Avoid assigning a value with type any

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ID: typescript-best-practices/no-unsafe-assignment

Language: TypeScript

Severity: Warning

Category: Error Prone


The any type in TypeScript is dangerously broad, leading to unexpected behavior. Using any should be avoided.

Non-Compliant Code Examples

const x = 1 as any;
const x = 1 as any,
function foo(a = 1 as any) {}
class Foo { constructor(private a = 1 as any) {} }
class Foo { private a = 1 as any; }
const [x] = 1 as any;
const [x] = [] as any[];

// TS treats the assignment pattern weirdly in this case
[[[[x]]]] = [1 as any];
const x = [...(1 as any)];
const x = [...([] as any[])];

const x = { y: 1 as any };
const x = { y: { z: 1 as any } };
const x = { ...(1 as any) };
<Foo a={1 as any} />;

Compliant Code Examples

const x = 1;
const x: number = 1;
const x = 1, y = 1;
let x;
let x = 1, y;
function foo(a = 1) {}
class Foo { constructor(private a = 1) {} }
class Foo { private a = 1; }
const x: Set<string> = new Set();
const x: Set<string> = new Set<string>();
const [x] = [1];
const [x, y] = [1, 2] as number[];
const [x, ...y] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const [x, ...y] = [1];
const [{ ...x }] = [{ x: 1 }] as [{ x: any }];
function foo(x = 1) {}
function foo([x] = [1]) {}
function foo([x, ...y] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) {}
function foo([x, ...y] = [1]) {}
// this is not checked, because there's no annotation to compare it with
const x = new Set<any>();
const x = { y: 1 };
const x = { y = 1 };
const x = { y(){} };
const x: { y: number } = { y: 1 };
const x = [...[1, 2, 3]];
const [{ [`x${1}`]: x }] = [{ [`x`]: 1 }] as [{ [`x`]: any }];
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