Google Cloud Load Balancing


Google Cloud Load Balancing vous permet de répartir vos ressources informatiques à équilibrage de charge dans une seule ou plusieurs régions, près de vos utilisateurs, et de bénéficier de la haute disponibilité dont vous avez besoin. Associez vos ressources à une seule adresse IP Anycast et faites-les évoluer à la hausse ou à la baisse grâce à la fonctionnalité d’autoscaling intelligent.

Utilisez l’intégration Datadog/Google Cloud Platform pour recueillir des métriques de Google Cloud Load Balancing.


Collecte de métriques


Si vous ne l’avez pas déjà fait, configurez d’abord l’intégration Google Cloud Platform. Aucune autre procédure d’installation n’est requise.

Collecte de logs

Les logs d’équilibrage de charge HTTP Google Cloud sont recueillis avec Google Cloud Logging et envoyés à un Cloud Pub/Sub via un forwarder Push HTTP. Si vous ne l’avez pas déjà fait, configurez un Cloud Pub/Sub à l’aide d’un forwarder Push HTTP.

Une fois cette opération effectuée, exportez vos logs d’équilibrage de charge HTTP Google Cloud depuis Google Cloud Logging vers le Pub/Sub :

  1. Accédez à la page Google Cloud Logging et filtrez les logs d’équilibrage de charge HTTP Google Cloud.
  2. Cliquez sur Create Sink et nommez le récepteur.
  3. Choisissez Cloud Pub/Sub comme destination et sélectionnez le Pub/Sub créé à cette fin. Remarque : le Pub/Sub peut se situer dans un autre projet.
  4. Cliquez sur Create et attendez que le message de confirmation s’affiche.

Données collectées


Average latency of request sent by the proxy to backend until proxy receives last byte of response from backend.
Shown as millisecond
95th percentile of latency of request sent by the proxy to backend until proxy receives last byte of response from backend.
Shown as millisecond
99th percentile of latency of request sent by the proxy to backend until proxy receives last byte of response from backend.
Shown as millisecond
Sample count of latency of request sent by the proxy to backend until proxy receives last byte of response from backend.
Shown as sample
Sum of squared deviation for latency of request sent by the proxy to backend until proxy receives last byte of response from backend.
Shown as millisecond
The number of bytes sent as requests from external HTTP/S load balancer to backends.
Shown as byte
The number of requests served by backends of HTTP/S load balancer.
Shown as request
The number of bytes sent as responses from backends (or cache) to HTTP/S load balancer.
Shown as byte
Average RTT for each connection between client and proxy.
Shown as millisecond
95th percentile of RTT for each connection between client and proxy.
Shown as millisecond
99th percentile RTT for each connection between client and proxy.
Shown as millisecond
Sample count of RTT for each connection between client and proxy.
Shown as sample
Sum of squared deviation of RTT for each connection between client and proxy.
Shown as millisecond
Average of latency calculated from request sent by proxy to the backend until proxy received last byte of response from backend.
Shown as millisecond
95th percentile of latency calculated from request sent by proxy to the backend until proxy received last byte of response from backend.
Shown as millisecond
99th percentile of latency calculated from request sent by proxy to the backend until proxy received last byte of response from backend.
Shown as millisecond
Sample count of latency calculated from request sent by proxy to the backend until proxy received last byte of response from backend.
Shown as sample
Sum of squared deviation of latency calculated from request sent by proxy to the backend until proxy received last byte of response from backend.
Shown as millisecond
The number of bytes sent as requests from clients to HTTP/S load balancer.
Shown as byte
The number of requests served by HTTP/S load balancer.
Shown as request
The number of bytes sent as responses from HTTP/S load balancer to clients.
Shown as byte
Average of the latency calculated from when request received by proxy until the proxy sees ACK from client on last response byte.
Shown as millisecond
95th percentile of the latency calculated from when request received by proxy until the proxy sees ACK from client on last response byte.
Shown as millisecond
99th percentile of the latency calculated from when request received by proxy until the proxy sees ACK from client on last response byte.
Shown as millisecond
Sample count of the latency calculated from when request received by proxy until the proxy sees ACK from client on last response byte.
Shown as sample
Sum of squared deviation of the latency calculated from when request received by proxy until the proxy sees ACK from client on last response byte.
Shown as millisecond
Bytes sent as requests from clients to L7 load balancer.
Shown as byte
Number of requests served by L7 load balancer.
Shown as request
Bytes sent as responses from L7 load balancer to clients.
Shown as byte
Average latency calculated from request received by proxy until proxy sees ACK from client on last response byte.
Shown as millisecond
95th percentile of latency calculated from request received by proxy until proxy sees ACK from client on last response byte.
Shown as millisecond
99th percentile of latency calculated from request received by proxy until proxy sees ACK from client on last response byte.
Shown as millisecond
Sample count of latency calculated from request received by proxy until proxy sees ACK from client on last response byte.
Shown as sample
Sum of squared deviation of latency calculated from request received by proxy until proxy sees ACK from client on last response byte.
Shown as millisecond
The number of bytes sent from NetLB backend to client of the flow. For TCP flows it's counting bytes on application stream only.
Shown as byte
The number of packets sent from NetLB backend to client of the flow.
Shown as packet
The number of bytes sent from client to NetLB backend. For TCP flows it's counting bytes on application stream only.
Shown as byte
The number of packets sent from client to NetLB backend.
Shown as packet
Average RTT measured over TCP connections for NetLB flows.
Shown as millisecond
95th percentile of RTT measured over TCP connections for NetLB flows.
Shown as millisecond
99th percentile of RTT measured over TCP connections for NetLB flows.
Shown as millisecond
Sample count of RTT measured over TCP connections for NetLB flows.
Shown as sample
Sum of squared deviation for RTT measured over TCP connections for NetLB flows.
Shown as millisecond
The number of bytes sent from ILB backend to client (for TCP flows it's counting bytes on application stream only).
Shown as byte
The number of packets sent from ILB backend to client of the flow.
Shown as packet
The number of bytes sent from client to ILB backend (for TCP flows it's counting bytes on application stream only).
Shown as byte
The number of packets sent from client to ILB backend.
Shown as packet
Average RTT measured over TCP connections for ILB flows.
Shown as millisecond
95th percentile of RTT measured over TCP connections for ILB flows.
Shown as millisecond
99th percentile of RTT measured over TCP connections for ILB flows.
Shown as millisecond
Sample count for RTT latencies
Shown as sample
Sum of squared deviation for RTT latencies
Shown as millisecond
Number of connections that were terminated over TCP/SSL proxy.
Shown as connection
Number of bytes sent from VM to client using proxy.
Shown as byte
Average smoothed RTT measured by the proxy's TCP stack. Each minute application layer bytes pass from proxy to client.
Shown as millisecond
95th percentile of smoothed RTT measured by the proxy's TCP stack. Each minute application layer bytes pass from proxy to client.
Shown as millisecond
99th percentile of smoothed RTT measured by the proxy's TCP stack. Each minute application layer bytes pass from proxy to client.
Shown as millisecond
Sample count of smoothed RTT measured by the proxy's TCP stack. Each minute application layer bytes pass from proxy to client.
Shown as sample
Sum of squared deviation of smoothed RTT measured by the proxy's TCP stack. Each minute application layer bytes pass from proxy to client.
Shown as millisecond
Number of bytes sent from client to VM using proxy.
Shown as byte
Number of connections that were created over TCP/SSL proxy.
Shown as connection
Current number of outstanding connections through the TCP/SSL proxy.
Shown as connection


L’intégration Google Cloud Load Balancing n’inclut aucun événement.

Checks de service

L’intégration Google Cloud Load Balancing n’inclut aucun check de service.


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