gcp.redis.clients.blocked (gauge) | Number of blocked clients. |
gcp.redis.clients.connected (gauge) | Number of client connections. Shown as connection |
gcp.redis.cluster.clients.average_connected_clients (gauge) | Mean current number of client connections across the cluster. |
gcp.redis.cluster.clients.maximum_connected_clients (gauge) | Maximum current number of client connections across the cluster. |
gcp.redis.cluster.clients.total_connected_clients (gauge) | Current number of client connections to the cluster. |
gcp.redis.cluster.commandstats.total_calls_count (count) | Count of Redis commands. |
gcp.redis.cluster.commandstats.total_usec_count (count) | The total time consumed per command. Shown as microsecond |
gcp.redis.cluster.cpu.average_utilization (gauge) | Mean CPU utilization across the cluster from 0.0 to 1.0. |
gcp.redis.cluster.cpu.maximum_utilization (gauge) | Maximum CPU utilization across the cluster from 0.0 to 1.0. |
gcp.redis.cluster.cross_cluster_replication.secondary_average_replication_offset_diff (gauge) | Average replication offset difference between primary shards and secondary shards. Shown as byte |
gcp.redis.cluster.cross_cluster_replication.secondary_maximum_replication_offset_diff (gauge) | Maximum replication offset difference between primary shards and secondary shards. Shown as byte |
gcp.redis.cluster.cross_cluster_replication.secondary_replication_links (gauge) | Number of replication links between a primary cluster and a secondary cluster. |
gcp.redis.cluster.keyspace.total_keys (gauge) | Number of keys stored in the cluster instance. |
gcp.redis.cluster.memory.average_utilization (gauge) | Mean memory utilization across the cluster from 0.0 to 1.0. |
gcp.redis.cluster.memory.maximum_utilization (gauge) | Maximum memory utilization across the cluster from 0.0 to 1.0. |
gcp.redis.cluster.memory.size (gauge) | Memory size of the cluster. Shown as byte |
gcp.redis.cluster.memory.total_used_memory (gauge) | Total memory usage of the cluster. Shown as byte |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.clients.blocked_clients (gauge) | Number of client connections blocked by the cluster node. |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.clients.connected_clients (gauge) | Number of clients connected to the cluster node. |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.commandstats.calls_count (count) | Total number of calls for this command on the cluster node in one minute. |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.commandstats.usec_count (count) | The total time consumed per command in the cluster node. Shown as microsecond |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.cpu.utilization (gauge) | CPU utilization for the cluster node from 0.0 to 1.0. |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.cross_cluster_replication.follower_replication_offset_diff (gauge) | Replication offset diff in bytes between a replicator node and its follower node, reported by the replicator node. Shown as byte |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.cross_cluster_replication.role (gauge) | Cross cluster replication role of the node. |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.keyspace.total_keys (gauge) | Number of keys stored in the cluster node. |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.memory.usage (gauge) | Total memory usage of the cluster node. Shown as byte |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.memory.utilization (gauge) | Memory utilization within the cluster node from 0.0 to 1.0. |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.persistence.aof_fsync_errors_count (count) | Count of AOF fsync errors on the cluster node. |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.persistence.aof_fsync_lag (gauge) | AOF lag between memory and persistent store on the cluster node. Shown as second |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.persistence.aof_last_bgrewrite_status (gauge) | Indicates the success of the last AOF bgrewrite operation on the cluster node. |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.persistence.aof_last_write_status (gauge) | Indicates the success of the last AOF write operation on the cluster node. |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.persistence.aof_rewrites_count (count) | AOF rewrites count on the cluster node. |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.persistence.auto_restore_count (count) | Count of restores from dumpfile on the cluster node. |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.persistence.current_save_keys_total (gauge) | Number of keys at the beginning of the current save operation. |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.persistence.rdb_bgsave_in_progress (gauge) | Indicates if a RDB BGSAVE is currently in progress on the cluster node. |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.persistence.rdb_last_bgsave_status (gauge) | Indicates the success of the last BGSAVE on the cluster node. |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.persistence.rdb_last_save_age (gauge) | Measures the time in seconds, since the last successful snapshot. Shown as second |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.persistence.rdb_next_save_time_until (gauge) | Measures the time in seconds, remaining until the next snapshot. Shown as second |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.persistence.rdb_saves_count (count) | Count of RDB saves in the cluster node. |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.replication.offset (gauge) | Measures the replication offset bytes of the cluster node. Shown as byte |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.server.uptime (gauge) | Measures the uptime of the cluster node. Shown as second |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.stats.connections_received_count (count) | Count of total client connections created in the last one minute on the cluster node. |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.stats.evicted_keys_count (count) | Count of evicted keys by the cluster node. |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.stats.expired_keys_count (count) | Count of key expiration events in the cluster node. |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.stats.keyspace_hits_count (count) | Count of successful lookup of keys in the cluster node. |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.stats.keyspace_misses_count (count) | Count of failed lookup of keys in the cluster node. |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.stats.net_input_bytes_count (count) | Count of incoming network bytes received by the cluster node. Shown as byte |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.stats.net_output_bytes_count (count) | Count of outgoing network bytes sent from the cluster node. Shown as byte |
gcp.redis.cluster.node.stats.rejected_connections_count (count) | Number of connections rejected because of maxclients limit by the cluster node. |
gcp.redis.cluster.persistence.aof_fsync_lags.avg (gauge) | The average distribution of AOF lag between memory and persistent store across the cluster. Shown as second |
gcp.redis.cluster.persistence.aof_fsync_lags.samplecount (gauge) | The sample count for distribution of AOF lag between memory and persistent store across the cluster. Shown as second |
gcp.redis.cluster.persistence.aof_fsync_lags.sumsqdev (gauge) | The sum of squared deviation for distribution of AOF lag between memory and persistent store across the cluster. Shown as second |
gcp.redis.cluster.persistence.aof_rewrite_count (count) | Count of AOF rewrites across the cluster. |
gcp.redis.cluster.persistence.rdb_last_success_ages.avg (gauge) | The average age of RDB snapshots across cluster. Shown as second |
gcp.redis.cluster.persistence.rdb_last_success_ages.samplecount (gauge) | The sample count for age of RDB snapshots across cluster. Shown as second |
gcp.redis.cluster.persistence.rdb_last_success_ages.sumsqdev (gauge) | The sum of squared deviation for age of RDB snapshots across cluster. Shown as second |
gcp.redis.cluster.persistence.rdb_saves_count (count) | Count of RDB saves across the cluster. |
gcp.redis.cluster.replication.average_ack_lag (gauge) | Mean replication acknowledge lag (in seconds) of replica across the cluster. Shown as second |
gcp.redis.cluster.replication.average_offset_diff (gauge) | Mean replication offset diff (in bytes) across the cluster. Shown as byte |
gcp.redis.cluster.replication.maximum_ack_lag (gauge) | Maximum replication acknowledge lag (in seconds) of replica across the cluster. Shown as second |
gcp.redis.cluster.replication.maximum_offset_diff (gauge) | Maximum replication offset diff (in bytes) across the cluster. Shown as byte |
gcp.redis.cluster.stats.average_evicted_keys (gauge) | Mean number of evicted keys due to memory capacity. |
gcp.redis.cluster.stats.average_expired_keys (gauge) | Mean number of key expiration events. |
gcp.redis.cluster.stats.average_keyspace_hits (gauge) | Mean number of successful lookup of keys across the cluster. |
gcp.redis.cluster.stats.average_keyspace_misses (gauge) | Mean number of failed lookup of keys across the cluster. |
gcp.redis.cluster.stats.maximum_evicted_keys (gauge) | Maximum number of evicted keys due to memory capacity. |
gcp.redis.cluster.stats.maximum_expired_keys (gauge) | Maximum number of key expiration events. |
gcp.redis.cluster.stats.maximum_keyspace_hits (gauge) | Maximum number of successful lookup of keys across the cluster. |
gcp.redis.cluster.stats.maximum_keyspace_misses (gauge) | Maximum number of failed lookup of keys across the cluster. |
gcp.redis.cluster.stats.total_connections_received_count (count) | Count of client connections created in the last one minute. |
gcp.redis.cluster.stats.total_evicted_keys_count (count) | Total number of evicted keys due to memory capacity. |
gcp.redis.cluster.stats.total_expired_keys_count (count) | Total number of key expiration events. |
gcp.redis.cluster.stats.total_keyspace_hits_count (count) | Total number of successful lookup of keys across the cluster. |
gcp.redis.cluster.stats.total_keyspace_misses_count (count) | Total number of failed lookup of keys across the cluster. |
gcp.redis.cluster.stats.total_net_input_bytes_count (count) | Count of incoming network bytes received by the cluster. Shown as byte |
gcp.redis.cluster.stats.total_net_output_bytes_count (count) | Count of outgoing network bytes sent from the cluster. Shown as byte |
gcp.redis.cluster.stats.total_rejected_connections_count (count) | Count of client connections rejected because of maxclients limit. |
gcp.redis.commands.calls (count) | Total number of calls for this command. |
gcp.redis.commands.total_time (gauge) | The amount of time in microseconds that this command took in the last second. Shown as microsecond |
gcp.redis.commands.usec_per_call (gauge) | Average time per call over 1 minute by command. Shown as second |
gcp.redis.keyspace.avg_ttl (gauge) | Average TTL for keys in this database. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.redis.keyspace.keys (gauge) | Number of keys stored in this database. Shown as key |
gcp.redis.keyspace.keys_with_expiration (gauge) | Number of keys with an expiration in this database. Shown as key |
gcp.redis.persistence.rdb.bgsave_in_progress (gauge) | Flag indicating a RDB save is on-going. |
gcp.redis.rdb.enabled (gauge) | Indicates if the snapshot is in RDB mode. |
gcp.redis.rdb.recovery.attempts_since_last_success (gauge) | Indicates number of recovery attempts since the last successful recovery attempt. |
gcp.redis.rdb.recovery.elapsed_time (gauge) | Indicates increasing time elapsed for an in-progress recovery from an RDB snapshot. 0 means the recovery is idle or completed. Shown as second |
gcp.redis.rdb.recovery.estimated_recovery_time (gauge) | Indicates the expected recovery time when using the last successful snapshot for recovery. Shown as second |
gcp.redis.rdb.recovery.estimated_remaining_time (gauge) | Indicates remaining time to finish recovery from an RDB snapshot. 0 means the recovery is idle or completed. Shown as second |
gcp.redis.rdb.recovery.in_progress (gauge) | Indicates if recovery from an RDB snapshot is in progress. When the metric value is true, then a recovery is in progress. |
gcp.redis.rdb.recovery.last_duration (gauge) | Indicates time it took to restore the last snapshot. Shown as second |
gcp.redis.rdb.recovery.last_status (gauge) | Indicates status of the most recent recovery. |
gcp.redis.rdb.recovery.loaded_bytes_count (count) | During a recovery, indicates how many bytes have loaded. 0 if the recovery is not active. Shown as byte |
gcp.redis.rdb.recovery.total_bytes_count (count) | Indicates the size in bytes of the snapshot. Shown as byte |
gcp.redis.rdb.snapshot.attempt_count (count) | Indicates number of snapshot attempts every minute. |
gcp.redis.rdb.snapshot.elapsed_time (gauge) | Indicates increasing time elapsed while creating the current snapshot. Shown as second |
gcp.redis.rdb.snapshot.in_progress (gauge) | Indicates if RDB snapshot is in progress. When the metric value is true, then an RDB snapshot is in progress. |
gcp.redis.rdb.snapshot.last_status (gauge) | Indicates status of the most recent snapshot attempt. |
gcp.redis.rdb.snapshot.last_success_age (gauge) | Indicates time elapsed since the start of the last successful snapshot. Shown as second |
gcp.redis.rdb.snapshot.last_success_duration (gauge) | Indicates the total time required to write the last successful snapshot, not including failed attempts. Shown as second |
gcp.redis.rdb.snapshot.time_until_next_run (gauge) | Seconds until the next scheduled snapshot. Shown as second |
gcp.redis.replication.master.slaves.lag (gauge) | The number of seconds that replica is lagging behind primary. Shown as second |
gcp.redis.replication.master.slaves.offset (gauge) | The number of bytes that have been acknowledged by replicas. Shown as byte |
gcp.redis.replication.master_repl_offset (gauge) | The number of bytes that master has produced and sent to replicas. To be compared with replication byte offset of replica. Shown as byte |
gcp.redis.replication.offset_diff (gauge) | The number of bytes that have not been replicated to the replica. This is the difference between replication byte offset (master) and replication byte offset (replica). Shown as byte |
gcp.redis.replication.role (gauge) | Returns a value indicating the node role. 1 indicates master and 0 indicates replica. |
gcp.redis.search.attributes (gauge) | Indicates the number of attributes in vector search. |
gcp.redis.search.background_indexing_in_progress (gauge) | Indicates if the background indexing is in progress. When the metric value is true, then the background indexing is in progress. |
gcp.redis.search.indexed_hash_keys (gauge) | Indicates the number of indexed hash keys in vector search. |
gcp.redis.search.indexes (gauge) | Indicates the number of indexes in vector search. |
gcp.redis.search.query_requests_count (count) | Indicates the number of query requests count. |
gcp.redis.search.used_memory_bytes (gauge) | Indicates the used memory in bytes in vector search. Shown as byte |
gcp.redis.server.uptime (gauge) | Uptime in seconds. Shown as second |
gcp.redis.stats.cache_hit_ratio (gauge) | Cache Hit ratio as a fraction. |
gcp.redis.stats.connections.total (gauge) | Total number of connections accepted by the server. Shown as connection |
gcp.redis.stats.cpu_utilization (gauge) | CPU, in seconds of utilization, consumed by the Redis server broken down by System/User and Parent/Child relationship. Shown as second |
gcp.redis.stats.cpu_utilization_main_thread (count) | CPU-seconds consumed by the Redis server main thread, broken down by system/user space and parent/child relationship. Shown as second |
gcp.redis.stats.evicted_keys (count) | Number of evicted keys due to maxmemory limit. Shown as key |
gcp.redis.stats.expired_keys (count) | Total number of key expiration events. Shown as key |
gcp.redis.stats.keyspace_hits (count) | Number of successful lookup of keys in the main dictionary. Shown as key |
gcp.redis.stats.keyspace_misses (count) | Number of failed lookup of keys in the main dictionary. Shown as key |
gcp.redis.stats.memory.maxmemory (gauge) | Maximum amount of memory Redis can consume. Shown as byte |
gcp.redis.stats.memory.system_memory_overload_duration (count) | The amount of time in microseconds the instance is in system memory overload mode. Shown as microsecond |
gcp.redis.stats.memory.system_memory_usage_ratio (gauge) | Memory usage as a ratio of maximum system memory. Shown as fraction |
gcp.redis.stats.memory.usage (gauge) | Total number of bytes allocated by Redis. Shown as byte |
gcp.redis.stats.memory.usage_ratio (gauge) | Memory usage as a ratio of maximum memory. Shown as fraction |
gcp.redis.stats.network_traffic (count) | Total number of bytes sent to or from redis (includes bytes from commands themselves, payload data, and delimiters). Shown as byte |
gcp.redis.stats.pubsub.channels (gauge) | Global number of Pub/Sub channels with client subscriptions. |
gcp.redis.stats.pubsub.patterns (gauge) | Global number of Pub/Sub patterns with client subscriptions. |
gcp.redis.stats.reject_connections_count (count) | Number of connections rejected because of maxclients limit. |