



Provider name: availableMaintenanceVersions
Description: Output only. List all maintenance versions applicable on the instance


Provider name: backendType
Description: The backend type. SECOND_GEN: Cloud SQL database instance. EXTERNAL: A database server that is not managed by Google. This property is read-only; use the tier property in the settings object to determine the database type.
Possible values:

  • SQL_BACKEND_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED - This is an unknown backend type for instance.
  • FIRST_GEN - V1 speckle instance.
  • SECOND_GEN - V2 speckle instance.
  • EXTERNAL - On premises instance.


Provider name: connectionName
Description: Connection name of the Cloud SQL instance used in connection strings.


Provider name: createTime
Description: Output only. The time when the instance was created in RFC 3339 format, for example 2012-11-15T16:19:00.094Z.


Type: INT64
Provider name: currentDiskSize
Description: The current disk usage of the instance in bytes. This property has been deprecated. Use the “cloudsql.googleapis.com/database/disk/bytes_used” metric in Cloud Monitoring API instead. Please see this announcement for details.


Provider name: databaseInstalledVersion
Description: Output only. Stores the current database version running on the instance including minor version such as MYSQL_8_0_18.


Provider name: databaseVersion
Description: The database engine type and version. The databaseVersion field cannot be changed after instance creation.
Possible values:

  • SQL_DATABASE_VERSION_UNSPECIFIED - This is an unknown database version.
  • MYSQL_5_1 - The database version is MySQL 5.1.
  • MYSQL_5_5 - The database version is MySQL 5.5.
  • MYSQL_5_6 - The database version is MySQL 5.6.
  • MYSQL_5_7 - The database version is MySQL 5.7.
  • MYSQL_8_0 - The database version is MySQL 8.
  • MYSQL_8_0_18 - The database major version is MySQL 8.0 and the minor version is 18.
  • MYSQL_8_0_26 - The database major version is MySQL 8.0 and the minor version is 26.
  • MYSQL_8_0_27 - The database major version is MySQL 8.0 and the minor version is 27.
  • MYSQL_8_0_28 - The database major version is MySQL 8.0 and the minor version is 28.
  • MYSQL_8_0_29 - The database major version is MySQL 8.0 and the minor version is 29.
  • MYSQL_8_0_30 - The database major version is MySQL 8.0 and the minor version is 30.
  • MYSQL_8_0_31 - The database major version is MySQL 8.0 and the minor version is 31.
  • MYSQL_8_0_32 - The database major version is MySQL 8.0 and the minor version is 32.
  • MYSQL_8_0_33 - The database major version is MySQL 8.0 and the minor version is 33.
  • MYSQL_8_0_34 - The database major version is MySQL 8.0 and the minor version is 34.
  • MYSQL_8_0_35 - The database major version is MySQL 8.0 and the minor version is 35.
  • MYSQL_8_0_36 - The database major version is MySQL 8.0 and the minor version is 36.
  • MYSQL_8_0_37 - The database major version is MySQL 8.0 and the minor version is 37.
  • MYSQL_8_0_38 - The database major version is MySQL 8.0 and the minor version is 38.
  • MYSQL_8_0_39 - The database major version is MySQL 8.0 and the minor version is 39.
  • MYSQL_8_0_40 - The database major version is MySQL 8.0 and the minor version is 40.
  • MYSQL_8_0_41 - The database major version is MySQL 8.0 and the minor version is 41.
  • MYSQL_8_0_42 - The database major version is MySQL 8.0 and the minor version is 42.
  • MYSQL_8_4 - The database version is MySQL 8.4.
  • SQLSERVER_2017_STANDARD - The database version is SQL Server 2017 Standard.
  • SQLSERVER_2017_ENTERPRISE - The database version is SQL Server 2017 Enterprise.
  • SQLSERVER_2017_EXPRESS - The database version is SQL Server 2017 Express.
  • SQLSERVER_2017_WEB - The database version is SQL Server 2017 Web.
  • POSTGRES_9_6 - The database version is PostgreSQL 9.6.
  • POSTGRES_10 - The database version is PostgreSQL 10.
  • POSTGRES_11 - The database version is PostgreSQL 11.
  • POSTGRES_12 - The database version is PostgreSQL 12.
  • POSTGRES_13 - The database version is PostgreSQL 13.
  • POSTGRES_14 - The database version is PostgreSQL 14.
  • POSTGRES_15 - The database version is PostgreSQL 15.
  • POSTGRES_16 - The database version is PostgreSQL 16.
  • POSTGRES_17 - The database version is PostgreSQL 17.
  • SQLSERVER_2019_STANDARD - The database version is SQL Server 2019 Standard.
  • SQLSERVER_2019_ENTERPRISE - The database version is SQL Server 2019 Enterprise.
  • SQLSERVER_2019_EXPRESS - The database version is SQL Server 2019 Express.
  • SQLSERVER_2019_WEB - The database version is SQL Server 2019 Web.
  • SQLSERVER_2022_STANDARD - The database version is SQL Server 2022 Standard.
  • SQLSERVER_2022_ENTERPRISE - The database version is SQL Server 2022 Enterprise.
  • SQLSERVER_2022_EXPRESS - The database version is SQL Server 2022 Express.
  • SQLSERVER_2022_WEB - The database version is SQL Server 2022 Web.


Provider name: diskEncryptionConfiguration
Description: Disk encryption configuration specific to an instance.

  • kind
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: kind
    Description: This is always sql#diskEncryptionConfiguration.
  • kms_key_name
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: kmsKeyName
    Description: Resource name of KMS key for disk encryption


Provider name: diskEncryptionStatus
Description: Disk encryption status specific to an instance.

  • kind
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: kind
    Description: This is always sql#diskEncryptionStatus.
  • kms_key_version_name
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: kmsKeyVersionName
    Description: KMS key version used to encrypt the Cloud SQL instance resource


Provider name: dnsName
Description: Output only. The dns name of the instance.


Provider name: dnsNames
Description: Output only. The list of DNS names used by this instance.

  • connection_type
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: connectionType
    Description: Output only. The connection type of the DNS name.
    Possible values:
    • CONNECTION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED - Unknown connection type.
    • PUBLIC - Public IP.
    • PRIVATE_SERVICES_ACCESS - Private services access (private IP).
    • PRIVATE_SERVICE_CONNECT - Private Service Connect.
  • dns_scope
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: dnsScope
    Description: Output only. The scope that the DNS name applies to.
    Possible values:
    • DNS_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED - Unknown DNS scope.
    • INSTANCE - Indicates a instance-level DNS name.
  • name
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: name
    Description: The DNS name.


Provider name: etag
Description: This field is deprecated and will be removed from a future version of the API. Use the settings.settingsVersion field instead.


Provider name: failoverReplica
Description: The name and status of the failover replica.

  • available
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: available
    Description: The availability status of the failover replica. A false status indicates that the failover replica is out of sync. The primary instance can only failover to the failover replica when the status is true.
  • name
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: name
    Description: The name of the failover replica. If specified at instance creation, a failover replica is created for the instance. The name doesn’t include the project ID.


Provider name: gceZone
Description: The Compute Engine zone that the instance is currently serving from. This value could be different from the zone that was specified when the instance was created if the instance has failed over to its secondary zone. WARNING: Changing this might restart the instance.


Provider name: geminiConfig
Description: Gemini instance configuration.

  • active_query_enabled
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: activeQueryEnabled
    Description: Output only. Whether the active query is enabled.
  • entitled
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: entitled
    Description: Output only. Whether Gemini is enabled.
  • flag_recommender_enabled
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: flagRecommenderEnabled
    Description: Output only. Whether the flag recommender is enabled.
  • google_vacuum_mgmt_enabled
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: googleVacuumMgmtEnabled
    Description: Output only. Whether the vacuum management is enabled.
  • index_advisor_enabled
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: indexAdvisorEnabled
    Description: Output only. Whether the index advisor is enabled.
  • oom_session_cancel_enabled
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: oomSessionCancelEnabled
    Description: Output only. Whether canceling the out-of-memory (OOM) session is enabled.


Provider name: includeReplicasForMajorVersionUpgrade
Description: Input only. Determines whether an in-place major version upgrade of replicas happens when an in-place major version upgrade of a primary instance is initiated.


Provider name: instanceType
Description: The instance type.
Possible values:

  • SQL_INSTANCE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED - This is an unknown Cloud SQL instance type.
  • CLOUD_SQL_INSTANCE - A regular Cloud SQL instance that is not replicating from a primary instance.
  • ON_PREMISES_INSTANCE - An instance running on the customer’s premises that is not managed by Cloud SQL.
  • READ_REPLICA_INSTANCE - A Cloud SQL instance acting as a read-replica.


Provider name: ipAddresses
Description: The assigned IP addresses for the instance.

  • ip_address
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: ipAddress
    Description: The IP address assigned.
  • time_to_retire
    Provider name: timeToRetire
    Description: The due time for this IP to be retired in RFC 3339 format, for example 2012-11-15T16:19:00.094Z. This field is only available when the IP is scheduled to be retired.
  • type
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: type
    Description: The type of this IP address. A PRIMARY address is a public address that can accept incoming connections. A PRIVATE address is a private address that can accept incoming connections. An OUTGOING address is the source address of connections originating from the instance, if supported.
    Possible values:
    • SQL_IP_ADDRESS_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED - This is an unknown IP address type.
    • PRIMARY - IP address the customer is supposed to connect to. Usually this is the load balancer’s IP address
    • OUTGOING - Source IP address of the connection a read replica establishes to its external primary instance. This IP address can be allowlisted by the customer in case it has a firewall that filters incoming connection to its on premises primary instance.
    • PRIVATE - Private IP used when using private IPs and network peering.
    • MIGRATED_1ST_GEN - V1 IP of a migrated instance. We want the user to decommission this IP as soon as the migration is complete. Note: V1 instances with V1 ip addresses will be counted as PRIMARY.


Provider name: ipv6Address
Description: The IPv6 address assigned to the instance. (Deprecated) This property was applicable only to First Generation instances.


Provider name: kind
Description: This is always sql#instance.




Provider name: maintenanceVersion
Description: The current software version on the instance.


Provider name: masterInstanceName
Description: The name of the instance which will act as primary in the replication setup.


Type: INT64
Provider name: maxDiskSize
Description: The maximum disk size of the instance in bytes.


Provider name: name
Description: Name of the Cloud SQL instance. This does not include the project ID.


Provider name: onPremisesConfiguration
Description: Configuration specific to on-premises instances.

  • ca_certificate
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: caCertificate
    Description: PEM representation of the trusted CA’s x509 certificate.
  • client_certificate
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: clientCertificate
    Description: PEM representation of the replica’s x509 certificate.
  • client_key
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: clientKey
    Description: PEM representation of the replica’s private key. The corresponding public key is encoded in the client’s certificate.
  • dump_file_path
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: dumpFilePath
    Description: The dump file to create the Cloud SQL replica.
  • host_port
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: hostPort
    Description: The host and port of the on-premises instance in host:port format
  • kind
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: kind
    Description: This is always sql#onPremisesConfiguration.
  • selected_objects
    Provider name: selectedObjects
    Description: Optional. A list of objects that the user selects for replication from an external source instance.
    • database
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: database
      Description: Required. The name of the database to migrate.
  • source_instance
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: sourceInstance
    Description: The reference to Cloud SQL instance if the source is Cloud SQL.
    • name
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: name
      Description: The name of the Cloud SQL instance being referenced. This does not include the project ID.
    • project
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: project
      Description: The project ID of the Cloud SQL instance being referenced. The default is the same project ID as the instance references it.
    • region
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: region
      Description: The region of the Cloud SQL instance being referenced.
  • ssl_option
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: sslOption
    Description: Optional. SslOption for replica connection to the on-premises source.
    Possible values:
    • SSL_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED - Unknown SSL option i.e. SSL option not specified by user.
    • DISABLE - SSL is disabled for replica connection to the on-premises source.
    • REQUIRE - SSL is required for replica connection to the on-premises source.
    • VERIFY_CA - Verify CA is required for replica connection to the on-premises source.
  • username
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: username
    Description: The username for connecting to on-premises instance.




Provider name: outOfDiskReport
Description: This field represents the report generated by the proactive database wellness job for OutOfDisk issues. * Writers: * the proactive database wellness job for OOD. * Readers: * the proactive database wellness job

  • sql_min_recommended_increase_size_gb
    Type: INT32
    Provider name: sqlMinRecommendedIncreaseSizeGb
    Description: The minimum recommended increase size in GigaBytes This field is consumed by the frontend * Writers: * the proactive database wellness job for OOD. * Readers:
  • sql_out_of_disk_state
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: sqlOutOfDiskState
    Description: This field represents the state generated by the proactive database wellness job for OutOfDisk issues. * Writers: * the proactive database wellness job for OOD. * Readers: * the proactive database wellness job
    Possible values:
    • SQL_OUT_OF_DISK_STATE_UNSPECIFIED - Unspecified state
    • NORMAL - The instance has plenty space on data disk
    • SOFT_SHUTDOWN - Data disk is almost used up. It is shutdown to prevent data corruption.




Provider name: primaryDnsName
Description: Output only. DEPRECATED: please use write_endpoint instead.


Provider name: project
Description: The project ID of the project containing the Cloud SQL instance. The Google apps domain is prefixed if applicable.





Provider name: pscServiceAttachmentLink
Description: Output only. The link to service attachment of PSC instance.


Provider name: region
Description: The geographical region of the Cloud SQL instance. It can be one of the regions where Cloud SQL operates: For example, asia-east1, europe-west1, and us-central1. The default value is us-central1.


Provider name: replicaConfiguration
Description: Configuration specific to failover replicas and read replicas.

  • cascadable_replica
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: cascadableReplica
    Description: Optional. Specifies if a SQL Server replica is a cascadable replica. A cascadable replica is a SQL Server cross region replica that supports replica(s) under it.
  • failover_target
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: failoverTarget
    Description: Specifies if the replica is the failover target. If the field is set to true the replica will be designated as a failover replica. In case the primary instance fails, the replica instance will be promoted as the new primary instance. Only one replica can be specified as failover target, and the replica has to be in different zone with the primary instance.
  • kind
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: kind
    Description: This is always sql#replicaConfiguration.
  • mysql_replica_configuration
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: mysqlReplicaConfiguration
    Description: MySQL specific configuration when replicating from a MySQL on-premises primary instance. Replication configuration information such as the username, password, certificates, and keys are not stored in the instance metadata. The configuration information is used only to set up the replication connection and is stored by MySQL in a file named master.info in the data directory.
    • ca_certificate
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: caCertificate
      Description: PEM representation of the trusted CA’s x509 certificate.
    • client_certificate
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: clientCertificate
      Description: PEM representation of the replica’s x509 certificate.
    • client_key
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: clientKey
      Description: PEM representation of the replica’s private key. The corresponding public key is encoded in the client’s certificate.
    • connect_retry_interval
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: connectRetryInterval
      Description: Seconds to wait between connect retries. MySQL’s default is 60 seconds.
    • dump_file_path
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: dumpFilePath
      Description: Path to a SQL dump file in Google Cloud Storage from which the replica instance is to be created. The URI is in the form gs://bucketName/fileName. Compressed gzip files (.gz) are also supported. Dumps have the binlog co-ordinates from which replication begins. This can be accomplished by setting –master-data to 1 when using mysqldump.
    • kind
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: kind
      Description: This is always sql#mysqlReplicaConfiguration.
    • master_heartbeat_period
      Type: INT64
      Provider name: masterHeartbeatPeriod
      Description: Interval in milliseconds between replication heartbeats.
    • ssl_cipher
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: sslCipher
      Description: A list of permissible ciphers to use for SSL encryption.
    • username
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: username
      Description: The username for the replication connection.
    • verify_server_certificate
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: verifyServerCertificate
      Description: Whether or not to check the primary instance’s Common Name value in the certificate that it sends during the SSL handshake.


Provider name: replicaNames
Description: The replicas of the instance.


Provider name: replicationCluster
Description: A primary instance and disaster recovery (DR) replica pair. A DR replica is a cross-region replica that you designate for failover in the event that the primary instance experiences regional failure. Applicable to MySQL and PostgreSQL.

  • dr_replica
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: drReplica
    Description: Output only. Read-only field that indicates whether the replica is a DR replica. This field is not set if the instance is a primary instance.
  • failover_dr_replica_name
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: failoverDrReplicaName
    Description: Optional. If the instance is a primary instance, then this field identifies the disaster recovery (DR) replica. A DR replica is an optional configuration for Enterprise Plus edition instances. If the instance is a read replica, then the field is not set. Set this field to a replica name to designate a DR replica for a primary instance. Remove the replica name to remove the DR replica designation.
  • psa_write_endpoint
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: psaWriteEndpoint
    Description: Output only. If set, this field indicates this instance has a private service access (PSA) DNS endpoint that is pointing to the primary instance of the cluster. If this instance is the primary, then the DNS endpoint points to this instance. After a switchover or replica failover operation, this DNS endpoint points to the promoted instance. This is a read-only field, returned to the user as information. This field can exist even if a standalone instance doesn’t have a DR replica yet or the DR replica is deleted.




Provider name: satisfiesPzi
Description: Output only. This status indicates whether the instance satisfies PZI. The status is reserved for future use.


Provider name: satisfiesPzs
Description: This status indicates whether the instance satisfies PZS. The status is reserved for future use.


Provider name: scheduledMaintenance
Description: The start time of any upcoming scheduled maintenance for this instance.

  • can_defer
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: canDefer
  • can_reschedule
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: canReschedule
    Description: If the scheduled maintenance can be rescheduled.
  • schedule_deadline_time
    Provider name: scheduleDeadlineTime
    Description: Maintenance cannot be rescheduled to start beyond this deadline.
  • start_time
    Provider name: startTime
    Description: The start time of any upcoming scheduled maintenance for this instance.


Provider name: secondaryGceZone
Description: The Compute Engine zone that the failover instance is currently serving from for a regional instance. This value could be different from the zone that was specified when the instance was created if the instance has failed over to its secondary/failover zone.

Provider name: selfLink
Description: The URI of this resource.


Provider name: serverCaCert
Description: SSL configuration.

  • cert
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: cert
    Description: PEM representation.
  • cert_serial_number
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: certSerialNumber
    Description: Serial number, as extracted from the certificate.
  • common_name
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: commonName
    Description: User supplied name. Constrained to [a-zA-Z.-_ ]+.
  • create_time
    Provider name: createTime
    Description: The time when the certificate was created in RFC 3339 format, for example 2012-11-15T16:19:00.094Z.
  • expiration_time
    Provider name: expirationTime
    Description: The time when the certificate expires in RFC 3339 format, for example 2012-11-15T16:19:00.094Z.
  • instance
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: instance
    Description: Name of the database instance.
  • kind
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: kind
    Description: This is always sql#sslCert.
  • self_link
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: selfLink
    Description: The URI of this resource.
  • sha1_fingerprint
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: sha1Fingerprint
    Description: Sha1 Fingerprint.


Provider name: serviceAccountEmailAddress
Description: The service account email address assigned to the instance. \This property is read-only.


Provider name: settings
Description: The user settings.

  • activation_policy
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: activationPolicy
    Description: The activation policy specifies when the instance is activated; it is applicable only when the instance state is RUNNABLE. Valid values: * ALWAYS: The instance is on, and remains so even in the absence of connection requests. * NEVER: The instance is off; it is not activated, even if a connection request arrives.
    Possible values:
    • SQL_ACTIVATION_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED - Unknown activation plan.
    • ALWAYS - The instance is always up and running.
    • NEVER - The instance never starts.
    • ON_DEMAND - The instance starts upon receiving requests.
  • active_directory_config
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: activeDirectoryConfig
    Description: Active Directory configuration, relevant only for Cloud SQL for SQL Server.
    • domain
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: domain
      Description: The name of the domain (e.g., mydomain.com).
    • kind
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: kind
      Description: This is always sql#activeDirectoryConfig.
  • advanced_machine_features
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: advancedMachineFeatures
    Description: Specifies advanced machine configuration for the instances relevant only for SQL Server.
    • threads_per_core
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: threadsPerCore
      Description: The number of threads per physical core.
  • authorized_gae_applications
    Provider name: authorizedGaeApplications
    Description: The App Engine app IDs that can access this instance. (Deprecated) Applied to First Generation instances only.
  • availability_type
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: availabilityType
    Description: Availability type. Potential values: * ZONAL: The instance serves data from only one zone. Outages in that zone affect data accessibility. * REGIONAL: The instance can serve data from more than one zone in a region (it is highly available)./ For more information, see Overview of the High Availability Configuration.
    Possible values:
    • SQL_AVAILABILITY_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED - This is an unknown Availability type.
    • ZONAL - Zonal available instance.
    • REGIONAL - Regional available instance.
  • backup_configuration
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: backupConfiguration
    Description: The daily backup configuration for the instance.
    • backup_retention_settings
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: backupRetentionSettings
      Description: Backup retention settings.
      • retained_backups
        Type: INT32
        Provider name: retainedBackups
        Description: Depending on the value of retention_unit, this is used to determine if a backup needs to be deleted. If retention_unit is ‘COUNT’, we will retain this many backups.
      • retention_unit
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: retentionUnit
        Description: The unit that ‘retained_backups’ represents.
        Possible values:
        • RETENTION_UNIT_UNSPECIFIED - Backup retention unit is unspecified, will be treated as COUNT.
        • COUNT - Retention will be by count, eg. ‘retain the most recent 7 backups’.
    • binary_log_enabled
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: binaryLogEnabled
      Description: (MySQL only) Whether binary log is enabled. If backup configuration is disabled, binarylog must be disabled as well.
    • enabled
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: enabled
      Description: Whether this configuration is enabled.
    • kind
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: kind
      Description: This is always sql#backupConfiguration.
    • location
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: location
      Description: Location of the backup
    • point_in_time_recovery_enabled
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: pointInTimeRecoveryEnabled
      Description: Whether point in time recovery is enabled.
    • replication_log_archiving_enabled
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: replicationLogArchivingEnabled
      Description: Reserved for future use.
    • start_time
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: startTime
      Description: Start time for the daily backup configuration in UTC timezone in the 24 hour format - HH:MM.
    • transaction_log_retention_days
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: transactionLogRetentionDays
      Description: The number of days of transaction logs we retain for point in time restore, from 1-7.
    • transactional_log_storage_state
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: transactionalLogStorageState
      Description: Output only. This value contains the storage location of transactional logs for the database for point-in-time recovery.
      Possible values:
      • DISK - The transaction logs used for PITR for the instance are stored on a data disk.
      • SWITCHING_TO_CLOUD_STORAGE - The transaction logs used for PITR for the instance are switching from being stored on a data disk to being stored in Cloud Storage. Only applicable to MySQL.
      • SWITCHED_TO_CLOUD_STORAGE - The transaction logs used for PITR for the instance are now stored in Cloud Storage. Previously, they were stored on a data disk. Only applicable to MySQL.
      • CLOUD_STORAGE - The transaction logs used for PITR for the instance are stored in Cloud Storage. Only applicable to MySQL and PostgreSQL.
  • collation
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: collation
    Description: The name of server Instance collation.
  • connector_enforcement
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: connectorEnforcement
    Description: Specifies if connections must use Cloud SQL connectors. Option values include the following: NOT_REQUIRED (Cloud SQL instances can be connected without Cloud SQL Connectors) and REQUIRED (Only allow connections that use Cloud SQL Connectors) Note that using REQUIRED disables all existing authorized networks. If this field is not specified when creating a new instance, NOT_REQUIRED is used. If this field is not specified when patching or updating an existing instance, it is left unchanged in the instance.
    Possible values:
    • CONNECTOR_ENFORCEMENT_UNSPECIFIED - The requirement for Cloud SQL connectors is unknown.
    • NOT_REQUIRED - Do not require Cloud SQL connectors.
    • REQUIRED - Require all connections to use Cloud SQL connectors, including the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy and Cloud SQL Java, Python, and Go connectors. Note: This disables all existing authorized networks.
  • crash_safe_replication_enabled
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: crashSafeReplicationEnabled
    Description: Configuration specific to read replica instances. Indicates whether database flags for crash-safe replication are enabled. This property was only applicable to First Generation instances.
  • data_cache_config
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: dataCacheConfig
    Description: Configuration for data cache.
    • data_cache_enabled
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: dataCacheEnabled
      Description: Whether data cache is enabled for the instance.
  • data_disk_size_gb
    Type: INT64
    Provider name: dataDiskSizeGb
    Description: The size of data disk, in GB. The data disk size minimum is 10GB.
  • data_disk_type
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: dataDiskType
    Description: The type of data disk: PD_SSD (default) or PD_HDD. Not used for First Generation instances.
    Possible values:
    • SQL_DATA_DISK_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED - This is an unknown data disk type.
    • PD_SSD - An SSD data disk.
    • PD_HDD - An HDD data disk.
    • OBSOLETE_LOCAL_SSD - This field is deprecated and will be removed from a future version of the API.
    • HYPERDISK_BALANCED - A Hyperdisk Balanced data disk.
  • database_flags
    Provider name: databaseFlags
    Description: The database flags passed to the instance at startup.
    • name
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: name
      Description: The name of the flag. These flags are passed at instance startup, so include both server options and system variables. Flags are specified with underscores, not hyphens. For more information, see Configuring Database Flags in the Cloud SQL documentation.
    • value
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: value
      Description: The value of the flag. Boolean flags are set to on for true and off for false. This field must be omitted if the flag doesn’t take a value.
  • database_replication_enabled
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: databaseReplicationEnabled
    Description: Configuration specific to read replica instances. Indicates whether replication is enabled or not. WARNING: Changing this restarts the instance.
  • deletion_protection_enabled
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: deletionProtectionEnabled
    Description: Configuration to protect against accidental instance deletion.
  • deny_maintenance_periods
    Provider name: denyMaintenancePeriods
    Description: Deny maintenance periods
    • end_date
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: endDate
      Description: “deny maintenance period” end date. If the year of the end date is empty, the year of the start date also must be empty. In this case, it means the deny maintenance period recurs every year. The date is in format yyyy-mm-dd i.e., 2020-11-01, or mm-dd, i.e., 11-01
    • start_date
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: startDate
      Description: “deny maintenance period” start date. If the year of the start date is empty, the year of the end date also must be empty. In this case, it means the deny maintenance period recurs every year. The date is in format yyyy-mm-dd i.e., 2020-11-01, or mm-dd, i.e., 11-01
    • time
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: time
      Description: Time in UTC when the “deny maintenance period” starts on start_date and ends on end_date. The time is in format: HH:mm:SS, i.e., 00:00:00
  • edition
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: edition
    Description: Optional. The edition of the instance.
    Possible values:
    • EDITION_UNSPECIFIED - The instance did not specify the edition.
    • ENTERPRISE - The instance is an enterprise edition.
    • ENTERPRISE_PLUS - The instance is an Enterprise Plus edition.
  • enable_dataplex_integration
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: enableDataplexIntegration
    Description: Optional. By default, Cloud SQL instances have schema extraction disabled for Dataplex. When this parameter is set to true, schema extraction for Dataplex on Cloud SQL instances is activated.
  • enable_google_ml_integration
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: enableGoogleMlIntegration
    Description: Optional. When this parameter is set to true, Cloud SQL instances can connect to Vertex AI to pass requests for real-time predictions and insights to the AI. The default value is false. This applies only to Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL instances.
  • insights_config
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: insightsConfig
    Description: Insights configuration, for now relevant only for Postgres.
    • query_insights_enabled
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: queryInsightsEnabled
      Description: Whether Query Insights feature is enabled.
    • query_plans_per_minute
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: queryPlansPerMinute
      Description: Number of query execution plans captured by Insights per minute for all queries combined. Default is 5.
    • query_string_length
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: queryStringLength
      Description: Maximum query length stored in bytes. Default value: 1024 bytes. Range: 256-4500 bytes. Query length more than this field value will be truncated to this value. When unset, query length will be the default value. Changing query length will restart the database.
    • record_application_tags
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: recordApplicationTags
      Description: Whether Query Insights will record application tags from query when enabled.
    • record_client_address
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: recordClientAddress
      Description: Whether Query Insights will record client address when enabled.
  • ip_configuration
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: ipConfiguration
    Description: The settings for IP Management. This allows to enable or disable the instance IP and manage which external networks can connect to the instance. The IPv4 address cannot be disabled for Second Generation instances.
    • allocated_ip_range
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: allocatedIpRange
      Description: The name of the allocated ip range for the private ip Cloud SQL instance. For example: “google-managed-services-default”. If set, the instance ip will be created in the allocated range. The range name must comply with RFC 1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?.
    • authorized_networks
      Provider name: authorizedNetworks
      Description: The list of external networks that are allowed to connect to the instance using the IP. In ‘CIDR’ notation, also known as ‘slash’ notation (for example:
      • expiration_time
        Type: TIMESTAMP
        Provider name: expirationTime
        Description: The time when this access control entry expires in RFC 3339 format, for example 2012-11-15T16:19:00.094Z.
      • kind
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: kind
        Description: This is always sql#aclEntry.
      • name
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: name
        Description: Optional. A label to identify this entry.
      • value
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: value
        Description: The allowlisted value for the access control list.
    • custom_subject_alternative_names
      Provider name: customSubjectAlternativeNames
      Description: Optional. Custom Subject Alternative Name(SAN)s for a Cloud SQL instance.
    • enable_private_path_for_google_cloud_services
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: enablePrivatePathForGoogleCloudServices
      Description: Controls connectivity to private IP instances from Google services, such as BigQuery.
    • ipv4_enabled
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: ipv4Enabled
      Description: Whether the instance is assigned a public IP address or not.
    • private_network
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: privateNetwork
      Description: The resource link for the VPC network from which the Cloud SQL instance is accessible for private IP. For example, /projects/myProject/global/networks/default. This setting can be updated, but it cannot be removed after it is set.
    • psc_config
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: pscConfig
      Description: PSC settings for this instance.
      • allowed_consumer_projects
        Provider name: allowedConsumerProjects
        Description: Optional. The list of consumer projects that are allow-listed for PSC connections to this instance. This instance can be connected to with PSC from any network in these projects. Each consumer project in this list may be represented by a project number (numeric) or by a project id (alphanumeric).
      • psc_auto_connections
        Provider name: pscAutoConnections
        Description: Optional. The list of settings for requested Private Service Connect consumer endpoints that can be used to connect to this Cloud SQL instance.
        • consumer_network
          Type: STRING
          Provider name: consumerNetwork
          Description: The consumer network of this consumer endpoint. This must be a resource path that includes both the host project and the network name. For example, projects/project1/global/networks/network1. The consumer host project of this network might be different from the consumer service project.
        • consumer_network_status
          Type: STRING
          Provider name: consumerNetworkStatus
          Description: The connection policy status of the consumer network.
        • consumer_project
          Type: STRING
          Provider name: consumerProject
          Description: This is the project ID of consumer service project of this consumer endpoint. Optional. This is only applicable if consumer_network is a shared vpc network.
        • gcp_status
          Type: STRING
          Provider name: status
          Description: The connection status of the consumer endpoint.
        • ip_address
          Type: STRING
          Provider name: ipAddress
          Description: The IP address of the consumer endpoint.
      • psc_enabled
        Type: BOOLEAN
        Provider name: pscEnabled
        Description: Whether PSC connectivity is enabled for this instance.
    • require_ssl
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: requireSsl
      Description: Use ssl_mode instead. Whether SSL/TLS connections over IP are enforced. If set to false, then allow both non-SSL/non-TLS and SSL/TLS connections. For SSL/TLS connections, the client certificate won’t be verified. If set to true, then only allow connections encrypted with SSL/TLS and with valid client certificates. If you want to enforce SSL/TLS without enforcing the requirement for valid client certificates, then use the ssl_mode flag instead of the legacy require_ssl flag.
    • server_ca_mode
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: serverCaMode
      Description: Specify what type of CA is used for the server certificate.
      Possible values:
      • CA_MODE_UNSPECIFIED - CA mode is unspecified. It is effectively the same as GOOGLE_MANAGED_INTERNAL_CA.
      • GOOGLE_MANAGED_INTERNAL_CA - Google-managed self-signed internal CA.
      • GOOGLE_MANAGED_CAS_CA - Google-managed regional CA part of root CA hierarchy hosted on Google Cloud’s Certificate Authority Service (CAS).
      • CUSTOMER_MANAGED_CAS_CA - Customer-managed CA hosted on Google Cloud’s Certificate Authority Service (CAS).
    • server_ca_pool
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: serverCaPool
      Description: Optional. The resource name of the server CA pool for an instance with CUSTOMER_MANAGED_CAS_CA as the server_ca_mode. Format: projects/{PROJECT}/locations/{REGION}/caPools/{CA_POOL_ID}
    • ssl_mode
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: sslMode
      Description: Specify how SSL/TLS is enforced in database connections. If you must use the require_ssl flag for backward compatibility, then only the following value pairs are valid: For PostgreSQL and MySQL: * ssl_mode=ALLOW_UNENCRYPTED_AND_ENCRYPTED and require_ssl=false * ssl_mode=ENCRYPTED_ONLY and require_ssl=false * ssl_mode=TRUSTED_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_REQUIRED and require_ssl=true For SQL Server: * ssl_mode=ALLOW_UNENCRYPTED_AND_ENCRYPTED and require_ssl=false * ssl_mode=ENCRYPTED_ONLY and require_ssl=true The value of ssl_mode has priority over the value of require_ssl. For example, for the pair ssl_mode=ENCRYPTED_ONLY and require_ssl=false, ssl_mode=ENCRYPTED_ONLY means accept only SSL connections, while require_ssl=false means accept both non-SSL and SSL connections. In this case, MySQL and PostgreSQL databases respect ssl_mode and accepts only SSL connections.
      Possible values:
      • SSL_MODE_UNSPECIFIED - The SSL mode is unknown.
      • ALLOW_UNENCRYPTED_AND_ENCRYPTED - Allow non-SSL/non-TLS and SSL/TLS connections. For SSL connections to MySQL and PostgreSQL, the client certificate isn’t verified. When this value is used, the legacy require_ssl flag must be false or cleared to avoid a conflict between the values of the two flags.
      • ENCRYPTED_ONLY - Only allow connections encrypted with SSL/TLS. For SSL connections to MySQL and PostgreSQL, the client certificate isn’t verified. When this value is used, the legacy require_ssl flag must be false or cleared to avoid a conflict between the values of the two flags.
      • TRUSTED_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_REQUIRED - Only allow connections encrypted with SSL/TLS and with valid client certificates. When this value is used, the legacy require_ssl flag must be true or cleared to avoid the conflict between values of two flags. PostgreSQL clients or users that connect using IAM database authentication must use either the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy or Cloud SQL Connectors to enforce client identity verification. Only applicable to MySQL and PostgreSQL. Not applicable to SQL Server.
  • kind
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: kind
    Description: This is always sql#settings.
  • location_preference
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: locationPreference
    Description: The location preference settings. This allows the instance to be located as near as possible to either an App Engine app or Compute Engine zone for better performance. App Engine co-location was only applicable to First Generation instances.
    • follow_gae_application
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: followGaeApplication
      Description: The App Engine application to follow, it must be in the same region as the Cloud SQL instance. WARNING: Changing this might restart the instance.
    • kind
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: kind
      Description: This is always sql#locationPreference.
    • secondary_zone
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: secondaryZone
      Description: The preferred Compute Engine zone for the secondary/failover (for example: us-central1-a, us-central1-b, etc.). To disable this field, set it to ’no_secondary_zone’.
    • zone
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: zone
      Description: The preferred Compute Engine zone (for example: us-central1-a, us-central1-b, etc.). WARNING: Changing this might restart the instance.
  • maintenance_window
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: maintenanceWindow
    Description: The maintenance window for this instance. This specifies when the instance can be restarted for maintenance purposes.
    • day
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: day
      Description: Day of week - MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, or SUNDAY. Specify in the UTC time zone. Returned in output as an integer, 1 to 7, where 1 equals Monday.
    • hour
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: hour
      Description: Hour of day - 0 to 23. Specify in the UTC time zone.
    • kind
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: kind
      Description: This is always sql#maintenanceWindow.
    • update_track
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: updateTrack
      Description: Maintenance timing settings: canary, stable, or week5. For more information, see About maintenance on Cloud SQL instances.
      Possible values:
      • SQL_UPDATE_TRACK_UNSPECIFIED - This is an unknown maintenance timing preference.
      • canary - For an instance with a scheduled maintenance window, this maintenance timing indicates that the maintenance update is scheduled 7 to 14 days after the notification is sent out. Also referred to as Week 1 (Console) and preview (gcloud CLI).
      • stable - For an instance with a scheduled maintenance window, this maintenance timing indicates that the maintenance update is scheduled 15 to 21 days after the notification is sent out. Also referred to as Week 2 (Console) and production (gcloud CLI).
      • week5 - For instance with a scheduled maintenance window, this maintenance timing indicates that the maintenance update is scheduled 35 to 42 days after the notification is sent out.
  • password_validation_policy
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: passwordValidationPolicy
    Description: The local user password validation policy of the instance.
    • complexity
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: complexity
      Description: The complexity of the password.
      Possible values:
      • COMPLEXITY_UNSPECIFIED - Complexity check is not specified.
      • COMPLEXITY_DEFAULT - A combination of lowercase, uppercase, numeric, and non-alphanumeric characters.
    • disallow_compromised_credentials
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: disallowCompromisedCredentials
      Description: This field is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of the API.
    • disallow_username_substring
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: disallowUsernameSubstring
      Description: Disallow username as a part of the password.
    • enable_password_policy
      Type: BOOLEAN
      Provider name: enablePasswordPolicy
      Description: Whether the password policy is enabled or not.
    • min_length
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: minLength
      Description: Minimum number of characters allowed.
    • password_change_interval
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: passwordChangeInterval
      Description: Minimum interval after which the password can be changed. This flag is only supported for PostgreSQL.
    • reuse_interval
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: reuseInterval
      Description: Number of previous passwords that cannot be reused.
  • pricing_plan
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: pricingPlan
    Description: The pricing plan for this instance. This can be either PER_USE or PACKAGE. Only PER_USE is supported for Second Generation instances.
    Possible values:
    • SQL_PRICING_PLAN_UNSPECIFIED - This is an unknown pricing plan for this instance.
    • PACKAGE - The instance is billed at a monthly flat rate.
    • PER_USE - The instance is billed per usage.
  • replication_lag_max_seconds
    Type: INT32
    Provider name: replicationLagMaxSeconds
    Description: Optional. Configuration value for recreation of replica after certain replication lag
  • replication_type
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: replicationType
    Description: The type of replication this instance uses. This can be either ASYNCHRONOUS or SYNCHRONOUS. (Deprecated) This property was only applicable to First Generation instances.
    Possible values:
    • SQL_REPLICATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED - This is an unknown replication type for a Cloud SQL instance.
    • SYNCHRONOUS - The synchronous replication mode for First Generation instances. It is the default value.
    • ASYNCHRONOUS - The asynchronous replication mode for First Generation instances. It provides a slight performance gain, but if an outage occurs while this option is set to asynchronous, you can lose up to a few seconds of updates to your data.
  • retain_backups_on_delete
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: retainBackupsOnDelete
    Description: Optional. When this parameter is set to true, Cloud SQL retains backups of the instance even after the instance is deleted. The ON_DEMAND backup will be retained until customer deletes the backup or the project. The AUTOMATED backup will be retained based on the backups retention setting.
  • settings_version
    Type: INT64
    Provider name: settingsVersion
    Description: The version of instance settings. This is a required field for update method to make sure concurrent updates are handled properly. During update, use the most recent settingsVersion value for this instance and do not try to update this value.
  • sql_server_audit_config
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: sqlServerAuditConfig
    Description: SQL Server specific audit configuration.
    • bucket
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: bucket
      Description: The name of the destination bucket (e.g., gs://mybucket).
    • kind
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: kind
      Description: This is always sql#sqlServerAuditConfig
    • retention_interval
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: retentionInterval
      Description: How long to keep generated audit files.
    • upload_interval
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: uploadInterval
      Description: How often to upload generated audit files.
  • storage_auto_resize
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: storageAutoResize
    Description: Configuration to increase storage size automatically. The default value is true.
  • storage_auto_resize_limit
    Type: INT64
    Provider name: storageAutoResizeLimit
    Description: The maximum size to which storage capacity can be automatically increased. The default value is 0, which specifies that there is no limit.
  • tier
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: tier
    Description: The tier (or machine type) for this instance, for example db-custom-1-3840. WARNING: Changing this restarts the instance.
  • time_zone
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: timeZone
    Description: Server timezone, relevant only for Cloud SQL for SQL Server.
  • user_labels
    Provider name: userLabels
    Description: User-provided labels, represented as a dictionary where each label is a single key value pair.


Provider name: sqlNetworkArchitecture
Description: The SQL network architecture for the instance.
Possible values:

  • NEW_NETWORK_ARCHITECTURE - The instance uses the new network architecture.
  • OLD_NETWORK_ARCHITECTURE - The instance uses the old network architecture.


Provider name: state
Description: The current serving state of the Cloud SQL instance.
Possible values:

  • SQL_INSTANCE_STATE_UNSPECIFIED - The state of the instance is unknown.
  • RUNNABLE - The instance is running, or has been stopped by owner.
  • SUSPENDED - The instance is not available, for example due to problems with billing.
  • PENDING_DELETE - The instance is being deleted.
  • PENDING_CREATE - The instance is being created.
  • MAINTENANCE - The instance is down for maintenance.
  • FAILED - The creation of the instance failed or a fatal error occurred during maintenance.


Provider name: suspensionReason
Description: If the instance state is SUSPENDED, the reason for the suspension.


Provider name: switchTransactionLogsToCloudStorageEnabled
Description: Input only. Whether Cloud SQL is enabled to switch storing point-in-time recovery log files from a data disk to Cloud Storage.




Provider name: upgradableDatabaseVersions
Description: Output only. All database versions that are available for upgrade.

  • gcp_display_name
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: displayName
    Description: The database version’s display name.
  • major_version
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: majorVersion
    Description: The version’s major version name.
  • name
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: name
    Description: The database version name. For MySQL 8.0, this string provides the database major and minor version.


Provider name: writeEndpoint
Description: Output only. The dns name of the primary instance in a replication group.