Compatible semantic tags


For compatible series of data, Datadog can map colors to meaning. When a compatible tag is detected, Datadog suggests the Semantic color palette. This automatically maps data to meaning-driven colors.

Note: To use the Semantic color palette, a query must be grouped with a single set of tags.

Map compatible tags to colors based on their meaning

For example, an error status code is mapped to red, and success to green.

Semantic color option in the graph editor

Ensure consistent coloring across charts

Charts with a semantic palette use the same, stable color for each tag. This allows you to easily trace a given tag across different graphs.

Grouping behavior

Queries grouped with a single set of tags are supported. If multiple groupers are used with the semantic palette, coloring is consistent, but not meaning-driven.

Example of multiple tag graph using semantic palette

For example, consider a query that uses both the Status and Service tags. Even if the semantic palette is selected, the colors in the chart no longer correspond to a specific meaning (as in, red no longer necessarily indicates “bad”). However, each status/service combination retains consistent coloring for all charts.

Supported tag keys

Tag keyDescription
statusUsed by Logs standard attributes and Datadog Security for severity level. Also supports generic success, fail, pass, error for convenience with custom metrics.
http.status_codeStandard tag used in many integrations. Colors are assigned based on HTTP status code family (1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx)
@ci.statusUsed by CI Visibility
@test.statusUsed by Test Optimization
@static_analysis.result.statusUsed by Code Security
@static_analysis.result.k9_severityUsed by Code Security and CSM IaC
@dependency.severityUsed by Code Security
@deployment.statusUsed by CD Visibility
@evaluation.statusUsed by Quality Gates
@statusUsed by Deployment Gates (CD Visibility)
evaluationUsed by Cloud Security
severityUsed by Cloud Security
@resource.status_codeUsed by RUM & Session Replay. Uses the same colors as http.status_code.
@error.resource.status_codeUsed by RUM & Session Replay. Uses the same colors as http.status_code.
@batch.statusUsed by Synthetic Monitoring for test batch results.
@suite.statusUsed by Synthetic Monitoring for test suite results.
@result.statusUsed by Synthetic Monitoring for test run results.

Further reading

Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles: