do not use Any type

이 페이지는 아직 한국어로 제공되지 않으며 번역 작업 중입니다. 번역에 관한 질문이나 의견이 있으시면 언제든지 저희에게 연락해 주십시오.


ID: python-best-practices/any-type-disallow

Language: Python

Severity: Warning

Category: Error Prone


Use the Any type very carefully. Most of the time, the Any type is used because we do not know exactly what type is being used. If you want to specify that a value can be of any type, use object instead of Any.

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Non-Compliant Code Examples

my_var: Any = 1
def foo(x: Any):  # do not use Any, use a specific type

Compliant Code Examples

my_var: int = 1

def my_function(a: str) -> str:
    pass jetbrains

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