sqlserver.access.full_scans (gauge) | Number of unrestricted full scans per second. These can be either base-table or full-index scans. (Perf. Counter: Access Methods - Full Scans/sec ) Shown as operation |
sqlserver.access.index_searches (gauge) | Number of index searches per second. These are used to start a range scan, reposition a range scan, revalidate a scan point, fetch a single index record, and search down the index to locate where to insert a new row. (Perf. Counter: Access Methods - Index Searches/sec ) Shown as operation |
sqlserver.access.page_splits (gauge) | The number of page splits per second. (Perf. Counter: Access Methods - Page Splits/sec ) Shown as operation |
sqlserver.access.probe_scans (gauge) | Number of probe scans per second that are used to find at most one single qualified row in an index or base table directly. (Perf. Counter: Access Methods - Probe Scans/sec ) Shown as operation |
sqlserver.access.range_scans (gauge) | Number of qualified range scans through indexes per second. (Perf. Counter: Access Methods - Range Scans/sec ) Shown as operation |
sqlserver.agent.active_jobs.duration (gauge) | Duration of currently running jobs on sqlserver agent (DBM Only) Shown as second |
sqlserver.agent.active_jobs.step_info (gauge) | Presence of a most recent completed step for active jobs running on the sqlserver agent (DBM Only) |
sqlserver.agent.completed_jobs.duration (gauge) | Duration of completed jobs on sqlserver agent (DBM Only) Shown as second |
sqlserver.agent.completed_jobs.executions (gauge) | Number of executions of completed jobs on sqlserver agent (DBM Only) Shown as execution |
sqlserver.ao.ag_sync_health (gauge) | Availability group synchronization health: 0 = Not healthy, 1 = Partially healthy, 2 = Healthy. Tags: availability_group , availability_group_name , synchronization_health_desc |
sqlserver.ao.filestream_send_rate (gauge) | The rate at which the FILESTREAM files are shipped to the secondary replica. Tags: availability_group , availability_group_name , replica_server_name , failover_mode , availability_mode , db , replica_id , database_id , database_state , synchronization_state , failover_cluster , replica_role Shown as byte |
sqlserver.ao.is_primary_replica (gauge) | Denotes if a replica is a primary(1) or secondary(0). Tags: availability_group , availability_group_name , replica_server_name , failover_mode , availability_mode , db , replica_id , database_id , database_state , synchronization_state , failover_cluster , replica_role |
sqlserver.ao.log_send_queue_size (gauge) | Amount of log records of the primary database that has not been sent to the secondary databases. Tags: availability_group , availability_group_name , replica_server_name , failover_mode , availability_mode , db , replica_id , database_id , database_state , synchronization_state , failover_cluster , replica_role Shown as byte |
sqlserver.ao.log_send_rate (gauge) | Average rate at which primary replica instance sent data during last active period. Tags: availability_group , availability_group_name , replica_server_name , failover_mode , availability_mode , db , replica_id , database_id , database_state , synchronization_state , failover_cluster , replica_role Shown as byte |
sqlserver.ao.low_water_mark_for_ghosts (gauge) | A monotonically increasing number for the database indicating a low water mark used by ghost cleanup on the primary database. Tags: availability_group , availability_group_name , replica_server_name , failover_mode , availability_mode , db , replica_id , database_id , database_state , synchronization_state , failover_cluster , replica_role |
sqlserver.ao.member.number_of_quorum_votes (gauge) | Number of quorum votes possessed by this quorum member. Tags: member_name , member_type , member_state , failover_cluster |
sqlserver.ao.member.state (gauge) | The state of a member that's a part of the WSFC quorum. Tags: member_name , member_type , member_state , failover_cluster |
sqlserver.ao.member.type (gauge) | The type of member that's a part of the WSFC quorum. Tags: member_name , member_type , member_state , failover_cluster |
sqlserver.ao.primary_replica_health (gauge) | Recovery health of primary replica: 0 = In progress, 1 = Online. The metric is not emitted if on a secondary replica. Tags: availability_group , availability_group_name , synchronization_health_desc |
sqlserver.ao.quorum_state (gauge) | State of the WSFC quorum. Tags: quorum_type , quorum_state , failover_cluster |
sqlserver.ao.quorum_type (gauge) | Type of quorum used by the WSFC cluster. Tags: quorum_type , quorum_state , failover_cluster |
sqlserver.ao.redo_queue_size (gauge) | Amount of log records in the log files of the secondary replica that has not yet been redone. Tags: availability_group , availability_group_name , replica_server_name , failover_mode , availability_mode , db , replica_id , database_id , database_state , synchronization_state , failover_cluster , replica_role Shown as byte |
sqlserver.ao.redo_rate (gauge) | Average rate at which the log records are being redone on a given secondary database. Tags: availability_group , availability_group_name , replica_server_name , failover_mode , availability_mode , db , replica_id , database_id , database_state , synchronization_state , failover_cluster , replica_role Shown as byte |
sqlserver.ao.replica_failover_mode (gauge) | Replica failover mode: 0 = Automatic failover, 1 = Manual failover. Tags: replica_server_name , availability_group , availability_group_name , failover_mode_desc |
sqlserver.ao.replica_failover_readiness (gauge) | Replica failover readiness: 0 = Not ready for failover, 1 = Ready for failover. Tags: replica_server_name , availability_group , availability_group_name , failover_mode_desc |
sqlserver.ao.replica_status (gauge) | Denotes an Availability Group replica's status. Tags: availability_group , availability_group_name , replica_server_name , failover_mode , availability_mode , db , replica_id , database_id , database_state , synchronization_state , failover_cluster , replica_role |
sqlserver.ao.replica_sync_state (gauge) | Replica synchronization state: 0 = Not synchronizing, 1 = Synchronizing, 2 = Synchronized, 3 = Reverting, 4 = Initializing. Tags: availability_group , availability_group_name , synchronization_health_desc |
sqlserver.ao.secondary_lag_seconds (gauge) | The number of seconds that the secondary replica is behind the primary replica during synchronization. Tags: availability_group , availability_group_name , replica_server_name , failover_mode , availability_mode , db , replica_id , database_id , database_state , synchronization_state , failover_cluster , replica_role Shown as second |
sqlserver.ao.secondary_replica_health (gauge) | Recovery health of secondary replica: 0 = In progress, 1 = Online. The metric is not emitted if on a primary replica. Tags: availability_group , availability_group_name , synchronization_health_desc |
sqlserver.buffer.cache_hit_ratio (gauge) | The ratio of data pages found and read from the buffer cache over all data page requests. (Perf. Counter: Buffer Manager - Buffer cache hit ratio ) Shown as fraction |
sqlserver.buffer.checkpoint_pages (gauge) | The number of pages flushed to disk per second by a checkpoint or other operation that require all dirty pages to be flushed. (Perf. Counter: Buffer Manager - Checkpoint pages/sec ) Shown as page |
sqlserver.buffer.page_life_expectancy (gauge) | Duration that a page resides in the buffer pool. (Perf. Counter: Buffer Manager - Page life expectancy ) Shown as second |
sqlserver.buffer.page_reads (gauge) | Indicates the number of physical database page reads that are issued per second. This statistic displays the total number of physical page reads across all databases. (Perf. Counter: Buffer Manager - Page reads/sec ) Shown as page |
sqlserver.buffer.page_writes (gauge) | Indicates the number of physical database page writes that are issued per second. (Perf. Counter: Buffer Manager - Page writes/sec ) Shown as page |
sqlserver.cache.object_counts (gauge) | Number of cache objects in the cache. (Perf. Counter: Plan Cache - Cache Object Counts ) Shown as object |
sqlserver.cache.pages (gauge) | Number of 8-kilobyte (KB) pages used by cache objects. (Perf. Counter: Plan Cache - Cache Pages ) Shown as object |
sqlserver.database.active_transactions (gauge) | Number of active transactions across all databases on the SQL Server instance. Tags: db . (Perf. Counter: Databases - Active Transactions ). Shown as transaction |
sqlserver.database.avg_fragment_size_in_pages (gauge) | The average number of pages in one fragment on the leaf level of an INROWDATA allocation unit. Tags: db , object_name , schema , index_id , index_name |
sqlserver.database.avg_fragmentation_in_percent (gauge) | Logical fragmentation for indexes, or extent fragmentation for heaps in the INROWDATA allocation unit. Tags: db , object_name , schema , index_id , index_name |
sqlserver.database.backup_count (gauge) | The total count of successful backups made for a database. Note: This metric is not emitted on Azure managed databases. Tags: db |
sqlserver.database.backup_restore_throughput (gauge) | Read/write throughput for backup and restore operations of a database per second. Tags: db . (Perf. Counter: Databases - Backup/Restore Throughput/sec ) |
sqlserver.database.files.size (gauge) | Current size of the database file. Tags: db , file_id , file_type , file_name , file_location , database_files_state_desc Shown as kibibyte |
sqlserver.database.files.space_used (gauge) | Current used space of the database file. Tags: db , file_id , file_type , file_name , file_location , database_files_state_desc Shown as kibibyte |
sqlserver.database.files.state (gauge) | Database file state: 0 = Online, 1 = Restoring, 2 = Recovering, 3 = Recovery_Pending, 4 = Suspect, 5 = Unknown, 6 = Offline, 7 = Defunct. Tags: db , file_id , file_type , file_name , file_location , database_files_state_desc |
sqlserver.database.fragment_count (gauge) | The number of fragments in the leaf level of an INROWDATA allocation unit. Tags: db , object_name , schema , index_id , index_name |
sqlserver.database.index_page_count (gauge) | Total number of index or data pages. Tags: db , object_name , schema , index_id , index_name |
sqlserver.database.is_in_standby (gauge) | Whether or not the database is read-only for restore log. Tags: db , database_state_desc , database_recovery_model_desc |
sqlserver.database.is_read_only (gauge) | Whether or not the database is marked as READONLY. 0 = READWRITE, 1 = READ_ONLY. Tags: db , database_state_desc , database_recovery_model_desc |
sqlserver.database.is_sync_with_backup (gauge) | Whether or not the database is marked for replication synchronization with backup. 0 = Not marked for replication sync, 1 = Marked for replication sync. Tags: db , database_state_desc , database_recovery_model_desc |
sqlserver.database.log_bytes_flushed (gauge) | Total number of log bytes flushed. Tags: db . (Perf. Counter: Databases - Log Bytes Flushed/sec ) Shown as byte |
sqlserver.database.log_flush_wait (gauge) | Total wait time (in milliseconds) to flush the log. On an Always On secondary database, this value indicates the wait time for log records to be hardened to disk. Tags: db . (Perf. Counter: Databases - Log Flush Wait Time ) Shown as millisecond |
sqlserver.database.log_flushes (gauge) | Number of log flushes per second. Tags: db . (Perf. Counter: Databases - Log Flushes/sec ) Shown as flush |
sqlserver.database.master_files.size (gauge) | Current size of the database file. For a database snapshot, size reflects the maximum space that the snapshot can ever use for the file. Note: Use sqlserver.database.files.size for the actual size of FILESTREAM containers. Tags: db , file_id , file_type , file_location , database_files_state_desc Shown as kibibyte |
sqlserver.database.master_files.state (gauge) | Database file state: 0 = Online, 1 = Restoring, 2 = Recovering, 3 = Recovery_Pending, 4 = Suspect, 5 = Unknown, 6 = Offline, 7 = Defunct. Tags: db , file_id , file_type , file_location , database_files_state_desc |
sqlserver.database.replica.transaction_delay (gauge) | Total delay in waiting for unterminated commit acknowledgment for all the current transactions, in milliseconds. Tags: db . (Perf. Counter: Database Replica - Transaction Delay ) Shown as millisecond |
sqlserver.database.state (gauge) | Database state: 0 = Online, 1 = Restoring, 2 = Recovering, 3 = RecoveryPending, 4 = Suspect, 5 = Emergency, 6 = Offline, 7 = Copying, 10 = OfflineSecondary. Tags: db , database_state_desc , database_recovery_model_desc |
sqlserver.database.transactions (gauge) | Number of transactions started for the SQL Server instance per second. Tags: db . (Perf. Counter: Databases - Transactions/sec ) Shown as transaction |
sqlserver.database.write_transactions (gauge) | Number of transactions that wrote to all databases on the SQL Server instance and committed, in the last second. Tags: db . (Perf. Counter: Databases - Write Transactions/sec ) Shown as transaction |
sqlserver.fci.is_current_owner (gauge) | Whether or not this node is the current owner of the SQL Server FCI. Tags: node_name , status , failover_cluster |
sqlserver.fci.status (gauge) | Status of the node in a SQL Server failover cluster instance. Tags: node_name , status , failover_cluster |
sqlserver.files.io_stall (count) | Total time that users waited for I/O to complete on the file. Tags: logical_name , file_location , db , state Shown as millisecond |
sqlserver.files.read_bytes (count) | Bytes read from the file. Tags: logical_name , file_location , db , state Shown as byte |
sqlserver.files.read_io_stall (count) | Total time that users waited for reads on the file. Tags: logical_name , file_location , db , state Shown as millisecond |
sqlserver.files.read_io_stall_queued (count) | Total latency from IO governance pools for reads on the file. Tags: logical_name , file_location , db , state Shown as millisecond |
sqlserver.files.reads (count) | Number of reads issued on the file. Tags: logical_name , file_location , db , state Shown as read |
sqlserver.files.size_on_disk (gauge) | Number of bytes used on the disk for this file. Tags: logical_name , file_location , db , state Shown as byte |
sqlserver.files.write_io_stall (count) | Total time that users waited for writes on the file. Tags: logical_name , file_location , db , state Shown as millisecond |
sqlserver.files.write_io_stall_queued (count) | Total latency from IO governance pools for writes on the file. Tags: logical_name , file_location , db , state Shown as millisecond |
sqlserver.files.writes (count) | Number of writes issued on the file. Tags: logical_name , file_location , db , state Shown as write |
sqlserver.files.written_bytes (count) | Bytes written to the file. Tags: logical_name , file_location , db , state Shown as byte |
sqlserver.index.user_lookups (count) | Number of bookmark lookups by user queries. Tags: db , table , index_name , schema Shown as occurrence |
sqlserver.index.user_scans (count) | Number of scans by user queries that did not use 'seek' predicate. Tags: db , table , index_name , schema Shown as scan |
sqlserver.index.user_seeks (count) | Number of seeks by user queries. Tags: db , table , index_name , schema Shown as occurrence |
sqlserver.index.user_updates (count) | Number of updates by user queries. This includes Insert, Delete, and Updates representing the number of operations done, not the actual rows affected. Tags: db , table , index_name , schema Shown as update |
sqlserver.latches.latch_wait_time (gauge) | Average latch wait time (in milliseconds) for latch requests that had to wait. (Perf. Counter: Locks - Average Latch Wait Time (ms) ) Shown as millisecond |
sqlserver.latches.latch_waits (gauge) | Number of latch requests that could not be granted immediately. (Perf. Counter: Locks - Latch Waits/sec ) Shown as request |
sqlserver.locks.deadlocks (gauge) | Number of lock requests per second that resulted in a deadlock. (Perf. Counter: Locks - Number of Deadlocks/sec ) Shown as request |
sqlserver.log_shipping_primary.backup_threshold (gauge) | Seconds allowed to elapse between backup operations before a SQL Server job alert is generated. (Tags: primary_db , primary_server , primary_id ) Shown as second |
sqlserver.log_shipping_primary.time_since_backup (gauge) | Seconds since the last transaction log backup operation on the primary server. (Tags: primary_db , primary_server , primary_id ) Shown as second |
sqlserver.log_shipping_secondary.last_restored_latency (gauge) | The amount of time, in seconds, that elapsed between when the log backup was created on the primary and when it was restored on the secondary. (Tags: primary_db , primary_server , secondary_db , secondary_server , secondary_id ) Shown as second |
sqlserver.log_shipping_secondary.restore_threshold (gauge) | Seconds allowed to elapse between restore operations before a SQL Server job alert is generated. (Tags: primary_db , primary_server , secondary_db , secondary_server , secondary_id ) Shown as second |
sqlserver.log_shipping_secondary.time_since_copy (gauge) | Seconds since last copy operation to the secondary server. (Tags: primary_db , primary_server , secondary_db , secondary_server , secondary_id ) Shown as second |
sqlserver.log_shipping_secondary.time_since_restore (gauge) | Seconds since the last restore operation on the secondary server. (Tags: primary_db , primary_server , secondary_db , secondary_server , secondary_id ) Shown as second |
sqlserver.memory.connection (gauge) | Specifies the total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for maintaining connections. (Perf. Counter: Memory Manager - Connection Memory (KB) ) Shown as kibibyte |
sqlserver.memory.database_cache (gauge) | Specifies the amount of memory the server is currently using for the database pages cache. (Perf. Counter: Memory Manager - Database Cache Memory (KB) ) Shown as kibibyte |
sqlserver.memory.granted_workspace (gauge) | Specifies the total amount of memory currently granted to executing processes, such as hash, sort, bulk copy, and index creation operations. (Perf. Counter: Memory Manager - Granted Workspace Memory (KB) ) Shown as kibibyte |
sqlserver.memory.grants_outstanding (gauge) | Specifies the total number of processes that have successfully acquired a workspace memory grant. (Perf. Counter: Memory Manager - Memory Grants Outstanding ) |
sqlserver.memory.lock (gauge) | Specifies the total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for locks. (Perf. Counter: Memory Manager - Lock Memory (KB) ) Shown as kibibyte |
sqlserver.memory.log_pool_memory (gauge) | Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for Log Pool. (Perf. Counter: Memory Manager - Log Pool Memory (KB) ) Shown as kibibyte |
sqlserver.memory.memory_grants_pending (gauge) | Specifies the total number of processes waiting for a workspace memory grant (Perf. Counter: Memory Manager - Memory Grants Pending ) |
sqlserver.memory.optimizer (gauge) | Specifies the total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for query optimization. (Perf. Counter: Memory Manager - Optimizer Memory (KB) ) Shown as kibibyte |
sqlserver.memory.sql_cache (gauge) | Specifies the total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for the dynamic SQL cache. (Perf. Counter: Memory Manager - SQL Cache Memory (KB) ) Shown as kibibyte |
sqlserver.memory.stolen (gauge) | Specifies the amount of memory the server is using for purposes other than database pages. (Perf. Counter: Memory Manager - Stolen Server Memory (KB) ) Shown as kibibyte |
sqlserver.memory.total_server_memory (gauge) | Specifies the amount of memory the server has committed using the memory manager. (Perf. Counter: Memory Manager - Total Server Memory (KB) ) Shown as kibibyte |
sqlserver.procedures.count (count) | Total count of executed stored procedures per procedure (DBM only). Tags: db , procedure_name . Shown as query |
sqlserver.procedures.logical_reads (count) | Total number of logical reads performed by executed stored procedures per procedure (DBM only). Tags: db , procedure_name . Shown as read |
sqlserver.procedures.logical_writes (count) | Total number of logical writes performed by executed stored procedures per procedure (DBM only). Tags: db , procedure_name . Shown as write |
sqlserver.procedures.physical_reads (count) | Total number of physical reads performed by executed stored procedures per procedure (DBM only). Tags: db , procedure_name . Shown as read |
sqlserver.procedures.spills (count) | The total number of pages spilled by execution of this stored procedure per procedure (DBM only). Tags: db , procedure_name . |
sqlserver.procedures.time (count) | Total elapsed time for executed stored procedures per procedure (DBM only) Shown as nanosecond |
sqlserver.procedures.worker_time (count) | Total CPU time consumed by executed stored procedures per procedure (DBM only). Tags: db , procedure_name . Shown as nanosecond |
sqlserver.queries.clr_time (count) | Total time consumed inside Microsoft .NET Framework common language runtime (CLR) objects for executed queries per query (DBM only) Shown as nanosecond |
sqlserver.queries.columnstore_segment_reads (count) | Total columnstore segments read by executed queries per query (DBM only) Shown as segment |
sqlserver.queries.columnstore_segment_skips (count) | Total columnstore segments skipped by executed queries per query (DBM only) Shown as segment |
sqlserver.queries.count (count) | Total count of executed queries per query (DBM only) Shown as query |
sqlserver.queries.dop (count) | The total sum of degree of parallelism used by executions of this query per query (DBM only) |
sqlserver.queries.duration.max (gauge) | The age of the longest running query per user, db, and app. (DBM only) Shown as nanosecond |
sqlserver.queries.duration.sum (gauge) | The sum of the age of all running queries per user, db, and app. (DBM only) Shown as nanosecond |
sqlserver.queries.ideal_memory_grant (count) | The total amount of ideal memory grant estimated by executions of this query per query (DBM only) Shown as byte |
sqlserver.queries.logical_reads (count) | Total number of logical reads performed by executed queries per query (DBM only) Shown as read |
sqlserver.queries.logical_writes (count) | Total number of logical writes performed by executed queries per query (DBM only) Shown as write |
sqlserver.queries.memory_grant (count) | The total amount of reserved memory received by executions of this query per query. It will always be 0 for querying a memory-optimized table (DBM only). Shown as byte |
sqlserver.queries.physical_reads (count) | Total number of physical reads performed by executed queries per query (DBM only) Shown as read |
sqlserver.queries.reserved_threads (count) | The total sum of reserved parallel threads used by executions of this query per query (DBM only) Shown as thread |
sqlserver.queries.rows (count) | Total number of rows returned by executed queries per query (DBM only) Shown as row |
sqlserver.queries.spills (count) | The total number of pages spilled by execution of this query per query (DBM only) |
sqlserver.queries.time (count) | Total elapsed time for executed queries per query (DBM only) Shown as nanosecond |
sqlserver.queries.used_memory_grant (count) | The total amount of reserved memory used by executions of this query per query. It will always be 0 for querying a memory-optimized table (DBM only). Shown as byte |
sqlserver.queries.used_threads (count) | The total sum of used parallel threads used by executions of this query per query (DBM only) Shown as thread |
sqlserver.queries.worker_time (count) | Total CPU time consumed by executed queries per query (DBM only) Shown as nanosecond |
sqlserver.replica.flow_control_sec (gauge) | Number of times flow-control initiated in the last second. Flow Control Time (ms/sec) divided by Flow Control/sec is the average time per wait. (Perf. Counter: Database Replica - Flow Control/sec ) |
sqlserver.replica.transaction_delay (gauge) | Total delay in waiting for unterminated commit acknowledgment for all the current transactions, in milliseconds. (Perf. Counter: Database Replica - Transaction Delay ) Shown as millisecond |
sqlserver.scheduler.active_workers_count (gauge) | Number of workers that are active. An active worker is never preemptive, must have an associated task, and is either running, runnable, or suspended. Tags: 'scheduler_id', parent_node_id Shown as worker |
sqlserver.scheduler.current_tasks_count (gauge) | Number of current tasks that are associated with this scheduler. Tags: 'scheduler_id', parent_node_id Shown as task |
sqlserver.scheduler.current_workers_count (gauge) | Number of workers that are associated with this scheduler. Tags: 'scheduler_id', parent_node_id Shown as worker |
sqlserver.scheduler.runnable_tasks_count (gauge) | Number of workers, with tasks assigned to them, that are waiting to be scheduled on the runnable queue. Tags: 'scheduler_id', parent_node_id Shown as task |
sqlserver.scheduler.work_queue_count (gauge) | Number of tasks in the pending queue. These tasks are waiting for a worker to pick them up. Tags: 'scheduler_id', parent_node_id Shown as unit |
sqlserver.server.committed_memory (gauge) | The amount of memory committed to the memory manager Shown as byte |
sqlserver.server.cpu_count (gauge) | The number of logical CPUs or vCPUs on the server. Shown as byte |
sqlserver.server.physical_memory (gauge) | Total physical memory on the machine Shown as byte |
sqlserver.server.target_memory (gauge) | Amount of memory that can be consumed by the memory manager. When this value is larger than the committed memory, then the memory manager will try to obtain more memory. When it is smaller, the memory manager will try to shrink the amount of memory committed. Shown as byte |
sqlserver.server.uptime (gauge) | Total time elapsed since the last computer restart. Shown as second |
sqlserver.server.virtual_memory (gauge) | Amount of virtual memory available to the process in user mode. Shown as byte |
sqlserver.stats.auto_param_attempts (gauge) | Number of auto-parameterization attempts per second. (Perf. Counter: SQL Statistics - Auto-Param Attempts/sec ) Shown as attempt |
sqlserver.stats.batch_requests (gauge) | The number of batch requests per second. (Perf. Counter: Buffer Manager - Batch Requests/sec ) Shown as request |
sqlserver.stats.connections (gauge) | The number of user connections. If DBM is enabled, this metric is tagged with status, db, and user. Shown as connection |
sqlserver.stats.failed_auto_param_attempts (gauge) | Number of failed auto-parameterization attempts per second. (Perf. Counter: SQL Statistics - Failed Auto-Params/sec ) Shown as attempt |
sqlserver.stats.lock_waits (gauge) | The number of times per second that SQL Server is unable to retain a lock right away for a resource. (Perf. Counter: Locks - Lock Waits/sec ) Shown as lock |
sqlserver.stats.procs_blocked (gauge) | The number of processes blocked. (Perf. Counter: General Statistics - Processes blocked ) Shown as process |
sqlserver.stats.safe_auto_param_attempts (gauge) | Number of safe auto-parameterization attempts per second. (Perf. Counter: SQL Statistics - Safe Auto-Params/sec ) Shown as attempt |
sqlserver.stats.sql_compilations (gauge) | The number of SQL compilations per second. (Perf. Counter: SQL Statistics - SQL Compilations/sec ) Shown as operation |
sqlserver.stats.sql_recompilations (gauge) | The number of SQL re-compilations per second. (Perf. Counter: SQL Statistics - SQL Re-Compilations/sec ) Shown as operation |
sqlserver.task.context_switches_count (gauge) | Number of scheduler context switches that this task has completed. Tags: 'scheduler_id' Shown as unit |
sqlserver.task.pending_io_byte_average (gauge) | Average byte count of I/Os that are performed by this task. Tags: 'scheduler_id' Shown as byte |
sqlserver.task.pending_io_byte_count (gauge) | Total byte count of I/Os that are performed by this task. Tags: 'scheduler_id' Shown as byte |
sqlserver.task.pending_io_count (gauge) | Number of physical I/Os that are performed by this task. Tags: 'scheduler_id' Shown as unit |
sqlserver.tempdb.file_space_usage.free_space (gauge) | The amount of free space in the tempdb database file. Note: This metric is not emitted on Azure managed databases. Tags: db Shown as mebibyte |
sqlserver.tempdb.file_space_usage.internal_object_space (gauge) | The amount of space used by internal objects in the tempdb database file. Note: This metric is not emitted on Azure managed databases. Tags: db Shown as mebibyte |
sqlserver.tempdb.file_space_usage.mixed_extent_space (gauge) | The amount of space used by mixed extents in the tempdb database file. Note: This metric is not emitted on Azure managed databases. Tags: db Shown as mebibyte |
sqlserver.tempdb.file_space_usage.user_object_space (gauge) | The amount of space used by user objects in the tempdb database file. Note: This metric is not emitted on Azure managed databases. Tags: db Shown as mebibyte |
sqlserver.tempdb.file_space_usage.version_store_space (gauge) | The amount of space used by the version store in the tempdb database file. Note: This metric is not emitted on Azure managed databases. Shown as mebibyte |
sqlserver.transactions.longest_transaction_running_time (gauge) | The time (in seconds) that the oldest active transaction has been running. Only works if database is under read committed snapshot isolation level. (Perf. Counter: Transactions - Longest Transaction Running Time ) Shown as second |
sqlserver.transactions.version_cleanup_rate (gauge) | The cleanup rate of the version store in tempdb. (Perf. Counter: Transactions - Version Cleanup rate (KB/s) ) Shown as kibibyte |
sqlserver.transactions.version_generation_rate (gauge) | The generation rate of the version store in tempdb. (Perf. Counter: Transactions - Version Generation rate (KB/s) ) Shown as kibibyte |
sqlserver.transactions.version_store_size (gauge) | The size of the version store in tempdb. (Perf. Counter: Transactions - Version Store Size (KB) ) Shown as kibibyte |
sqlserver.xe.events_not_in_xml (gauge) | Number of generated events that are missing in the XML representation of the ring buffer. Tags: session_name Shown as event |
sqlserver.xe.session_status (gauge) | Status of the node in a SQL Server failover cluster instance. Tags: session_name |