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ID: python-security/html-string-from-parameters

Language: Python

Severity: Error

Category: Security

CWE: 79


Detect unsafe HTML content. User-input may be injected into HTML content without being sanitized.

User input should always be checked before being used in HTML data.

Learn More

Non-Compliant Code Examples

def my_function(arg1: str, arg2, arg3 = "blabla", arg4: str = "blibli"):
    html1 = f"<div>{arg1}</div>"
    html1 = "<div>{0}</div>".format(arg1)
    html2 = f"<div>{arg2['bli']}</div>"
    html2 = "<div>{0}</div>".format(arg2['bli'])
    html3 = "<div>" + arg1 + "</div>"
    return html

def my_function2(arg1: str, arg2, arg3 = "blabla", arg4: str = "blibli"):
    html1 = f"<div>{arg51}</div>"
    html1 = "<div>{0}</div>".format(arg42)
    html2 = f"<div>{arg26['bli']}</div>"
    html2 = "<div>{0}</div>".format(arg51['bli'])
    html3 = "<div>" + arg41 + "</div>"
    return html

def my_function3(arg1: str, arg2, arg3 = "blabla", arg4: str = "blibli"):
    html1 = f"<div>{arg1}</div>"
    html1 = "<div>{0}</div>".format(arg1)
    html2 = f"<div>{arg2['bli']}</div>"
    html2 = "<div>{0}</div>".format(arg2['bli'])
    html3 = "<div>" + arg1 + "</div>"
    return html

Compliant Code Examples

def my_function(arg1: str, arg2, arg3 = "blabla", arg4: str = "blibli"):
    html1 = f"<div>{sanitize_value(arg1)}</div>"
    html1 = "<div>{0}</div>".format(sanitize_value(arg1))
    html2 = f"<div>{sanitize_value(arg2['bli'])}</div>"
    html2 = "<div>{0}</div>".format(sanitize_value(arg2['bli']))
    html3 = "<div>" + sanitize_value(arg1) + "</div>"
    return html jetbrains

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