SLO Performance Dashboard for Leadership

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The SLO Performance Summary Dashboard supports aggregated views of SLOs to help executive leadership understand your organization’s reliability at a glance. With this out-of-the-Box (OOTB) dashboard, you can:

  • Customize your SLO groupings to be based on service, team, user journey, or any other tag that has been added to your SLOs.
  • Use a summary Score, based on the remaining error budget of the underlying SLOs, to understand SLO performance across different groups and identify areas of improvement.
The SLO Performance Summary Dashboard is in Preview.

Access your OOTB SLO Performance Summary Dashboard by filtering for SLO Performance Summary in the search query of the Dashboard List or by clicking on the Analytics button on the top right corner of the SLO status page.

Default OOTB SLO Dashboard by Service Tag

Interact with your SLO performance summary dashboard

By default, the SLO Performance Summary Dashboard is based on the service tag added to your SLOs. This allows you to view your organization’s SLO performance by service groupings to understand which services are performing best and worst.

Summary score

The SLO Summary widget in the OOTB dashboard includes a “Score”. It is designed as a summary metric for executive leadership to understand the performance of a group of SLOs. The Score is calculated based on the average remaining error budget of the underlying SLOs, which is then mapped to a score between 0 - 100:

  • The Score is “passing” (green/yellow) when most SLOs are not breached and have remaining error budget
  • The Score is “failing” (red) when many SLOs are out of error budget or a few SLOs are far out of error budget
  • SLOs in the “No Data” state are not considered in the Score

Score calculation details

The Score is calculated as follows:

  • Average the remaining error budget of the SLOs (the minimum error budget is set to -200%, so any SLO with a lower error budget will be counted as -200% in the average)
  • The average error budget (between -200 and 100) is mapped to a Score between 0 and 100
  • The color and status of the Score is set based on the thresholds below

Note that an average remaining error budget of 0% corresponds to a Score value of 66.667. The Score’s status and color is based on the following thresholds:

  • Red: 0 ≤ Score < 66.667
  • Yellow: 66.667 ≤ Score < 80
  • Green: 80 ≤ Score ≤ 100

Customize your SLO performance summary dashboard

To customize your SLO Performance Summary Dashboard, click Configure in the dashboard and select Clone dashboard. The default dashboard is configured based on the service tag that’s been added to SLOs. You can update the dashboard to be based on any SLO tag by taking the following steps:

  • Update the configuration for every widget in the default dashboard to use your desired tag, instead of service
  • Add a template variable based on your desired tag (or replace the existing service template variable)

For instance, if you have added a journey tag to your SLOs, you can clone the SLO Performance Summary Dashboard and customize it to be based on the journey tag:

Further Reading

Más enlaces, artículos y documentación útiles: