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Test Impact Analysis for Swift is in beta.


Test Impact Analysis is only supported on dd-sdk-swift-testing in versions 2.2.0+.


Test Optimization

Prior to setting up Test Impact Analysis, set up Test Optimization for Swift. The code coverage option must also be enabled in the test settings of your scheme or test plan, or --enable-code-coverage must be added to your Swift test command (if using a SPM target).

If you are reporting data through the Agent, use v6.40 and later or v7.40 and later.

Enable Test Impact Analysis

To enable Test Impact Analysis, set the following environment variables:

Enables or disables the instrumentation of tests. Set this value to $(DD_TEST_RUNNER) so you can enable and disable test instrumentation with a environment variable defined outside of the test process (for example, in the CI build).
Default: false
Recommended: $(DD_TEST_RUNNER)

Activate Test Impact Analysis for the test service

You, or a user in your organization with the Intelligent Test Runner Activation (intelligent_test_runner_activation_write) permission, must activate Test Impact Analysis on the Test Service Settings page.

Test Impact Analysis enabled in test service settings in the CI section of Datadog.

Further Reading