For compatible series of data, Datadog can map colors to meaning. When a compatible tag is detected, Datadog suggests the Semantic color palette. This automatically maps data to meaning-driven colors.
Note: To use the Semantic color palette, a query must be grouped with a single set of tags.
For example, an error status code is mapped to red, and success to green.
Ensure consistent coloring across charts
Charts with a semantic palette use the same, stable color for each tag. This allows you to easily trace a given tag across different graphs.
Grouping behavior
Queries grouped with a single set of tags are supported. If multiple groupers are used with the semantic palette, coloring is consistent, but not meaning-driven.
For example, consider a query that uses both the Status
and Service
tags. Even if the semantic palette is selected, the colors in the chart no longer correspond to a specific meaning (as in, red no longer necessarily indicates “bad”). However, each status/service combination retains consistent coloring for all charts.
Supported tag keys
Further reading
Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles: