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Single Step Instrumentation (SSI) has specific compatibility requirements that vary by language and environment. This page outlines supported versions, known limitations, and conditions that may impact Single Step Instrumentation for your specific setup.

Operating systems

The following operating systems and architectures are compatible:

Amazon Linux2022+x86_64, arm64
CentOS7+, 8+x86_64, arm64
Debian10-12x86_64, arm64
Red Hat7+x86_64, arm64
Ubuntu20+ (LTS)x86_64, arm64
For additional operating system requirements specific to your programming language, see Language specific requirements.


The following container platforms are compatible:

EnvironmentRequirements & LimitationsSupport
LinuxNot supported on hardened environments such as SELinuxGA
Docker on LinuxGA
KubernetesDatadog Admission Controller enabledPreview

Platform-specific requirements

Linux virtual machines (VMs)

You may encounter timeouts with smaller VM instances such as t2.micro. In this case, you should upgrade to a larger instance such as t2.small.

Docker containers

  • Rootless Docker mode: If you are using Docker in rootless mode (that is, Docker running without root privileges for added security), you need to configure the socket path to ensure SSI can connect to Docker. Update the socket path in /etc/datadog-agent/inject/docker_config.yaml to match your environment. By default, this path is set to /run/user/$UID/docker.sock, but it may vary based on your setup.

  • Custom runc shims: If your environment uses custom runc shims (for GPU support or other specialized tasks), you must adjust your configuration to avoid conflicts. SSI requires its own runc shim to enable automatic instrumentation within Docker containers. To ensure compatibility, update the runtimes property in /etc/datadog-agent/inject/docker_config.yaml to include both your custom shim and the Datadog shim.

Kubernetes with Windows pods

For Kubernetes clusters with Windows pods, use namespace inclusion/exclusion or specify an annotation in the application to exclude them from library injection.

Language-specific requirements

This section provides language-specific compatibility requirements for Single Step Instrumentation:

Supported Python versions

Python VersionSupport

Default system repository support

Single Step Instrumentation requires Python 3.7-3.12, which is available by default only on:

  • CentOS Stream 8+
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8+

Tracer libraries

The following tracer library versions are supported for Single Step Instrumentation:

Tracer LanguageVersion

Single Step Instrumentation automatically downloads the tracer version compatible with your application’s language version.

Further reading

Documentation, liens et articles supplémentaires utiles: