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Collect Gearman metrics to:
Visualize Gearman performance.
Know how many tasks are queued or running.
Correlate Gearman performance with the rest of your applications.
The Gearman check is included in the Datadog Agent package, so you don’t need to install anything else on your Gearman job servers.
To configure this check for an Agent running on a host:
Edit the gearmand.d/conf.yaml file, in the conf.d/ folder at the root of your Agent’s configuration directory to start collecting your Gearman performance data. See the sample gearmand.d/conf.yaml for all available configuration options.
The total number of jobs in the queue. Shown as task
gearman.queued_by_task (gauge)
The number of jobs in the queue by task. Shown as task
gearman.running (gauge)
The total number of running Gearman jobs. Shown as task
gearman.running_by_task (gauge)
The number of running Gearman jobs by task. Shown as task
gearman.unique_tasks (gauge)
The number of all functions registered with Gearman. Shown as task
gearman.workers (gauge)
The total number of capable Gearman workers. Shown as process
gearman.workers_by_task (gauge)
The number of capable Gearman workers by task. Shown as process
The Gearman check does not include any events.
Service Checks
gearman.can_connect Returns CRITICAL if the Agent check is unable to connect to the monitored Gearman instance. Returns OK otherwise. Statuses: ok, critical