DDSQL Statements

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SELECT retrieves rows from a table or view.


SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT ] select_expr, ...
[ FROM rel_source
  [ EVENT_SEARCH 'message_pattern' ]
  [ USE EVENT_INDEX 'index_name' ]
  [ [ join_type ] JOIN rel_source ...
    [ ON condition | USING (column, ... ) ] ] ... ]
[ WHERE condition ]
[ GROUP BY [ ALL | DISTINCT ] expression, ... ]
[ HAVING condition, ... ]
[ ORDER BY expression, ... [ ASC | DESC ] [ NULLS FIRST | NULLS LAST ] ]
[ LIMIT [ ALL | expression ]
  [ OFFSET expression ] ]

Placeholder types

Any expression that returns a value. It may be a constant, function call, aggregate, window, or the special expression *. This is the part of the query that specifies the output of the SELECT statement, and in relational algebra it is known as the projection.
A textual pattern for full-text search, where available.
An identifier for a logs index.
A correlation (a table name or alias) or a parenthesized DQL expression.
The type of SQL join, such as INNER or LEFT. INNER joins are fully supported. OUTER and CROSS joins may require a WHERE condition. LEFT and RIGHT joins are also supported if the condition is an equijoin expression: an equality comparison such as <EXPRESSION_1> = <EXPRESSION_2> where the expressions reference columns from different tables, and the output types of both expressions are the same. A USING expression JOINing on only one column also works.
An expression that is evaluated and interpreted implicitly as having a boolean result.
A value expression. See Expressions and Operators for details and examples.


SELECT retrieves rows from zero or more tables. The general processing of SELECT is as follows:

  1. All elements in FROM are computed. If more than one element is specified, they are joined together using the specified join type.
  2. If the WHERE clause is specified, rows that do not satisfy the condition are eliminated from the output.
  3. If the GROUP BY clause is specified or there are aggregate function calls in the selectExpr, the output is combined into groups of rows that match on one or more values, and the aggregates are computed. If HAVING is present, rows that do not satisfy its condition are eliminated from the output.
  4. The actual output rows are computed using the selectExpr.
  5. SELECT DISTINCT eliminates duplicate rows from the result.
  6. If the ORDER BY clause is specified, the returned rows are sorted in the specified order.
  7. If the LIMIT or OFFSET clause is specified, rows not in the specified subset are eliminated.

The system may execute the query in any way that is guaranteed to produce the results specified by this order.


Aliases are substitute names for output expressions or FROM items. An alias is used for brevity or to eliminate ambiguity for self-joins (where the same table is scanned multiple times).

SELECT * FROM my_long_hosts_table_name as hosts

When an alias is provided in a FROM item, it completely hides the actual name of the table or function. In the above example, the remainder of the DQL expression must refer to my_long_hosts_table_name as hosts.


GROUP BY and ORDER BY clause expressions can be column names, arbitrary expressions formed from input columns, or the name or ordinal number of an output expression (a SELECT expression). Output expression ordinals are 1-indexed.

For example, the output of this query is ordered first by ex3, then ex2, and then ex1:

SELECT ex1, ex2, ex3 FROM table ORDER BY 3, 2, 1;


UNION combines the results of two or more DQL expressions into a single output table.


DQL_expression UNION [ ALL ] DQL_expression ...
[ ORDER BY expressions [ ASC | DESC ] ]
[ LIMIT [ ALL | expression ]
  [ OFFSET expression] ]

Placeholder types

A query statement, such as a SELECT statement.

The UNION operator removes duplicate rows from the result. To retain duplicate rows, use UNION ALL:

SELECT host_key, CAST(service AS text) AS service, 'from resources' FROM host
SELECT message, service AS text, 'from logs' FROM logs WHERE env='prod'
ORDER BY service LIMIT 200 OFFSET 10;

All subqueries in a UNION must have the same output schema. A query containing a UNION query can only have one ORDER BY and LIMIT expression, both of which must come at the end. Chained UNIONs can only have one ORDER BY and LIMIT expression at the end.


WITH provides a way to write auxiliary statements for use in a larger query.

WITH statements, which are also often referred to as Common Table Expressions or CTEs, can be thought of as defining temporary tables that exist for one query. Each auxiliary statement in a WITH clause can be any DQL expression, and the WITH clause itself is attached to a primary statement that can also be any non-WITH DQL expression. Subsequent auxiliary statements may reference correlations aliased in previous auxiliary statements.


WITH alias [ ( output, schema, column, names, ... ) ] AS ( DQL_expression ) [, ...] DQL_expression

Placeholder types

A query statement, such as a SELECT statement.

Data modification statements like INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are not supported in WITH.

Each aliased query may also specify its output schema and column names.


DDSQL allows users to create temporary tables, insert into them, and query and reference them. These tables are not persisted across sessions.


  column_name column_type


DDSQL’s INSERT statement follows the SQL standard. DDSQL only allows users to insert into temporary tables that are created with the CREATE statement, not downstream data sources.


INSERT INTO table_name [ (specific, columns, ...) ] VALUES
  ( value1, value2, ... ),
  ( value1, value2, ... ),


While the SHOW statement is a part of the SQL standard, the runtime parameter names are experimental. Parameters may be renamed, retyped, or deprecated in the future.

When running queries, DDSQL references runtime parameters (environmental variables) that are not specified in the query statement itself, such as the default interval to use for metrics queries if no BUCKET BY is specified, or the start and end timestamp for a query.

The SHOW statement displays the values of these variables.


SHOW (ALL | parameter)

SHOW ALL displays all available runtime parameters in the DDSQL system, and SHOW <PARAMETER> displays only the parameter specified.


To modify a runtime parameter, use the SET statement.


SET variableName = expression