
This page is not yet available in Spanish. We are working on its translation.
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Honeybadger provides exception and uptime monitoring to keep your web apps error-free. Connect Honeybadger to Datadog to get Honeybadger alerts in your Datadog event stream.



To capture errors from Honeybadger:

  1. Open your Honeybadger project list.
  2. Click on “Settings” for the project you want to monitor.
  3. Click on “Alerts & Integrations”.
  4. Select “Datadog” as a new integration.
  5. Add your API key.
  6. Save the integration.
  7. Click the Install Integration button on the Honeybadger Integration Tile.

Data Collected


The Honeybadger integration does not include any metrics.


The Honeybadger integration collects events.

Service Checks

The Honeybadger integration does not include any service checks.


Need help? Contact Datadog support.