spark.driver.active_tasks (count) | Number of active tasks in the driver Shown as task |
spark.driver.completed_tasks (count) | Number of completed tasks in the driver Shown as task |
spark.driver.disk_used (count) | Amount of disk used in the driver Shown as byte |
spark.driver.failed_tasks (count) | Number of failed tasks in the driver Shown as task |
spark.driver.max_memory (count) | Maximum memory used in the driver Shown as byte |
spark.driver.mem.total_off_heap_storage (count) | Total available off heap memory for storage Shown as byte |
spark.driver.mem.total_on_heap_storage (count) | Total available on heap memory for storage Shown as byte |
spark.driver.mem.used_off_heap_storage (count) | Used off heap memory currently for storage Shown as byte |
spark.driver.mem.used_on_heap_storage (count) | Used on heap memory currently for storage Shown as byte |
spark.driver.memory_used (count) | Amount of memory used in the driver Shown as byte |
spark.driver.peak_mem.direct_pool (count) | Peak memory that the JVM is using for direct buffer pool Shown as byte |
spark.driver.peak_mem.jvm_heap_memory (count) | Peak memory usage of the heap that is used for object allocation Shown as byte |
spark.driver.peak_mem.jvm_off_heap_memory (count) | Peak memory usage of non-heap memory that is used by the Java virtual machine Shown as byte |
spark.driver.peak_mem.major_gc_count (count) | Total major GC count Shown as byte |
spark.driver.peak_mem.major_gc_time (count) | Elapsed total major GC time Shown as millisecond |
spark.driver.peak_mem.mapped_pool (count) | Peak memory that the JVM is using for mapped buffer pool Shown as byte |
spark.driver.peak_mem.minor_gc_count (count) | Total minor GC count Shown as byte |
spark.driver.peak_mem.minor_gc_time (count) | Elapsed total minor GC time Shown as millisecond |
spark.driver.peak_mem.off_heap_execution (count) | Peak off heap execution memory in use Shown as byte |
spark.driver.peak_mem.off_heap_storage (count) | Peak off heap storage memory in use Shown as byte |
spark.driver.peak_mem.off_heap_unified (count) | Peak off heap memory (execution and storage) Shown as byte |
spark.driver.peak_mem.on_heap_execution (count) | Peak on heap execution memory in use Shown as byte |
spark.driver.peak_mem.on_heap_storage (count) | Peak on heap storage memory in use Shown as byte |
spark.driver.peak_mem.on_heap_unified (count) | Peak on heap memory (execution and storage) Shown as byte |
spark.driver.peak_mem.process_tree_jvm (count) | Virtual memory size Shown as byte |
spark.driver.peak_mem.process_tree_jvm_rss (count) | Resident Set Size: number of pages the process has in real memory Shown as byte |
spark.driver.peak_mem.process_tree_other (count) | Virtual memory size for other kind of process Shown as byte |
spark.driver.peak_mem.process_tree_other_rss (count) | Resident Set Size for other kind of process Shown as byte |
spark.driver.peak_mem.process_tree_python (count) | Virtual memory size for Python Shown as byte |
spark.driver.peak_mem.process_tree_python_rss (count) | Resident Set Size for Python Shown as byte |
spark.driver.rdd_blocks (count) | Number of RDD blocks in the driver Shown as block |
spark.driver.total_duration (count) | Time spent in the driver Shown as millisecond |
spark.driver.total_input_bytes (count) | Number of input bytes in the driver Shown as byte |
spark.driver.total_shuffle_read (count) | Number of bytes read during a shuffle in the driver Shown as byte |
spark.driver.total_shuffle_write (count) | Number of shuffled bytes in the driver Shown as byte |
spark.driver.total_tasks (count) | Number of total tasks in the driver Shown as task |
spark.executor.active_tasks (count) | Number of active tasks in the application's executors Shown as task |
spark.executor.completed_tasks (count) | Number of completed tasks in the application's executors Shown as task |
spark.executor.count (count) | Number of executors Shown as task |
spark.executor.disk_used (count) | Amount of disk space used by persisted RDDs in the application's executors Shown as byte |
spark.executor.failed_tasks (count) | Number of failed tasks in the application's executors Shown as task | (count) | Number of active tasks in this executor Shown as task | (count) | Number of completed tasks in this executor Shown as task | (count) | Amount of disk space used by persisted RDDs in this executor Shown as byte | (count) | Number of failed tasks in this executor Shown as task | (count) | Total amount of memory available for storage for this executor Shown as byte | (count) | Total available off heap memory for storage Shown as byte | (count) | Total available on heap memory for storage Shown as byte | (count) | Used off heap memory currently for storage Shown as byte | (count) | Used on heap memory currently for storage Shown as byte | (count) | Amount of memory used for cached RDDs in this executor. Shown as byte | (count) | Peak memory that the JVM is using for direct buffer pool Shown as byte | (count) | Peak memory usage of the heap that is used for object allocation Shown as byte | (count) | Peak memory usage of non-heap memory that is used by the Java virtual machine Shown as byte | (count) | Total major GC count Shown as byte | (count) | Elapsed total major GC time Shown as millisecond | (count) | Peak memory that the JVM is using for mapped buffer pool Shown as byte | (count) | Total minor GC count Shown as byte | (count) | Elapsed total minor GC time Shown as millisecond | (count) | Peak off heap execution memory in use Shown as byte | (count) | Peak off heap storage memory in use Shown as byte | (count) | Peak off heap memory (execution and storage) Shown as byte | (count) | Peak on heap execution memory in use Shown as byte | (count) | Peak on heap storage memory in use Shown as byte | (count) | Peak on heap memory (execution and storage) Shown as byte | (count) | Virtual memory size Shown as byte | (count) | Resident Set Size: number of pages the process has in real memory Shown as byte | (count) | Virtual memory size for other kind of process Shown as byte | (count) | Resident Set Size for other kind of process Shown as byte | (count) | Virtual memory size for Python Shown as byte | (count) | Resident Set Size for Python Shown as byte | (count) | Number of persisted RDD blocks in this executor Shown as block | (count) | Time spent by the executor executing tasks Shown as millisecond | (count) | Total number of input bytes in the executor Shown as byte | (count) | Total number of bytes read during a shuffle in the executor Shown as byte | (count) | Total number of shuffled bytes in the executor Shown as byte | (count) | Total number of tasks in this executor Shown as task |
spark.executor.max_memory (count) | Max memory across all executors working for a particular application Shown as byte |
spark.executor.mem.total_off_heap_storage (count) | Total available off heap memory for storage Shown as byte |
spark.executor.mem.total_on_heap_storage (count) | Total available on heap memory for storage Shown as byte |
spark.executor.mem.used_off_heap_storage (count) | Used off heap memory currently for storage Shown as byte |
spark.executor.mem.used_on_heap_storage (count) | Used on heap memory currently for storage Shown as byte |
spark.executor.memory_used (count) | Amount of memory used for cached RDDs in the application's executors Shown as byte |
spark.executor.peak_mem.direct_pool (count) | Peak memory that the JVM is using for direct buffer pool Shown as byte |
spark.executor.peak_mem.jvm_heap_memory (count) | Peak memory usage of the heap that is used for object allocation Shown as byte |
spark.executor.peak_mem.jvm_off_heap_memory (count) | Peak memory usage of non-heap memory that is used by the Java virtual machine Shown as byte |
spark.executor.peak_mem.major_gc_count (count) | Total major GC count Shown as byte |
spark.executor.peak_mem.major_gc_time (count) | Elapsed total major GC time Shown as millisecond |
spark.executor.peak_mem.mapped_pool (count) | Peak memory that the JVM is using for mapped buffer pool Shown as byte |
spark.executor.peak_mem.minor_gc_count (count) | Total minor GC count Shown as byte |
spark.executor.peak_mem.minor_gc_time (count) | Elapsed total minor GC time Shown as millisecond |
spark.executor.peak_mem.off_heap_execution (count) | Peak off heap execution memory in use Shown as byte |
spark.executor.peak_mem.off_heap_storage (count) | Peak off heap storage memory in use Shown as byte |
spark.executor.peak_mem.off_heap_unified (count) | Peak off heap memory (execution and storage) Shown as byte |
spark.executor.peak_mem.on_heap_execution (count) | Peak on heap execution memory in use Shown as byte |
spark.executor.peak_mem.on_heap_storage (count) | Peak on heap storage memory in use Shown as byte |
spark.executor.peak_mem.on_heap_unified (count) | Peak on heap memory (execution and storage) Shown as byte |
spark.executor.peak_mem.process_tree_jvm (count) | Virtual memory size Shown as byte |
spark.executor.peak_mem.process_tree_jvm_rss (count) | Resident Set Size: number of pages the process has in real memory Shown as byte |
spark.executor.peak_mem.process_tree_other (count) | Virtual memory size for other kind of process Shown as byte |
spark.executor.peak_mem.process_tree_other_rss (count) | Resident Set Size for other kind of process Shown as byte |
spark.executor.peak_mem.process_tree_python (count) | Virtual memory size for Python Shown as byte |
spark.executor.peak_mem.process_tree_python_rss (count) | Resident Set Size for Python Shown as byte |
spark.executor.rdd_blocks (count) | Number of persisted RDD blocks in the application's executors Shown as block |
spark.executor.total_duration (count) | Time spent by the application's executors executing tasks Shown as millisecond |
spark.executor.total_input_bytes (count) | Total number of input bytes in the application's executors Shown as byte |
spark.executor.total_shuffle_read (count) | Total number of bytes read during a shuffle in the application's executors Shown as byte |
spark.executor.total_shuffle_write (count) | Total number of shuffled bytes in the application's executors Shown as byte |
spark.executor.total_tasks (count) | Total number of tasks in the application's executors Shown as task |
spark.executor_memory (count) | Maximum memory available for caching RDD blocks in the application's executors Shown as byte |
spark.job.count (count) | Number of jobs Shown as task |
spark.job.num_active_stages (count) | Number of active stages in the application Shown as stage |
spark.job.num_active_tasks (count) | Number of active tasks in the application Shown as task |
spark.job.num_completed_stages (count) | Number of completed stages in the application Shown as stage |
spark.job.num_completed_tasks (count) | Number of completed tasks in the application Shown as task |
spark.job.num_failed_stages (count) | Number of failed stages in the application Shown as stage |
spark.job.num_failed_tasks (count) | Number of failed tasks in the application Shown as task |
spark.job.num_skipped_stages (count) | Number of skipped stages in the application Shown as stage |
spark.job.num_skipped_tasks (count) | Number of skipped tasks in the application Shown as task |
spark.job.num_tasks (count) | Number of tasks in the application Shown as task |
spark.rdd.count (count) | Number of RDDs |
spark.rdd.disk_used (count) | Amount of disk space used by persisted RDDs in the application Shown as byte |
spark.rdd.memory_used (count) | Amount of memory used in the application's persisted RDDs Shown as byte |
spark.rdd.num_cached_partitions (count) | Number of in-memory cached RDD partitions in the application |
spark.rdd.num_partitions (count) | Number of persisted RDD partitions in the application |
spark.stage.count (count) | Number of stages Shown as task |
spark.stage.disk_bytes_spilled (count) | Max size on disk of the spilled bytes in the application's stages Shown as byte |
spark.stage.executor_run_time (count) | Time spent by the executor in the application's stages Shown as millisecond |
spark.stage.input_bytes (count) | Input bytes in the application's stages Shown as byte |
spark.stage.input_records (count) | Input records in the application's stages Shown as record |
spark.stage.memory_bytes_spilled (count) | Number of bytes spilled to disk in the application's stages Shown as byte |
spark.stage.num_active_tasks (count) | Number of active tasks in the application's stages Shown as task |
spark.stage.num_complete_tasks (count) | Number of complete tasks in the application's stages Shown as task |
spark.stage.num_failed_tasks (count) | Number of failed tasks in the application's stages Shown as task |
spark.stage.output_bytes (count) | Output bytes in the application's stages Shown as byte |
spark.stage.output_records (count) | Output records in the application's stages Shown as record |
spark.stage.shuffle_read_bytes (count) | Number of bytes read during a shuffle in the application's stages Shown as byte |
spark.stage.shuffle_read_records (count) | Number of records read during a shuffle in the application's stages Shown as record |
spark.stage.shuffle_write_bytes (count) | Number of shuffled bytes in the application's stages Shown as byte |
spark.stage.shuffle_write_records (count) | Number of shuffled records in the application's stages Shown as record |
spark.streaming.statistics.avg_input_rate (gauge) | Average streaming input data rate Shown as byte |
spark.streaming.statistics.avg_processing_time (gauge) | Average application's streaming batch processing time Shown as millisecond |
spark.streaming.statistics.avg_scheduling_delay (gauge) | Average application's streaming batch scheduling delay Shown as millisecond |
spark.streaming.statistics.avg_total_delay (gauge) | Average application's streaming batch total delay Shown as millisecond |
spark.streaming.statistics.batch_duration (gauge) | Application's streaming batch duration Shown as millisecond |
spark.streaming.statistics.num_active_batches (gauge) | Number of active streaming batches Shown as job |
spark.streaming.statistics.num_active_receivers (gauge) | Number of active streaming receivers Shown as object |
spark.streaming.statistics.num_inactive_receivers (gauge) | Number of inactive streaming receivers Shown as object |
spark.streaming.statistics.num_processed_records (count) | Number of processed streaming records Shown as record |
spark.streaming.statistics.num_received_records (count) | Number of received streaming records Shown as record |
spark.streaming.statistics.num_receivers (gauge) | Number of streaming application's receivers Shown as object |
spark.streaming.statistics.num_retained_completed_batches (count) | Number of retained completed application's streaming batches Shown as job |
spark.streaming.statistics.num_total_completed_batches (count) | Total number of completed application's streaming batches Shown as job |
spark.structured_streaming.input_rate (gauge) | Average streaming input data rate Shown as record |
spark.structured_streaming.latency (gauge) | Average latency for the structured streaming application. Shown as millisecond |
spark.structured_streaming.processing_rate (gauge) | Number of received streaming records per second Shown as row |
spark.structured_streaming.rows_count (gauge) | Count of rows. Shown as row |
spark.structured_streaming.used_bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes used in memory. Shown as byte |