Troubleshooting DBM Setup for Oracle

This page details common issues with setting up and using Database Monitoring with Oracle, and how to resolve them. Datadog recommends staying on the latest stable Agent version and adhering to the latest setup documentation, as it can change with Agent version releases.

Common issues

“Connection refused” error

Check the connectivity between the Agent and the monitored database by running one of these commands on the machine where the Agent is running, then investigating any errors:

  • nc -v <DB_SERVER> <PORT>
  • curl <DB_SERVER>:<PORT>
  • telnet <DB_SERVER> <PORT>

It’s important to specify the exact values for <DB_SERVER> and <PORT> that are configured for that instance in the oracle configuration file.

Using the telnet command as an example, the expected output for a correctly configured connection is

Connected to <DB_SERVER_NAME>.
Escape character is '^]'.

Custom queries are not working properly

Ensure that the recommended Agent version for your hosting type is installed.

Execution plan query takes seconds

Ensure that the recommended Agent version for your hosting type is installed.

PGA memory or temp tablespace leak

Ensure that the recommended Agent version for your hosting type is installed.

“Table or view does not exist” error in agent.log

Execute the permission grants listed in the Grant permissions step of the setup instructions for your hosting type.

No Oracle DB hostname reported

The Datadog Agent detects Oracle DB hostname by running SQL command against V$INSTANCE. When an Oracle DB returns null for the HOST_NAME column, the Datadog Agent reports the Oracle DB hostname as empty. This behavior has been confirmed with Oracle Autonomous Database. In this case, Datadog recommends setting the reported_hostname in the conf.yaml file.