEC2TasksCount
  • pendingFargateTasksCount
  • activeEC2ServiceCount
  • activeFargateServiceCount
  • drainingEC2ServiceCount
  • drainingFargateServiceCount

  • name
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: name
    Description: The name of the key-value pair. For environment variables, this is the name of the environment variable.
  • value
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: value
    Description: The value of the key-value pair. For environment variables, this is the value of the environment variable.


Provider name: status
Description: The status of the cluster. The following are the possible states that are returned.

The cluster is ready to accept tasks and if applicable you can register container instances with the cluster.
The cluster has capacity providers that are associated with it and the resources needed for the capacity provider are being created.
The cluster has capacity providers that are associated with it and the resources needed for the capacity provider are being deleted.
The cluster has capacity providers that are associated with it and the resources needed for the capacity provider have failed to create.
The cluster has been deleted. Clusters with an INACTIVE status may remain discoverable in your account for a period of time. However, this behavior is subject to change in the future. We don’t recommend that you rely on INACTIVE clusters persisting.
