Remove tftp Daemon

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Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a simple file transfer protocol, typically used to automatically transfer configuration or boot files between systems. TFTP does not support authentication and can be easily hacked. The package tftp is a client program that allows for connections to a tftp server.


It is recommended that TFTP be removed, unless there is a specific need for TFTP (such as a boot server). In that case, use extreme caution when configuring the services.


Shell script

The following script can be run on the host to remediate the issue.


# CAUTION: This remediation script will remove tftp
#	   from the system, and may remove any packages
#	   that depend on tftp. Execute this
#	   remediation AFTER testing on a non-production
#	   system!

if rpm -q --quiet "tftp" ; then

    yum remove -y "tftp"


Ansible playbook

The following playbook can be run with Ansible to remediate the issue.

- name: Ensure tftp is removed
    name: tftp
    state: absent
  - CCE-80443-5
  - PCI-DSSv4-2.2.4
  - disable_strategy
  - low_complexity
  - low_disruption
  - low_severity
  - no_reboot_needed
  - package_tftp_removed