Les instances Amazon EC2 Spot vous permettent de tirer parti des capacités de calcul EC2 non utilisées dans le cloud AWS.
Activez cette intégration pour visualiser dans Datadog toutes vos métriques d’EC2 Spot.
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- Dans le carré d’intégration AWS, assurez-vous que l’option
EC2 Spot Fleet
est cochée dans la section concernant la collecte des métriques. - Installez l’intégration Datadog/Amazon EC2 Spot.
Utilisez l’Agent Datadog ou un autre log shipper tel que Rsyslog pour envoyer vos logs vers Datadog.
aws.ec2spot.available_instance_pools_count (count) | The Spot Instance pools specified in the Spot Fleet request. Shown as instance |
aws.ec2spot.bids_submitted_for_capacity (count) | The capacity for which Amazon EC2 has submitted bids. Shown as instance |
aws.ec2spot.eligible_instance_pool_count (count) | The Spot Instance pools specified in the Spot Fleet request where Amazon EC2 can fulfill bids. Shown as instance |
aws.ec2spot.fulfilled_capacity (count) | The capacity that Amazon EC2 has fulfilled. Shown as instance |
aws.ec2spot.max_percent_capacity_allocation (gauge) | The maximum value of PercentCapacityAllocation across all Spot Instance pools specified in the Spot Fleet request. Shown as percent |
aws.ec2spot.pending_capacity (count) | The difference between TargetCapacity and FulfilledCapacity. Shown as instance |
aws.ec2spot.percent_capacity_allocation (gauge) | The capacity allocated for the Spot Instance pool for the specified dimensions. Shown as percent |
aws.ec2spot.target_capacity (count) | The target capacity of the Spot Fleet request. Shown as instance |
aws.ec2spot.terminating_capacity (count) | The capacity that is being terminated because the provisioned capacity is greater than the target capacity. Shown as instance |
L’intégration Amazon EC2 Spot n’inclut aucun événement.
L’intégration Amazon EC2 Spot n’inclut aucun check de service.
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