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ID: javascript-best-practices/no-dupe-class-members

Language: JavaScript

Severity: Error

Category: Best Practices


JavaScript allows multiple class members with the same identifier, and the last duplicate class member takes precedence over previous declarations, which is undesired behavior. Disallow duplicate class members.

Non-Compliant Code Examples

class A { foo() {} foo() {} }
!class A { foo() {} foo() {} };
class A { 'foo'() {} 'foo'() {} }
class A { 10() {} 1e1() {} }
class A { ['foo']() {} ['foo']() {} }
class A { static ['foo']() {} static foo() {} }
class A { set 'foo'(value) {} set ['foo'](val) {} }
class A { ''() {} ['']() {} }
class A { [`foo`]() {} [`foo`]() {} }
class A { static get [`foo`]() {} static get ['foo']() {} }
class A { foo() {} [`foo`]() {} }
class A { get [`foo`]() {} 'foo'() {} }
class A { static 'foo'() {} static [`foo`]() {} }
class A { ['constructor']() {} ['constructor']() {} }
class A { static [`constructor`]() {} static constructor() {} }
class A { static constructor() {} static 'constructor'() {} }
class A { [123]() {} [123]() {} }
class A { [0x10]() {} 16() {} }
class A { [100]() {} [1e2]() {} }
class A { [123.00]() {} [`123`]() {} }
class A { static '65'() {} static [0o101]() {} }
class A { [123n]() {} 123() {} }
class A { [null]() {} 'null'() {} }
class A { foo() {} foo() {} foo() {} }
class A { static foo() {} static foo() {} }
class A { foo() {} get foo() {} }
class A { set foo(value) {} foo() {} }
class A { foo; foo; }

Compliant Code Examples

class A { foo() {} bar() {} }
class A { static foo() {} foo() {} }
class A { get foo() {} set foo(value) {} }
class A { static foo() {} get foo() {} set foo(value) {} }
class A { foo() { } } class B { foo() { } }
class A { [foo]() {} foo() {} }
class A { 'foo'() {} 'bar'() {} baz() {} }
class A { *'foo'() {} *'bar'() {} *baz() {} }
class A { get 'foo'() {} get 'bar'() {} get baz() {} }
class A { 1() {} 2() {} }
class A { ['foo']() {} ['bar']() {} }
class A { [`foo`]() {} [`bar`]() {} }
class A { [12]() {} [123]() {} }
class A { [1.0]() {} ['1.0']() {} }
class A { [0x1]() {} [`0x1`]() {} }
class A { [null]() {} ['']() {} }
class A { get ['foo']() {} set ['foo'](value) {} }
class A { ['foo']() {} static ['foo']() {} }

// computed "constructor" key doesn't create constructor
class A { ['constructor']() {} constructor() {} }
class A { 'constructor'() {} [`constructor`]() {} }
class A { constructor() {} get [`constructor`]() {} }
class A { 'constructor'() {} set ['constructor'](value) {} }

// not assumed to be statically-known values
class A { ['foo' + '']() {} ['foo']() {} }
class A { [`foo${''}`]() {} [`foo`]() {} }
class A { [-1]() {} ['-1']() {} }

// private and public
class A { foo; static foo; }
class A { foo; #foo; }
class A { '#foo'; #foo; } jetbrains

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