
This page explains how to redrive executions directly from Datadog to continue failed AWS Step Functions from the point of failure without a state machine restart.

A visualization of a failed Step Function execution.

Enable redrive within Datadog

To enable using redrive within Datadog, configure an AWS Connection with Datadog App Builder. Ensure that your IAM roles include permissions that allow executing a Step Function for the retry action (StartExecution) or redriving a Step Function for the redrive action (RedriveExecution).


To take action on a Step Function in Datadog:

  1. Go to the Step Functions page.
  2. Find the Step Function you wish to redrive.
  3. Open this Step Function’s side panel. On the Executions tab, locate the failed execution you wish to redrive.
  4. Click on the Failed pill to open a redrive modal.
  5. Click the Redrive button.

Further Reading