Setup Data Streams Monitoring for Python

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Data Streams Monitoring is not supported in the AP1 region.


To start with Data Streams Monitoring, you need recent versions of the Datadog Agent and Python libraries:


Python uses auto-instrumentation to inject and extract additional metadata required by Data Streams Monitoring for measuring end-to-end latencies and the relationship between queues and services. To enable Data Streams Monitoring, set the DD_DATA_STREAMS_ENABLED environment variable to true on services sending messages to (or consuming messages from) Kafka.

For example:


Libraries Supported

Data Streams Monitoring supports the confluent-kafka library and kombu package.

Monitoring SQS Pipelines

Data Streams Monitoring uses one message attribute to track a message’s path through an SQS queue. As Amazon SQS has a maximum limit of 10 message attributes allowed per message, all messages streamed through the data pipelines must have 9 or less message attributes set, allowing the remaining attribute for Data Streams Monitoring.

Monitoring Kinesis Pipelines

There are no message attributes in Kinesis to propagate context and track a message’s full path through a Kinesis stream. As a result, Data Streams Monitoring’s end-to-end latency metrics are approximated based on summing latency on segments of a message’s path, from the producing service through a Kinesis Stream, to a consumer service. Throughput metrics are based on segments from the producing service through a Kinesis Stream, to the consumer service. The full topology of data streams can still be visualized through instrumenting services.

Further Reading

추가 유용한 문서, 링크 및 기사: