Setup Data Streams Monitoring for Node.js


Supported libraries

TechnologyLibraryMinimal tracer versionRecommended tracer version
Kafkakafkajs2.39.0 or 3.26.0 or or later
RabbitMQamqplib3.48.0 or 4.27.0 or or later
Amazon SQSclient-sqs3.47.0 or 4.26.0 or or later
Amazon Kinesisclient-kinesis3.47.0 or 4.26.0 or or later
Amazon SNSclient-sns3.47.0 or 4.26.0 or or later
Google Pub/Subgoogle-cloud/pubsub5.25.0 or or later


Node.js uses auto-instrumentation to inject and extract additional metadata required by Data Streams Monitoring for measuring end-to-end latencies and the relationship between queues and services. To enable Data Streams Monitoring, set the DD_DATA_STREAMS_ENABLED environment variable to true on services sending messages to (or consuming messages from) Kafka.

For example:


Monitoring SQS pipelines

Data Streams Monitoring uses one message attribute to track a message’s path through an SQS queue. As Amazon SQS has a maximum limit of 10 message attributes allowed per message, all messages streamed through the data pipelines must have 9 or fewer message attributes set, allowing the remaining attribute for Data Streams Monitoring.

Manual instrumentation

Data Streams Monitoring propagates context through message headers. If you are using a message queue technology that is not supported by DSM, a technology without headers (such as Kinesis), or Lambdas, use manual instrumentation to set up DSM.

Further Reading

Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles: