Contextos de autorización

El contexto es un mecanismo de autorización que permite limitar y definir el acceso detallado que tienen las aplicaciones a los datos de Datadog de una organización. Cuando se autoriza el acceso en nombre de un usuario o de una cuenta de servicio, las aplicaciones sólo pueden acceder a la información solicitada explícitamente y nada más.

La práctica recomendada para definir el alcance de las aplicaciones es mantener los privilegios mínimos y los contextos más restrictivos necesarios para que una aplicación función según lo previsto. Esto proporciona a los usuarios un control de acceso detallado de las aplicaciones y transparencia sobre cómo una aplicación está utilizando sus datos. Por ejemplo, una aplicación de terceros que sólo lee datos de dashboard no necesita permisos para eliminar o gestionar usuarios en una organización.

Puedes utilizar contextos con clientes OAuth2 para tus aplicaciones Datadog.

API Management

Scope name


Endpoints that require this scope


View API catalog and API definitions.


Add, modify, and delete API catalog definitions.

CI Visibility Pipelines, CI Visibility Tests

Case Management

Cloud Cost Management

Dashboard Lists, Dashboards, Powerpack

Domain Allowlist, IP Allowlist

Scope name


Endpoints that require this scope


Edit org configurations, including authentication and certain security preferences such as configuring SAML, renaming an org, configuring allowed login methods, creating child orgs, subscribing & unsubscribing from apps in the marketplace, and enabling & disabling Remote Configuration for the entire organization.

Downtimes, Monitors


Scope name


Endpoints that require this scope


Scope name


Endpoints that require this scope

Incident Services, Incident Teams, Incidents


Roles, Users

Scope name


Endpoints that require this scope


Invite other users to your organization.

Security Monitoring

Scope name


Endpoints that require this scope


View infrastructure, application code, and library vulnerabilities. This does not restrict API or inventory SQL access to the vulnerability data source.


Read Security Filters.


Create, edit, and delete Security Filters.


View a list of findings that include both misconfigurations and identity risks.


Read Rule Suppressions.


Write Rule Suppressions.

Service Definition, Service Scorecards, Software Catalog

Scope name


Endpoints that require this scope

Service Level Objective Corrections, Service Level Objectives

Scope name


Endpoints that require this scope


Apply, edit, and delete SLO status corrections. A user with this permission can make status corrections, even if they do not have permission to edit those SLOs.


Scope name


Endpoints that require this scope


Read and query APM and Trace Analytics.


Scope name


Endpoints that require this scope


View, search, and use Synthetics global variables.


Create, edit, and delete global variables for Synthetics.


View, search, and use Synthetics private locations.


Create and delete private locations in addition to having access to the associated installation guidelines.


Scope name


Endpoints that require this scope


Manage Teams. Create, delete, rename, and edit metadata of all Teams. To control Team membership across all Teams, use the User Access Manage permission.

Usage Metering

Scope name


Endpoints that require this scope


View your organization's usage and usage attribution.

Get hourly usage for analyzed logs
Get hourly usage for audit logs
Get hourly usage for Lambda
Get billable usage across your account
Get hourly usage for CI visibility
Get hourly usage for CSM Pro
Get hourly usage for cloud workload security
Get hourly usage for database monitoring
Get hourly usage for Fargate
Get hourly usage for hosts and containers
Get hourly usage attribution
Get hourly usage for incident management
Get hourly usage for indexed spans
Get hourly usage for ingested spans
Get hourly usage for IoT
Get hourly usage for logs
Get hourly logs usage by retention
Get hourly usage for logs by index
Get monthly usage attribution
get hourly usage for network flows
Get hourly usage for network hosts
Get hourly usage for online archive
Get hourly usage for profiled hosts
Get hourly usage for RUM units
Get hourly usage for RUM sessions
Get hourly usage for sensitive data scanner
Get hourly usage for SNMP devices
Get usage across your account
Get hourly usage for synthetics checks
Get hourly usage for synthetics API checks
Get hourly usage for synthetics browser checks
Get hourly usage for custom metrics
Get all custom metrics by hourly average
Get active billing dimensions for cost attribution
Get Monthly Cost Attribution
Get hourly usage for application security
Get billing dimension mapping for usage endpoints
Get cost across multi-org account
Get estimated cost across your account
Get historical cost across your account
Get hourly usage by product family
Get hourly usage for Lambda traced invocations
Get hourly usage for observability pipelines
Get projected cost across your account

Webhooks Integration

Scope name


Endpoints that require this scope


Create webhooks integrations.

Workflow Automation

Scope name


Endpoints that require this scope


Run workflows.