oci.apigateway.backend_http_responses (count) | Count of the HTTP responses returned by the back-end services. Shown as response |
oci.apigateway.bytes_received (count) | Number of bytes received by the API gateway from API clients. Shown as byte |
oci.apigateway.bytes_sent (count) | Number of bytes sent by the API gateway to API clients. Shown as byte |
oci.apigateway.http_requests (count) | Number of incoming API client requests to the API gateway. Shown as request |
oci.apigateway.http_responses (count) | Number of HTTP responses that the API gateway has sent back. Shown as response |
oci.apigateway.integration_latency (gauge) | Time between the API gateway sending a request to the back-end service and receiving a response from the back-end service. Shown as second |
oci.apigateway.internal_latency (gauge) | Time spent internally in the API gateway to process the request. Shown as second |
oci.apigateway.latency (gauge) | Average time that it takes for a request to be processed and its response to be sent. This is calculated from the time the API gateway receives the first byte of an HTTP request to the time when the response send operation is completed. Shown as second |
oci.apigateway.response_cache_action (gauge) | The action taken by the response cache. |
oci.apigateway.response_cache_availability (gauge) | Availability of the response cache as seen by the API gateway. |
oci.apigateway.response_cache_latency (gauge) | Total time taken for connect, read, and store operations on the response cache. Shown as millisecond |
oci.apigateway.subscriber_quota_proportion_used (gauge) | Proportion of an entitlement's quota that has been consumed by a subscriber. Emitted per request. Calculated as: / . Shown as fraction |
oci.apigateway.subscriber_rate_limit_proportion_used (gauge) | Proportion of an entitlement's rate limit that has been consumed by a subscriber. Emitted per request. Calculated as: / . Shown as fraction |
oci.apigateway.subscriber_requests (count) | Number of requests made by a subscriber. Emitted per request. Shown as request |
oci.apigateway.usage_plan_requests (count) | Number of requests to a given entitlement. Emitted per request. Shown as request |
oci.goldengate.cpu_utilization (gauge) | Total CPU usage percentage by all consumer groups. Shown as percent |
oci.goldengate.deployment_health (gauge) | Overall percentage health of deployment services. There are four services: Administration service, Distribution service, Receiver service, and Performance Metric service. If all four are running healthy, the expected score is 100%. If Deployment Health is 50%, then only two of the services are running healthy. Shown as percent |
oci.goldengate.deployment_inbound_lag (gauge) | Average lag, in seconds, for all inbound streams critical to deployment health Shown as second |
oci.goldengate.deployment_outbound_lag (gauge) | Average lag, in seconds, for all outbound streams critical to deployment health. Shown as second |
oci.goldengate.distribution_path_lag (gauge) | Average lag, in seconds, of a Distribution Path process in the deployment. For example, if the source and target deployments are running in two different data centers, network latency issues could impact lag. Shown as second |
oci.goldengate.distribution_path_status (gauge) | Health percentage of a Distribution Path process in the deployment. 100% when process is Running. 0% when process is Abended or Stopped. Shown as percent |
oci.goldengate.extract_lag (gauge) | The difference, in seconds, between the time the Extract processed a record (based on the system clock) and the time stamp of that record in the data source. Shown as second |
oci.goldengate.extract_status (gauge) | Health percentage of an Extract process in the deployment. 100% when process is Running. 0% when process is Abended or Stopped. Shown as percent |
oci.goldengate.file_system_usage (gauge) | Percentage of File System Space used by the deployment. Shown as percent |
oci.goldengate.heartbeat_lag (gauge) | Replication lag, in seconds, from the source endpoint to the target endpoint. Shown as second |
oci.goldengate.memory_utilization (gauge) | Percentage of available memory used. The need for memory is aligned with the size of the data replicated. If enough memory is allocated, then each open transaction is kept in memory until a commit record is received. Shown as percent |
oci.goldengate.ocpu_consumption (count) | Total number of OCPUs used by the deployment. When the count is lower than the minimum number of OCPUs, the minimum is shown. When the number of OCPUs is greater than the minimum number, the actual number of OCPUs used is shown. Shown as cpu |
oci.goldengate.pipeline_health (gauge) | Overall health percentage of a Stream Analytics pipeline. 100% when a pipeline is healthy during the time range. 0% when the pipeline is unhealthy or not running during the time range. Between 0% to 100% when a pipeline was unhealthy and is recovering or going to terminate within the time range and needs attention. Shown as percent |
oci.goldengate.pipeline_memory_usage (gauge) | Memory usage in megabytes (MB) of pipeline drivers and executors in the deployment. Shown as megabyte |
oci.goldengate.pipeline_processing_rate (gauge) | Average number of events processed per second by pipelines in the deployment. Shown as event |
oci.goldengate.pipeline_scheduling_delay (gauge) | Average scheduling delay in milliseconds (ms) of pipelines in the deployment. Shown as millisecond |
oci.goldengate.pipeline_total_delay (gauge) | Average total delay in milliseconds (ms) of pipelines in the deployment. Shown as millisecond |
oci.goldengate.receiver_path_lag (gauge) | Average lag, in seconds, of Receiver Path process in the deployment Shown as second |
oci.goldengate.receiver_path_status (gauge) | Health percentage of a Receiver Path process in the deployment. 100% when process is Running. 0% when process is Abended or Stopped. Shown as percent |
oci.goldengate.replicat_lag (gauge) | The difference, in seconds, between the time the Replicat processed the last record (based on the system clock) and the time stamp of the record in the trail. Shown as second |
oci.goldengate.replicat_status (gauge) | Health percentage of a Replicat process in the deployment. 100% when process is Running. 0% when process is Abended or Stopped. Shown as percent |
oci.goldengate.swap_space_usage (gauge) | Percentage of Swap Space used by the deployment. As OCI GoldenGate only writes only committed transaction to the trail files, all the uncommitted transactions are cached in memory. Cache uses both physical memory and swap space (virtual memory). Swap space is located on hard drives to provide additional memory when the physical memory (RAM) is full. Shown as percent |
oci.goldengate.temp_space_usage (gauge) | Percentage of temporary space used by the deployment. When total cached transaction data exceeds the Cachesize setting, Extract writes cache data to temporary files. It is more efficient for the operating system to swap to disk than it is for Extract to write temporary files. Shown as percent |
oci.oracle_appmgmt.active_requests_by_application (gauge) | Number of executions active grouped by category. Shown as request |
oci.oracle_appmgmt.active_user_sessions (gauge) | Current Active User Sessions by username. Shown as session |
oci.oracle_appmgmt.active_user_sessions_by_responsibility (gauge) | Current Active User Sessions grouped by responsibility. Shown as session |
oci.oracle_appmgmt.capacity_utilization_of_concurrent_managers (gauge) | Utilized capacity of the concurrent manager. Shown as percent |
oci.oracle_appmgmt.completed_requests_by_application (gauge) | Percentage of executions completed grouped by category. Shown as percent |
oci.oracle_appmgmt.concurrent_processing_component_status (gauge) | Status of the component. Values are: 1 = Up 0 = Down. Shown as resource |
oci.oracle_appmgmt.concurrent_requests_by_status (count) | Concurrent requests by status. Shown as request |
oci.oracle_appmgmt.deferred_records (count) | Deferred records grouped by status. Shown as record |
oci.oracle_appmgmt.executed_programs_by_running_time (gauge) | Running time of each execution of the program (raw data). Shown as millisecond |
oci.oracle_appmgmt.forms_database_sessions_per_application (count) | Number Of Forms Sessions. Shown as session |
oci.oracle_appmgmt.forms_database_sessions_per_user (count) | Number Of Forms Sessions. Shown as session |
oci.oracle_appmgmt.hourly_completed_concurrent_requests_rate (gauge) | Concurrent Requests Completed by category. Shown as percent |
oci.oracle_appmgmt.inbound_notifications (count) | Inbound records grouped by status. Shown as record |
oci.oracle_appmgmt.internal_concurrent_manager_status (gauge) | Status of the resource. Values are: 1 = Up 0 = Down. Shown as resource |
oci.oracle_appmgmt.long_active_concurrent_requests (gauge) | For pending requests, pending time. For running requests, running time. Shown as millisecond |
oci.oracle_appmgmt.monitoring_status (gauge) | Status of the resource. Values are: 1 = Up 0 = Down. Shown as resource |
oci.oracle_appmgmt.outbound_notifications (count) | Outbound records grouped by status. Shown as record |
oci.oracle_appmgmt.queue_details (count) | Requests grouped by status. Shown as request |
oci.oracle_appmgmt.users_with_most_pending_requests (gauge) | Number of requests. Shown as user |
oci.oracle_appmgmt.users_with_most_running_requests (gauge) | Number of requests. Shown as user |