SQL Reference



SQL in Analysis cells allows you to analyze and manipulate data within Log Workspaces. This documentation covers the SQL support available in Log Workspaces and includes:

Example workspace cell with SQL syntax


The following SQL syntax is supported:

DISTINCT: Optional
Retrieves rows from a database, with DISTINCT filtering out duplicate records.
SELECT DISTINCT customer_id 
FROM orders 
JOINCombines rows from two or more tables based on a related column between them.
SELECT orders.order_id, customers.customer_name 
FROM orders 
JOIN customers 
ON orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id 
GROUP BYGroups rows that have the same values in specified columns into summary rows.
SELECT product_id, SUM(quantity) 
FROM sales 
GROUP BY product_id 
Includes support for LIKE filters on strings for pattern matching.
Filters records that meet a specified condition.
FROM employees 
WHERE department = 'Sales' AND name LIKE 'J%' 
CASEProvides conditional logic to return different values based on specified conditions.
SELECT order_id, 
    WHEN quantity > 10 THEN 'Bulk Order' 
    ELSE 'Standard Order' 
  END AS order_type 
FROM orders 
Arithmetic OperationsPerforms basic calculations using operators like +, -, *, /.
SELECT price, tax, (price * tax) AS total_cost 
FROM products 


The following SQL functions are supported:

MINReturns the smallest value in a set of data.
SELECT MIN(response_time) AS min_response_time 
FROM logs 
WHERE status_code = 200 
MAXReturns the maximum value across all input values.
SELECT MAX(response_time) AS max_response_time 
FROM logs 
WHERE status_code = 200 
COUNTReturns the number of input values that are not null.
SELECT COUNT(request_id) AS total_requests 
FROM logs 
WHERE status_code = 200 
SUMReturns the summation across all input values.
SELECT SUM(bytes_transferred) AS total_bytes 
FROM logs 
GROUP BY service_name 
AVGReturns the average value (arithmetic mean) across all input values.
SELECT AVG(response_time) 
AS avg_response_time 
FROM logs 
WHERE status_code = 200 
GROUP BY service_name 
CEIL/CEILING(numerical column)Returns the value rounded up to the nearest integer.
 SELECT CEIL(price) AS rounded_price 
FROM products 
FLOORReturns the value rounded down to the nearest integer.
SELECT FLOOR(price) AS floored_price 
FROM products 
ROUNDReturns the value rounded to the nearest integer.
SELECT ROUND(price) AS rounded_price 
FROM products 
LOWERReturns the string as lower case.
SELECT LOWER(customer_name) AS lowercase_name 
FROM customers 
UPPERReturns the string as uppercase.
SELECT UPPER(customer_name) AS uppercase_name 
FROM customers 
ABSReturns the absolute value.
SELECT ABS(balance) AS absolute_balance 
FROM accounts 
COALESCEReturns the first non-null value.
SELECT COALESCE(phone_number, email) AS contact_info 
FROM users 

Further reading
