Dotnet | dotnet | dotnet |
Activemq | activemq | activemq |
Airbrake | airbrake | airbrake |
Akamai Datastream | akamai datastream | akamaidatastream |
Akamai Mpulse | akamai mpulse | akamaimpulse |
Alibaba Cloud | alibaba cloud | alibabacloud |
Amazon Appstream | amazon appstream | appstream |
AWS AppSync | amazon appsync | appsync |
Amazon Api Gateway | amazon api gateway | apigateway |
Amazon Athena | amazon athena | athena |
AWS Auto Scaling | amazon auto scaling | autoscaling |
Bigpanda | bigpanda | bigpanda |
AWS App Runner | amazon app runner | awsapprunner |
AWS Backup | amazon backup | awsbackup |
AWS Billing | amazon billing | billing |
AWS Certificate Manager | amazon certificate manager | awscertificatemanager |
Amazon Cloudfront | amazon cloudfront | cloudfront |
AWS CloudHSM | amazon cloudhsm | cloudhsm |
Amazon CloudSearch | amazon cloudsearch | cloudsearch |
AWS Cloudtrail | amazon cloudtrail | cloudtrail |
AWS CodeBuild | amazon codebuild | codebuild |
AWS CodeDeploy | amazon codedeploy | codedeploy |
Amazon Cognito | amazon cognito | cognito |
AWS Compute Optimizer | amazon compute optimizer | amazoncomputeoptimizer |
Amazon Security Lake | amazon security lake | amazonsecuritylake |
Amazon Connect | amazon connect | awsconnect |
AWS Direct Connect | amazon directconnect | directconnect |
AWS Database Migration Service | amazon dms | awsdms |
Amazon Documentdb | amazon documentdb | documentdb |
Amazon Dynamodb | amazon dynamodb | dynamodb |
Amazon Dynamodb Accelerator | amazon dynamodb accelerator | dynamodbaccelerator |
Amazon EBS | amazon ebs | ebs |
Amazon EC2 | amazon ec2 | ec2 |
Amazon EC2 Spot | amazon ec2 spot | ec2spot |
Amazon ECR | amazon ecr | ecr |
Amazon ECS | amazon ecs | ecs |
Amazon EFS | amazon efs | efs |
Amazon ElastiCache | amazon elasticache | elasticache |
AWS Elastic Beanstalk | amazon elasticbeanstalk | elasticbeanstalk |
Amazon Elastic Transcoder | amazon elastic transcoder | elastictranscoder |
AWS MediaConnect | amazon mediaconnect | mediaconnect |
AWS MediaConvert | amazon mediaconvert | mediaconvert |
AWS MediaLive | amazon medialive | medialive |
AWS MediaPackage | amazon mediapackage | mediapackage |
AWS MediaStore | amazon mediastore | mediastore |
AWS MediaTailor | amazon mediatailor | mediatailor |
Amazon ELB | amazon elb | elb |
Amazon EMR | amazon emr | emr |
Amazon ES | amazon es | es |
Amazon EventBridge | amazon eventbridge | awseventhub |
Amazon Firehose | amazon firehose | firehose |
Amazon Fsx | amazon fsx | awsfsx |
Amazon Gamelift | amazon gamelift | gamelift |
AWS Glue | amazon glue | glue |
AWS Health | amazon health | health |
Amazon Inspector | amazon inspector | inspector |
AWS IOT Core | amazon iot | iot |
Amazon Keyspaces | amazon keyspaces | keyspaces |
Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics | amazon kinesis data analytics | kinesisanalytics |
Amazon Kinesis | amazon kinesis | kinesis |
AWS Key Management Service | amazon kms | kms |
AWS Lambda | amazon lambda | lambda |
Amazon Lex | amazon lex | awslex |
AWS App Mesh | amazon app mesh | amazonappmesh |
AWS Machine Learning | amazon machine learning | machinelearning |
Amazon Mwaa | amazon mwaa | mwaa |
Amazon MQ | amazon mq | mq |
Amazon MSK | amazon msk | msk |
AWS Nat Gateway | amazon nat gateway | natgateway |
Amazon Neptune | amazon neptune | neptune |
Amazon Ops Works | amazon ops works | opsworks |
Amazon Polly | amazon polly | polly |
AWS PrivateLink | amazon privatelink | privatelink |
Amazon RDS | amazon rds | rds |
Amazon RDS Proxy | amazon rds proxy | rdsproxy |
Amazon RedShift | amazon redshift | redshift |
Amazon Rekognition | amazon rekognition | rekognition |
Amazon Route 53 | amazon route53 | route53 |
Amazon S3 | amazon s3 | s3 |
Amazon S3 Storage Lens | amazon s3 storage lens | s3storagelens |
Amazon Sagemaker | amazon sagemaker | sagemaker |
AWS Security Hub | amazon security hub | amazon_security_hub |
Amazon SES | amazon ses | ses |
AWS Shield | amazon shield | shield |
Amazon SNS | amazon sns | sns |
Amazon SQS | amazon sqs | sqs |
AWS Step Functions | amazon step functions | stepfunctions |
AWS Storage Gateway | amazon storage gateway | storagegateway |
Amazon SWF | amazon swf | swf |
Amazon Textract | amazon textract | awstextract |
AWS Transit Gateway | amazon transit gateway | awstransitgateway |
Amazon Translate | amazon translate | translate |
AWS Trusted Advisor | amazon trusted advisor | trustedadvisor |
AWS WAF | amazon waf | waf |
AWS Network Firewall | amazon network firewall | networkfirewall |
AWS VPN | amazon vpn | awsvpn |
Amazon Web Services | amazon web services | cloudwatch |
Amazon Workspaces | amazon workspaces | workspaces |
Amazon X-Ray | amazon xray | awsxray |
Ansible | ansible | ansible |
Apache | apache | apache |
Azure Analysis Services | azure analysis services | azureanalysisservices |
Azure Api Management | azure api management | azureapimanagement |
Azure App Service Environment | azure app service environment | azureappserviceenvironment |
Azure App Service Plan | azure app service plan | azureappserviceplan |
Azure App Services | azure app services | azureappservices |
Azure Application Gateway | azure application gateway | azureapplicationgateway |
Azure Arc | azure arc | azurearc |
Azure Automation | azure automation | azureautomation |
Azure Batch | azure batch | azurebatch |
Azure Blob Storage | azure blob storage | azureblobstorage |
Azure Cognitive Services | azure cognitive services | azurecognitiveservices |
Azure Container Apps | azure container apps | azurecontainerapps |
Azure Container Instances | azure container instances | azurecontainerinstances |
Azure Container Service | azure container service | azurecontainerservice |
Azure Cosmosdb | azure cosmosdb | azurecosmosdb |
Azure Customer Insights | azure customer insights | azurecustomerinsights |
Azure Data Factory | azure data factory | azuredatafactory |
Azure Data Lake Analytics | azure data lake analytics | azuredatalakeanalytics |
Azure Data Lake Store | azure data lake store | azuredatalakestore |
Azure Db For Mariadb | azure db for mariadb | azuredbformariadb |
Azure Db For Mysql | azure db for mysql | azuredbformysql |
Azure Db For Postgresql | azure db for postgresql | azuredbforpostgresql |
Azure Cosmosdb For Postgresql | azure cosmosdb for postgresql | azurecosmosdbforpostgresql |
Azure Devops | azure devops | azuredevops |
Azure Event Grid | azure event grid | azureeventgrid |
Azure Event Hub | azure event hub | azureeventhub |
Azure Express Route | azure express route | azureexpressroute |
Azure File Storage | azure file storage | azurefilestorage |
Azure Hd Insight | azure hd insight | azurehdinsight |
Azure Iot Hub | azure iot hub | azureiothub |
Azure Key Vault | azure key vault | azurekeyvault |
Azure Load Balancer | azure load balancer | azureloadbalancer |
Azure Logic App | azure logic app | azurelogicapp |
Azure Network Interface | azure network interface | azurenetworkinterface |
Azure Notification Hubs | azure notification hubs | azurenotificationhubs |
Azure Public Ip Address | azure public ip address | azurepublicipaddress |
Azure Queue Storage | azure queue storage | azurequeuestorage |
Azure Redis Cache | azure redis cache | azurerediscache |
Azure Relay | azure relay | azurerelay |
Azure Search | azure search | azuresearch |
Azure Service Bus | azure service bus | azureservicebus |
Azure Sql Database | azure sql database | azuresqldatabase |
Azure Sql Elastic Pool | azure sql elastic pool | azuresqlelasticpool |
Azure Stream Analytics | azure stream analytics | azurestreamanalytics |
Azure Table Storage | azure table storage | azuretablestorage |
Azure Usage And Quotas | azure usage and quotas | azureusageandquotas |
Azure Virtual Network | azure virtual network | azurevirtualnetwork |
Azure Vm Scale Set | azure vm scale set | azurevmscaleset |
Azure Vm | azure vm | azurevm |
Azure | azure | azure |
Bitbucket | bitbucket | bitbucket |
Btrfs | btrfs | btrfs |
Bugsnag | bugsnag | bugsnag |
Cacti | cacti | cacti |
Campfire | campfire | campfire |
Capistrano | capistrano | capistrano |
Carbon Black | carbon black | carbonblack |
Cassandra | cassandra | cassandra |
Catchpoint | catchpoint | catchpoint |
Ceph | ceph | ceph |
Chatwork | chatwork | chatwork |
Chef | chef | chef |
Circleci | circleci | circleci |
Cisco Aci | cisco aci | ciscoaci |
Cloudflare | cloudflare | cloudflare |
Cloudhealth | cloudhealth | cloudhealth |
Confluent Cloud | confluent cloud | confluentcloud |
Consul | consul | consul |
Conviva | conviva | conviva |
Couchbase | couchbase | couchbase |
Couchdb | couchdb | couchdb |
Crowdstrike | crowdstrike | crowdstrike |
Desk | desk | desk |
Dingtalk | dingtalk | dingtalk |
Docker | docker | docker |
Dyn | dyn | dyn |
Elasticsearch | elasticsearch | elasticsearch |
Etcd | etcd | etcd |
Event Viewer | event viewer | eventviewer |
Express | express | express |
Fabric | fabric | fabric |
Fastly | fastly | fastly |
Flowdock | flowdock | flowdock |
Fluentd | fluentd | fluentd |
Git | git | git |
Github | github | github |
Github Apps | github apps | githubapps |
GitLab | gitlab | gitlab |
G Suite | g suite | gsuite |
Go | go | go |
Go Expvar | go expvar | goexpvar |
Google App Engine | google app engine | gae |
Google Cloud Alloydb | google cloud alloydb | gcpalloydb |
Google Cloud Apis | google cloud apis | gcpapis |
Google Cloud Audit Logs | google cloud audit logs | gcpauditlogs |
Google Cloud Big Query | google cloud big query | gcpbigquery |
Google Cloud Bigtable | google cloud bigtable | gcpbigtable |
Google Cloud Composer | google cloud composer | gcpcomposer |
Google Cloud Dataflow | google cloud dataflow | gcpdataflow |
Google Cloud Dataproc | google cloud dataproc | gcpdataproc |
Google Cloud Datastore | google cloud datastore | gcpdatastore |
Google Cloud Filestore | google cloud filestore | gcpfilestore |
Google Cloud Firebase | google cloud firebase | gcpfirebase |
Google Cloud Firestore | google cloud firestore | gcpfirestore |
Google Cloud Functions | google cloud functions | gcpcloudfunctions |
Google Cloud Interconnect | google cloud interconnect | gcpinterconnect |
Google Cloud Iot | google cloud iot | gcpiot |
Google Cloud Loadbalancing | google cloud loadbalancing | gcploadbalancing |
Google Stackdriver Logging | google stackdriver logging | gcplogging |
Google Cloud Ml | google cloud ml | gcpml |
Google Cloud Platform | google cloud platform | gcp |
Google Cloud Pubsub | google cloud pubsub | gcppubsub |
Google Cloud Redis | google cloud redis | gcpredis |
Google Cloud Router | google cloud router | gcprouter |
Google Cloud Run | google cloud run | gcpcloudrun |
Google Cloud Run For Anthos | google cloud run for anthos | gcpcloudrunforanthos |
Google Cloud Spanner | google cloud spanner | gcpspanner |
Google Cloud Storage | google cloud storage | gcpstorage |
Google Cloud Tasks | google cloud tasks | gcptasks |
Google Cloud Tpu | google cloud tpu | gcptpu |
Google Cloud Vpn | google cloud vpn | gcpvpn |
Google Cloudsql | google cloudsql | gcpcloudsql |
Google Compute Engine | google compute engine | gcpcompute |
Google Container Engine | google container engine | gcpcontainer |
Google Eventarc | google eventarc | gcpeventarc |
Google Hangouts Chat | google hangouts chat | hangouts |
Google Kubernetes Engine | google kubernetes engine | gke |
Google Workspace Alert Center | google workspace alert center | googleworkspacealertcenter |
Gunicorn | gunicorn | gunicorn |
Haproxy | haproxy | haproxy |
Hdfs | hdfs | hdfs |
Hipchat | hipchat | hipchat |
Honeybadger | honeybadger | honeybadger |
Iis | iis | iis |
Immunio | immunio | immunio |
Java | java | java |
Jenkins | jenkins | jenkins |
Jira | jira | jira |
Jumpcloud | jumpcloud | jumpcloud |
Kafka | kafka | kafka |
Knative For Anthos | knative for anthos | knativeforanthos |
Kong | kong | kong |
Kubernetes | kubernetes | kubernetes |
Kyoto Tycoon | kyoto tycoon | kyototycoon |
Lightbendrp | lightbendrp | lightbendrp |
Lighttpd | lighttpd | lighttpd |
Mapreduce | mapreduce | mapreduce |
Marathon | marathon | marathon |
Memcached | memcached | memcached |
Meraki | meraki | meraki |
Mesos | mesos | mesos |
Microsoft 365 | microsoft 365 | microsoft365 |
Microsoft Teams | microsoft teams | microsoftteams |
Mongodb | mongodb | mongodb |
Mongodb Atlas | mongodb atlas | mongodbatlas |
Moxtra | moxtra | moxtra |
Mparticle | mparticle | mparticle |
Mysql | mysql | mysql |
Nagios | nagios | nagios |
Netlify | netlify | netlify |
New Relic | new relic | newrelic |
Nginx | nginx | nginx |
Node | node | node |
Okta | okta | okta |
Openstack | openstack | openstack |
Opsgenie | opsgenie | opsgenie |
Opsmatic | opsmatic | opsmatic |
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure | oracle cloud infrastructure | oraclecloudinfrastructure |
Pagerduty | pagerduty | pagerduty |
Papertrail | papertrail | papertrail |
Pgbouncer | pgbouncer | pgbouncer |
Php | php | php |
Phpfpm | phpfpm | phpfpm |
Pingdom | pingdom | pingdomv3 |
Pivotal | pivotal | pivotal |
Postfix | postfix | postfix |
Postgres | postgres | postgres |
Powerdns Recursor | powerdns recursor | powerdnsrecursor |
Puppet | puppet | puppet |
Pusher | pusher | pusher |
Python | python | python |
Rabbitmq | rabbitmq | rabbitmq |
Redis | redis | redis |
Redmine | redmine | redmine |
Riak | riak | riak |
Riakcs | riakcs | riakcs |
Rollbar | rollbar | rollbar |
Ruby | ruby | ruby |
Salesforce | salesforce | salesforce |
Salesforce Commerce Cloud | salesforce commerce cloud | salesforcecommercecloud |
Salesforce Marketing Cloud | salesforce marketing cloud | salesforcemarketingcloud |
Salesforce Incidents | salesforce incidents | salesforceincidents |
Segment | segment | segment |
Sendgrid | sendgrid | sendgrid |
SentinelOne | sentinelone | sentinelone |
Sentry | sentry | sentry |
Servicenow | servicenow | servicenow |
Slack | slack | slack |
Snmp | snmp | snmp |
Solarwinds | solarwinds | solarwinds |
Solr | solr | solr |
Spark | spark | spark | | splitio | splitio |
Splunk | splunk | splunk |
Sql Server | sql server | sqlserver |
Ssh | ssh | ssh |
Statuspage | statuspage | statuspage |
Sumo Logic | sumo logic | sumologic |
Supervisord | supervisord | supervisord |
System | system | system |
Teamcity | teamcity | teamcity |
Tokumx | tokumx | tokumx |
Tomcat | tomcat | tomcat |
Travis Ci | travis ci | travisci |
User | user | dogwebpublisher |
Varnish | varnish | varnish |
Victorops | victorops | victorops |
Vsphere | vsphere | vsphere |
Webhooks | webhooks | webhooks |
Windows Service | windows service | windowsservice |
Wmi | wmi | wmi |
Xmatters | xmatters | xmatters |
Yarn | yarn | yarn |
Zabbix | zabbix | zabbix |
Zendesk | zendesk | zendesk |
Zookeeper | zookeeper | zookeeper |
Zscaler | zscaler | zscaler |