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A query filter is composed of terms and operators.

There are two types of terms:

  • A single term is a single word such as test or hello.

  • A sequence is a group of words surrounded by double quotes, such as "hello dolly".

To combine multiple terms into a complex query, you can use any of the following case sensitive Boolean operators:

ANDIntersection: both terms are in the selected events. AND is the default if no operator is specified between terms.)authentication AND failure
ORUnion: either term is contained in the selected eventsauthentication OR password
-Exclusion: the following term is NOT in the event (apply to each individual raw text search)authentication AND -password

Search on attributes and tags

You are not required to define a facet in order to search on attributes and tags. To search on a specific attribute, add @ to specify you are searching on an attribute. Attributes searches are case sensitive. Use free text search to get case insensitive results.

For example, if you are interested in the attribute and you want to filter on the value Datadog/documentation, use

To search for an attribute value that contains special characters, escape it with a backslash or use double quotes. For example, for an attribute my_attribute with the value hello:world, search using: @my_attribute:hello\:world or @my_attribute:"hello:world".

To match a single special character or space, use the ? wildcard. For example, for an attribute my_attribute with the values hello world, hello-world, or hello_world, search using: @my_attribute:hello?world.

For more information about tags, see Using Tags.


Multi-character wildcard

To perform a multi-character wildcard search, use the * symbol as follows:

  • service:web* matches every log message that has a service starting with web.
  • web* matches all log messages starting with web.
  • *web matches all log messages that end with web.

Wildcard searches work within tags and attributes (faceted or not) with this syntax. This query returns all the branches that start with feature-:


Search wildcard

When searching for an attribute or tag value that contains special characters or requires escaping or double quotes, use the ? wildcard to match a single special character or space. For example, to search for an attribute my_attribute with the value hello world, hello-world, or hello_world, use @my_attribute:hello?world.

Further reading