
Use Observability Pipelines’ Elasticsearch destination to send logs to Elasticsearch.


Set up the Elasticsearch destination and its environment variables when you set up a pipeline. The information below is configured in the pipelines UI.

Set up the destination

The following fields are optional:

  1. Enter the name for the Elasticsearch index.
  2. Enter the Elasticsearch version.

Set the environment variables

  • Elasticsearch authentication username:
    • Stored in the environment variable: DD_OP_DESTINATION_ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME.
  • Elasticsearch authentication password:
    • Stored in the environment variable: DD_OP_DESTINATION_ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD.
  • Elasticsearch endpoint URL:
    • Stored in the environment variable: DD_OP_DESTINATION_ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT_URL.

How the destination works

Event batching

A batch of events is flushed when one of these parameters is met. See event batching for more information.

Max EventsMax BytesTimeout (seconds)