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ID: typescript-best-practices/no-empty

Language: TypeScript

Severity: Error

Category: Best Practices


Empty or non-functional blocks in the code can be misleading and lead to maintenance difficulties. They can also lead to a false sense of security or functionality. While they may not directly introduce security issues, their presence can suggest that some logic or error handling is implemented when it is not.

Non-Compliant Code Examples

try {} catch (ex) {throw ex}
try { foo() } catch (ex) {}
try { foo() } catch (ex) {throw ex} finally {}
if (foo) {}
while (foo) {}
for (;foo;) {}
switch(foo) {}
switch (foo) { /* empty */ }
try {} catch (ex) {}
try { foo(); } catch (ex) {} finally {}
try {} catch (ex) {} finally {}
try { foo(); } catch (ex) {} finally {}
(function() { }())
var foo = () => {}
function foo() { }
function bla() {


Compliant Code Examples

export async function foo() {
    const test = {};
if (foo) { bar() }
while (foo) { bar() }
for (;foo;) { bar() }
try { foo() } catch (ex) { foo() }
switch(foo) {case 'foo': break;}
if (foo) {/* empty */}
while (foo) {/* empty */}
for (;foo;) {/* empty */}
try { foo() } catch (ex) {/* empty */}
try { foo() } catch (ex) {// empty
try { foo() } finally {// empty
try { foo() } finally {// test
try { foo() } finally {
    // hi i am off no use
try { foo() } catch (ex) {/* test111 */}
if (foo) { bar() } else { // nothing in me 
if (foo) { bar() } else { /**/
if (foo) { bar() } else { //
} jetbrains

Integraciones perfectas. Prueba Datadog Code Analysis