

Service panel highlighting backstage metadata, links and definition

If you already have data or services registered in Backstage, you can import these services into Datadog directly.

If you use API or Terraform, replace the YAMLs in your requests.

If you use GitHub integration, directly save your Backstage YAMLs to a repo with Datadog read permission. Datadog scans for files named catalog-info.yaml located at the root folder of a repo.

Upon import, the following occurs:

  • Datadog only recognizes kind:component in Backstage YAMLs as services
  • metadata.name gets mapped to dd-service
  • metadata.namespace gets mapped to a custom tag with the format namespace:${metadata.namespace}
  • spec.lifecycle gets mapped to lifecycle
  • spec.owner gets mapped to team
  • metadata.links gets mapped to links
    • The annotation github.com/project-slug maps to a link with type=repo and url=https://www.github.com/${github.com/project-slug}
  • metadata.description gets mapped to description
  • spec.system gets mapped to application
  • Other spec values get mapped to custom tags

Note: The Service Catalog processes the entire YAML file as a whole. If any section of the YAML file does not have kind:Component, the entire catalog-info.yaml file is rejected.


You can populate your Datadog Service Catalog with services from your ServiceNow CMDB by using the Service Ingestion feature in the Datadog-ServiceNow integration.

Manual Service discovery through other Datadog telemetries

To discover additional services through existing Datadog telemetry such as infrastructure metrics, navigate to the Setup & Config tab on the top of the page and click on the Import Entries tab. You can import services from other Datadog telemetry containing the DD_SERVICE tag.

Import Entries tab in the Service Catalog setup and configuration section

After you have imported some entries, they appear in the Explore tab. Entries may expire unless you add metadata such as the owner or contacts by using the API or the GitHub integration.

To remove your imported services from the default Explore view, click Clear Previously Imported Services. This removes all services that do not have metadata or do not have APM, Universal Service Monitoring (USM), or Real User Monitoring (RUM) telemetry.

Confirm the deletion of previously imported services in the Service Catalog setup and configuration section

Further reading