AWS System Manager

Put parameter

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Add a parameter to the system.





region [required]


default: us-east-1

name [required]


The fully qualified name of the parameter that you want to add to the system. The fully qualified name includes the complete hierarchy of the parameter path and name. For parameters in a hierarchy, you must include a leading forward slash character (/) when you create or reference a parameter. Naming Constraints.



Information about the parameter that you want to add to the system. Optional but recommended. Don't enter personally identifiable information in this field.

value [required]


The parameter value that you want to add to the system. Standard parameters have a value limit of 4 KB. Advanced parameters have a value limit of 8 KB. Parameters can't be referenced or nested in the values of other parameters. You can't include {{}} or {{ssm:parameter-name}} in a parameter value.



The type of parameter that you want to add to the system. SecureString isn't currently supported for CloudFormation templates. Items in a StringList must be separated by a comma (,). You can't use other punctuation or special character to escape items in the list. If you have a parameter value that requires a comma, then use the String data type. Specifying a parameter type isn't required when updating a parameter. You must specify a parameter type when creating a parameter. Allowed enum values: String,StringList,SecureString



The Key Management Service (KMS) ID that you want to use to encrypt a parameter. Either the default KMS key automatically assigned to your Amazon Web Services account or a custom key. Required for parameters that use the SecureString data type. If you don't specify a key ID, the system uses the default key associated with your Amazon Web Services account. To use your default KMS key, choose the SecureString data type, and do not specify the Key ID when you create the parameter. The system automatically populates Key ID with your default KMS key. To use a custom KMS key, choose the SecureString data type with the Key ID parameter.



Whether or not to overwrite an existing parameter.



A regular expression used to validate the parameter value. For example, for String types with values restricted to numbers, you can specify the following: AllowedPattern=^\d+$


Optional metadata that you assign to a resource. Tags enable you to categorize a resource in different ways, such as by purpose, owner, or environment. For example, you might want to tag a Systems Manager parameter to identify the type of resource to which it applies, the environment, or the type of configuration data referenced by the parameter.



The parameter tier to assign to a parameter. Parameter Store offers a standard tier and an advanced tier for parameters. Allowed enum values: Standard,Advanced,Intelligent-Tiering



One or more policies to apply to a parameter. This operation takes a JSON array. Parameter Store, a capability of Amazon Web Services Systems Manager supports the following policy types: Expiration, ExpirationNotification, NoChangeNotification.



The data type for a String parameter. Supported data types include plain text and Amazon Machine Image (AMI) IDs. The following data type values are supported : text, aws:ec2:image, aws:ssm:integration. Allowed enum values: text,aws:ec2:image,aws:ssm:integration







The new version number of a parameter. If you edit a parameter value, Parameter Store automatically creates a new version and assigns this new version a unique ID. You can reference a parameter version ID in API operations or in Systems Manager documents (SSM documents). By default, if you don't specify a specific version, the system returns the latest parameter value when a parameter is called.

amzRequestId [required]
