Post AppDynamics Events to Datadog
This article allows you to submit events from your AppDynamics Application into your Datadog Event explorer.
Note: This plug-in was written by the team at AppDynamics and is not supported by Datadog. Should you encounter any issues contact the AppDynamics Support team
Prerequisites: Running AppDynamics 4.1 or later
First, create a Datadog Policy Single Violation Only HTTP Template:
"title": "${latestEvent.displayName} - ${} ",
"text": "${latestEvent.summaryMessage} ${latestEvent.guid} ${latestEvent.eventTypeKey} Policy Name - ${} Policy ID - ${} Policy Digest : ${policy.digest} ${policy.digestDurationInMins} ",
"alert_type": "${topSeverity}",
"priority": "${priority}",
"aggregation_key": " ${} ",
"tags": [
Latest Event:
"title": "${latestEvent.displayName}",
"text": "${latestEvent.summaryMessage} ${latestEvent.eventTypeKey}",
"alert_type": "${topSeverity}",
"priority": "${priority}",
"aggregation_key": "${latestEvent.guid}",
"tags": [
You can use also use Email Templates:
"title": "AppDynamicsEvent",
"text": "ApplicationChangeEvent",
"priority": "normal",
"tags": ["os:windows"],
"alert_type": "info"