cockroachdb.abortspanbytes (gauge) | Number of bytes in the abort span Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.addsstable.applications (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of SSTable ingestions applied (i.e. applied by Replicas) Shown as operation |
cockroachdb.addsstable.applications.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of SSTable ingestions applied (i.e. applied by Replicas) Shown as operation |
cockroachdb.addsstable.copies (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] number of SSTable ingestions that required copying files during application Shown as operation |
cockroachdb.addsstable.copies.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] number of SSTable ingestions that required copying files during application Shown as operation |
cockroachdb.addsstable.delay.count (count) | Amount by which evaluation of AddSSTable requests was delayed Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.addsstable.delay.enginebackpressure.count (count) | Amount by which evaluation of AddSSTable requests was delayed by storage-engine backpressure Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.addsstable.proposals (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of SSTable ingestions proposed (i.e. sent to Raft by lease holders) Shown as operation |
cockroachdb.addsstable.proposals.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of SSTable ingestions proposed (i.e. sent to Raft by lease holders) Shown as operation |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.elastic_cpu.bulk_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.elastic_cpu.count (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.elastic_cpu.normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.kv (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of KV requests admitted Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.kv.bulk_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.kv.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of KV requests admitted Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.kv.high_pri.count (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.kv.locking_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.kv.normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.kv_stores (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of KV stores requests admitted Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.kv_stores.bulk_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.kv_stores.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of KV stores requests admitted Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.kv_stores.high_pri.count (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.kv_stores.locking_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.kv_stores.normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.kv_stores.ttl_low_pri.count (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.sql.leaf.start (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of SQL leaf start requests admitted Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.sql.leaf.start.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of SQL leaf start requests admitted Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.sql.root.start (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of SQL root start requests admitted Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.sql.root.start.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of SQL root start requests admitted Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.sql_kv.response (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of SQL KV response requests admitted Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.sql_kv.response.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of SQL KV response requests admitted Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.sql_kv_response.locking_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.sql_kv_response.normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.sql_leaf_start.count (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.sql_leaf_start.locking_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.sql_leaf_start.normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.sql_root_start.count (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.sql_root_start.locking_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.sql_root_start.normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.sql_sql.response (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of Distributed SQL response requests admitted Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.sql_sql.response.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of Distributed SQL response requests admitted Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.sql_sql_response.locking_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.admitted.sql_sql_response.normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.elastic_cpu.acquired_nanos.count (count) | Total CPU nanoseconds acquired by elastic work Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.elastic_cpu.available_nanos (gauge) | Instantaneous available CPU nanoseconds per second ignoring utilization limit Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.elastic_cpu.max_available_nanos.count (count) | Maximum available CPU nanoseconds per second ignoring utilization limit Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.elastic_cpu.nanos_exhausted_duration (gauge) | Total duration when elastic CPU nanoseconds were exhausted, in micros |
cockroachdb.admission.elastic_cpu.over_limit_durations.bucket (count) | Measurement of how much over the prescribed limit elastic requests ran (not recorded if requests don't run over) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.elastic_cpu.over_limit_durations.count (count) | Measurement of how much over the prescribed limit elastic requests ran (not recorded if requests don't run over) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.elastic_cpu.over_limit_durations.sum (count) | Measurement of how much over the prescribed limit elastic requests ran (not recorded if requests don't run over) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.elastic_cpu.pre_work_nanos.count (count) | Total CPU nanoseconds spent doing pre-work, before doing elastic work Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.elastic_cpu.returned_nanos.count (count) | Total CPU nanoseconds returned by elastic work Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.elastic_cpu.utilization (gauge) | CPU utilization by elastic work Shown as percent |
cockroachdb.admission.elastic_cpu.utilization_limit (gauge) | Utilization limit set for the elastic CPU work Shown as percent |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.elastic_cpu.bulk_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests not admitted due to error |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.elastic_cpu.count (count) | Number of requests not admitted due to error |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.elastic_cpu.normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests not admitted due to error |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.kv.bulk_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.kv.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of KV requests not admitted due to error Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.kv.countt (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of KV requests not admitted due to error Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.kv.high_pri.count (count) | Number of requests not admitted due to error |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.kv.locking_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests not admitted due to error |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.kv.normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests not admitted due to error |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.kv_stores.bulk_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests not admitted due to error |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.kv_stores.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of KV stores requests not admitted due to error Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.kv_stores.countt (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of KV stores requests not admitted due to error Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.kv_stores.high_pri.count (count) | Number of requests not admitted due to error |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.kv_stores.locking_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests not admitted due to error |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.kv_stores.normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests not admitted due to error |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.kv_stores.ttl_low_pri.count (count) | Number of requests not admitted due to error |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.sql.leaf.start (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of SQL leaf start requests not admitted due to error Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.sql.leaf.start.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of SQL leaf start requests not admitted due to error Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.sql.root.start (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of SQL root start requests not admitted due to error Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.sql.root.start.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of SQL root start requests not admitted due to error Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.sql_kv.response (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of SQL KV requests not admitted due to error Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.sql_kv.response.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of SQL KV requests not admitted due to error Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.sql_kv_response.locking_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests not admitted due to error |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.sql_kv_response.normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests not admitted due to error |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.sql_leaf_start.count (count) | Number of requests not admitted due to error |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.sql_leaf_start.locking_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests not admitted due to error |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.sql_leaf_start.normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests not admitted due to error |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.sql_root_start.count (count) | Number of requests not admitted due to error |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.sql_root_start.locking_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests not admitted due to error |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.sql_root_start.normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests not admitted due to error |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.sql_sql.response (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of Distributed SQL requests not admitted due to error Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.sql_sql.response.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of Distributed SQL start requests not admitted due to error Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.sql_sql_response.locking_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests not admitted due to error |
cockroachdb.admission.errored.sql_sql_response.normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests not admitted due to error |
cockroachdb.admission.granter.cpu_load_long_period_duration.kv.count (count) | Total duration when CPULoad was being called with a long period, in micros |
cockroachdb.admission.granter.cpu_load_short_period_duration.kv.count (count) | Total duration when CPULoad was being called with a short period, in micros |
cockroachdb.admission.granter.elastic_io_tokens_available.kv (gauge) | Number of tokens available | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Total duration when IO tokens were exhausted, in micros Shown as microsecond | (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Total duration when IO tokens were exhausted, in micros Shown as microsecond |
cockroachdb.admission.granter.io_tokens_available.kv (gauge) | Number of tokens available |
cockroachdb.admission.granter.io_tokens_bypassed.kv.count (count) | Total number of tokens taken by work bypassing admission control (for example, follower writes without flow control) |
cockroachdb.admission.granter.io_tokens_exhausted_duration.kv.count (count) | Total duration when IO tokens were exhausted, in micros |
cockroachdb.admission.granter.io_tokens_returned.kv.count (count) | Total number of tokens returned |
cockroachdb.admission.granter.io_tokens_taken.kv.count (count) | Total number of tokens taken |
cockroachdb.admission.granter.slot_adjuster_decrements.kv.count (count) | Number of decrements of the total KV slots |
cockroachdb.admission.granter.slot_adjuster_increments.kv.count (count) | Number of increments of the total KV slots |
cockroachdb.admission.granter.slots_exhausted_duration.kv.count (count) | Total duration when KV slots were exhausted, in micros | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Total slots for KV work |
cockroachdb.admission.granter.total_slots.kv (gauge) | Total slots for kv work |
cockroachdb.admission.granter.used.slots.kv (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Used slots for KV work |
cockroachdb.admission.granter.used.slots.sql.leaf.start (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Used slots for SQL leaf start work |
cockroachdb.admission.granter.used.slots.sql.root.start (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Used slots for SQL root start work |
cockroachdb.admission.granter.used_slots.kv (gauge) | Used slots |
cockroachdb.admission.granter.used_slots.sql_leaf_start (gauge) | Used slots |
cockroachdb.admission.granter.used_slots.sql_root_start (gauge) | Used slots | (gauge) | 1-normalized float indicating whether IO admission control considers the store as overloaded with respect to compaction out of L0 (considers sub-level and file counts). |
cockroachdb.admission.l0_compacted_bytes.kv.count (count) | Total bytes compacted out of L0 (used to generate IO tokens) |
cockroachdb.admission.l0_tokens_produced.kv.count (count) | Total number of generated token of L0 |
cockroachdb.admission.raft.paused_replicas (gauge) | Number of followers (i.e. Replicas) to which replication is currently paused to help them recover from I/O overload.Such Replicas will be ignored for the purposes of proposal quota, and will notreceive replication traffic. They are essentially treated as offline for thepurpose of replication. This serves as a crude form of admission control.The count is emitted by the leaseholder of each range. |
cockroachdb.admission.raft.paused_replicas_dropped_msgs.count (count) | Number of messages dropped instead of being sent to paused replicas.The messages are dropped to help these replicas to recover from I/O overload. |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.elastic_cpu.bulk_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.elastic_cpu.count (count) | Number of requests |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.elastic_cpu.normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.kv (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of KV admission requests Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.kv.bulk_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.kv.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of KV admission requests Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.kv.high_pri.count (count) | Number of requests |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.kv.locking_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.kv.normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.kv_stores.bulk_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.kv_stores.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of KV stores admission requests Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.kv_stores.high_pri.count (count) | Number of requests |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.kv_stores.locking_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.kv_stores.normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.kv_stores.ttl_low_pri.count (count) | Number of requests |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.sql.leaf.start (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of SQL leaf start admission requests Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.sql.leaf.start.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of SQL leaf start admission requests Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.sql_kv.response (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of SQL KV admission requests Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.sql_kv.response.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of SQL KV admission requests Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.sql_kv_response.locking_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.sql_kv_response.normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.sql_leaf_start.locking_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.sql_leaf_start.normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.sql_root_start.count (count) | Number of requests |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.sql_root_start.locking_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.sql_root_start.normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.sql_sql.response (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of Distributed SQL admission requests Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.sql_sql.response.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of Distributed SQL admission requests Shown as request |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.sql_sql_response.locking_normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests |
cockroachdb.admission.requested.sql_sql_response.normal_pri.count (count) | Number of requests |
cockroachdb.admission.scheduler_latency_listener.p99_nanos (gauge) | The scheduling latency at p99 as observed by the scheduler latency listener Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.durations.kv (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Wait time durations for KV requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.durations.kv.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Wait time durations for KV requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.durations.kv.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Wait time durations for KV requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.durations.kv.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Wait time durations for KV requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.durations.kv_stores (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Wait time durations for KV stores requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.durations.kv_stores.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Wait time durations for KV stores requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.durations.kv_stores.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Wait time durations for KV stores requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.durations.kv_stores.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Wait time durations for KV stores requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.durations.sql.leaf.start (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Wait time durations for SQL leaf start requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.durations.sql.leaf.start.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Wait time durations for SQL leaf start requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.durations.sql.leaf.start.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Wait time durations for SQL leaf start requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.durations.sql.leaf.start.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Wait time durations for SQL leaf start requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.durations.sql_kv.response (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Wait time durations for SQL KV response requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.durations.sql_kv.response.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Wait time durations for SQL KV response requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.durations.sql_kv.response.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Wait time durations for SQL KV response requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.durations.sql_kv.response.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Wait time durations for SQL KV response requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.durations.sql_sql.response (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Wait time durations for Distributed SQL requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.durations.sql_sql.response.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Wait time durations for Distributed SQL requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.durations.sql_sql.response.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Wait time durations for Distributed SQL requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.durations.sql_sql.response.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Wait time durations for Distributed SQL requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.queue.length.kv (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Length of KV wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.queue.length.kv_stores (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Length of KV stores wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.queue.length.sql.leaf.start (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Length of SQL leaf start wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.queue.length.sql_kv.response (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Length of SQL KV wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.queue.length.sql_sql.response (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Length of Distributed SQL wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.queue.lengths.sql.root.start (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Length of SQL root start wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.sum.kv (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Total KV wait time in micros Shown as microsecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.sum.kv.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Total KV wait time in micros Shown as microsecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.sum.kv_stores (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Total KV stores wait time in micros Shown as microsecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.sum.kv_stores.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Total KV stores wait time in micros Shown as microsecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.sum.sql.root.start (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Total SQL root start wait time in micros Shown as microsecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.sum.sql.root.start.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Total SQL root start wait time in micros Shown as microsecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.sum.sql_kv.response (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Total SQL KV wait time in micros Shown as microsecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.sum.sql_kv.response.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Total SQL KV wait time in micros Shown as microsecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.sum.sql_sql.response (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Total Distributed SQL wait time in micros Shown as microsecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait.sum.sql_sql.response.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Total Distributed SQL wait time in micros Shown as microsecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.elastic_cpu.bucket (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.elastic_cpu.bulk_normal_pri.bucket (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.elastic_cpu.bulk_normal_pri.count (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.elastic_cpu.bulk_normal_pri.sum (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.elastic_cpu.count (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.elastic_cpu.normal_pri.bucket (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.elastic_cpu.normal_pri.count (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.elastic_cpu.normal_pri.sum (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.elastic_cpu.sum (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv.bucket (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv.bulk_normal_pri (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv.count (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv.high_pri.bucket (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv.high_pri.count (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv.high_pri.sum (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv.locking_normal_pri.bucket (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv.locking_normal_pri.count (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv.locking_normal_pri.sum (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv.normal_pri.bucket (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv.normal_pri.count (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv.normal_pri.sum (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv.sum (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv_stores.bucket (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv_stores.bulk_normal_pri.bucket (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv_stores.bulk_normal_pri.count (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv_stores.bulk_normal_pri.sum (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv_stores.count (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv_stores.high_pri.bucket (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv_stores.high_pri.count (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv_stores.high_pri.sum (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv_stores.locking_normal_pri.bucket (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv_stores.locking_normal_pri.count (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv_stores.locking_normal_pri.sum (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv_stores.normal_pri.bucket (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv_stores.normal_pri.count (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv_stores.normal_pri.sum (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv_stores.sum (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv_stores.ttl_low_pri.bucket (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv_stores.ttl_low_pri.count (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.kv_stores.ttl_low_pri.sum (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_kv_response.bucket (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_kv_response.count (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_kv_response.locking_normal_pri.bucket (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_kv_response.locking_normal_pri.count (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_kv_response.locking_normal_pri.sum (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_kv_response.normal_pri.bucket (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_kv_response.normal_pri.count (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_kv_response.normal_pri.sum (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_kv_response.sum (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_leaf_start.bucket (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_leaf_start.count (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_leaf_start.locking_normal_pri.bucket (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_leaf_start.locking_normal_pri.count (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_leaf_start.locking_normal_pri.sum (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_leaf_start.normal_pri.bucket (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_leaf_start.normal_pri.count (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_leaf_start.normal_pri.sum (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_leaf_start.sum (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_root_start.bucket (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_root_start.count (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_root_start.locking_normal_pri.bucket (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_root_start.locking_normal_pri.count (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_root_start.locking_normal_pri.sum (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_root_start.normal_pri.bucket (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_root_start.normal_pri.count (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_root_start.normal_pri.sum (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_root_start.sum (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_sql_response.bucket (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_sql_response.count (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_sql_response.locking_normal_pri.bucket (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_sql_response.locking_normal_pri.count (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_sql_response.locking_normal_pri.sum (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_sql_response.normal_pri.bucket (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_sql_response.normal_pri.count (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_sql_response.normal_pri.sum (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_durations.sql_sql_response.sum (count) | Wait time durations for requests that waited Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.elastic_cpu (gauge) | Length of wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.elastic_cpu.bulk_normal_pri (gauge) | Length of wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.elastic_cpu.normal_pri (gauge) | Length of wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.kv (gauge) | Length of wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.kv.bulk_normal_pri (count) | Number of requests admitted |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.kv.high_pri (gauge) | Length of wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.kv.locking_normal_pri (gauge) | Length of wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.kv.normal_pri (gauge) | Length of wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.kv_stores (gauge) | Length of wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.kv_stores.bulk_normal_pri (gauge) | Length of wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.kv_stores.high_pri (gauge) | Length of wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.kv_stores.locking_normal_pri (gauge) | Length of wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.kv_stores.normal_pri (gauge) | Length of wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.kv_stores.ttl_low_pri (gauge) | Length of wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.sql_kv_response (gauge) | Length of wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.sql_kv_response.locking_normal_pri (gauge) | Length of wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.sql_kv_response.normal_pri (gauge) | Length of wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.sql_leaf_start (gauge) | Length of wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.sql_leaf_start.locking_normal_pri (gauge) | Length of wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.sql_leaf_start.normal_pri (gauge) | Length of wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.sql_root_start (gauge) | Length of wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.sql_root_start.locking_normal_pri (gauge) | Length of wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.sql_root_start.normal_pri (gauge) | Length of wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.sql_sql_response (gauge) | Length of wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.sql_sql_response.locking_normal_pri (gauge) | Length of wait queue |
cockroachdb.admission.wait_queue_length.sql_sql_response.normal_pri (gauge) | Length of wait queue |
cockroachdb.backup.last_failed_time.kms_inaccessible (gauge) | The unix timestamp of the most recent failure of backup due to errKMSInaccessible by a backup specified as maintaining this metric |
cockroachdb.batch_requests.bytes.count (count) | Total byte count of batch requests processed Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.batch_requests.cross_region.bytes.count (count) | Total byte count of batch requests processed cross region when region tiers are configured Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.batch_requests.cross_zone.bytes.count (count) | Total byte count of batch requests processed cross zone within the same region when region and zone tiers are configured. However, if the region tiers are not configured, this count may also include batch data sent between different regions. Ensuring consistent configuration of region and zone tiers across nodes helps to accurately monitor the data transmitted. Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.batch_responses.bytes.count (count) | Total byte count of batch responses received Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.batch_responses.cross_region.bytes.count (count) | Total byte count of batch responses received cross region when region tiers are configured Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.batch_responses.cross_zone.bytes.count (count) | Total byte count of batch responses received cross zone within the same region when region and zone tiers are configured. However, if the region tiers are not configured, this count may also include batch data received between different regions. Ensuring consistent configuration of region and zone tiers across nodes helps to accurately monitor the data transmitted. Shown as byte | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Build information Shown as time |
cockroachdb.capacity.available (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Available storage capacity Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.capacity.reserved (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Capacity reserved for snapshots Shown as byte | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Total storage capacity Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.capacity.used (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Used storage capacity Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.changefeed.admit.latency (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Event admission latency: a difference between event MVCC timestamp and the time it was admitted into changefeed pipeline Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.admit.latency.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Event admission latency: a difference between event MVCC timestamp and the time it was admitted into changefeed pipeline Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.admit.latency.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Event admission latency: a difference between event MVCC timestamp and the time it was admitted into changefeed pipeline Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.admit.latency.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Event admission latency: a difference between event MVCC timestamp and the time it was admitted into changefeed pipeline Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.aggregator_progress (gauge) | The earliest timestamp up to which any aggregator is guaranteed to have emitted all values for |
cockroachdb.changefeed.backfill (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of changefeeds currently executing backfill |
cockroachdb.changefeed.backfill.pending.ranges (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of ranges in an ongoing backfill that are yet to be fully emitted |
cockroachdb.changefeed.backfill_count (gauge) | Number of changefeeds currently executing backfill |
cockroachdb.changefeed.batch_reduction_count (gauge) | Number of times a changefeed aggregator node attempted to reduce the size of message batches it emitted to the sink |
cockroachdb.changefeed.buffer_entries.allocated_mem (gauge) | Current quota pool memory allocation Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.changefeed.buffer_entries.flush.count (count) | Number of flush elements added to the buffer | (count) | Total entries entering the buffer between raft and changefeed sinks |
cockroachdb.changefeed.buffer_entries.kv.count (count) | Number of kv elements added to the buffer |
cockroachdb.changefeed.buffer_entries.out.count (count) | Total entries leaving the buffer between raft and changefeed sinks |
cockroachdb.changefeed.buffer_entries.released.count (count) | Total entries processed, emitted and acknowledged by the sinks |
cockroachdb.changefeed.buffer_entries.resolved.count (count) | Number of resolved elements added to the buffer |
cockroachdb.changefeed.buffer_entries_mem.acquired.count (count) | Total amount of memory acquired for entries as they enter the system |
cockroachdb.changefeed.buffer_entries_mem.released.count (count) | Total amount of memory released by the entries after they have been emitted |
cockroachdb.changefeed.buffer_pushback.count (count) | Total time spent waiting while the buffer was full Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.bytes.messages_pushback.count (count) | Total time spent throttled for bytes quota Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.checkpoint_hist_nanos.bucket (count) | Time spent checkpointing changefeed progress Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.checkpoint_hist_nanos.count (count) | Time spent checkpointing changefeed progress Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.checkpoint_hist_nanos.sum (count) | Time spent checkpointing changefeed progress Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.checkpoint_progress (gauge) | The earliest timestamp of any changefeed's persisted checkpoint (values prior to this timestamp will never need to be re-emitted) |
cockroachdb.changefeed.cloudstorage_buffered_bytes (gauge) | The number of bytes buffered in cloudstorage sink files which have not been emitted yet |
cockroachdb.changefeed.commit.latency (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Event commit latency: a difference between event MVCC timestamp and the time it was acknowledged by the downstream sink Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.commit.latency.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Event commit latency: a difference between event MVCC timestamp and the time it was acknowledged by the downstream sink Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.commit.latency.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Event commit latency: a difference between event MVCC timestamp and the time it was acknowledged by the downstream sink Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.commit.latency.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Event commit latency: a difference between event MVCC timestamp and the time it was acknowledged by the downstream sink Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.emitted.messages (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Messages emitted by all feeds |
cockroachdb.changefeed.emitted.messages.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Messages emitted by all feeds |
cockroachdb.changefeed.emitted_bytes (count) | Bytes emitted by all feeds Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.changefeed.emitted_bytes.count (count) | Bytes emitted by all feeds |
cockroachdb.changefeed.emitted_messages (count) | Messages emitted by all feeds |
cockroachdb.changefeed.error.retries (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Total retryable errors encountered by all changefeeds |
cockroachdb.changefeed.error.retries.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Total retryable errors encountered by all changefeeds |
cockroachdb.changefeed.error_retries (count) | Total retryable errors encountered by all changefeeds |
cockroachdb.changefeed.failures (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Total number of changefeed jobs which have failed |
cockroachdb.changefeed.failures.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Total number of changefeed jobs which have failed |
cockroachdb.changefeed.filtered_messages.count (count) | Messages filtered out by all feeds. This count does not include the number of messages that may be filtered due to the range constraints. |
cockroachdb.changefeed.flush.messages_pushback.count (count) | Total time spent throttled for flush quota Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.flush_hist_nanos.bucket (count) | Time spent flushing messages across all changefeeds Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.flush_hist_nanos.count (count) | Time spent flushing messages across all changefeeds Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.flush_hist_nanos.sum (count) | Time spent flushing messages across all changefeeds Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.flushed_bytes.count (count) | Bytes emitted by all feeds; maybe different from changefeed.emitted_bytes when compression is enabled Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.changefeed.flushes.count (count) | Total flushes across all feeds |
cockroachdb.changefeed.forwarded_resolved_messages.count (count) | Resolved timestamps forwarded from the change aggregator to the change frontier |
cockroachdb.changefeed.frontier_updates.count (count) | Number of change frontier updates across all feeds |
cockroachdb.changefeed.internal_retry_message (gauge) | Number of messages for which an attempt to retry them within an aggregator node was made |
cockroachdb.changefeed.lagging_ranges (gauge) | The number of ranges considered to be lagging behind |
cockroachdb.changefeed.max.behind.nanos (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Largest commit-to-emit duration of any running feed |
cockroachdb.changefeed.max_behind_nanos (gauge) | (Deprecated in favor of checkpoint_progress) The most any changefeed's persisted checkpoint is behind the present Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.message.size.hist (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Message size histogram |
cockroachdb.changefeed.message.size.hist.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Message size histogram |
cockroachdb.changefeed.message.size.hist.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Message size histogram |
cockroachdb.changefeed.message.size.hist.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Message size histogram |
cockroachdb.changefeed.message_size_hist.bucket (count) | Message size histogram Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.changefeed.message_size_hist.count (count) | Message size histogram Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.changefeed.message_size_hist.sum (count) | Message size histogram Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.changefeed.messages.messages_pushback.count (count) | Total time spent throttled for messages quota Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.nprocs_consume_event_nanos.bucket (count) | Total time spent waiting to add an event to the parallel consumer Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.nprocs_consume_event_nanos.count (count) | Total time spent waiting to add an event to the parallel consumer Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.nprocs_consume_event_nanos.sum (count) | Total time spent waiting to add an event to the parallel consumer Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.nprocs_flush_nanos.bucket (count) | Total time spent idle waiting for the parallel consumer to flush Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.nprocs_flush_nanos.count (count) | Total time spent idle waiting for the parallel consumer to flush Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.nprocs_flush_nanos.sum (count) | Total time spent idle waiting for the parallel consumer to flush Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.nprocs_in_flight (gauge) | Number of buffered events in the parallel consumer |
cockroachdb.changefeed.parallel_io_queue_nanos.bucket (count) | Time spent with outgoing requests to the sink waiting in queue due to inflight requests with conflicting keys Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.parallel_io_queue_nanos.count (count) | Time spent with outgoing requests to the sink waiting in queue due to inflight requests with conflicting keys Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.parallel_io_queue_nanos.sum (count) | Time spent with outgoing requests to the sink waiting in queue due to inflight requests with conflicting keys Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.queue_time.count (count) | Time KV event spent waiting to be processed Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.running (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of currently running changefeeds, including sinkless |
cockroachdb.changefeed.schema_registry.registrations.count (count) | Number of registration attempts with the schema registry |
cockroachdb.changefeed.schema_registry.retry.count (count) | Number of retries encountered when sending requests to the schema registry |
cockroachdb.changefeed.schemafeed.table_history_scans.count (count) | The number of table history scans during polling |
cockroachdb.changefeed.schemafeed.table_metadata.count (count) | Time blocked while verifying table metadata histories Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.sink_batch_hist_nanos.bucket (count) | Time spent batched in the sink buffer before being flushed and acknowledged Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.sink_batch_hist_nanos.count (count) | Time spent batched in the sink buffer before being flushed and acknowledged Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.sink_batch_hist_nanos.sum (count) | Time spent batched in the sink buffer before being flushed and acknowledged Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.changefeed.sink_io_inflight (gauge) | The number of keys currently inflight as IO requests being sent to the sink |
cockroachdb.changefeed.size_based_flushes.count (count) | Total size based flushes across all feeds |
cockroachdb.clock.offset.meannanos (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Mean clock offset with other nodes in nanoseconds Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.clock.offset.stddevnanos (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Stdddev clock offset with other nodes in nanoseconds Shown as nanosecond | (count) | Number of bytes read Shown as byte | (count) | Number of bytes read Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.cluster.preserve_downgrade_option.last_updated (gauge) | Timestamp of the last time the preservedowngradeoption was updated |
cockroachdb.compactor.compactingnanos (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of nanoseconds spent compacting ranges Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.compactor.compactingnanos.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of nanoseconds spent compacting ranges Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.compactor.compactions.failure (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of failed compaction requests sent to the storage engine Shown as request |
cockroachdb.compactor.compactions.failure.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of failed compaction requests sent to the storage engine Shown as request |
cockroachdb.compactor.compactions.success (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of successful compaction requests sent to the storage engine Shown as request |
cockroachdb.compactor.compactions.success.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of successful compaction requests sent to the storage engine Shown as request |
cockroachdb.compactor.suggestionbytes.compacted (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of logical bytes compacted from suggested compactions Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.compactor.suggestionbytes.compacted.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of logical bytes compacted from suggested compactions Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.compactor.suggestionbytes.queued (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of logical bytes in suggested compactions in the queue Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.compactor.suggestionbytes.skipped (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of logical bytes in suggested compactions which were not compacted Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.compactor.suggestionbytes.skipped.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of logical bytes in suggested compactions which were not compacted Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.distsender.batch_requests.cross_region.bytes.count (count) | Total byte count of replica-addressed batch requests processed cross region when region tiers are configured Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.distsender.batch_requests.cross_zone.bytes.count (count) | Total byte count of replica-addressed batch requests processed cross zone within the same region when region and zone tiers are configured. However, if the region tiers are not configured, this count may also include batch data sent between different regions. Ensuring consistent configuration of region and zone tiers across nodes helps to accurately monitor the data transmitted. Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.distsender.batch_requests.replica_addressed.bytes.count (count) | Total byte count of replica-addressed batch requests processed Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.distsender.batch_responses.cross_region.bytes.count (count) | Total byte count of replica-addressed batch responses received cross region when region tiers are configured Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.distsender.batch_responses.cross_zone.bytes.count (count) | Total byte count of replica-addressed batch responses received cross zone within the same region when region and zone tiers are configured. However, if the region tiers are not configured, this count may also include batch data received between different regions. Ensuring consistent configuration of region and zone tiers across nodes helps to accurately monitor the data transmitted. Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.distsender.batch_responses.replica_addressed.bytes.count (count) | Total byte count of replica-addressed batch responses received Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.distsender.batches.async.sent.count (count) | Number of partial batches sent asynchronously |
cockroachdb.distsender.batches.async.throttled.count (count) | Number of partial batches not sent asynchronously due to throttling |
cockroachdb.distsender.batches.count (count) | Number of batches processed |
cockroachdb.distsender.batches.partial (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of partial batches processed |
cockroachdb.distsender.batches.partial.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of partial batches processed | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of batches processed | (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of batches processed |
cockroachdb.distsender.errors.inleasetransferbackoffs.count (count) | Number of times backed off due to NotLeaseHolderErrors during lease transfer |
cockroachdb.distsender.errors.notleaseholder (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of NotLeaseHolderErrors encountered Shown as error |
cockroachdb.distsender.errors.notleaseholder.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of NotLeaseHolderErrors encountered Shown as error |
cockroachdb.distsender.rangefeed.catchup_ranges (gauge) | Number of ranges in catchup modeThis counts the number of ranges with an active rangefeed that are performing catchup scan. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rangefeed.error_catchup_ranges.count (count) | Number of ranges in catchup mode which experienced an error |
cockroachdb.distsender.rangefeed.restart_ranges.count (count) | Number of ranges that were restarted due to transient errors |
cockroachdb.distsender.rangefeed.retry.logical_ops_missing.count (count) | Number of ranges that encountered retryable LOGICALOPSMISSING error |
cockroachdb.distsender.rangefeed.retry.no_leaseholder.count (count) | Number of ranges that encountered retryable NO_LEASEHOLDER error |
cockroachdb.distsender.rangefeed.retry.node_not_found.count (count) | Number of ranges that encountered retryable node not found error |
cockroachdb.distsender.rangefeed.retry.raft_snapshot.count (count) | Number of ranges that encountered retryable RAFT_SNAPSHOT error |
cockroachdb.distsender.rangefeed.retry.range_key_mismatch.count (count) | Number of ranges that encountered retryable range key mismatch error |
cockroachdb.distsender.rangefeed.retry.range_merged.count (count) | Number of ranges that encountered retryable RANGE_MERGED error |
cockroachdb.distsender.rangefeed.retry.range_not_found.count (count) | Number of ranges that encountered retryable range not found error |
cockroachdb.distsender.rangefeed.retry.range_split.count (count) | Number of ranges that encountered retryable RANGE_SPLIT error |
cockroachdb.distsender.rangefeed.retry.rangefeed_closed.count (count) | Number of ranges that encountered retryable RANGEFEED_CLOSED error |
cockroachdb.distsender.rangefeed.retry.replica_removed.count (count) | Number of ranges that encountered retryable REPLICA_REMOVED error |
cockroachdb.distsender.rangefeed.retry.send.count (count) | Number of ranges that encountered retryable send error |
cockroachdb.distsender.rangefeed.retry.slow_consumer.count (count) | Number of ranges that encountered retryable SLOW_CONSUMER error |
cockroachdb.distsender.rangefeed.retry.store_not_found.count (count) | Number of ranges that encountered retryable store not found error |
cockroachdb.distsender.rangefeed.retry.stuck.count (count) | Number of ranges that encountered retryable stuck error |
cockroachdb.distsender.rangefeed.total_ranges (gauge) | Number of ranges executing rangefeedThis counts the number of ranges with an active rangefeed. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rangelookups.count (count) | Number of range lookups |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.addsstable.sent.count (count) | Number of AddSSTable requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.adminchangereplicas.sent.count (count) | Number of AdminChangeReplicas requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.adminmerge.sent.count (count) | Number of AdminMerge requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.adminrelocaterange.sent.count (count) | Number of AdminRelocateRange requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.adminscatter.sent.count (count) | Number of AdminScatter requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.adminsplit.sent.count (count) | Number of AdminSplit requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.admintransferlease.sent.count (count) | Number of AdminTransferLease requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.adminunsplit.sent.count (count) | Number of AdminUnsplit requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.adminverifyprotectedtimestamp.sent.count (count) | Number of AdminVerifyProtectedTimestamp requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.barrier.sent.count (count) | Number of Barrier requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.checkconsistency.sent.count (count) | Number of CheckConsistency requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.clearrange.sent.count (count) | Number of ClearRange requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.computechecksum.sent.count (count) | Number of ComputeChecksum requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.conditionalput.sent.count (count) | Number of ConditionalPut requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.delete.sent.count (count) | Number of Delete requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.deleterange.sent.count (count) | Number of DeleteRange requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.endtxn.sent.count (count) | Number of EndTxn requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.ambiguousresulterrtype.count (count) | Number of AmbiguousResultErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.batchtimestampbeforegcerrtype.count (count) | Number of BatchTimestampBeforeGCErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.communicationerrtype.count (count) | Number of CommunicationErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.conditionfailederrtype.count (count) | Number of ConditionFailedErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.errordetailtype.count (count) | Number of ErrorDetailType (tagged by their number) errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.indeterminatecommiterrtype.count (count) | Number of IndeterminateCommitErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.integeroverflowerrtype.count (count) | Number of IntegerOverflowErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.intentmissingerrtype.count (count) | Number of IntentMissingErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.internalerrtype.count (count) | Number of InternalErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.invalidleaseerrtype.count (count) | Number of InvalidLeaseErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.leaserejectederrtype.count (count) | Number of LeaseRejectedErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.lockconflicterrtype.count (count) | Number of LockConflictErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.mergeinprogresserrtype.count (count) | Number of MergeInProgressErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.mintimestampboundunsatisfiableerrtype.count (count) | Number of MinTimestampBoundUnsatisfiableErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.mvcchistorymutationerrtype.count (count) | Number of MVCCHistoryMutationErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.nodeunavailableerrtype.count (count) | Number of NodeUnavailableErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.notleaseholdererrtype.count (count) | Number of NotLeaseHolderErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.oprequirestxnerrtype.count (count) | Number of OpRequiresTxnErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.optimisticevalconflictserrtype.count (count) | Number of OptimisticEvalConflictsErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.raftgroupdeletederrtype.count (count) | Number of RaftGroupDeletedErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.rangefeedretryerrtype.count (count) | Number of RangeFeedRetryErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.rangekeymismatcherrtype.count (count) | Number of RangeKeyMismatchErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.rangenotfounderrtype.count (count) | Number of RangeNotFoundErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.readwithinuncertaintyintervalerrtype.count (count) | Number of ReadWithinUncertaintyIntervalErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.refreshfailederrtype.count (count) | Number of RefreshFailedErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.replicacorruptionerrtype.count (count) | Number of ReplicaCorruptionErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.replicatooolderrtype.count (count) | Number of ReplicaTooOldErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.storenotfounderrtype.count (count) | Number of StoreNotFoundErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.transactionabortederrtype.count (count) | Number of TransactionAbortedErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.transactionpusherrtype.count (count) | Number of TransactionPushErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.transactionretryerrtype.count (count) | Number of TransactionRetryErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.transactionretrywithprotorefresherrtype.count (count) | Number of TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.transactionstatuserrtype.count (count) | Number of TransactionStatusErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.txnalreadyencounterederrtype.count (count) | Number of TxnAlreadyEncounteredErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.unsupportedrequesterrtype.count (count) | Number of UnsupportedRequestErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.writeintenterrtype.count (count) | Number of WriteIntentErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.err.writetooolderrtype.count (count) | Number of WriteTooOldErrType errors received replica-bound RPCsThis counts how often error of the specified type was received back from replicasas part of executing possibly range-spanning requests. Failures to reach the targetreplica will be accounted for as 'roachpb.CommunicationErrType' and unclassifiederrors as 'roachpb.InternalErrType'. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.export.sent.count (count) | Number of Export requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.gc.sent.count (count) | Number of GC requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.get.sent.count (count) | Number of Get requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.heartbeattxn.sent.count (count) | Number of HeartbeatTxn requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.increment.sent.count (count) | Number of Increment requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.initput.sent.count (count) | Number of InitPut requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.isspanempty.sent.count (count) | Number of IsSpanEmpty requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.leaseinfo.sent.count (count) | Number of LeaseInfo requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.merge.sent.count (count) | Number of Merge requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.migrate.sent.count (count) | Number of Migrate requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.probe.sent.count (count) | Number of Probe requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.pushtxn.sent.count (count) | Number of PushTxn requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.put.sent.count (count) | Number of Put requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.queryintent.sent.count (count) | Number of QueryIntent requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.querylocks.sent.count (count) | Number of QueryLocks requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.queryresolvedtimestamp.sent.count (count) | Number of QueryResolvedTimestamp requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.querytxn.sent.count (count) | Number of QueryTxn requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.rangestats.sent.count (count) | Number of RangeStats requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.recomputestats.sent.count (count) | Number of RecomputeStats requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.recovertxn.sent.count (count) | Number of RecoverTxn requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.refresh.sent.count (count) | Number of Refresh requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.refreshrange.sent.count (count) | Number of RefreshRange requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.requestlease.sent.count (count) | Number of RequestLease requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.resolveintent.sent.count (count) | Number of ResolveIntent requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.resolveintentrange.sent.count (count) | Number of ResolveIntentRange requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.reversescan.sent.count (count) | Number of ReverseScan requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.revertrange.sent.count (count) | Number of RevertRange requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.scan.sent.count (count) | Number of Scan requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.sent.count (count) | Number of replica-addressed RPCs sent |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.sent.local (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of local RPCs sent |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.sent.local.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of local RPCs sent |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.sent.nextreplicaerror (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of RPCs sent due to per-replica errors Shown as error |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.sent.nextreplicaerror.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of RPCs sent due to per-replica errors Shown as error | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of RPCs sent | (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of replica-addressed RPCs sent |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.subsume.sent.count (count) | Number of Subsume requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.transferlease.sent.count (count) | Number of TransferLease requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.truncatelog.sent.count (count) | Number of TruncateLog requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.distsender.rpc.writebatch.sent.count (count) | Number of WriteBatch requests processed.This counts the requests in batches handed to DistSender, not the RPCssent to individual Ranges as a result. |
cockroachdb.exec.error (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of batch KV requests that failed to execute on this node. These are warnings denoting cleanup rather than errors, and can be disregarded as part of operation. Shown as request |
cockroachdb.exec.error.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of batch KV requests that failed to execute on this node. These are warnings denoting cleanup rather than errors, and can be disregarded as part of operation. Shown as request |
cockroachdb.exec.latency (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Latency in nanoseconds of batch KV requests executed on this node Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.exec.latency.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency in nanoseconds of batch KV requests executed on this node Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.exec.latency.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency in nanoseconds of batch KV requests executed on this node Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.exec.latency.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency in nanoseconds of batch KV requests executed on this node Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.exec.success (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of batch KV requests executed successfully on this node Shown as request |
cockroachdb.exec.success.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of batch KV requests executed successfully on this node Shown as request |
cockroachdb.exportrequest.delay.count (count) | Number of Export requests delayed due to concurrent requests. |
cockroachdb.follower_reads.success_count.count (count) | Number of successful follower reads |
cockroachdb.gcbytesage (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Cumulative age of non-live data in seconds Shown as second |
cockroachdb.gossip.bytes.received (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of received gossip bytes Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.gossip.bytes.received.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of received gossip bytes Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.gossip.bytes.sent (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of sent gossip bytes Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.gossip.bytes.sent.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of sent gossip bytes Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.gossip.connections.incoming (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of active incoming gossip connections Shown as connection |
cockroachdb.gossip.connections.outgoing (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of active outgoing gossip connections Shown as connection |
cockroachdb.gossip.connections.refused (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of refused incoming gossip connections Shown as connection |
cockroachdb.gossip.connections.refused.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of refused incoming gossip connections Shown as connection |
cockroachdb.gossip.infos.received (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of received gossip Info objects |
cockroachdb.gossip.infos.received.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of received gossip Info objects |
cockroachdb.gossip.infos.sent (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of sent gossip Info objects |
cockroachdb.gossip.infos.sent.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of sent gossip Info objects |
cockroachdb.intentage (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Cumulative age of intents in seconds Shown as second |
cockroachdb.intentbytes (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of bytes in intent KV pairs Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.intentcount (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Count of intent keys Shown as key |
cockroachdb.intentresolver.async.throttled (count) | Number of intent resolution attempts not run asynchronously due to throttling |
cockroachdb.intentresolver.async.throttled.count (count) | Number of intent resolution attempts not run asynchronously due to throttling |
cockroachdb.intentresolver.finalized_txns.failed (count) | Number of finalized transaction cleanup failures. Transaction cleanup refers to the process of resolving all of a transactions intents and then garbage collecting its transaction record. |
cockroachdb.intentresolver.finalized_txns.failed.count (count) | Number of finalized transaction cleanup failures. Transaction cleanup refers to the process of resolving all of a transactions intents and then garbage collecting its transaction record. |
cockroachdb.intentresolver.intents.failed (count) | Number of intent resolution failures. The unit of measurement is a single intent, so if a batch of intent resolution requests fails, the metric will be incremented for each request in the batch. |
cockroachdb.intentresolver.intents.failed.count (count) | Number of intent resolution failures. The unit of measurement is a single intent, so if a batch of intent resolution requests fails, the metric will be incremented for each request in the batch. |
cockroachdb.intents.abort_attempts (count) | Count of (point or range) non-poisoning intent abort evaluation attempts |
cockroachdb.intents.abort_attempts.count (count) | Count of (point or range) non-poisoning intent abort evaluation attempts |
cockroachdb.intents.poison_attempts (count) | Count of (point or range) poisoning intent abort evaluation attempts |
cockroachdb.intents.poison_attempts.count (count) | Count of (point or range) poisoning intent abort evaluation attempts |
cockroachdb.intents.resolve_attempts (count) | Count of (point or range) intent commit evaluation attempts |
cockroachdb.intents.resolve_attempts.count (count) | Count of (point or range) intent commit evaluation attempts | (count) | number of job-adopt iterations performed by the registry | (gauge) | Number of autocreatestats jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | Number of autocreatestats jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (count) | Number of autocreatestats jobs which failed with a non-retriable error | (gauge) | Number of autoconfigenv_runner jobs currently considered Idle and can be freely shut down | (gauge) | Number of autoconfigenv_runner jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | Number of autoconfigenv_runner jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (count) | Number of expired protected timestamp records owned by autoconfigenv_runner jobs | (count) | Number of autoconfigenv_runner jobs which successfully completed their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of autoconfigenv_runner jobs which failed with a non-retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of autoconfigenv_runner jobs which failed with a retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (gauge) | The age of the oldest PTS record protected by autoconfigenv_runner jobs Shown as second | (gauge) | Number of protected timestamp records held by autoconfigenv_runner jobs | (count) | Number of autoconfigenv_runner jobs which successfully resumed to completion | (count) | Number of autoconfigenv_runner jobs which failed with a non-retriable error | (count) | Number of autoconfigenv_runner jobs which failed with a retriable error | (gauge) | Number of autoconfigrunner jobs currently considered Idle and can be freely shut down | (gauge) | Number of autoconfigrunner jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | Number of autoconfigrunner jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (count) | Number of expired protected timestamp records owned by autoconfigrunner jobs | (count) | Number of autoconfigrunner jobs which successfully completed their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of autoconfigrunner jobs which failed with a non-retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of autoconfigrunner jobs which failed with a retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (gauge) | The age of the oldest PTS record protected by autoconfigrunner jobs Shown as second | (gauge) | Number of protected timestamp records held by autoconfigrunner jobs | (count) | Number of autoconfigrunner jobs which successfully resumed to completion | (count) | Number of autoconfigrunner jobs which failed with a non-retriable error | (count) | Number of autoconfigrunner jobs which failed with a retriable error | (gauge) | Number of autoconfigtask jobs currently considered Idle and can be freely shut down | (gauge) | Number of autoconfigtask jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | Number of autoconfigtask jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (count) | Number of expired protected timestamp records owned by autoconfigtask jobs | (count) | Number of autoconfigtask jobs which successfully completed their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of autoconfigtask jobs which failed with a non-retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of autoconfigtask jobs which failed with a retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (gauge) | The age of the oldest PTS record protected by autoconfigtask jobs Shown as second | (gauge) | Number of protected timestamp records held by autoconfigtask jobs | (count) | Number of autoconfigtask jobs which successfully resumed to completion | (count) | Number of autoconfigtask jobs which failed with a non-retriable error | (count) | Number of autoconfigtask jobs which failed with a retriable error | (gauge) | Number of autocreatestats jobs currently considered Idle and can be freely shut down | (gauge) | Number of autocreatestats jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | Number of autocreatestats jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (count) | Number of expired protected timestamp records owned by autocreatestats jobs | (count) | Number of autocreatestats jobs which successfully completed their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of autocreatestats jobs which failed with a non-retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of autocreatestats jobs which failed with a retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (gauge) | The age of the oldest PTS record protected by autocreatestats jobs Shown as second | (gauge) | Number of protected timestamp records held by autocreatestats jobs | (count) | Number of autocreatestats jobs which successfully resumed to completion | (count) | Number of autocreatestats jobs which failed with a non-retriable error | (count) | Number of autocreatestats jobs which failed with a retriable error | (gauge) | Number of autoschematelemetry jobs currently considered Idle and can be freely shut down | (gauge) | Number of autoschematelemetry jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | Number of autoschematelemetry jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (count) | Number of expired protected timestamp records owned by autoschematelemetry jobs | (count) | Number of autoschematelemetry jobs which successfully completed their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of autoschematelemetry jobs which failed with a non-retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of autoschematelemetry jobs which failed with a retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (gauge) | The age of the oldest PTS record protected by autoschematelemetry jobs Shown as second | (gauge) | Number of protected timestamp records held by autoschematelemetry jobs | (count) | Number of autoschematelemetry jobs which successfully resumed to completion | (count) | Number of autoschematelemetry jobs which failed with a non-retriable error | (count) | Number of autoschematelemetry jobs which failed with a retriable error | (gauge) | Number of autospanconfig_reconciliation jobs currently considered Idle and can be freely shut down | (gauge) | Number of autospanconfig_reconciliation jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | Number of autospanconfig_reconciliation jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (count) | Number of expired protected timestamp records owned by autospanconfig_reconciliation jobs | (count) | Number of autospanconfig_reconciliation jobs which successfully completed their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of autospanconfig_reconciliation jobs which failed with a non-retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of autospanconfig_reconciliation jobs which failed with a retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (gauge) | The age of the oldest PTS record protected by autospanconfig_reconciliation jobs Shown as second | (gauge) | Number of protected timestamp records held by autospanconfig_reconciliation jobs | (count) | Number of autospanconfig_reconciliation jobs which successfully resumed to completion | (count) | Number of autospanconfig_reconciliation jobs which failed with a non-retriable error | (count) | Number of autospanconfig_reconciliation jobs which failed with a retriable error | (gauge) | Number of autosqlstats_compaction jobs currently considered Idle and can be freely shut down | (gauge) | Number of autosqlstats_compaction jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | Number of autosqlstats_compaction jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (count) | Number of expired protected timestamp records owned by autosqlstats_compaction jobs | (count) | Number of autosqlstats_compaction jobs which successfully completed their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of autosqlstats_compaction jobs which failed with a non-retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of autosqlstats_compaction jobs which failed with a retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (gauge) | The age of the oldest PTS record protected by autosqlstats_compaction jobs Shown as second | (gauge) | Number of protected timestamp records held by autosqlstats_compaction jobs | (count) | Number of autosqlstats_compaction jobs which successfully resumed to completion | (count) | Number of autosqlstats_compaction jobs which failed with a non-retriable error | (count) | Number of autosqlstats_compaction jobs which failed with a retriable error | (gauge) | Number of autoupdatesql_activity jobs currently considered Idle and can be freely shut down | (gauge) | Number of autoupdatesql_activity jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | Number of autoupdatesql_activity jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (count) | Number of expired protected timestamp records owned by autoupdatesql_activity jobs | (count) | Number of autoupdatesql_activity jobs which successfully completed their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of autoupdatesql_activity jobs which failed with a non-retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of autoupdatesql_activity jobs which failed with a retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (gauge) | The age of the oldest PTS record protected by autoupdatesql_activity jobs Shown as second | (gauge) | Number of protected timestamp records held by autoupdatesql_activity jobs | (count) | Number of autoupdatesql_activity jobs which successfully resumed to completion | (count) | Number of autoupdatesql_activity jobs which failed with a non-retriable error | (count) | Number of autoupdatesql_activity jobs which failed with a retriable error | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of backup jobs currently considered Idle and can be freely shut down Shown as job | (gauge) | Number of backup jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of backup jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state Shown as job | (count) | Number of expired protected timestamp records owned by backup jobs | (count) | Number of backup jobs which successfully completed their failure or cancelation process | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of backup jobs which failed with a non-retriable error on their failure or cancelation process Shown as job | (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of backup jobs which failed with a non-retriable error on their failure or cancelation process Shown as job | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of backup jobs which failed with a retriable error on their failure or cancelation process Shown as job | (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of backup jobs which failed with a retriable error on their failure or cancelation process Shown as job | (gauge) | The age of the oldest PTS record protected by backup jobs Shown as second | (gauge) | Number of protected timestamp records held by backup jobs | (count) | Number of backup jobs which successfully resumed to completion | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of backup jobs which failed with a non-retriable error Shown as job | (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of backup jobs which failed with a non-retriable error Shown as job | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of backup jobs which failed with a retriable error Shown as job | (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of backup jobs which failed with a retriable error Shown as job | (gauge) | Number of changefeed jobs currently considered Idle and can be freely shut down | (gauge) | Number of changefeed jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | Number of changefeed jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (count) | Number of expired protected timestamp records owned by changefeed jobs | (count) | Number of changefeed jobs which successfully completed their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of changefeed jobs which failed with a non-retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of changefeed jobs which failed with a retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (gauge) | The age of the oldest PTS record protected by changefeed jobs Shown as second | (gauge) | Number of protected timestamp records held by changefeed jobs | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of changefeed jobs which failed with a retriable error | (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of changefeed jobs which failed with a retriable error | (count) | Number of changefeed jobs which successfully resumed to completion | (count) | Number of changefeed jobs which failed with a non-retriable error | (count) | Number of changefeed jobs which failed with a retriable error | (count) | number of jobs claimed in job-adopt iterations | (gauge) | Number of create_stats jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (gauge) | Number of create_stats jobs currently considered Idle and can be freely shut down | (gauge) | Number of create_stats jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | Number of create_stats jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (count) | Number of expired protected timestamp records owned by create_stats jobs | (count) | Number of create_stats jobs which successfully completed their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of create_stats jobs which failed with a non-retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of create_stats jobs which failed with a retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (gauge) | The age of the oldest PTS record protected by create_stats jobs Shown as second | (gauge) | Number of protected timestamp records held by create_stats jobs | (count) | Number of create_stats jobs which successfully resumed to completion | (count) | Number of create_stats jobs which failed with a non-retriable error | (count) | Number of create_stats jobs which failed with a retriable error | (gauge) | Number of import jobs currently considered Idle and can be freely shut down | (gauge) | Number of import jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | Number of import jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (count) | Number of expired protected timestamp records owned by import jobs | (count) | Number of import jobs which successfully completed their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of import jobs which failed with a non-retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of import jobs which failed with a retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (gauge) | The age of the oldest PTS record protected by import jobs Shown as second | (gauge) | Number of protected timestamp records held by import jobs | (count) | Number of import jobs which successfully resumed to completion | (count) | Number of import jobs which failed with a non-retriable error | (count) | Number of import jobs which failed with a retriable error | (gauge) | Number of key_visualizer jobs currently considered Idle and can be freely shut down | (gauge) | Number of key_visualizer jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | Number of key_visualizer jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (count) | Number of expired protected timestamp records owned by key_visualizer jobs | (count) | Number of key_visualizer jobs which successfully completed their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of key_visualizer jobs which failed with a non-retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of key_visualizer jobs which failed with a retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (gauge) | The age of the oldest PTS record protected by key_visualizer jobs Shown as second | (gauge) | Number of protected timestamp records held by key_visualizer jobs | (count) | Number of key_visualizer jobs which successfully resumed to completion | (count) | Number of key_visualizer jobs which failed with a non-retriable error | (count) | Number of key_visualizer jobs which failed with a retriable error | (count) | Number of metrics sql activity updater tasks that failed | (gauge) | Number of migration jobs currently considered Idle and can be freely shut down | (gauge) | Number of migration jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | Number of migration jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (count) | Number of expired protected timestamp records owned by migration jobs | (count) | Number of migration jobs which successfully completed their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of migration jobs which failed with a non-retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of migration jobs which failed with a retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (gauge) | The age of the oldest PTS record protected by migration jobs Shown as second | (gauge) | Number of protected timestamp records held by migration jobs | (count) | Number of migration jobs which successfully resumed to completion | (count) | Number of migration jobs which failed with a non-retriable error | (count) | Number of migration jobs which failed with a retriable error | (gauge) | Number of mvccstatisticsupdate jobs currently considered Idle and can be freely shut down | (gauge) | Number of mvccstatisticsupdate jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | Number of mvccstatisticsupdate jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (count) | Number of expired protected timestamp records owned by mvccstatisticsupdate jobs | (count) | Number of mvccstatisticsupdate jobs which successfully completed their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of mvccstatisticsupdate jobs which failed with a non-retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of mvccstatisticsupdate jobs which failed with a retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (gauge) | The age of the oldest PTS record protected by mvccstatisticsupdate jobs Shown as second | (gauge) | Number of protected timestamp records held by mvccstatisticsupdate jobs | (count) | Number of mvccstatisticsupdate jobs which successfully resumed to completion | (count) | Number of mvccstatisticsupdate jobs which failed with a non-retriable error | (count) | Number of mvccstatisticsupdate jobs which failed with a retriable error | (gauge) | Number of newschemachange jobs currently considered Idle and can be freely shut down | (gauge) | Number of newschemachange jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | Number of newschemachange jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (count) | Number of expired protected timestamp records owned by newschemachange jobs | (count) | Number of newschemachange jobs which successfully completed their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of newschemachange jobs which failed with a non-retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of newschemachange jobs which failed with a retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (gauge) | The age of the oldest PTS record protected by newschemachange jobs Shown as second | (gauge) | Number of protected timestamp records held by newschemachange jobs | (count) | Number of newschemachange jobs which successfully resumed to completion | (count) | Number of newschemachange jobs which failed with a non-retriable error | (count) | Number of newschemachange jobs which failed with a retriable error | (gauge) | Number of polljobsstats jobs currently considered Idle and can be freely shut down | (gauge) | Number of polljobsstats jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | Number of polljobsstats jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (count) | Number of expired protected timestamp records owned by polljobsstats jobs | (count) | Number of polljobsstats jobs which successfully completed their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of polljobsstats jobs which failed with a non-retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of polljobsstats jobs which failed with a retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (gauge) | The age of the oldest PTS record protected by polljobsstats jobs Shown as second | (gauge) | Number of protected timestamp records held by polljobsstats jobs | (count) | Number of polljobsstats jobs which successfully resumed to completion | (count) | Number of polljobsstats jobs which failed with a non-retriable error | (count) | Number of polljobsstats jobs which failed with a retriable error | (gauge) | Number of replicationstreamingestion jobs currently considered Idle and can be freely shut down | (gauge) | Number of replicationstreamingestion jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | Number of replicationstreamingestion jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (count) | Number of expired protected timestamp records owned by replicationstreamingestion jobs | (count) | Number of replicationstreamingestion jobs which successfully completed their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of replicationstreamingestion jobs which failed with a non-retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of replicationstreamingestion jobs which failed with a retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (gauge) | The age of the oldest PTS record protected by replicationstreamingestion jobs Shown as second | (gauge) | Number of protected timestamp records held by replicationstreamingestion jobs | (count) | Number of replicationstreamingestion jobs which successfully resumed to completion | (count) | Number of replicationstreamingestion jobs which failed with a non-retriable error | (count) | Number of replicationstreamingestion jobs which failed with a retriable error | (gauge) | Number of replicationstreamproducer jobs currently considered Idle and can be freely shut down | (gauge) | Number of replicationstreamproducer jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | Number of replicationstreamproducer jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (count) | Number of expired protected timestamp records owned by replicationstreamproducer jobs | (count) | Number of replicationstreamproducer jobs which successfully completed their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of replicationstreamproducer jobs which failed with a non-retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of replicationstreamproducer jobs which failed with a retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (gauge) | The age of the oldest PTS record protected by replicationstreamproducer jobs Shown as second | (gauge) | Number of protected timestamp records held by replicationstreamproducer jobs | (count) | Number of replicationstreamproducer jobs which successfully resumed to completion | (count) | Number of replicationstreamproducer jobs which failed with a non-retriable error | (count) | Number of replicationstreamproducer jobs which failed with a retriable error | (gauge) | Number of restore jobs currently considered Idle and can be freely shut down | (gauge) | Number of restore jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | Number of restore jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (count) | Number of expired protected timestamp records owned by restore jobs | (count) | Number of restore jobs which successfully completed their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of restore jobs which failed with a non-retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of restore jobs which failed with a retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (gauge) | The age of the oldest PTS record protected by restore jobs Shown as second | (gauge) | Number of protected timestamp records held by restore jobs | (count) | Number of restore jobs which successfully resumed to completion | (count) | Number of restore jobs which failed with a non-retriable error | (count) | Number of restore jobs which failed with a retriable error | (count) | number of claimed-jobs resumed in job-adopt iterations | (gauge) | Number of rowlevelttl jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | Number of rowlevelttl jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (count) | Number of rowlevelttl jobs which successfully resumed to completion | (count) | Number of rowlevelttl jobs which failed with a non-retriable error | (count) | Number of rows deleted by the row level TTL job. | (count) | Number of rows selected for deletion by the row level TTL job. | (gauge) | Number of rowlevelttl jobs currently considered Idle and can be freely shut down | (gauge) | Number of rowlevelttl jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | Number of rowlevelttl jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (count) | Duration for delete requests during row level TTL. Shown as nanosecond | (count) | Duration for delete requests during row level TTL. Shown as nanosecond | (count) | Duration for delete requests during row level TTL. Shown as nanosecond | (count) | Number of expired protected timestamp records owned by rowlevelttl jobs | (count) | Number of rowlevelttl jobs which successfully completed their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of rowlevelttl jobs which failed with a non-retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of rowlevelttl jobs which failed with a retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (gauge) | Number of active spans the TTL job is deleting from. | (gauge) | The age of the oldest PTS record protected by rowlevelttl jobs Shown as second | (gauge) | Number of protected timestamp records held by rowlevelttl jobs | (count) | Number of rowlevelttl jobs which successfully resumed to completion | (count) | Number of rowlevelttl jobs which failed with a non-retriable error | (count) | Number of rowlevelttl jobs which failed with a retriable error | (count) | Number of rows deleted by the row level TTL job. | (count) | Number of rows selected for deletion by the row level TTL job. | (count) | Duration for select requests during row level TTL. Shown as nanosecond | (count) | Duration for select requests during row level TTL. Shown as nanosecond | (count) | Duration for select requests during row level TTL. Shown as nanosecond | (count) | Duration for processing a span during row level TTL. Shown as nanosecond | (count) | Duration for processing a span during row level TTL. Shown as nanosecond | (count) | Duration for processing a span during row level TTL. Shown as nanosecond | (gauge) | Approximate number of rows that have expired the TTL on the TTL table. | (gauge) | Approximate number of rows on the TTL table. | (gauge) | number of running jobs that are not idle | (gauge) | Number of schema_change jobs currently considered Idle and can be freely shut down | (gauge) | Number of schema_change jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | Number of schema_change jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (count) | Number of expired protected timestamp records owned by schema_change jobs | (count) | Number of schema_change jobs which successfully completed their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of schema_change jobs which failed with a non-retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of schema_change jobs which failed with a retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (gauge) | The age of the oldest PTS record protected by schema_change jobs Shown as second | (gauge) | Number of protected timestamp records held by schema_change jobs | (count) | Number of schema_change jobs which successfully resumed to completion | (count) | Number of schema_change jobs which failed with a non-retriable error | (count) | Number of schema_change jobs which failed with a retriable error | (gauge) | Number of schemachangegc jobs currently considered Idle and can be freely shut down | (gauge) | Number of schemachangegc jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | Number of schemachangegc jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (count) | Number of expired protected timestamp records owned by schemachangegc jobs | (count) | Number of schemachangegc jobs which successfully completed their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of schemachangegc jobs which failed with a non-retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of schemachangegc jobs which failed with a retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (gauge) | The age of the oldest PTS record protected by schemachangegc jobs Shown as second | (gauge) | Number of protected timestamp records held by schemachangegc jobs | (count) | Number of schemachangegc jobs which successfully resumed to completion | (count) | Number of schemachangegc jobs which failed with a non-retriable error | (count) | Number of schemachangegc jobs which failed with a retriable error | (gauge) | Number of typedescschemachange jobs currently considered Idle and can be freely shut down | (gauge) | Number of typedescschemachange jobs currently considered Paused | (gauge) | Number of typedescschemachange jobs currently running in Resume or OnFailOrCancel state | (count) | Number of expired protected timestamp records owned by typedescschemachange jobs | (count) | Number of typedescschemachange jobs which successfully completed their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of typedescschemachange jobs which failed with a non-retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (count) | Number of typedescschemachange jobs which failed with a retriable error on their failure or cancelation process | (gauge) | The age of the oldest PTS record protected by typedescschemachange jobs Shown as second | (gauge) | Number of protected timestamp records held by typedescschemachange jobs | (count) | Number of typedescschemachange jobs which successfully resumed to completion | (count) | Number of typedescschemachange jobs which failed with a non-retriable error | (count) | Number of typedescschemachange jobs which failed with a retriable error |
cockroachdb.keybytes (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of bytes taken up by keys Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.keycount (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Count of all keys Shown as key |
cockroachdb.kv.allocator.load_based_lease_transfers.cannot_find_better_candidate.count (count) | The number times the allocator determined that the lease was on the best possible replica |
cockroachdb.kv.allocator.load_based_lease_transfers.delta_not_significant.count (count) | The number times the allocator determined that the delta between the existing store and the best candidate was not significant |
cockroachdb.kv.allocator.load_based_lease_transfers.existing_not_overfull.count (count) | The number times the allocator determined that the lease was not on an overfull store |
cockroachdb.kv.allocator.load_based_lease_transfers.follow_the_workload.count (count) | The number times the allocator determined that the lease should be transferred to another replica for locality. |
cockroachdb.kv.allocator.load_based_lease_transfers.missing_stats_for_existing_stores.count (count) | The number times the allocator was missing qps stats for the leaseholder |
cockroachdb.kv.allocator.load_based_lease_transfers.should_transfer.count (count) | The number times the allocator determined that the lease should be transferred to another replica for better load distribution |
cockroachdb.kv.allocator.load_based_replica_rebalancing.cannot_find_better_candidate.count (count) | The number times the allocator determined that the range was on the best possible stores |
cockroachdb.kv.allocator.load_based_replica_rebalancing.delta_not_significant.count (count) | The number times the allocator determined that the delta between an existing store and the best replacement candidate was not high enough |
cockroachdb.kv.allocator.load_based_replica_rebalancing.existing_not_overfull.count (count) | The number times the allocator determined that none of the range's replicas were on overfull stores |
cockroachdb.kv.allocator.load_based_replica_rebalancing.missing_stats_for_existing_store.count (count) | The number times the allocator was missing the qps stats for the existing store |
cockroachdb.kv.allocator.load_based_replica_rebalancing.should_transfer.count (count) | The number times the allocator determined that the replica should be rebalanced to another store for better load distribution |
cockroachdb.kv.closed_timestamp.max_behind_nanos (gauge) | Largest latency between realtime and replica max closed timestamp Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kv.concurrency.avg_lock_hold_duration_nanos (gauge) | Average lock hold duration across locks currently held in lock tables. Does not include replicated locks (intents) that are not held in memory Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kv.concurrency.avg_lock_wait_duration_nanos (gauge) | Average lock wait duration across requests currently waiting in lock wait-queues Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kv.concurrency.lock_wait_queue_waiters (gauge) | Number of requests actively waiting in a lock wait-queue |
cockroachdb.kv.concurrency.locks (gauge) | Number of active locks held in lock tables. Does not include replicated locks (intents) that are not held in memory |
cockroachdb.kv.concurrency.locks_with_wait_queues (gauge) | Number of active locks held in lock tables with active wait-queues |
cockroachdb.kv.concurrency.max_lock_hold_duration_nanos (gauge) | Maximum length of time any lock in a lock table is held. Does not include replicated locks (intents) that are not held in memory Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kv.concurrency.max_lock_wait_duration_nanos (gauge) | Maximum lock wait duration across requests currently waiting in lock wait-queues Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kv.concurrency.max_lock_wait_queue_waiters_for_lock (gauge) | Maximum number of requests actively waiting in any single lock wait-queue |
cockroachdb.kv.loadsplitter.nosplitkey.count (count) | Load-based splitter could not find a split key. |
cockroachdb.kv.loadsplitter.popularkey.count (count) | Load-based splitter could not find a split key and the most popular sampled split key occurs in >= 25% of the samples. |
cockroachdb.kv.prober.planning_attempts.count (count) | Number of attempts at planning out probes made; in order to probe KV we need to plan out which ranges to probe; |
cockroachdb.kv.prober.planning_failures.count (count) | Number of attempts at planning out probes that failed; in order to probe KV we need to plan out which ranges to probe; if planning fails, then kvprober is not able to send probes to all ranges; consider alerting on this metric as a result | (count) | Number of attempts made to read probe KV, regardless of outcome | (count) | Number of attempts made to read probe KV that failed, whether due to error or timeout | (count) | Latency of successful KV read probes Shown as nanosecond | (count) | Latency of successful KV read probes Shown as nanosecond | (count) | Latency of successful KV read probes Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kv.prober.write.attempts.count (count) | Number of attempts made to write probe KV, regardless of outcome |
cockroachdb.kv.prober.write.failures.count (count) | Number of attempts made to write probe KV that failed, whether due to error or timeout |
cockroachdb.kv.prober.write.latency.bucket (count) | Latency of successful KV write probes Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kv.prober.write.latency.count (count) | Latency of successful KV write probes Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kv.prober.write.latency.sum (count) | Latency of successful KV write probes Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kv.prober.write.quarantine.oldest_duration (gauge) | The duration that the oldest range in the write quarantine pool has remained Shown as second |
cockroachdb.kv.protectedts.reconciliation.errors.count (count) | number of errors encountered during reconciliation runs on this node |
cockroachdb.kv.protectedts.reconciliation.num_runs.count (count) | number of successful reconciliation runs on this node |
cockroachdb.kv.protectedts.reconciliation.records_processed.count (count) | number of records processed without error during reconciliation on this node |
cockroachdb.kv.protectedts.reconciliation.records_removed.count (count) | number of records removed during reconciliation runs on this node |
cockroachdb.kv.rangefeed.budget_allocation_blocked.count (count) | Number of times RangeFeed waited for budget availability |
cockroachdb.kv.rangefeed.budget_allocation_failed.count (count) | Number of times RangeFeed failed because memory budget was exceeded |
cockroachdb.kv.rangefeed.catchup_scan_nanos.count (count) | Time spent in RangeFeed catchup scan Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kv.rangefeed.mem_shared (gauge) | Memory usage by rangefeeds Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.kv.rangefeed.mem_system (gauge) | Memory usage by rangefeeds on system ranges Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.kv.rangefeed.processors_goroutine (gauge) | Number of active RangeFeed processors using goroutines |
cockroachdb.kv.rangefeed.processors_scheduler (gauge) | Number of active RangeFeed processors using scheduler |
cockroachdb.kv.rangefeed.registrations (gauge) | Number of active RangeFeed registrations |
cockroachdb.kv.rangefeed.scheduler.normal.latency.bucket (count) | KV RangeFeed normal scheduler latency Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kv.rangefeed.scheduler.normal.latency.count (count) | KV RangeFeed normal scheduler latency Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kv.rangefeed.scheduler.normal.latency.sum (count) | KV RangeFeed normal scheduler latency Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kv.rangefeed.scheduler.normal.queue_size (gauge) | Number of entries in the KV RangeFeed normal scheduler queue |
cockroachdb.kv.rangefeed.scheduler.system.latency.bucket (count) | KV RangeFeed system scheduler latency Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kv.rangefeed.scheduler.system.latency.count (count) | KV RangeFeed system scheduler latency Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kv.rangefeed.scheduler.system.latency.sum (count) | KV RangeFeed system scheduler latency Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kv.rangefeed.scheduler.system.queue_size (gauge) | Number of entries in the KV RangeFeed system scheduler queue |
cockroachdb.kv.replica_circuit_breaker.num_tripped_events.count (count) | Number of times the per-Replica circuit breakers tripped since process start. |
cockroachdb.kv.replica_circuit_breaker.num_tripped_replicas (gauge) | Number of Replicas for which the per-Replica circuit breaker is currently tripped.A nonzero value indicates range or replica unavailability, and should be investigated.Replicas in this state will fail-fast all inbound requests. |
cockroachdb.kv.replica_read_batch_evaluate.dropped_latches_before_eval.count (count) | Number of times read-only batches dropped latches before evaluation. |
cockroachdb.kv.replica_read_batch_evaluate.latency.bucket (count) | Execution duration for evaluating a BatchRequest on the read-only path after latches have been acquired.A measurement is recorded regardless of outcome (i.e. also in case of an error). If internal retries occur, each instance is recorded separately. Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kv.replica_read_batch_evaluate.latency.count (count) | Execution duration for evaluating a BatchRequest on the read-only path after latches have been acquired.A measurement is recorded regardless of outcome (i.e. also in case of an error). If internal retries occur, each instance is recorded separately. Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kv.replica_read_batch_evaluate.latency.sum (count) | Execution duration for evaluating a BatchRequest on the read-only path after latches have been acquired.A measurement is recorded regardless of outcome (i.e. also in case of an error). If internal retries occur, each instance is recorded separately. Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kv.replica_read_batch_evaluate.without_interleaving_iter.count (count) | Number of read-only batches evaluated without an intent interleaving iter. |
cockroachdb.kv.replica_write_batch_evaluate.latency.bucket (count) | Execution duration for evaluating a BatchRequest on the read-write path after latches have been acquired.A measurement is recorded regardless of outcome (i.e. also in case of an error). If internal retries occur, each instance is recorded separately.Note that the measurement does not include the duration for replicating the evaluated command. Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kv.replica_write_batch_evaluate.latency.count (count) | Execution duration for evaluating a BatchRequest on the read-write path after latches have been acquired.A measurement is recorded regardless of outcome (i.e. also in case of an error). If internal retries occur, each instance is recorded separately.Note that the measurement does not include the duration for replicating the evaluated command. Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kv.replica_write_batch_evaluate.latency.sum (count) | Execution duration for evaluating a BatchRequest on the read-write path after latches have been acquired.A measurement is recorded regardless of outcome (i.e. also in case of an error). If internal retries occur, each instance is recorded separately.Note that the measurement does not include the duration for replicating the evaluated command. Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kv.tenant_rate_limit.current_blocked (gauge) | Number of requests currently blocked by the rate limiter |
cockroachdb.kv.tenant_rate_limit.num_tenants (gauge) | Number of tenants currently being tracked |
cockroachdb.kv.tenant_rate_limit.read_batches_admitted.count (count) | Number of read batches admitted by the rate limiter |
cockroachdb.kv.tenant_rate_limit.read_bytes_admitted.count (count) | Number of read bytes admitted by the rate limiter Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.kv.tenant_rate_limit.read_requests_admitted.count (count) | Number of read requests admitted by the rate limiter |
cockroachdb.kv.tenant_rate_limit.write_batches_admitted.count (count) | Number of write batches admitted by the rate limiter |
cockroachdb.kv.tenant_rate_limit.write_bytes_admitted.count (count) | Number of write bytes admitted by the rate limiter Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.kv.tenant_rate_limit.write_requests_admitted.count (count) | Number of write requests admitted by the rate limiter |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.elastic_blocked_stream_count (gauge) | Number of replication streams with no flow tokens available for elastic requests |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.elastic_requests_admitted.count (count) | Number of elastic requests admitted by the flow controller |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.elastic_requests_bypassed.count (count) | Number of elastic waiting requests that bypassed the flow controller due to disconnecting streams |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.elastic_requests_errored.count (count) | Number of elastic requests that errored out while waiting for flow tokens |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.elastic_requests_waiting (gauge) | Number of elastic requests waiting for flow tokens |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.elastic_stream_count (gauge) | Total number of replication streams for elastic requests |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.elastic_tokens_available (gauge) | Flow tokens available for elastic requests, across all replication streams Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.elastic_tokens_deducted.count (count) | Flow tokens deducted by elastic requests, across all replication streams Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.elastic_tokens_returned.count (count) | Flow tokens returned by elastic requests, across all replication streams Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.elastic_tokens_unaccounted.count (count) | Flow tokens returned by elastic requests that were unaccounted for, across all replication streams Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.elastic_wait_duration.bucket (count) | Latency histogram for time elastic requests spent waiting for flow tokens Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.elastic_wait_duration.count (count) | Latency histogram for time elastic requests spent waiting for flow tokens Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.elastic_wait_duration.sum (count) | Latency histogram for time elastic requests spent waiting for flow tokens Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.regular_blocked_stream_count (gauge) | Number of replication streams with no flow tokens available for regular requests |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.regular_requests_admitted.count (count) | Number of regular requests admitted by the flow controller |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.regular_requests_bypassed.count (count) | Number of regular waiting requests that bypassed the flow controller due to disconnecting streams |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.regular_requests_errored.count (count) | Number of regular requests that errored out while waiting for flow tokens |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.regular_requests_waiting (gauge) | Number of regular requests waiting for flow tokens |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.regular_stream_count (gauge) | Total number of replication streams for regular requests |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.regular_tokens_available (gauge) | Flow tokens available for regular requests, across all replication streams Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.regular_tokens_deducted.count (count) | Flow tokens deducted by regular requests, across all replication streams Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.regular_tokens_returned.count (count) | Flow tokens returned by regular requests, across all replication streams Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.regular_tokens_unaccounted.count (count) | Flow tokens returned by regular requests that were unaccounted for, across all replication streams Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.regular_wait_duration.bucket (count) | Latency histogram for time regular requests spent waiting for flow tokens Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.regular_wait_duration.count (count) | Latency histogram for time regular requests spent waiting for flow tokens Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_controller.regular_wait_duration.sum (count) | Latency histogram for time regular requests spent waiting for flow tokens Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_handle.elastic_requests_admitted.count (count) | Number of elastic requests admitted by the flow handle |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_handle.elastic_requests_errored.count (count) | Number of elastic requests that errored out while waiting for flow tokens, at the handle level |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_handle.elastic_requests_waiting (gauge) | Number of elastic requests waiting for flow tokens, at the handle level |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_handle.elastic_wait_duration.bucket (count) | Latency histogram for time elastic requests spent waiting for flow tokens, at the handle level Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_handle.elastic_wait_duration.count (count) | Latency histogram for time elastic requests spent waiting for flow tokens, at the handle level Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_handle.elastic_wait_duration.sum (count) | Latency histogram for time elastic requests spent waiting for flow tokens, at the handle level Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_handle.regular_requests_admitted.count (count) | Number of regular requests admitted by the flow handle |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_handle.regular_requests_errored.count (count) | Number of regular requests that errored out while waiting for flow tokens, at the handle level |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_handle.regular_requests_waiting (gauge) | Number of regular requests waiting for flow tokens, at the handle level |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_handle.regular_wait_duration.bucket (count) | Latency histogram for time regular requests spent waiting for flow tokens, at the handle level Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_handle.regular_wait_duration.count (count) | Latency histogram for time regular requests spent waiting for flow tokens, at the handle level Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_handle.regular_wait_duration.sum (count) | Latency histogram for time regular requests spent waiting for flow tokens, at the handle level Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_handle.streams_connected.count (count) | Number of times we've connected to a stream, at the handle level |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_handle.streams_disconnected.count (count) | Number of times we've disconnected from a stream, at the handle level |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_token_dispatch.coalesced_elastic.count (count) | Number of coalesced elastic flow token dispatches (where we're informing the sender of a higher log entry being admitted) |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_token_dispatch.coalesced_regular.count (count) | Number of coalesced regular flow token dispatches (where we're informing the sender of a higher log entry being admitted) |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_token_dispatch.local_elastic.count (count) | Number of local elastic flow token dispatches |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_token_dispatch.local_regular.count (count) | Number of local regular flow token dispatches |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_token_dispatch.pending_elastic (gauge) | Number of pending elastic flow token dispatches |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_token_dispatch.pending_nodes (gauge) | Number of nodes pending flow token dispatches |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_token_dispatch.pending_regular (gauge) | Number of pending regular flow token dispatches |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_token_dispatch.remote_elastic.count (count) | Number of remote elastic flow token dispatches |
cockroachdb.kvadmission.flow_token_dispatch.remote_regular.count (count) | Number of remote regular flow token dispatches |
cockroachdb.lastupdatenanos (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Time in nanoseconds since Unix epoch at which bytes/keys/intents metrics were last updated Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.leases.epoch (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of replica leaseholders using epoch-based leases |
cockroachdb.leases.error (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of failed lease requests Shown as request |
cockroachdb.leases.error.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of failed lease requests Shown as request |
cockroachdb.leases.expiration (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of replica leaseholders using expiration-based leases |
cockroachdb.leases.liveness (gauge) | Number of replica leaseholders for the liveness range(s) |
cockroachdb.leases.preferences.less_preferred (gauge) | Number of replica leaseholders which satisfy a lease preference which is not the most preferred |
cockroachdb.leases.preferences.violating (gauge) | Number of replica leaseholders which violate lease preferences |
cockroachdb.leases.requests.latency.bucket (count) | Lease request latency (all types and outcomes, coalesced) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.leases.requests.latency.count (count) | Lease request latency (all types and outcomes, coalesced) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.leases.requests.latency.sum (count) | Lease request latency (all types and outcomes, coalesced) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.leases.success (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of successful lease requests Shown as request |
cockroachdb.leases.success.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of successful lease requests Shown as request |
cockroachdb.leases.transfers.error (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of failed lease transfers |
cockroachdb.leases.transfers.error.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of failed lease transfers |
cockroachdb.leases.transfers.success (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of successful lease transfers |
cockroachdb.leases.transfers.success.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of successful lease transfers |
cockroachdb.livebytes (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of bytes of live data (keys plus values) Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.livecount (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Count of live keys Shown as key |
cockroachdb.liveness.epochincrements (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of times this node has incremented its liveness epoch |
cockroachdb.liveness.epochincrements.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of times this node has incremented its liveness epoch |
cockroachdb.liveness.heartbeatfailures (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of failed node liveness heartbeats from this node |
cockroachdb.liveness.heartbeatfailures.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of failed node liveness heartbeats from this node |
cockroachdb.liveness.heartbeatlatency (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Node liveness heartbeat latency in nanoseconds Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.liveness.heartbeatlatency.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Node liveness heartbeat latency in nanoseconds Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.liveness.heartbeatlatency.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Node liveness heartbeat latency in nanoseconds Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.liveness.heartbeatlatency.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Node liveness heartbeat latency in nanoseconds Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.liveness.heartbeatsinflight (gauge) | Number of in-flight liveness heartbeats from this node |
cockroachdb.liveness.heartbeatsuccesses (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of successful node liveness heartbeats from this node |
cockroachdb.liveness.heartbeatsuccesses.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of successful node liveness heartbeats from this node |
cockroachdb.liveness.livenodes (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of live nodes in the cluster (will be 0 if this node is not itself live) |
cockroachdb.lockbytes (gauge) | Number of bytes taken up by replicated lock key-values (shared and exclusive strength, not intent strength) Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.lockcount (gauge) | Count of replicated locks (shared, exclusive, and intent strength) |
cockroachdb.log.buffered.messages.dropped.count (count) | Count of log messages that are dropped by buffered log sinks. When CRDB attempts to buffer a log message in a buffered log sink whose buffer is already full, it drops the oldest buffered messages to make space for the new message |
cockroachdb.log.fluent.sink.conn.errors.count (count) | Number of connection errors experienced by fluent-server logging sinks |
cockroachdb.log.messages.count (count) | Count of messages logged on the node since startup. Note that this does not measure the fan-out of single log messages to the various configured logging sinks. |
cockroachdb.node_id (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] node ID with labels for advertised RPC and HTTP addresses |
cockroachdb.physical_replication.admit_latency.bucket (count) | Event admission latency: a difference between event MVCC timestamp and the time it was admitted into ingestion processor Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.physical_replication.admit_latency.count (count) | Event admission latency: a difference between event MVCC timestamp and the time it was admitted into ingestion processor Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.physical_replication.admit_latency.sum (count) | Event admission latency: a difference between event MVCC timestamp and the time it was admitted into ingestion processor Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.physical_replication.commit_latency.bucket (count) | Event commit latency: a difference between event MVCC timestamp and the time it was flushed into disk. If we batch events, then the difference between the oldest event in the batch and flush is recorded Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.physical_replication.commit_latency.count (count) | Event commit latency: a difference between event MVCC timestamp and the time it was flushed into disk. If we batch events, then the difference between the oldest event in the batch and flush is recorded Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.physical_replication.commit_latency.sum (count) | Event commit latency: a difference between event MVCC timestamp and the time it was flushed into disk. If we batch events, then the difference between the oldest event in the batch and flush is recorded Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.physical_replication.cutover_progress (gauge) | The number of ranges left to revert in order to complete an inflight cutover |
cockroachdb.physical_replication.distsql_replan_count.count (count) | Total number of dist sql replanning events |
cockroachdb.physical_replication.earliest_data_checkpoint_span (gauge) | The earliest timestamp of the last checkpoint forwarded by an ingestion data processor |
cockroachdb.physical_replication.events_ingested.count (count) | Events ingested by all replication jobs |
cockroachdb.physical_replication.flush_hist_nanos.bucket (count) | Time spent flushing messages across all replication streams Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.physical_replication.flush_hist_nanos.count (count) | Time spent flushing messages across all replication streams Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.physical_replication.flush_hist_nanos.sum (count) | Time spent flushing messages across all replication streams Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.physical_replication.flushes.count (count) | Total flushes across all replication jobs |
cockroachdb.physical_replication.job_progress_updates.count (count) | Total number of updates to the ingestion job progress |
cockroachdb.physical_replication.latest_data_checkpoint_span (gauge) | The latest timestamp of the last checkpoint forwarded by an ingestion data processor |
cockroachdb.physical_replication.logical_bytes.count (count) | Logical bytes (sum of keys + values) ingested by all replication jobs Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.physical_replication.replicated_time_seconds (gauge) | The replicated time of the physical replication stream in seconds since the unix epoch. Shown as second |
cockroachdb.physical_replication.resolved_events_ingested.count (count) | Resolved events ingested by all replication jobs |
cockroachdb.physical_replication.running (gauge) | Number of currently running replication streams |
cockroachdb.physical_replication.sst_bytes.count (count) | SST bytes (compressed) sent to KV by all replication jobs Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.queue.consistency.pending (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of pending replicas in the consistency checker queue |
cockroachdb.queue.consistency.process.failure (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of replicas which failed processing in the consistency checker queue |
cockroachdb.queue.consistency.process.failure.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of replicas which failed processing in the consistency checker queue |
cockroachdb.queue.consistency.process.success (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of replicas successfully processed by the consistency checker queue |
cockroachdb.queue.consistency.process.success.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of replicas successfully processed by the consistency checker queue |
cockroachdb.queue.consistency.processingnanos (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Nanoseconds spent processing replicas in the consistency checker queue Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.queue.consistency.processingnanos.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Nanoseconds spent processing replicas in the consistency checker queue Shown as nanosecond | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of AbortSpan entries old enough to be considered for removal | (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of AbortSpan entries old enough to be considered for removal | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of AbortSpan entries fit for removal | (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of AbortSpan entries fit for removal | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of transactions present in the AbortSpan scanned from the engine Shown as transaction | (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of transactions present in the AbortSpan scanned from the engine Shown as transaction | (count) | Number of failed ClearRange operations during GC | (count) | Number of successful ClearRange operations during GC | (count) | Number of replicas enqueued for GC with high priority | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of 'old' intents | (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of 'old' intents | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of associated distinct transactions Shown as transaction | (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of associated distinct transactions Shown as transaction | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of keys with GC'able data Shown as key | (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of keys with GC'able data Shown as key | (count) | Number of range keys GC'able | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of attempted pushes | (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of attempted pushes | (count) | Number of cleanup intent failures during GC | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of successful intent resolutions | (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of successful intent resolutions | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of attempted intent resolutions | (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of attempted intent resolutions | (count) | Number of intent cleanup failures for local transactions during GC | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of GC'able entries corresponding to aborted txns | (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of GC'able entries corresponding to aborted txns | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of GC'able entries corresponding to committed txns | (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of GC'able entries corresponding to committed txns | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of GC'able entries corresponding to pending txns | (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of GC'able entries corresponding to pending txns | (count) | Number of GC'able entries corresponding to staging txns | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of entries in transaction spans scanned from the engine | (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of entries in transaction spans scanned from the engine |
cockroachdb.queue.gc.pending (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of pending replicas in the GC queue |
cockroachdb.queue.gc.process.failure (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of replicas which failed processing in the GC queue |
cockroachdb.queue.gc.process.failure.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of replicas which failed processing in the GC queue |
cockroachdb.queue.gc.process.success (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of replicas successfully processed by the GC queue |
cockroachdb.queue.gc.process.success.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of replicas successfully processed by the GC queue |
cockroachdb.queue.gc.processingnanos (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Nanoseconds spent processing replicas in the GC queue Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.queue.gc.processingnanos.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Nanoseconds spent processing replicas in the GC queue Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.queue.merge.pending (gauge) | Number of pending replicas in the merge queue |
cockroachdb.queue.merge.process.failure.count (count) | Number of replicas which failed processing in the merge queue |
cockroachdb.queue.merge.process.success.count (count) | Number of replicas successfully processed by the merge queue |
cockroachdb.queue.merge.processingnanos.count (count) | Nanoseconds spent processing replicas in the merge queue Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.queue.merge.purgatory (gauge) | Number of replicas in the merge queue's purgatory, waiting to become mergeable |
cockroachdb.queue.raftlog.pending (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of pending replicas in the Raft log queue |
cockroachdb.queue.raftlog.process.failure (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of replicas which failed processing in the Raft log queue |
cockroachdb.queue.raftlog.process.failure.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of replicas which failed processing in the Raft log queue |
cockroachdb.queue.raftlog.process.success (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of replicas successfully processed by the Raft log queue |
cockroachdb.queue.raftlog.process.success.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of replicas successfully processed by the Raft log queue |
cockroachdb.queue.raftlog.processingnanos (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Nanoseconds spent processing replicas in the Raft log queue Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.queue.raftlog.processingnanos.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Nanoseconds spent processing replicas in the Raft log queue Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.queue.raftsnapshot.pending (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of pending replicas in the Raft repair queue |
cockroachdb.queue.raftsnapshot.process.failure (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of replicas which failed processing in the Raft repair queue |
cockroachdb.queue.raftsnapshot.process.failure.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of replicas which failed processing in the Raft repair queue |
cockroachdb.queue.raftsnapshot.process.success (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of replicas successfully processed by the Raft repair queue |
cockroachdb.queue.raftsnapshot.process.success.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of replicas successfully processed by the Raft repair queue |
cockroachdb.queue.raftsnapshot.processingnanos (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Nanoseconds spent processing replicas in the Raft repair queue Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.queue.raftsnapshot.processingnanos.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Nanoseconds spent processing replicas in the Raft repair queue Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.queue.replicagc.pending (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of pending replicas in the replica GC queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicagc.process.failure (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of replicas which failed processing in the replica GC queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicagc.process.failure.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of replicas which failed processing in the replica GC queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicagc.process.success (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of replicas successfully processed by the replica GC queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicagc.process.success.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of replicas successfully processed by the replica GC queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicagc.processingnanos (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Nanoseconds spent processing replicas in the replica GC queue Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.queue.replicagc.processingnanos.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Nanoseconds spent processing replicas in the replica GC queue Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.queue.replicagc.removereplica (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of replica removals attempted by the replica gc queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicagc.removereplica.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of replica removals attempted by the replica gc queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.addnonvoterreplica.count (count) | Number of non-voter replica additions attempted by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.addreplica (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of replica additions attempted by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.addreplica.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of replica additions attempted by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.addreplica.error.count (count) | Number of failed replica additions processed by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.addreplica.success.count (count) | Number of successful replica additions processed by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.addvoterreplica.count (count) | Number of voter replica additions attempted by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.nonvoterpromotions.count (count) | Number of non-voters promoted to voters by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.pending (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of pending replicas in the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.process.failure (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of replicas which failed processing in the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.process.failure.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of replicas which failed processing in the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.process.success (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of replicas successfully processed by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.process.success.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of replicas successfully processed by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.processingnanos (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Nanoseconds spent processing replicas in the replicate queue Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.processingnanos.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Nanoseconds spent processing replicas in the replicate queue Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.purgatory (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of replicas in the replicate queue's purgatory, awaiting allocation options |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.rebalancenonvoterreplica.count (count) | Number of non-voter replica rebalancer-initiated additions attempted by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.rebalancereplica (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of replica rebalancer-initiated additions attempted by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.rebalancereplica.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of replica rebalancer-initiated additions attempted by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.rebalancevoterreplica.count (count) | Number of voter replica rebalancer-initiated additions attempted by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.removedeadnonvoterreplica.count (count) | Number of dead non-voter replica removals attempted by the replicate queue (typically in response to a node outage) |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.removedeadreplica (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of dead replica removals attempted by the replicate queue (typically in response to a node outage) |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.removedeadreplica.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of dead replica removals attempted by the replicate queue (typically in response to a node outage) |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.removedeadreplica.error.count (count) | Number of failed dead replica removals processed by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.removedeadreplica.success.count (count) | Number of successful dead replica removals processed by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.removedeadvoterreplica.count (count) | Number of dead voter replica removals attempted by the replicate queue (typically in response to a node outage) |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.removedecommissioningnonvoterreplica.count (count) | Number of decommissioning non-voter replica removals attempted by the replicate queue (typically in response to a node outage) |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.removedecommissioningreplica.count (count) | Number of decommissioning replica removals attempted by the replicate queue (typically in response to a node outage) |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.removedecommissioningreplica.error.count (count) | Number of failed decommissioning replica removals processed by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.removedecommissioningreplica.success.count (count) | Number of successful decommissioning replica removals processed by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.removedecommissioningvoterreplica.count (count) | Number of decommissioning voter replica removals attempted by the replicate queue (typically in response to a node outage) |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.removelearnerreplica.count (count) | Number of learner replica removals attempted by the replicate queue (typically due to internal race conditions) |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.removenonvoterreplica.count (count) | Number of non-voter replica removals attempted by the replicate queue (typically in response to a rebalancer-initiated addition) |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.removereplica (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of replica removals attempted by the replicate queue (typically in response to a rebalancer-initiated addition) |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.removereplica.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of replica removals attempted by the replicate queue (typically in response to a rebalancer-initiated addition) |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.removereplica.error.count (count) | Number of failed replica removals processed by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.removereplica.success.count (count) | Number of successful replica removals processed by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.removevoterreplica.count (count) | Number of voter replica removals attempted by the replicate queue (typically in response to a rebalancer-initiated addition) |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.replacedeadreplica.error.count (count) | Number of failed dead replica replacements processed by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.replacedeadreplica.success.count (count) | Number of successful dead replica replacements processed by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.replacedecommissioningreplica.error.count (count) | Number of failed decommissioning replica replica replacements processed by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.replacedecommissioningreplica.success.count (count) | Number of successful decommissioning replica replacements processed by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.transferlease (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of range lease transfers attempted by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.transferlease.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of range lease transfers attempted by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.replicate.voterdemotions.count (count) | Number of voters demoted to non-voters by the replicate queue |
cockroachdb.queue.split.load_based.count (count) | Number of range splits due to a range being greater than the configured max range load |
cockroachdb.queue.split.pending (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of pending replicas in the split queue |
cockroachdb.queue.split.process.failure (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of replicas which failed processing in the split queue |
cockroachdb.queue.split.process.failure.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of replicas which failed processing in the split queue |
cockroachdb.queue.split.process.success (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of replicas successfully processed by the split queue |
cockroachdb.queue.split.process.success.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of replicas successfully processed by the split queue |
cockroachdb.queue.split.processingnanos (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Nanoseconds spent processing replicas in the split queue Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.queue.split.processingnanos.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Nanoseconds spent processing replicas in the split queue Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.queue.split.purgatory (gauge) | Number of replicas in the split queue's purgatory, waiting to become splittable |
cockroachdb.queue.split.size_based.count (count) | Number of range splits due to a range being greater than the configured max range size |
cockroachdb.queue.split.span_config_based.count (count) | Number of range splits due to span configuration |
cockroachdb.queue.tsmaintenance.pending (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of pending replicas in the timeseries maintenance queue |
cockroachdb.queue.tsmaintenance.process.failure (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of replicas which failed processing in the timeseries maintenance queue |
cockroachdb.queue.tsmaintenance.process.failure.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of replicas which failed processing in the timeseries maintenance queue |
cockroachdb.queue.tsmaintenance.process.success (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of replicas successfully processed by the timeseries maintenance queue |
cockroachdb.queue.tsmaintenance.process.success.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of replicas successfully processed by the timeseries maintenance queue |
cockroachdb.queue.tsmaintenance.processingnanos (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Nanoseconds spent processing replicas in the timeseries maintenance queue Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.queue.tsmaintenance.processingnanos.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Nanoseconds spent processing replicas in the timeseries maintenance queue Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.raft.commands.proposed.count (count) | Number of Raft commands proposed.The number of proposals and all kinds of reproposals made by leaseholders. Thismetric approximates the number of commands submitted through Raft. |
cockroachdb.raft.commands.reproposed.new_lai.count (count) | Number of Raft commands re-proposed with a newer LAI.The number of Raft commands that leaseholders re-proposed with a modified LAI.Such re-proposals happen for commands that are committed to Raft out of intendedorder, and hence can not be applied as is. |
cockroachdb.raft.commands.reproposed.unchanged.count (count) | Number of Raft commands re-proposed without modification.The number of Raft commands that leaseholders re-proposed without modification.Such re-proposals happen for commands that are not committed/applied within atimeout, and have a high chance of being dropped. |
cockroachdb.raft.commandsapplied (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Count of Raft commands applied Shown as command |
cockroachdb.raft.commandsapplied.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Count of Raft commands applied Shown as command |
cockroachdb.raft.dropped.count (count) | Number of Raft proposals dropped (this counts individial raftpb.Entry, not raftpb.MsgProp) |
cockroachdb.raft.dropped_leader.count (count) | Number of Raft proposals dropped by a Replica that believes itself to be the leader; each update also increments raft.dropped (this counts individial raftpb.Entry, not raftpb.MsgProp) |
cockroachdb.raft.enqueued.pending (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of pending outgoing messages in the Raft Transport queue |
cockroachdb.raft.entrycache.accesses.count (count) | Number of cache lookups in the Raft entry cache |
cockroachdb.raft.entrycache.bytes (gauge) | Aggregate size of all Raft entries in the Raft entry cache Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.raft.entrycache.hits.count (count) | Number of successful cache lookups in the Raft entry cache |
cockroachdb.raft.entrycache.read_bytes.count (count) | Counter of bytes in entries returned from the Raft entry cache Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.raft.entrycache.size (gauge) | Number of Raft entries in the Raft entry cache |
cockroachdb.raft.heartbeats.pending (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of pending heartbeats and responses waiting to be coalesced |
cockroachdb.raft.process.applycommitted.latency.bucket (count) | Latency histogram for applying all committed Raft commands in a Raft ready.This measures the end-to-end latency of applying all commands in a Raft ready. Note thatthis closes over possibly multiple measurements of the 'raft.process.commandcommit.latency'metric, which receives datapoints for each sub-batch processed in the process. Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.raft.process.applycommitted.latency.count (count) | Latency histogram for applying all committed Raft commands in a Raft ready.This measures the end-to-end latency of applying all commands in a Raft ready. Note thatthis closes over possibly multiple measurements of the 'raft.process.commandcommit.latency'metric, which receives datapoints for each sub-batch processed in the process. Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.raft.process.applycommitted.latency.sum (count) | Latency histogram for applying all committed Raft commands in a Raft ready.This measures the end-to-end latency of applying all commands in a Raft ready. Note thatthis closes over possibly multiple measurements of the 'raft.process.commandcommit.latency'metric, which receives datapoints for each sub-batch processed in the process. Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.raft.process.commandcommit.latency (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Latency histogram in nanoseconds for committing Raft commands Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.raft.process.commandcommit.latency.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency histogram in nanoseconds for committing Raft commands Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.raft.process.commandcommit.latency.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency histogram in nanoseconds for committing Raft commands Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.raft.process.commandcommit.latency.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency histogram in nanoseconds for committing Raft commands Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.raft.process.handleready.latency.bucket (count) | Latency histogram for handling a Raft ready.This measures the end-to-end-latency of the Raft state advancement loop, including:- snapshot application- SST ingestion- durably appending to the Raft log (i.e. includes fsync)- entry application (incl. replicated side effects, notably log truncation). Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.raft.process.handleready.latency.count (count) | Latency histogram for handling a Raft ready.This measures the end-to-end-latency of the Raft state advancement loop, including:- snapshot application- SST ingestion- durably appending to the Raft log (i.e. includes fsync)- entry application (incl. replicated side effects, notably log truncation). Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.raft.process.handleready.latency.sum (count) | Latency histogram for handling a Raft ready.This measures the end-to-end-latency of the Raft state advancement loop, including:- snapshot application- SST ingestion- durably appending to the Raft log (i.e. includes fsync)- entry application (incl. replicated side effects, notably log truncation). Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.raft.process.logcommit.latency (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Latency histogram in nanoseconds for committing Raft log entries Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.raft.process.logcommit.latency.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency histogram in nanoseconds for committing Raft log entries Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.raft.process.logcommit.latency.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency histogram in nanoseconds for committing Raft log entries Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.raft.process.logcommit.latency.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency histogram in nanoseconds for committing Raft log entries Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.raft.process.tickingnanos (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Nanoseconds spent in store.processRaft() processing replica.Tick() Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.raft.process.tickingnanos.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Nanoseconds spent in store.processRaft() processing replica.Tick() Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.raft.process.workingnanos (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Nanoseconds spent in store.processRaft() working Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.raft.process.workingnanos.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Nanoseconds spent in store.processRaft() working Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.raft.quota_pool.percent_used.bucket (count) | Histogram of proposal quota pool utilization (0-100) per leaseholder per metrics interval |
cockroachdb.raft.quota_pool.percent_used.count (count) | Histogram of proposal quota pool utilization (0-100) per leaseholder per metrics interval |
cockroachdb.raft.quota_pool.percent_used.sum (count) | Histogram of proposal quota pool utilization (0-100) per leaseholder per metrics interval | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of MsgApp messages received by this store | (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of MsgApp messages received by this store |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.appresp (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of MsgAppResp messages received by this store |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.appresp.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of MsgAppResp messages received by this store |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.bytes.count (count) | Number of bytes in Raft messages received by this store. Note that this does not include raft snapshot received. Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.cross_region.bytes.count (count) | Number of bytes received by this store for cross region Raft messages (when region tiers are configured). Note that this does not include raft snapshot received. Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.cross_zone.bytes.count (count) | Number of bytes received by this store for cross zone, same region Raft messages (when region and zone tiers are configured). If region tiers are not configured, this count may include data sent between different regions. Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.dropped (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of dropped incoming Raft messages |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.dropped.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of dropped incoming Raft messages |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.dropped_bytes.count (count) | Bytes of dropped incoming Raft messages Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.heartbeat (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of (coalesced, if enabled) MsgHeartbeat messages received by this store |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.heartbeat.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of (coalesced, if enabled) MsgHeartbeat messages received by this store |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.heartbeatresp (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of (coalesced, if enabled) MsgHeartbeatResp messages received by this store |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.heartbeatresp.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of (coalesced, if enabled) MsgHeartbeatResp messages received by this store |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.prevote (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of MsgPreVote messages received by this store |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.prevote.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of MsgPreVote messages received by this store |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.prevoteresp (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of MsgPreVoteResp messages received by this store |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.prevoteresp.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of MsgPreVoteResp messages received by this store |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.prop (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of MsgProp messages received by this store |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.prop.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of MsgProp messages received by this store |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.queued_bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes in messages currently waiting for raft processing Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.snap (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of MsgSnap messages received by this store |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.snap.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of MsgSnap messages received by this store |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.stepped_bytes.count (count) | Number of bytes in messages processed by Raft.Messages reflected here have been handed to Raft (via RawNode.Step). This does not imply that themessages are no longer held in memory or that IO has been performed. Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.timeoutnow (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of MsgTimeoutNow messages received by this store |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.timeoutnow.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of MsgTimeoutNow messages received by this store |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.transferleader (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of MsgTransferLeader messages received by this store |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.transferleader.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of MsgTransferLeader messages received by this store | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of MsgVote messages received by this store | (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of MsgVote messages received by this store |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.voteresp (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of MsgVoteResp messages received by this store |
cockroachdb.raft.rcvd.voteresp.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of MsgVoteResp messages received by this store |
cockroachdb.raft.replication.latency.bucket (count) | The duration elapsed between having evaluated a BatchRequest and it beingreflected in the proposer's state machine (i.e. having applied fully).This encompasses time spent in the quota pool, in replication (includingreproposals), and application, but notably not sequencing latency (i.e.contention and latch acquisition). |
cockroachdb.raft.replication.latency.count (count) | The duration elapsed between having evaluated a BatchRequest and it beingreflected in the proposer's state machine (i.e. having applied fully).This encompasses time spent in the quota pool, in replication (includingreproposals), and application, but notably not sequencing latency (i.e.contention and latch acquisition). |
cockroachdb.raft.replication.latency.sum (count) | The duration elapsed between having evaluated a BatchRequest and it beingreflected in the proposer's state machine (i.e. having applied fully).This encompasses time spent in the quota pool, in replication (includingreproposals), and application, but notably not sequencing latency (i.e.contention and latch acquisition). |
cockroachdb.raft.scheduler.latency (count) | Queueing durations for ranges waiting to be processed by the Raft scheduler.This histogram measures the delay from when a range is registered with the schedulerfor processing to when it is actually processed. This does not include the durationof processing. Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.raft.scheduler.latency.bucket (count) | Queueing durations for ranges waiting to be processed by the Raft scheduler.This histogram measures the delay from when a range is registered with the schedulerfor processing to when it is actually processed. This does not include the durationof processing. Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.raft.scheduler.latency.count (count) | Queueing durations for ranges waiting to be processed by the Raft scheduler.This histogram measures the delay from when a range is registered with the schedulerfor processing to when it is actually processed. This does not include the durationof processing. Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.raft.scheduler.latency.sum (count) | Queueing durations for ranges waiting to be processed by the Raft scheduler.This histogram measures the delay from when a range is registered with the schedulerfor processing to when it is actually processed. This does not include the durationof processing. Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.raft.sent.bytes.count (count) | Number of bytes in Raft messages sent by this store. Note that this does not include raft snapshot sent. Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.raft.sent.cross_region.bytes.count (count) | Number of bytes sent by this store for cross region Raft messages (when region tiers are configured). Note that this does not include raft snapshot sent. Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.raft.sent.cross_zone.bytes.count (count) | Number of bytes sent by this store for cross zone, same region Raft messages (when region and zone tiers are configured). If region tiers are not configured, this count may include data sent between different regions. To ensure accurate monitoring of transmitted data, it is important to set up a consistent locality configuration across nodes. Note that this does not include raft snapshot sent. Shown as byte | (count) | Counter of raftpb.Entry.Size() read from pebble for raft log entries.These are the bytes returned from the (raft.Storage).Entries method that were notreturned via the raft entry cache. This metric plus the raft.entrycache.read_bytesmetric represent the total bytes returned from the Entries method. Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.raft.ticks (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of Raft ticks queued |
cockroachdb.raft.ticks.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of Raft ticks queued |
cockroachdb.raft.timeoutcampaign.count (count) | Number of Raft replicas campaigning after missed heartbeats from leader |
cockroachdb.raft.transport.flow_token_dispatches_dropped.count (count) | Number of flow token dispatches dropped by the Raft Transport |
cockroachdb.raft.transport.rcvd.count (count) | Number of Raft messages received by the Raft Transport |
cockroachdb.raft.transport.reverse_rcvd.count (count) | Messages received from the reverse direction of a stream.These messages should be rare. They are mostly informational, and are not actualresponses to Raft messages. Responses are received over another stream. |
cockroachdb.raft.transport.reverse_sent.count (count) | Messages sent in the reverse direction of a stream.These messages should be rare. They are mostly informational, and are not actualresponses to Raft messages. Responses are sent over another stream. |
cockroachdb.raft.transport.send_queue_bytes (gauge) | The total byte size of pending outgoing messages in the queue.The queue is composed of multiple bounded channels associated with differentpeers. A size higher than the average baseline could indicate issues streamingmessages to at least one peer. Use this metric together with send-queue-size, tohave a fuller picture. Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.raft.transport.send_queue_size (gauge) | Number of pending outgoing messages in the Raft Transport queue.The queue is composed of multiple bounded channels associated with differentpeers. The overall size of tens of thousands could indicate issues streamingmessages to at least one peer. Use this metric in conjunction withsend-queue-bytes. |
cockroachdb.raft.transport.sends_dropped.count (count) | Number of Raft message sends dropped by the Raft Transport |
cockroachdb.raft.transport.sent.count (count) | Number of Raft messages sent by the Raft Transport |
cockroachdb.raftlog.behind (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of Raft log entries followers on other stores are behind Shown as entry |
cockroachdb.raftlog.truncated (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of Raft log entries truncated Shown as entry |
cockroachdb.raftlog.truncated.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of Raft log entries truncated Shown as entry |
cockroachdb.range.adds (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of range additions |
cockroachdb.range.adds.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of range additions |
cockroachdb.range.merges.count (count) | Number of range merges |
cockroachdb.range.raftleaderremovals.count (count) | Number of times the current Raft leader was removed from a range |
cockroachdb.range.raftleadertransfers (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of raft leader transfers |
cockroachdb.range.raftleadertransfers.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of raft leader transfers |
cockroachdb.range.recoveries.count (count) | Count of offline loss of quorum recovery operations performed on ranges.This count increments for every range recovered in offline loss of quorumrecovery operation. Metric is updated when node on which survivor replicais located starts following the recovery. |
cockroachdb.range.removes (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of range removals |
cockroachdb.range.removes.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of range removals |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.applied_initial.count (count) | Number of snapshots applied for initial upreplication |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.applied_non_voter.count (count) | Number of snapshots applied by non-voter replicas |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.applied_voter.count (count) | Number of snapshots applied by voter replicas |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.cross_region.rcvd_bytes.count (count) | Number of snapshot bytes received cross region Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.cross_region.sent_bytes.count (count) | Number of snapshot bytes sent cross region Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.cross_zone.rcvd_bytes.count (count) | Number of snapshot bytes received cross zone within same region or if region tiers are not configured. This count increases for each snapshot received between different zones within the same region. However, if the region tiers are not configured, this count may also include snapshot data received between different regions. Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.cross_zone.sent_bytes.count (count) | Number of snapshot bytes sent cross zone within same region or if region tiers are not configured. This count increases for each snapshot sent between different zones within the same region. However, if the region tiers are not configured, this count may also include snapshot data sent between different regions. Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.delegate.failures.count (count) | Number of snapshots that were delegated to a different node andresulted in failure on that delegate. There are numerous reasons a failure canoccur on a delegate such as timeout, the delegate Raft log being too far behindor the delegate being too busy to send. |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.delegate.in_progress (gauge) | Number of delegated snapshots that are currently in-flight. |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.delegate.sent_bytes.count (count) | Bytes sent using a delegate.The number of bytes sent as a result of a delegate snapshot requestthat was originated from a different node. This metric is useful inevaluating the network savings of not sending cross region traffic. Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.delegate.successes.count (count) | Number of snapshots that were delegated to a different node andresulted in success on that delegate. This does not count self delegated snapshots. |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.generated (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of generated snapshots |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.generated.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of generated snapshots |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.normal_applied (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of applied snapshots |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.normal_applied.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of applied snapshots |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.preemptive_applied (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of applied pre-emptive snapshots |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.preemptive_applied.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of applied pre-emptive snapshots |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.rcvd_bytes.count (count) | Number of snapshot bytes received Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.rebalancing.rcvd_bytes.count (count) | Number of rebalancing snapshot bytes received Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.rebalancing.sent_bytes.count (count) | Number of rebalancing snapshot bytes sent Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.recovery.rcvd_bytes.count (count) | Number of recovery snapshot bytes received Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.recovery.sent_bytes.count (count) | Number of recovery snapshot bytes sent Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.recv_failed.count (count) | Number of range snapshot initialization messages that errored out on the recipient, typically before any data is transferred |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.recv_in_progress (gauge) | Number of non-empty snapshots being received |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.recv_queue (gauge) | Number of snapshots queued to receive |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.recv_queue_bytes (gauge) | Total size of all snapshots in the snapshot receive queue Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.recv_total_in_progress (gauge) | Number of total snapshots being received |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.recv_unusable.count (count) | Number of range snapshot that were fully transmitted but determined to be unnecessary or unusable |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.send_in_progress (gauge) | Number of non-empty snapshots being sent |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.send_queue (gauge) | Number of snapshots queued to send |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.send_queue_bytes (gauge) | Total size of all snapshots in the snapshot send queue Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.send_total_in_progress (gauge) | Number of total snapshots being sent |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.sent_bytes.count (count) | Number of snapshot bytes sent Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.unknown.rcvd_bytes.count (count) | Number of unknown snapshot bytes received Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.range.snapshots.unknown.sent_bytes.count (count) | Number of unknown snapshot bytes sent Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.range.splits.count (count) | Number of range splits | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of range splits | (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of range splits |
cockroachdb.rangekeybytes (gauge) | Number of bytes taken up by range keys (e.g. MVCC range tombstones) Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.rangekeycount (gauge) | Count of all range keys (e.g. MVCC range tombstones) |
cockroachdb.ranges (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of ranges |
cockroachdb.ranges.overreplicated (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of ranges with more live replicas than the replication target |
cockroachdb.ranges.unavailable (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of ranges with fewer live replicas than needed for quorum |
cockroachdb.ranges.underreplicated (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of ranges with fewer live replicas than the replication target |
cockroachdb.rangevalbytes (gauge) | Number of bytes taken up by range key values (e.g. MVCC range tombstones) Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.rangevalcount (gauge) | Count of all range key values (e.g. MVCC range tombstones) |
cockroachdb.rebalancing.cpunanospersecond (gauge) | Average CPU nanoseconds spent on processing replica operations in the last 30 minutes. Shown as nanosecond | (count) | Number of lease transfers motivated by store-level load imbalances |
cockroachdb.rebalancing.queriespersecond (gauge) | Number of kv-level requests received per second by the store, averaged over a large time period as used in rebalancing decisions |
cockroachdb.rebalancing.range.rebalances.count (count) | Number of range rebalance operations motivated by store-level load imbalances |
cockroachdb.rebalancing.readbytespersecond (gauge) | Number of bytes read recently per second, considering the last 30 minutes. Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.rebalancing.readspersecond (gauge) | Number of keys read recently per second, considering the last 30 minutes. |
cockroachdb.rebalancing.replicas.cpunanospersecond.bucket (count) | Histogram of average CPU nanoseconds spent on processing replica operations in the last 30 minutes. Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.rebalancing.replicas.cpunanospersecond.count (count) | Histogram of average CPU nanoseconds spent on processing replica operations in the last 30 minutes. Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.rebalancing.replicas.cpunanospersecond.sum (count) | Histogram of average CPU nanoseconds spent on processing replica operations in the last 30 minutes. Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.rebalancing.replicas.queriespersecond.bucket (count) | Histogram of average kv-level requests received per second by replicas on the store in the last 30 minutes. |
cockroachdb.rebalancing.replicas.queriespersecond.count (count) | Histogram of average kv-level requests received per second by replicas on the store in the last 30 minutes. |
cockroachdb.rebalancing.replicas.queriespersecond.sum (count) | Histogram of average kv-level requests received per second by replicas on the store in the last 30 minutes. |
cockroachdb.rebalancing.requestspersecond (gauge) | Number of requests received recently per second, considering the last 30 minutes. |
cockroachdb.rebalancing.state.imbalanced_overfull_options_exhausted.count (count) | Number of occurrences where this store was overfull but failed to shed load after exhausting available rebalance options |
cockroachdb.rebalancing.writebytespersecond (gauge) | Number of bytes written recently per second, considering the last 30 minutes. Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.rebalancing.writespersecond (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of keys written (i.e. applied by raft) per second to the store, averaged over a large time period as used in rebalancing decisions Shown as key |
cockroachdb.replicas (gauge) | Number of replicas |
cockroachdb.replicas.commandqueue.combinedqueuesize (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of commands in all CommandQueues combined Shown as command |
cockroachdb.replicas.commandqueue.combinedreadcount (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of read-only commands in all CommandQueues combined Shown as command |
cockroachdb.replicas.commandqueue.combinedwritecount (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of read-write commands in all CommandQueues combined Shown as command |
cockroachdb.replicas.commandqueue.maxoverlaps (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Largest number of overlapping commands seen when adding to any CommandQueue Shown as command |
cockroachdb.replicas.commandqueue.maxreadcount (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Largest number of read-only commands in any CommandQueue Shown as command |
cockroachdb.replicas.commandqueue.maxsize (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Largest number of commands in any CommandQueue Shown as command |
cockroachdb.replicas.commandqueue.maxtreesize (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Largest number of intervals in any CommandQueue's interval tree |
cockroachdb.replicas.commandqueue.maxwritecount (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Largest number of read-write commands in any CommandQueue Shown as command |
cockroachdb.replicas.leaders (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of raft leaders |
cockroachdb.replicas.leaders.not_leaseholders (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of replicas that are Raft leaders whose range lease is held by another store |
cockroachdb.replicas.leaders_invalid_lease (gauge) | Number of replicas that are Raft leaders whose lease is invalid |
cockroachdb.replicas.leaders_not_leaseholders (gauge) | Number of replicas that are Raft leaders whose range lease is held by another store |
cockroachdb.replicas.leaseholders (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of lease holders |
cockroachdb.replicas.quiescent (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of quiesced replicas |
cockroachdb.replicas.reserved (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of replicas reserved for snapshots | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of replicas |
cockroachdb.replicas.uninitialized (gauge) | Number of uninitialized replicas, this does not include uninitialized replicas that can lie dormant in a persistent state. |
cockroachdb.requests.backpressure.split (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of backpressured writes waiting on a Range split |
cockroachdb.requests.slow.commandqueue (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of requests that have been stuck for a long time in the command queue Shown as request |
cockroachdb.requests.slow.distsender (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of requests that have been stuck for a long time in the dist sender Shown as request |
cockroachdb.requests.slow.latch (gauge) | Number of requests that have been stuck for a long time acquiring latches.Latches moderate access to the KV keyspace for the purpose of evaluating andreplicating commands. A slow latch acquisition attempt is often caused byanother request holding and not releasing its latches in a timely manner. | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of requests that have been stuck for a long time acquiring a lease Shown as request |
cockroachdb.requests.slow.raft (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of requests that have been stuck for a long time in raft Shown as request |
cockroachdb.rocksdb.block.cache.hits (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Count of block cache hits |
cockroachdb.rocksdb.block.cache.misses (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Count of block cache misses |
cockroachdb.rocksdb.block.cache.pinned.usage (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Bytes pinned by the block cache Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.rocksdb.block.cache.usage (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Bytes used by the block cache Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.rocksdb.bloom.filter.prefix.checked (gauge) | Number of times the bloom filter was checked |
cockroachdb.rocksdb.bloom.filter.prefix.useful (gauge) | Number of times the bloom filter helped avoid iterator creation |
cockroachdb.rocksdb.bloom_filter.prefix.checked (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of times the bloom filter was checked |
cockroachdb.rocksdb.bloom_filter.prefix.useful (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of times the bloom filter helped avoid iterator creation |
cockroachdb.rocksdb.compacted_bytes_read (gauge) | Bytes read during compaction Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.rocksdb.compacted_bytes_written (gauge) | Bytes written during compaction Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.rocksdb.compactions (gauge) | Number of table compactions | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of table compactions |
cockroachdb.rocksdb.encryption.algorithm (gauge) | Algorithm in use for encryption-at-rest, see ccl/storageccl/engineccl/enginepbccl/key_registry.proto |
cockroachdb.rocksdb.estimated_pending_compaction (gauge) | Estimated pending compaction bytes Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.rocksdb.flushed_bytes (gauge) | Bytes written during flush Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.rocksdb.flushes (gauge) | Number of table flushes | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of table flushes |
cockroachdb.rocksdb.ingested_bytes (gauge) | Bytes ingested Shown as byte | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Current size of memtable in bytes Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.rocksdb.num_sstables (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of rocksdb SSTables Shown as table | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of disk reads per query Shown as read |
cockroachdb.rocksdb.table.readers.mem.estimate (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Memory used by index and filter blocks |
cockroachdb.round_trip.latency (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Distribution of round-trip latencies with other nodes in nanoseconds Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.round_trip.latency.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Distribution of round-trip latencies with other nodes in nanoseconds Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.round_trip.latency.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Distribution of round-trip latencies with other nodes in nanoseconds Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.round_trip.latency.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Distribution of round-trip latencies with other nodes in nanoseconds Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.round_trip_latency.bucket (count) | Distribution of round-trip latencies with other nodes.This only reflects successful heartbeats and measures gRPC overhead as well aspossible head-of-line blocking. Elevated values in this metric may hint atnetwork issues and/or saturation, but they are no proof of them. CPU overloadcan similarly elevate this metric Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.round_trip_latency.count (count) | Distribution of round-trip latencies with other nodes.This only reflects successful heartbeats and measures gRPC overhead as well aspossible head-of-line blocking. Elevated values in this metric may hint atnetwork issues and/or saturation, but they are no proof of them. CPU overloadcan similarly elevate this metric. Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.round_trip_latency.sum (count) | Distribution of round-trip latencies with other nodes.This only reflects successful heartbeats and measures gRPC overhead as well aspossible head-of-line blocking. Elevated values in this metric may hint atnetwork issues and/or saturation, but they are no proof of them. CPU overloadcan similarly elevate this metric. Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.rpc.batches.recv.count (count) | Number of batches processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.connection.avg_round_trip_latency (gauge) | Sum of exponentially weighted moving average of round-trip latencies, as measured through a gRPC RPC.Dividing this Gauge by rpc.connection.healthy gives an approximation of averagelatency, but the top-level round-trip-latency histogram is more useful. Instead,users should consult the label families of this metric if they are available. Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.rpc.connection.failures.count (count) | Counter of failed connections.This includes both the event in which a healthy connection terminates as well asunsuccessful reconnection attempts.Connections that are terminated as part of local node shutdown are excluded.Decommissioned peers are excluded. |
cockroachdb.rpc.connection.healthy (gauge) | Gauge of current connections in a healthy state (i.e. bidirectionally connected and heartbeating) |
cockroachdb.rpc.connection.healthy_nanos (gauge) | Gauge of nanoseconds of healthy connection timeOn the prometheus endpoint scraped with the cluster setting 'server.child_metrics.enabled' set,the constituent parts of this metric are available on a per-peer basis and one can read offfor how long a given peer has been connected Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.rpc.connection.heartbeats.count (count) | Counter of successful heartbeats. |
cockroachdb.rpc.connection.inactive (gauge) | Gauge of current connections in an inactive state and pending deletion; these are not healthy but are not tracked as unhealthy either because there is reason to believe that the connection is no longer relevant,for example if the node has since been seen under a new address |
cockroachdb.rpc.connection.unhealthy (gauge) | Gauge of current connections in an unhealthy state (not bidirectionally connected or heartbeating) |
cockroachdb.rpc.connection.unhealthy_nanos (gauge) | Gauge of nanoseconds of unhealthy connection time.On the prometheus endpoint scraped with the cluster setting 'server.child_metrics.enabled' set,the constituent parts of this metric are available on a per-peer basis and one can read offfor how long a given peer has been unreachable Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.addsstable.recv.count (count) | Number of AddSSTable requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.adminchangereplicas.recv.count (count) | Number of AdminChangeReplicas requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.adminmerge.recv.count (count) | Number of AdminMerge requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.adminrelocaterange.recv.count (count) | Number of AdminRelocateRange requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.adminscatter.recv.count (count) | Number of AdminScatter requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.adminsplit.recv.count (count) | Number of AdminSplit requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.admintransferlease.recv.count (count) | Number of AdminTransferLease requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.adminunsplit.recv.count (count) | Number of AdminUnsplit requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.adminverifyprotectedtimestamp.recv.count (count) | Number of AdminVerifyProtectedTimestamp requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.barrier.recv.count (count) | Number of Barrier requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.checkconsistency.recv.count (count) | Number of CheckConsistency requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.clearrange.recv.count (count) | Number of ClearRange requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.computechecksum.recv.count (count) | Number of ComputeChecksum requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.conditionalput.recv.count (count) | Number of ConditionalPut requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.delete.recv.count (count) | Number of Delete requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.deleterange.recv.count (count) | Number of DeleteRange requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.endtxn.recv.count (count) | Number of EndTxn requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.export.recv.count (count) | Number of Export requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.gc.recv.count (count) | Number of GC requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.get.recv.count (count) | Number of Get requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.heartbeattxn.recv.count (count) | Number of HeartbeatTxn requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.increment.recv.count (count) | Number of Increment requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.initput.recv.count (count) | Number of InitPut requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.isspanempty.recv.count (count) | Number of IsSpanEmpty requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.leaseinfo.recv.count (count) | Number of LeaseInfo requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.merge.recv.count (count) | Number of Merge requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.migrate.recv.count (count) | Number of Migrate requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.probe.recv.count (count) | Number of Probe requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.pushtxn.recv.count (count) | Number of PushTxn requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.put.recv.count (count) | Number of Put requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.queryintent.recv.count (count) | Number of QueryIntent requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.querylocks.recv.count (count) | Number of QueryLocks requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.queryresolvedtimestamp.recv.count (count) | Number of QueryResolvedTimestamp requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.querytxn.recv.count (count) | Number of QueryTxn requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.rangestats.recv.count (count) | Number of RangeStats requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.recomputestats.recv.count (count) | Number of RecomputeStats requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.recovertxn.recv.count (count) | Number of RecoverTxn requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.refresh.recv.count (count) | Number of Refresh requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.refreshrange.recv.count (count) | Number of RefreshRange requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.requestlease.recv.count (count) | Number of RequestLease requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.resolveintent.recv.count (count) | Number of ResolveIntent requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.resolveintentrange.recv.count (count) | Number of ResolveIntentRange requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.reversescan.recv.count (count) | Number of ReverseScan requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.revertrange.recv.count (count) | Number of RevertRange requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.scan.recv.count (count) | Number of Scan requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.subsume.recv.count (count) | Number of Subsume requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.transferlease.recv.count (count) | Number of TransferLease requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.truncatelog.recv.count (count) | Number of TruncateLog requests processed |
cockroachdb.rpc.method.writebatch.recv.count (count) | Number of WriteBatch requests processed | (gauge) | Number of currently running MuxRangeFeed streams |
cockroachdb.rpc.streams.mux_rangefeed.recv.count (count) | Total number of MuxRangeFeed streams | (gauge) | Number of currently running RangeFeed streams |
cockroachdb.rpc.streams.rangefeed.recv.count (count) | Total number of RangeFeed streams |
cockroachdb.schedules.BACKUP.failed.count (count) | Number of BACKUP jobs failed |
cockroachdb.schedules.BACKUP.last_completed_time (gauge) | The unix timestamp of the most recently completed backup by a schedule specified as maintaining this metric |
cockroachdb.schedules.BACKUP.protected_age_sec (gauge) | The age of the oldest PTS record protected by BACKUP schedules Shown as second |
cockroachdb.schedules.BACKUP.protected_record_count (gauge) | Number of PTS records held by BACKUP schedules |
cockroachdb.schedules.BACKUP.started.count (count) | Number of BACKUP jobs started |
cockroachdb.schedules.BACKUP.succeeded.count (count) | Number of BACKUP jobs succeeded |
cockroachdb.schedules.CHANGEFEED.failed.count (count) | Number of CHANGEFEED jobs failed |
cockroachdb.schedules.CHANGEFEED.started.count (count) | Number of CHANGEFEED jobs started |
cockroachdb.schedules.CHANGEFEED.succeeded.count (count) | Number of CHANGEFEED jobs succeeded |
cockroachdb.schedules.backup.failed (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of scheduled backup jobs failed |
cockroachdb.schedules.backup.failed.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of scheduled backup jobs failed |
cockroachdb.schedules.backup.last_completed_time (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] The unix timestamp of the most recently completed backup by a schedule specified as maintaining this metric Shown as second |
cockroachdb.schedules.backup.started (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of scheduled backup jobs started |
cockroachdb.schedules.backup.started.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of scheduled backup jobs started |
cockroachdb.schedules.backup.succeeded (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of scheduled backup jobs succeeded |
cockroachdb.schedules.backup.succeeded.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of scheduled backup jobs succeeded |
cockroachdb.schedules.error (gauge) | Number of schedules which did not execute successfully |
cockroachdb.schedules.malformed (gauge) | Number of malformed schedules |
cockroachdb.schedules.round.jobs_started (gauge) | The number of jobs started |
cockroachdb.schedules.round.reschedule_skip (gauge) | The number of schedules rescheduled due to SKIP policy |
cockroachdb.schedules.round.reschedule_wait (gauge) | The number of schedules rescheduled due to WAIT policy |
cockroachdb.schedules.scheduled.row.level.ttl.executor_failed.count (count) | Number of scheduled-row-level-ttl-executor jobs failed |
cockroachdb.schedules.scheduled_row_level_ttl_executor.failed.count (count) | Number of scheduled-row-level-ttl-executor jobs failed |
cockroachdb.schedules.scheduled_row_level_ttl_executor.started.count (count) | Number of scheduled-row-level-ttl-executor jobs started |
cockroachdb.schedules.scheduled_row_level_ttl_executor.succeeded.count (count) | Number of scheduled-row-level-ttl-executor jobs succeeded |
cockroachdb.schedules.scheduled_schema_telemetry_executor.failed.count (count) | Number of scheduled-schema-telemetry-executor jobs failed |
cockroachdb.schedules.scheduled_schema_telemetry_executor.started.count (count) | Number of scheduled-schema-telemetry-executor jobs started |
cockroachdb.schedules.scheduled_schema_telemetry_executor.succeeded.count (count) | Number of scheduled-schema-telemetry-executor jobs succeeded |
cockroachdb.schedules.scheduled_sql_stats_compaction_executor.failed.count (count) | Number of scheduled-sql-stats-compaction-executor jobs failed |
cockroachdb.schedules.scheduled_sql_stats_compaction_executor.started.count (count) | Number of scheduled-sql-stats-compaction-executor jobs started |
cockroachdb.schedules.scheduled_sql_stats_compaction_executor.succeeded.count (count) | Number of scheduled-sql-stats-compaction-executor jobs succeeded |
cockroachdb.seconds.until.enterprise.license.expiry (gauge) | Seconds until enterprise license expiry (0 if no license present or running without enterprise features) |
cockroachdb.seconds_until_enterprise_license_expiry (gauge) | Seconds until enterprise license expiry (0 if no license present or running without enterprise features) Shown as second | (gauge) | Expiration for the CA certificate. 0 means no certificate or error. | (gauge) | Expiration for the Tenant Client CA certificate. 0 means no certificate or error. | (gauge) | Minimum expiration for client certificates, labeled by SQL user. 0 means no certificate or error. | (gauge) | Expiration for the client CA certificate. 0 means no certificate or error. | (gauge) | Expiration for the Tenant Client certificate. 0 means no certificate or error. | (gauge) | Expiration for the node certificate. 0 means no certificate or error. | (gauge) | Expiration for the node's client certificate. 0 means no certificate or error. | (gauge) | Expiration for the UI certificate. 0 means no certificate or error. | (gauge) | Expiration for the UI CA certificate. 0 means no certificate or error. | (gauge) | Expiration for the CA certificate. 0 means no certificate or error | (gauge) | Expiration for the client CA certificate. 0 means no certificate or error | (gauge) | Expiration for the node certificate. 0 means no certificate or error | (gauge) | Expiration for the node's client certificate. 0 means no certificate or error | (gauge) | Expiration for the UI certificate. 0 means no certificate or error | (gauge) | Expiration for the UI CA certificate. 0 means no certificate or error |
cockroachdb.spanconfig.kvsubscriber.oldest_protected_record_nanos (gauge) | Difference between the current time and the oldest protected timestamp (sudden drops indicate a record being released; an ever increasing number indicates that the oldest record is around and preventing GC if > configured GC TTL) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.spanconfig.kvsubscriber.protected_record_count (gauge) | Number of protected timestamp records, as seen by KV |
cockroachdb.spanconfig.kvsubscriber.update_behind_nanos (gauge) | Difference between the current time and when the KVSubscriber received its last update (an ever increasing number indicates that we're no longer receiving updates) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.bytesin (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of sql bytes received Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.bytesin.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of sql bytes received Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.bytesout (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of sql bytes sent Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.bytesout.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of sql bytes sent Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.conn.failures.count (count) | Number of SQL connection failures |
cockroachdb.sql.conn.latency (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Latency to establish and authenticate a SQL connection Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.conn.latency.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency to establish and authenticate a SQL connection Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.conn.latency.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency to establish and authenticate a SQL connection Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.conn.latency.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency to establish and authenticate a SQL connection Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.conns (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of active sql connections Shown as connection |
cockroachdb.sql.conns_waiting_to_hash (gauge) | Number of SQL connection attempts that are being throttled in order to limit password hashing concurrency |
cockroachdb.sql.contention.resolver.failed_resolutions.count (count) | Number of failed transaction ID resolution attempts |
cockroachdb.sql.contention.resolver.queue_size (gauge) | Length of queued unresolved contention events |
cockroachdb.sql.contention.resolver.retries.count (count) | Number of times transaction id resolution has been retried |
cockroachdb.sql.contention.txn_id_cache.miss.count (count) | Number of cache misses | (count) | Number of cache read |
cockroachdb.sql.copy.count (count) | Number of COPY SQL statements successfully executed |
cockroachdb.sql.copy.internal.count (count) | Number of COPY SQL statements successfully executed (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.copy.nonatomic.count (count) | Number of non-atomic COPY SQL statements successfully executed |
cockroachdb.sql.copy.nonatomic.internal.count (count) | Number of non-atomic COPY SQL statements successfully executed (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.copy.nonatomic.started.count (count) | Number of non-atomic COPY SQL statements started |
cockroachdb.sql.copy.nonatomic.started.internal.count (count) | Number of non-atomic COPY SQL statements started (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.copy.started.count (count) | Number of COPY SQL statements started |
cockroachdb.sql.copy.started.internal.count (count) | Number of COPY SQL statements started (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.ddl.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of SQL DDL statements |
cockroachdb.sql.ddl.internal.count (count) | Number of SQL DDL statements successfully executed (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.ddl.started.count (count) | Number of SQL DDL statements started |
cockroachdb.sql.ddl.started.internal.count (count) | Number of SQL DDL statements started (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.delete.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of SQL DELETE statements |
cockroachdb.sql.delete.internal.count (count) | Number of SQL DELETE statements successfully executed (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.delete.started.count (count) | Number of SQL DELETE statements started |
cockroachdb.sql.delete.started.internal.count (count) | Number of SQL DELETE statements started (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.disk.distsql.current (gauge) | Current sql statement disk usage for distsql Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.disk.distsql.max.bucket (count) | Disk usage per sql statement for distsql Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.disk.distsql.max.count (count) | Disk usage per sql statement for distsql Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.disk.distsql.max.sum (count) | Disk usage per sql statement for distsql Shown as byte | (count) | Number of bytes read from temporary disk storage as a result of spilling Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.disk.distsql.spilled.bytes.written.count (count) | Number of bytes written to temporary disk storage as a result of spilling Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.distsql.contended.queries (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of SQL queries that experienced contention |
cockroachdb.sql.distsql.contended.queries.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of SQL queries that experienced contention0 |
cockroachdb.sql.distsql.contended_queries.count (count) | Number of SQL queries that experienced contention |
cockroachdb.sql.distsql.dist_query_rerun_locally.count (count) | Total number of cases when distributed query error resulted in a local rerun |
cockroachdb.sql.distsql.dist_query_rerun_locally.failure_count.count (count) | Total number of cases when the local rerun of a distributed query resulted in an error |
cockroachdb.sql.distsql.exec.latency (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Latency in nanoseconds of DistSQL statement execution Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.distsql.exec.latency.bucket (count) | Latency of DistSQL statement execution Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.distsql.exec.latency.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency in nanoseconds of DistSQL statement execution Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.distsql.exec.latency.internal.bucket (count) | Latency of DistSQL statement execution (internal queries) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.distsql.exec.latency.internal.count (count) | Latency of DistSQL statement execution (internal queries) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.distsql.exec.latency.internal.sum (count) | Latency of DistSQL statement execution (internal queries) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.distsql.exec.latency.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency in nanoseconds of DistSQL statement execution Shown as nanosecond | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of distributed SQL flows currently active |
cockroachdb.sql.distsql.flows.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of distributed SQL flows executed | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of distributed SQL flows executed | (count) | Number of distributed SQL flows executed | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of distributed SQL queries currently active |
cockroachdb.sql.distsql.queries.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of distributed SQL queries executed |
cockroachdb.sql.distsql.queries.spilled.count (count) | Number of queries that have spilled to disk | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of distributed SQL queries executed | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of DistSQL SELECT statements | (count) | Number of DistSQL SELECT statements (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.distsql.service.latency (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Latency in nanoseconds of DistSQL request execution Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.distsql.service.latency.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency in nanoseconds of DistSQL request execution Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.distsql.service.latency.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency in nanoseconds of DistSQL request execution Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.distsql.service.latency.internal (count) | Latency of DistSQL request execution (internal queries) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.distsql.service.latency.internal.bucket (count) | Latency of DistSQL request execution (internal queries) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.distsql.service.latency.internal.count (count) | Latency of DistSQL request execution (internal queries) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.distsql.service.latency.internal.sum (count) | Latency of DistSQL request execution (internal queries) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.distsql.service.latency.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency in nanoseconds of DistSQL request execution Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.distsql.vec.openfds (gauge) | Current number of open file descriptors used by vectorized external storage |
cockroachdb.sql.exec.latency (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Latency in nanoseconds of SQL statement execution Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.exec.latency.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency in nanoseconds of SQL statement execution Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.exec.latency.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency in nanoseconds of SQL statement execution Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.exec.latency.internal (count) | Latency of SQL statement execution (internal queries) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.exec.latency.internal.bucket (count) | Latency of SQL statement execution (internal queries) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.exec.latency.internal.count (count) | Latency of SQL statement execution (internal queries) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.exec.latency.internal.sum (count) | Latency of SQL statement execution (internal queries) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.exec.latency.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency in nanoseconds of SQL statement execution Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.failure (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of statements resulting in a planning or runtime error |
cockroachdb.sql.failure.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of statements resulting in a planning or runtime error |
cockroachdb.sql.failure.internal.count (count) | Number of statements resulting in a planning or runtime error (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.feature_flag_denial.count (count) | Counter of the number of statements denied by a feature flag |
cockroachdb.sql.full.scan (count) | [OpenMetrics v1] Number of full table or index scans |
cockroachdb.sql.full.scan.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Number of full table or index scans |
cockroachdb.sql.full.scan.internal.count (count) | Number of full table or index scans (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.guardrails.full_scan_rejected.count (count) | Number of full table or index scans that have been rejected because of disallow_full_table_scans guardrail |
cockroachdb.sql.guardrails.full_scan_rejected.internal.count (count) | Number of full table or index scans that have been rejected because of disallow_full_table_scans guardrail (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.guardrails.max_row_size_err.count (count) | Number of rows observed violating sql.guardrails.maxrowsize_err |
cockroachdb.sql.guardrails.max_row_size_err.internal.count (count) | Number of rows observed violating sql.guardrails.maxrowsize_err (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.guardrails.max_row_size_log.count (count) | Number of rows observed violating sql.guardrails.maxrowsize_log |
cockroachdb.sql.guardrails.max_row_size_log.internal.count (count) | Number of rows observed violating sql.guardrails.maxrowsize_log (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.guardrails.transaction_rows_read_err.count (count) | Number of transactions errored because of transactionrowsread_err guardrail |
cockroachdb.sql.guardrails.transaction_rows_read_err.internal.count (count) | Number of transactions errored because of transactionrowsread_err guardrail (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.guardrails.transaction_rows_read_log.count (count) | Number of transactions logged because of transactionrowsread_log guardrail |
cockroachdb.sql.guardrails.transaction_rows_read_log.internal.count (count) | Number of transactions logged because of transactionrowsread_log guardrail (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.guardrails.transaction_rows_written_err.count (count) | Number of transactions errored because of transactionrowswritten_err guardrail |
cockroachdb.sql.guardrails.transaction_rows_written_err.internal.count (count) | Number of transactions errored because of transactionrowswritten_err guardrail (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.guardrails.transaction_rows_written_log.count (count) | Number of transactions logged because of transactionrowswritten_log guardrail |
cockroachdb.sql.guardrails.transaction_rows_written_log.internal.count (count) | Number of transactions logged because of transactionrowswritten_log guardrail (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.hydrated_schema_cache.hits.count (count) | counter on the number of cache hits |
cockroachdb.sql.hydrated_schema_cache.misses.count (count) | counter on the number of cache misses |
cockroachdb.sql.hydrated_table_cache.hits.count (count) | counter on the number of cache hits |
cockroachdb.sql.hydrated_table_cache.misses.count (count) | counter on the number of cache misses |
cockroachdb.sql.hydrated_type_cache.hits.count (count) | counter on the number of cache hits |
cockroachdb.sql.hydrated_type_cache.misses.count (count) | counter on the number of cache misses |
cockroachdb.sql.hydrated_udf_cache.hits.count (count) | counter on the number of cache hits |
cockroachdb.sql.hydrated_udf_cache.misses.count (count) | counter on the number of cache misses |
cockroachdb.sql.insert.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of SQL INSERT statements |
cockroachdb.sql.insert.internal.count (count) | Number of SQL INSERT statements successfully executed (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.insert.started.count (count) | Number of SQL INSERT statements started |
cockroachdb.sql.insert.started.internal.count (count) | Number of SQL INSERT statements started (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.insights.anomaly_detection.evictions.count (count) | Evictions of fingerprint latency summaries due to memory pressure |
cockroachdb.sql.insights.anomaly_detection.fingerprints (gauge) | Current number of statement fingerprints being monitored for anomaly detection |
cockroachdb.sql.insights.anomaly_detection.memory (gauge) | Current memory used to support anomaly detection Shown as byte | (gauge) | The number of outstanding SQL schema leases. |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.admin.current (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Current sql statement memory usage for admin |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.admin.max (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Memory usage per sql statement for admin |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.admin.max.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql statement for admin |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.admin.max.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql statement for admin |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.admin.max.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql statement for admin |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.admin.session.current (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Current sql session memory usage for admin |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.admin.session.max.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql session for admin |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.admin.session.max.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql session for admin |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.admin.session.max.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql session for admin |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.admin.txn.current (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Current sql transaction memory usage for admin |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.admin.txn.max (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Memory usage per sql transaction for admin |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.admin.txn.max.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql transaction for admin |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.admin.txn.max.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql transaction for admin |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.admin.txn.max.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql transaction for admin |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.bulk.current (gauge) | Current sql statement memory usage for bulk operations Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.bulk.max (count) | Memory usage per sql statement for bulk operations Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.bulk.max.bucket (count) | Memory usage per sql statement for bulk operations Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.bulk.max.count (count) | Memory usage per sql statement for bulk operations Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.bulk.max.sum (count) | Memory usage per sql statement for bulk operations Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.client.current (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Current sql statement memory usage for client |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.client.max (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Memory usage per sql statement for client |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.client.max.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql statement for client |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.client.max.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql statement for client |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.client.max.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql statement for client |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.client.session.current (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Current sql session memory usage for client |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.client.session.max (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Memory usage per sql session for client |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.client.session.max.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql session for client |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.client.session.max.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql session for client |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.client.session.max.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql session for client |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.client.txn.current (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Current sql transaction memory usage for client |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.client.txn.max (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Memory usage per sql transaction for client |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.client.txn.max.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql transaction for client |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.client.txn.max.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql transaction for client |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.client.txn.max.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql transaction for client |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.conns.current (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Current sql statement memory usage for conns |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.conns.max (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Memory usage per sql statement for conns |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.conns.max.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql statement for conns |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.conns.max.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql statement for conns |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.conns.max.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql statement for conns |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.conns.session.current (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Current sql session memory usage for conns |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.conns.session.max (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Memory usage per sql session for conns |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.conns.session.max.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql session for conns |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.conns.session.max.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql session for conns |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.conns.session.max.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql session for conns |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.conns.txn.current (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Current sql transaction memory usage for conns |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.conns.txn.max (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Memory usage per sql transaction for conns |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.conns.txn.max.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql transaction for conns |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.conns.txn.max.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql transaction for conns |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.conns.txn.max.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql transaction for conns |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.distsql.current (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Current sql statement memory usage for distsql |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.distsql.max (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Memory usage per sql statement for distsql |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.distsql.max.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql statement for distsql |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.distsql.max.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql statement for distsql |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.distsql.max.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql statement for distsql |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.internal.current (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Current sql statement memory usage for internal |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.internal.max (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Memory usage per sql statement for internal |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.internal.max.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql statement for internal |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.internal.max.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql statement for internal |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.internal.max.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql statement for internal |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.internal.session.current (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Current sql session memory usage for internal |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.internal.session.max (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Memory usage per sql session for internal |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.internal.session.max.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql session for internal |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.internal.session.max.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql session for internal |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.internal.session.max.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql session for internal |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.internal.session.prepared.current (gauge) | Current sql session memory usage by prepared statements for internal Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.internal.session.prepared.max.bucket (count) | Memory usage by prepared statements per sql session for internal Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.internal.session.prepared.max.count (count) | Memory usage by prepared statements per sql session for internal Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.internal.session.prepared.max.sum (count) | Memory usage by prepared statements per sql session for internal Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.internal.txn.current (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Current sql transaction memory usage for internal |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.internal.txn.max (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Memory usage per sql transaction for internal |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.internal.txn.max.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql transaction for internal |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.internal.txn.max.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql transaction for internal |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.internal.txn.max.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Memory usage per sql transaction for internal |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.root.current (gauge) | Current sql statement memory usage for root |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.root.max.bucket (count) | Memory usage per sql statement for root Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.root.max.count (count) | Memory usage per sql statement for root Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.root.max.sum (count) | Memory usage per sql statement for root Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.sql.current (gauge) | Current sql statement memory usage for sql Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.sql.max (count) | Memory usage per sql statement for sql Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.sql.max.bucket (count) | Memory usage per sql statement for sql Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.sql.max.count (count) | Memory usage per sql statement for sql Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.sql.max.sum (count) | Memory usage per sql statement for sql Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.sql.session.current (gauge) | Current sql session memory usage for sql Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.sql.session.max (count) | Memory usage per sql session for sql Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.sql.session.max.bucket (count) | Memory usage per sql session for sql Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.sql.session.max.count (count) | Memory usage per sql session for sql Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.sql.session.max.sum (count) | Memory usage per sql session for sql Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.sql.session.prepared.current (gauge) | Current sql session memory usage by prepared statements for sql Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.sql.session.prepared.max (count) | Memory usage by prepared statements per sql session for sql Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.sql.session.prepared.max.bucket (count) | Memory usage by prepared statements per sql session for sql Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.sql.session.prepared.max.count (count) | Memory usage by prepared statements per sql session for sql Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.sql.session.prepared.max.sum (count) | Memory usage by prepared statements per sql session for sql Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.sql.txn.current (gauge) | Current sql transaction memory usage for sql Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.sql.txn.max (count) | Memory usage per sql transaction for sql Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.sql.txn.max.bucket (count) | Memory usage per sql transaction for sql Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.sql.txn.max.count (count) | Memory usage per sql transaction for sql Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.mem.sql.txn.max.sum (count) | Memory usage per sql transaction for sql Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.misc.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of other SQL statements |
cockroachdb.sql.misc.internal.count (count) | Number of other SQL statements successfully executed (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.misc.started.count (count) | Number of other SQL statements started |
cockroachdb.sql.misc.started.internal.count (count) | Number of other SQL statements started (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.new_conns.count (count) | Counter of the number of sql connections created |
cockroachdb.sql.optimizer.fallback.count (count) | Number of statements which the cost-based optimizer was unable to plan |
cockroachdb.sql.optimizer.fallback.internal.count (count) | Number of statements which the cost-based optimizer was unable to plan (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.optimizer.plan_cache.hits.count (count) | Number of non-prepared statements for which a cached plan was used |
cockroachdb.sql.optimizer.plan_cache.hits.internal.count (count) | Number of non-prepared statements for which a cached plan was used (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.optimizer.plan_cache.misses.count (count) | Number of non-prepared statements for which a cached plan was not used |
cockroachdb.sql.optimizer.plan_cache.misses.internal.count (count) | Number of non-prepared statements for which a cached plan was not used (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.pgwire_cancel.count (count) | Number of pgwire query cancel requests |
cockroachdb.sql.pgwire_cancel.ignored.count (count) | Number of pgwire query cancel requests that were ignored due to rate limiting |
cockroachdb.sql.pgwire_cancel.successful.count (count) | Number of pgwire query cancel requests that were successful |
cockroachdb.sql.pre_serve.bytesin.count (count) | Number of SQL bytes received prior to routing the connection to the target SQL server Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.pre_serve.bytesout.count (count) | Number of SQL bytes sent prior to routing the connection to the target SQL server Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.pre_serve.conn.failures.count (count) | Number of SQL connection failures prior to routing the connection to the target SQL server |
cockroachdb.sql.pre_serve.mem.cur (gauge) | Current memory usage for SQL connections prior to routing the connection to the target SQL server Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.pre_serve.mem.max (count) | Memory usage for SQL connections prior to routing the connection to the target SQL server Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.pre_serve.mem.max.bucket (count) | Memory usage for SQL connections prior to routing the connection to the target SQL server Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.pre_serve.mem.max.count (count) | Memory usage for SQL connections prior to routing the connection to the target SQL server Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.pre_serve.mem.max.sum (count) | Memory usage for SQL connections prior to routing the connection to the target SQL server Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.pre_serve.new_conns.count (count) | Number of SQL connections created prior to routing the connection to the target SQL server |
cockroachdb.sql.query.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of SQL queries |
cockroachdb.sql.query.internal.count (count) | Number of SQL queries executed (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.query.started.count (count) | Number of SQL queries started |
cockroachdb.sql.query.started.internal.count (count) | Number of SQL queries started (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.restart_savepoint.count (count) | Number of SAVEPOINT cockroach_restart statements successfully executed |
cockroachdb.sql.restart_savepoint.internal.count (count) | Number of SAVEPOINT cockroach_restart statements successfully executed (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.restart_savepoint.release.count (count) | Number of RELEASE SAVEPOINT cockroach_restart statements successfully executed |
cockroachdb.sql.restart_savepoint.release.internal.count (count) | Number of RELEASE SAVEPOINT cockroach_restart statements successfully executed (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.restart_savepoint.release.started.count (count) | Number of RELEASE SAVEPOINT cockroach_restart statements started |
cockroachdb.sql.restart_savepoint.release.started.internal.count (count) | Number of RELEASE SAVEPOINT cockroach_restart statements started (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.restart_savepoint.rollback.count (count) | Number of ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT cockroach_restart statements successfully executed |
cockroachdb.sql.restart_savepoint.rollback.internal.count (count) | Number of ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT cockroach_restart statements successfully executed (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.restart_savepoint.rollback.started.count (count) | Number of ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT cockroach_restart statements started |
cockroachdb.sql.restart_savepoint.rollback.started.internal.count (count) | Number of ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT cockroach_restart statements started (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.restart_savepoint.started.count (count) | Number of SAVEPOINT cockroach_restart statements started |
cockroachdb.sql.restart_savepoint.started.internal.count (count) | Number of SAVEPOINT cockroach_restart statements started (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.savepoint.count (count) | Number of SQL SAVEPOINT statements successfully executed |
cockroachdb.sql.savepoint.internal.count (count) | Number of SQL SAVEPOINT statements successfully executed (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.savepoint.release.count (count) | Number of RELEASE SAVEPOINT statements successfully executed |
cockroachdb.sql.savepoint.release.internal.count (count) | Number of RELEASE SAVEPOINT statements successfully executed (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.savepoint.release.started.count (count) | Number of RELEASE SAVEPOINT statements started |
cockroachdb.sql.savepoint.release.started.internal.count (count) | Number of RELEASE SAVEPOINT statements started (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.savepoint.rollback.count (count) | Number of ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT statements successfully executed |
cockroachdb.sql.savepoint.rollback.internal.count (count) | Number of ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT statements successfully executed (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.savepoint.rollback.started.count (count) | Number of ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT statements started |
cockroachdb.sql.savepoint.rollback.started.internal.count (count) | Number of ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT statements started (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.savepoint.started.count (count) | Number of SQL SAVEPOINT statements started |
cockroachdb.sql.savepoint.started.internal.count (count) | Number of SQL SAVEPOINT statements started (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.schema.invalid_objects (gauge) | Gauge of detected invalid objects within the system.descriptor table (measured by querying crdbinternal.invalidobjects) |
cockroachdb.sql.schema_changer.permanent_errors.count (count) | Counter of the number of permanent errors experienced by the schema changer |
cockroachdb.sql.schema_changer.retry_errors.count (count) | Counter of the number of retriable errors experienced by the schema changer |
cockroachdb.sql.schema_changer.running (gauge) | Gauge of currently running schema changes |
cockroachdb.sql.schema_changer.successes.count (count) | Counter of the number of schema changer resumes which succeed | (count) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of SQL SELECT statements | (count) | Number of SQL SELECT statements successfully executed (internal queries) | (count) | Number of SQL SELECT statements started | (count) | Number of SQL SELECT statements started (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.service.latency (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Latency in nanoseconds of SQL request execution Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.service.latency.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency in nanoseconds of SQL request execution Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.service.latency.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency in nanoseconds of SQL request execution Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.service.latency.internal (count) | Latency of SQL request execution (internal queries) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.service.latency.internal.bucket (count) | Latency of SQL request execution (internal queries) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.service.latency.internal.count (count) | Latency of SQL request execution (internal queries) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.service.latency.internal.sum (count) | Latency of SQL request execution (internal queries) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.service.latency.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency in nanoseconds of SQL request execution Shown as nanosecond | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of currently active user SQL statements | (gauge) | Number of currently active user SQL statements (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.stats.cleanup.rows_removed.count (count) | Number of stale statistics rows that are removed |
cockroachdb.sql.stats.discarded.current.count (count) | Number of fingerprint statistics being discarded |
cockroachdb.sql.stats.flush.count (count) | Number of times SQL Stats are flushed to persistent storage |
cockroachdb.sql.stats.flush.duration (count) | Time took to in nanoseconds to complete SQL Stats flush Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.stats.flush.duration.bucket (count) | Time took to in nanoseconds to complete SQL Stats flush Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.stats.flush.duration.count (count) | Time took to in nanoseconds to complete SQL Stats flush Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.stats.flush.duration.sum (count) | Time took to in nanoseconds to complete SQL Stats flush Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.stats.flush.error.count (count) | Number of errors encountered when flushing SQL Stats |
cockroachdb.sql.stats.mem.current (gauge) | Current memory usage for fingerprint storage Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.stats.mem.max (count) | Memory usage for fingerprint storage Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.stats.mem.max.bucket (count) | Memory usage for fingerprint storage Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.stats.mem.max.count (count) | Memory usage for fingerprint storage Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.stats.mem.max.sum (count) | Memory usage for fingerprint storage Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.stats.reported.mem.current (gauge) | Current memory usage for reported fingerprint storage Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.stats.reported.mem.max (count) | Memory usage for reported fingerprint storage Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.stats.reported.mem.max.bucket (count) | Memory usage for reported fingerprint storage Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.stats.reported.mem.max.count (count) | Memory usage for reported fingerprint storage Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.stats.reported.mem.max.sum (count) | Memory usage for reported fingerprint storage Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sql.stats.txn_stats_collection.duration (count) | Time took in nanoseconds to collect transaction stats Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.stats.txn_stats_collection.duration.bucket (count) | Time took in nanoseconds to collect transaction stats Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.stats.txn_stats_collection.duration.count (count) | Time took in nanoseconds to collect transaction stats Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.stats.txn_stats_collection.duration.sum (count) | Time took in nanoseconds to collect transaction stats Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.temp_object_cleaner.active_cleaners (gauge) | number of cleaner tasks currently running on this node |
cockroachdb.sql.temp_object_cleaner.schemas_deletion_error.count (count) | number of errored schema deletions by the temp object cleaner on this node |
cockroachdb.sql.temp_object_cleaner.schemas_deletion_success.count (count) | number of successful schema deletions by the temp object cleaner on this node |
cockroachdb.sql.temp_object_cleaner.schemas_to_delete.count (count) | number of schemas to be deleted by the temp object cleaner on this node |
cockroachdb.sql.txn.abort.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of SQL transaction ABORT statements |
cockroachdb.sql.txn.abort.internal.count (count) | Number of SQL transaction abort errors (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.txn.begin.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of SQL transaction BEGIN statements |
cockroachdb.sql.txn.begin.internal.count (count) | Number of SQL transaction BEGIN statements successfully executed (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.txn.begin.started.count (count) | Number of SQL transaction BEGIN statements started |
cockroachdb.sql.txn.begin.started.internal.count (count) | Number of SQL transaction BEGIN statements started (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.txn.commit.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of SQL transaction COMMIT statements |
cockroachdb.sql.txn.commit.internal.count (count) | Number of SQL transaction COMMIT statements successfully executed (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.txn.commit.started.count (count) | Number of SQL transaction COMMIT statements started |
cockroachdb.sql.txn.commit.started.internal.count (count) | Number of SQL transaction COMMIT statements started (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.txn.contended.count (count) | Number of SQL transactions experienced contention |
cockroachdb.sql.txn.contended.internal.count (count) | Number of SQL transactions experienced contention (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.txn.latency (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Latency of SQL transactions Shown as transaction |
cockroachdb.sql.txn.latency.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency of SQL transactions Shown as transaction |
cockroachdb.sql.txn.latency.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency of SQL transactions Shown as transaction |
cockroachdb.sql.txn.latency.internal.bucket (count) | Latency of SQL transactions (internal queries) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.txn.latency.internal.count (count) | Latency of SQL transactions (internal queries) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.txn.latency.internal.sum (count) | Latency of SQL transactions (internal queries) Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sql.txn.latency.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics v2] Latency of SQL transactions Shown as transaction |
cockroachdb.sql.txn.rollback.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of SQL transaction ROLLBACK statements |
cockroachdb.sql.txn.rollback.internal.count (count) | Number of SQL transaction ROLLBACK statements successfully executed (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.txn.rollback.started.count (count) | Number of SQL transaction ROLLBACK statements started |
cockroachdb.sql.txn.rollback.started.internal.count (count) | Number of SQL transaction ROLLBACK statements started (internal queries) | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of currently open user SQL transactions Shown as transaction | (gauge) | Number of currently open user SQL transactions (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.update.count (count) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Number of SQL UPDATE statements |
cockroachdb.sql.update.internal.count (count) | Number of SQL UPDATE statements successfully executed (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sql.update.started.count (count) | Number of SQL UPDATE statements started |
cockroachdb.sql.update.started.internal.count (count) | Number of SQL UPDATE statements started (internal queries) |
cockroachdb.sqlliveness.is_alive.cache_hits.count (count) | Number of calls to IsAlive that return from the cache |
cockroachdb.sqlliveness.is_alive.cache_misses.count (count) | Number of calls to IsAlive that do not return from the cache |
cockroachdb.sqlliveness.sessions_deleted.count (count) | Number of expired sessions which have been deleted |
cockroachdb.sqlliveness.sessions_deletion_runs.count (count) | Number of calls to delete sessions which have been performed |
cockroachdb.sqlliveness.write_failures.count (count) | Number of update or insert calls which have failed |
cockroachdb.sqlliveness.write_successes.count (count) | Number of update or insert calls successfully performed | (gauge) | Count of batch commits. See storage.AggregatedBatchCommitStats for details. | (gauge) | Cumulative time spent waiting for WAL sync, for batch commit. See storage.AggregatedBatchCommitStats for details. Shown as nanosecond | (gauge) | Cumulative time spent in batch commit. See storage.AggregatedBatchCommitStats for details. Shown as nanosecond | (gauge) | Cumulative time spent in a write stall due to high read amplification in L0, for batch commit. See storage.AggregatedBatchCommitStats for details. Shown as nanosecond | (gauge) | Cumulative time spent in a write stall due to too many memtables, for batch commit. See storage.AggregatedBatchCommitStats for details. Shown as nanosecond | (gauge) | Cumulative time spent in semaphore wait, for batch commit. See storage.AggregatedBatchCommitStats for details. Shown as nanosecond | (gauge) | Cumulative time spent waiting for memory blocks in the WAL queue, for batch commit. See storage.AggregatedBatchCommitStats for details. Shown as nanosecond | (gauge) | Cumulative time spent waiting for WAL rotation, for batch commit. See storage.AggregatedBatchCommitStats for details. Shown as nanosecond | (gauge) | The number of checkpoint directories found in storage.This is the number of directories found in the auxiliary/checkpoints directory.Each represents an immutable point-in-time storage engine checkpoint. They arecheap (consisting mostly of hard links), but over time they effectively become afull copy of the old state, which increases their relative cost. | (gauge) | Cumulative sum of all compaction durations.The rate of this value provides the effective compaction concurrency of a store,which can be useful to determine whether the maximum compaction concurrency isfully utilized. Shown as nanosecond | (gauge) | Cumulative count of storage engine KVs written to sstables during flushes and compactions due to open LSM snapshots.Various subsystems of CockroachDB take LSM snapshots to maintain a consistent viewof the database over an extended duration. | (gauge) | Cumulative size of storage engine KVs written to sstables during flushes and compactions due to open LSM snapshots.Various subsystems of CockroachDB take LSM snapshots to maintain a consistent viewof the database over an extended duration. Shown as byte | (gauge) | Number of instances of disk operations taking longer than 10s | (gauge) | Number of instances of disk operations taking longer than 20s | (gauge) | Flushes performing an ingest (flushable ingestions) | (gauge) | Tables ingested via flushes (flushable ingestions) | (gauge) | Bytes ingested via flushes (flushable ingestions) Shown as byte | (gauge) | The percentage of time the storage engine is actively flushing memtables to disk. Shown as percent | (gauge) | Number of successful ingestions performed | (gauge) | Bytes loaded by storage engine iterators (possibly cached). See storage.AggregatedIteratorStats for details. Shown as byte | (gauge) | Bytes loaded by storage engine iterators from the block cache. See storage.AggregatedIteratorStats for details. Shown as byte | (gauge) | Cumulative time storage engine iterators spent loading blocks from durable storage. See storage.AggregatedIteratorStats for details. Shown as nanosecond | (gauge) | Cumulative count of seeks performed on storage engine iterators. See storage.AggregatedIteratorStats for details. | (gauge) | Cumulative count of steps performed on storage engine iterators. See storage.AggregatedIteratorStats for details. | (gauge) | Cumulative count of seeks performed internally within storage engine iterators.A value high relative to 'storage.iterator.external.seeks'is a good indication that there's an accumulation of garbageinternally within the storage engine.See storage.AggregatedIteratorStats for details. | (gauge) | Cumulative count of steps performed internally within storage engine iterators.A value high relative to 'storage.iterator.external.steps'is a good indication that there's an accumulation of garbageinternally within the storage engine.See storage.AggregatedIteratorStats for more details. | (gauge) | Approximate count of RangeKeySet internal keys across the storage engine. | (gauge) | Approximate count of DEL, SINGLEDEL and RANGEDEL internal keys across the storage engine. | (gauge) | Number of bytes flushed (from memtables) into Level 0 Shown as byte | (gauge) | Number of bytes ingested directly into Level 0 Shown as byte | (gauge) | Compaction score of level 0 | (gauge) | Size of the SSTables in level 0 Shown as byte | (gauge) | Number of SSTables in Level 0 | (gauge) | Number of Level 0 sublevels | (gauge) | Number of bytes ingested directly into Level 1 Shown as byte | (gauge) | Compaction score of level 1 | (gauge) | Size of the SSTables in level 1 Shown as byte | (gauge) | Number of bytes ingested directly into Level 2 Shown as byte | (gauge) | Compaction score of level 2 | (gauge) | Size of the SSTables in level 2 Shown as byte | (gauge) | Number of bytes ingested directly into Level 3 Shown as byte | (gauge) | Compaction score of level 3 | (gauge) | Size of the SSTables in level 3 Shown as byte | (gauge) | Number of bytes ingested directly into Level 4 Shown as byte | (gauge) | Compaction score of level 4 | (gauge) | Size of the SSTables in level 4 Shown as byte | (gauge) | Number of bytes ingested directly into Level 5 Shown as byte | (gauge) | Compaction score of level 5 | (gauge) | Size of the SSTables in level 5 Shown as byte | (gauge) | Number of bytes ingested directly into Level 6 Shown as byte | (gauge) | Compaction score of level 6 | (gauge) | Size of the SSTables in level 6 Shown as byte | (gauge) | Count of SSTables marked for compaction | (count) | Number of replicas which failed processing in replica queues due to retryable store errors | (gauge) | The count of cache blocks in the secondary cache (not sstable blocks) | (gauge) | The number of times a cache block was evicted from the secondary cache | (gauge) | The number of reads where all data returned was read from the secondary cache | (gauge) | The number of secondary cache reads that require reading data from 2+ cache blocks | (gauge) | The number of secondary cache reads that require reading data from 2+ shards | (gauge) | The number of reads where no data returned was read from the secondary cache | (gauge) | The number of reads where some data returned was read from the secondary cache | (gauge) | The number of reads from the secondary cache | (gauge) | The number of sstable bytes stored in the secondary cache Shown as byte | (gauge) | The number of times writing a cache block to the secondary cache failed | (gauge) | Bytes read from shared storage Shown as byte | (gauge) | Bytes written to external storage Shown as byte | (gauge) | Number of SingleDeletes that were ineffectual | (gauge) | Number of SingleDelete invariant violations | (gauge) | The number of logical bytes the storage engine has written to the WAL | (gauge) | The number of bytes the storage engine has written to the WAL | (count) | The write ahead log fsync latency Shown as nanosecond | (count) | The write ahead log fsync latency Shown as nanosecond | (count) | The write ahead log fsync latency Shown as nanosecond | (gauge) | Number of instances of intentional write stalls to backpressure incoming writes | (gauge) | Total write stall duration in nanos Shown as nanosecond | (gauge) | Number of instances of intentional write stalls to backpressure incoming writes |
cockroachdb.sys.cgo.allocbytes (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Current bytes of memory allocated by cgo Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sys.cgo.totalbytes (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Total bytes of memory allocated by cgo, but not released Shown as byte |
cockroachdb.sys.cgocalls (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Total number of cgo calls |
cockroachdb.sys.cpu.combined.percent.normalized (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Current user+system cpu percentage, normalized 0-1 by number of cores Shown as fraction | (gauge) | Current user+system cpu percentage across the whole machine, normalized 0-1 by number of cores Shown as percent | (gauge) | The time when CPU measurements were taken, as nanoseconds since epoch Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sys.cpu.sys.ns (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Total system cpu time in nanoseconds Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sys.cpu.sys.percent (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Current system cpu percentage Shown as core |
cockroachdb.sys.cpu.user.ns (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Total user cpu time in nanoseconds Shown as nanosecond |
cockroachdb.sys.cpu.user.percent (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Current user cpu percentage Shown as core | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Process open file descriptors |
cockroachdb.sys.fd.softlimit (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1 & v2] Process open FD soft limit |
cockroachdb.sys.gc (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v2] Total number of GC runs |
cockroachdb.sys.gc.count (gauge) | [OpenMetrics v1] Total number of GC runs |
cockroachdb.sys.gc.pau |