no timeout was given on call to external resource



ID: python-security/requests-timeout

Language: Python

Severity: Error

Category: Security


Access to remote resources should always use a timeout and appropriately handle the timeout and recovery. When using requests.get, requests.put, requests.patch, etc. - we should always use a timeout as an argument.

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Non-Compliant Code Examples

from requests import get, put
r = get(w, verify=False) # missing a timeout
r = get(w, verify=False, timeout=10)

def bla():
    r = get(w, verify=False)
import requests
r = requests.put(w, verify=False) # missing a timeout
import requests
r = requests.get(w, verify=False) # missing a timeout
r = requests.get(w, verify=False, timeout=10)

def foo():
    r = requests.get(w, verify=False) # missing a timeout
    if bar:
        r = requests.get(w, verify=False)

Compliant Code Examples

r = requests.put(w, verify=False)
import requests
r = requests.get(w, verify=False, timeout=5)
r = requests.get(w, verify=False, timeout=10) jetbrains

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