datadog.snmp.check_duration (gauge) | The duration of a check run in seconds. The time needed for the integration check to run once on a device, including time to collect snmp data from a device, processing and submitting metrics/service checks/etc. Shown as second |
datadog.snmp.check_interval (count) | The interval between check runs in seconds. The time delta between end of current check run and end of last check run Shown as second |
datadog.snmp.submitted_metrics (gauge) | The number of SNMP metrics submitted metrics for a check run (does not include service checks and telemetry metrics). |
datadog.snmp_traps.forwarded (count) | The number of SNMP Traps forwarded. Shown as packet |
datadog.snmp_traps.incorrect_format (count) | The number of SNMP Traps dropped because of an incorrect format tagged by error. Shown as packet |
datadog.snmp_traps.invalid_packet (count) | The number of invalid SNMP Traps packets received tagged by reason. Shown as packet |
datadog.snmp_traps.received (count) | The total number of SNMP Traps received. Shown as packet |
datadog.snmp_traps.traps_not_enriched (count) | The number of SNMP Traps that were not enriched. Shown as packet |
datadog.snmp_traps.vars_not_enriched (count) | The number of SNMP Traps variables that were not enriched. |
snmp.accessPoint (gauge) | Constant metric equal to 1 |
snmp.accessPointInterface (gauge) | Constant metric equal to 1 |
snmp.adapterCollisions (count) | [Dell iDRAC] Total number of single collisions. |
snmp.adapterRxBytes (count) | [Dell iDRAC] Total number of bytes received. Shown as byte |
snmp.adapterRxDropped (count) | [Dell iDRAC] Total number of receive packets dropped due to overrun. Shown as packet |
snmp.adapterRxErrors (count) | [Dell iDRAC] Total number of packets received with errors (packets that failed to reach the protocol). Shown as packet |
snmp.adapterRxMulticast (count) | [Dell iDRAC] Total number of Multicast packets received. Shown as packet |
snmp.adapterRxPackets (count) | [Dell iDRAC] Total packets received. Shown as packet |
snmp.adapterTxBytes (count) | [Dell iDRAC] Total number of bytes transmitted. Shown as byte |
snmp.adapterTxDropped (count) | [Dell iDRAC] Total number of transmit packets dropped due to successive collisions. Shown as packet |
snmp.adapterTxErrors (count) | [Dell iDRAC] Total number of packets that failed to transmit. Shown as packet |
snmp.adapterTxPackets (count) | [Dell iDRAC] Total packets transmitted. Shown as packet |
snmp.alcatel.ent.alaChasBpsPowerSupply (gauge) | [ALCATEL-ENT1-CHASSIS-MIB] This table contains BPS power supplies details (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.alcatel.ent.alaChasEntPhysFanSpeed (gauge) | [ALCATEL-ENT1-CHASSIS-MIB] Chassis fan speed. |
snmp.alcatel.ent.chasEntPhysical (gauge) | [ALCATEL-ENT1-CHASSIS-MIB] This table contains one row per physical entity. It is an extension for the entity physical table (rfc 2737) that is instantiated for every physical entity object. The fields are not always significant for every object. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.alcatel.ent.chasEntTempCurrent (gauge) | [ALCATEL-ENT1-CHASSIS-MIB] This object indicates the current output of the temperature sensor in degrees Celsius. |
snmp.alcatel.ind.chasEntPhysical (gauge) | [ALCATEL-IND1-CHASSIS-MIB] This table contains one row per physical entity. It is an extension for the entity physical table (rfc 2737) that is instantiated for every physical entity object. The fields are not always significant for every object. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.alcatel.ind.healthDeviceTemperatureChas1MinAvg (gauge) | [ALCATEL-IND1-HEALTH-MIB] Average chassis temperature over the last minute (percent). |
snmp.amperageProbeReading (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The reading for an amperage probe. Shown as milliampere |
snmp.amperageProbeStatus (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The probe status of the amperage probe. Shown as milliampere |
snmp.apBSSBwRate (gauge) | [WLSX-SWITCH-MIB] Bandwidth Rate in Kbps of the ap on this BSSID. |
snmp.apBSSFrameFragmentationRate (gauge) | [WLSX-SWITCH-MIB] Frame Fragmentation Rate on this BSSID. |
snmp.apBSSFrameLowSpeedRate (gauge) | [WLSX-SWITCH-MIB] Frame Low Speed Rate on this BSSID. |
snmp.apBSSFrameNonUnicastRate (gauge) | [WLSX-SWITCH-MIB] Frame Non Unicast Packet Rate on this BSSID. |
snmp.apBSSFrameReceiveErrorRate (gauge) | [WLSX-SWITCH-MIB] Frame Receive Error Rate on this BSSID. |
snmp.apBSSFrameRetryRate (gauge) | [WLSX-SWITCH-MIB] Frame Retry Rate on this BSSID. |
snmp.apBSSRxBytes (count) | [WLSX-SWITCH-MIB] Total Bytes Received by the ap on this BSSID. |
snmp.apBSSRxPackets (count) | [WLSX-SWITCH-MIB] Total Packets Received by the ap on this BSSID |
snmp.apBSSTxBytes (count) | [WLSX-SWITCH-MIB] Total Bytes Transmitted by the ap on this BSSID. |
snmp.apBSSTxPackets (count) | [WLSX-SWITCH-MIB] Total Packets Transmitted by the ap on this BSSID. |
snmp.apChannelBwRate (gauge) | [WLSX-SWITCH-MIB] Bandwidth Rate in Kbps of the apChannel. |
snmp.apChannelFrameFragmentationRate (gauge) | [WLSX-SWITCH-MIB] Ap Channel Frame Fragmentation Rate. |
snmp.apChannelFrameLowSpeedRate (gauge) | [WLSX-SWITCH-MIB] Ap Channel Frame Low Speed Rate. |
snmp.apChannelFrameNonUnicastRate (gauge) | [WLSX-SWITCH-MIB] Ap Channel Frame Non Unicast Packet Rate. |
snmp.apChannelFrameReceiveErrorRate (gauge) | [WLSX-SWITCH-MIB] Ap Channel Frame Receive Error Rate. |
snmp.apChannelFrameRetryRate (gauge) | [WLSX-SWITCH-MIB] Ap Channel Frame Retry Rate. |
snmp.apChannelNoise (gauge) | [WLSX-SWITCH-MIB] Indicates the noise on the channel |
snmp.apSignalToNoiseRatio (gauge) | [WLSX-SWITCH-MIB] SNR for the BSSID. |
snmp.aristaBgp4V2PeerLocalAs (gauge) | [ARISTA-BGP4V2-MIB] Some implementations of BGP can represent themselves as multiple ASes. This is the AS that this peering session is representing itself as to the remote peer. |
snmp.aristaBgp4V2PeerLocalPort (gauge) | [ARISTA-BGP4V2-MIB] The local port for the TCP connection between the BGP peers. |
snmp.aristaBgp4V2PeerRemoteAs (gauge) | [ARISTA-BGP4V2-MIB] The remote autonomous system number received in the BGP OPEN message. |
snmp.aristaBgp4V2PeerRemotePort (gauge) | [ARISTA-BGP4V2-MIB] The remote port for the TCP connection between the BGP peers. Note that the objects aristaBgp4V2PeerLocalAddr, aristaBgp4V2PeerLocalPort, aristaBgp4V2PeerRemoteAddr and aristaBgp4V2PeerRemotePort provide the appropriate reference to the standard MIB TCP connection table, or even the ipv6 TCP MIB as in RFC 4022. |
snmp.aristaEgressQueuePktsDropped (count) | [Arista] The number of packets discarded from this egress queue. |
snmp.aristaIfInOctetRate (gauge) | [ARISTA-IF-MIB] The rate, in octets per second, of data inbound on this interface, averaged over aristaIfRateInterval. |
snmp.aristaIfInPktRate (gauge) | [ARISTA-IF-MIB] The rate, in packets per second, of packets inbound on this interface, averaged over aristaIfRateInterval. |
snmp.aristaIfOutOctetRate (gauge) | [ARISTA-IF-MIB] The rate, in octets per second, of data inbound on this interface, averaged over aristaIfRateInterval. |
snmp.aristaIfOutPktRate (gauge) | [ARISTA-IF-MIB] The rate, in packets per second, of packets outbound on this interface, averaged over aristaIfRateInterval. |
snmp.aristaIngressQueuePktsDropped (count) | [Arista] The number of dropped packets due to congestion at the ingress port in an interface. |
snmp.arubaWiredFanRPM (gauge) | [ARUBAWIRED-FAN-MIB] Current RPM read for the fan. |
snmp.arubaWiredFanTray (gauge) | [ARUBAWIRED-FANTRAY-MIB] This table contains one row per switch fan tray entity. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.arubaWiredPSUInstantaneousPower (gauge) | [ARUBAWIRED-POWERSUPPLY-MIB] Total instantaneous power supplied by the power supply in Watts. |
snmp.arubaWiredPSUNumberFailures (gauge) | [ARUBAWIRED-POWERSUPPLY-MIB] Number of failures the power supply has experienced since the most recent insertion of the power supply and boot of the system. The number of failures for a power supply will be cleared if the power supply is removed from the system or if the system is rebooted. For non removable power supplies, the number of failures will not clear until the system reboots. Failure... |
snmp.arubaWiredTempSensorTemperature (gauge) | [ARUBAWIRED-TEMPSENSOR-MIB] Current temperature value read from the temperature sensor. |
snmp.avaya.avEntPhyChFru (gauge) | [AVAYA-ENTITY-MIB] Table depicting the status of chassis FRU units such as Power-Supplies and Fan-Tray (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.avaya.cmgCurrent802Vlan (gauge) | [G700-MG-MIB] 802.1 VLAN ID currently in use for this processor. If cmgUseDhcpForVlan was on(1) at the last startup, this came from the DHCP server. Otherwise it is equal to cmgStatic802Vlan at the time of the last startup. |
snmp.avaya.cmgDSPCoreChannelsInUse (gauge) | [G700-MG-MIB] Number of channels in use at this DSP core. |
snmp.avaya.cmgDSPCoreTotalChannels (gauge) | [G700-MG-MIB] Total channels available to this DSP core. |
snmp.avaya.cmgH248LinkErrorCode (gauge) | [G700-MG-MIB] Most recently received H.248 error code affecting the link between this media gateway and its active call controller. If cmgH248LinkStatus is up(1), this value will be zero. 0 No error 400 Syntax error in message 403 Syntax error in TransactionRequest 406 Version not supported 410 Incorrect identifier 411 The transaction refers to an unknown ContextId 412 No ContextIDs available 4... |
snmp.avaya.cmgLocalSig802Priority (gauge) | [G700-MG-MIB] 802.1 Priority for signaling traffic on the H.248 link, locally administered. If cmgQosControl is remote(2), this value is ignored. |
snmp.avaya.cmgLocalSigDscp (gauge) | [G700-MG-MIB] DiffServ Code Point for signaling traffic on the H.248 link, locally administered. If cmgQosControl is remote(2), this value is ignored. |
snmp.avaya.cmgRemoteSig802Priority (gauge) | [G700-MG-MIB] 802.1 Priority for signaling traffic on the H.248 link, received from the controller. If cmgQosControl is local(1), this value is ignored. |
snmp.avaya.cmgRemoteSigDscp (gauge) | [G700-MG-MIB] DiffServ Code Point for signaling traffic on the H.248 link, received from the controller. If cmgQosControl is local(1), this value is ignored. |
snmp.avaya.cmgVoipAverageOccupancy (gauge) | [G700-MG-MIB] 5-minute average occupancy of this VoIP engine. |
snmp.avaya.cmgVoipChannelsInUse (gauge) | [G700-MG-MIB] Number of channels in use at this VoIP engine. |
snmp.avaya.cmgVoipTotalChannels (gauge) | [G700-MG-MIB] Total channels available to this VoIP engine. |
snmp.avaya.genPort (gauge) | [CONFIG-MIB] Table of configuration attributes for managed ports. Includes configuration data which are independent of the specific functionality of the port. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.avaya.s5ChasCom (gauge) | [S5-CHASSIS-MIB] A table that contains information about each chassis level component and sub-component. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.avaya.s5ChasTmpSnrTmpValue (gauge) | [S5-CHASSIS-MIB] The current temperature value of the temperature sensor. This is measured in units of a half degree centigrade, e.g. a value of 121 indicates a temperature of 60.5 degrees C. |
snmp.avocent.acsActiveSessionsNumberOfSession (gauge) | [ACS8000-MIB] Number of active sessions. |
snmp.avocent.acsSerialPort (gauge) | [ACS8000-MIB] This table contains information about serial ports. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.axAppGlobalAllowedCurrentValue (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The current value for the allowed system resource. |
snmp.axAppGlobalAllowedMaxValue (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The maximum value for the allowed system resource. |
snmp.axAppGlobalBufferConfigLimit (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] Application buffer configured limit. |
snmp.axAppGlobalBufferCurrentUsage (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] Application buffer current usage. |
snmp.axAppGlobalTotalCurrentConnections (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] Total current connections |
snmp.axAppGlobalTotalL7Requests (count) | [A10-AX-MIB] Total L7 requests |
snmp.axAppGlobalTotalNewConnections (count) | [A10-AX-MIB] Total new connections |
snmp.axAppGlobalTotalNewIPNatConnections (count) | [A10-AX-MIB] Total new IP-NAT connections |
snmp.axAppGlobalTotalNewL4Connections (count) | [A10-AX-MIB] Total new L4 connections |
snmp.axAppGlobalTotalNewL7Connections (count) | [A10-AX-MIB] Total new L7 connections |
snmp.axAppGlobalTotalSSLConnections (count) | [A10-AX-MIB] Total SSL connections |
snmp.axConnReuseStatTotalActivePersist (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The total count of active persistent connection-reuse sessions. |
snmp.axConnReuseStatTotalEstablished (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The total count of established connection-reuse sessions. |
snmp.axConnReuseStatTotalOpenPersist (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The total count of open persistent connection-reuse sessions. |
snmp.axConnReuseStatTotalTerminated (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The total count of terminated connection-reuse sessions. |
snmp.axFanSpeed (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The fan speed. |
snmp.axGlobalAppPacketDrop (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] Total number of buffer drops in the last 10 seconds. |
snmp.axGlobalTotalAppPacketDrop (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] Total number of accumulative buffer drops. |
snmp.axGlobalTotalL4Session (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] Total number of L4 sessions. |
snmp.axGlobalTotalThroughput (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] Total throughput of all the interfaces. |
snmp.axPowerSupplyVoltage (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] A table contains the system power supply voltage status. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.axPowerSupplyVoltageTotal (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The total number of axPowerSupplyVoltage entries. |
snmp.axServer (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] A table has information of the servers. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.axServerStatServerCurConns (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The current connections from server side. |
snmp.axServerStatServerTotalCurrL7Reqs (count) | [A10-AX-MIB] The number of current L7 requests if applicable |
snmp.axServiceGroup (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] A table containing information of service groups. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.axSessionGlobalStatConnCount (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The count of current connections. |
snmp.axSessionGlobalStatConnFree (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The count of freed connections. |
snmp.axSessionGlobalStatConnSMPAllocated (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The count of allocated SMP connections. |
snmp.axSessionGlobalStatConnSMPFree (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The count of free SMP connections. |
snmp.axSessionGlobalStatFreeCurrentConns (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The count of free current connections. |
snmp.axSessionGlobalStatNonTcpUdpIPSession (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The count of non TCP/UDP IP sessions. |
snmp.axSessionGlobalStatOther (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The count of others. |
snmp.axSessionGlobalStatReverseNATTCP (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The count of reverse NAT TCP. |
snmp.axSessionGlobalStatReverseNATUDP (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The count of reverse NAT UDP. |
snmp.axSessionGlobalStatTCPEstablished (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The count of TCP established. |
snmp.axSessionGlobalStatTCPHalfOpen (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The count of TCP half open. |
snmp.axSessionGlobalStatTCPSynHalfOpen (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The count of TCP SYN half open. |
snmp.axSessionGlobalStatUDP (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The count of UDP connections. |
snmp.axSysDiskFreeSpace (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The free space of the disk in MB. |
snmp.axSysDiskTotalSpace (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The total space of the disk in MB. |
snmp.axSysHwPhySystemTemp (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The physical system temperature in Celsius. |
snmp.axSysPowerSupplyStatus (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The table contains power supply status. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.axVirtualServer (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] A table containing information of virtual servers. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.axVirtualServerPortStatCurConns (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] Current connections from client side. |
snmp.axVirtualServerStatBytesIn (count) | [A10-AX-MIB] The number of bytes received from client to server. |
snmp.axVirtualServerStatBytesOut (count) | [A10-AX-MIB] The number of bytes sent from server to client. |
snmp.axVirtualServerStatCurConns (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The current connections from client side. |
snmp.axVirtualServerStatPersistConns (gauge) | [A10-AX-MIB] The persistent connections from client side. |
snmp.axVirtualServerStatPktsIn (count) | [A10-AX-MIB] The number of packets received from client to server. |
snmp.axVirtualServerStatPktsOut (count) | [A10-AX-MIB] The number of packets sent from server to client. |
snmp.axVirtualServerStatTotConns (count) | [A10-AX-MIB] The total connections from client side. |
snmp.axVirtualServerStatTotalCurrL7Reqs (count) | [A10-AX-MIB] The number of current L7 requests if applicable |
snmp.axVirtualServerStatTotalL7Reqs (count) | [A10-AX-MIB] The total number of L7 requests if applicable |
snmp.axVirtualServerStatTotalSuccL7Reqs (count) | [A10-AX-MIB] The number of successful L7 requests if applicable |
snmp.batteryReading (gauge) | [Dell Poweredge] The reading of the battery. |
snmp.batteryState (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The current state of the battery. |
snmp.batteryStatus (gauge) | [Dell Poweredge] The status of the battery. |
snmp.bcnDhcpv4PoolFreeAddresses (gauge) | [BCN-DHCPV4-MIB] The number of IPs addresses available in this pool. |
snmp.bcnDhcpv4SubnetFreeAddresses (gauge) | [BCN-DHCPV4-MIB] The number of IPs addresses available in this subnet. |
snmp.bgpPeerAdminStatus (gauge) | [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Cisco CSR1000v] [F5 BIG-IP] [Juniper MX] [Juniper EX] [Juniper SRX] The desired state of the BGP connection. |
snmp.bgpPeerConnectRetryInterval (gauge) | [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Cisco CSR1000v] [F5 BIG-IP] [Juniper MX] [Juniper EX] [Juniper SRX] The time interval in seconds for the ConnectRetry timer. Shown as second |
snmp.bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime (gauge) | [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Cisco CSR1000v] [F5 BIG-IP] [Juniper MX] [Juniper EX] [Juniper SRX] This timer indicates how long (in seconds) this peer has been in the Established state or how long since this peer was last in the Established state. Shown as second |
snmp.bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTransitions (gauge) | [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Cisco CSR1000v] [F5 BIG-IP] [Juniper MX] [Juniper EX] [Juniper SRX] The total number of times the BGP FSM transitioned into the established state. |
snmp.bgpPeerHoldTime (gauge) | [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Cisco CSR1000v] [F5 BIG-IP] [Juniper MX] [Juniper EX] [Juniper SRX] The time interval in seconds for the Hold Timer established with the peer. Shown as second |
snmp.bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigured (gauge) | [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Cisco CSR1000v] [F5 BIG-IP] [Juniper MX] [Juniper EX] [Juniper SRX] The time interval in seconds for the Hold Time configured for this BGP speaker with this peer. Shown as second |
snmp.bgpPeerInTotalMessages (gauge) | [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Cisco CSR1000v] [F5 BIG-IP] v The total number of messages received from the remote peer on this connection. Shown as message |
snmp.bgpPeerInUpdates (gauge) | [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Cisco CSR1000v] [F5 BIG-IP] [Juniper MX] [Juniper EX] [Juniper SRX] The number of BGP UPDATE messages received on this connection. Shown as message |
snmp.bgpPeerKeepAlive (gauge) | [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Cisco CSR1000v] [F5 BIG-IP] [Juniper MX] [Juniper EX] [Juniper SRX] The time interval in seconds for the KeepAlive timer established with the peer. Shown as second |
snmp.bgpPeerKeepAliveConfigured (gauge) | [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Cisco CSR1000v] [F5 BIG-IP] [Juniper MX] [Juniper EX] [Juniper SRX] The time interval in seconds for the KeepAlive timer configured for this BGP speaker with this peer. Shown as second |
snmp.bgpPeerMinASOriginationInterval (gauge) | [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Cisco CSR1000v] [F5 BIG-IP] [Juniper MX] [Juniper EX] [Juniper SRX] The time interval in seconds for the MinASOriginationInterval timer. Shown as second |
snmp.bgpPeerNegotiatedVersion (gauge) | [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Cisco CSR1000v] [F5 BIG-IP] [Juniper MX] [Juniper EX] [Juniper SRX] The negotiated version of BGP running between the two peers. |
snmp.bgpPeerOutTotalMessages (gauge) | [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Cisco CSR1000v] [F5 BIG-IP] [Juniper MX] [Juniper EX] [Juniper SRX] The total number of messages transmitted o the remote peer on this connection. Shown as message |
snmp.bgpPeerOutUpdates (gauge) | [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Cisco CSR1000v] [F5 BIG-IP] [Juniper MX] [Juniper EX] [Juniper SRX] The number of BGP UPDATE messages transmitted on this connection. Shown as message |
snmp.bgpPeerRemoteAs (gauge) | [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Cisco CSR1000v] [F5 BIG-IP] [Juniper MX] [Juniper EX] [Juniper SRX] The remote autonomous system number. |
snmp.bgpPeerState (gauge) | [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Cisco CSR1000v] [F5 BIG-IP] [Juniper MX] [Juniper EX] [Juniper SRX] The BGP peer connection state. |
snmp.brErrorHistory (gauge) | [BROTHER-MIB] This table represents Error History. Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X. |
snmp.brJamPlace (gauge) | [BROTHER-MIB] Location of JAM. 0:No Jam 1:Jam Trays 2:Jam Inside 3:Jam Rear 4:Jam Duplex unit |
snmp.brToner1Low (gauge) | [BROTHER-MIB] Black Toner status. 0:Toner Full 1:Toner Low 2:No Toner Cartridge 3:Toner Empty |
snmp.brToner2Low (gauge) | [BROTHER-MIB] Cyan Toner status. 0:Toner Ready 1:Toner Low 2:No Toner Cartridge 3:Toner Empty |
snmp.brToner3Low (gauge) | [BROTHER-MIB] Magenta Toner status. 0:Toner Ready 1:Toner Low 2:No Toner Cartridge 3:Toner Empty |
snmp.brToner4Low (gauge) | [BROTHER-MIB] Yellow Toner status. 0:Toner Ready 1:Toner Low 2:No Toner Cartridge 3:Toner Empty |
snmp.bsnAPIfLoadChannelUtilization (gauge) | [Cisco-WLC] The channel utilization. |
snmp.bsnAPIfLoadRxUtilization (gauge) | [Cisco-WLC] The percentage of time the AP receiver is busy operating packets. Shown as percent |
snmp.bsnAPIfLoadTxUtilization (gauge) | [Cisco-WLC] The percentage of time the AP transmitter is busy operating packets. Shown as percent |
snmp.bsnAPIfPoorSNRClients (gauge) | [Cisco-WLC] The number of clients with poor SNR. |
snmp.bsnApIfNoOfUsers (gauge) | [Cisco-WLC] The number of clients connected to the interface. |
snmp.bsnDot11EssNumberOfMobileStations (gauge) | [Cisco-WLC] The number of mobile stations currently associated with the ESS (WLAN). |
snmp.cDot11ActiveBridges (gauge) | [CISCO-DOT11-ASSOCIATION-MIB] This is the number of bridges currently associating with this device on this interface. |
snmp.cDot11ActiveRepeaters (gauge) | [CISCO-DOT11-ASSOCIATION-MIB] This is the number of repeaters currently associating with this device on this interface. |
snmp.cDot11ActiveWirelessClients (gauge) | [CISCO-DOT11-ASSOCIATION-MIB] This is the number of wireless clients currently associating with this device on this interface. |
snmp.cDot11AssStatsAssociated (count) | [CISCO-DOT11-ASSOCIATION-MIB] This object counts the number of stations associated with this device on this interface since device re-started. |
snmp.cDot11AssStatsAuthenticated (count) | [CISCO-DOT11-ASSOCIATION-MIB] This object counts the number of stations authenticated with this device on this interface since device re-started. |
snmp.cDot11AssStatsDeauthenticated (count) | [CISCO-DOT11-ASSOCIATION-MIB] This object counts the number of stations deauthenticated with this device on this interface since device re-started. |
snmp.cDot11AssStatsDisassociated (count) | [CISCO-DOT11-ASSOCIATION-MIB] This object counts the number of stations disassociated with this device on this interface since device re-started. |
snmp.cDot11AssStatsRoamedAway (count) | [CISCO-DOT11-ASSOCIATION-MIB] This object counts the number of stations roamed away from this device on this interface since device re-started. |
snmp.cDot11AssStatsRoamedIn (count) | [CISCO-DOT11-ASSOCIATION-MIB] This object counts the number of stations roamed from another device to this device on this interface since device re-started. |
snmp.cacheDeviceCurrentSize (gauge) | [Dell Poweredge] Current size of the Dell Cache Device in KBytes. Shown as kibibyte |
snmp.cacheDeviceMaximumSize (gauge) | [Dell Poweredge] Maximum size of the Dell Cache Device in KBytes. Shown as kibibyte |
snmp.cacheDeviceStatus (gauge) | [Dell Poweredge] The status of the Dell Cache Device. |
snmp.cccaPimStatus (gauge) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The last known status of the enterprise contact center application peripheral interface manager functional component. |
snmp.cccaRouterAgentsLoggedOn (gauge) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The number of contact center agents currently managed by the enterprise contact center application. |
snmp.cccaRouterCallsInProgress (gauge) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The current number of active (voice) calls being managed by the enterprise contact center application. |
snmp.cccaRouterCallsInQueue (gauge) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The total number of calls queued in all network Voice Response Units (VRUs) from the router's perspective. |
snmp.cceAlarmCriticalCount (gauge) | [CISCO-CONTENT-ENGINE-MIB] The value of this object specifies the number of alarms currently raised with a severity of 'critical'. |
snmp.cceAlarmMajorCount (gauge) | [CISCO-CONTENT-ENGINE-MIB] The value of this object specifies the number of alarms currently raised with a severity of 'major'. |
snmp.cceAlarmMinorCount (gauge) | [CISCO-CONTENT-ENGINE-MIB] The value of this object specifies the number of alarms currently raised with a severity of 'minor'. |
snmp.ccmRegisteredGateways (gauge) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The number of gateways that are registered and actively in communication with the local call manager. |
snmp.ccmRegisteredPhones (gauge) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The number of phones that are registered and actively in communication with the local call manager. |
snmp.ccmRejectedPhones (gauge) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The number of phones whose registration requests were rejected by the local call manager. |
snmp.ccmUnregisteredPhones (gauge) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The number of phones that are unregistered or have lost contact with the local call manager. |
snmp.ccvpLicAggMaxPortsInUse (gauge) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The peak number of simultaneous port licenses used since the start of the system. |
snmp.ccvpLicRtPortsInUse (gauge) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The number of port licenses currently in use on the call server. |
snmp.ccvpSipIntAvgLatency1 (gauge) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The average period of time elapsed between the arrival of a CONNECT message from ICM and when the call is actually answered, on the first transfer request for the calls |
snmp.ccvpSipIntAvgLatency2 (gauge) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The average period of time between the arrival of a CONNECT message from ICM and when the call is actually answered, on the second and subsequent transfer request for the call. |
snmp.ccvpSipIntConnectsRcv (gauge) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The number of CONNECT messages received by the SIP service in order to perform a Customer Voice Portal transfer, since system start. |
snmp.ccvpSipIntNewCalls (gauge) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The number of SIP INVITE messages received by CVP since system start time. |
snmp.ccvpSipRtActiveCalls (gauge) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The count of active calls being handled by the CVP SIP service. |
snmp.ccvpSipRtTotalCallLegs (gauge) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The count of the number of SIP call legs being handled by the SIP service. |
snmp.cefcFRUCurrent (gauge) | [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] Current supplied by the FRU (positive values) or current required to operate the FRU (negative values). |
snmp.cefcFRUPowerAdminStatus (gauge) | [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] Administratively desired FRU power state. |
snmp.cefcFRUPowerOperStatus (gauge) | [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] Operational FRU power state. |
snmp.cefcFRUPowerStatus (gauge) | [CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB] This table lists the power-related administrative status and operational status of the manageable components in the system. Constant metric equal to 1 |
snmp.cefcFanTrayOperStatus (gauge) | [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] The operational state of the fan or fan tray. |
snmp.cefcFanTrayStatus (gauge) | [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] cefcFanTrayStatusTable. Constant metric equal to 1 |
snmp.cfInterconnectStatus (gauge) | [NetApp] The current status of the interconnect (notPresent(1), down(2), partialFailure(3), up(4)). |
snmp.cfprEquipmentFan (gauge) | [CISCO-FIREPOWER-EQUIPMENT-MIB] Cisco Firepower equipment:Fan managed object table (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.cfprEquipmentPsu (gauge) | [CISCO-FIREPOWER-EQUIPMENT-MIB] Cisco Firepower equipment:Psu managed object table (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.cfprSmMonitorDataDiskAvailable (gauge) | [CISCO-FIREPOWER-SM-MIB] Cisco Firepower sm:Monitor:dataDiskAvailable managed object property |
snmp.cfprSmMonitorDataDiskTotal (gauge) | [CISCO-FIREPOWER-SM-MIB] Cisco Firepower sm:Monitor:dataDiskTotal managed object property |
snmp.cfwConnectionStatCount (gauge) | [Cisco ASA 5525] This is an integer that contains the value of the resource statistic. |
snmp.cfwConnectionStatValue (gauge) | [Cisco ASA 5525] This is an integer that contains the value of the resource statistic. |
snmp.cfwHardwareStatusValue (gauge) | [Cisco ASA 5525] This object contains the current status of the resource. |
snmp.cieIfInputQueueDrops (gauge) | [Cisco c3850] The number of input packets dropped. Shown as packet |
snmp.cieIfLastInTime (gauge) | [Cisco c3850] The elapsed time in milliseconds since the last protocol input packet was received. Shown as millisecond |
snmp.cieIfLastOutTime (gauge) | [Cisco c3850] The elapsed time in milliseconds since the last protocol output packet was transmitted. Shown as millisecond |
snmp.cieIfOutputQueueDrops (gauge) | [Cisco c3850] The number of output packets dropped by the interface even though no error was detected to prevent them being transmitted. Shown as packet |
snmp.cieIfResetCount (count) | [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] The number of times the interface was internally reset and brought up. |
snmp.cikeTunInDropPkts (gauge) | [CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of packets dropped by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel during receive processing. |
snmp.cikeTunInOctets (gauge) | [CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of octets received by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel. |
snmp.cikeTunInPkts (gauge) | [CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of packets received by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel. |
snmp.cikeTunLifeTime (gauge) | [CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The negotiated LifeTime of the IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel in seconds. |
snmp.cikeTunOutDropPkts (gauge) | [CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of packets dropped by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel during send processing. |
snmp.cikeTunOutOctets (gauge) | [CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of octets sent by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel. |
snmp.cikeTunOutPkts (gauge) | [CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of packets sent by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel. |
snmp.cipSecGlobalActiveTunnels (gauge) | [Cisco ASA 5525] The total number of currently active IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels. |
snmp.cipSecGlobalHcInOctets (count) | [Cisco ASA 5525] A high capacity count of the total number of octets received by all current and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels. |
snmp.cipSecGlobalHcOutOctets (count) | [Cisco ASA 5525] A high capacity count of the total number of octets sent by all current and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels. |
snmp.cipSecTunHcInOctets (gauge) | [CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] A high capacity count of the total number of octets received by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel. This value is accumulated BEFORE determining whether or not the packet should be decompressed. |
snmp.cipSecTunHcOutOctets (gauge) | [CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] A high capacity count of the total number of octets sent by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel. This value is accumulated AFTER determining whether or not the packet should be compressed. |
snmp.cipSecTunInAuthFails (gauge) | [CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of inbound authentication's which ended in failure by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel . |
snmp.cipSecTunInDecryptFails (gauge) | [CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of inbound decryption's which ended in failure by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel. |
snmp.cipSecTunInOctets (gauge) | [CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of octets received by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel. This value is accumulated BEFORE determining whether or not the packet should be decompressed. See also cipSecTunInOctWraps for the number of times this counter has wrapped. |
snmp.cipSecTunInPkts (gauge) | [CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of packets received by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel. |
snmp.cipSecTunLifeTime (gauge) | [CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The negotiated LifeTime of the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel in seconds. |
snmp.cipSecTunOutAuthFails (gauge) | [CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of outbound authentication's which ended in failure by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel. |
snmp.cipSecTunOutEncryptFails (gauge) | [CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of outbound encryption's which ended in failure by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel. |
snmp.cipSecTunOutOctets (gauge) | [CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of octets sent by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel. This value is accumulated AFTER determining whether or not the packet should be compressed. See also cipSecTunOutOctWraps for the number of times this counter has wrapped. |
snmp.cipSecTunOutPkts (gauge) | [CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of packets sent by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel. |
snmp.ciscoEnvMonFanState (gauge) | [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] The current state of the fan being instrumented. |
snmp.ciscoEnvMonFanStatus (gauge) | [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] ciscoEnvMonFanStatusTable. Constant metric equal to 1 |
snmp.ciscoEnvMonSupplyState (gauge) | [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] The current state of the power supply being instrumented. |
snmp.ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatus (gauge) | [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] Supply status table. Constant metric equal to 1. |
snmp.ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue (gauge) | [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] The current value of the testpoint being instrumented. |
snmp.ciscoMemoryPoolFree (gauge) | [Cisco ASA 5525] Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently unused on the managed device. |
snmp.ciscoMemoryPoolLargestFree (gauge) | [Cisco ASA 5525] Indicates the largest number of contiguous bytes from the memory pool that are currently unused on the managed device. |
snmp.ciscoMemoryPoolUsed (gauge) | [Cisco ASA 5525] Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently in use by applications on the managed device. |
snmp.clusterHealth (gauge) | [Isilon] The overall health of the cluster. |
snmp.clusterIfsInBytes (gauge) | [Isilon] The cumulative number of bytes into /ifs. Shown as byte |
snmp.clusterIfsOutBytes (gauge) | [Isilon] The number of bytes out of /ifs. Shown as byte |
snmp.controllerRollUpStatus (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The severity of the controller state. |
snmp.coolingDeviceDiscreteReading (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The reading for a cooling device of type coolingDeviceSubTypeIsDiscrete. |
snmp.coolingDeviceReading (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The reading for a cooling device of subtype other than coolingDeviceSubTypeIsDiscrete. |
snmp.coolingDeviceStatus (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The probe status of the cooling device. |
snmp.coolingUnitRedundancyStatus (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The redundancy status of the cooling unit.. |
snmp.coolingUnitStatus (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The status of the cooling unit. |
snmp.coriant.groove.cardFanSpeedRate (gauge) | [CORIANT-GROOVE-MIB] The fan speed of percentage. Conditions:../required-type = 'FAN' |
snmp.coriant.groove.cardTemperature (gauge) | [CORIANT-GROOVE-MIB] Temperature at the monitoring point. |
snmp.coriant.groove.ochOsCD (gauge) | [CORIANT-GROOVE-MIB] Value of Chromatic Dispersion UNITS:ps/nm |
snmp.coriant.groove.ochOsOSNR (gauge) | [CORIANT-GROOVE-MIB] Current value of OSNR. The result could be OSNR value with dB |
snmp.coriant.groove.portRxOpticalPower (gauge) | [CORIANT-GROOVE-MIB] Received optical power |
snmp.coriant.groove.portTxOpticalPower (gauge) | [CORIANT-GROOVE-MIB] Transmitted optical power |
snmp.coriant.groove.shelfInletTemperature (gauge) | [CORIANT-GROOVE-MIB] shelf inlet temperature |
snmp.coriant.groove.shelfOutletTemperature (gauge) | [CORIANT-GROOVE-MIB] shelf outlet temperature |
snmp.cpiEas (gauge) | [Chatsworth] Constant metric equal to 1. |
snmp.cpiPduBranchCurrent (gauge) | [Chatsworth] The current draw in 1/100 amp of the branch on the PDU. |
snmp.cpiPduBranchEnergy (count) | [Chatsworth] Get the branch energy accumulated in decaVA-secs. |
snmp.cpiPduBranchMaxCurrent (gauge) | [Chatsworth] The maximum current draw in 1/100 amp of the branch on the PDU. |
snmp.cpiPduBranchPower (gauge) | [Chatsworth] The power in volt-amps for the branch. |
snmp.cpiPduBranchPowerFactor (gauge) | [Chatsworth] The power factor for the branch. |
snmp.cpiPduBranchStatus (gauge) | [Chatsworth] Get the alarm status of the branch. |
snmp.cpiPduBranchVoltage (gauge) | [Chatsworth] The voltage in 1/10 volts of the branch on the PDU. |
snmp.cpiPduChainRole (gauge) | [Chatsworth] Get the role of the PDU in a daisy chain. |
snmp.cpiPduDoorStatus (gauge) | [Chatsworth] Indicates if the door sensor is closed or open. |
snmp.cpiPduEasStatus (gauge) | [Chatsworth] Indicates if the Electronic Access Control system is ready, inactive, or error state. |
snmp.cpiPduLineCurrent (gauge) | [Chatsworth] The current draw in 1/100 amp of the line on the PDU. |
snmp.cpiPduLockStatus (gauge) | [Chatsworth] Indicates if the lock is closed or open. |
snmp.cpiPduNumberBranches (gauge) | [Chatsworth] The number of branches (breakers) in the PDU. |
snmp.cpiPduNumberOutlets (gauge) | [Chatsworth] The number of outlets in the PDU. |
snmp.cpiPduOutOfService (gauge) | [Chatsworth] Whether the PDU is in-service. |
snmp.cpiPduOutletCurrent (gauge) | [Chatsworth] Get the current draw in 1/100 amp of the outlet on the PDU. |
snmp.cpiPduOutletEnergy (count) | [Chatsworth] The outlet energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs. |
snmp.cpiPduOutletPower (gauge) | [Chatsworth] The power in Volt-Amps of the outlet on the PDU. |
snmp.cpiPduOutletStatus (gauge) | [Chatsworth] The alarm status of the outlet. |
snmp.cpiPduOutletVoltage (gauge) | [Chatsworth] Get the voltage in 1/10 volts of the outlet on the PDU. |
snmp.cpiPduSensorValue (gauge) | [Chatsworth] The value of the sensor. |
snmp.cpiPduTotalPower (gauge) | [Chatsworth] Get the power in volt-amps for the entire PDU. |
snmp.cpiPduUpgrade (gauge) | [Chatsworth] Indicates if the PDU firmware is being upgraded. |
snmp.cpmCPUMemoryFree (gauge) | [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] The overall CPU wide system memory currently free. |
snmp.cpmCPUMemoryUsed (gauge) | [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] The overall CPU wide system memory currently in use. |
snmp.cpmCPUTotal1minRev (gauge) | [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] The overall CPU busy percentage in the last 1 minute period. Shown as percent |
snmp.cpmCPUTotalMonIntervalValue (gauge) | [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] The overall CPU busy percentage in the last cpmCPUMonInterval period. Shown as percent |
snmp.cppmSystemDiskSpaceFree (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Amount of free disk space (bytes) in the ClearPass server Shown as byte |
snmp.cppmSystemDiskSpaceTotal (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total amount of disk space available (bytes) in the ClearPass server Shown as byte |
snmp.cppmSystemMemoryFree (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Amount of free memory (bytes) in the ClearPass server Shown as byte |
snmp.cppmSystemMemoryTotal (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total amount of memory available (bytes) in the ClearPass server Shown as byte |
snmp.cpqDaCntlrCondition (gauge) | [HPE Proliant] The condition of the device. This value represents the overall condition of this controller, and any associated logical drives, physical drives, and cache modules. |
snmp.cpqDaPhyDrvCurrentTemperature (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] Physical Drive current temperature in degrees Celsius. Shown as degree celsius |
snmp.cpqDaPhyDrvFactReallocs (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] The number of spare sectors available for remapping at the time the physical drive was shipped. |
snmp.cpqDaPhyDrvHSeekErrs (count) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] Total number of times that the physical disk drive detected a seek error during the reference hours (high). |
snmp.cpqDaPhyDrvHardReadErrs (count) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] Total number of read errors that have occurred on a drive that could not be recovered by a physical drive's ECC algorithm or through retries during the reference time. |
snmp.cpqDaPhyDrvHardWriteErrs (count) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] Total number of write errors that could not be recovered by a physical drive during the reference time. |
snmp.cpqDaPhyDrvRecvReadErrs (count) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] Total number of read errors corrected through physical drive retries during the reference time. |
snmp.cpqDaPhyDrvRecvWriteErrs (count) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] Total number of write errors corrected through physical drive retries or recovered by a physical drive during the reference time. |
snmp.cpqDaPhyDrvRefHours (count) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] Total number of hours that a physical drive has been spinning since the drive was stamped. Shown as hour |
snmp.cpqDaPhyDrvSeekErrs (count) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] Total number of times that the physical disk drive detected a seek error during the reference hours (low). |
snmp.cpqDaPhyDrvSize (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] The size of the physical drive in megabytes. Shown as mebibyte |
snmp.cpqDaPhyDrvSmartStatus (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] Physical Drive S.M.A.R.T Status. |
snmp.cpqDaPhyDrvSpinupTime (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] The time it takes for a physical drive to spin up to full speed. |
snmp.cpqDaPhyDrvStatus (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] The status of the physical drive. |
snmp.cpqDaPhyDrvUsedReallocs (count) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] The number of sectors of the reallocation area that have been used by the physical drive. |
snmp.cpqHeAsrCondition (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] The overall condition of the ASR feature. |
snmp.cpqHeAsrNetworkAccessStatus (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] The status of the ASR network access feature. |
snmp.cpqHeAsrPost (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] Indicates if the ASR timer passed the server power-on self test. |
snmp.cpqHeAsrRebootCount (count) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] The number of ASR reboots that have occurred on this server since the last manual reboot. |
snmp.cpqHeAsrStatus (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] The ASR feature status. |
snmp.cpqHeCorrMemLogCondition (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] The overall condition of the correctable memory error log feature. |
snmp.cpqHeCorrMemLogStatus (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] Indicates if this system is currently tracking correctable memory errors. |
snmp.cpqHeCorrMemTotalErrs (count) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] The number of correctable memory errors that have occurred. |
snmp.cpqHeCritLogCondition (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] The overall condition of the critical error log feature. |
snmp.cpqHeFltTolPowerSupply (gauge) | [HPE Proliant] Constant metric equal to 1 |
snmp.cpqHeFltTolPowerSupplyCapacityMaximum (gauge) | [HPE Proliant] The maximum capacity of the power supply in watts. Shown as watt |
snmp.cpqHeFltTolPowerSupplyCapacityUsed (gauge) | [HPE Proliant] The currently used capacity of the power supply in watts. Shown as watt |
snmp.cpqHeFltTolPowerSupplyStatus (gauge) | [HPE Proliant] The status of the power supply. |
snmp.cpqHeFltTolPwrSupplyState (gauge) | [HPE Proliant] The fault tolerant state of this adapter. |
snmp.cpqHeFltTolPwrSupplyStatus (gauge) | [HPE Proliant] The status of the fault tolerant power supply. |
snmp.cpqHePowerMeterCurrReading (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] The current Power Meter reading in Watts. Shown as watt |
snmp.cpqHeResMem2ModuleCondition (gauge) | [HPE Proliant] The current status of the correctable memory errors for this memory module. |
snmp.cpqHeSysBatteryCondition (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] The condition of the backup battery. |
snmp.cpqHeSysBatteryStatus (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] The status of the battery. |
snmp.cpqHeSysUtilEisaBusMin (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] The EISA bus utilization as a percentage of the theoretical maximum during the last minute. Shown as percent |
snmp.cpqHeSysUtilLifeTime (gauge) | [HPE Proliant] The total time (in minutes) the system has been in full operation (while the server health supporting software was running). Shown as minute |
snmp.cpqHeTemperatureCelsius (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] The current temperature sensor reading in degrees celsius. Shown as degree celsius |
snmp.cpqHeTemperatureCondition (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] The Temperature sensor condition. |
snmp.cpqHeThermalCondition (gauge) | [HPE Proliant] The overall condition of the system's thermal environment. |
snmp.cpqHeThermalCpuFanStatus (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] The status of the processor fan(s) in the system. |
snmp.cpqHeThermalSystemFanStatus (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] The status of the fan(s) in the system. |
snmp.cpqHeThermalTempStatus (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] [HP ILO4] The status of the system's temperature sensors. |
snmp.cpqHoCpuUtilFiveMin (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] The CPU utilization as a percentage of the theoretical maximum during the last five minutes. Shown as percent |
snmp.cpqHoCpuUtilHour (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] The CPU utilization as a percentage of the theoretical maximum during the last hour. Shown as percent |
snmp.cpqHoCpuUtilMin (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] The CPU utilization as a percentage of the theoretical maximum during the last minute. Shown as percent |
snmp.cpqHoCpuUtilThirtyMin (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] The CPU utilization as a percentage of the theoretical maximum during the last 30 minutes. Shown as percent |
snmp.cpqHoFileSysAllocUnitsTotal (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] The total number of files (directory entries) that can be stored on the file system if a limit exists other than total space used. |
snmp.cpqHoFileSysAllocUnitsUsed (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] The number of files (directory entries) on this file system. |
snmp.cpqHoFileSysPercentSpaceUsed (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] The percent of file system space currently in use. Shown as percent |
snmp.cpqHoFileSysSpaceTotal (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] The file system size in megabytes. Shown as mebibyte |
snmp.cpqHoFileSysSpaceUsed (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] The megabytes of file system space currently in use. Shown as mebibyte |
snmp.cpqHoFileSysStatus (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] The status of the Filesystem threshold. |
snmp.cpqNicIfPhysAdapterBadReceives (count) | [HP ILO4] The count of frames that were received by the adapter but which had an error. |
snmp.cpqNicIfPhysAdapterBadTransmits (count) | [HP ILO4] The count of frames that were not transmitted by the adapter because of an error. |
snmp.cpqNicIfPhysAdapterGoodReceives (count) | [HP ILO4] The count of frames successfully received by the physical adapter. |
snmp.cpqNicIfPhysAdapterGoodTransmits (count) | [HP ILO4] The count of frames successfully transmitted by the physical adapter. |
snmp.cpqNicIfPhysAdapterInOctets (count) | [HP ILO4] The count of octets received on the physical adapter. Shown as byte |
snmp.cpqNicIfPhysAdapterOutOctets (count) | [HP ILO4] The count of octets sent on the physical adapter. Shown as byte |
snmp.cpqNicIfPhysAdapterSpeed (gauge) | [HP ILO4] The estimate of current bandwidth in bps. Shown as bit |
snmp.cpqNicIfPhysAdapterSpeedMbps (gauge) | [HP ILO4] The estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in Megabits per second. |
snmp.cpqNicIfPhysAdapterState (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] The fault tolerant state of this adapter. |
snmp.cpqNicIfPhysAdapterStatus (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] The physical adapter status. |
snmp.cpqNicVtVirusActivity (gauge) | [HP ILO4] Indicates virus activity detection status of Virus Throttle Filter Driver. |
snmp.cpqRackCommonEnclosureFan (gauge) | [CPQRACK-MIB] A table of rack enclosure fan information. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuse (gauge) | [CPQRACK-MIB] A table of rack enclosure fuse information. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.cpqRackCommonEnclosureManager (gauge) | [CPQRACK-MIB] A table of rack enclosure manager information. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempCurrent (gauge) | [CPQRACK-MIB] This is the current temperature sensor reading in degrees celsius. If this value cannot be determined by software, then a value of -1 will be returned. |
snmp.cpqRackPowerEnclosure (gauge) | [CPQRACK-MIB] A table of rack power enclosure information. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.cpqRackPowerSupplyCurPwrOutput (gauge) | [CPQRACK-MIB] The current power output of the power supply in watts. The value will be -1 if the power supply does not report the value. |
snmp.cpqRackPowerSupplyExhaustTemp (gauge) | [CPQRACK-MIB] The current air temperature at the exhaust of the power supply in degrees celsius. The value will be -1 if the power supply does not report the value. |
snmp.cpqRackPowerSupplyIntakeTemp (gauge) | [CPQRACK-MIB] The current air temperature at the intake of the power supply in degrees celsius. The value will be -1 if the power supply does not report the value. |
snmp.cpqRackServerBladeFaultMajor (gauge) | [CPQRACK-MIB] The major fault code of the blade fault reported by the enclosure manager. This will be -1 if the rack does not report the information or if it could not be determined. |
snmp.cpqRackServerBladeFaultMinor (gauge) | [CPQRACK-MIB] The minor fault code of the blade fault reported by the enclosure manager. This will be -1 if the rack does not report the information or if it could not be determined. |
snmp.cpqRackServerTempSensorCurrent (gauge) | [CPQRACK-MIB] This is the current temperature sensor reading in degrees celsius. If this value cannot be determined by software, then a value of -1 will be returned. |
snmp.cpqSeCPUCoreMaxThreads (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] The maximum number of threads that a cpu core is capable of. |
snmp.cpqSeCpuCore (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] The number of cores in this CPU module. |
snmp.cpqSeCpuExtSpeed (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] The external frequency in megahertz of the processor bus. Shown as megahertz |
snmp.cpqSeCpuPrimary (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] CPU is set to Primary status on SMP systems. |
snmp.cpqSeCpuSlot (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] This processor's slot. |
snmp.cpqSeCpuSpeed (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] The internal speed in megahertz of this processor. Shown as megahertz |
snmp.cpqSeCpuStatus (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] The status of the processor. |
snmp.cpqSiMemModuleCellStatus (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] The current status for this memory module. |
snmp.cpqSiMemModuleECCStatus (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] The current status of the correctable memory errors for this memory module. |
snmp.cpqSiMemModuleFrequency (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] The memory module frequency in MHz. Shown as megahertz |
snmp.cpqSiMemModuleSize (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] Module memory size in kilobytes. Shown as kibibyte |
snmp.cpqSiMemModuleSpeed (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] Module memory speed in nanoseconds. Shown as nanosecond |
snmp.cpqSiMemModuleTechnology (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] Technology type of memory module installed. |
snmp.cpqSiMemModuleType (gauge) | [HPE PROLIANT] Type of memory module installed. |
snmp.cpqSm2CntlrBatteryPercentCharged (gauge) | [HP ILO4] The charge level of battery. Shown as percent |
snmp.cpqSm2CntlrBatteryStatus (gauge) | [HP ILO4] The status of battery. |
snmp.cpqSm2CntlrInterfaceStatus (gauge) | [HP ILO4] The status of the remote interface. |
snmp.cpqSm2CntlrRemoteSessionStatus (gauge) | [HP ILO4] Indicates whether a remote session is active. |
snmp.cpqSm2CntlrSelfTestErrors (gauge) | [HP ILO4] A bitmap of self-test errors. |
snmp.cpqSm2CntlrServerPowerState (gauge) | [HP ILO4] Power state. |
snmp.cpqSm2EventTotalEntries (gauge) | [HP ILO4] Number of entries in the event log. |
snmp.cpqSm2NicRecvBytes (count) | [HP ILO4] Remote Insight/ Integrated Lights-Out Network Interface Controller Bytes Received. Shown as byte |
snmp.cpqSm2NicRecvDiscardPackets (count) | [HP ILO4] Remote Insight/ Integrated Lights-Out Network Interface Controller Total Receive Discarded Packets. Shown as packet |
snmp.cpqSm2NicRecvErrorPackets (count) | [HP ILO4] Remote Insight/ Integrated Lights-Out Network Interface Controller Total Receive Error Packets. Shown as packet |
snmp.cpqSm2NicRecvTotalPackets (count) | [HP ILO4] Remote Insight/ Integrated Lights-Out Network Interface Controller Total Receive Packets. Shown as packet |
snmp.cpqSm2NicRecvUnknownPackets (count) | [HP ILO4] Remote Insight/ Integrated Lights-Out Network Interface Controller Number of Unknown Protocol Packets. Shown as packet |
snmp.cpqSm2NicXmitBytes (count) | [HP ILO4] Remote Insight/ Integrated Lights-Out Network Interface Controller Bytes Transmitted. Shown as byte |
snmp.cpqSm2NicXmitDiscardPackets (count) | [HP ILO4] Remote Insight/ Integrated Lights-Out Network Interface Controller Total Transmit Discarded Packets. Shown as packet |
snmp.cpqSm2NicXmitErrorPackets (count) | [HP ILO4] Remote Insight/ Integrated Lights-Out Network Interface Controller Total Error Transmit Packets. Shown as packet |
snmp.cpqSm2NicXmitQueueLength (count) | [HP ILO4] Remote Insight/ Integrated Lights-Out Network Interface Controller Number of Outstanding Packets in Transmit Queue. Shown as packet |
snmp.cpqSm2NicXmitTotalPackets (count) | [HP ILO4] Remote Insight/ Integrated Lights-Out Network Interface Controller Total Transmit Packets. Shown as packet |
snmp.cpu.usage (gauge) | Percentage of CPU currently being used. Shown as percent |
snmp.cradlepoint.mdmCINR (gauge) | [WIPIPE-MIB] The cellular modems CINR ratio given in dBm's. |
snmp.cradlepoint.mdmECIO (gauge) | [WIPIPE-MIB] The cellular modems Ec/Io ratio given in dBm's. |
snmp.cradlepoint.mdmRSRP (gauge) | [WIPIPE-MIB] The cellular modems RSRP given in dBm's. |
snmp.cradlepoint.mdmRSRQ (gauge) | [WIPIPE-MIB] The cellular modems RSRQ given in dBm's. |
snmp.cradlepoint.mdmSINR (gauge) | [WIPIPE-MIB] The cellular modems SINR ratio given in dBm's. |
snmp.cradlepoint.mdmSignalStrength (gauge) | [WIPIPE-MIB] The cellular modems signal strength, given in dBm's. |
snmp.crasMaxSessionsSupportable (gauge) | [CISCO-REMOTE-ACCESS-MONITOR-MIB] The maximum number of remote access sessions that may be supported on this device. If the device imposes no arbitrary limit on the maximum number of sessions, it should return a value of 0. |
snmp.crasMaxUsersSupportable (gauge) | [CISCO-REMOTE-ACCESS-MONITOR-MIB] The maximum number of remote access users for whom Remote Access sessions may be supported on this device. If the device imposes no arbitrary limit on the maximum number of users, it should return a value of 0. |
snmp.crasNumDeclinedSessions (gauge) | [Cisco ASA 5525] The number of session setup attempts (counted since the last time the notification 'ciscoRasTooManyFailedAuths' was issued) which were declined due to authentication or authorization failure. |
snmp.crasNumSessions (gauge) | [Cisco ASA 5525] The number of currently active sessions. |
snmp.crasNumSetupFailInsufResources (count) | [Cisco ASA 5525] The number of session setup attempts that failed due to insufficient resources. |
snmp.crasNumUsers (gauge) | [Cisco ASA 5525] The number of users who have active sessions. |
snmp.cslbxStatsAclDenyHCRejects (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections rejected because the the matching client access list was configured to deny access. This object is a 64-bit version of cslbxStatsAclDenyRejects. |
snmp.cslbxStatsAclDenyRejects (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections rejected because the the matching client access list was configured to deny access. |
snmp.cslbxStatsBadSslFormatRejects (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections rejected because some invalid or unrecognized SSL format was detected. |
snmp.cslbxStatsCurrConnections (gauge) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections currently still open. |
snmp.cslbxStatsDroppedL4PolicyConns (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections dropped by virtual servers with only layer 4 configuration. |
snmp.cslbxStatsDroppedL4PolicyHCConns (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections dropped by virtual servers with only layer 4 configuration. This object is a 64-bit version of cslbxStatsDroppedL4PolicyConns. |
snmp.cslbxStatsDroppedL7PolicyConns (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections dropped by virtual servers with some layer 7 policy. |
snmp.cslbxStatsDroppedL7PolicyHCConns (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections dropped by virtual servers with some layer 7 configuration. This object is a 64-bit version of cslbxStatsDroppedL7PolicyConns. |
snmp.cslbxStatsDroppedRedirectConns (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections dropped by HTTP redirect servers. |
snmp.cslbxStatsFailedConns (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections that were load balanced to real servers that then failed to respond. |
snmp.cslbxStatsFtpConns (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections made to virtual servers with the FTP service. |
snmp.cslbxStatsHttpRedirectConns (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections made to HTTP redirect servers. |
snmp.cslbxStatsIpChecksumErrorPkts (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The accumulated number of IP packets which have checksum error. |
snmp.cslbxStatsL4PolicyConns (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections made to the virtual servers with only layer 4 configuration. |
snmp.cslbxStatsL4PolicyHCConns (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections made to the virtual servers with only layer 4 configuration. This object is a 64-bit version of cslbxStatsL4PolicyConns. |
snmp.cslbxStatsL7ParserErrorRejects (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections rejected because an error occurred while parsing the connection data at Layer 7. |
snmp.cslbxStatsL7PolicyConns (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections made to the virtual servers with some layer 7 configuration. |
snmp.cslbxStatsL7PolicyHCConns (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections made to the virtual servers with some layer 7 configuration. This object is a 64-bit version of cslbxStatsL7PolicyConns. |
snmp.cslbxStatsMaxParseLenRejects (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections rejected because the length of an HTTP request or response header exceeded the maximum L7 parse length configured for the matching virtual server. |
snmp.cslbxStatsNoActiveServerRejects (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections rejected because the chosen server farm did not have any active servers. |
snmp.cslbxStatsNoCfgPolicyHCRejects (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections rejected because the matching virtual server was not configured with any policy. This object is a 64-bit version of cslbxStatsNoCfgPolicyRejects. |
snmp.cslbxStatsNoCfgPolicyRejects (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections rejected because the matching virtual server was not configured with any policy. |
snmp.cslbxStatsNoMatchPolicyHCRejects (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections rejected because they failed to match any configured policy. This object is a 64-bit version of cslbxStatsNoMatchPolicyRejects. |
snmp.cslbxStatsNoMatchPolicyRejects (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections rejected because they failed to match any configured policy. |
snmp.cslbxStatsOutOfMemoryRejects (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections rejected because the SLB module could not allocate the required memory. |
snmp.cslbxStatsTcpChecksumErrorPkts (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The accumulated number of TCP packets which have checksum error. |
snmp.cslbxStatsTimedOutConnections (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections that were terminated because they were idle longer than the configured idle timeout value. |
snmp.cslbxStatsVerMismatchHCRejects (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections rejected because the Layer 7 configuration was changed while Layer 7 parsing was occurring on the connection. This object is a 64-bit version of cslbxStatsVerMismatchRejects. |
snmp.cslbxStatsVerMismatchRejects (count) | [CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB] The number of connections rejected because the Layer 7 configuration was changed while Layer 7 parsing was occurring on the connection. |
snmp.cswStackPortOperStatus (gauge) | [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] The state of the stackport. |
snmp.cswSwitchInfo (gauge) | [CISCO-STACKWISE-MIB] This table contains information specific to switches in a stack. Every switch with an entry in the entPhysicalTable (ENTITY-MIB) whose entPhysicalClass is 'chassis' will have an entry in this table. Constant metric equal to 1. |
snmp.cswSwitchState (gauge) | [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] The current state of a switch. |
snmp.cucsComputeBoard (gauge) | [CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-COMPUTE-MIB] Cisco UCS compute:Board managed object table (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.cucsComputeMbPowerStatsConsumedPower (gauge) | [CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-COMPUTE-MIB] Cisco UCS compute:MbPowerStats:consumedPower managed object property |
snmp.cucsComputeMbPowerStatsInputCurrent (gauge) | [CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-COMPUTE-MIB] Cisco UCS compute:MbPowerStats:inputCurrent managed object property |
snmp.cucsComputeMbPowerStatsInputVoltage (gauge) | [CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-COMPUTE-MIB] Cisco UCS compute:MbPowerStats:inputVoltage managed object property |
snmp.cucsComputeRackUnitAvailableMemory (gauge) | [CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-COMPUTE-MIB] Cisco UCS compute:RackUnit:availableMemory managed object property |
snmp.cucsComputeRackUnitMbTempStatsAmbientTemp (gauge) | [CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-COMPUTE-MIB] Cisco UCS compute:RackUnitMbTempStats:ambientTemp managed object property |
snmp.cucsComputeRackUnitMbTempStatsFrontTemp (gauge) | [CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-COMPUTE-MIB] Cisco UCS compute:RackUnitMbTempStats:frontTemp managed object property |
snmp.cucsComputeRackUnitMbTempStatsIoh1Temp (gauge) | [CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-COMPUTE-MIB] Cisco UCS compute:RackUnitMbTempStats:ioh1Temp managed object property |
snmp.cucsComputeRackUnitMbTempStatsRearTemp (gauge) | [CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-COMPUTE-MIB] Cisco UCS compute:RackUnitMbTempStats:rearTemp managed object property |
snmp.cucsComputeRackUnitTotalMemory (gauge) | [CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-COMPUTE-MIB] Cisco UCS compute:RackUnit:totalMemory managed object property |
snmp.cucsEquipmentFan (gauge) | [CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-EQUIPMENT-MIB] Cisco UCS equipment:Fan managed object table (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.cucsEquipmentHealthLed (gauge) | [CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-EQUIPMENT-MIB] Cisco UCS equipment:HealthLed managed object table (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.cucsEquipmentPsu (gauge) | [CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-EQUIPMENT-MIB] Cisco UCS equipment:Psu managed object table (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.cucsMemoryUnitCapacity (gauge) | [CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-MEMORY-MIB] Cisco UCS memory:Unit:capacity managed object property |
snmp.cucsMemoryUnitEnvStatsTemperature (gauge) | [CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-MEMORY-MIB] Cisco UCS memory:UnitEnvStats:temperature managed object property |
snmp.cucsProcessorEnvStatsTemperature (gauge) | [CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-PROCESSOR-MIB] Cisco UCS processor:EnvStats:temperature managed object property |
snmp.cucsProcessorUnit (gauge) | [CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-PROCESSOR-MIB] Cisco UCS processor:Unit managed object table (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.cucsStorageFlexFlashCardReadIOErrorCount (gauge) | [CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-STORAGE-MIB] Cisco UCS storage:FlexFlashCard:readIOErrorCount managed object property |
snmp.cucsStorageFlexFlashCardSize (gauge) | [CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-STORAGE-MIB] Cisco UCS storage:FlexFlashCard:size managed object property |
snmp.cucsStorageFlexFlashCardWriteIOErrorCount (gauge) | [CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-STORAGE-MIB] Cisco UCS storage:FlexFlashCard:writeIOErrorCount managed object property |
snmp.cucsStorageFlexFlashController (gauge) | [CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-STORAGE-MIB] Cisco UCS storage:FlexFlashController managed object table (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.cucsStorageFlexFlashDriveSize (gauge) | [CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-STORAGE-MIB] Cisco UCS storage:FlexFlashDrive:size managed object property |
snmp.cumulus.clBufferOverflowDiscards (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] Number of inbound packets discarded due to ingress buffer overflow. |
snmp.cumulus.clEgressNonQDiscards (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] Total number of packets discarded on egress due to reasons reasons other than queue overflow. With IF MIB's ifOutDiscards not accounting for certain specific drops, this one accounts for drops seen in the egress pipeline of the system that were not because of egress queue overflow drops. |
snmp.cumulus.clEgressQOverflowDiscards (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] Number of packets discarded due to egress queue overflow. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntInBcastPkts (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of input broadcast packets on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntInMcastPkts (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of input multicast packets on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntInOctets (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of input octets on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntInPausePkt (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of ethernet flow control pause packets received on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntInPfc0Pkt (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of ethernet priority flow control traffic class 0 packets received on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntInPfc1Pkt (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of ethernet priority flow control traffic class 1 packets received on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntInPfc2Pkt (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of ethernet priority flow control traffic class 2 packets received on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntInPfc3Pkt (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of ethernet priority flow control traffic class 3 packets received on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntInPfc4Pkt (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of ethernet priority flow control traffic class 4 packets received on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntInPfc5Pkt (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of ethernet priority flow control traffic class 5 packets received on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntInPfc6Pkt (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of ethernet priority flow control traffic class 6 packets received on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntInPfc7Pkt (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of ethernet priority flow control traffic class 7 packets received on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntInUcastPkts (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of input unicast packets on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntOutBcastPkts (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of output broadcast packets on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntOutMcastPkts (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of output multicast packets on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntOutOctets (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of output octets on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntOutPausePkt (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of ethernet flow control pause packets transmitted on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntOutPfc0Pkt (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of ethernet priority flow control traffic class 0 packets transmitted on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntOutPfc1Pkt (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of ethernet priority flow control traffic class 1 packets transmitted on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntOutPfc2Pkt (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of ethernet priority flow control traffic class 2 packets transmitted on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntOutPfc3Pkt (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of ethernet priority flow control traffic class 3 packets transmitted on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntOutPfc4Pkt (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of ethernet priority flow control traffic class 4 packets transmitted on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntOutPfc5Pkt (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of ethernet priority flow control traffic class 5 packets transmitted on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntOutPfc6Pkt (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of ethernet priority flow control traffic class 6 packets transmitted on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntOutPfc7Pkt (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of ethernet priority flow control traffic class 7 packets transmitted on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clIntOutUcastPkts (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] The number of output unicast packets on the interface. |
snmp.cumulus.clL3AclDiscards (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] Number of inbound IPv4 packets discarded due to ingress Access Control List. |
snmp.cumulus.clL3v4InDiscards (gauge) | [CUMULUS-COUNTERS-MIB] Number of inbound IPv4 packets discarded by the routing engine. |
snmp.cumulus.egressAclCurrentCounters (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The current number of Egress counters in the Network Access Control List table. |
snmp.cumulus.egressAclCurrentEntries (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The current number of Egress entries in the Network Access Control List table. |
snmp.cumulus.egressAclCurrentMeters (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The current number of Egress meters in the Network Access Control List table. |
snmp.cumulus.egressAclCurrentSlices (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The current number of Egress slices in the Network Access Control List table. |
snmp.cumulus.egressAclMaxCounters (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The maximum possible Egress counters in the Network Access Control table. |
snmp.cumulus.egressAclMaxEntries (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The maximum possible Egress entries in the Network Access Control table. |
snmp.cumulus.egressAclMaxMeters (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The maximum possible Egress meters in the Network Access Control table. |
snmp.cumulus.egressAclMaxSlices (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The maximum possible Egress slices in the Network Access Control table. |
snmp.cumulus.ingressAclCurrentCounters (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The current number of Ingress counters in the Network Access Control List table. |
snmp.cumulus.ingressAclCurrentEntries (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The current number of Ingress entries in the Network Access Control List table. |
snmp.cumulus.ingressAclCurrentMeters (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The current number of Ingress meters in the Network Access Control List table. |
snmp.cumulus.ingressAclCurrentSlices (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The current number of Ingress slices in the Network Access Control List table. |
snmp.cumulus.ingressAclMaxCounters (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The maximum possible Ingress counters in the Network Access Control table. |
snmp.cumulus.ingressAclMaxEntries (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The maximum possible Ingress entries in the Network Access Control table. |
snmp.cumulus.ingressAclMaxMeters (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The maximum possible Ingress meters in the Network Access Control table. |
snmp.cumulus.ingressAclMaxSlices (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The maximum possible Ingress slices in the Network Access Control table. |
snmp.cumulus.l2MacTableCurrentEntries (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The number of L2 Mac table entries currently in use. |
snmp.cumulus.l2MacTableMaxEntries (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The maximum possible entries in the L2 Mac table. |
snmp.cumulus.l3EcmpNextHopTableCurrentEntries (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The number of ECMP Next Hop table entries currently in use. |
snmp.cumulus.l3EcmpNextHopTableMaxEntries (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The maximum possible entries in the ECMP Next Hop table. ECMP Next Hop table stores information about the next hop associated with a routing table entry that has multiple equal cost next hop neighbors. |
snmp.cumulus.l3HostTableCurrentEntries (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The number of L3 Host table entries currently in use |
snmp.cumulus.l3HostTableMaxEntries (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The maximum possible entries in the L3 Host table. The Host table is defined as the table holding the ARP/ND cache. |
snmp.cumulus.l3NextHopTableCurrentEntries (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The number of L3 Next Hop table entries currently in use. |
snmp.cumulus.l3NextHopTableMaxEntries (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The maximum possible entries in the L3 Next Hop table. The L3 Next Hop table holds information about the next hop(s) associated with a routing table entry. |
snmp.cumulus.l3RoutingTableCurrentEntries (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The number of L3 Routing table entries currently in use. |
snmp.cumulus.l3RoutingTableMaxEntries (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The maximum possible entries in the L3 Routing table. L3 Routing table is defined as the table holding the longest prefix match (LPM) entries. |
snmp.cumulus.poeLastUpdateTime (gauge) | [CUMULUS-POE-MIB] The system uptime timestamp when the objects in this MIB were last updated. The default for the update period is every 300 seconds or 5 minutes. |
snmp.cumulus.poeTotalAvailablePower (gauge) | [CUMULUS-POE-MIB] The total UNUSED and available power for the system in the common pool for new devices, shown with 3 decimal places of precision (milliwatts). For example, an integer value of 706300 is equivalent 706.3 Watts. |
snmp.cumulus.poeTotalSystemPower (gauge) | [CUMULUS-POE-MIB] The total power available to the system, shown with 3 decimal place of precision (milliwatts). Dividing this value by 1000 returns the number of watts. For example, a value of 730400 is equivalent to 730.4 watts. |
snmp.cumulus.poeTotalUsedPower (gauge) | [CUMULUS-POE-MIB] The total power USED by ports in the system, shown with 3 decimal places of precision (milliwatts). For example, an integer value of 24500 is equivalent to 24.5 Watts. |
snmp.currentxy1 (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The XY1 branch current draw in 1/100 amp. |
snmp.currentxy2 (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The XY2 branch current draw in 1/100 amp. |
snmp.currentyz1 (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The YZ1 branch current draw in 1/100 amp. |
snmp.currentyz2 (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The YZ2 branch current draw in 1/100 amp. |
snmp.currentzx1 (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The ZX1 branch current draw in 1/100 amp. |
snmp.currentzx2 (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The ZX2 branch current draw in 1/100 amp. |
snmp.cvCallVolMediaIncomingCalls (gauge) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The total number of inbound active media calls through this IP interface. |
snmp.cvCallVolMediaOutgoingCalls (gauge) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The total number of outbound active media calls through the IP interface. |
snmp.cvCallVolPeerIncomingCalls (gauge) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The total number of active calls that has selected the dialpeer as an incoming dialpeer. |
snmp.cvCallVolPeerOutgoingCalls (gauge) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The total number of active calls that has selected the dialpeer as an outgoing dialpeer. |
snmp.cvsChassisUpTime (gauge) | [Cisco ASA 5525] The time (in hundredths of a second) since the chassis device was last re-initialized. Shown as time |
snmp.cwoTfoStatsActiveADConn (gauge) | [CISCO-WAN-OPTIMIZATION-MIB] This object contains number of current active TCP connections in the auto-discovery state. |
snmp.cwoTfoStatsActiveOptConn (gauge) | [CISCO-WAN-OPTIMIZATION-MIB] This object contains number of currently active TCP connections getting optimized. |
snmp.cwoTfoStatsActiveOptTCPOnlyConn (gauge) | [CISCO-WAN-OPTIMIZATION-MIB] This object contains number of active connections going through only TCP optimization. |
snmp.cwoTfoStatsActiveOptTCPPlusConn (gauge) | [CISCO-WAN-OPTIMIZATION-MIB] This object contains number of active TCP connections going through TCP plus other optimization. |
snmp.cwoTfoStatsActiveOptTCPPrepConn (gauge) | [CISCO-WAN-OPTIMIZATION-MIB] This object contains number of current active TCP connections that were originated by an accelerator to acquire data in anticipation of its future use. |
snmp.cwoTfoStatsActivePTConn (gauge) | [CISCO-WAN-OPTIMIZATION-MIB] This object contains number of active Pass Through TCP connections. Connections which are not selected for optimization are called Pass Through. |
snmp.cwoTfoStatsLoadStatus (gauge) | [CISCO-WAN-OPTIMIZATION-MIB] This object indicates the load status of Traffic Flow Optimizer (TFO). |
snmp.cwoTfoStatsPendingConn (gauge) | [CISCO-WAN-OPTIMIZATION-MIB] This object contains number of TCP connections, which are pending in queue of connections to be optimized. |
snmp.cwoTfoStatsReservedConn (gauge) | [CISCO-WAN-OPTIMIZATION-MIB] This object contains number of TCP connections reserved for the MAPI accelerator. |
snmp.cwoTfoStatsResetConn (count) | [CISCO-WAN-OPTIMIZATION-MIB] This object contains total number of optimized TCP connections, which are reset since TFO was started or its statistics were last reset. |
snmp.cwoTfoStatsTotalNormalClosedConn (count) | [CISCO-WAN-OPTIMIZATION-MIB] This object contains total number of optimized TCP connections which were closed normally since TFO was started or its statistics were last reset. |
snmp.cwoTfoStatsTotalOptConn (count) | [CISCO-WAN-OPTIMIZATION-MIB] This object contains total number of TCP connections optimized since TFO was started or its statistics were last reset. |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDU2BankStatusLoad (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] Indicates the current draw, in tenths of Amps, of the load on the Rack PDU bank being queried. |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDU2BankStatusPeakLoad (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] The peak current of the Rack PDU bank load in tenths of Amps. |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDU2DeviceStatusApparentPower (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] The apparent power consumption of the Rack PDU load in VoltAmps (VA). |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDU2DeviceStatusCurrentLoad (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] The power consumption of the Rack PDU load in tenths of Amps. |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDU2DeviceStatusCurrentPeakLoad (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] The peak power consumption of the Rack PDU load in tenths of Amps. |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDU2DeviceStatusPowerFactor (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] The power factor of the Rack PDU load in hundredths. |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDU2OutletSwitchedStatus (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] A table of Rack PDU switched outlet status information. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDU2PhaseStatusApparentPower (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] Indicates the load apparent power, in hundredths of kiloVoltAmps (kVA), consumed on the Rack PDU phase being queried |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDU2PhaseStatusLoad (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] Indicates the current draw, in tenths of Amps, of the load on the Rack PDU phase being queried. |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDU2PhaseStatusPeakLoad (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] The peak current of the Rack PDU phase load in tenths of Amps |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDU2PhaseStatusPower (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] Indicates the load power, in watts (kW), consumed on the Rack PDU phase being queried |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDU2PhaseStatusPowerFactor (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] Indicates the load power factor, in hundredths, of the Rack PDU phase being queried |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDU2PhaseStatusVoltage (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] Indicates the Voltage, in Volts, of the Rack PDU phase being queried |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDULoadBankConfig (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] Allows for configuration of each Rack PDU bank. The number of entries is contained in the ePDULoadDevNumBanks OID. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDULoadStatusActivePower (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] Getting this OID will return the phase/bank active power measured in watts. |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDULoadStatusApparentPower (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] Getting this OID will return the phase/bank apparent power measured in VA. |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDULoadStatusLoad (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] Getting this OID will return the phase/bank load measured in tenths of Amps. |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDULoadStatusPowerFactor (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] Getting this OID will return power factor of the output measured in hundredths. A value of 100 representing a unity power factor (1.00). |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDULoadStatusVoltage (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] Getting this OID will return the phase/bank voltage measured in 0.1 volts. |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDUOutletStatusActivePower (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] Getting this OID will return the measured Outlet load for an Outlet Monitored Rack PDU in watts |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDUOutletStatusLoad (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] Getting this OID will return the measured Outlet load for an Outlet Monitored Rack PDU in tenths of Amps. |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDUStatusBank (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] Allows for getting of status of each Rack PDU Bank (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDUStatusInputFrequency (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] The input frequency in 0.1 Hertz. |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDUStatusInputVoltage (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] The input voltage in 0.1 Volt. |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDUStatusOutlet (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] Allows for getting of status of each Outlet of an Outlet Monitored Rack PDU. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.cyberpower.ePDUStatusPhase (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] Allows for getting of status of each Rack PDU Phase (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.cyberpower.envirHumidity (gauge) | The environment relative humidity expressed in percentage |
snmp.cyberpower.envirTemperature (gauge) | [CPS-MIB] The environment temperature expressed in 1/10 Fahrenheit |
snmp.cyberpower.envirTemperatureCelsius (gauge) | The environment temperature expressed in 1/10 Celsius |
snmp.dailyFailedAuthCount (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total number of failed authentications computed over 24 hours |
snmp.dailySuccessAuthCount (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total number of successful authentications computed over 24 hours |
snmp.dailyTotalAuthCount (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total number of authentications computed over 24 hours |
snmp.datadomain.cifsOpsPerSecond (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] Number of CIFS Operations performed per second |
snmp.datadomain.cpuMaxPercentageBusy (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] CPU Max Percentage Busy |
snmp.datadomain.diskBusy (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] Percentage of time disk is busy |
snmp.datadomain.diskBusyPercentage (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] Percentage of Time Disks were busy |
snmp.datadomain.diskProperties (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] A table containing entries of DiskPropertiesEntry. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.datadomain.diskReadKBytesPerSecond (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] Number of KBytes per second read from disk |
snmp.datadomain.diskSectorsRead (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] Number of disk sectors read per second |
snmp.datadomain.diskSectorsWritten (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] Number of disk sectors written per second |
snmp.datadomain.diskTotalKBytes (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] Total Number of Kilo-bytes read/written per second |
snmp.datadomain.diskWriteKBytesPerSecond (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] Number of KBytes per second written on disk |
snmp.datadomain.fanProperties (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] A table containing entries of FanPropertiesEntry. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.datadomain.fileSystemCompressionEndTime (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] File system compression end time |
snmp.datadomain.fileSystemCompressionStartTime (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] File system compression start time |
snmp.datadomain.fileSystemGlobalCompressionFactor (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] File system global compression factor |
snmp.datadomain.fileSystemLocalCompressionFactor (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] File system local compression factor |
snmp.datadomain.fileSystemPercentUsed (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] Percentage of used space within the file system resource |
snmp.datadomain.fileSystemPostCompressionSize (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] Size of the file system post compression in gigabytes |
snmp.datadomain.fileSystemPreCompressionSize (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] Size of the file system pre compression in gigabytes |
snmp.datadomain.fileSystemReductionPercent1 (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] File system Reduction Percent |
snmp.datadomain.fileSystemSpaceAvail (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] Amount of available space within the file system resource in gigabytes |
snmp.datadomain.fileSystemSpaceCleanable (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] Amount of cleanable space within the file system resource |
snmp.datadomain.fileSystemSpaceSize (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] Size of the file system resource in gigabytes |
snmp.datadomain.fileSystemSpaceUsed (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] Amount of used space within the file system resource in gigabytes |
snmp.datadomain.fileSystemTotalCompressionFactor (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] File system Total compression factor |
snmp.datadomain.fileSystemVirtualSpace (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] Amount of Uncompressed data that has been backed up by the system |
snmp.datadomain.nfsIdlePercentage (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] Percentage of time NFS was Idle |
snmp.datadomain.nfsOpsPerSecond (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] Number of NFS Operations performed per second |
snmp.datadomain.nfsProcPercentage (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] Percentage of time NFS was processing |
snmp.datadomain.nfsReceivePercentage (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] Percentage of time NFS was receiving requests |
snmp.datadomain.nfsSendPercentage (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] Percentage of time NFS was sending requests |
snmp.datadomain.nvramReadKBytesPerSecond (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] Number of KBytes read per second from NVRAM |
snmp.datadomain.nvramWriteKBytesPerSecond (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] Number of KBytes written per second on NVRAM |
snmp.datadomain.powerModule (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] A table containing entries of PowerModuleEntry. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.datadomain.replInKBytesPerSecond (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] Number of KBytes per second received for Replication |
snmp.datadomain.replOutKBytesPerSecond (gauge) | |
snmp.datadomain.tempSensorCurrentValue (gauge) | [DATA-DOMAIN-MIB] Current Temperature Value of the sensor | (gauge) | [IDRAC-MIB-SMIv2] 0600.0030 This object defines the Amperage Probe Table. Constant metric equal to 1. | (gauge) | [DELL-RAC-MIB] A table of managed batteries. The number of entries is related to number of Batteries discovered in the system. The maximum number of entries is implementation dependent. Note: The properties in this table may not be applicable to all entries. Constant metric equal to 1. | (gauge) | [DELL-RAC-MIB] A table of managed RAID controllers. The number of entries is related to number of RAID controllers discovered in the system. The maximum number of entries is implementation dependent. Note: The properties in this table may not be applicable to all entries. Constant metric equal to 1. | (gauge) | [Dell-Vendor-MIB] Speed of the fan being instrumented. Not Supported by Dell Modular Blade Server switches. | (gauge) | [Dell-Vendor-MIB] Average power consumption of the power supply being instrumented. 0 - indicates that Average power is not available for related supply. | (gauge) | [Dell-Vendor-MIB] Current power consumption of the power supply being instrumented. 0 - indicates that Current power is not available for related supply. | (gauge) | [IDRAC-MIB-SMIv2] 1100.0050 This object defines the Memory Device Table. Constant metric equal to 1. | (gauge) | [IDRAC-MIB-SMIv2] 1100.0090 This object defines the Network Device Table. Constant metric equal to 1. | (gauge) | [DELLEMC-OS10-CHASSIS-MIB] Temperature of the card. | (gauge) | [DELLEMC-OS10-CHASSIS-MIB] Temperature of the chassis. | (gauge) | [DELLEMC-OS10-CHASSIS-MIB] A list of fans installed in the chassis. | (gauge) | [DELLEMC-OS10-CHASSIS-MIB] A list of fan trays resident in the device. | (gauge) | [DELLEMC-OS10-CHASSIS-MIB] A list of power supplies resident in the device. | (gauge) | [DELLEMC-OS10-BGP4V2-MIB] BGP peer table. This table contains, one entry per BGP peer, information about the connections with BGP peers. | (gauge) | [IDRAC-MIB-SMIv2] 1100.0080 This object defines the PCI Device Table. Constant metric equal to 1. | (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] physicalDiskTable. Constant metric equal to 1. | (gauge) | [IDRAC-MIB-SMIv2] 0300.0050 This object defines the System BIOS Table. Constant metric equal to 1. | (gauge) | [IDRAC-MIB-SMIv2] 1200.0010 This object defines the System Slot Table. Constant metric equal to 1. | (gauge) | [IDRAC-MIB-SMIv2] The System State Table. Constant metric equal to 1 | (gauge) | [IDRAC-MIB-SMIv2] 0600.0020 This object defines the Voltage Probe Table. Constant metric equal to 1. |
snmp.devClientCount (gauge) | [Cisco Meraki] The number of clients currently associated with the device. |
snmp.devInterfaceRecvBytes (gauge) | [Cisco Meraki] The number of bytes received on this interface. Shown as byte |
snmp.devInterfaceRecvPkts (gauge) | [Cisco Meraki] The number of packets received on this interface. Shown as packet |
snmp.devInterfaceSentBytes (gauge) | [Cisco Meraki] The number of bytes sent on this interface. Shown as byte |
snmp.devInterfaceSentPkts (gauge) | [Cisco Meraki] The number of packets sent on this interface. Shown as packet |
snmp.devStatus (gauge) | [Cisco Meraki] The status of the device's connection to the Meraki Cloud Controller |
snmp.device.reachable (gauge) | Tagged by 'snmp_device', the value is 1 if the device is reachable, 0 otherwise. Reachability is determined by performing a GETNEXT on the OID '1.0'. |
snmp.device.unreachable (gauge) | Tagged by 'snmp_device', the value is 1 if the device is unreachable, 0 otherwise. Reachability is determined by performing a GETNEXT on the OID '1.0'. |
snmp.devices_monitored (gauge) | Devices monitored count. Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count all the Devices with the tag X. |
snmp.dfHighAvailKBytes (gauge) | [NetApp] The current free for use disk space in KB for a given filesystem. Shown as kibibyte |
snmp.dfHighTotalKBytes (gauge) | [NetApp] The current capacity in KB for a given filesystem. Shown as kibibyte |
snmp.dfInodesFree (gauge) | [NetApp] The current number of available inodes for a given filesystem. Shown as node |
snmp.dfInodesUsed (gauge) | [NetApp] The current number of inodes in use for a given filesystem. Shown as node |
snmp.dialCtlPeerStatsAcceptCalls (count) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The number of calls from this peer accepted since system startup. |
snmp.dialCtlPeerStatsFailCalls (count) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431]The number of failed call attempts to this peer since system startup. |
snmp.dialCtlPeerStatsRefuseCalls (count) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The number of calls from this peer refused since system startup. |
snmp.dialCtlPeerStatsSuccessCalls (count) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The number of completed calls to this peer. |
snmp.discovered_devices_count (gauge) | The total number of devices discovered. Metric only available using Python SNMP Autodiscovery. For Agent SNMP Autodiscovery, use snmp.devices_monitored instead. Shown as device |
snmp.diskSizeBytes (gauge) | [Isilon] The size of the disk in bytes. Shown as byte |
snmp.dlink.dEntityExtEnvAirFlow (gauge) | [DLINKSW-ENTITY-EXT-MIB] The table is used to display the status of the air flow function. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.dlink.dEntityExtEnvFan (gauge) | [DLINKSW-ENTITY-EXT-MIB] The table is used to display the status of fans. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.dlink.dEntityExtEnvPowerMaxPower (gauge) | [DLINKSW-ENTITY-EXT-MIB] This object indicates maximum power which the power module can supply. |
snmp.dlink.dEntityExtEnvPowerUsedPower (gauge) | [DLINKSW-ENTITY-EXT-MIB] This object indicates the amount of the power that has been allocated. |
snmp.dlink.dEntityExtEnvTempCurrent (gauge) | [DLINKSW-ENTITY-EXT-MIB] This object indicates the current measurement of the testpoint. |
snmp.dlink.dEntityExtUnit (gauge) | [DLINKSW-ENTITY-EXT-MIB] The table is used to display information of units. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.drsAmpsReading (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The instantaneous chassis current usage (in Ampere). Shown as ampere |
snmp.drsCMCCurrStatus (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The CMC health status being monitored by the chassis management card. |
snmp.drsGlobalCurrStatus (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The overall chassis status being monitored by the chassis management card. |
snmp.drsGlobalSystemStatus (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The overall chassis status being monitored by the chassis management card. |
snmp.drsKWhCumulative (count) | [Dell iDRAC] The cumulative chassis power usage (in KWh) since last reset. |
snmp.drsPowerCurrStatus (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The power subsystem health status being monitored by the chassis management card. |
snmp.drsRedCurrStatus (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The redundancy status being monitored by the chassis management card. |
snmp.drsWattsReading (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The instantaneous chassis power usage (in Watts). Shown as watt | (gauge) | [EATON-EPDU-MIB] A list of contact sensors. The number of entries is given by contactCount. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) | (gauge) | [EATON-EPDU-MIB] A list of groups. The number of entries is given by groupCount. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.eaton.epdu.groupControl (gauge) | [EATON-EPDU-MIB] A list of controllable groups. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.eaton.epdu.groupCurrent (gauge) | [EATON-EPDU-MIB] A group current measurement value. Units are milliamps. |
snmp.eaton.epdu.groupCurrentPercentLoad (gauge) | [EATON-EPDU-MIB] Current percent load, based on the rated current capacity. Units are percentage, for example 80% will be returned as 80. A negative value indicates that this object is not available. |
snmp.eaton.epdu.groupVA (gauge) | [EATON-EPDU-MIB] A group VA value. Units are VA. A negative value indicates that this object is not available. |
snmp.eaton.epdu.groupVoltage (gauge) | [EATON-EPDU-MIB] Units are millivolts. |
snmp.eaton.epdu.groupWatts (gauge) | [EATON-EPDU-MIB] A group Watts value. Units are Watts. A negative value indicates that this object is not available. |
snmp.eaton.epdu.humidityValue (gauge) | [EATON-EPDU-MIB] Units are tenths of a percent relative humidity. Divide the value by 10 to get %RH. |
snmp.eaton.epdu.inputCurrent (gauge) | [EATON-EPDU-MIB] An input current measurement value. Units are milliamps. |
snmp.eaton.epdu.inputCurrentPercentLoad (gauge) | [EATON-EPDU-MIB] Current percent load, based on the rated current capacity. Units are percentage, for example 80% will be returned as 80. A negative value indicates that this object is not available. |
snmp.eaton.epdu.inputFrequency (gauge) | [EATON-EPDU-MIB] Units are 0.1 Hz; divide by ten to get Hz. |
snmp.eaton.epdu.inputVA (gauge) | [EATON-EPDU-MIB] An input VA value. Units are VA. A negative value indicates that this object is not available. |
snmp.eaton.epdu.inputVoltage (gauge) | [EATON-EPDU-MIB] An input voltage measurement value. Units are millivolts. |
snmp.eaton.epdu.inputWatts (gauge) | [EATON-EPDU-MIB] An input Watts value. Units are Watts. A negative value indicates that this object is not available. |
snmp.eaton.epdu.outletCurrent (gauge) | [EATON-EPDU-MIB] An outlet current measurement value. Units are milliamps. |
snmp.eaton.epdu.outletCurrentPercentLoad (gauge) | [EATON-EPDU-MIB] Current percent load, based on the rated current capacity. Units are percentage, for example 80% will be returned as 80. A negative value indicates that this object is not available. |
snmp.eaton.epdu.outletVA (gauge) | [EATON-EPDU-MIB] An outlet VA value. Units are VA. A negative value indicates that this object is not available. |
snmp.eaton.epdu.outletVoltage (gauge) | [EATON-EPDU-MIB] Units are millivolts. |
snmp.eaton.epdu.outletWatts (gauge) | [EATON-EPDU-MIB] An outlet Watts value. Units are Watts. A negative value indicates that this object is not available. |
snmp.eaton.epdu.temperatureValue (gauge) | [EATON-EPDU-MIB] Units are in tenths of a degree according to the scale specified by temperatureScale (either Fahrenheit or Celsius). Divide by ten to get degrees. |
snmp.egBackupDataAvailableFractionalGigabytes (gauge) | [EXAGRID-MIB] The amount of data available for restore by a backup application below 1 Gigabyte in bytes |
snmp.egBackupDataAvailableWholeGigabytes (gauge) | [EXAGRID-MIB] The amount of data available for restore by a backup application scaled to GigaBytes (10^9) bytes |
snmp.egBackupDataSpaceConsumedFractionalGigabytes (gauge) | [EXAGRID-MIB] The amount of consumed retention space below 1 Gigabyte in bytes |
snmp.egBackupDataSpaceConsumedWholeGigabytes (gauge) | [EXAGRID-MIB] The amount of consumed retention space scaled to GigaBytes (10^9) bytes |
snmp.egLandingSpaceAvailableFractionalGigabytes (gauge) | [EXAGRID-MIB] The amount of available landing space below 1 Gigabyte in bytes |
snmp.egLandingSpaceAvailableWholeGigabytes (gauge) | [EXAGRID-MIB] The amount of available landing space scaled to GigaBytes (10^9) bytes |
snmp.egLandingSpaceConfiguredFractionalGigabytes (gauge) | [EXAGRID-MIB] The amount of configured landing space below 1 Gigabyte in bytes |
snmp.egLandingSpaceConfiguredWholeGigabytes (gauge) | [EXAGRID-MIB] The amount of configured landing space scaled to GigaBytes (10^9) bytes |
snmp.egPendingDeduplicationAge (gauge) | [EXAGRID-MIB] The amount of time that data has been available for deduplication, but has not yet been deduplicated |
snmp.egPendingDeduplicationFractionalGigabytes (gauge) | [EXAGRID-MIB] The amount of data not yet deduplicated below 1 Gigabyte in bytes |
snmp.egPendingDeduplicationWholeGigabytes (gauge) | [EXAGRID-MIB] The amount of data not yet deduplicated scaled to GigaBytes (10^9) bytes |
snmp.egRetentionSpaceAvailableFractionalGigabytes (gauge) | [EXAGRID-MIB] The amount of available retention space below 1 Gigabyte in bytes |
snmp.egRetentionSpaceAvailableWholeGigabytes (gauge) | [EXAGRID-MIB] The amount of available retention space scaled to GigaBytes (10^9) bytes |
snmp.egRetentionSpaceConfiguredFractionalGigabytes (gauge) | [EXAGRID-MIB] The amount of configured retention space below 1 Gigabyte in bytes |
snmp.egRetentionSpaceConfiguredWholeGigabytes (gauge) | [EXAGRID-MIB] The amount of configured retention space scaled to GigaBytes (10^9) bytes |
snmp.enclosurePowerSupply (gauge) | [IDRAC-MIB-SMIv2] A table of managed Power Supply Units(PSU) in the external storage enclosure(s). The number of entries is related to number of power supply unit(s) discovered in the enclosure(s). The maximum number of entries is implementation dependent. Note: The properties in this table may not be applicable to all entries. Constant metric equal to 1. |
snmp.enclosurePowerSupplyState (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The current state of this power supply unit. Possible states: 1- The current state could not be determined. 2- The power supply unit is operating normally. 3- The power supply unit has encountered a hardware problem or is not responding. 4- The power supply unit is no longer connected to the enclosure or there exists a problem communicating to it. 5- The power supply unit is unstable. |
snmp.energyxy1s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The XY1 branch energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.energyxy2s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The XY2 branch energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.energyyz1s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The YZ1 branch energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.energyyz2s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The YZ2 branch energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.energyzx1s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The ZX1 branch energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.energyzx2s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The ZX2 branch energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.entPhySensorOperStatus (gauge) | [Arista] The operational status of the sensor. |
snmp.entPhySensorValue (gauge) | [Cisco ASA 5525] [Arista] The most recent measurement obtained by the agent for this sensor. |
snmp.entSensorValue (gauge) | [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] The most recent measurement seen by the sensor. |
snmp.extcache64Hits (count) | [NetApp] Number of WAFL buffers read from the external cache. Shown as buffer |
snmp.extremeCurrentTemperature (gauge) | [EXTREME-SYSTEM-MIB] Current temperature in degrees celcius measured inside device enclosure. |
snmp.extremeInputPowerVoltage (gauge) | [EXTREME-SYSTEM-MIB] The input power voltage at which the system is currently operating. |
snmp.fanSpeed (gauge) | [Isilon] The current speed of the fan in revolutions per minute |
snmp.fanSpeedSensor (gauge) | [Checkpoint Firewall] fanSpeedSensorTable. Constant metric equal to 1. |
snmp.fanSpeedSensorStatus (gauge) | [Checkpoint Firewall] 0 = OK Otherwise = problem |
snmp.fanSpeedSensorValue (gauge) | [Checkpoint Firewall] Fan rotations per minute. Shown as hertz |
snmp.fcFxPortPhys (gauge) | [FIBRE-CHANNEL-FE-MIB] Represent one entry for each FxPort in the Fabric Element, physical level status and parameters of the FxPorts. |
snmp.fcFxPortStatus (gauge) | [FIBRE-CHANNEL-FE-MIB] Represent one entry for each FxPort in the Fabric Element, operational status and parameters of the FxPorts. |
snmp.feAnalyzedAttachmentCount (count) | [FE-FIREEYE-MIB] This is the cumulative count of all the attachment that we analyzed for maliciousness. This is the same as 'Total Attachments Analyzed' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This counter will maintain its value across reboots. |
snmp.feAnalyzedEmailCount (count) | [FE-FIREEYE-MIB] This is cumulative count of all the email which were analyzed. This is the same as 'Total Emails Received and Analyzed' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This counter will maintain its value across reboots. |
snmp.feAnalyzedUrlCount (count) | [FE-FIREEYE-MIB] This is the cumulative count of all the URLs that were analyzed and is the same as 'Total URLs Analyzed' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This counter will maintain its value across reboots. |
snmp.feCachedMemory (gauge) | [FE-FIREEYE-MIB] Cached memory |
snmp.feDeferredEmailCount (gauge) | [FE-FIREEYE-MIB] This is a count of deferred emails and will represent snapshot current value. |
snmp.feHoldQueueEmailCount (gauge) | [FE-FIREEYE-MIB] This is a count of emails in the hold queue and will represent current snapshot value. |
snmp.feInfectedAttachmentCount (count) | [FE-FIREEYE-MIB] This is a count of all the attachment that are determined to be malicious and is the same as 'Total Attachments Considered Malicious' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This will be the cumulative value and is maintained across appliance reboots. |
snmp.feInfectedEmailCount (count) | [FE-FIREEYE-MIB] This is a count of all the email which are determined to be malicious. This is the same as 'Total Email Received with Malicious Content' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This will be the cumulative value and is maintained across appliance reboots. |
snmp.feInfectedUrlCount (count) | [FE-FIREEYE-MIB] This is a count of all the URLs that are determined to be malicious and is the same as 'Total URLs Considered Malicious' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This will be the cumulative value and is maintained across appliance reboots. |
snmp.feMemoryBuffers (gauge) | [FE-FIREEYE-MIB] Memory buffers |
snmp.fePhysicalDisk (gauge) | [FE-FIREEYE-MIB] The physical disk table (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.feTotalAttachmentCount (count) | [FE-FIREEYE-MIB] This is a count of all the attachment received whether they are processed or not. This is the same as 'Total Attachments Received' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This will be the cumulative value and is maintained across appliance reboots. |
snmp.feTotalEmailCount (count) | [FE-FIREEYE-MIB] This is a count of all the emails coming into postfix and also includes emails which do not contain any URL or attachment (email on fast path). This will be the cumulative value and maintained across appliance reboots. |
snmp.feTotalMaliciousObjectCount (count) | [FE-FIREEYE-MIB] This is a count of all malicious samples detected. |
snmp.feTotalObjectAnalyzedCount (count) | [FE-FIREEYE-MIB] This is a count of all the object analyzed, including all children of any samples, including URL. |
snmp.feTotalUrlCount (count) | [FE-FIREEYE-MIB] This is a count of all the URLs received whether they are processed or not. This is the same as 'Total URLs Received' that we currently show in the output to CLI command 'show email-analysis statistics'. This will be the cumulative value and is maintained across appliance reboots. |
snmp.feeQuarantineUsage (gauge) | [FE-FIREEYE-MIB] This is consumed capacity in term of percentage of max capacity. This is a snapshot value and represents current consumption value. |
snmp.fgApHTTPConnections (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The current number of HTTP proxy connections. Shown as connection |
snmp.fgApHTTPMaxConnections (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The maximum number of connections supported by HTTP proxy. Shown as connection |
snmp.fgFwPol6ByteCount (count) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The number of bytes in packets matching the policy. Shown as packet |
snmp.fgFwPol6ByteCount.rate (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The number of bytes in packets per second matching the policy. Shown as packet |
snmp.fgFwPol6PktCount (count) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The number of packets matched to policy (passed or blocked depending on policy action). Count is from the time the policy became active. Shown as packet |
snmp.fgFwPol6PktCount.rate (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The number of packets per second matched to policy (passed or blocked depending on policy action). Count is from the time the policy became active. Shown as packet |
snmp.fgFwPolByteCount (count) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The number of bytes in packets matching the policy. Shown as packet |
snmp.fgFwPolByteCount.rate (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The number of bytes in packets per second matching the policy. Shown as packet |
snmp.fgFwPolPktCount (count) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The number of packets matched to policy (passed or blocked depending on policy action). Count is from the time the policy became active. Shown as packet |
snmp.fgFwPolPktCount.rate (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The number of packets per second matched to policy (passed or blocked depending on policy action). Count is from the time the policy became active. Shown as packet |
snmp.fgIntfEntVdom (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The virtual domain the interface belongs to. This index corresponds to the index used by fgVdTable. |
snmp.fgProcessorPktDroppedCount (count) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The total number of packets dropped by this processor. Shown as packet |
snmp.fgProcessorPktDroppedCount.rate (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The total number of packets dropped per second by this processor. Shown as packet |
snmp.fgProcessorPktRxCount (count) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The total number of packets received by this processor. Shown as packet |
snmp.fgProcessorPktRxCount.rate (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The total number of packets received per second by this processor. Shown as packet |
snmp.fgProcessorPktTxCount (count) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The total number of packets transmitted by this processor. Shown as packet |
snmp.fgProcessorPktTxCount.rate (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The total number of packets transmitted per second by this processor. Shown as packet |
snmp.fgProcessorSysUsage (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The processor's CPU system space usage which is an average calculated over the last minute. Shown as percent |
snmp.fgProcessorUsage (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The processor's CPU usage (percentage) which is an average calculated over the last minute. Shown as percent |
snmp.fgSysCpuUsage (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The current CPU usage (percentage). Shown as percent |
snmp.fgSysDiskCapacity (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The total hard disk capacity (MB) if disk is present. Shown as mebibyte |
snmp.fgSysDiskUsage (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The current hard disk usage (MB) if disk is present. Shown as percent |
snmp.fgSysLowMemCapacity (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The total lowmem capacity (KB). Lowmem is memory available for the kernel's own data structures and kernel specific tables. Shown as kibibyte |
snmp.fgSysLowMemUsage (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The current lowmem utilization (percentage). Lowmem is memory available for the kernel's own data structures and kernel specific tables. Shown as percent |
snmp.fgSysMemCapacity (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The total physical memory (RAM) installed (KB). Shown as kibibyte |
snmp.fgSysMemUsage (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The current memory utilization (percentage). Shown as percent |
snmp.fgSysSes6Count (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The number of active ipv6 sessions on the device. Shown as session |
snmp.fgSysSes6Rate1 (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The average ipv6 session setup rate over the past minute. Shown as session |
snmp.fgSysSesCount (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The number of active sessions on the device. Shown as session |
snmp.fgSysSesRate1 (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The average session setup rate over the past minute. Shown as session |
snmp.fgVdEntCpuUsage (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The CPU usage of the virtual domain (percentage). Shown as percent |
snmp.fgVdEntHaState (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The HA cluster member state of the virtual domain on this device: master(1) backup(2) standalone(3) |
snmp.fgVdEntMemUsage (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The memory usage of the virtual domain (percentage). Shown as percent |
snmp.fgVdEntOpMode (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The operation mode of the virtual domain: nat(1) transparent(2). |
snmp.fgVdEntSesCount (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The number of active sessions on the virtual domain. Shown as session |
snmp.fgVdEntSesRate (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The session setup rate on the virtual domain. Shown as session |
snmp.fgVdMaxVdoms (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The maximum number of virtual domains allowed on the device as allowed by hardware and/or licensing. |
snmp.fgVdNumber (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The number of virtual domains in vdTable. |
snmp.fgVirtualDomain (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] A table of virtual domains configured on the device. Constant metric equal to 1 |
snmp.fgVpnTunEntInOctets (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The number of bytes received on tunnel. Shown as byte |
snmp.fgVpnTunEntOutOctets (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The number of bytes sent out on tunnel. Shown as byte |
snmp.fgVpnTunEntStatus (gauge) | [Fortinet FortiGate] The current status of tunnel (up or down). |
snmp.fmDevice (gauge) | [FORTINET-FORTIMANAGER-FORTIANALYZER-MIB] A table of devices configured on the device (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.fmHaClusterId (gauge) | [FORTINET-FORTIMANAGER-FORTIANALYZER-MIB] Ha cluster ID |
snmp.fmHaPeer (gauge) | [FORTINET-FORTIMANAGER-FORTIANALYZER-MIB] A table of peers in the Ha (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.fmHaPeerNumber (gauge) | [FORTINET-FORTIMANAGER-FORTIANALYZER-MIB] Peer numbers in the Ha |
snmp.fmLogRate (gauge) | [FORTINET-FORTIMANAGER-FORTIANALYZER-MIB] Log receiving rate in number of logs per second. |
snmp.fmRaidDiskEntSize (gauge) | [FORTINET-FORTIMANAGER-FORTIANALYZER-MIB] Raid disk size in GB |
snmp.fmRaidDiskNumber (gauge) | [FORTINET-FORTIMANAGER-FORTIANALYZER-MIB] Disk numbers in the Raid |
snmp.fmRaidSize (gauge) | [FORTINET-FORTIMANAGER-FORTIANALYZER-MIB] Raid size in GB |
snmp.fmSysCpuUsageExcludedNice (gauge) | [FORTINET-FORTIMANAGER-FORTIANALYZER-MIB] Current CPU usage excluded nice processes usage (percentage) |
snmp.fmSysDiskCapacity (gauge) | [FORTINET-FORTIMANAGER-FORTIANALYZER-MIB] Total hard disk capacity (MB) |
snmp.fmSysDiskUsage (gauge) | [FORTINET-FORTIMANAGER-FORTIANALYZER-MIB] Current hard disk usage (MB) |
snmp.freenas.datasetAllocationUnits (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] |
snmp.freenas.datasetAvailable (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] |
snmp.freenas.datasetSize (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] |
snmp.freenas.datasetUsed (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] |
snmp.freenas.zfsArcC (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] |
snmp.freenas.zfsArcCacheHitRatio (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] Arc Cache Hit Ration Percentage. (Note: Floating precision sent across SNMP as a String |
snmp.freenas.zfsArcCacheMissRatio (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] Arc Cache Miss Ration Percentage. (Note: Floating precision sent across SNMP as a String |
snmp.freenas.zfsArcData (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] |
snmp.freenas.zfsArcHits (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] |
snmp.freenas.zfsArcMeta (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] |
snmp.freenas.zfsArcMissPercent (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] Arc Miss Percentage. (Note: Floating precision sent across SNMP as a String |
snmp.freenas.zfsArcMisses (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] |
snmp.freenas.zfsArcP (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] |
snmp.freenas.zfsArcSize (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] |
snmp.freenas.zfsL2ArcHits (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] |
snmp.freenas.zfsL2ArcMisses (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] |
snmp.freenas.zfsL2ArcRead (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] |
snmp.freenas.zfsL2ArcSize (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] |
snmp.freenas.zfsL2ArcWrite (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] |
snmp.freenas.zfsZilstatOps10sec (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] The ops column parsed from the command zilstat 10 1 |
snmp.freenas.zfsZilstatOps1sec (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] The ops column parsed from the command zilstat 1 1 |
snmp.freenas.zfsZilstatOps5sec (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] The ops column parsed from the command zilstat 5 1 |
snmp.freenas.zpoolAllocationUnits (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] |
snmp.freenas.zpoolAvailable (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] |
snmp.freenas.zpoolHealth (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] The current health of the containing pool, as reported by zpool status. |
snmp.freenas.zpoolReadBytes (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] The bandwidth of all read operations (including metadata), expressed as units per second (averaged since system booted) |
snmp.freenas.zpoolReadBytes1sec (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] The bandwidth of all read operations (including metadata), expressed as units per second (over 1 second interval) |
snmp.freenas.zpoolReadOps (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] The number of read I/O operations sent to the pool or device, including metadata requests (averaged since system booted). |
snmp.freenas.zpoolReadOps1sec (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] The number of read I/O operations sent to the pool or device, including metadata requests (over 1 second interval). |
snmp.freenas.zpoolSize (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] |
snmp.freenas.zpoolUsed (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] |
snmp.freenas.zpoolWriteBytes (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] The bandwidth of all write operations, expressed as units per second (averaged since system booted). |
snmp.freenas.zpoolWriteBytes1sec (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] The bandwidth of all write operations, expressed as units per second (over 1 second interval). |
snmp.freenas.zpoolWriteOps (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] The number of write I/O operations sent to the pool or device (averaged since system booted). |
snmp.freenas.zpoolWriteOps1sec (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] The number of write I/O operations sent to the pool or device (over 1 second interval). |
snmp.freenas.zvolAllocationUnits (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] |
snmp.freenas.zvolAvailable (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] |
snmp.freenas.zvolReferenced (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] |
snmp.freenas.zvolSize (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] |
snmp.freenas.zvolUsed (gauge) | [FREENAS-MIB] |
snmp.fruInformationStatus (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The status of the field replaceable unit information. |
snmp.fsSysDiskCapacity (gauge) | [FORTINET-FORTISWITCH-MIB] Total hard disk capacity (KB), if disk is present |
snmp.fsSysDiskUsage (gauge) | [FORTINET-FORTISWITCH-MIB] Current hard disk usage (KB), if disk is present |
snmp.fwAccepted (count) | [Checkpoint Firewall] Number of accepted packets. Shown as packet |
snmp.fwDropped (count) | [Checkpoint Firewall] Number of dropped packets. Shown as packet |
snmp.fwNumConn (gauge) | [Checkpoint Firewall] Number of concurrent IPv6 and IPv4 connections. Shown as connection |
snmp.fwPeakNumConn (gauge) | [Checkpoint Firewall] Peak number of concurrent connections since last reboot. Shown as connection |
snmp.fwRejected (count) | [Checkpoint Firewall] Number of rejected packets. Shown as packet |
snmp.haAPHbtTunnels (gauge) | [WLSX-HA-MIB] The number of AP hbt GRE tunnels. |
snmp.haActiveAPs (gauge) | [WLSX-HA-MIB] The number of active APs. |
snmp.haActiveVapTunnels (gauge) | [WLSX-HA-MIB] The number of active per VAP GRE tunnels. |
snmp.haStandbyAPs (gauge) | [WLSX-HA-MIB] The number of standby APs. |
snmp.haStandbyVapTunnels (gauge) | [WLSX-HA-MIB] The number of standby per VAP GRE tunnels. |
snmp.haTotalAPs (gauge) | [WLSX-HA-MIB] The total number of APs. |
snmp.haTotalVapTunnels (gauge) | [WLSX-HA-MIB] The total number of per VAP GRE tunnels. |
snmp.hawk.i2.ipCont (gauge) | [HAWK-I2-MIB] A table listing the parameters and data for all enabled inputs with contact-type monitoring. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.hawk.i2.ipTHAValue (gauge) | [HAWK-I2-MIB] The current reading in the relevant measurement units. |
snmp.hawk.i2.op (gauge) | [HAWK-I2-MIB] A table listing the parameters and data for all outputs that are enabled and available (i.e. its extension unit is connected). (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.hawk.i2.pduRMSAmpsValue (gauge) | [HAWK-I2-MIB] RMS current value in 0.1 Amps |
snmp.hawk.i2.pduRMSVoltsValue (gauge) | [HAWK-I2-MIB] RMS Volts value in volts |
snmp.hawk.i2.pduTotalEnergyValue (gauge) | [HAWK-I2-MIB] Total energy value in 0.1 kWh |
snmp.hh3cProcessUtil5Min (gauge) | [HH3C-ENTITY-EXT-MIB] This object provides a general idea of how busy a process caused the processor to be over a 5 minute period. The ratio is calculated by the overall CPU usage caused by the process. |
snmp.hpe.fibrechannel.connUnitPort (gauge) | [FCMGMT-MIB] Generic information on ports for a specific connUnit. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.hpe.fibrechannel.connUnitSensor (gauge) | [FCMGMT-MIB] Table of the sensors supported by each connectivity unit managed by this agent. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.hrCachedMemory (gauge) | [HOST-RESOURCES-MIB] Cached memory |
snmp.hrMemoryBuffers (gauge) | [HOST-RESOURCES-MIB] Memory buffers |
snmp.hrProcessorLoad (gauge) | [HOST-RESOURCES-MIB] The average, over the last minute, of the percentage of time that this processor was not idle. Implementations may approximate this one minute smoothing period if necessary. |
snmp.hrSWRunPerfCPU (gauge) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The number of centi-seconds of the total system's CPU resources consumed by this process. |
snmp.hrSWRunPerfMem (gauge) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The total amount of real system memory allocated to this process. |
snmp.hrSWRunStatus (gauge) | [Cisco UC Virtual Machine] [Cisco ICM] [Cisco ISR 4431] The status of this running piece of software. |
snmp.hrStorageAllocationFailures (gauge) | [HOST-RESOURCES-MIB] The number of requests for storage represented by this entry that could not be honored due to not enough storage. It should be noted that as this object has a SYNTAX of Counter32, that it does not have a defined initial value. However, it is recommended that this object be initialized to zero, even though management stations must not depend on such an initialization. |
snmp.hrStorageAllocationUnits (gauge) | [HOST-RESOURCES-MIB] The size, in bytes, of the data objects allocated from this pool. If this entry is monitoring sectors, blocks, buffers, or packets, for example, this number will commonly be greater than one. Otherwise this number will typically be one. |
snmp.hrStorageSize (gauge) | [HOST-RESOURCES-MIB] The size of the storage represented by this entry, in units of hrStorageAllocationUnits. This object is writable to allow remote configuration of the size of the storage area in those cases where such an operation makes sense and is possible on the underlying system. |
snmp.hrStorageUsed (gauge) | [HOST-RESOURCES-MIB] The amount of the storage represented by this entry that is allocated, in units of hrStorageAllocationUnits. |
snmp.hrSystemMaxProcesses (gauge) | [HOST-RESOURCES-MIB] The maximum number of process contexts this system can support. If there is no fixed maximum, the value should be zero. On systems that have a fixed maximum, this object can help diagnose failures that occur when this maximum is reached. |
snmp.hrSystemNumUsers (gauge) | [HOST-RESOURCES-MIB] The number of user sessions for which this host is storing state information. A session is a collection of processes requiring a single act of user authentication and possibly subject to collective job control. |
snmp.hrSystemProcesses (gauge) | [HOST-RESOURCES-MIB] The number of process contexts currently loaded or running on this system. |
snmp.hrSystemUptime (gauge) | [HOST-RESOURCES-MIB] The amount of time since this host was last initialized. Note that this is different from sysUpTime in the SNMPv2-MIB [RFC1907] because sysUpTime is the uptime of the network management portion of the system. |
snmp.hsmCriticalEvents (gauge) | [CHRYSALIS-UTSP-MIB] This Counter64 objects' value indicates the total number of critical HSM events detected. |
snmp.hsmNonCriticalEvents (gauge) | [CHRYSALIS-UTSP-MIB] This Counter64 objects' value indicates the total number of non-critical HSM events detected. |
snmp.hsmOperationErrors (gauge) | [CHRYSALIS-UTSP-MIB] This Counter64 objects' value indicates the total number of HSM operations requested which have resulted in errors. |
snmp.hsmOperationRequests (gauge) | [CHRYSALIS-UTSP-MIB] This Counter64 objects' value indicates the total number of HSM operations requested. |
snmp.huawei.hwAvgDuty1min (gauge) | [HUAWEI-DEVICE-MIB] The value of this object identifies the average CPU usage of a board or entity 1 minute before the data is read. |
snmp.huawei.hwBgpPeerFsmEstablishedCounter (gauge) | [HUAWEI-BGP-VPN-MIB] The Counter That Records the Times the Remote BGP Peer Is Correctly Connected The counter is increased by one if the remote BGP peer is correctly connected once. The counter could be set to zero. |
snmp.huawei.hwBgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime (gauge) | [HUAWEI-BGP-VPN-MIB] The counter that records the times the remote BGP peer is correctly connected. |
snmp.huawei.hwBgpPeerInKeepAliveMsgCounter (count) | [HUAWEI-BGP-VPN-MIB] The total number of Keepalive packets received from the remote BGP peer. |
snmp.huawei.hwBgpPeerInNotificationMsgCounter (count) | [HUAWEI-BGP-VPN-MIB] The total number of Notification packets received from the remote BGP peer. |
snmp.huawei.hwBgpPeerInOpenMsgCounter (count) | [HUAWEI-BGP-VPN-MIB] The total number of Open packets received from the remote BGP peer. |
snmp.huawei.hwBgpPeerInRouteFreshMsgCounter (count) | [HUAWEI-BGP-VPN-MIB] The total number of Route-Refresh packets received from the remote BGP peer. |
snmp.huawei.hwBgpPeerInTotalMsgCounter (count) | [HUAWEI-BGP-VPN-MIB] The total number of protocol packets received from the remote BGP peer. |
snmp.huawei.hwBgpPeerInUpdateMsgCounter (count) | [HUAWEI-BGP-VPN-MIB] The total number of Update packets received from the remote BGP peer. |
snmp.huawei.hwBgpPeerNegotiatedVersion (gauge) | [HUAWEI-BGP-VPN-MIB] The version negotiated with the remote BGP peer. |
snmp.huawei.hwBgpPeerOutKeepAliveMsgCounter (count) | [HUAWEI-BGP-VPN-MIB] The total number of Keepalive packets sent to the remote BGP peer. |
snmp.huawei.hwBgpPeerOutNotificationMsgCounter (count) | [HUAWEI-BGP-VPN-MIB] The total number of Notification packets sent to the remote BGP peer. |
snmp.huawei.hwBgpPeerOutOpenMsgCounter (count) | [HUAWEI-BGP-VPN-MIB] The total number of Open packets sent to the remote BGP peer. |
snmp.huawei.hwBgpPeerOutRouteFreshMsgCounter (count) | [HUAWEI-BGP-VPN-MIB] The total number of Route-Refresh packets sent to the remote BGP peer. |
snmp.huawei.hwBgpPeerOutTotalMsgCounter (count) | [HUAWEI-BGP-VPN-MIB] The total number of protocol packets sent to the remote BGP peer. |
snmp.huawei.hwBgpPeerOutUpdateMsgCounter (count) | [HUAWEI-BGP-VPN-MIB] The total number of Update packets sent to the remote BGP peer. |
snmp.huawei.hwBgpPeerPrefixActiveCounter (count) | [HUAWEI-BGP-VPN-MIB] The number of active prefixes received from the remote BGP peer. |
snmp.huawei.hwBgpPeerPrefixAdvCounter (count) | [HUAWEI-BGP-VPN-MIB] The number of prefixes sent to the remote BGP peer. |
snmp.huawei.hwBgpPeerPrefixRcvCounter (count) | [HUAWEI-BGP-VPN-MIB] The number of prefixes received from the remote BGP peer. |
snmp.huawei.hwBgpPeerRemoteAs (gauge) | [HUAWEI-BGP-VPN-MIB] The AS number of the remote BGP peer. |
snmp.huawei.hwDnsServerAddr (gauge) | [HUAWEI-DNS-MIB] This table is a list of server addresses. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.huawei.hwDnsTtl (gauge) | [HUAWEI-DNS-MIB] DnsTtl indicates the TTL of a mapping entry, which is a 32-bit integer,in seconds. |
snmp.huawei.hwEntityFanSpeed (gauge) | [HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB] This object indicates the fan speed. |
snmp.huawei.hwEntityTemperature (gauge) | [HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB] This object indicates the entity temperature. |
snmp.huawei.hwEntityVoltage (gauge) | [HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB] This object indicates the entity voltage. |
snmp.huawei.hwFwConnectionStatCount (gauge) | [HUAWEI-FIREWALL-MIB] This is an integer that contains the value of the resource statistic. If a type of 'gauge' is more appropriate this object will be omitted resulting in a sparse table. |
snmp.huawei.hwFwNetEvents (gauge) | [HUAWEI-FIREWALL-MIB] Table of detailed data for network events. The agent may choose to delete the instances of hwFwBasicEventsEntry as required because of lack of memory. It is an implementation-specific matter as to when this deletion may occur. It is recommended that the oldest log instances are deleted first. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.huawei.hwMemberStackPriority (gauge) | [HUAWEI-STACK-MIB] Stack member's priority. |
snmp.huawei.hwMemoryDevFree (count) | [HUAWEI-DEVICE-MIB] This object indicates the idle memory size of the main control board, in bytes. The value of this object is always less than hwMemoryDevSize. |
snmp.huawei.hwMemoryDevSize (count) | [HUAWEI-DEVICE-MIB] This object indicates the total memory size of a managed object, in bytes. It includes the free memory size and occupied memory size, that is, the sum of hwMemoryDevFree and hwMemoryDevRawSliceUsed. Each board has a memory. The memory size varies with products. |
snmp.huawei.hwNatAddrPoolRefTimes (gauge) | [HUAWEI-NAT-EXT-MIB] Number of times the NAT address pool is referenced. |
snmp.huawei.hwNatSession (gauge) | [HUAWEI-NAT-EXT-MIB] Table of NAT session instances. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.huawei.hwOspfv2NbrDeadTimeLeft (gauge) | [HUAWEI-OSPFV2-MIB] This object indicates the period (in seconds) after which this neighbor is declared dead. |
snmp.huawei.hwOspfv2NbrPriority (gauge) | [HUAWEI-OSPFV2-MIB] This object indicates the priority of this neighbor in the designated router election algorithm. The value 0 signifies that the neighbor is not eligible to become the designated router on this particular network. By default, the value is 1. |
snmp.huawei.hwOspfv2NbrUpTime (gauge) | [HUAWEI-OSPFV2-MIB] This object indicates the time (in seconds) since the state of this neighbor has been full. |
snmp.huawei.hwStackPort (gauge) | [HUAWEI-STACK-MIB] Table of stack port. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.huawei.hwStackReservedVlanId (gauge) | [HUAWEI-STACK-MIB] Stack reserved-vlanId. |
snmp.huawei.hwSystemPowerRemainPower (gauge) | [HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB] System power infomation remain power. |
snmp.huawei.hwSystemPowerTotalPower (gauge) | [HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB] System power infomation total power. |
snmp.huawei.hwSystemPowerUsedPower (gauge) | [HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB] System power infomation used power. |
snmp.humidityProbe1 (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The probe 1 humidity in 1/100 %. |
snmp.humidityProbe2 (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The probe 2 humidity in 1/100 %. |
snmp.hwdevMFanStatus (gauge) | [A3COM-HUAWEI-LswDEVM-MIB] Fan status (constant metric equal to 1). |
snmp.hwdevMPowerStatus (gauge) | [A3COM-HUAWEI-LswDEVM-MIB] Power status |
snmp.ibBindZoneFailure (count) | [IB-DNSONE-MIB] Number of Failed queries since DNS process started. |
snmp.ibBindZoneNxDomain (count) | [IB-DNSONE-MIB] Number of DNS query received for non-existent domain. |
snmp.ibBindZoneNxRRset (count) | [IB-DNSONE-MIB] Number of DNS query received for non-existent record. |
snmp.ibBindZoneRecursion (count) | [IB-DNSONE-MIB] Number of Queries received using recursion since DNS process started. |
snmp.ibBindZoneReferral (count) | [IB-DNSONE-MIB] Number of DNS referrals since DNS process started. |
snmp.ibBindZoneSuccess (count) | [IB-DNSONE-MIB] Number of Successful responses since DNS process started. |
snmp.ibDDNSUpdateFailure (count) | [IB-DNSONE-MIB] Number of failure dynamic DNS update. |
snmp.ibDDNSUpdatePrerequisiteReject (count) | [IB-DNSONE-MIB] Number of dynamic DNS update rejects due to prerequisite failure. |
snmp.ibDDNSUpdateReject (count) | [IB-DNSONE-MIB] Number of dynamic DNS update rejects maybe due to permission failure. |
snmp.ibDDNSUpdateSuccess (count) | [IB-DNSONE-MIB] Number of successful dynamic DNS update. |
snmp.ibDhcpDeferredQueueSize (gauge) | [IB-DHCPONE-MIB] The size of deferred dynamic DNS update queue |
snmp.ibDnsQueryRate (gauge) | [IB-DNSONE-MIB] DNS queries per second |
snmp.ibMemberServiceStatus (gauge) | [IB-PLATFORMONE-MIB] A table of member service status. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.ibNodeQueueFromMaster (gauge) | [IB-PLATFORMONE-MIB] Sent queue size from master. |
snmp.ibNodeQueueToMaster (gauge) | [IB-PLATFORMONE-MIB] Receive queue size to master. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The number of connections accepted in the previous 24 hours. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The number of connections accepted in the previous hour. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The number of connections accepted in the previous minute. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The number of connections accepted in the previous 10 minutes. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The number of connections accepted in the previous 10 seconds. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] No description yet. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] No description yet. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] No description yet. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] No description yet. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] No description yet. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] No description yet. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] No description yet. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] No description yet. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] Free, or unused and available, encrypted storage space on the device. All files placed in encrypted storage are automatically encrypted for security by the device. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] Free, or unused and available, internal storage space on the device. The device uses internal storage for import, export, firmware upgrades and debug captures. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] Free, or unused and available, temporary storage space on the device. The device uses temporary storage for processing, logging and debugging. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] Total encrypted storage space on the device (the maximum capacity). All files placed in encrypted storage are automatically encrypted for security by the device. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] Total internal storage space on the device. The device uses internal storage for import, export, firmware upgrades and debug captures. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] Total temporary storage space on the device. The device uses temporary storage for processing, logging and debugging. | (count) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The number of events that this log target dropped because there are too many pending events. | (count) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The number of pending events for this log target. These events are waiting to be stored at the destination. | (count) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The number of events that this log target processed. | (count) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The number of received packets that were not in error, but were not passed up to the network layer due to resource constraints. | (count) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The number of packets that could not be received due to errors in the packet or in the hardware. | (count) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The amount of data successfully received on the interface, which includes MAC framing overhead. | (count) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The number of packets successfully received on the interface that were passed up to the network layer for processing. | (count) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The number of packets that were not transmitted because the network layer was generating packets faster than the physical network could accept them. | (count) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The number of packets that were not successfully transmitted due to errors on the network or in the hardware. | (count) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The amount of data successfully transmitted on the interface, which includes MAC framing overhead. | (count) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The number of packets successfully transmitted on the interface. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The percentage of total load on the device during the measurement interval. A load above 90 indicates the device is at or near load capacity. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The number of TCP connections in the closed state. This state represents no connection state at all. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The number of TCP connections in the close-wait state. Connections in this state are waiting for a connection termination request from the local user. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The number of TCP connections in the closing state. Connections in this state are waiting for a connection termination request acknowledgment from the remote TCP. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The number of TCP connections in the established state. Connections in this state have completed all handshakes and can transfer data in either direction. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The number of TCP connections in the fin-wait-1 state. Connections in this state are waiting for a connection termination request from the remote TCP or an acknowledgment of the connection termination request previously sent. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The number of TCP connections in the fin-wait-2 state. Connections in this state are waiting for a connection termination request from the remote TCP. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The number of TCP connections in the last-ack state. Connections in this state are waiting for an acknowledgment of the connection termination request previously sent to the remote TCP (which includes an acknowledgment of its connection termination request). | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The number of TCP connections in the listen state. Connections in the listen state are waiting for a connection request from any remote TCP and port. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The number of TCP connections in the syn-received state. Connections in this state are waiting for a confirming connection request acknowledgment after both receiving and sending a connection request. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The number of TCP connections in the syn-sent state. Connections in this state are waiting for a matching connection request after sending a connection request. | (gauge) | [DATAPOWER-STATUS-MIB] The number of TCP connections in the time-wait state. Connections in this state are waiting for enough time to pass to be sure that the remote TCP received the acknowledgment of its connection termination request. | (gauge) | [IMM-MIB] This table contains disk inventory information. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) | (gauge) | [IMM-MIB] Fan speed expressed in percent(%) of maximum RPM. An octet string expressed as 'ddd% of maximum' where: d is a decimal digit or blank space for a leading zero. If the fan is determined not to be running or the fan speed cannot be determined, the string will indicate 'Offline'. | (gauge) | [IMM-MIB] This table contains power inventory information. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) | (gauge) | [IMM-MIB] Table of the system CPU VPD information. View as a table and not as individual entries for consistent results. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) | (gauge) | [IMM-MIB] Table of System Health summary. Contains more detailed information about the reasons for the overall system health status. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) | (gauge) | [IMM-MIB] Table of the system Memory VPD information. View as a table and not as individual entries for consistent results. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) | (gauge) | [IMM-MIB] The measured temperature. | (gauge) | [IMM-MIB] The measured voltage. |
snmp.ifAdminStatus (gauge) | [Generic router] [F5 BIG-IP] The desired state of the interface. |
snmp.ifBandwidthInUsage.rate (gauge) | [Generic router] The percent rate of used received bandwidth. Shown as percent |
snmp.ifBandwidthOutUsage.rate (gauge) | [Generic router] The percent rate of used sent bandwidth. Shown as percent |
snmp.ifHCInBroadcastPkts (count) | [Generic router] The number of packets delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer that were addressed to a broadcast address at this sub-layer. Shown as packet |
snmp.ifHCInMulticastPkts (count) | [Generic router] [F5 BIG-IP] The number of packets delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer which were addressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer. Shown as packet |
snmp.ifHCInOctets (count) | [Generic router] The total number of octets received on the interface including framing characters. Shown as byte |
snmp.ifHCInOctets.rate (gauge) | [Generic router] The inbound data rate on the interface including framing characters. Shown as byte_in_bits_family |
snmp.ifHCInUcastPkts (count) | [Generic router] The number of packets delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer that were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer. Shown as packet |
snmp.ifHCOutBroadcastPkts (count) | [Generic device] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted that were addressed to a broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. Shown as packet |
snmp.ifHCOutMulticastPkts (count) | [Generic device] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted that were addressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer including those that were discarded or not sent. Shown as packet |
snmp.ifHCOutOctets (count) | [Generic device] The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface including framing characters. Shown as byte |
snmp.ifHCOutOctets.rate (gauge) | [Generic device] The outbound data rate on the interface including framing characters. Shown as byte_in_bits_family |
snmp.ifHCOutUcastPkts (count) | [Generic device] The total number of packets higher-level protocols requested be transmitted that were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer including those that were discarded or not sent. Shown as packet |
snmp.ifHighInOctets (count) | [NetApp] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters. Shown as byte |
snmp.ifHighInOctets.rate (gauge) | [Generic device] The inbound data rate on the interface, including framing characters. Shown as byte_in_bits_family |
snmp.ifHighSpeed (gauge) | [Generic device] An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in units of 1,000,000 bits per second, or the nominal bandwidth. Shown as megabit |
snmp.ifInDiscards (count) | [Generic device] The number of inbound packets chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent them being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Shown as packet |
snmp.ifInDiscards.rate (gauge) | [Generic device] The number of inbound packets chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent them being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Shown as packet |
snmp.ifInErrors (count) | [Generic router] The number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Shown as packet |
snmp.ifInErrors.rate (gauge) | [Generic router] The number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Shown as packet |
snmp.ifInSpeed (gauge) | [Generic router] An estimate of the interface's current inbound bandwidth in bits per second. Shown as bit_in_bits_family |
snmp.ifNumber (gauge) | [Generic router] The number of network interfaces (regardless of their current state) present on this system. |
snmp.ifOperStatus (gauge) | [Generic router] The current operational state of the interface. |
snmp.ifOutDiscards (count) | [Generic router] The number of outbound packets chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent them being transmitted. Shown as packet |
snmp.ifOutDiscards.rate (gauge) | [Generic router] The number of outbound packets chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent them being transmitted. Shown as packet |
snmp.ifOutErrors (count) | [Generic router] The number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. Shown as packet |
snmp.ifOutErrors.rate (gauge) | [Generic router] The number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. Shown as packet |
snmp.ifOutSpeed (gauge) | [Generic router] An estimate of the interface's current outbound bandwidth in bits per second. Shown as bit_in_bits_family |
snmp.ifSpeed (gauge) | [Generic router] An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in bits per second, or the nominal bandwidth. Shown as bit_in_bits_family |
snmp.ifsTotalBytes (gauge) | [Isilon] The total cluster capacity of the /ifs filesystem in bytes. Shown as byte |
snmp.ifsUsedBytes (gauge) | [Isilon] The number of bytes used in the /ifs filesystem. Shown as byte |
snmp.interface.status (gauge) | For each interface of each monitored network device, this metric reports always 1 with the adminstatus and operstatus as tags, as long as a 'combined' status that can be used for monitors. |
snmp.intrusionReading (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The reading of the intrusion sensor. |
snmp.intrusionStatus (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The status of the intrusion sensor. |
snmp.ipIfStatsHCInBcastPkts (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of IP broadcast datagrams received. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipIfStatsHCInDelivers (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The total number of datagrams successfully delivered to IP user-protocols (including ICMP). Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipIfStatsHCInForwDatagrams (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of input datagrams for which this entity was not their final IP destination and for which this entity attempted to find a route to forward them to that final destination. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipIfStatsHCInMcastOctets (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The total number of octets received in IP multicast datagrams. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipIfStatsHCInMcastPkts (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of IP multicast datagrams received. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipIfStatsHCInOctets (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The total number of octets received in input IP datagrams including those received in error. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipIfStatsHCOutBcastPkts (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of IP broadcast datagrams transmitted. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipIfStatsHCOutForwDatagrams (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of datagrams for which this entity was not their final IP destination and for which it was successful in finding a path to their final destination. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipIfStatsHCOutMcastOctets (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The total number of octets transmitted in IP multicast datagrams. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipIfStatsHCOutMcastPkts (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of IP multicast datagrams received. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipIfStatsHCOutOctets (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The total number of octets in IP datagrams delivered to the lower layers for transmission. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipIfStatsHCOutRequests (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The total number of IP datagrams that local IP user-protocols (including ICMP) supplied to IP in requests for transmission. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipIfStatsHCOutTransmits (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The total number of IP datagrams that this entity supplied to the lower layers for transmission. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipIfStatsInAddrErrors (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of input IP datagrams discarded because the IP address in their IP header's destination field was not a valid address to be received at this entity. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipIfStatsInDiscards (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of input IP datagrams for which no problems were encountered to prevent their continued processing, but were discarded due to other reasons, for example lack of buffer space. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipIfStatsInHdrErrors (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of input IP datagrams discarded due to errors in their IP headers including version number mismatch, other format errors, hop count exceeded, errors discovered in processing their IP options, etc. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipIfStatsInNoRoutes (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of input IP datagrams discarded because no route could be found to transmit them to their destination. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipIfStatsInTruncatedPkts (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of input IP datagrams discarded because the datagram frame didn't carry enough data. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipIfStatsInUnknownProtos (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of locally-addressed IP datagrams received successfully but discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipIfStatsOutDiscards (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of output IP datagrams for which no problem was encountered to prevent their transmission to their destination, but were discarded due to other reasons, for example lack of buffer space. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipIfStatsOutFragCreates (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of output datagram fragments generated as a result of IP fragmentation. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipIfStatsOutFragFails (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of IP datagrams discarded because they needed to be fragmented but could not be. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipIfStatsOutFragOKs (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of IP datagrams successfully fragmented. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipIfStatsOutFragReqds (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of IP datagrams requiring fragmentation to be transmitted. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipIfStatsReasmFails (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of failures detected by the IP reassembly algorithm (for whatever reason: timed out, errors, etc.). |
snmp.ipIfStatsReasmOKs (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of IP datagrams successfully reassembled. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipIfStatsReasmReqds (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of IP fragments received that needed to be reassembled at this interface. |
snmp.ipSystemStatsHCInBcastPkts (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of IP broadcast datagrams received. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsHCInDelivers (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The total number of datagrams successfully delivered to IP user-protocols (including ICMP). Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsHCInForwDatagrams (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of input datagrams for which this entity was not their final IP destination and for which this entity attempted to find a route to forward them to that final destination. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsHCInMcastOctets (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The total number of octets received in IP multicast datagrams. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsHCInMcastPkts (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of IP multicast datagrams received. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsHCInOctets (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The total number of octets received in input IP datagrams including those received in error. |
snmp.ipSystemStatsHCInReceives (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The total number of input IP datagrams received including those received in error. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsHCOutBcastPkts (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of IP broadcast datagrams transmitted. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsHCOutForwDatagrams (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of datagrams for which this entity was not their final IP destination and for which it was successful in finding a path to their final destination. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsHCOutMcastOctets (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The total number of octets transmitted in IP multicast datagrams. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsHCOutMcastPkts (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of IP multicast datagrams transmitted. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsHCOutOctets (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The total number of octets in IP datagrams delivered to the lower layers for transmission. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsHCOutRequests (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The total number of IP datagrams that local IP user-protocols (including ICMP) supplied to IP in requests for transmission. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsHCOutTransmits (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The total number of IP datagrams that this entity supplied to the lower layers for transmission. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsInAddrErrors (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of input IP datagrams discarded because the IP address in the header's destination field was not a valid address to be received at this entity. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsInDiscards (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of input IP datagrams for which no problems were encountered to prevent their continued processing, but were discarded due to other reasons, for example lack of buffer space. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsInHdrErrors (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of input IP datagrams discarded due to errors in their IP headers including version number mismatch, their IP headers, other format errors, hop count exceeded, errors discovered in processing their IP options, etc. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsInNoRoutes (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of input IP datagrams discarded because no route could be found to transmit them to their destination. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsInTruncatedPkts (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of input IP datagrams discarded because the datagram frame didn't carry enough data. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsInUnknownProtos (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of locally-addressed IP datagrams received successfully but discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsOutDiscards (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of output IP datagrams for which no problem was encountered to prevent their transmission to their destination, but were discarded due to other reasons, for example lack of buffer space. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsOutFragCreates (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of output datagram fragments generated as a result of IP fragmentation. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsOutFragFails (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of IP datagrams discarded because they needed to be fragmented but could not be. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsOutFragOKs (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of IP datagrams successfully fragmented. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsOutFragReqds (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of IP datagrams that would require fragmentation to be transmitted. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsOutNoRoutes (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of locally generated IP datagrams discarded because no route could be found to transmit them to their destination. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsReasmFails (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of failures detected by the IP reassembly algorithm (for whatever reason: timed out, errors, etc.). |
snmp.ipSystemStatsReasmOKs (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of IP datagrams successfully reassembled. Shown as datagram |
snmp.ipSystemStatsReasmReqds (count) | [Generic router] [Arista] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of IP fragments received that needed to be reassembled at this interface. |
snmp.ironport.cacheBwidthSavingNow (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] Bandwidth savings in the last minute (in Kb/sec) |
snmp.ironport.cacheBwidthSpentNow (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] Bandwidth spent in the last minute (in Kb/sec) |
snmp.ironport.cacheBwidthTotalNow (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] Bandwidth total in the last minute (in Kb/sec) |
snmp.ironport.cacheClientAccepts (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] The total number of sockets accepted from the clients. |
snmp.ironport.cacheClientErrors (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] The number of HTTP errors caused by client connections. |
snmp.ironport.cacheClientIdleConns (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] The number of connected but idle persistent client connections. |
snmp.ironport.cacheClientMaxConns (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] The maximum number of simultaneous client connections that will be allowed. |
snmp.ironport.cacheClientReqDenials (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] The number of responses blocked by access control. |
snmp.ironport.cacheClientRequests (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] The number of HTTP requests received from clients. |
snmp.ironport.cacheClientTotalConns (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] The current number of active + idle client connections. |
snmp.ironport.cacheCltReplyErrPct (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] The percentage of errors in the HTTP replies to clients |
snmp.ironport.cacheDeniedNow (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] Cache denial throughput time in the last minute |
snmp.ironport.cacheDeniedRespTimeNow (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] Cache denial response time in the last minute |
snmp.ironport.cacheDuration (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] The proxy up time |
snmp.ironport.cacheErrRespTimeNow (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] Cache error response time in the last minute |
snmp.ironport.cacheErrsNow (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] Cache error throughput time in the last minute |
snmp.ironport.cacheHitRespTimeNow (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] Cache hit response time in the last minute |
snmp.ironport.cacheHitsNow (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] Hit throughput in the last minute |
snmp.ironport.cacheMeanByteHitRatio (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] The HTTP byte hit ratio |
snmp.ironport.cacheMeanHitRatio (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] The HTTP hit ratio |
snmp.ironport.cacheMeanHitRespTime (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] The HTTP mean response time of Hits |
snmp.ironport.cacheMeanMissRespTime (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] The HTTP mean response time of Misses |
snmp.ironport.cacheMeanRespTime (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] The HTTP mean response time |
snmp.ironport.cacheMissRespTimeNow (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] Cache miss response time in the last minute |
snmp.ironport.cacheMissesNow (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] Miss throughput in the last minute |
snmp.ironport.cacheServerCloseIdleConns (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] The number of server connections closed due to idle time limits. |
snmp.ironport.cacheServerConnsThresh (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] The limit on the number of server connections. |
snmp.ironport.cacheServerErrors (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] The number of HTTP errors while fetching objects. |
snmp.ironport.cacheServerIdleConns (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] The number of connected but idle persistent server connections. |
snmp.ironport.cacheServerLimitIdleConns (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] The number of times the number of idle persistent connections hit the count limit and caused a connection to be closed. |
snmp.ironport.cacheServerRequests (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] The total number of HTTP requests sent to servers. |
snmp.ironport.cacheServerSockets (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] The total number of sockets opened from the servers. |
snmp.ironport.cacheServerTotalConns (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] The current number of active + idle server connections. |
snmp.ironport.cacheThruputNow (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] Request throughput in the last minute |
snmp.ironport.cacheTotalBandwidthSaving (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] The total bandwidth savings for HTTP in Mbits/sec |
snmp.ironport.cacheTotalHttpReqs (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] Total number of HTTP requests from clients |
snmp.ironport.cacheTotalRespTimeNow (gauge) | [ASYNCOSWEBSECURITYAPPLIANCE-MIB] Cache total response time in the last minute |
snmp.ironport.degreesCelsius (gauge) | [ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB] Temperature reading for the sensor being instrumented in Centrigrade units. This is correct according to the relative accuracy of the sensor being instrumented. |
snmp.ironport.fanRPMs (gauge) | [ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB] Speed in RPMs of a chassis fan being instrumented. The speed that corresponds to a fan failure varies depending on the vendor specification and airflow requirements for the appliance it's instrumented in, but in general when fanRPMs reports 0 RPMs the respective fan has failed. |
snmp.ironport.fipsMode (gauge) | |
snmp.ironport.keySecondsUntilExpire (gauge) | [ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB] Seconds until the valid Feature Key expires. Only applies to non-perpetual Feature Keys, and is 0 when the Feature Key has expired. |
snmp.ironport.mailTransferThreads (gauge) | [ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB] Number of threads that perform some task related to transferring mail. |
snmp.ironport.oldestMessageAge (gauge) | [ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB] The number of seconds the oldest message has been in queue |
snmp.ironport.openFilesOrSockets (gauge) | [ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB] This object notes how many files or sockets are open on the appliance. In normal operating conditions, the measurement is taken at least once every 5-15 seconds. |
snmp.ironport.outstandingDNSRequests (gauge) | [ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB] Number of DNS requests that have been sent but for which no reply has been received. |
snmp.ironport.pendingDNSRequests (gauge) | [ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB] Number of DNS requests waiting to be sent. |
snmp.ironport.perCentCPULoad (gauge) | [ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB] This object provides a general idea of how many processes are waiting in ready queue for CPU. This measurment tells how much the CPU is loaded. |
snmp.ironport.perCentDiskIOUtilization (gauge) | [ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB] This object provides a general idea of how much disk I/O has been generated within the last 5-15 seconds. |
snmp.ironport.perCentQueueUtilization (gauge) | [ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB] Percent of total queue capacity used. |
snmp.ironport.powerSupply (gauge) | [ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB] A table of one or power supply entries. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) | (gauge) | [ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB] Unique index for a drive being instrumented in the appliance. This index is for SNMP purposes only; it has no intrinsic value. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.ironport.raidEvents (gauge) | [ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB] The total number of RAID events that have occurred since the last appliance power on event. |
snmp.ironport.updateFailures (gauge) | [ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB] The number of failed attempts that have occurred when updating a service. |
snmp.ironport.updates (gauge) | [ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB] The number of successful attempts that have occurred when updating a service. |
snmp.ironport.workQueueMessages (gauge) | [ASYNCOS-MAIL-MIB] Number of messages in the work queue. |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatHpNonTcpRDropByteRate (gauge) | [Juniper EX] The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which high PLP non TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the output queue on the given interface. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatHpNonTcpRDropPktRate (gauge) | [Juniper EX] The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which high PLP non TCP packets were RED-dropped at the output on the given interface. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatHpNonTcpRedDropBytes (count) | [Juniper EX] The total number of high PLP non TCP bytes RED-dropped at the output on the given interface. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatHpNonTcpRedDropPkts (count) | [Juniper EX] The total number of high PLP non TCP packets RED-dropped at the output on the given interface. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatHpRedDropByteRate (gauge) | [Juniper EX] The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which high PLP TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the output on the given interface. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatHpRedDropBytes (count) | [Juniper EX] The total number of high PLP TCP bytes RED-dropped at the output queue on the given interface. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatHpRedDropPktRate (gauge) | [Juniper EX] The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which high PLP packets were RED-dropped at the output. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatHpRedDropPkts (count) | [Juniper EX] The total number of high PLP packets RED-droppped at the output on the given interface. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatHpTcpRedDropByteRate (gauge) | [Juniper EX] The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which high PLP TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the output on the given interface. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatHpTcpRedDropBytes (count) | [Juniper EX] The total number of high PLP TCP bytes RED-dropped at the output queue on the given interface. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatHpTcpRedDropPktRate (gauge) | [Juniper EX] The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which high PLP TCP packets were RED-dropped at the output. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatHpTcpRedDropPkts (count) | [Juniper EX] The total number of high PLP TCP packets RED-dropped at the output on the given interface. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatLpNonTcpRDropByteRate (gauge) | [Juniper EX] The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which low PLP non TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the output on the given interface. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatLpNonTcpRDropPktRate (gauge) | [Juniper EX] The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which low PLP non TCP packets were RED-dropped. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatLpNonTcpRedDropBytes (count) | [Juniper EX] The total number of high PLP TCP packets RED-dropped at the output on the given interface. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatLpNonTcpRedDropPkts (count) | [Juniper EX] The total number of low PLP non TCP packets RED-dropped. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatLpRedDropByteRate (gauge) | [Juniper EX] The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which medium-high PLP packets were RED-dropped at the output Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatLpRedDropBytes (count) | [Juniper EX] The total number of low PLP TCP bytes RED-dropped at the output queue on the given interface. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatLpRedDropPktRate (gauge) | [Juniper EX] The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which low PLP packets were RED-dropped at the output. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatLpRedDropPkts (count) | [Juniper EX] The total number of low PLP packets RED-droppped at the output on the given interface. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatLpTcpRedDropByteRate (gauge) | [Juniper EX] The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which low PLP TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the output on the given interface. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatLpTcpRedDropBytes (count) | [Juniper EX] The total number of low PLP TCP bytes RED-dropped at the output on the given interface. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatLpTcpRedDropPktRate (gauge) | [Juniper EX] The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which low PLP TCP packets were RED-dropped at the output on the given interface. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatLpTcpRedDropPkts (count) | [Juniper EX] The total number of low PLP TCP packets RED-dropped at the output on the given interface. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatMHpRedDropByteRate (gauge) | [Juniper EX] The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which medium-high PLP TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the output on the given interface. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatMHpRedDropBytes (count) | [Juniper EX] The total number of medium-high PLP TCP bytes RED-dropped at the output queue on the given interface. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatMHpRedDropPktRate (gauge) | [Juniper EX] The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which medium-high PLP packets were RED-dropped at the output Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatMHpRedDropPkts (count) | [Juniper EX] The total number of medium-high PLP packets RED-droppped at the output on the given interface. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatMLpRedDropByteRate (gauge) | [Juniper EX] The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which medium-low PLP TCP bytes were RED-dropped at the output on the given interface. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatMLpRedDropBytes (count) | [Juniper EX] The total number of medium-low PLP TCP bytes RED-dropped at the output queue on the given interface. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatMLpRedDropPktRate (gauge) | [Juniper EX] The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which medium-high PLP packets were RED-dropped at the output Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatMLpRedDropPkts (count) | [Juniper EX] The total number of medium-low PLP packets RED-droppped at the output on the given interface. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatQedByteRate (gauge) | [Juniper EX] The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which bytes were queued at the output queue. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatQedBytes (count) | [Juniper EX] The number of bytes queued at the output queue. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatQedPktRate (gauge) | [Juniper EX] The rate (expressed in packets per second) at which packets were queued at the output queue. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatQedPkts (count) | [Juniper EX] The total number of packets queued at the output queue. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatRateLimitDropByteRate (gauge) | [Juniper EX] The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which bytes are rate-limit dropped at the output on the given interface. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatRateLimitDropBytes (count) | [Juniper EX] The total number of rate-limit dropped bytes at the output on the given interface. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatRateLimitDropPktRate (gauge) | [Juniper EX] The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which packets are rate-limit dropped at the output on the given interface. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatRateLimitDropPkts (count) | [Juniper EX] The total number of rate-limit dropped packets at the output on the given interface. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatTailDropPktRate (gauge) | [Juniper EX] The tail drop packet rate (expressed in packets per second) for the queue. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatTailDropPkts (count) | [Juniper EX] The number of packets tail dropped at the output queue. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatTotalRedDropByteRate (gauge) | [Juniper EX] The rate (expressed in bytes per second) at which bytes were RED-dropped at the output on the given interface. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatTotalRedDropBytes (count) | [Juniper EX] The total number of bytes RED-dropped at the output on the given interface. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatTotalRedDropPktRate (gauge) | [Juniper EX] The most recent estimate of per-second RED-dropped packets at the output queue on the given interface. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatTotalRedDropPkts (count) | [Juniper EX] The total number of packets dropped due to RED (Random Early Detection) at the output on the given interface. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatTxedByteRate (gauge) | [Juniper EX] The queue's current transmit rate in bytes per second. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatTxedBytes (count) | [Juniper EX] The number of bytes transmitted on the queue. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatTxedPktRate (gauge) | [Juniper EX] The output queue's packet transmit rate, expressed in packets per second. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxCosIfsetQstatTxedPkts (count) | [Juniper EX] The number of packets transmitted on the queue. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxDcuStatsBytes (count) | [Juniper EX] [Juniper SRX] The number of bytes received on this interface. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxDcuStatsPackets (count) | [Juniper EX] [Juniper SRX] The number of packets received on this interface. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxFWCounterByteCount (count) | [Juniper EX] [Juniper MX] The number of bytes being counted pertaining to the specified counter Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxFWCounterPacketCount (count) | [Juniper EX] [Juniper MX] The number of packets being counted pertaining to the specified counter or policer. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxScuStatsBytes (count) | [Juniper SRX] The number of packets sent out of jnxScuStatsDstIfIndex that match the source class (jnxScuStatsClassName) and match the address type (jnxScuStatsAddrFamily) defined for this table entry. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxScuStatsPackets (count) | [Juniper SRX] The number of packets sent out of jnxScuStatsDstIfIndex that match the source class (jnxScuStatsClassName) and match the address type (jnxScuStatsAddrFamily) defined for this table entry. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxUserFwLDAPFailedQuery (count) | [Juniper SRX] LDAP failed query number. Shown as query |
snmp.jnxUserFwLDAPTotalQuery (count) | [Juniper SRX] Total LDAP query number. Shown as query |
snmp.jnxVirtualChassisPortCarrierTrans (count) | [Juniper MX] Indicates the total number of Carrier errors on the virtual-chassis port. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxVirtualChassisPortCollisions (count) | [Juniper MX] Indicates the total number of Collisions on the virtual-chassis port. |
snmp.jnxVirtualChassisPortInCRCAlignErrors (count) | [Juniper MX] Indicates the total number of Input CRC Alignment errors on the virtual-chassis port. |
snmp.jnxVirtualChassisPortInMcasts (count) | [Juniper MX] Indicates the total number of multicast packets received on the virtual-chassis port. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxVirtualChassisPortInOctets (count) | [Juniper MX] Indicates the total number of octets received on the virtual-chassis port. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxVirtualChassisPortInOctets1secRate (gauge) | [Juniper MX] Indicates the total number of octets received per second on the virtual-chassis port. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxVirtualChassisPortInPkts (count) | [Juniper MX] Indicates the total number of packets received on the virtual-chassis port. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxVirtualChassisPortInPkts1secRate (gauge) | [Juniper MX] Indicates the total number of packets received per second on the virtual-chassis port. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxVirtualChassisPortOutMcasts (count) | [Juniper MX] Indicates the total number of multicast packets sent from the virtual-chassis port. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxVirtualChassisPortOutOctets (count) | [Juniper MX] Indicates the total number of octets sent on the virtual-chassis port. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxVirtualChassisPortOutOctets1secRate (gauge) | [Juniper MX] Indicates the total number of octets sent per second on the virtual-chassis port. Shown as byte |
snmp.jnxVirtualChassisPortOutPkts (count) | [Juniper MX] Indicates the total number of packets sent from the virtual-chassis port. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxVirtualChassisPortOutPkts1secRate (gauge) | [Juniper MX] Indicates the total number of packets sent per second from the virtual-chassis port. Shown as packet |
snmp.jnxVirtualChassisPortUndersizePkts (count) | [Juniper MX] Indicates the total number of Undersize Packets on the virtual-chassis port. Shown as packet | (gauge) | [JUNIPER-IVE-MIB] The Total number of Users Logged In for the Cluster | (gauge) | [JUNIPER-IVE-MIB] Percentage of disk space full | (count) | [JUNIPER-IVE-MIB] The Total number of applet hits to the IVE since last reboot | (gauge) | [JUNIPER-IVE-MIB] The Total number of Users Logged In for the IVE Node | (count) | [JUNIPER-IVE-MIB] The Total number of File hits to the IVE since last reboot | (count) | [JUNIPER-IVE-MIB] The Total number of NC(Network Connect) hits of since last reboot | (count) | [JUNIPER-IVE-MIB] The Total number of SAM(Secure Application manager)hits of since last reboot | (gauge) | [JUNIPER-IVE-MIB] Total number of SSL connection | (gauge) | [JUNIPER-IVE-MIB] The Swap Utilization of the IVE system | (gauge) | [JUNIPER-IVE-MIB] The Temperature of MAG application blade. Other platform such as SA and IC will return 0 | (count) | [JUNIPER-IVE-MIB] The Total number of hits to the IVE since last reboot | (gauge) | [JUNIPER-IVE-MIB] The number of concurrent Pulse IPSec and NC users | (count) | [JUNIPER-IVE-MIB] The Total number of hits via the Web Interface since the last reboot | (count) | [JUNIPER-IVE-MIB] The Total number of terminal hits to the IVE since last reboot | (gauge) | [JUNIPER-IVE-MIB] Percentage of log file full | (count) | [JUNIPER-IVE-MIB] The Total number of Meeting hits of since last reboot | (gauge) | [JUNIPER-IVE-MIB] Number of Signed-In Mail Users | (gauge) | [JUNIPER-IVE-MIB] Number of Signed-In Web Users |
snmp.kcprtAlertStateCode (gauge) | [KYOCERA-MIB] |
snmp.kcprtMemoryDeviceTotalSize (gauge) | [KYOCERA-MIB] The maximum space of the memory device. Unit is bytes. |
snmp.kcprtMemoryDeviceUsedSize (gauge) | [KYOCERA-MIB] The amount of occupied space on the device. Unit is bytes. If the device cannot detect the amount, the value is (-1). |
snmp.l2MacTableCurrentEntries (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The number of L2 Mac table entries currently in use. |
snmp.l2MacTableMaxEntries (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The maximum possible entries in the L2 Mac table. |
snmp.l3EcmpNextHopTableCurrentEntries (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The number of ECMP Next Hop table entries currently in use. |
snmp.l3EcmpNextHopTableMaxEntries (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The maximum possible entries in the ECMP Next Hop table. ECMP Next Hop table stores information about the next hop associated with a routing table entry that has multiple equal cost next hop neighbors. |
snmp.l3HostTableCurrentEntries (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The number of L3 Host table entries currently in use |
snmp.l3HostTableMaxEntries (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The maximum possible entries in the L3 Host table. The Host table is defined as the table holding the ARP/ND cache. |
snmp.l3NextHopTableCurrentEntries (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The number of L3 Next Hop table entries currently in use. |
snmp.l3NextHopTableMaxEntries (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The maximum possible entries in the L3 Next Hop table. The L3 Next Hop table holds information about the next hop(s) associated with a routing table entry. |
snmp.l3RoutingTableCurrentEntries (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The number of L3 Routing table entries currently in use. |
snmp.l3RoutingTableMaxEntries (gauge) | [CUMULUS-RESOURCES-MIB] The maximum possible entries in the L3 Routing table. L3 Routing table is defined as the table holding the longest prefix match (LPM) entries. |
snmp.latencyAverage (gauge) | [Isilon] The average latency in microseconds for all operations for the protocol. Shown as microsecond |
snmp.latencyMax (gauge) | [Isilon] The The maximum latency in microseconds for all operations for the protocol. Shown as microsecond |
snmp.latencyMin (gauge) | [Isilon] The minimum latency in microseconds for all operations for the protocol. Shown as microsecond |
snmp.lgpEnvHumidityMeasurementRel (gauge) | [LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB] The measured humidity value. |
snmp.lgpEnvStatisticsComp1RunHr (gauge) | [LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB] Accumulated run hours of compressor 1. This value may be duplicated in the 'lgpEnvOperationalTimeTable'. |
snmp.lgpEnvStatisticsComp2RunHr (gauge) | [LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB] Accumulated run hours of compressor 2. This value may be duplicated in the 'lgpEnvOperationalTimeTable'. |
snmp.lgpEnvStatisticsFanRunHr (gauge) | [LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB] Accumulated run hours of the main fan. This value may be duplicated in the 'lgpEnvOperationalTimeTable'. |
snmp.lgpEnvStatisticsHumRunHr (gauge) | [LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB] Accumulated run hours of the humidifier. This value may be duplicated in the 'lgpEnvOperationalTimeTable'. |
snmp.lgpEnvStatisticsReheat1RunHr (gauge) | [LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB] Accumulated run hours of reheat element 1. This value may be duplicated in the 'lgpEnvOperationalTimeTable'. |
snmp.lgpEnvStatisticsReheat2RunHr (gauge) | [LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB] Accumulated run hours of reheat element 2. This value may be duplicated in the 'lgpEnvOperationalTimeTable'. |
snmp.lgpEnvStatisticsReheat3RunHr (gauge) | [LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB] Accumulated run hours of reheat element 3. This value may be duplicated in the 'lgpEnvOperationalTimeTable'. |
snmp.lgpEnvTemperatureMeasurementDegC (gauge) | [LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB] The measured temperature value. |
snmp.lgpEnvTemperatureMeasurementDegF (gauge) | [LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB] The measured temperature value. |
snmp.lgpEnvTemperatureSettingDegF (gauge) | [LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB] The temperature setting used to control the well known temperature object 'lgpEnvControlTemperature'. This setting is cloned in 'lgpEnvTemperatureSettingDegC' with the value converted to Celsius. |
snmp.lgpEnvTemperatureToleranceDegF (gauge) | [LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB] The acceptable variance from 'lgpEnvTemperatureSettingDegF', without initiating a control action. This setting is cloned in 'lgpEnvTemperatureToleranceDegC' with the value converted to Celsius. |
snmp.line1curr (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] Line 1 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.line2curr (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] Line 2 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.line3curr (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] Line 3 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.lldpRem (gauge) | [generic LLDP] LLDP remote system. |
snmp.ltmNodeAddr (gauge) | [F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB] A table containing information of node addresses. Constant metric equal to 1. |
snmp.ltmNodeAddrConnLimit (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The maximum number of open connections on a given node. |
snmp.ltmNodeAddrDynamicRatio (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The load balancing dynamic ration on a given node. |
snmp.ltmNodeAddrMonitorState (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The internal TMM monitor state for a given node. |
snmp.ltmNodeAddrMonitorStatus (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The load balancing state for a given node (including parent status). |
snmp.ltmNodeAddrNumber (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The current number of nodes. |
snmp.ltmNodeAddrRatio (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The load balancing ration on a given node. |
snmp.ltmNodeAddrSessionStatus (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The hierarchical status of the session (including parent status) for the specified node address. |
snmp.ltmNodeAddrStatCurSessions (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The current number of sessions going through a given node. |
snmp.ltmNodeAddrStatCurrentConnsPerSec (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The current rate of connections to a given node. |
snmp.ltmNodeAddrStatDurationRateExceeded (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The cumulative amount of time a given node exceeded its connection rate limit. |
snmp.ltmNodeAddrStatServerBytesIn (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of bytes received per second by a given node. |
snmp.ltmNodeAddrStatServerBytesOut (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of bytes sent per second by a given node. |
snmp.ltmNodeAddrStatServerCurConns (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The current number of server connections to a given node. |
snmp.ltmNodeAddrStatServerPktsIn (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of packets received per second by a given node. |
snmp.ltmNodeAddrStatServerPktsOut (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of packets sent per second by a given node. |
snmp.ltmNodeAddrStatServerTotConns (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The total number of server connections to a given node. |
snmp.ltmNodeAddrStatTotRequests (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The total number of requests processed by a given node. |
snmp.ltmPoolActiveMemberCnt (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The current number of active members in a given pool. |
snmp.ltmPoolDynamicRatioSum (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The load balancing ratio of a given pool. |
snmp.ltmPoolMember (gauge) | [F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB] A table containing information of pool members. Constant metric equal to 1. |
snmp.ltmPoolMemberCnt (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The current number of members in a given pool. |
snmp.ltmPoolMemberConnLimit (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The maximum number of connections to a given pool member. |
snmp.ltmPoolMemberDynamicRatio (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The load balancing dynamic ratio of a given pool member. |
snmp.ltmPoolMemberMonitorState (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The internal TMM monitor state of a given pool member. |
snmp.ltmPoolMemberMonitorStatus (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The load balancing status of a given pool member. |
snmp.ltmPoolMemberNumber (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The current total number of pool members. |
snmp.ltmPoolMemberRatio (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The load balancing ratio of a given pool member. |
snmp.ltmPoolMemberSessionStatus (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The current policy for new sessions on a given pool member. |
snmp.ltmPoolMemberStatConnqAgeHead (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] Age in milliseconds of the oldest connection in the queue of a given pool member. |
snmp.ltmPoolMemberStatConnqDepth (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The current number of connections in the queue of a given pool member. |
snmp.ltmPoolMemberStatConnqServiced (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The total number of connections that have been removed from the queue of a given pool member. |
snmp.ltmPoolMemberStatCurSessions (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The current number of sessions to a given pool member. |
snmp.ltmPoolMemberStatCurrentConnsPerSec (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The current rate of connections to a given pool member. |
snmp.ltmPoolMemberStatDurationRateExceeded (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The cumulative amount of time a given pool member exceeded its connection rate limit. |
snmp.ltmPoolMemberStatServerBytesIn (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of bytes received per second by a given pool member. |
snmp.ltmPoolMemberStatServerBytesOut (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of bytes sent per second by a given pool member. |
snmp.ltmPoolMemberStatServerCurConns (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The current number of server connections to a given pool member. |
snmp.ltmPoolMemberStatServerPktsIn (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of packets received per second by a given pool member. |
snmp.ltmPoolMemberStatServerPktsOut (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of packets sent per second by a given pool member. |
snmp.ltmPoolMemberStatServerTotConns (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The total number of server connections to a given pool member. |
snmp.ltmPoolMemberStatTotRequests (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The total number of requests processed by a given pool member. |
snmp.ltmPoolNumber (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The current number of pools. |
snmp.ltmPoolStatConnqAgeHead (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] Age in milliseconds of the oldest connection in the queue of a given pool. |
snmp.ltmPoolStatConnqDepth (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The current number of connections in the queue of a given pool. |
snmp.ltmPoolStatConnqServiced (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The total number of connections that have been removed from the queue of a given pool. |
snmp.ltmPoolStatCurSessions (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The current number of sessions to a given pool. |
snmp.ltmPoolStatServerBytesIn (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of bytes received per second by a given pool. |
snmp.ltmPoolStatServerBytesOut (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of bytes sent per second by a given pool. |
snmp.ltmPoolStatServerCurConns (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The current number of server connections to a given pool. |
snmp.ltmPoolStatServerPktsIn (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of packets received per second by a given pool. |
snmp.ltmPoolStatServerPktsOut (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of packets sent per second by a given pool. |
snmp.ltmPoolStatServerTotConns (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The total number of connections to a given pool. |
snmp.ltmPoolStatTotRequests (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The total number of requests processed by a given pool. |
snmp.ltmVirtualServConnLimit (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The maximum number of connections on a virtual server. |
snmp.ltmVirtualServEnabled (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] Whether a given virtual server is enabled. |
snmp.ltmVirtualServNumber (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of virtual servers. |
snmp.ltmVirtualServStatClientBytesIn (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of bytes received per second by a given virtual server. |
snmp.ltmVirtualServStatClientBytesOut (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of bytes sent per second by a given virtual server. |
snmp.ltmVirtualServStatClientCurConns (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The current number of connections to a given virtual server. |
snmp.ltmVirtualServStatClientEvictedConns (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The total number of connections evicted on a given virtual server. |
snmp.ltmVirtualServStatClientPktsIn (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of packets received per second by a given virtual server. |
snmp.ltmVirtualServStatClientPktsOut (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of packets sent per second by a given virtual server. |
snmp.ltmVirtualServStatClientSlowKilled (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The total number of slow connections killed on a given virtual server. |
snmp.ltmVirtualServStatClientTotConns (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The total number of client connections on a given virtual server. |
snmp.ltmVirtualServStatCurrentConnsPerSec (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The current rate of connections to a given virtual server. |
snmp.ltmVirtualServStatDurationRateExceeded (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The cumulative amount of time a given virtual server exceeded its connection rate limit. |
snmp.ltmVirtualServStatNoNodesErrors (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The total number of times the number of active nodes went to zero. |
snmp.ltmVirtualServStatTotRequests (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The total number of requests on a given virtual server. |
snmp.ltmVirtualServStatVsUsageRatio1m (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The percentage of time a given virtual server was busy over the last minute. |
snmp.ltmVirtualServStatVsUsageRatio5m (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The percentage of time a given virtual server was busy over the last 5 minutes. |
snmp.ltmVirtualServStatVsUsageRatio5s (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The percentage of time a given virtual server was busy over the last 5 seconds. |
snmp.ltmVsStatus (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] Stores status information of virtual servers. |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stBlockedByAntiMalware (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of connections blocked by Anti-Malware |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stBlockedByMediaFilter (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of connections that have been blocked by the Media-Type filter |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stBlockedByURLFilter (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of connection that have been blocked by the URL filter |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stCategories (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of categories detected by the URL filter |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stCategoryCount (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of times the URL filter detected this category |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stClientCount (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Currently connected clients |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stConnectedSockets (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of open network sockets in use by the proxy |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stConnectionsBlocked (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of blocked connections |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stConnectionsLegitimate (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of connections that not have been blocked |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stFtpBytesFromClient (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of bytes tranferred from proxy to client(s) using the FTP protocol |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stFtpBytesFromServer (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of bytes tranferred from server(s) to proxy using the FTP protocol |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stFtpBytesToClient (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of bytes tranferred from proxy to client(s) using the FTP protocol |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stFtpBytesToServer (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of bytes tranferred from proxy to server(s) using the FTP protocol |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stFtpTraffic (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of bytes transmitted between proxy and server(s) using the FTP protocol |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stHttpBytesFromClient (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of bytes transferred from client to proxy using the HTTP protocol |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stHttpBytesFromServer (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of bytes transferred from server to proxy using the HTTP protocol |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stHttpBytesToClient (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of bytes transferred from proxy to client(s) using the HTTP protocol |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stHttpBytesToServer (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of bytes transferred from proxy to server(s) using the HTTP protocol |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stHttpRequests (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of HTTP requests |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stHttpTraffic (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of bytes tranferred between proxy and server(s) using the HTTP protocol |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stHttpsBytesFromClient (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of bytes tranferred from client(s) to proxy using the HTTPS protocol |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stHttpsBytesFromServer (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of bytes tranferred from server(s) to proxy using the HTTPS protocol |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stHttpsBytesToClient (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of bytes tranferred from proxy to client(s) and proxy using the HTTPS protocol |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stHttpsBytesToServer (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of bytes tranferred from proxy to server(s) and proxy using the HTTPS protocol |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stHttpsRequests (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of HTTPS requests |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stHttpsTraffic (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of bytes tranferred between proxy and server(s) using the HTTPS protocol |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stMalwareDetected (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of infections detected by the McAfee Gateway Antimalware Engine |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stMimeType (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Number of media types detected by the Media Type filter |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stResolveHostViaDNS (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Time to resolve DNS in ms |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stTimeConsumedByRuleEngine (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Average time used by the rule engine in ms |
snmp.mcafee.mwg.stTimeForTransaction (count) | [MCAFEE-MWG-MIB] Average time for transaction in ms |
snmp.memActiveReal64 (gauge) | [Checkpoint Firewall] Active real memory (memory used by applications that is not cached to the disk) in bytes. Shown as byte |
snmp.memActiveVirtual64 (gauge) | [Checkpoint Firewall] The size in bytes of the virtual-memory working segment pages that have actually been touched. Shown as byte |
snmp.memFreeReal64 (gauge) | [Checkpoint Firewall] Free memory available for applications in bytes. Shown as byte |
snmp.memTotalReal64 (gauge) | [Checkpoint Firewall] Total real memory in bytes. Memory used by applications. Shown as byte |
snmp.memTotalVirtual64 (gauge) | [Checkpoint Firewall] The size in bytes of the virtual-memory working segment pages. Shown as byte | (gauge) | Number of bytes of memory that are currently unused. Shown as byte | (gauge) | Total amount of memory in bytes Shown as byte |
snmp.memory.usage (gauge) | The percentage of memory currently being used. Shown as percent |
snmp.memory.used (gauge) | Number of bytes of memory currently being used. Shown as byte |
snmp.memoryDeviceFailureModes (gauge) | [Dell Poweredge] The failure modes of the memory device when the memoryDeviceStatus attribute is not ok. |
snmp.memoryDeviceStatus (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The status of the memory device. | (gauge) | [MERAKI-CLOUD-CONTROLLER-MIB] Device table. Constant metric equal to 1 |
snmp.miscCacheAge (gauge) | [NetApp] Age in minutes of the oldest read-only blocks in the buffer cache. Will be very low when reading very large files. Shown as minute |
snmp.mtxrHlCpuTemperature (gauge) | [MIKROTIK-MIB] temperature near cpu |
snmp.mtxrHlTemperature (gauge) | [MIKROTIK-MIB] |
snmp.mtxrHlVoltage (gauge) | [MIKROTIK-MIB] |
snmp.mtxrOpticalRxPower (gauge) | [MIKROTIK-MIB] |
snmp.mtxrOpticalSupplyVoltage (gauge) | [MIKROTIK-MIB] |
snmp.mtxrOpticalTemperature (gauge) | [MIKROTIK-MIB] |
snmp.mtxrOpticalTxBiasCurrent (gauge) | [MIKROTIK-MIB] |
snmp.mtxrOpticalTxPower (gauge) | [MIKROTIK-MIB] |
snmp.mtxrOpticalWavelength (gauge) | [MIKROTIK-MIB] |
snmp.mtxrPOECurrent (gauge) | [MIKROTIK-MIB] mA |
snmp.mtxrPOEPower (gauge) | [MIKROTIK-MIB] W |
snmp.mtxrPOEVoltage (gauge) | [MIKROTIK-MIB] V |
snmp.multiDiskFreeAvailableBytes (gauge) | [Checkpoint Firewall] Available free disk in partition (not reserved by the OS) in bytes. Shown as byte |
snmp.multiDiskFreeAvailablePercent (gauge) | [Checkpoint Firewall] Percentage of available free disk in partition. Shown as percent |
snmp.multiDiskFreeTotalBytes (gauge) | [Checkpoint Firewall] Total free disk in partition in bytes. Shown as byte |
snmp.multiDiskFreeTotalPercent (gauge) | [Checkpoint Firewall] Percentage of total free disk in partition. Shown as percent |
snmp.multiDiskSize (gauge) | [Checkpoint Firewall] Total partition size in bytes. Shown as byte |
snmp.multiDiskUsed (gauge) | [Checkpoint Firewall] Disk used in partition in bytes. Shown as byte |
snmp.multiProcIdleTime (gauge) | [Checkpoint Firewall] Percentage of CPU idle time. Shown as percent |
snmp.multiProcSystemTime (gauge) | [Checkpoint Firewall] Percentage of CPU utilization for kernel mode processes. Shown as percent |
snmp.multiProcUsage (gauge) | [Checkpoint Firewall] Percentage of CPU utilization. Shown as percent |
snmp.multiProcUserTime (gauge) | [Checkpoint Firewall] Percentage of CPU utilization for user mode processes. Shown as percent |
snmp.nasuni.accountLicensedCapacity (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Available licensed capacity |
snmp.nasuni.accountPercentUsedCapacity (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Percent used licensed capacity |
snmp.nasuni.accountUsedCapacity (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Used licensed capacity |
snmp.nasuni.filerAmbientTemp (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Filer ambient temperature (0 if not available) |
snmp.nasuni.filerCacheFree (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Current free disk cache |
snmp.nasuni.filerCacheTotal (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Total available disk cache available |
snmp.nasuni.filerCacheUsed (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Current used disk cache |
snmp.nasuni.filerClientsIn (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Clients recieve bits/second for the last 1 minute |
snmp.nasuni.filerClientsOut (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Clients transmit bits/second for the last 1 minute |
snmp.nasuni.filerCloudIn (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Cloud recieve bits/second for the last 1 minute |
snmp.nasuni.filerCloudOut (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Cloud transmit bits/second for the last 1 minute |
snmp.nasuni.filerCoreCount (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Number of cores per physical CPU |
snmp.nasuni.filerDiskCount (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Number of disks in the Filer |
snmp.nasuni.filerExhaustTemp (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Filer exhaust temperature (0 if not available) |
snmp.nasuni.filerInletTemp (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Filer inlet temperature (0 if not available) |
snmp.nasuni.filerMergeConflicts (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Total number of merge conflicts |
snmp.nasuni.filerMigrationIn (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Migration recieve bits/second for the last 1 minute |
snmp.nasuni.filerMigrationOut (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Migration transmit bits/second for the last 1 minute |
snmp.nasuni.filerMobileIn (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Mobile recieve bits/second for the last 1 minute |
snmp.nasuni.filerMobileOut (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Mobile transmit bits/second for the last 1 minute |
snmp.nasuni.filerNumAndroidLicenses (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Total number of Android mobile clients registered on the Filer |
snmp.nasuni.filerNumIOSLicenses (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Total number of iOS mobile clients registered on the Filer |
snmp.nasuni.filerNumPowerSupplies (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Number of power supplys detected |
snmp.nasuni.filerNumRaidArrays (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Number of RAID arrays detected |
snmp.nasuni.filerNumRaidDisks (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Number of RAID disks detected |
snmp.nasuni.filerOpensForRead (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Total number of opens for read |
snmp.nasuni.filerOpensForWrite (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Total number of opens for write |
snmp.nasuni.filerPhysCpuCount (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Number of physical CPUs in the Filer |
snmp.nasuni.filerPowerSupplyErrors (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Number of power supply errors detected |
snmp.nasuni.filerPushesCompleted (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Total number of pushes to the cloud |
snmp.nasuni.filerRaidArrayErrors (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Number of RAID array errors detected |
snmp.nasuni.filerRaidDiskErrors (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Number of RAID disk errors detected |
snmp.nasuni.filerReadHits (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Total read cache hits |
snmp.nasuni.filerReadMisses (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Total read cache misses |
snmp.nasuni.filerTotalExports (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Total number of exports available on this Filer |
snmp.nasuni.filerTotalFtpdirs (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Total number of ftp directories available on this Filer |
snmp.nasuni.filerTotalIscsiClients (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Total number of ISCSI clients connected to this Filer |
snmp.nasuni.filerTotalIscsiTargets (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Total number of ISCSI targets available on this Filer |
snmp.nasuni.filerTotalMobileLicenses (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Total number of mobile clients registered on the Filer |
snmp.nasuni.filerTotalPushed (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Total compressed bytes pushed to the cloud |
snmp.nasuni.filerTotalRead (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Total bytes read from the cloud |
snmp.nasuni.filerTotalShareClients (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Total number share clients connected to this Filer |
snmp.nasuni.filerTotalShareLocks (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Total number shares locks on this Filer |
snmp.nasuni.filerTotalShares (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Total number of shares available on this Filer |
snmp.nasuni.filerTotalUnprotectedData (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Total data not yet protected. |
snmp.nasuni.filerUIIn (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] User Interface recieve bits/second for the last 1 minute |
snmp.nasuni.filerUIOut (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] User Interface transmit bits/second for the last 1 minute |
snmp.nasuni.volumeCount (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Number of entries in VolumeTable |
snmp.nasuni.volumeTableAccessibleData (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Volume accessible data |
snmp.nasuni.volumeTableLastSnapshotDuration (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Duration of the last snapshot |
snmp.nasuni.volumeTableLastSnapshotVersion (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Last snapshot version number |
snmp.nasuni.volumeTableNumAVViolations (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Number of antivirus violations found |
snmp.nasuni.volumeTableNumExports (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Number of volume exports |
snmp.nasuni.volumeTableNumFileAlerts (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Number of file locks |
snmp.nasuni.volumeTableNumFtpdirs (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Number of volume ftp directories |
snmp.nasuni.volumeTableNumShares (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Number of volume shares |
snmp.nasuni.volumeTableQuota (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Volume Quota (0 for disiabled quota) |
snmp.nasuni.volumeTableUnprotectedData (gauge) | [NASUNI-FILER-MIB] Volume data not yet protected |
snmp.ncHttpActiveCliConns (gauge) | [NetApp] Number of currently active TCP/IP connections to HTTP clients. Shown as connection | (gauge) | [PICO-SMI] Indicates the temperature of the equipment inside, in degree (Celsius). | (gauge) | [PICO-SMI] Indicates the temperature of the equipment inside, in degree (Fahrenheit). | (gauge) | [PICO-SMI] Indicates the observed voltage, in milli-volt (mV). | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The number of currently active IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels. This is equal to the number of ISAKMP SAs currently active. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of authentications which ended in failure by all current and previous IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of decryptions which ended in failure by all current and previous IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of hash validations which ended in failure by all current and previous IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of notifys received by all currently and previously active IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of ISAKMP security association delete requests received by all currently and previously active and ISAKMP security associations. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of IPsec Phase-2 exchanges which were received and found to be contain references to unrecognized security parameters. This value is accumulated across all currently and previously active IPsec ISAKMP SAs. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of IPsec Phase-2 exchanges which were received and validated but were rejected by the local policy. This value is accumulated across all currently and previously active IPsec ISAKMP SAs. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of IPsec Phase-2 exchanges received by all currently and previously active IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of IPsec Phase-2 security association delete requests received by all currently and previously active and IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels which were locally initiated and failed to activate. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels which were locally initiated. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of notifys sent by all currently and previously active IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of ISAKMP security association delete requests sent by all currently and previously active and ISAKMP security associations. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of IPsec Phase-2 exchanges which were sent and were flagged by the peer to contain references to unrecognized security parameters. This value is accumulated across all currently and previously active IPsec ISAKMP SAs. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of IPsec Phase-2 exchanges which were sent, validated by the peer but were rejected by the peer's policy. This value is accumulated across all currently and previously active IPsec ISAKMP SAs. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of IPsec Phase-2 exchanges which were sent by all currently and previously active IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of IPsec Phase-2 SA delete requests sent by all currently and previously active IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels which were remotely initiated and failed to activate. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels which were remotely initiated. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of currently active IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of inbound authentication's which ended in failure by all current and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of inbound authentication's performed by all current and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of inbound decryption's which ended in failure by all current and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of inbound decryption's performed by all current and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of packets dropped during receive processing by all current and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels. This count does NOT include packets dropped due to Anti-Replay processing. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of octets received by all current and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels. This value is accumulated BEFORE determining whether or not the packet should be decompressed. See also pipSecGlobalInOctWraps for the number of times this counter has wrapped. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of packets received by all current and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of packets dropped during receive processing due to Anti-Replay processing by all current and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of non-existent Security Assocication in failures which occurred during processing of all current and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of outbound authentication's which ended in failure by all current and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of outbound authentication's performed by all current and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of packets dropped during send processing by all current and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of outbound encryption's which ended in failure by all current and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of outbound encryption's performed by all current and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of octets sent by all current and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels. This value is accumulated AFTER determining whether or not the packet should be compressed. See also pipSecGlobalOutOctWraps for the number of times this counter has wrapped. | (gauge) | [PICO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB] The total number of packets sent by all current and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels. |
snmp.netbotz.dewPointSensorValueInt (gauge) | [NETBOTZ410-MIB] The dew point value measured by the sensor in degrees Celsius. |
snmp.netbotz.dewPointSensorValueIntF (gauge) | [NETBOTZ410-MIB] The dew point reading in degrees Farenheit, measured by the sensor. |
snmp.netbotz.dinPort (gauge) | [NETBOTZ410-MIB] A list of DIN port entries. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.netbotz.doorSwitchSensor (gauge) | [NETBOTZ410-MIB] A list of door switch sensor entries. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.netbotz.enclosure (gauge) | [NETBOTZ410-MIB] A list of enclosures (base enclosure and pods). (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.netbotz.errorCond (gauge) | [NETBOTZ410-MIB] A list of active and resolved error conditions. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.netbotz.humiSensorValueInt (gauge) | [NETBOTZ410-MIB] The relative humidity measured by the sensor in percent. |
snmp.netbotz.otherNumericSensorValueInt (gauge) | [NETBOTZ410-MIB] The value measured by the sensor in the unit of measure (1/10 of otherNumericSensorValue) |
snmp.netbotz.otherPort (gauge) | [NETBOTZ410-MIB] A list of other port entries. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.netbotz.otherStateSensor (gauge) | [NETBOTZ410-MIB] A list of other state sensor entries. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.netbotz.tempSensorValueInt (gauge) | [NETBOTZ410-MIB] The temperature measured by the sensor in degree Celsius. |
snmp.netbotz.tempSensorValueIntF (gauge) | [NETBOTZ410-MIB] The temperature measured by the sensor in degree Farenheit. |
snmp.netgear.readynasos.ataError (gauge) | [READYNASOS-MIB] ATA error number for this disk from S.M.A.R.T read. |
snmp.netgear.readynasos.diskCapacity (gauge) | [READYNASOS-MIB] The capacity of the disk in bytes. |
snmp.netgear.readynasos.diskTemperature (gauge) | [READYNASOS-MIB] temperature of this disk(in Fahrenheit unit). |
snmp.netgear.readynasos.fanRPM (gauge) | [READYNASOS-MIB] The current speed of the fan. |
snmp.netgear.readynasos.fanStatus (gauge) | [READYNASOS-MIB] The status of Fan |
snmp.netgear.readynasos.psu (gauge) | [READYNASOS-MIB] (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.netgear.readynasos.temperatureMax (gauge) | [READYNASOS-MIB] The max temperature of this probe (in Fahrenheit unit). |
snmp.netgear.readynasos.temperatureMin (gauge) | [READYNASOS-MIB] The min temperature of this probe (in Fahrenheit unit). |
snmp.netgear.readynasos.temperatureValue (gauge) | [READYNASOS-MIB] The current temperature of this probe (in Fahrenheit unit). |
snmp.netgear.readynasos.volumeFreeSpace (gauge) | [READYNASOS-MIB] Free space on the volume in megabytes. |
snmp.netgear.readynasos.volumeRAIDLevel (gauge) | [READYNASOS-MIB] The RAID level of the volume. |
snmp.netgear.readynasos.volumeSize (gauge) | [READYNASOS-MIB] The size of the volume in megabytes. |
snmp.netscaler.curConfigGslbVservers (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of GSLB vservers configured on the Citrix ADC. |
snmp.netscaler.curConfigLbVservers (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of LB vservers configured on the Citrix ADC. |
snmp.netscaler.curConfigVservers (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of vservers configured on the Citrix ADC. |
snmp.netscaler.haTimeofLastStateTransition (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] This represents the time since the Citrix ADC underwent a state change from primary to secondary or vice-versa |
snmp.netscaler.haTotStateTransitions (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of master state changes that the Citrix ADC has made from primary to secondary and vice-versa. |
snmp.netscaler.httpErrIncompleteHeaders (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of HTTP requests and responses received in which the HTTP header spans more than one packet. |
snmp.netscaler.httpErrIncompleteRequests (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of HTTP requests received in which the header spans more than one packet. |
snmp.netscaler.httpErrIncompleteResponses (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of HTTP responses received in which the header spans more than one packet. |
snmp.netscaler.httpErrServerBusy (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of HTTP error responses received. Some of the error responses are: 500 Internal Server Error 501 Not Implemented 502 Bad Gateway 503 Service Unavailable 504 Gateway Timeout 505 HTTP Version Not Supported |
snmp.netscaler.httpTot10Requests (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of HTTP/1.0 requests received. |
snmp.netscaler.httpTot10Responses (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of HTTP/1.0 responses sent. |
snmp.netscaler.httpTotGets (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of HTTP requests received with the GET method. |
snmp.netscaler.httpTotOthers (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of HTTP requests received with methods other than GET and POST. Some of the other well-defined HTTP methods are HEAD, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, and TRACE. User-defined methods are also allowed. |
snmp.netscaler.httpTotPosts (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of HTTP requests received with the POST method. |
snmp.netscaler.httpTotResponses (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of HTTP responses sent. |
snmp.netscaler.httpTotRxRequestBytes (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of bytes of HTTP request data received. |
snmp.netscaler.httpTotRxResponseBytes (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of bytes of HTTP response data received. |
snmp.netscaler.httpTotTxRequestBytes (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of bytes of HTTP request data transmitted. |
snmp.netscaler.httpTotTxResponseBytes (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of bytes of HTTP response data transmitted. |
snmp.netscaler.ifRxAvgBandwidthUsage (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] The average bandwidth, in bits per second, at which the specified interface has been receiving packets since the Citrix ADC was started or the interface statistics were cleared. |
snmp.netscaler.ifThroughput (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Interface throughput in Mbps |
snmp.netscaler.ifTotRxBytes (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of bytes received by an interface since the Citrix ADC was started or the interface statistics were cleared. |
snmp.netscaler.ifTotRxMbits (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] The total data, in megabits, received by an interface since the Citrix ADC was started or the interface statistics were cleared. This statistic also includes the Ethernet overhead bytes, i.e. preamble, inter-packet gap, and CRC. |
snmp.netscaler.ifTotTxBytes (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of bytes transmitted by an interface since the Citrix ADC was started or the interface statistics were cleared. |
snmp.netscaler.ifTotTxMbits (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] The total data, in megabits, transmitted by an interface since the Citrix ADC was started or the interface statistics were cleared. This statistic also includes the Ethernet overhead bytes, i.e. preamble, inter-packet gap, and CRC. |
snmp.netscaler.ifTxAvgBandwidthUsage (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] The average bandwidth, in bits per second, at which the specified interface has been transmitting packets since the Citrix ADC was started or the interface statistics were cleared. |
snmp.netscaler.lbvsvrActiveConn (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of connections that are currently active. |
snmp.netscaler.lbvsvrAvgSvrTTFB (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Average TTFB between the Citrix ADC and the server. TTFB is the time interval between sending the request packet to a service and receiving the first response from the service |
snmp.netscaler.lbvsvrPersistenceTimeOut (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] The timeout set for persistence. |
snmp.netscaler.nsCPUusage (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] CPU utilization percentage. |
snmp.netscaler.sdx.hardwareResource (gauge) | [SDX-ROOT-MIB] hardwareResourcetable (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.netscaler.sdx.hmCurrentValue (gauge) | [SDX-ROOT-MIB] Current Value of the IPMI Sensor |
snmp.netscaler.sdx.interfaceRxBytes (gauge) | [SDX-ROOT-MIB] Received bytes |
snmp.netscaler.sdx.interfaceRxErrors (gauge) | [SDX-ROOT-MIB] Receiving errors |
snmp.netscaler.sdx.interfaceRxPackets (gauge) | [SDX-ROOT-MIB] Received packets |
snmp.netscaler.sdx.interfaceTxBytes (gauge) | [SDX-ROOT-MIB] Transmitted bytes |
snmp.netscaler.sdx.interfaceTxErrors (gauge) | [SDX-ROOT-MIB] Transmission errors |
snmp.netscaler.sdx.interfaceTxPackets (gauge) | [SDX-ROOT-MIB] Transmitted packets |
snmp.netscaler.sdx.nsHttpReq (gauge) | [SDX-ROOT-MIB] HTTP Requests/second |
snmp.netscaler.sdx.nsNsCPUUsage (gauge) | [SDX-ROOT-MIB] CPU Usage (%) of Citrix ADC Instance |
snmp.netscaler.sdx.nsNsMemoryUsage (gauge) | [SDX-ROOT-MIB] Memory Usage (%) |
snmp.netscaler.sdx.nsNsRx (gauge) | [SDX-ROOT-MIB] In Throughput of Citrix ADC Instance in Mbps |
snmp.netscaler.sdx.nsNsTx (gauge) | [SDX-ROOT-MIB] Out Throughput of Citrix ADC Instance in Mbps |
snmp.netscaler.sdx.softwareResource (gauge) | [SDX-ROOT-MIB] softwareResourcetable (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.netscaler.sdx.srSize (gauge) | [SDX-ROOT-MIB] Physical size of the storage repository |
snmp.netscaler.sdx.srUtilized (gauge) | [SDX-ROOT-MIB] Physical utilization of the storage repository |
snmp.netscaler.server (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] The servers table. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.netscaler.serverCount (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of servers defined on this Citrix ADC. |
snmp.netscaler.serviceGroup (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] The netscaler services group table (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.netscaler.servicePersistentHits (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of persistent hits. |
snmp.netscaler.sslCurSessions (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of active SSL sessions on the Citrix ADC. |
snmp.netscaler.sslDaysToExpire (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of days remaining for the certificate to expire. |
snmp.netscaler.sslSessionsPerSec (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] SSL sessions per second between client and Citrix ADC. |
snmp.netscaler.sslTotSessions (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of SSL sessions on the Citrix ADC. |
snmp.netscaler.svcActiveConn (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of connections that are currently active. |
snmp.netscaler.svcActiveTransactions (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of active transactions handled by this service. (Including those in the surge queue.) Active Transaction means number of transactions currently served by the server including those waiting in the SurgeQ |
snmp.netscaler.svcAvgSvrTTFB (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Average TTFB between the Citrix ADC and the server. TTFB is the time interval between sending the request packet to a service and receiving the first response from the service |
snmp.netscaler.svcAvgTransactionTime (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Average transaction time in microseconds between Citrix ADC and the service behind it. |
snmp.netscaler.svcCount (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of services defined on this Citrix ADC. |
snmp.netscaler.svcCurClntConnections (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of current client connections. |
snmp.netscaler.svcEstablishedConn (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of connections in ESTABLISHED state. |
snmp.netscaler.svcRequestRate (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Request rate in requests per second for this service or virtual server. |
snmp.netscaler.svcRxBytesRate (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Request rate in bytes per second fot this service or virtual server. |
snmp.netscaler.svcSurgeCount (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of requests in the surge queue. |
snmp.netscaler.svcTotalClients (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of established client connections. |
snmp.netscaler.svcTotalPktsRecvd (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of packets received by this service or virtual server. |
snmp.netscaler.svcTotalPktsSent (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of packets sent. |
snmp.netscaler.svcTotalRequestBytes (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of request bytes received on this service or virtual server. |
snmp.netscaler.svcTotalRequests (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of requests received on this service or virtual server. (This applies to HTTP/SSL services and servers.) |
snmp.netscaler.svcTotalResponseBytes (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of response bytes received by this service or virtual server. |
snmp.netscaler.svcTotalResponses (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of responses received on this service or virtual server. (This applies to HTTP/SSL services and servers.) |
snmp.netscaler.svcTotalServers (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of established server connections. |
snmp.netscaler.svcTxBytesRate (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Response rate in bytes per second for this service or virtual server. |
snmp.netscaler.svcgroupCount (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of service groups defined on this Citrix ADC. |
snmp.netscaler.svcgroupmemCount (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of service group members defined on this Citrix ADC. |
snmp.netscaler.sysHealthDiskAvail (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] The total disk space available in MBytes. |
snmp.netscaler.sysHealthDiskPerusage (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] The Percentage of the disk space used. |
snmp.netscaler.sysHealthDiskSize (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] The total disk space in MBytes (includes available and used spaces also). |
snmp.netscaler.sysHealthDiskUsed (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] The total disk space used in MBytes. |
snmp.netscaler.syssvcCount (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of services configured on this Citrix ADC. |
snmp.netscaler.sysupsvcCount (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of configured services which are up on this Citrix ADC. |
snmp.netscaler.sysupsvcitmCount (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of configured service items which are up on this Citrix ADC. |
snmp.netscaler.tcpCurClientConn (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Client connections, including connections in the Opening, Established, and Closing state. |
snmp.netscaler.tcpCurClientConnEstablished (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Current client connections in the Established state, which indicates that data transfer can occur between the Citrix ADC and the client. |
snmp.netscaler.tcpCurServerConnEstablished (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Current server connections in the Established state, which indicates that data transfer can occur between the Citrix ADC and the server. |
snmp.netscaler.tcpErrAnyPortFail (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Port allocations that have failed on a mapped IP address because the maximum limit of 65536 has been exceeded. |
snmp.netscaler.tcpErrIpPortFail (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Port allocations that have failed on a subnet IP address or vserver IP address because the maximum limit of 65536 has been exceeded. |
snmp.netscaler.tcpErrRetransmit (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] TCP packets retransmitted. The Citrix ADC attempts to retransmit the packet up to seven times, after which it resets the other half of the TCP connection. |
snmp.netscaler.tcpTotRxPkts (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] TCP packets received. |
snmp.netscaler.tcpTotTxPkts (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] TCP packets transmitted. |
snmp.netscaler.totSpilloverCount (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total count of spillovers. |
snmp.netscaler.vsvrBindCount (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of virtual server bindings on this Citrix ADC. |
snmp.netscaler.vsvrCurClntConnections (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of current client connections. |
snmp.netscaler.vsvrCurServicesDown (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] The current number of services which are bound to this vserver and are in the state 'down'. |
snmp.netscaler.vsvrCurServicesUp (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] The current number of services which are bound to this vserver and are in the state 'up'. |
snmp.netscaler.vsvrCurSrvrConnections (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of current connections to the actual servers behind the virtual server. |
snmp.netscaler.vsvrHealth (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] The percentage of UP services bound to this vserver. |
snmp.netscaler.vsvrRequestRate (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Request rate in requests per second for this service or virtual server. |
snmp.netscaler.vsvrRxBytesRate (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Request rate in bytes per second fot this service or virtual server. |
snmp.netscaler.vsvrServiceHits (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of times that the service has been provided. |
snmp.netscaler.vsvrSoThreshold (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Spill Over Threshold set on the VServer. |
snmp.netscaler.vsvrSvcGrpBindCount (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of virtual server, service group bindings on this Citrix ADC. |
snmp.netscaler.vsvrSynfloodRate (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Rate of unacknowledged SYN packets for this service or virtual server. |
snmp.netscaler.vsvrTotSpillOvers (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of times vserver experienced spill over. |
snmp.netscaler.vsvrTotalClients (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of established client connections. |
snmp.netscaler.vsvrTotalRequestBytes (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of request bytes received on this service or virtual server. |
snmp.netscaler.vsvrTotalRequests (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of requests received on this service or virtual server. (This applies to HTTP/SSL services and servers.) |
snmp.netscaler.vsvrTotalResponseBytes (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of response bytes received by this service or virtual server. |
snmp.netscaler.vsvrTotalResponses (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Number of responses received on this service or virtual server. (This applies to HTTP/SSL services and servers.) |
snmp.netscaler.vsvrTotalServers (count) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Total number of established server connections. |
snmp.netscaler.vsvrTotalServicesBound (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] The current number of services which are bound to this vserver. |
snmp.netscaler.vsvrTxBytesRate (gauge) | [NS-ROOT-MIB] Response rate in bytes per second for this service or virtual server. |
snmp.networkDeviceStatus (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The status of the network device. |
snmp.nimble.diskSnapBytesUsedHigh (gauge) | [NIMBLE-MIB] Total number of bytes used on disk for snapshots - high order bytes. |
snmp.nimble.diskSnapBytesUsedLow (gauge) | [NIMBLE-MIB] Total number of bytes used on disk for snapshots - low order bytes. |
snmp.nimble.diskVolBytesUsedHigh (gauge) | [NIMBLE-MIB] Total number of bytes used on disk for volumes - high order bytes. |
snmp.nimble.diskVolBytesUsedLow (gauge) | [NIMBLE-MIB] Total number of bytes used on disk for volumes - low order bytes. |
snmp.nimble.ioNonseqReadHits (count) | [NIMBLE-MIB] Total cumulative number of cache hits for Non-Sequential Read I/Os. |
snmp.nimble.ioReadBytes (count) | [NIMBLE-MIB] Total cumulative number of Read I/O bytes (sequential and random). |
snmp.nimble.ioReadTimeMicrosec (count) | [NIMBLE-MIB] Total cumulative microseconds the system has spent processing Read I/Os. This includes system and disk latency, but not any network latency back to the initiator. |
snmp.nimble.ioReads (count) | [NIMBLE-MIB] Total cumulative number of Read I/Os (sequential and random). |
snmp.nimble.ioSeqReadBytes (count) | [NIMBLE-MIB] Total cumulative number of Sequential Read I/O bytes. |
snmp.nimble.ioSeqWriteBytes (count) | [NIMBLE-MIB] Total cumulative number of Sequential Write I/O bytes. |
snmp.nimble.ioWriteBytes (count) | [NIMBLE-MIB] Total cumulative number of Write I/O bytes (sequential and random). |
snmp.nimble.ioWriteTimeMicrosec (count) | [NIMBLE-MIB] Total cumulative microseconds the system has spent processing Write I/Os. This includes system and disk latency, but not any network latency back to the initiator. |
snmp.nimble.ioWrites (count) | [NIMBLE-MIB] Total cumulative number of Write I/Os. |
snmp.nimble.volIoReads (count) | [NIMBLE-MIB] Total cumulative number of Read I/Os (sequential and random). |
snmp.nimble.volIoWrites (count) | [NIMBLE-MIB] Total cumulative number of Write I/Os. |
snmp.nimble.volReserveHigh (gauge) | [NIMBLE-MIB] Number of bytes reserved for a volume - high order bytes. |
snmp.nimble.volReserveLow (gauge) | [NIMBLE-MIB] Number of bytes reserved for a volume - low order bytes. |
snmp.nimble.volSizeHigh (gauge) | [NIMBLE-MIB] Maximum defined size of a volume in bytes - high order bytes. |
snmp.nimble.volSizeLow (gauge) | [NIMBLE-MIB] Maximum defined size of a volume in bytes - low order bytes. |
snmp.nimble.volUsageHigh (gauge) | [NIMBLE-MIB] Current number of bytes a volume is using - high order bytes. |
snmp.nimble.volUsageLow (gauge) | [NIMBLE-MIB] Current number of bytes a volume is using - low order bytes. |
snmp.nodeHealth (gauge) | [Isilon] The overall health of the node. |
snmp.nodeIfsInBytes (gauge) | [Isilon] The number of bytes into /ifs through this node. Shown as byte |
snmp.nodeIfsOutBytes (gauge) | [Isilon] The number of bytes out of /ifs through this node. Shown as byte |
snmp.ntlsConnectedClients (gauge) | [CHRYSALIS-UTSP-MIB] This Gauge32 objects' value indicates the current number of connected clients of the NTLS. |
snmp.ntlsFailedClientConnections (gauge) | [CHRYSALIS-UTSP-MIB] This Counter64 objects' value indicates the total number of unsuccessful client connections of the NTLS. |
snmp.ntlsLinks (gauge) | [CHRYSALIS-UTSP-MIB] This Gauge32 objects' value indicates the current number of links of the NTLS. |
snmp.ntlsSuccessfulClientConnections (gauge) | [CHRYSALIS-UTSP-MIB] This Counter64 objects' value indicates the total number of successful client connections of the NTLS. |
snmp.nwAppPort (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Network application port number. |
snmp.nwTrafficTotal (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total network traffic in bytes. Shown as byte |
snmp.ogCellModemCounter (count) | [OG-STATUSv2-MIB] The number of alerts the modem has triggered. |
snmp.ogEmdStatusAlertCount (gauge) | [OG-STATUS-MIB] Number of alerts triggered on the EMD |
snmp.ogEmdStatusHumidity (gauge) | [OG-STATUS-MIB] Humidity sensor on the EMD |
snmp.ogEmdStatusTemp (gauge) | [OG-STATUS-MIB] Current temperature on the EMD |
snmp.ogRpcStatusAlertCount (gauge) | [OG-STATUS-MIB] Number of alerts triggered on the RPC |
snmp.ogRpcStatusMaxTemp (gauge) | [OG-STATUS-MIB] Maximum temperature on the RPC |
snmp.ogSerialPortRxBytes (count) | [OG-STATUSv2-MIB] Serial port bytes received |
snmp.ogSerialPortStatusRxBytes (count) | [OG-STATUS-MIB] Serial port bytes received |
snmp.ogSerialPortStatusTxBytes (count) | [OG-STATUS-MIB] Serial port bytes transmitted |
snmp.ogSerialPortTxBytes (count) | [OG-STATUSv2-MIB] Serial port bytes transmitted |
snmp.operatingSystemMemoryAvailablePageFileSize (gauge) | [Dell Poweredge] The available page file memory in the Operating System Memory in Kbytes. Shown as kibibyte |
snmp.operatingSystemMemoryAvailablePhysicalSize (gauge) | [Dell Poweredge] The available physical memory in the Operating System Memory in Kbytes. Shown as kibibyte |
snmp.operatingSystemMemoryAvailableVirtualSize (gauge) | [Dell Poweredge] The available virtual memory in the Operating System Memory in Kbytes. Shown as kibibyte |
snmp.operatingSystemMemoryTotalPageFileSize (gauge) | [Dell Poweredge] The total page file memory in the Operating System Memory in Kbytes. Shown as kibibyte |
snmp.operatingSystemMemoryTotalVirtualSize (gauge) | [Dell Poweredge] The total virtual memory in the Operating System Memory in Kbytes. Shown as kibibyte |
snmp.ospfIf (gauge) | The number of OSPF interfaces by state. |
snmp.ospfIfLsaCount (gauge) | [Arista] [Aruba] [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Palo Alto] [F5 BIG-IP] The total number of link-local link state advertisements in this interface's link-local link state database. |
snmp.ospfIfRetransInterval (gauge) | [Arista] [Aruba] [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Palo Alto] [F5 BIG-IP] The number of seconds between link state advertisement retransmissions, for adjacencies belonging to this interface. Shown as second |
snmp.ospfIfState (gauge) | [Arista] [Aruba] [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Palo Alto] [F5 BIG-IP] The OSPF Interface State. |
snmp.ospfNbr (gauge) | The number of OSPF neighbors by state. |
snmp.ospfNbrEvents (gauge) | [Arista] [Aruba] [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Palo Alto] [F5 BIG-IP] The number of times this neighbor relationship has changed state or an error has occurred. |
snmp.ospfNbrLsRetransQLen (gauge) | [Arista] [Aruba] [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Palo Alto] [F5 BIG-IP] The current length of the retransmission queue. |
snmp.ospfNbrState (gauge) | [Arista] [Aruba] [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Palo Alto] [F5 BIG-IP] The state of the relationship with this neighbor. |
snmp.ospfVirtIf (gauge) | The number of OSPF virtual interfaces by state. |
snmp.ospfVirtIfLsaCount (gauge) | [Arista] [Aruba] [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Palo Alto] [F5 BIG-IP] The total number of link-local link state advertisements in this virtual interface's link-local link state database. |
snmp.ospfVirtIfRetransInterval (gauge) | [Arista] [Aruba] [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Palo Alto] [F5 BIG-IP] The number of seconds between link state avertisement retransmissions, for adjacencies belonging to this interface. Shown as second |
snmp.ospfVirtIfState (gauge) | [Arista] [Aruba] [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Palo Alto] [F5 BIG-IP] OSPF virtual interface states. |
snmp.ospfVirtNbr (gauge) | The number of OSPF virtual neighbors by state. |
snmp.ospfVirtNbrEvents (gauge) | [Arista] [Aruba] [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Palo Alto] [F5 BIG-IP] The number of times this virtual link has changed its state or an error has occurred. |
snmp.ospfVirtNbrLsRetransQLen (gauge) | [Arista] [Aruba] [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Palo Alto] [F5 BIG-IP] The current length of the retransmission queue. |
snmp.ospfVirtNbrState (gauge) | [Arista] [Aruba] [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Palo Alto] [F5 BIG-IP] The state of the virtual neighbor relationship. |
snmp.outOfService (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] Whether the PDU is in-service. |
snmp.outlet10Current (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet10 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.outlet11Current (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet11 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.outlet12Current (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet12 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.outlet13Current (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet13 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.outlet14Current (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet14 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.outlet15Current (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet15 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.outlet16Current (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet16 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.outlet17Current (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet17 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.outlet18Current (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet18 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.outlet19Current (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet19 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.outlet1Current (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet1 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.outlet20Current (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet20 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.outlet21Current (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet21 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.outlet22Current (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet22 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.outlet23Current (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet23 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.outlet24Current (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet24 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.outlet2Current (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet2 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.outlet3Current (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet3 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.outlet4Current (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet4 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.outlet5Current (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet5 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.outlet6Current (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet6 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.outlet7Current (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet7 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.outlet8Current (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet8 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.outlet9Current (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet9 current draw in 1/100 Amps. |
snmp.pCIDeviceStatus (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The status of the PCI device. |
snmp.panEntityTotalPowerAvail (gauge) | [Palo Alto] Total Power Available on the system (in watts). |
snmp.panEntityTotalPowerUsed (gauge) | [Palo Alto] Total Power Used on the system (in watts). |
snmp.panEntryFRUModuleNumPorts (gauge) | [Palo Alto] Number of Ports on the FRU Module. |
snmp.panEntryFRUModulePowerUsed (gauge) | [Palo Alto] Power used by the FRU Module (in watts). |
snmp.panEntryFanTrayPowerUsed (gauge) | [Palo Alto] Power used by the Fan Tray (in watts). |
snmp.panGPGWUtilizationActiveTunnels (gauge) | [Palo Alto] Number of active tunnels. |
snmp.panGPGWUtilizationMaxTunnels (gauge) | [Palo Alto] Maximum tunnels allowed. |
snmp.panGPGWUtilizationPct (gauge) | [Palo Alto] GlobalProtect Gateway utilization percentage. Shown as percent |
snmp.panSessionActive (gauge) | [Palo Alto] Total number of active sessions. Shown as session |
snmp.panSessionActiveICMP (gauge) | [Palo Alto] Total number of active ICMP sessions. Shown as session |
snmp.panSessionActiveSslProxy (gauge) | [Palo Alto] Total number of active SSL proxy sessions. Shown as session |
snmp.panSessionActiveTcp (gauge) | [Palo Alto] Total number of active TCP sessions. Shown as session |
snmp.panSessionActiveUdp (gauge) | [Palo Alto] Total number of active UDP sessions. Shown as session |
snmp.panSessionMax (gauge) | [Palo Alto] Total number of sessions supported. Shown as session |
snmp.panSessionSslProxyUtilization (gauge) | [Palo Alto] SSL proxy Session utilization percentage. Shown as session |
snmp.panSessionUtilization (gauge) | [Palo Alto] Session table utilization percentage. Values should be between 0 and 100. |
snmp.pduRole (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] PDU Role, 1 = primary, 0 = secondary. |
snmp.peerConnectionByState (gauge) | Constant metric equal to 1 |
snmp.peplink.deviceFanSpeed (gauge) | [PEPLINK-DEVICE] Device fan speed(RPM). |
snmp.peplink.devicePSUPercentage (gauge) | [PEPLINK-DEVICE] Device power consumption, in hundredths of a percent. |
snmp.peplink.devicePowerSource (gauge) | [PEPLINK-DEVICE] Power source Table. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.peplink.deviceTemperatureCelsius (gauge) | [PEPLINK-DEVICE] System temperature in mC. |
snmp.peplink.deviceTemperatureFahrenheit (gauge) | [PEPLINK-DEVICE] System temperature in mF. |
snmp.peplink.linkDataTransferred (count) | [PEPLINK-BALANCE-MIB] The numbe of bytes transferred through. |
snmp.peplink.linkThroughputIn (count) | [PEPLINK-BALANCE-MIB] The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as i... |
snmp.peplink.linkThroughputOut (count) | [PEPLINK-BALANCE-MIB] The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of b... |
snmp.peplink.wanUsageDataTransferred (count) | [PEPLINK-BALANCE-MIB] The numbe of bytes transferred through. |
snmp.peplink.wanUsageThroughputIn (count) | [PEPLINK-BALANCE-MIB] The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as i... |
snmp.peplink.wanUsageThroughputOut (count) | [PEPLINK-BALANCE-MIB] The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of b... |
snmp.phion.bgpNeighbors (gauge) | [PHION-MIB] Reports neighbor routers identified through BGP. Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X. |
snmp.phion.boxServices (gauge) | [PHION-MIB] Reports all box services on the box. Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X. |
snmp.phion.hwSensorValue (gauge) | [PHION-MIB] Reports hardware-related values: fan speeds, temperatures, power supply information. |
snmp.phion.ospfNeighbors (gauge) | [PHION-MIB] Reports neighbor routers identified through OSPF. Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X. |
snmp.phion.ripNeighbors (gauge) | [PHION-MIB] Reports next-hops identified through RIP. Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X. |
snmp.phion.trafficShape.class1Drop (count) | [PHION-MIB] Reports the traffic shaping usage dropped packets for class1. |
snmp.phion.trafficShape.class1Pakets (count) | [PHION-MIB] Reports the traffic shaping usage total packets for class1. |
snmp.phion.trafficShape.class1Total (count) | [PHION-MIB] Reports the traffic shaping usage total bytes for class1. |
snmp.phion.trafficShape.class2Drop (count) | [PHION-MIB] Reports the traffic shaping usage dropped packets for class2. |
snmp.phion.trafficShape.class2Pakets (count) | [PHION-MIB] Reports the traffic shaping usage total packets for class2. |
snmp.phion.trafficShape.class2Total (count) | [PHION-MIB] Reports the traffic shaping usage total bytes for class2. |
snmp.phion.trafficShape.class3Drop (count) | [PHION-MIB] Reports the traffic shaping usage dropped packets for class3. |
snmp.phion.trafficShape.class3Pakets (count) | [PHION-MIB] Reports the traffic shaping usage total packets for class3. |
snmp.phion.trafficShape.class3Total (count) | [PHION-MIB] Reports the traffic shaping usage total bytes for class3. |
snmp.phion.trafficShape.noDelayDrop (count) | [PHION-MIB] Reports the traffic shaping usage dropped packets for no delay. |
snmp.phion.trafficShape.noDelayPakets (count) | [PHION-MIB] Reports the traffic shaping usage total packets for no delay. |
snmp.phion.trafficShape.noDelayTotal (count) | [PHION-MIB] Reports the traffic shaping usage total bytes for no delay. |
snmp.phion.trafficShape.rate (count) | [PHION-MIB] Reports the traffic shaping usage rate. |
snmp.phion.trafficShape.sessions (count) | [PHION-MIB] Reports the traffic shaping usage number of sessions. |
snmp.phion.vpnTunnels (gauge) | [PHION-MIB] Reports all active site-to-site and client-to-site VPN tunnels established on the firewall. Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X. |
snmp.phion.vpnUsers (gauge) | [PHION-MIB] Reports number of concurrent VPN users (active number of client-to-site VPN tunnels). |
snmp.physicalDiskCapacityInMB (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The size of the physical disk in megabytes. Shown as mebibyte |
snmp.physicalDiskFreeSpaceInMB (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The amount of free space in megabytes on the physical disk. Shown as mebibyte |
snmp.physicalDiskState (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The current state of this physical disk. See Dell documentation to learn more: |
snmp.physicalDiskUsedSpaceInMB (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The amount of used space in megabytes on the physical disk. Shown as mebibyte |
snmp.poeLastUpdateTime (gauge) | [CUMULUS-POE-MIB] The system uptime timestamp when the objects in this MIB were last updated. The default for the update period is every 300 seconds or 5 minutes. |
snmp.poeTotalAvailablePower (gauge) | [CUMULUS-POE-MIB] The total UNUSED and available power for the system in the common pool for new devices, shown with 3 decimal places of precision (milliwatts). For example, an integer value of 706300 is equivalent 706.3 Watts. |
snmp.poeTotalSystemPower (gauge) | [CUMULUS-POE-MIB] The total power available to the system, shown with 3 decimal place of precision (milliwatts). Dividing this value by 1000 returns the number of watts. For example, a value of 730400 is equivalent to 730.4 watts. |
snmp.poeTotalUsedPower (gauge) | [CUMULUS-POE-MIB] The total power USED by ports in the system, shown with 3 decimal places of precision (milliwatts). For example, an integer value of 24500 is equivalent to 24.5 Watts. |
snmp.powerFactxy1 (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The branch XY1 power factor. |
snmp.powerFactxy2 (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The branch XY2 power factor. |
snmp.powerFactyz1 (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The branch YZ1 power factor. |
snmp.powerFactyz2 (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The branch YZ2 power factor. |
snmp.powerFactzx1 (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The branch ZX1 power factor. |
snmp.powerFactzx2 (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The branch ZX2 power factor. |
snmp.powerSupplyCurrentInputVoltage (gauge) | [Dell Poweredge] The current input voltage to the power supply (in Volts). Shown as volt |
snmp.powerSupplyMaximumInputVoltage (gauge) | [Dell Poweredge] The maximum input voltage of the power supply (in Volts). Shown as volt |
snmp.powerSupplyOutputWatts (gauge) | [Dell Poweredge] The maximum sustained output wattage of the power supply in tenths of watts. Shown as deciwatt |
snmp.powerSupplyStatus (gauge) | [Dell Poweredge] The status of the power supply. |
snmp.powerUsageStatus (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The status of the power usage information. |
snmp.powernet.rPDU2SensorTempHumidityStatusRelativeHumidity (gauge) | [PowerNet-MIB] Sensor humidity reading in percent relative humidity |
snmp.powernet.rPDU2SensorTempHumidityStatusTempC (gauge) | [PowerNet-MIB] Sensor temperature reading in tenths of degrees Celsius |
snmp.powernet.rPDU2SensorTempHumidityStatusTempF (gauge) | [PowerNet-MIB] Sensor temperature reading in tenths of degrees Fahrenheit |
snmp.powernet.rPDULoadStatusLoad (gauge) | [PowerNet-MIB] Getting this OID will return the phase/bank load measured in tenths of Amps. |
snmp.powernet.rPDUOutletStatusLoad (gauge) | [PowerNet-MIB] Getting this OID will return the measured Outlet load for an Outlet Monitored Rack PDU in tenths of Amps. For other models this OID is not supported. |
snmp.powernet.rPDUPowerSupplyAlarm (gauge) | [PowerNet-MIB] Getting this OID will return powerSupply Alarm |
snmp.powernet.rPDUStatusBank (gauge) | [PowerNet-MIB] Allows for getting of status of each Rack PDU Bank (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.powernet.rPDUStatusOutlet (gauge) | [PowerNet-MIB] Allows for getting of status of each Outlet of an Outlet Monitored Rack PDU. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.powernet.rPDUStatusPhase (gauge) | [PowerNet-MIB] Allows for getting of status of each Rack PDU Phase (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.powerxy1 (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The branch XY1 power consumption in Watts. |
snmp.powerxy2 (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The branch XY2 power consumption in Watts. |
snmp.poweryz1 (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The branch YZ1 power consumption in Watts. |
snmp.poweryz2 (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The branch YZ2 power consumption in Watts. |
snmp.powerzx1 (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The branch ZX1 power consumption in Watts. |
snmp.powerzx2 (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The branch ZX2 power consumption in Watts. |
snmp.procNum (gauge) | [Checkpoint Firewall] Number of machine cores. Shown as core |
snmp.processorDeviceCurrentSpeed (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The current speed of the processor device in MHz. Shown as megahertz |
snmp.processorDeviceMaximumSpeed (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The maximum speed of the processor device in MHz. Shown as megahertz |
snmp.processorDeviceStatus (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] [Dell Poweredge] The status of the processor device. |
snmp.processorDeviceStatusReading (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The reading of the processor device status probe. |
snmp.processorDeviceStatusStatus (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The status of the processor device status probe. |
snmp.processorDeviceThreadCount (gauge) | [Dell Poweredge] The number of processor threads detected for the processor device. Shown as thread |
snmp.processorDeviceVoltage (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The voltage powering the processor device in millivolts. Shown as millivolt |
snmp.protocolOpsPerSecond (gauge) | [Isilon] The number of operations per second for the last 5 second. Shown as operation |
snmp.psAuditPolicyEvalCount (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total number of audit policies evaluated. |
snmp.psAuditPolicyEvalTime (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Time taken (ms) for the evaluation of audit policies. Shown as millisecond |
snmp.psAuthCounterFailure (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total number of failed authentications computed on the Policy Server. |
snmp.psAuthCounterSuccess (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total number of successful authentications computed on the Policy Server. |
snmp.psAuthCounterTotal (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total number of authentications computed on the Policy Server. |
snmp.psAutzCounterCount (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total number of Policy authorizations. |
snmp.psAutzCounterFailure (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total number of failed Policy authorizations. |
snmp.psAutzCounterSuccess (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total number of successful Policy authorizations. |
snmp.psAutzCounterTime (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Time taken (ms) for Policy authorizations. Shown as millisecond |
snmp.psEnforcementPolicyEvalCount (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total number of enforcement policies evaluated. |
snmp.psEnforcementPolicyEvalTime (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Time taken (ms) for the evaluation of enforcement policies. Shown as millisecond |
snmp.psPosturePolicyEvalCount (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total number of posture policies evaluated. |
snmp.psPosturePolicyEvalTime (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Time taken (ms) for the evaluation of posture policies. Shown as millisecond |
snmp.psRestrictionPolicyEvalCount (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total number of restriction policies evaluated. |
snmp.psRestrictionPolicyEvalTime (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Time taken (ms) for the evaluation of restriction policies. Shown as millisecond |
snmp.psRolemappingPolicyEvalCount (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total number of role mapping policies evaluated. |
snmp.psRolemappingPolicyEvalTime (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Time taken (ms) for the evaluation of role mapping policies. Shown as millisecond |
snmp.psServicePolicyEvalCount (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total number of service policies evaluated. |
snmp.psServicePolicyEvalTime (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Time taken (ms) for the evaluation of service policies. Shown as millisecond |
snmp.psSessionlogTime (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Time taken (ms) for session logging. Shown as millisecond |
snmp.quotaAdvisoryThreshold (gauge) | [Isilon] The advisory threshold in bytes. Shown as byte |
snmp.quotaHardThreshold (gauge) | [Isilon] The hard threshold in bytes. Shown as byte |
snmp.quotaSoftThreshold (gauge) | [Isilon] The soft threshold in bytes. Shown as byte |
snmp.quotaUsage (gauge) | [Isilon] The current quota usage in bytes. Shown as byte |
snmp.radAuthCounterCount (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total number of RADIUS authentications. |
snmp.radAuthCounterFailure (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total number of failed RADIUS authentications. |
snmp.radAuthCounterSuccess (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total number of successful RADIUS authentications. |
snmp.radAuthCounterTime (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Time taken (ms) to authenticate against an authentication source. Shown as millisecond |
snmp.radAuthRequestTime (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total time taken (ms) for RADIUS request end-to-end. Shown as millisecond |
snmp.radPolicyEvalTime (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total time taken (ms) for policy evaluation from RADIUS server prespective. Shown as millisecond |
snmp.radServerCounterCount (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total RADIUS request count. |
snmp.radServerCounterFailure (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Failed RADIUS request count. |
snmp.radServerCounterSuccess (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Successful RADIUS request count. |
snmp.raritan.remotekvm.portData (gauge) | [RemoteKVMDevice-MIB] Retrieve data for all ports (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.raritan.remotekvm.systemPowerSupply (gauge) | [RemoteKVMDevice-MIB] Status of all power supplies (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.receptacleEnergyoutlet10s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet10 receptacle energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.receptacleEnergyoutlet11s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet11 receptacle energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.receptacleEnergyoutlet12s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet12 receptacle energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.receptacleEnergyoutlet13s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet13 receptacle energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.receptacleEnergyoutlet14s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet14 receptacle energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.receptacleEnergyoutlet15s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet15 receptacle energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.receptacleEnergyoutlet16s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet16 receptacle energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.receptacleEnergyoutlet17s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet17 receptacle energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.receptacleEnergyoutlet18s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet18 receptacle energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.receptacleEnergyoutlet19s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet19 receptacle energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.receptacleEnergyoutlet1s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet1 receptacle energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.receptacleEnergyoutlet20s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet20 receptacle energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.receptacleEnergyoutlet21s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet21 receptacle energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.receptacleEnergyoutlet22s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet22 receptacle energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.receptacleEnergyoutlet23s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet23 receptacle energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.receptacleEnergyoutlet24s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet24 receptacle energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.receptacleEnergyoutlet2s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet2 receptacle energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.receptacleEnergyoutlet3s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet3 receptacle energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.receptacleEnergyoutlet4s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet4 receptacle energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.receptacleEnergyoutlet5s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet5 receptacle energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.receptacleEnergyoutlet6s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet6 receptacle energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.receptacleEnergyoutlet7s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet7 receptacle energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.receptacleEnergyoutlet8s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet8 receptacle energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. |
snmp.receptacleEnergyoutlet9s (count) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The outlet9 receptacle energy accumulated in decaWatt-secs, divide by 360 to obtain Watt-hr. | (gauge) | [INTERCEPTOR-MIB] Current health |
snmp.riverbed.interceptor.neighborConnectionCount (gauge) | [INTERCEPTOR-MIB] The number of optimized connections |
snmp.riverbed.interceptor.proc (gauge) | [INTERCEPTOR-MIB] (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.riverbed.interceptor.serviceStatus (gauge) | [INTERCEPTOR-MIB] Current service status |
snmp.riverbed.steelhead.activeConnections (gauge) | [STEELHEAD-MIB] Current number of active (optimized) connections |
snmp.riverbed.steelhead.establishedConnections (gauge) | [STEELHEAD-MIB] Current number of established (optimized) connections |
snmp.riverbed.steelhead.halfClosedConnections (gauge) | [STEELHEAD-MIB] Current total number of half-closed (optimized) connections |
snmp.riverbed.steelhead.halfOpenedConnections (gauge) | [STEELHEAD-MIB] Current total number of half-opened (optimized) connections |
snmp.riverbed.steelhead.optimizedConnections (gauge) | [STEELHEAD-MIB] Current total number of optimized connections |
snmp.riverbed.steelhead.passthroughConnections (gauge) | [STEELHEAD-MIB] Current total number of pass-through connections |
snmp.riverbed.steelhead.totalConnections (gauge) | [STEELHEAD-MIB] Total number of connections |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen1_1 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The sensor's current temperature in Celsius. |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen1_2 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The sensor's current temperature in Fahrenheit. |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen1_3 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current % relative humidity, voltage reading (V), power state (1=Power Detected, 0=No Power Detected), thermocouple temperature (C), or air speed (m/s). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen1_4 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current heat index (F), custom analog reading, thermocouple temperature (F), or air speed (f/m). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen1_5 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current heat index (C), thermocouple fault code (0=No Fault), or air flow (CMH). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen1_6 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current dew point (C) or air flow (CFM). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen1_7 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current dew point (F). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen2_1 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The sensor's current temperature in Celsius. |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen2_2 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The sensor's current temperature in Fahrenheit. |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen2_3 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current % relative humidity, voltage reading (V), power state (1=Power Detected, 0=No Power Detected), thermocouple temperature (C), or air speed (m/s). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen2_4 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current heat index (F), custom analog reading, thermocouple temperature (F), or air speed (f/m). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen2_5 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current heat index (C), thermocouple fault code (0=No Fault), or air flow (CMH). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen2_6 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current dew point (C) or air flow (CFM). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen2_7 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current dew point (F). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen3_1 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The sensor's current temperature in Celsius. |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen3_2 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The sensor's current temperature in Fahrenheit. |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen3_3 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current % relative humidity, voltage reading (V), power state (1=Power Detected, 0=No Power Detected), thermocouple temperature (C), or air speed (m/s). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen3_4 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current heat index (F), custom analog reading, thermocouple temperature (F), or air speed (f/m). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen3_5 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current heat index (C), thermocouple fault code (0=No Fault), or air flow (CMH). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen3_6 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current dew point (C) or air flow (CFM). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen3_7 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current dew point (F). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen4_1 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The sensor's current temperature in Celsius. |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen4_2 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The sensor's current temperature in Fahrenheit. |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen4_3 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current % relative humidity, voltage reading (V), power state (1=Power Detected, 0=No Power Detected), thermocouple temperature (C), or air speed (m/s). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen4_4 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current heat index (F), custom analog reading, thermocouple temperature (F), or air speed (f/m). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen4_5 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current heat index (C), thermocouple fault code (0=No Fault), or air flow (CMH). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen4_6 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current dew point (C) or air flow (CFM). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen4_7 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current dew point (F). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen5_1 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The sensor's current temperature in Celsius. |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen5_2 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The sensor's current temperature in Fahrenheit. |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen5_3 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current % relative humidity, voltage reading (V), power state (1=Power Detected, 0=No Power Detected), thermocouple temperature (C), or air speed (m/s). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen5_4 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current heat index (F), custom analog reading, thermocouple temperature (F), or air speed (f/m). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen5_5 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current heat index (C), thermocouple fault code (0=No Fault), or air flow (CMH). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen5_6 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current dew point (C) or air flow (CFM). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen5_7 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current dew point (F). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen6_1 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The sensor's current temperature in Celsius. |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen6_2 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The sensor's current temperature in Fahrenheit. |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen6_3 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current % relative humidity, voltage reading (V), power state (1=Power Detected, 0=No Power Detected), thermocouple temperature (C), or air speed (m/s). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen6_4 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current heat index (F), custom analog reading, thermocouple temperature (F), or air speed (f/m). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen6_5 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current heat index (C), thermocouple fault code (0=No Fault), or air flow (CMH). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen6_6 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current dew point (C) or air flow (CFM). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen6_7 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current dew point (F). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen7_1 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The sensor's current temperature in Celsius. |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen7_2 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The sensor's current temperature in Fahrenheit. |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen7_3 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current % relative humidity, voltage reading (V), power state (1=Power Detected, 0=No Power Detected), thermocouple temperature (C), or air speed (m/s). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen7_4 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current heat index (F), custom analog reading, thermocouple temperature (F), or air speed (f/m). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen7_5 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current heat index (C), thermocouple fault code (0=No Fault), or air flow (CMH). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen7_6 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current dew point (C) or air flow (CFM). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen7_7 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current dew point (F). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen8_1 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The sensor's current temperature in Celsius. |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen8_2 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The sensor's current temperature in Fahrenheit. |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen8_3 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current % relative humidity, voltage reading (V), power state (1=Power Detected, 0=No Power Detected), thermocouple temperature (C), or air speed (m/s). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen8_4 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current heat index (F), custom analog reading, thermocouple temperature (F), or air speed (f/m). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen8_5 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current heat index (C), thermocouple fault code (0=No Fault), or air flow (CMH). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen8_6 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current dew point (C) or air flow (CFM). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.digital_sen8_7 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] Varies by sensor type: current dew point (F). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.internal_analog1 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The current status of the Room Alert 32S analog input (0-5VDC). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.internal_analog2 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The current status of the Room Alert 32S analog input (0-5VDC). |
snmp.roomalert.32s.internal_dew_point_c (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The internal dew-point reading in Celsius. |
snmp.roomalert.32s.internal_dew_point_f (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The internal dew-point reading in Fahrenheit. |
snmp.roomalert.32s.internal_heat_index (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The internal heat index reading in Fahrenheit. |
snmp.roomalert.32s.internal_heat_indexC (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The internal heat index reading in Celsius. |
snmp.roomalert.32s.internal_humidity (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The internal relative humidity reading in %RH. |
snmp.roomalert.32s.internal_relay1 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The status of the on-board relay output |
snmp.roomalert.32s.internal_relay2 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The status of the on-board relay output |
snmp.roomalert.32s.internal_tempc (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The internal temperature reading in Celsius. |
snmp.roomalert.32s.internal_tempf (gauge) | [ROOMALERT32S-MIB] The internal temperature reading in Fahrenheit. |
snmp.roomalert.3e.digital_sen1_1 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3E-MIB] The current temperature reading in Celsius of the Internal Temperature Sensor. |
snmp.roomalert.3e.digital_sen1_2 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3E-MIB] The current temperature reading in Fahrenheit of the Internal Temperature Sensor. |
snmp.roomalert.3e.digital_sen2_1 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3E-MIB] If this sensor is a Temperature, Temp/Humidity, Temp/Analog, or Temp/Active Power sensor, this value represents the current temperature in Celsius. |
snmp.roomalert.3e.digital_sen2_2 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3E-MIB] If this sensor is a Temperature, Temp/Humidity, Temp/Analog, or Temp/Active Power sensor, this value represents the current temperature in Fahrenheit. |
snmp.roomalert.3e.digital_sen2_3 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3E-MIB] If this sensor is a Temp/Humidity sensor, this value represents the current relative humidity in % Relative Humidity. If this sensor is a Temp/Analog sensor, this value represents the current Voltage reading. If this is a Temp/Active Power sensor, this value represents the current power state (1=Power Detected, 0=No Power Detected). |
snmp.roomalert.3e.digital_sen2_4 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3E-MIB] If this sensor is a Temp/Humidity sensor, this value represents the current heat index in Fahrenheit. If this sensor is a Temp/Analog sensor, this value represents the current custom reading. |
snmp.roomalert.3e.digital_sen2_5 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3E-MIB] If this sensor is a Temp/Humidity sensor, this value represents the current heat index in Celsius. |
snmp.roomalert.3e.digital_sen2_7 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3E-MIB] If this sensor is a Temp/Humidity sensor, this value represents the current dew point in Fahrenheit. |
snmp.roomalert.3e.switch_sen1 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3E-MIB] The reading for the switch sensor (0 = OPEN, 1 = CLOSED). |
snmp.roomalert.3s.digital_sen1_1 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3S-MIB] If this sensor is a Temperature, Temp/Humidity, Temp/Analog, Temp/Active Power, or Digital Extreme Temperature sensor, this value represents the current temperature in Celsius. |
snmp.roomalert.3s.digital_sen1_2 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3S-MIB] If this sensor is a Temperature, Temp/Humidity, Temp/Analog, Temp/Active Power, or Digital Extreme Temperature sensor, this value represents the current temperature in Fahrenheit. |
snmp.roomalert.3s.digital_sen1_3 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3S-MIB] If this sensor is a Temp/Humidity sensor, this value represents the current relative humidity in % Relative Humidity. If this sensor is a Temp/Analog sensor, this value represents the current Voltage reading. If this is a Temp/Active Power sensor, this value represents the current power state (1=Power Detected, 0=No Power Detected). If this is a Digital Extreme Temperature sen... |
snmp.roomalert.3s.digital_sen1_4 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3S-MIB] If this sensor is a Temp/Humidity sensor, this value represents the current heat index in Fahrenheit. If this sensor is a Temp/Analog sensor, this value represents the current custom reading. If this is a Digital Extreme Temperature sensor, this value represents the current temperature from the thermocouple in Fahrenheit. |
snmp.roomalert.3s.digital_sen1_5 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3S-MIB] If this sensor is a Temp/Humidity sensor, this value represents the current heat index in Celsius. If this is a Digital Extreme Temperature Sensor, this value is a fault code. 0 = no fault. |
snmp.roomalert.3s.digital_sen1_6 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3S-MIB] If this sensor is a Temp/Humidity sensor, this value represents the current dew point in Celsius. |
snmp.roomalert.3s.digital_sen1_7 (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3S-MIB] If this sensor is a Temp/Humidity sensor, this value represents the current dew point in Fahrenheit. |
snmp.roomalert.3s.externalrelay1_element_eight (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3S-MIB] The status of the eighth element on external relay 1 |
snmp.roomalert.3s.externalrelay1_element_five (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3S-MIB] The status of the fifth element on external relay 1. |
snmp.roomalert.3s.externalrelay1_element_four (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3S-MIB] The status of the fourth element on external relay 1. |
snmp.roomalert.3s.externalrelay1_element_one (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3S-MIB] The status of the first element on external relay 1. |
snmp.roomalert.3s.externalrelay1_element_seven (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3S-MIB] The status of the seventh element on external relay 1. |
snmp.roomalert.3s.externalrelay1_element_six (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3S-MIB] The status of the sixth element on external relay 1. |
snmp.roomalert.3s.externalrelay1_element_three (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3S-MIB] The status of the third element on external relay 1. |
snmp.roomalert.3s.externalrelay1_element_two (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3S-MIB] The status of the second element on external relay 1. |
snmp.roomalert.3s.internal_tempc (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3S-MIB] The internal temperature reading in Celsius. |
snmp.roomalert.3s.internal_tempf (gauge) | [ROOMALERT3S-MIB] The internal temperature reading in Fahrenheit. |
snmp.rtpRcvrJitter (gauge) | [RTP-MIB] An estimate of delay variation as observed by this receiver. (see RFC 1889, 'RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications' sec.6.3.1 and A.8). |
snmp.rtpRcvrLostPackets (gauge) | [RTP-MIB] A count of RTP packets lost as observed by this receiver since rtpRcvrStartTime. |
snmp.rtpRcvrOctets (gauge) | [RTP-MIB] Count of non-header RTP octets received by this receiving RTP host since rtpRcvrStartTime. |
snmp.rtpRcvrPackets (gauge) | [RTP-MIB] Count of RTP packets received by this RTP host receiver since rtpRcvrStartTime. |
snmp.rtpSenderOctets (gauge) | [RTP-MIB] Count of non-header RTP octets sent by this sender, or observed by an RTP monitor, since rtpSenderStartTime. |
snmp.rtpSenderPackets (gauge) | [RTP-MIB] Count of RTP packets sent by this sender, or observed by an RTP monitor, since rtpSenderStartTime. |
snmp.rtpSessionByes (gauge) | [RTP-MIB] A count of RTCP BYE (see RFC 1889, 'RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications,' sec. 6.6) messages received by this entity. |
snmp.rtpSessionReceiverJoins (gauge) | [RTP-MIB] The number of receivers that have been been observed to have joined this session since this conceptual row was created (rtpSessionStartTime). A receiver 'joins' an RTP session by sending RTCP Receiver Reports to the session. Receivers that leave and then re-join following an RTCP BYE (see RFC 1889, 'RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications,' sec. 6.6) or session timeout ma... |
snmp.rtpSessionSenderJoins (gauge) | [RTP-MIB] The number of senders that have been observed to have joined the session since this conceptual row was created (rtpSessionStartTime). A sender 'joins' an RTP session by sending to it. Senders that leave and then re-join following an RTCP BYE (see RFC 1889, 'RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications,' sec. 6.6) or session timeout may be counted twice. Every time a new RTP se... |
snmp.rttMonCtrlOperTimeoutOccurred (gauge) | [CISCO-RTTMON-MIB] This value indicates whether a timeout has occurred during the Cisco IP SLA operation where 1 means true (timeout occurred) and 2 means false (no timeout). |
snmp.rttMonLatestRttOperCompletionTime (gauge) | [CISCO-RTTMON-MIB] This value shows the time in milliseconds taken to complete the latest succesful Cisco IP SLA operation. Shown as millisecond |
snmp.rttMonLatestRttOperSense (gauge) | [CISCO-RTTMON-MIB] This value indicates the result of the latest Cisco IP SLA operation where different integer values represent specific outcomes. Tagging the metric with rtt_sense will show the corresponding status. |
snmp.ruckusUnleashedSystemStatsAllNumSta (gauge) | [RUCKUS-UNLEASHED-SYSTEM-MIB] Number of All client devices |
snmp.ruckusUnleashedSystemStatsNumAP (gauge) | [RUCKUS-UNLEASHED-SYSTEM-MIB] Number of AP |
snmp.ruckusUnleashedSystemStatsNumRegisteredAP (gauge) | [RUCKUS-UNLEASHED-SYSTEM-MIB] Number of registered AP |
snmp.ruckusUnleashedSystemStatsWLANTotalAssocFail (count) | [RUCKUS-UNLEASHED-SYSTEM-MIB] Total number of failed station associations. |
snmp.ruckusUnleashedSystemStatsWLANTotalRxBytes (count) | [RUCKUS-UNLEASHED-SYSTEM-MIB] Total received bytes of wireless interfaces |
snmp.ruckusUnleashedSystemStatsWLANTotalRxPkts (count) | [RUCKUS-UNLEASHED-SYSTEM-MIB] Total received packets of wireless interfaces |
snmp.ruckusUnleashedSystemStatsWLANTotalTxBytes (count) | [RUCKUS-UNLEASHED-SYSTEM-MIB] Total transmitted bytes of wireless interfaces |
snmp.ruckusUnleashedSystemStatsWLANTotalTxFail (count) | [RUCKUS-UNLEASHED-SYSTEM-MIB] Total transmitted fail packets of wireless interfaces |
snmp.ruckusUnleashedSystemStatsWLANTotalTxPkts (count) | [RUCKUS-UNLEASHED-SYSTEM-MIB] Total transmitted packets of wireless interfaces |
snmp.ruckusUnleashedSystemStatsWLANTotalTxRetry (count) | [RUCKUS-UNLEASHED-SYSTEM-MIB] Total transmitted retry packets of wireless interfaces |
snmp.servertech.sentry3.envMon (gauge) | [SENTRY3-MIB] A table of environmental monitors. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.servertech.sentry3.infeedCapacity (gauge) | [SENTRY3-MIB] The load capacity of the input feed line. A non-negative value indicates the maximum load in Amps. A negative value indicates that the capacity was not available. |
snmp.servertech.sentry3.infeedCapacityUsed (gauge) | [SENTRY3-MIB] The used percentage of the input feed line load capacity (infeedLoadValue / infeedCapacity x 100). A non-negative value indicates the percentage of capacity used in tenths. A negative value indicates that the percentage of capacity used was not available. |
snmp.servertech.sentry3.infeedEnergy (gauge) | [SENTRY3-MIB] The energy consumption of the input feed phase. A non- negative value indicates the energy consumption in tenths of Kilowatt-Hours. A negative value indicates that the energy consumption was not available. |
snmp.servertech.sentry3.infeedLoadValue (gauge) | [SENTRY3-MIB] The load measured on the input feed line. A non-negative value indicates the measured load in hundredths of Amps. A negative value indicates that a load value was not able to be measured. |
snmp.servertech.sentry3.infeedOutletCount (gauge) | [SENTRY3-MIB] The number of controlled and/or monitored outlets on the input feed. |
snmp.servertech.sentry3.infeedPhaseCurrent (gauge) | [SENTRY3-MIB] The current measured for the input feed phase. A non- negative value indicates the measured load in hundredths of Amps. A negative value indicates that a load value was not able to be measured. |
snmp.servertech.sentry3.infeedPhaseVoltage (gauge) | [SENTRY3-MIB] The voltage measured for the input feed phase. A non- negative value indicates the voltage in tenths of Volts. A negative value indicates that the voltage was not available. |
snmp.servertech.sentry3.infeedPower (gauge) | [SENTRY3-MIB] The active power consumption of the input feed phase. A non- negative value indicates the active power consumption in Watts. A negative value indicates that the active power consumption was not available. |
snmp.servertech.sentry3.infeedVoltage (gauge) | [SENTRY3-MIB] The line-to-line voltage of the input feed. A non-negative value indicates the voltage in tenths of Volts. A negative value indicates that the voltage was not available. |
snmp.servertech.sentry3.outlet (gauge) | [SENTRY3-MIB] A table of outlets. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.servertech.sentry3.systemConfigModifiedCount (gauge) | [SENTRY3-MIB] The total number of times the system configuration has changed. |
snmp.servertech.sentry3.systemTotalPower (gauge) | [SENTRY3-MIB] The total power consumption of all of the input feeds in the system. A non-negative value indicates the total power consumption in Watts. A negative value indicates that the total power consumption was not available. |
snmp.servertech.sentry3.tempHumidSensorHumidValue (gauge) | [SENTRY3-MIB] The humidity measured by the sensor. A non-negative value indicates the measured humidity in percentage relative humidity. A negative value indicates that a humidity value was not able to be measured. |
snmp.servertech.sentry3.tempHumidSensorTempValue (gauge) | [SENTRY3-MIB] The temperature measured by the sensor. A non-negative value indicates the measured temperature in tenths of degrees, using the scale selected by tempHumidSensorTempScale. If the agent does not support the tempHumidSensorTempScale object, then the temperature scale used is Celsius. A negative value indicates that a temperature value was not able to be measured. |
snmp.servertech.sentry3.towerActivePower (gauge) | [SENTRY3-MIB] The total active power consumption of the tower circuit. A non-negative value indicates the total active power consumption in Watts. A negative value indicates that the total active power consumption was not available. |
snmp.servertech.sentry3.towerApparentPower (gauge) | [SENTRY3-MIB] The total apparent power consumption of the tower circuit. A non-negative value indicates the total apparent power consumption in Volt-Amps. A negative value indicates that the total apparent power consumption was not available. |
snmp.servertech.sentry3.towerEnergy (gauge) | [SENTRY3-MIB] The total energy consumption of the tower circuit. A non- negative value indicates the total energy consumption in Kilowatt-Hours. A negative value indicates that the total energy consumption was not available. |
snmp.servertech.sentry3.towerInfeedCount (gauge) | [SENTRY3-MIB] The number of input feeds on the tower. |
snmp.servertech.sentry3.towerLineFrequency (gauge) | [SENTRY3-MIB] The frequency of the input feed line voltage. A non- negative value indicates the frequency in Hertz. A negative value indicates that the frequency was not available. |
snmp.servertech.sentry3.towerPowerFactor (gauge) | [SENTRY3-MIB] The overall power factor of the tower circuit. A non- negative value indicates the overall power factor in hundredths. A negative value indicates that the overall power factor was not able to be measured. |
snmp.servertech.sentry3.towerVACapacity (gauge) | [SENTRY3-MIB] The total apparent power capacity of the tower circuit. A non-negative value indicates the maximum total apparent power in Volt-Amps. A negative value indicates that the total apparent power capacity was not available. |
snmp.servertech.sentry3.towerVACapacityUsed (gauge) | [SENTRY3-MIB] The used percentage of the tower circuit total apparent power capacity (towerApparentPower / towerVACapacity x 100). A non-negative value indicates the percentage of capacity used in tenths. A negative value indicates that the percentage of capacity used was not available. |
snmp.servertech.sentry4.st4BranchCurrent (gauge) | [SENTRY4-MIB] The measured current on the branch in hundredth Amps. |
snmp.servertech.sentry4.st4BranchCurrentUtilized (gauge) | [SENTRY4-MIB] The amount of the branch current capacity used in tenth percent. |
snmp.servertech.sentry4.st4HumidSensorValue (gauge) | [SENTRY4-MIB] The measured humidity on the sensor in percentage relative humidity. |
snmp.servertech.sentry4.st4InputCordActivePower (gauge) | [SENTRY4-MIB] The measured active power of the input cord in Watts. |
snmp.servertech.sentry4.st4InputCordApparentPower (gauge) | [SENTRY4-MIB] The measured apparent power of the input cord in Volt-Amps. |
snmp.servertech.sentry4.st4InputCordEnergy (gauge) | [SENTRY4-MIB] The total energy consumption of loads through the input cord in tenth Kilowatt-Hours. |
snmp.servertech.sentry4.st4InputCordFrequency (gauge) | [SENTRY4-MIB] The frequency of the input cord voltage in tenth Hertz. |
snmp.servertech.sentry4.st4InputCordOutOfBalance (gauge) | [SENTRY4-MIB] The current imbalance on the lines of the input cord in tenth percent. |
snmp.servertech.sentry4.st4InputCordPowerFactor (gauge) | [SENTRY4-MIB] The measured power factor of the input cord in hundredths. |
snmp.servertech.sentry4.st4InputCordPowerUtilized (gauge) | [SENTRY4-MIB] The amount of the input cord power capacity used in tenth percent. For AC products, this is the ratio of the apparent power to the power capacity. For DC products, this is the ratio of the active power to the power capacity. |
snmp.servertech.sentry4.st4LineCurrent (gauge) | [SENTRY4-MIB] The measured current on the line in hundredth Amps. |
snmp.servertech.sentry4.st4LineCurrentUtilized (gauge) | [SENTRY4-MIB] The amount of the line current capacity used in tenth percent. |
snmp.servertech.sentry4.st4OcpMonitor (gauge) | [SENTRY4-MIB] Over-current protector monitor table. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.servertech.sentry4.st4OutletMonitor (gauge) | [SENTRY4-MIB] Outlet monitor table. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.servertech.sentry4.st4PhaseActivePower (gauge) | [SENTRY4-MIB] The measured active power on the phase in Watts. |
snmp.servertech.sentry4.st4PhaseApparentPower (gauge) | [SENTRY4-MIB] The measured apparent power on the phase in Volt-Amps. |
snmp.servertech.sentry4.st4PhaseCurrent (gauge) | [SENTRY4-MIB] The measured current on the phase in hundredth Amps. |
snmp.servertech.sentry4.st4PhaseCurrentCrestFactor (gauge) | [SENTRY4-MIB] The measured crest factor of the current waveform on the phase in tenths. |
snmp.servertech.sentry4.st4PhaseEnergy (gauge) | [SENTRY4-MIB] The total energy consumption of loads through the phase in tenth Kilowatt-Hours. |
snmp.servertech.sentry4.st4PhasePowerFactor (gauge) | [SENTRY4-MIB] The measured power factor on the phase in hundredths. |
snmp.servertech.sentry4.st4PhaseVoltage (gauge) | [SENTRY4-MIB] The measured voltage on the phase in tenth Volts. |
snmp.servertech.sentry4.st4PhaseVoltageDeviation (gauge) | [SENTRY4-MIB] The deviation from the nominal voltage on the phase in tenth percent. |
snmp.servertech.sentry4.st4TempSensorValue (gauge) | [SENTRY4-MIB] The measured temperature on the sensor in tenth degrees using the scale selected by st4TempSensorScale. -410 means the temperature reading is invalid. |
snmp.servertech.sentry4.st4UnitMonitor (gauge) | [SENTRY4-MIB] Unit monitor table. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.sfosDiskCapacity (gauge) | [SFOS-FIREWALL-MIB] Disk capacity in MB |
snmp.sfosDiskPercentUsage (gauge) | [SFOS-FIREWALL-MIB] % Disk usage |
snmp.sfosFTPHits (count) | [SFOS-FIREWALL-MIB] |
snmp.sfosHTTPHits (count) | [SFOS-FIREWALL-MIB] |
snmp.sfosIPSecVpnActiveTunnel (gauge) | [SFOS-FIREWALL-MIB] Count of active tunnel |
snmp.sfosIPSecVpnConnMode (gauge) | [SFOS-FIREWALL-MIB] Connection mode of IPSec tunnel |
snmp.sfosIPSecVpnLocalgwPort (gauge) | [SFOS-FIREWALL-MIB] Port name which is used as local gateway for IPSec tunnel |
snmp.sfosIPSecVpnTunnel (gauge) | [SFOS-FIREWALL-MIB] IPSec Tunnel information Table (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.sfosImapHits (count) | [SFOS-FIREWALL-MIB] |
snmp.sfosLiveUsersCount (gauge) | [SFOS-FIREWALL-MIB] Display live user count login into captive portal |
snmp.sfosPOP3Hits (count) | [SFOS-FIREWALL-MIB] |
snmp.sfosSmtpHits (count) | [SFOS-FIREWALL-MIB] |
snmp.sfosSwapCapacity (gauge) | [SFOS-FIREWALL-MIB] Swap Capacity in MB |
snmp.sfosSwapPercentUsage (gauge) | [SFOS-FIREWALL-MIB] % usage of swap |
snmp.silverpeak.mgmt.spsActiveAlarm (gauge) | [SILVERPEAK-MGMT-MIB] A list of the active alarm entries. This represents the fault conditions that are still active in the appliance. |
snmp.silverpeak.mgmt.spsActiveAlarmCount (gauge) | [SILVERPEAK-MGMT-MIB] The number of active alarm entries in the alarm table - spsActiveAlarmTable, defined under silverpeakMgmtMIBTables subtree. |
snmp.sipCommonCfgServiceOperStatus (gauge) | [SIP-COMMON-MIB] This object contains the current operational state of the SIP application. unknown : The operational status cannot be determined for some reason. up : The application is operating normally and is processing (receiving and possibly issuing) SIP requests and responses. down : The application is currently unable to process SIP messages. congested : The application is operational b... |
snmp.sipCommonStatusCodeIns (gauge) | [SIP-COMMON-MIB] This object reflects the total number of response messages received by the SIP entity with the status code value contained in the sipCommonStatusCodeValue column. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the SIP entity or service, or when the monitoring of the status code is temporarily disabled. A Management Station can detect discontinuit... |
snmp.sipCommonStatusCodeOuts (gauge) | [SIP-COMMON-MIB] This object reflects the total number of response messages sent by the SIP entity with the status code value contained in the sipCommonStatusCodeValue column. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the SIP entity or service, or when the monitoring of the Status code is temporarily disabled. A Management Station can detect discontinuities ... |
snmp.sipCommonSummaryInRequests (gauge) | [SIP-COMMON-MIB] This object indicates the total number of SIP request messages received by the SIP entity, including retransmissions. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the SIP entity or service. A Management Station can detect discontinuities in this counter by monitoring the sipCommonSummaryDisconTime object in the same row. |
snmp.sipCommonSummaryInResponses (gauge) | [SIP-COMMON-MIB] This object contains the total number of SIP response messages received by the SIP entity, including retransmissions. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the SIP entity or service. A Management Station can detect discontinuities in this counter by monitoring the sipCommonSummaryDisconTime object in the same row. |
snmp.sipCommonSummaryOutRequests (gauge) | [SIP-COMMON-MIB] This object contains the total number of SIP request messages sent out (originated and relayed) by the SIP entity. Where a particular message is sent more than once, for example as a retransmission or as a result of forking, each transmission is counted separately. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the SIP entity or service. A Manage... |
snmp.sipCommonSummaryOutResponses (gauge) | [SIP-COMMON-MIB] This object contains the total number of SIP response messages sent (originated and relayed) by the SIP entity including retransmissions. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the SIP entity or service. A Management Station can detect discontinuities in this counter by monitoring the sipCommonSummaryDisconTime object in the same row. |
snmp.sipCommonSummaryTotalTransactions (gauge) | [SIP-COMMON-MIB] This object contains a count of the number of transactions that are in progress and transactions that have reached the 'Terminated' state. It is not applicable to stateless SIP Proxy Servers. A SIP transaction occurs between a client and a server, and comprises all messages from the first request sent from the client to the server, up to a final (non-1xx) response sent from the... |
snmp.sipCommonTransCurrentactions (gauge) | [SIP-COMMON-MIB] This object contains the number of transactions awaiting definitive (non-1xx) response. In the case of a forked request, each branch counts as a single transaction corresponding to the entity identified by applIndex. |
snmp.slbStatsCreatedConnections (count) | [CISCO-SLB-MIB] The number of TCP and UDP connections created since SLB was configured. TCP connections are created after seeing a SYN for a connection. UDP connections are created based on the source and destination and are removed based on a timer. |
snmp.slbStatsCreatedHCConnections (count) | [CISCO-SLB-MIB] The number of connections created by SLB since it was configured. TCP connections are created after seeing a SYN for a connection. UDP connections are created based on the source and destination and are removed based on a timer. This is the 64-bit version of slbStatsCreatedConnections. |
snmp.slbStatsDestroyedConnections (count) | [CISCO-SLB-MIB] The number of TCP and UDP connections destroyed by SLB, either by TCPIP teardown or timeout. UDP connections can only be timed out. |
snmp.slbStatsDestroyedHCConnections (count) | [CISCO-SLB-MIB] The number of TCP and UDP connections destroyed by SLB, either by TCPIP teardown or timeout. UDP connections can only be timed out. This is the 64-bit version of slbStatsDestroyedConnections. |
snmp.slbStatsEstablishedConnections (count) | [CISCO-SLB-MIB] The number of connections established through SLB (reached the ESTAB state). TCP connections reach the ESTAB state after a SYN - SYN/ACK exchange. UDP connections reach the ESTAB state after data is sent from the client or server. |
snmp.slbStatsEstablishedHCConnections (count) | [CISCO-SLB-MIB] The number of connections established through SLB (reached the ESTAB state). TCP connections reach the ESTAB state after a SYN - SYN/ACK exchange. UDP connections reach the ESTAB state after data is sent from the client or server. This is the 64-bit version of slbStatsEstablisedConnections. |
snmp.slbStatsReassignedConnections (count) | [CISCO-SLB-MIB] The number of TCP and UDP connections reassigned from one real server to another. |
snmp.slbStatsReassignedHCConnections (count) | [CISCO-SLB-MIB] The number of TCP and UDP connections reassigned from one real server to another. This is the 64-bit version of slbStatsReassignedConnections. |
snmp.snapmirrorLag (gauge) | [NetApp] How far behind from the source a snapmirror destination is, in hundredths of a second. |
snmp.snapmirrorTotalFailures (count) | [NetApp] Total number of failed or aborted transfers for a given snapmirror. |
snmp.sonicCurrentConnCacheEntries (gauge) | [SONICWALL-FIREWALL-IP-STATISTICS-MIB] Number of active connection cache entries through the firewall |
snmp.sonicDpiSslConnCountCur (gauge) | [SONICWALL-FIREWALL-IP-STATISTICS-MIB] Current SSL-inspected connections through the firewall. |
snmp.sonicDpiSslConnCountHighWater (gauge) | [SONICWALL-FIREWALL-IP-STATISTICS-MIB] Highwater SSL-inspected connections through the firewall. |
snmp.sonicDpiSslConnCountMax (gauge) | [SONICWALL-FIREWALL-IP-STATISTICS-MIB] Maximum SSL-inspected connections through the firewall. |
snmp.sonicMaxConnCacheEntries (gauge) | [SONICWALL-FIREWALL-IP-STATISTICS-MIB] Maximum number of connection cache entries allowed through the firewall |
snmp.sonicNatTranslationCount (gauge) | [SONICWALL-FIREWALL-IP-STATISTICS-MIB] Current number of dynamic NAT translations being performed. |
snmp.sonicSAStatDecryptByteCount (gauge) | [SONICWALL-FIREWALL-IP-STATISTICS-MIB] Total decrypted byte count for this phase2 SA. |
snmp.sonicSAStatDecryptPktCount (gauge) | [SONICWALL-FIREWALL-IP-STATISTICS-MIB] Total decrypted packet count for this phase2 SA. |
snmp.sonicSAStatEncryptByteCount (gauge) | [SONICWALL-FIREWALL-IP-STATISTICS-MIB] Total encrypted byte count for this phase2 SA. |
snmp.sonicSAStatEncryptPktCount (gauge) | [SONICWALL-FIREWALL-IP-STATISTICS-MIB] Total encrypted packet count for this phase2 SA. |
snmp.sonicSAStatInFragPktCount (gauge) | [SONICWALL-FIREWALL-IP-STATISTICS-MIB] Incoming Fragmented packet count for this phase2 SA |
snmp.sonicSAStatOutFragPktCount (gauge) | [SONICWALL-FIREWALL-IP-STATISTICS-MIB] Outgoing Fragmented packet count for this phase2 SA |
snmp.svTotalFailures (count) | [NetApp] Total number of failed or aborted transfers for a given snapvault. |
snmp.swFCPortC3Discards (count) | [SW-MIB] This object counts the number of Class 3 frames that the port has discarded. |
snmp.swFCPortNoTxCredits (count) | [SW-MIB] This object counts the number of times when the transmit credit has reached zero. |
snmp.swFCPortRcTruncs (count) | [SW-MIB] This object counts the number of RC Truncs. |
snmp.swFCPortRxBadEofs (count) | [SW-MIB] This object counts the number of received frames that have bad EOF delimiter. |
snmp.swFCPortRxBadOs (count) | [SW-MIB] This object counts the number of invalid Ordered Sets received. |
snmp.swFCPortRxC2Frames (count) | [SW-MIB] This object counts the number of Class 2 frames that the port has received. |
snmp.swFCPortRxC3Frames (count) | [SW-MIB] This object counts the number of Class 3 frames that the port has received. |
snmp.swFCPortRxCrcs (count) | [SW-MIB] This object counts the number of CRC errors detected for frames received. |
snmp.swFCPortRxEncInFrs (count) | [SW-MIB] This object counts the number of encoding error or disparity error inside frames received. |
snmp.swFCPortRxEncOutFrs (count) | [SW-MIB] This object counts the number of encoding error or disparity error outside frames received. |
snmp.swFCPortRxFrames (count) | [SW-MIB] This object counts the number of (Fibre Channel) frames that the port has received. |
snmp.swFCPortRxLCs (count) | [SW-MIB] This object counts the number of Link Control frames that the port has received. |
snmp.swFCPortRxTooLongs (count) | [SW-MIB] This object counts the number of received frames that are too long. |
snmp.swFCPortTooManyRdys (count) | [SW-MIB] This object counts the number of times when RDYs exceeds the frames received. |
snmp.swFCPortTxFrames (count) | [SW-MIB] This object counts the number of (Fibre Channel) frames that the port has transmitted. |
snmp.synology.diskSMARTAttrCurrent (gauge) | [SYNOLOGY-SMART-MIB] SMART attribute current value |
snmp.synology.diskSMARTAttrThreshold (gauge) | [SYNOLOGY-SMART-MIB] SMART attribute threshold value |
snmp.synology.diskTemperature (gauge) | [SYNOLOGY-DISK-MIB] Synology disk temperature The temperature of each disk uses Celsius degree. |
snmp.synology.gpuMemoryUtilization (gauge) | [SYNOLOGY-GPUINFO-MIB] Synology gpu memory utilization %. |
snmp.synology.gpuUtilization (gauge) | [SYNOLOGY-GPUINFO-MIB] Synology gpu utilization %. |
snmp.synology.raidFreeSize (count) | [SYNOLOGY-RAID-MIB] Synology raid freesize Free space in bytes. |
snmp.synology.raidTotalSize (count) | [SYNOLOGY-RAID-MIB] Synology raid totalsize Total space in bytes. |
snmp.synology.serviceUsers (gauge) | [SYNOLOGY-SERVICES-MIB] Number of users using this service |
snmp.synology.spaceIOLA (gauge) | [SYNOLOGY-SPACEIO-MIB] The load of disk (%) |
snmp.synology.spaceIONReadX (count) | [SYNOLOGY-SPACEIO-MIB] The number of bytes read from this device since boot. |
snmp.synology.spaceIONWrittenX (count) | [SYNOLOGY-SPACEIO-MIB] The number of bytes written to this device since boot. |
snmp.synology.spaceIOReads (count) | [SYNOLOGY-SPACEIO-MIB] The number of read accesses from this device since boot. |
snmp.synology.spaceIOWrites (count) | [SYNOLOGY-SPACEIO-MIB] The number of write accesses to this device since boot. |
snmp.synology.storageIOLA (gauge) | [SYNOLOGY-STORAGEIO-MIB] The load of disk (%) |
snmp.synology.storageIONReadX (count) | [SYNOLOGY-STORAGEIO-MIB] The number of bytes read from this device since boot. |
snmp.synology.storageIONWrittenX (count) | [SYNOLOGY-STORAGEIO-MIB] The number of bytes written to this device since boot. |
snmp.synology.storageIOReads (count) | [SYNOLOGY-STORAGEIO-MIB] The number of read accesses from this device since boot. |
snmp.synology.storageIOWrites (count) | [SYNOLOGY-STORAGEIO-MIB] The number of write accesses to this device since boot. |
snmp.synology.system.temperature (gauge) | [SYNOLOGY-SYSTEM-MIB] Synology system temperature The temperature of Disk Station uses Celsius degree. |
snmp.sysClientsslStatCurConns (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The current number of concurrent connections with established SSL sessions being maintained by the filter. |
snmp.sysClientsslStatDecryptedBytesIn (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The total decrypted bytes received. Shown as byte |
snmp.sysClientsslStatDecryptedBytesOut (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The total decrypted bytes sent. Shown as byte |
snmp.sysClientsslStatEncryptedBytesIn (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The total encrypted bytes received. Shown as byte |
snmp.sysClientsslStatEncryptedBytesOut (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The total encrypted bytes sent. Shown as byte |
snmp.sysClientsslStatHandshakeFailures (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The total number of handshake failures. |
snmp.sysExtFanStatus (gauge) | [Aruba] Status of the Fan. |
snmp.sysExtMemoryFree (gauge) | [Aruba] Free memory in KB. |
snmp.sysExtMemorySize (gauge) | [Aruba] Total memory in KB. |
snmp.sysExtMemoryUsed (gauge) | [Aruba] Used memory in KB. |
snmp.sysExtPowerSupplyStatus (gauge) | [Aruba] Status of Power supply |
snmp.sysExtProcessorLoad (gauge) | [Aruba] The average of the percentage of time that this processor was not idle (over last minute). |
snmp.sysGlobalHostOtherMemoryTotal (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The total other non-TMM memory in bytes for the system. Shown as byte |
snmp.sysGlobalHostOtherMemoryUsed (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The other non-TMM memory in bytes currently in use for the system. Shown as byte |
snmp.sysGlobalHostSwapTotal (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The total swap in bytes for the system. Shown as byte |
snmp.sysGlobalHostSwapUsed (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The swap in bytes currently in use for the system. Shown as byte |
snmp.sysGlobalTmmStatMemoryTotal (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The total memory available in bytes for TMM (Traffic Management Module). Shown as byte |
snmp.sysGlobalTmmStatMemoryUsed (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The memory in use in bytes for TMM (Traffic Management Module). Shown as byte |
snmp.sysMultiHostCpuIdle (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The time spent by the specified processor doing nothing for the associated host. |
snmp.sysMultiHostCpuIowait (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The time spent by the specified processor waiting for external I/O to complete for the associated host. |
snmp.sysMultiHostCpuIrq (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The time spent by the specified processor servicing hardware interrupts for the associated host. |
snmp.sysMultiHostCpuNice (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The time spent by the specified processor running niced processes for the associated host. |
snmp.sysMultiHostCpuSoftirq (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The time spent by the specified processor servicing soft interrupts for the associated host. |
snmp.sysMultiHostCpuSystem (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The time spent by the specified processor servicing system calls for the associated host. |
snmp.sysMultiHostCpuUsageRatio (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] This is usage ratio of CPU for the associated host. Shown as percent |
snmp.sysMultiHostCpuUser (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The time spent by the specified processor in user context for the associated host. |
snmp.sysStatMemoryTotal (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The total memory available in bytes for TMM (Traffic Management Module). Shown as byte |
snmp.sysStatMemoryUsed (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The memory in use in bytes for TMM (Traffic Management Module). Shown as byte |
snmp.sysTcpStatAcceptfails (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of connections not accepted. |
snmp.sysTcpStatAccepts (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of connections accepted. |
snmp.sysTcpStatCloseWait (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of current connections in CLOSE-WAIT/LAST-ACK. |
snmp.sysTcpStatConnects (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of connections established. |
snmp.sysTcpStatConnfails (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of connection failures. |
snmp.sysTcpStatFinWait (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of current connections in FIN-WAIT/CLOSING. |
snmp.sysTcpStatOpen (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of current open connections. |
snmp.sysTcpStatTimeWait (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of current connections in TIME-WAIT. |
snmp.sysUdpStatAcceptfails (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of connections not accepted. |
snmp.sysUdpStatAccepts (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of connections accepted. |
snmp.sysUdpStatConnects (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of connections established. |
snmp.sysUdpStatConnfails (count) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of connection failures. |
snmp.sysUdpStatOpen (gauge) | [F5 BIG-IP] The number of current open connections. |
snmp.sysUpTimeInstance (gauge) | The time (in hundredths of a second) since the network management portion of the system was last re-initialized. |
snmp.sysXStorageSize (gauge) | [WLSX-SWITCH-MIB] size of the storage filesystem in MB. |
snmp.sysXStorageUsed (gauge) | [WLSX-SWITCH-MIB] size of the storage filesystem in MB. |
snmp.systemBIOSStatus (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The status of the system BIOS. |
snmp.systemBatteryReading (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The reading of the battery. |
snmp.systemBatteryStatus (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The status of the battery. |
snmp.systemSlotStatus (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The status of the system slot. |
snmp.systemState (gauge) | [MIB-Dell-10892] The System State Table. Constant metric equal to 1 |
snmp.systemStateAmperageStatusCombined (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The combined status of all amperage probes of this system. |
snmp.systemStateChassisIntrusionStatusCombined (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The combined status of all intrusion detection devices of this system chassis. |
snmp.systemStateChassisStatus (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The status of this system chassis. |
snmp.systemStateCoolingDeviceStatusCombined (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The combined status of all cooling devices of this system. |
snmp.systemStateCoolingUnitStatusCombined (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The combined status of all cooling units of this system. |
snmp.systemStateCoolingUnitStatusRedundancy (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The combined redundancy status of all cooling units of this system. |
snmp.systemStateMemoryDeviceStatusCombined (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The combined status of all memory devices of this system. |
snmp.systemStatePowerSupplyStatusCombined (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The combined status of all power supplies of this system. |
snmp.systemStatePowerUnitStatusCombined (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The combined status of all power units of this chassis. |
snmp.systemStatePowerUnitStatusRedundancy (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The combined redundancy status of all power units of this system. |
snmp.systemStateProcessorDeviceStatusCombined (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The combined status of all processor devices of this system. |
snmp.systemStateTemperatureStatisticsStatusCombined (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The combined status of all temperature statistics objects of this system. |
snmp.systemStateTemperatureStatusCombined (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The combined status of all temperature probes of this system. |
snmp.tacAuthCounterAuthTime (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Time taken (ms) for TACACS+ authentications. Shown as millisecond |
snmp.tacAuthCounterCount (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total number of TACACS+ authentications. |
snmp.tacAuthCounterFailure (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total number of failed TACACS+ authentications. |
snmp.tacAuthCounterSuccess (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total number of successful TACACS+ authentications. |
snmp.tacAuthCounterTime (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total time taken (ms) to perform TACACS+ authentications end-to-end. Shown as millisecond |
snmp.tacAutzCounterCount (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total number of TACACS+ authorizations. |
snmp.tacAutzCounterFailure (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total number of failed TACACS+ authorizations. |
snmp.tacAutzCounterSuccess (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total number of successful TACACS+ authorizations. |
snmp.tacAutzCounterTime (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Total time taken (ms) to perform TACACS+ authorization end-to-end. Shown as millisecond |
snmp.tacPolicyEvalTime (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Time taken (ms) for TACACS+ policy evaluation. Shown as millisecond |
snmp.tacServicePolicyEvalTime (gauge) | [CPPM-MIB] Time taken (ms) for TACACS+ service policy evaluation. Shown as millisecond |
snmp.tcpActiveOpens (count) | [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Arista] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of times that TCP connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-SENT state from the CLOSED state. |
snmp.tcpAttemptFails (count) | [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Arista] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of times that TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the SYN-SENT state or the SYN-RCVD state, or to the LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD state. |
snmp.tcpCurrEstab (gauge) | [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Arista] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of TCP connections for which the current state is either ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-WAIT. |
snmp.tcpEstabResets (count) | [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Arista] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of times that TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state. |
snmp.tcpHCInSegs (count) | [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Arista] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The total number of segments received, including those received in error. Shown as segment |
snmp.tcpHCOutSegs (count) | [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Arista] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The total number of segments sent, including those on current connections but excluding those containing only retransmitted octets. Shown as segment |
snmp.tcpInErrs (count) | [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Arista] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The total number of segments received in error (e.g., bad TCP checksums). Shown as segment |
snmp.tcpOutRsts (count) | [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Arista] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of TCP segments sent containing the RST flag. Shown as segment |
snmp.tcpPassiveOpens (count) | [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Arista] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-RCVD state from the LISTEN state. Shown as connection |
snmp.tcpRetransSegs (count) | [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Arista] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The total number of segments retransmitted; that is, the number of TCP segments transmitted containing one or more previously transmitted octets. Shown as segment |
snmp.temperatureProbe1 (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The probe 1 temperature in 1/100 degree Fahrenheit. |
snmp.temperatureProbe2 (gauge) | [Legacy Chatsworth] The probe 2 temperature in 1/100 degree Fahrenheit. |
snmp.temperatureProbeDiscreteReading (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] The reading for a temperature probe of type temperatureProbeTypeIsDiscrete. |
snmp.temperatureProbeReading (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] [Dell Poweredge] The reading for a temperature probe of type other than temperatureProbeTypeIsDiscrete. Shown as decidegree celsius |
snmp.temperatureProbeStatus (gauge) | [Dell iDRAC] [Dell Poweredge] The probe status of the temperature probe. |
snmp.tempertureSensorStatus (gauge) | [Checkpoint Firewall] 0 = OK Otherwise = Problem |
snmp.tempertureSensorValue (gauge) | [Checkpoint Firewall] Temperature in Celsius. Shown as degree celsius |
snmp.tlEnvContact (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-12X] A table of contacts. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.tlEnvHumidity (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-12X] The ambient humidity (%). |
snmp.tlEnvTemperatureC (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-12X] The ambient temperature (C). |
snmp.tlEnvTemperatureF (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-12X] The ambient temperature (F). |
snmp.tlUpsAlarmsPresent (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-12X] The present number of active alarm conditions. |
snmp.tlUpsBatteryAge (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-12X] The age of the battery in years. This is equal to the current date minus tlConfigBattReplDate. |
snmp.tlUpsExternalBatteryAge (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-12X] The age of external battery in years. This is equal to the current date minus tlConfigExternalBattReplDate. |
snmp.tlUpsInputVoltage (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-12X] The magnitude of the present input voltage. A value of 6553 indicates Unknown. |
snmp.tlUpsOutlet (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-12X] A list of all device Outlets for all devices. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.tlUpsOutputCircuitLoadCurrent (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-12X] The magnitude of the present output current in tenths of an amp. A value of 65534 indicates Unknown. |
snmp.tlUpsOutputCircuitPower (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-12X] The magnitude of the present power in watts. tenths of an amp. |
snmp.tlUpsOutputCircuitVoltage (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-12X] The magnitude of the present circuit voltage in tenths of an volt. |
snmp.tlUpsTemperature (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-12X] The ambient temperature. The measurement returned will either be in units of Celsius (C) or Fahrenheit (F) depending upon whether Metric or English was selected for the reading by tlUpsConfigDisplayUnits. |
snmp.tlUpsTemperatureF (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-12X] The temperature of the battery, in Farenheight degrees. This is calculated from upsBatteryTemperature, which is in Celsius degrees. |
snmp.tlpAlarm (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-PRODUCTS] A list of alarm conditions for all devices managed by this agent. This table contains zero, one, or many rows at any moment, depending upon the number of alarm conditions in effect or conditions not acknowledged. The agent creates a row in the table each time a condition is detected and deletes that row when that condition no longer pertains (becomes inactive and is acknowl... |
snmp.tlpAlarmsPresent (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-PRODUCTS] The present number of active alarm conditions. |
snmp.tlpDevice (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-PRODUCTS] A list of device table entries. The number of entries is given by the value of tlpDevicesNumDevices. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.tlpDeviceIdent (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-PRODUCTS] The identity details of each device in device table. The number of entries is given by the value of tlpDevicesNumDevices. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.tlpPduBreaker (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-PRODUCTS] A list of pdu bank breaker table entries. The number of entries is given by the value of tlpPduIdentNumBreakers. (Make 'sum by {X}' queries to count elements with the tag X.) |
snmp.tlpPduDeviceOutputPowerTotal (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-PRODUCTS] The AC output total power for all circuits. |
snmp.tlpPduDevicePhaseImbalance (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-PRODUCTS] The percentage of imbalance of the three phases. This value is in the range from 0% imbalance to 100% imbalance. The lower the value, the better balanced the phases are. If all load is on a single phase, the imbalance is defined as 100%. |
snmp.tlpPduDeviceTemperatureC (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-PRODUCTS] The ambient temperature at or near the PDU casing. Temperature measurements are not supported on all models. If not supported, this value will always return ERRORNOSUCH_NAME. |
snmp.tlpPduDeviceTemperatureF (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-PRODUCTS] The ambient temperature at or near the PDU casing. Temperature measurements are not supported on all models. If not supported, this value will always return ERRORNOSUCH_NAME. |
snmp.tlpPduOutletCurrent (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-PRODUCTS] The present output current, in hundredths of amps, of a given outlet. If the current measurement is not supported for an individual receptacle regardless whether device-wide or just for this receptacle, then this value will always return ERRORNOSUCH_NAME. Device-wide support for receptacle current measurements is denoted by tlpPduSupportsCurrentPower. |
snmp.tlpPduOutletPower (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-PRODUCTS] The output power of a given outlet. If the power measurement is not supported for an individual receptacle regardless whether device-wide or just for this receptacle, then this value will always return ERRORNOSUCH_NAME. Device-wide support for receptacle power measurements is denoted by tlpPduSupportsCurrentPower. |
snmp.tlpPduOutletState (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-PRODUCTS] The current state of the outlet. |
snmp.tlpPduOutletVoltage (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-PRODUCTS] The magnitude of the present output voltage for a given outlet. If the voltage measurement is not supported for an individual receptacle regardless whether device-wide or just for this receptacle, then this value will always return ERRORNOSUCH_NAME. Device-wide support for receptacle voltage measurements is denoted by tlpPduSupportsOutletVoltage. |
snmp.tlpPduOutputCurrent (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-PRODUCTS] The output current, in hundredths of amps, for a given phase. The actual precision of this value, whether a whole number, tenths or hundredths, is returned by tlpPduDeviceOutputCurrentPrecision. |
snmp.tlpPduOutputFrequency (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-PRODUCTS] The present output frequency. If not supported, the agent reports ERRORNOSUCH_NAME. |
snmp.tlpPduOutputSource (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-PRODUCTS] The present source of output power. The enumeration none(0) indicates that there is no source of output power (and therefore no output power), for example, the system has opened the output breaker. |
snmp.tlpPduOutputVoltage (gauge) | [TRIPPLITE-PRODUCTS] The magnitude of the present output voltage for a given output line. |
snmp.ubiquiti.unifiRadioCuSelfRx (gauge) | [UBNT-UniFi-MIB] |
snmp.ubiquiti.unifiRadioCuSelfTx (gauge) | [UBNT-UniFi-MIB] |
snmp.ubiquiti.unifiRadioCuTotal (gauge) | [UBNT-UniFi-MIB] |
snmp.ubiquiti.unifiRadioOtherBss (gauge) | [UBNT-UniFi-MIB] |
snmp.ubiquiti.unifiRadioRxPackets (count) | [UBNT-UniFi-MIB] |
snmp.ubiquiti.unifiRadioTxPackets (count) | [UBNT-UniFi-MIB] |
snmp.ucd.diskIOLA1 (gauge) | [UCD-DISKIO-MIB] The 1 minute average load of disk (%) |
snmp.ucd.diskIOLA15 (gauge) | [UCD-DISKIO-MIB] The 15 minute average load of disk (%) |
snmp.ucd.diskIOLA5 (gauge) | [UCD-DISKIO-MIB] The 5 minute average load of disk (%) |
snmp.ucd.diskIONReadX (count) | [UCD-DISKIO-MIB] The number of bytes read from this device since boot. |
snmp.ucd.diskIONWrittenX (count) | [UCD-DISKIO-MIB] The number of bytes written to this device since boot. |
snmp.ucd.diskIOReads (count) | [UCD-DISKIO-MIB] The number of read accesses from this device since boot. |
snmp.ucd.diskIOWrites (count) | [UCD-DISKIO-MIB] The number of write accesses to this device since boot. |
snmp.ucd.dskAvail (gauge) | [UCD-SNMP-MIB] Available space on the disk. For large lightly-used disks (>2Tb), this value will latch at INT32_MAX (2147483647). |
snmp.ucd.dskPercent (gauge) | [UCD-SNMP-MIB] Percentage of space used on disk |
snmp.ucd.dskPercentNode (gauge) | [UCD-SNMP-MIB] Percentage of inodes used on disk |
snmp.ucd.dskTotal (gauge) | [UCD-SNMP-MIB] Total size of the disk/partion (kBytes). For large disks (>2Tb), this value will latch at INT32_MAX (2147483647). |
snmp.ucd.dskUsed (gauge) | [UCD-SNMP-MIB] Used space on the disk. For large heavily-used disks (>2Tb), this value will latch at INT32_MAX (2147483647). |
snmp.ucd.memAvailSwap (gauge) | [UCD-SNMP-MIB] The amount of swap space currently unused or available. |
snmp.ucd.memBuffer (gauge) | [UCD-SNMP-MIB] The total amount of real or virtual memory currently allocated for use as memory buffers. This object will not be implemented on hosts where the underlying operating system does not explicitly identify memory as specifically reserved for this purpose. |
snmp.ucd.memCached (gauge) | [UCD-SNMP-MIB] The total amount of real or virtual memory currently allocated for use as cached memory. This object will not be implemented on hosts where the underlying operating system does not explicitly identify memory as specifically reserved for this purpose. |
snmp.ucd.memMinimumSwap (gauge) | [UCD-SNMP-MIB] The minimum amount of swap space expected to be kept free or available during normal operation of this host. If this value (as reported by 'memAvailSwap(4)') falls below the specified level, then 'memSwapError(100)' will be set to 1 and an error message made available via 'memSwapErrorMsg(101)'. |
snmp.ucd.memShared (gauge) | [UCD-SNMP-MIB] The total amount of real or virtual memory currently allocated for use as shared memory. This object will not be implemented on hosts where the underlying operating system does not explicitly identify memory as specifically reserved for this purpose. |
snmp.ucd.memTotalFree (gauge) | [UCD-SNMP-MIB] The total amount of memory free or available for use on this host. This value typically covers both real memory and swap space or virtual memory. |
snmp.ucd.memTotalSwap (gauge) | [UCD-SNMP-MIB] The total amount of swap space configured for this host. |
snmp.ucd.ssCpuIdle (gauge) | [UCD-SNMP-MIB] The percentage of processor time spent idle, calculated over the last minute. This object has been deprecated in favour of 'ssCpuRawIdle(53)', which can be used to calculate the same metric, but over any desired time period. |
snmp.ucd.ssCpuRawIdle (count) | [UCD-SNMP-MIB] The number of 'ticks' (typically 1/100s) spent idle. On a multi-processor system, the 'ssCpuRaw' counters are cumulative over all CPUs, so their sum will typically be N100 (for N processors). |
snmp.ucd.ssCpuRawInterrupt (count) | [UCD-SNMP-MIB] The number of 'ticks' (typically 1/100s) spent processing hardware interrupts. This object will not be implemented on hosts where the underlying operating system does not measure this particular CPU metric. On a multi-processor system, the 'ssCpuRaw' counters are cumulative over all CPUs, so their sum will typically be N100 (for N processors). |
snmp.ucd.ssCpuRawKernel (count) | [UCD-SNMP-MIB] The number of 'ticks' (typically 1/100s) spent processing kernel-level code. This object will not be implemented on hosts where the underlying operating system does not measure this particular CPU metric. This time may also be included within the 'ssCpuRawSystem(52)' counter. On a multi-processor system, the 'ssCpuRaw*' counters are cumulative over all CPUs, so their sum will typ... |
snmp.ucd.ssCpuRawNice (count) | [UCD-SNMP-MIB] The number of 'ticks' (typically 1/100s) spent processing reduced-priority code. This object will not be implemented on hosts where the underlying operating system does not measure this particular CPU metric. On a multi-processor system, the 'ssCpuRaw' counters are cumulative over all CPUs, so their sum will typically be N100 (for N processors). |
snmp.ucd.ssCpuRawSystem (count) | [UCD-SNMP-MIB] The number of 'ticks' (typically 1/100s) spent processing system-level code. On a multi-processor system, the 'ssCpuRaw' counters are cumulative over all CPUs, so their sum will typically be N100 (for N processors). This object may sometimes be implemented as the combination of the 'ssCpuRawWait(54)' and 'ssCpuRawKernel(55)' counters, so care must be taken when summing the over... |
snmp.ucd.ssCpuRawUser (count) | [UCD-SNMP-MIB] The number of 'ticks' (typically 1/100s) spent processing user-level code. On a multi-processor system, the 'ssCpuRaw' counters are cumulative over all CPUs, so their sum will typically be N100 (for N processors). |
snmp.ucd.ssCpuRawWait (count) | [UCD-SNMP-MIB] The number of 'ticks' (typically 1/100s) spent waiting for IO. This object will not be implemented on hosts where the underlying operating system does not measure this particular CPU metric. This time may also be included within the 'ssCpuRawSystem(52)' counter. On a multi-processor system, the 'ssCpuRaw' counters are cumulative over all CPUs, so their sum will typically be N10... |
snmp.ucd.ssCpuSystem (gauge) | [UCD-SNMP-MIB] The percentage of CPU time spent processing system-level code, calculated over the last minute. This object has been deprecated in favour of 'ssCpuRawSystem(52)', which can be used to calculate the same metric, but over any desired time period. |
snmp.ucd.ssCpuUser (gauge) | [UCD-SNMP-MIB] The percentage of CPU time spent processing user-level code, calculated over the last minute. This object has been deprecated in favour of 'ssCpuRawUser(50)', which can be used to calculate the same metric, but over any desired time period. |
snmp.udpHCInDatagrams (count) | [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Arista] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The total number of UDP datagrams delivered to UDP users, for devices that can receive more than 1 million UDP datagrams per second. Shown as datagram |
snmp.udpHCOutDatagrams (count) | [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Arista] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The total number of UDP datagrams sent from this entity, for devices that can transmit more than 1 million UDP datagrams per second. Shown as datagram |
snmp.udpInErrors (count) | [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Arista] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The number of received UDP datagrams that could not be delivered for reasons other than the lack of an application at the destination port. Shown as datagram |
snmp.udpNoPorts (count) | [Generic router] [Cisco c3850] [Cisco Nexus] [Cisco ASA 5525] [Arista] [Checkpoint Firewall] [F5 BIG-IP] [HPE Proliant] [Palo Alto] [Dell Poweredge] The total number of received UDP datagrams for which there was no application at the destination port. Shown as datagram |
snmp.uioSensorStatusTemperatureDegC (gauge) | The sensor's current temperature reading in degrees Celsius. Shown as degree celsius |
snmp.upsAdvBatteryCapacity (gauge) | [APC UPS] The remaining battery capacity expressed in percent of full capacity. Shown as percent |
snmp.upsAdvBatteryNumOfBadBattPacks (gauge) | [APC UPS] The number of external battery packs connected to the UPS that are defective. Shown as unit |
snmp.upsAdvBatteryNumOfBattPacks (gauge) | The number of external battery packs connected to the UPS. |
snmp.upsAdvBatteryReplaceIndicator (gauge) | [APC UPS] Indicates whether the UPS batteries need replacing. Shown as event |
snmp.upsAdvBatteryRunTimeRemaining (gauge) | [APC UPS] The UPS battery run time remaining before battery exhaustion. Shown as time |
snmp.upsAdvBatteryTemperature (gauge) | [APC UPS] The current internal UPS temperature expressed in Celsius. Shown as degree celsius |
snmp.upsAdvInputFrequency (gauge) | The current input frequency to the UPS system in Hz. Shown as hertz |
snmp.upsAdvInputLineFailCause (gauge) | [APC UPS] Error status of last failed transfer to UPS battery power. |
snmp.upsAdvInputLineVoltage (gauge) | The current utility line voltage in VAC. |
snmp.upsAdvOutputActivePower (gauge) | The total output active power of the UPS system in W. Shown as watt |
snmp.upsAdvOutputApparentPower (gauge) | The total output apparent power of all phases of the UPS system in VA. |
snmp.upsAdvOutputCurrent (gauge) | The current in amperes drawn by the load on the UPS. Shown as ampere |
snmp.upsAdvOutputEnergyUsage (gauge) | The output energy usage of the UPS in kWh. |
snmp.upsAdvOutputFrequency (gauge) | The current output frequency of the UPS system in Hz. Shown as hertz |
snmp.upsAdvOutputLoad (gauge) | [APC UPS] The current UPS load expressed in percent of rated capacity. Shown as percent |
snmp.upsAdvOutputVoltage (gauge) | The output voltage of the UPS system in VAC. |
snmp.upsAdvTestDiagnosticsResults (gauge) | [APC UPS] The results of the last UPS diagnostics test performed. |
snmp.upsAlarmTime (gauge) | [UPS-MIB] The value of sysUpTime when the alarm condition was detected. If the alarm condition was detected at the time of agent startup and presumably existed before agent startup, the value of upsAlarmTime shall equal 0. |
snmp.upsAlarmsPresent (gauge) | [UPS-MIB] The present number of active alarm conditions. |
snmp.upsBasicBatteryTimeOnBattery (gauge) | [APC UPS] The elapsed time since the UPS has switched to battery power. Shown as time |
snmp.upsBasicStateOutputState (gauge) | [PowerNet-MIB] An ASCII string containing the 64 flags representing the current state(s) of the UPS. If the Network Card is unable to determine the state of the UPS, this variable is set to 'UNKNOWN'. The flags are numbered 1 to 64, read from left to right. The flags are defined as follows: Flag 1: Abnormal Condition Present Flag 2: On Battery Flag 3: Low Battery Flag 4: On Line Flag 5: Replace... |
snmp.upsBasicStateOutputState.AVRTrimActive (gauge) | [APC UPS] The UPS state is in Abnormal Condition Present. |
snmp.upsBasicStateOutputState.BatteriesDischarged (gauge) | [APC UPS] The UPS state is in Batteries Discharged. |
snmp.upsBasicStateOutputState.LowBatteryOnBattery (gauge) | [APC UPS] The UPS state is in Low Battery On Battery. |
snmp.upsBasicStateOutputState.NoBatteriesAttached (gauge) | [APC UPS] The UPS state is in No Batteries Attached. |
snmp.upsBasicStateOutputState.On (gauge) | [APC UPS] The UPS state is in On. |
snmp.upsBasicStateOutputState.OnLine (gauge) | [APC UPS] The UPS state is in On Line. |
snmp.upsBasicStateOutputState.ReplaceBattery (gauge) | [APC UPS] The UPS state is in Replace Battery. |
snmp.upsBatteryCurrent (gauge) | [UPS-MIB] The present battery current. |
snmp.upsBatteryTemperature (gauge) | [UPS-MIB] The ambient temperature at or near the UPS Battery casing. |
snmp.upsBatteryVoltage |