azure.vm.available_memory_bytes_preview (gauge) | Amount of physical memory, in bytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use in the Virtual Machine Shown as byte |
azure.vm.cpu_credits_consumed (count) | Total number of credits consumed by the Virtual Machine. Only available on B-series burstable VMs |
azure.vm.cpu_credits_remaining (count) | Total number of credits available to burst. Only available on B-series burstable VMs |
azure.vm.data_disk_bandwidth_consumed_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of data disk bandwidth consumed per minute. Only available on VM series that support premium storage Shown as percent |
azure.vm.data_disk_iops_consumed_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of data disk I/Os consumed per minute. Only available on VM series that support premium storage Shown as percent |
azure.vm.data_disk_latency_preview (gauge) | Average time to complete each IO during monitoring period for Data Disk. Values are in milliseconds Shown as millisecond |
azure.vm.data_disk_max_burst_bandwidth (count) | Maximum bytes per second throughput Data Disk can achieve with bursting |
azure.vm.data_disk_max_burst_iops (count) | Maximum IOPS Data Disk can achieve with bursting |
azure.vm.data_disk_queue_depth (count) | Data Disk Queue Depth(or Queue Length) |
azure.vm.data_disk_read_bytes_sec (count) | Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period Shown as byte |
azure.vm.data_disk_read_bytes_sec.max (count) | Maximum Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period (Max Aggregated) Shown as byte |
azure.vm.data_disk_read_operations_sec (count) | Read IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period Shown as operation |
azure.vm.data_disk_target_bandwidth (count) | Baseline bytes per second throughput Data Disk can achieve without bursting |
azure.vm.data_disk_target_iops (count) | Baseline IOPS Data Disk can achieve without bursting |
azure.vm.data_disk_used_burst_bps_credits_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of Data Disk burst bandwidth credits used so far Shown as percent |
azure.vm.data_disk_used_burst_io_credits_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of Data Disk burst I/O credits used so far Shown as percent |
azure.vm.data_disk_write_bytes_sec (count) | Bytes/Sec written to a single disk during monitoring period Shown as byte |
azure.vm.data_disk_write_operations_sec (count) | Write IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period Shown as operation |
azure.vm.disk_read_bytes (count) | Bytes read from disk during monitoring period Shown as byte |
azure.vm.disk_read_operations_sec (count) | Disk Read IOPS Shown as operation |
azure.vm.disk_write_bytes (count) | Bytes written to disk during monitoring period Shown as byte |
azure.vm.disk_write_operations_sec (count) | Disk Write IOPS Shown as operation |
azure.vm.inbound_flows (count) | Inbound Flows are number of current flows in the inbound direction (traffic going into the VM) Shown as item |
azure.vm.inbound_flows_maximum_creation_rate (count) | The maximum creation rate of inbound flows (traffic going into the VM) Shown as item |
azure.vm.network_in (gauge) | The number of billable bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic) (Deprecated) Shown as byte |
azure.vm.network_in_total (gauge) | The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic) Shown as byte |
azure.vm.network_out (gauge) | The number of billable bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic) (Deprecated) Shown as byte |
azure.vm.network_out_total (gauge) | The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic) Shown as byte |
azure.vm.os_disk_bandwidth_consumed_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of operating system disk bandwidth consumed per minute. Only available on VM series that support premium storage Shown as percent |
azure.vm.os_disk_iops_consumed_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of operating system disk I/Os consumed per minute. Only available on VM series that support premium storage Shown as percent |
azure.vm.os_disk_latency_preview (gauge) | Average time to complete each IO during monitoring period for OS Disk. Values are in milliseconds Shown as millisecond |
azure.vm.os_disk_max_burst_bandwidth (count) | Maximum bytes per second throughput OS Disk can achieve with bursting |
azure.vm.os_disk_max_burst_iops (count) | Maximum IOPS OS Disk can achieve with bursting |
azure.vm.os_disk_queue_depth (count) | OS Disk Queue Depth(or Queue Length) |
azure.vm.os_disk_read_bytes_sec (count) | Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk Shown as byte |
azure.vm.os_disk_read_operations_sec (count) | Read IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk Shown as operation |
azure.vm.os_disk_target_bandwidth (count) | Baseline bytes per second throughput OS Disk can achieve without bursting |
azure.vm.os_disk_target_iops (count) | Baseline IOPS OS Disk can achieve without bursting |
azure.vm.os_disk_used_burst_bps_credits_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of OS Disk burst bandwidth credits used so far Shown as percent |
azure.vm.os_disk_used_burst_io_credits_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of OS Disk burst I/O credits used so far Shown as percent |
azure.vm.os_disk_write_bytes_sec (count) | Bytes/Sec written to a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk Shown as byte |
azure.vm.outbound_flows (count) | Outbound Flows are number of current flows in the outbound direction (traffic going out of the VM) Shown as item |
azure.vm.outbound_flows_maximum_creation_rate (count) | The maximum creation rate of outbound flows (traffic going out of the VM) Shown as item |
azure.vm.percentage_cpu (gauge) | The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s) Shown as percent |
azure.vm.premium_data_disk_cache_read_hit (gauge) | Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit Shown as percent |
azure.vm.premium_data_disk_cache_read_miss (gauge) | Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss Shown as percent |
azure.vm.premium_os_disk_cache_read_hit (gauge) | Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit Shown as percent |
azure.vm.premium_os_disk_cache_read_miss (gauge) | Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss Shown as percent |
azure.vm.temp_disk_latency_preview (gauge) | Average time to complete each IO during monitoring period for Temp Disk. Values are in milliseconds Shown as millisecond |
azure.vm.temp_disk_queue_depth (count) | Temp Disk Queue Depth(or Queue Length) |
azure.vm.temp_disk_read_bytes_sec (count) | Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period for Temp Disk Shown as byte |
azure.vm.temp_disk_read_operations_sec (count) | Read IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period for Temp Disk Shown as operation |
azure.vm.temp_disk_write_bytes_sec (count) | Bytes/Sec written to a single disk during monitoring period for Temp Disk Shown as byte |
azure.vm.temp_disk_write_operations_sec (count) | Write IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period for Temp Disk Shown as operation |
azure.vm.vm_cached_bandwidth_consumed_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of cached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM. Only available on VM series that support premium storage Shown as percent |
azure.vm.vm_cached_iops_consumed_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of cached disk IOPS consumed by the VM. Only available on VM series that support premium storage Shown as percent |
azure.vm.vm_cached_used_burst_bps_credits_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of Cached Burst BPS Credits used by the VM Shown as percent |
azure.vm.vm_cached_used_burst_io_credits_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of Cached Burst IO Credits used by the VM Shown as percent |
azure.vm.vm_uncached_used_burst_bps_credits_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of Uncached Burst BPS Credits used by the VM Shown as percent |
azure.vm.vm_uncached_used_burst_io_credits_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of Uncached Burst IO Credits used by the VM Shown as percent |
azure.vm.vm_uncached_bandwidth_consumed_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of uncached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM. Only available on VM series that support premium storage Shown as percent |
azure.vm.vm_uncached_iops_consumed_percentage (gauge) | Percentage of uncached disk IOPS consumed by the VM. Only available on VM series that support premium storage Shown as percent |
azure.vm.vm_availability_metric_preview (count) | Percentage of uncached disk IOPS consumed by the VM. Only available on VM series that support premium storage |