gcp.gae.flex.autoscaler.capacity (gauge) | Utilization capacity multiplied by the number of serving VMs. |
gcp.gae.flex.autoscaler.connections.current (gauge) | The number of current reading and writing connections per App Engine flexible environment instance. Intended to be used for autoscaling. Shown as connection |
gcp.gae.flex.autoscaler.current_utilization (gauge) | The sum of the utilization of a specified metric for all serving VMs. |
gcp.gae.flex.autoscaler.server.request_count (count) | Request counts for an App Engine flexible environment instance. Intended to be used for autoscaling. |
gcp.gae.flex.connections.current (gauge) | The number of current active connections per App Engine flexible environment version. Shown as connection |
gcp.gae.flex.cpu.reserved_cores (gauge) | The total number of CPU cores allocated to an App Engine flexible environment version. Shown as core |
gcp.gae.flex.cpu.utilization (gauge) | Fractional utilization of allocated CPU across an AppEngine flexible environment version. Values are typically numbers between 0.0 and 1.0 (but some machine types allow bursting above 1.0). Shown as percent |
gcp.gae.flex.disk.read_bytes_count (count) | The count of bytes read from disk across an App Engine flexible environment version. Shown as byte |
gcp.gae.flex.disk.write_bytes_count (count) | The count of bytes written from disk across an App Engine flexible environment version. Shown as byte |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.connections.current (count) | The number of current active connections per App Engine flexible environment instance. Shown as connection |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.container.cpu.limit (gauge) | CPU time limit (where applicable). Shown as unit |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.container.cpu.usage_time (gauge) | Per container CPU usage in CPU seconds. Shown as second |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.container.memory.limit (gauge) | Total memory the container is allowed to use. Shown as byte |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.container.memory.usage (gauge) | Total memory the container is using. Shown as byte |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.container.network.received_bytes_count (count) | Bytes received by container over all network interfaces. Shown as byte |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.container.network.sent_bytes_count (count) | Bytes sent by container over all network interfaces. Shown as byte |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.container.restart_count (count) | Number of times the container has been restarted. |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.container.uptime (gauge) | Time for which the container has been up. Shown as second |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.cpu.usage_time (count) | Delta vCPU usage for all vCPUs, in vCPU-seconds. This value is reported by the hypervisor for the VM and can differ from agent.googleapis.com/cpu/usage_time , which is reported from inside the VM. Shown as second |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.cpu.utilization (gauge) | Fractional CPU utilization for all cores on a single AppEngine flexible instance. Values are typically numbers between 0.0 and 1.0 for a single core (but might exceed 1.0 in total). |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.disk.io.read_bytes_count (count) | The count of bytes read from disk. Shown as byte |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.disk.io.write_bytes_count (count) | The count of bytes written to disk. Shown as byte |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.guest.disk.bytes_used (gauge) | The number of bytes used on disk for file systems. Shown as byte |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.guest.memory.bytes_used (gauge) | The memory usage by each memory state, in bytes. Summing values of all states yields the total memory on the machine. Shown as byte |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.healthcheck.liveness.request_count (count) | The number of liveness health-check requests for a Flex instance with status and error code. Shown as request |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.healthcheck.readiness.request_count (count) | The number of readiness health-check requests for a Flex instance with status and error code. Shown as request |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.jvm.gc.count (count) | The total number of garbage collections that have occurred. Shown as garbage collection |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.jvm.gc.time (count) | The accumulated garbage collection elapsed time in milliseconds. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.jvm.memory.usage (gauge) | The memory usage. |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.jvm.os.cpu_time (count) | The CPU time used by the process on which the Java virtual machine is running. Shown as nanosecond |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.jvm.thread.num_live (gauge) | The current number of live threads. Shown as thread |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.jvm.thread.peak (gauge) | The peak number of live threads. Shown as thread |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.jvm.uptime (count) | The uptime of the Java virtual machine. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.log_entry_count (count) | The count of log entries written by the Logging agent. Shown as entry |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.log_entry_retry_count (count) | The count of log-entry writes that were retried by the Logging agent. Shown as write |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.network.received_bytes_count (count) | The count of incoming network bytes in an App Engine flexible instance. Shown as byte |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.network.sent_bytes_count (count) | The count of outgoing network bytes in an App Engine flexible instance. Shown as byte |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.nginx.connections.accepted_count (count) | The total connections accepted. Shown as connection |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.nginx.connections.current (gauge) | The number of connections currently attached to Nginx. Shown as connection |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.nginx.connections.handled_count (count) | The total connections handled. |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.uptime (gauge) | How long the VM has been running, in seconds. Shown as second |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.web_socket.closed_connections_count (count) | Count of websocket connections closed. |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.web_socket.durations.avg (count) | The average the durations of websocket connections measured at nginx. Shown as second |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.web_socket.durations.samplecount (count) | The sample count for the durations of websocket connections measured at nginx. Shown as second |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.web_socket.durations.sumsqdev (count) | The sum of squared deviation for the durations of websocket connections measured at nginx. Shown as second |
gcp.gae.flex.instance.ws.avg_duration (gauge) | The average of websocket requests for a given App Engine Flexible instance. Shown as second |
gcp.gae.flex.network.received_bytes_count (count) | The count of incoming network bytes across all VMs in an App Engine flexible environment version. Shown as byte |
gcp.gae.flex.network.sent_bytes_count (count) | The count of outgoing network bytes across all VMs in an App Engine flexible environment version. Shown as byte |
gcp.gae.http.server.dos_intercept_count (count) | The count of interceptions performed to prevent DoS attacks. Shown as occurrence |
gcp.gae.http.server.quota_denial_count (count) | The count of failed requests due to the app being over quota. Shown as request |
gcp.gae.http.server.response_count (count) | The HTTP response count. Shown as response |
gcp.gae.http.server.response_latencies.avg (gauge) | The average HTTP response latency. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.gae.http.server.response_latencies.p95 (gauge) | The 95th percentile of HTTP response latency. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.gae.http.server.response_latencies.p99 (gauge) | The 99th percentile of HTTP response latency. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.gae.http.server.response_latencies.samplecount (count) | The sample count for HTTP response latency. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.gae.http.server.response_latencies.sumsqdev (gauge) | The sum of squared deviation for HTTP response latency. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.gae.http.server.response_style_count (count) | The count of HTTP responses by serve style. Shown as response |
gcp.gae.infrastructure.cloudsql.connection_latencies.avg (count) | The average distribution of latency in microseconds for connections originating from App Engine to Cloud SQL. Shown as microsecond |
gcp.gae.infrastructure.cloudsql.connection_latencies.samplecount (count) | The sample count for distribution of latency in microseconds for connections originating from App Engine to Cloud SQL. Shown as microsecond |
gcp.gae.infrastructure.cloudsql.connection_latencies.sumsqdev (count) | The sum of squared deviation for distribution of latency in microseconds for connections originating from App Engine to Cloud SQL. Shown as microsecond |
gcp.gae.infrastructure.cloudsql.connection_refused_count (count) | Total number of connections refused originating from App Engine to Cloud SQL. |
gcp.gae.infrastructure.cloudsql.connection_request_count (count) | Total number of connection requests originating from App Engine to Cloud SQL. |
gcp.gae.infrastructure.cloudsql.received_bytes_count (count) | Number of bytes received by App Engine from Cloud SQL over the network. Shown as byte |
gcp.gae.infrastructure.cloudsql.sent_bytes_count (count) | Number of bytes sent by App Engine to Cloud SQL over the network. Shown as byte |
gcp.gae.memcache.access_ages.avg (count) | The average ages of cached items when they are accessed. Shown as second |
gcp.gae.memcache.access_ages.samplecount (count) | The sample count for ages of cached items when they are accessed. Shown as second |
gcp.gae.memcache.access_ages.sumsqdev (count) | The sum of squared deviation for ages of cached items when they are accessed. Shown as second |
gcp.gae.memcache.backend_request_count (count) | Count of cache requests as recorded by the backends. Shown as request |
gcp.gae.memcache.cache_size_limit (gauge) | Expected maximum possible cache size based on app's configuration. Shown as byte |
gcp.gae.memcache.centi_mcu_count (count) | Memcache utilization as 1/100th Memcache Compute Units. Shown as unit |
gcp.gae.memcache.centi_mcu_limit (gauge) | Expected maximum memcache size in one hundredth of Memcache Compute Units. Shown as unit |
gcp.gae.memcache.eviction_count (count) | Rate of items evicted from the cache due to space constraints. Shown as item |
gcp.gae.memcache.hit_bytes_count (count) | Count of bytes served from cache hits. Shown as byte |
gcp.gae.memcache.hit_count (count) | Rate of cache hits. Shown as request |
gcp.gae.memcache.hit_ratio (gauge) | The percentage of successful hits compared to all memcache operations. Shown as hit |
gcp.gae.memcache.hot_keys.avg (count) | The average distribution of hot key qps. Shown as request |
gcp.gae.memcache.hot_keys.samplecount (count) | The sample count for distribution of hot key qps. Shown as request |
gcp.gae.memcache.hot_keys.sumsqdev (count) | The sum of squared deviation for distribution of hot key qps. Shown as request |
gcp.gae.memcache.miss_count (count) | Rate of cache misses. Shown as request |
gcp.gae.memcache.operation_count (count) | The count of memcache key operations, grouped by command and status. Shown as operation |
gcp.gae.memcache.received_bytes_count (count) | The number of bytes received by app from the memcache API, grouped by status and memcache command. Shown as byte |
gcp.gae.memcache.sent_bytes_count (count) | The number of bytes sent by app through the memcache API, grouped by memcache command. Shown as byte |
gcp.gae.memcache.set_bytes_count (count) | Count of bytes received from sets. Shown as byte |
gcp.gae.memcache.used_cache_size (gauge) | The size of the cache, calculated as the total size of all items stored. |
gcp.gae.system.billed_instance_estimate_count (gauge) | An estimate of the number of instances that the customer is charged for. Shown as instance |
gcp.gae.system.cpu.usage (gauge) | CPU usage in megacycles over all instances. |
gcp.gae.system.cpu.utilization (gauge) | CPU utilization average over all active instances. |
gcp.gae.system.instance_count (gauge) | The number of instances that exist. Shown as instance |
gcp.gae.system.memory.usage (gauge) | The total memory used by running instances. Shown as byte |
gcp.gae.system.network.received_bytes_count (count) | The count of incoming network bandwidth. Shown as byte |
gcp.gae.system.network.sent_bytes_count (count) | The count of outgoing network bandwidth. Shown as byte |
gcp.gae.system.pending_queue.pending_requests (gauge) | Number of pending requests. |