
This page lists integrated libraries you can use for React Native applications.

React Navigation


Note: This package is an integration for react-navigation library, please make sure you first install and setup the core mobile-react-native SDK.

To install with NPM, run:

npm install @datadog/mobile-react-navigation

To install with Yarn, run:

yarn add @datadog/mobile-react-navigation

Track view navigation

To track changes in navigation as RUM Views, set the onReady callback of your NavigationContainer component as follow. You can use the optional ViewNamePredicate parameter to replace the automatically detected View name with something more relevant to your use case.

Returning null in the ViewNamePredicate prevents the new RUM View from being created. The previous RUM View remains active.

import * as React from 'react';
import { DdRumReactNavigationTracking, ViewNamePredicate } from '@datadog/mobile-react-navigation';
import { Route } from "@react-navigation/native";

const viewNamePredicate: ViewNamePredicate = function customViewNamePredicate(route: Route<string, any | undefined>, trackedName: string) {
  return "My custom View Name"

function App() {
  const navigationRef = React.useRef(null);
  return (
      <NavigationContainer ref={navigationRef} onReady={() => {
        DdRumReactNavigationTracking.startTrackingViews(navigationRef.current, viewNamePredicate)
        // …

Note: Only one NavigationContainer can be tracked at the time. If you need to track another container, stop tracking the previous one first, using DdRumReactNavigationTracking.stopTrackingViews().

React Native Navigation

Note: This package is an integration for react-native-navigation library. Please make sure you first install and setup the core mobile-react-native SDK.


To install with NPM, run:

npm install @datadog/mobile-react-native-navigation

To install with Yarn, run:

yarn add @datadog/mobile-react-native-navigation

Track view navigation

To start tracking your navigation events, add the following lines before setting up your navigation. You can use the optional ViewNamePredicate callback to replace the automatically detected View name with something more relevant to your use case, based on the ComponentDidAppearEvent.

Returning null in the ViewNamePredicate prevents the new RUM View from being created. The previous RUM View remains active.

import { DdRumReactNativeNavigationTracking, ViewNamePredicate }  from '@datadog/mobile-react-native-navigation';
import { ComponentDidAppearEvent } from 'react-native-navigation';

const viewNamePredicate: ViewNamePredicate = function customViewNamePredicate(event: ComponentDidAppearEvent, trackedName: string) {
  return "My custom View Name"


Apollo Client

Note: This package is an integration for the @apollo/client library. Please make sure you first install and set up the core mobile-react-native SDK.


To install with NPM, run:

npm install @datadog/mobile-react-native-apollo-client

To install with Yarn, run:

yarn add @datadog/mobile-react-native-apollo-client

If you initialize your ApolloClient with the uri parameter, initialize it with a HttpLink:

import { ApolloClient, HttpLink } from '@apollo/client';

// before
const apolloClient = new ApolloClient({
    uri: 'https://my.api.com/graphql'

// after
const apolloClient = new ApolloClient({
    link: new HttpLink({ uri: 'https://my.api.com/graphql' })

Import DatadogLink from @datadog/mobile-react-native-apollo-client and use it in your ApolloClient initialization:

import { ApolloClient, from, HttpLink } from '@apollo/client';
import { DatadogLink } from '@datadog/mobile-react-native-apollo-client';

const apolloClient = new ApolloClient({
    link: from([
        new DatadogLink(),
        new HttpLink({ uri: 'https://my.api.com/graphql' }) // always in last position

For more information on Apollo Client Links, see the official documentation.

Removing GraphQL information

Use a resourceEventMapper in your Datadog configuration to remove sensitive data from GraphQL variables:

const datadogConfiguration = new DatadogProviderConfiguration(

datadogConfiguration.resourceEventMapper = event => {
    // Variables are stored in event.context['_dd.graphql.variables'] as a JSON string when present
    if (event.context['_dd.graphql.variables']) {
        const variables = JSON.parse(event.context['_dd.graphql.variables']);
        if (variables.password) {
            variables.password = '***';
        event.context['_dd.graphql.variables'] = JSON.stringify(variables);

    return event;

Further Reading
